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So assad bombing in northern afghanistan the taliban has claimed responsibility and accused of war crimes cause of all surprises and touchy is interviewed by a special prosecutor at the hague. And on the wings of the sports news as munches the citys european bond is overturned and washingtons on a full turn drop for a controversial redskins mon after pressure from sponsors and social justice campaigns. Thank you for joining us the World Health Organization is warning that the world want to be returning to normal life for the foreseeable future it says a Global Coronavirus Fund demick is only going to get worse if basic health care precautions are not followed nearly 13000000 people worldwide have now to. Said positive and have been more than half a 1000000 deaths globally many governments which had begun easing lockdown measures are now being forced to bring them back and the head of the w. H. O. Says too many countries are seeing their infection numbers heading in the wrong direction the situation were seeing is countries that overcame the 1st because of the outbreak but having is that restrictions are now struggling with a new peaks and accelerating cases in several countries across the world we are now seeing dangerous increases in cases and hospital wards feeling again it would appear that many countries are losing gains made as proven measures to reduce risk are not implemented or followed for more than a quarter of the worlds recorded covered 1000 cases are in the United States over the weekend 7 states set daily case records and florida added more infections in a day than any state had previously but as the cases mount the trumpet ministration seems to be targeting its own Infectious Diseases experts lets bring in our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett for more on this kimberly the white house has been trying to discredit dr anthony found cheney but is pushing back against our suggestion. Yeah the White House Press secretary kaley mcenaney just wrapping up her briefing and in it she pushed back on the notion that the white house has been discrediting dr anthony foushee in fact she said that the only reason the information was sent to one news outlet here in the United States pointing out some of the socalled mistakes that he had made as the top Infectious Disease specialist was that because this was a response in her words to a press query now having said that the u. S. President has as he has been since april been retreating even calls to fire dr anthony career Civil Servants something the president cannot do even today on twitter he once again retreated suggestions that many of the people who have different opinion from him including dr foushee that this was something done to try and do rail his efforts for reelection in the november election now the white house is denying all of this in fact when asked directly kelly back in to the press secretary said simply that she believes that the president dr anthony found she had a solid relationship it shes still not is that there has been any sort of animosity between the 2 even as they have also admitted in the past week that they have not been in the same room together in more than a month for any sort of briefing plan and as weve seen this weekend kimberly the u. S. Is setting records in terms of covert 1000 cases florida for instance how is the white house defending you know this well what are they saying about these cases and the fact that things are getting worse and not better. Yes she was the press secretary was asked this directly and the response was a bit surprising given the fact that the white house the strategy for the most part has been to kind of push the states to take a lead on dealing with covert 19 in their own states but the press secretary saying that she has believe that theres been a strong federal response that its been working the knowledge that there are hot spots that there have been health and Human Services officials that have been dispatched to these states including dr Deborah Burks who is on the Coronavirus Task force and once again the press secretary reiterating what the president has said and that is that the reason there are such high numbers of positive cases is because there has been an increase in testing saying there have now been 40000000 tests that have been conducted she also acknowledged there have been what she called embers and fires but the white house is defending its response saying that mortality rates have come down thank you for that kimberly how good life or as the white house for south africa is a worst hit country on the african continent with over a quarter of a 1000000 people infected the government is reintroducing lockdown restrictions to try to combat the soaring numbers from e. To miller reports from johannesburg. President still ramapo says claims gatherings like this and what he calls drinking sprees for a surge in covert 19 infections with more than 270000 cases south africa has one of the highest rates of infection in the world the government has again banned the sale of alcohol after allowing its sale to resume just 2 weeks ago there is no clear evidence that the resumption of course means as a result of it in stop saying short pressure being put on hospitals including trauma and i. C. U. Units due to Motor Vehicle accidents violence. As well as related trauma. Injuries. Family visits and other social activities have also been banned but people can meet at restaurants malls and other public areas and parks have been reopened for exercise while wearing a mask is mandatory the government says people are not following the rules and theres concern that Health Facilities cant cope some Health Workers a using social media to speak out its an absolute hear us i have had 3 deers in this race all in is than 2 hours birth period was the most shocking i just find out that the family has remained. Always for recreation or is. He remains with us the bridge repair place is packed away crazy we dont even have any oxygen cords to put the patients on additional facilities and quarantine areas have been set up across the country the governments allocated 37000 beds for quarantine and securing thousands of into latest an oxygen for those who need them while more than 4000 people have died here africa does of one of the lowest death rates compared to other countries but it might not stay that way a quarter of those deaths were recorded in the last week alone estimates indicate they could be between 40 and 50000 deaths in the months to come. Yet the government says its reluctant to return to full lockdown millions of dollars and thousands of jobs were lost when it did that in march the government insists its trying to revive the economy while at the same time protecting lives but with 500 new infections every hour the speed with which the virus is spreading may make that more difficult for me aljazeera johannesburg. Lets now speak to jeffs chills the director for the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University is via skype from Manchester Connecticut thank you so much for being with us on aljazeera so weve had this new warning today from the w. H. O. Do you think countries will heed this warning or you know do they still try to w. H. O. Or to lead them out of this crisis always every country simply doing what they think is best for them. You know i would hope that countries heed this warning and the w. H. O. Is absolutely right that we need to follow the evidence and we need to have a really robust layered implementation strategies to keep the disease transmission as low as possible but a lot of countries including the United States have chosen to maybe take out their failures on the w. H. O. As well as to highlight some shortcomings that have you h. O. As an excuse for not getting the job done at home and unfortunately that is going to be measured in lives lost because of his missed opportunities to prevent the spread and to reduce the spread as we see it climbing in the United States we have president ial im saying is willing to consider additional aid to reopen schools but many states including florida as we saw this weekend have battling a spike in cases are they a fact is that appear to help or hinder the reopening of schools you know have countries been able to open schools to be able to control the pandemic. You know 1st and foremost you need to get Community Transmission as low as possible that opens up more options for schools and for the economy you can have more people commingling in spaces if you have lower chances of a transmitting because less people have it but to do that you need masks you need to be able to reimplement social distancing and physical distancing when necessary so its one thing to say in one soundbite that its aspirational to try and provide aid to reopen schools but the real aid thats needed is consistent messaging and consistent policy thats driven by evidence to prevent people from congregating to reduce the spread to have the Contact Tracing and the testing to detect cases so that you have more options for schools and for the economy and ultimately have less lives lost as a result of this pandemic why has there been such a say in in the us caseload any deaths. So i think there are a couple of factors one of them is that you have some states that are simply not following the guidance and then you have other states and localities where maybe the Political Institutions in the Public Institutions are implementing the guidance but its not necessarily being followed and of course this isnt helped by the mix messaging thats out there but where we do see robust evidence driven strategies as as as limited as that evidence is right now where theyre following the science thats available to take a very methodical approach we are seeing traction in states like new york and in the northeast that have really worked together to try to keep transmission low in areas that are slow to act in areas that are getting particularly mixed message in from their elected officials in terms of what to do and what not to do theyre having a much harder time and then any virus that is introduced just has that much more opportunity to spread because of that i thank you very much for talking to us about this. Directive from the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University ray appreciate your insight. Thanks for having me. In other world news silence have been protesting in the democratic republic of congo against the appointment of a new Election Commission chief all sam alone does nomination has angered many opposition politicians have accused him of being complicit in rigging previous elections they say milan days biased towards former president Joseph Kabila welcome bila stepped down last year after nearly 2 decades in office but his allies hold a parliamentary majority and control most cabinet ministries just last month proposed judicial reforms that also sparked protests the reforms that have given the Justice Minister more power over judges and prosecutors president kennedy rejected them and the Justice Minister was briefly arrested deepening the rift with within the governing coalition aljazeera is catherine soy has more on whats causing the unrest. Walking shuster right now is called police managed to disperse the thousands of protesters who won running battles with the police all afternoon. Dece protests really were organized by an opposition qualification called and in the capital kinshasa we so. Very influential politician with a huge following so he let he was leading this thousands of his supporters they were heading to parliament they were dispatched by police using tear gas and they say that they are angry with this nomination of this the president of the Electoral Commission but they also say that beyond that they are unhappy with the leadership of president leads to security and the correlation he has formed with former president Joseph Kabila they say that this listen has plunged the country in a political and economic crisis and the president needs to act i gently to solve the situation. The taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack in the northern afghan province of salman gun 12 people were killed 11 of them Afghan Intelligence forces Authorities Say a suicide bomber targeting the Intelligence Office said the explosion at least 63 people including children were also injured aljazeera is unis i seen has more from. The explosion happened around noon a taliban suicide bomber ride in a car bomb attack the headquarters of National Directorate of security in a big city the capital of. The province the explosion was big many were killed and tens were rushed to the hospitals taliban has claimed responsibility on this attack and it spokesman. Said that at least 60 people were either killed or wounded during the attack and this happened in the same day when the government has announced that they have released. At least 160 taliban prisoners from the many prisons across the country and also taliban announced in the last 3 days that they have released 42 security Government Security forces from many prisons across afghanistan and why the prison swap continues the clashes that confrontations continue between the government and taliban sources in the ministry of defense told us that last night 18 the Security Forces were killed and 4 taliban members were killed in clashes that lasted all night in the modems province of kunduz plenty more ahead on this news hour including yemens who thiis say theyve killed dozens of high ranking saudi military officers in a cross border attack the u. K. Says it wants to welcome the best 10 brightest talent as it unveils changes to its immigration system and good news for Manchester City as theyre cleared to play in europe next season will be here shortly with all that he talks. Iran is asking south korea to release billions of dollars it alls for oil exports in transactions dating back several years speaking to the Foreign Ministry stroll a spokesman said iran is currently negotiating with south korea on getting the money back as bringing our correspondent in tehran tell us more about what the Foreign Ministry spokesman told you and you know why are the South Koreans holding on to this money. Well all this goes back to before 2018 men u. S. President donald trump pulled the United States out of that 2050 nuclear deal that deal was signed between the United States iran france germany the United Kingdom russia and china and it was decided designed to curb Irans Nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief the u. S. Pull themselves out of that in 2018 and impose sanctions on iran that before them there were several countries that were trading with iran one of those was south korea and they thought iranian oil to the train of around 7000000000. 00 but theres one problem they havent paid for it yet and iran says thats because of u. S. Precious specifically saying its because of u. S. Bullying now we spoke to irans Foreign Ministry spokesman a bus moussavi and he said that the reason given by south korea as to why they are holding on to irans funds is unacceptable to iran so. We will explore all legal and diplomatic avenues to bring this money back to the country its held illegally in south korean banks and their reasoning is totally illegal and irrational the us is putting pressure on them thats not related to us its between them and the us our nation wants the money it earned through illegal trade back weve had a historic and traditional relationship with south korea but these actions have negative impacts on this relationship. Now iran is amidst coronavirus pandemic they would be like this money to regulate their current need to help them help them buy medical equipment and theres also a feeling here in iran that this is a great injustice this money could be used to help keep people indoors not out and about and getting infected by the krona virus but south korea did send medical supplies and testing kits to iran but iran says thats not aid because the 1000000. 00 that cost was deducted from money already owed to iran and its important to note that these United States sanctions are unilateral they are not United Nations sanctions or Security Council sanctions something Abbas Mousavi was. To point out the saying that theres no real obligation for south korea to comply to these however theres always a threat from the United States that any country accompli that does business with iran could be hit hit with fines or sanctions by the United States but the message to south korea from the front is very clear that you purchased our oil now pay for it thank you for that big life force in tehran yemens hoofy say they have killed and injured dozens of high ranking military officers in saudi arabia according to their spokesman they had multiple military sites and a large oil facility just across the border. This is one of the major new offensive saudi arabia hasnt said whether anyone was killed or injured in the attacks but the saudi u. A. E. Coalition in yemen announced it intercepted 4 missiles and 6 explosive jones overnight its what we say are if in about history up in iowa up with high position Ballistic Missiles not disclosed before and large numbers of drones are armed forces destroyed warplanes and pilot barracks and their defense patriot system and jaime some shit other military positions in a purchase on a not strong were destroyed also the joint Oil Installation in the Industrial Area of design was targeted targets were hit with high position our armed forces successfully targeted the tardo we military campaign matter problems were saudi officials were meeting as a result dozens were killed and injured. No r. Is a military analyst and retired Jordanian Air force general he believes the hoofy forces are gaining strength. Koofi have a very big capability match of fact they have the. Yemen. Using such weapons drawn as Ballistic Missile and cruise they are trying to get the nature of the war of the war and 21st century and i think they have the most experience now in the world using such weapons and i think that in your legs from them this would be also learning how to defend against them they dont see this so the Defense System is very nimble and week even with the american try to help them out on the great. New radars with their system its a vast area very hard to detect targets such groups of drawings so this target they have the accuracy. They have the accuracy and the range to reach anywhere in the gulf so. Even they could reach tel a deep is with this Cruise Missile i know this so thats. A big great challenge for the. 2 stores such as weapons and the future. European Union Foreign ministers have met in person for the 1st time since a corner virus pandemic began on the agenda the situation in libya as well as syria and turkey tensions have increased between paris and ankara in recent weeks over their role in the libyan conflict and actions in the Eastern Mediterranean a cache of atlanta has more from paris. Years a barrel after this meeting said that turkey had been a point of no debate and discussion for you Foreign Ministers and at the end of this is discussion in Foreign Ministers all agree that some of turkeys actions went against e. U. Values and interests actions in for example syria or libya there was special condemnation among the Foreign Ministers for example of an increase. Recent decision to turn back the fear museum into a mosque this was something that years april said would fuel mistrust and division amongst communities also called on turkey to stop its continued and gas drilling off the coast of cyprus something that the e. U. Says is illegal and he also called on turkey to stop fueling the crisis in libya but actually work more towards a solution so an agreement on the fact that turkey has often in the past and continues to work against values and interests but i agree meant the what is needed is more dialogue. Prize School Global witness says companies in the e. U. And British Overseas Territories are being used as part of an International Money land Money Laundering network to finance the Syrian Government its investigation found the uncle of syrian president bashar assad flew to moscow in 2012 there he met a businessman at the center of a network of banks businesses and offshore companies that allegedly allowed the government to avoid International Sanctions Front Companies were set up in cyprus and the British Virgin islands Global Witness says the body responsible for syrias chemical weapons and Ballistic Missile programs may have used these companies to purchase materials theres also evidence the government used them to buy fuel and that they nabl the Syrian Central Bank to get access to had currency sad feel is an Investigative Reporter at organized crime and corruption reporting project and the coauthor of the report she says investigation also exposed links between assads government and russian intelligence with our investigation we are in fact we are that they would in nectar was able to rely on you also on some connection with russian intelligence. Yes they were able to buy property of the moscow they were able to move money award wide and what we saw bombed is that. The. The financial activities of that nest were overlap with the activities of the well known laundromat systems and for all by now the well known for all just like what for example the. Monkeys control does the trike a laundromat through the russian laundromat the proxy platform these are all the laundromat assistants that were on call the site yourself. Until last year the main problem is the i mean its clear that the dysfunctional system is one it once wanted to pose a stalker to. To work to a regime that is not is not enough for because the use of Anonymous Company is. Actually enablers of these networks to move money around and so to keep the regime alive basically. Kosovos president is at the hague to face questions about his suspected role in the killings that took place during the conflict in the late 1990 s. A special prosecutor has filed a 10 count indictment accusing hashim touchy Vice President country this is of crimes against humanity and war crimes prosecutors say touchy and others are currently responsible for the murders of nearly a 100 people some of whom were their political opponents the crimes including forces appearances specification and torture carried out during possibles war of independence against serbia between 19981999 that also accused touchy envious sally of a campaign to obstruct and undermine their investigation while hashem touchy says he has complied with the prosecutors request for the interview because he believes in dialogue and good relations with all nations i am ready to face the new challenge. And succeed. Where my thoughts my father the my people my company. Nobody got the right to be ordered. This is our. Freedom. Photo of weber is a senior associate at the democrats his asian policy counsel he says the case has been a long time coming. This case has been pending for years and even the case so there is a strong case for assuming that that the very decision that the prosecutors went with the indictment to the core that they really have a strong case for trying mr touching in the violent ethnic breakup of yugoslavia virt of the we kemo of the militia which regime there was monday kate of a defacto untile being an Apartheid Regime of serbia over across the wall that poked for us peaceful resistance that as it became more unsustainable turned into a violent resistance led by a by a that caylee and there are serious indictments that could not or serious indications that were not successful to be tried because of various problems both at the u. N. War crimes trial new tribunals and nothing costs all by the rule of law mission ulicks that the in the context of that war of course the systematic ethnic cleansing had been applied by the serbian side and serbian president milosevic indicted for this in the hague that there have been also crimes committed in kosovo on the albanian sites against costa will serve minority and partly also crimes political crimes killings of political opponents among cost of albanians. Still ahead on the news hour one of malaysias leading independent news outlets faces contempt of Court Proceedings will tell you why fast a close result following a Better Campaign 102 does president ial rain in poland is a bonus for lightning all it takes not just in the country but throughout the e. U. And one of the worlds top tennis stars apologizes for his part in the doom tour of the balkans where 4 players tested positive for corona virus. We got some bits and pieces of generally fair weather cloud across the middle east at the moment but biologics hot sunshine pretty much all the way to see this area cloud a little further north between the black sea and the caspian sea if you show us if the children are armenia azerbaijan for a time pushing down into northern parts of iraq but elsewhere you push a little further south slopes of hot and dry weather 44 celsius here in doha on choose the path to touch warmers we go on into wednesday by the way to stay you see those showers just around the caspian sea starting to nudge their way a little further east was a bit more cloud downs was a southern end of the potential out certain some showers just around the southern end of the red sea still plenty a shower sliding out of theo p. S. L. Saddam pushing across the Central African republic into cameroon southern areas of nigeria still seeing some very heavy rain but the wet weather starting to ease across bed in and togo liberian sariel and could also see some flooding rains as we go on through the next couple of days thats choose days but go on into way to stay that rain still very much in evidence but also seeing some big downpours at this stage might see a few showers 2 to season towards kenya with one of 2 showers about. In the u. S. Civil war brought slavery to an end or dated there is a strong possibility that the very thrilled that you are eating could have been liberace or table by in his place in the states all right here in the land of the free maoism is a Foreign Workers tricked into emigrating and trapped by un scrupulous poverty and food came slaves because of slavery and 21st century evil on aljazeera. Stories of life. And inspiration. And series of short documentaries from around the world. That celebrate the human spirit against the odds going to come to Something Else ok. Aljazeera selects change makers. The evening. Talk about our top stories on this aljazeera news hour the World Health Organization has won the global corn a virus pandemic is only going to get worse it says many countries at ease lockdowns are now seeing cases spike again and hospitals fill up nearly 13000000 people worldwide have now tested positive fouls and have been protesting in the democratic republic of congo against the appointment of a new Election Commission chief opposition politicians have accused also im alone doubt of being complicit in breaking previous elections and the taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack in the northern afghan province of salman khan to off people have been killed 11 of the members of the Security Forces Authorities Say a suicide bomber targeting their office said the explosion. Now britains home secretary says the country is looking to attract the best and brightest under its new postbreakfast immigration plan pretty patel says employers will be encouraged to hire workers from within the country but Health Professionals will be able to apply for fast track entry under the new points based system that favors high skilled up picketts despite best efforts of the party office it we are and did Free Movement and we are introducing a points based system a firm unfair system that would take control of a crackdown on criminals and unleash our countries to protect potential building a broader picture for britain and sigman to the world that we are open for business. Rocker is in london with more details of the plan. You need to get 70 points in order to get a base number of points to be need to be able to have decent enough english Language Skills you need to have a job offer from a recognised company you need to be earning above a certain salary threshold of around 33000. 00 if youre a doctor or a nurse much needed a course in Britains National Health Service the shown during the recent pandemic you can apply via a parallel scheme and if youre a graduate from a British University youre allowed to stay here for up to 2 years after graduating concerns from the Opposition Labor Party that given the recent pandemic there simply just hasnt been the amount of time necessary to scrutinise all of these issues concerns to form many businesses from different senses of the building sector from hospitality from growers from the high street as well that all of a sudden i work forces will be significantly dented shaken up at a time in which months after lockdown of course these sectors of desperately trying to rebound and recover only back in april at the height of the pandemic we saw growers charter aircraft to bring pickers over from places like rumania in Eastern Europe to avoid food and vegetables you know rotting in the fields thats how dependent sectors of britains economy is on labor being able to continue to come to the u. K. Year on. Going forward so the worry is now the given this political decision that the economy may well be dented by this and most certainly businesses will be left in the lurch well lets speak to this is professor of politics at Queen Mary University of london and hes via skype from a sporran in the u. K. Thank you so much for being with us so what do you make of this immigration plan is this a fair immigration system in your pain. Well its early well lets go to repopulate fulfills really the progress that we got made during and after the press referendum the u. K. Words so use their words take back control this in the crucial system it means now all the uses and so d getting preferential treatment when compared with citizens from other countries in the world so to that extent it is fair yeah its popular with those who support it breaks it you say but as you know the opposition labor has accused the government of rushing through this legislation with very little detail in the middle of a Global Pandemic theres also concern from a lot of sectors building sector the hospital hospitality sector are these concerns valid you think certainly i think they are valid in particular sectors i think the one that people are very worried about in the loisa i think only 19 and that means is the care sector is the norm hospital if you like. Things that kind of people who cost the older people in their homes and also in. There was the government would actually include those people insult kind of special arrangements but it is clearly the government has decided not to do there is a russian out of who the government would say they feel that there d are people in the u. K. Who could take up some of those jobs the problem the care sector will say is that they cant afford to pay the kind of wages that would encourage if you are native british people to do that work and they cant pay those kinds of wages because most of their income actually comes from the government its all right and what impact will it have on the british economy because we know that the british economy is deeply intertwined with cheap labor Skilled Labor front from the rest of the continent what Economic Impact do you see this having. Well it could cause shortages certainly normal times of course with the coca growing seemed kind of delicately economic not all effects and that it maybe the d labor market isnt quite as tight as it were nor will it be and therefore we wont see those kinds of soldiers but of course that will depend on the willingness of british people to do the kinds of jobs that in previous times anyway they have decided that they dont want to do a valley im afraid will probably need that employers are going to have to pay more out of course so until its may say they cant afford to do that i will go into business so they could be knock on effects the. Way that what about you know the the workers who do not meet the scale or salary requirements where does this leave them well full oh so already here are those that will be a problem certainly if they come from you they can apply whats cool settled saying to us i dont think were going to in lots of people leaving on a massacre i think what we will see however will be much more difficult for people with low skills on ones who are. Threshold to come in but there are some good things that this happened so i should say i think the fact that graduates are going to go to sail in the u. K. For at least 2 years after they graduate will mean that the u. K. Is able to attract International Students and that is a very very big business for the u. K. Thank you so much for talking to us about this team bale professor of politics at Queen Mary University of london thank you for your time. The political shift towards a riot in Eastern Europe has got yet another boss with polands incumbent andre doda now really winning the president ial runoff hispania ready controls fatah meant which means it can press ahead with its conservative agenda alexia brian reports. It was a vote seen as a battle for polands future and the results show a country divided our nation has got still different voices still their friends their ideas for the president some happy for our democracy weve got the soccer however. A tiny margin keeping andre due to an office for a 2nd 5 year term propped up by the right wing loon and justice party. Is calling for unity and studies good ones National Student i say its full of these want it belongs to all of us and we have to do everything we can to make life youre the best it can possibly be thats not exactly what dude is known for his conservative agenda includes strong opposition to gay and abortion rights and his constitutional reforms that weaken the independence of the judiciary put him at odds with the e. U. Duders wyvill in the election was the centrist wausau in the rough ski whod warned their problems democracy was under attack he launched his campaign at the last minute with a more progressive platform which tom said cossar relations with the e. U. You know that you know if that 2nd line so its only the beginning i am convinced we will change poland now that we have woken up no one will put us to sleep and whats most important we will continue fighting you respective of the result the clash between the 2 radically different candidates so voters turn out in record numbers narrowly lost to do to and his allies in the p. I. A. s is seen by some as a long term win for the opposition and it captivates a lot of political emotions around not only one candidate but also around the party. Hopes that. In the future especially the Younger Generation bodes well. Against. The potential for change and. Until that change comes Rights Groups be a dude is when will not only boast right when tainted phrase at home but also within the European Union his conservative ally in hungary president viktor obama posted a congratulatory message on facebook with the word bravo they have worked together to block sanctions from the e. U. And in a week where they used you to meet to discuss its new budget the election result manes theres a lot at stake for poland and except ryan aljazeera. China is imposing retaliatory sanctions against 3 u. S. Politicians and the envoy for religious freedom after washington blacklisted a number of chinese politicians for laich human rights abuses of the week or minority those songs on it including senator ted cruz and marco rubio both supported the legislation President Trump signed in june calling for sanctions over the repression of weak wars the u. N. Says about 1000000 wiggers have been detained in reeducation camps in change on chinas Foreign Ministry is warning the u. S. To stay out of chinas internal affairs if found south. Tension the u. S. Practice isnt serious interference in chinas internal affairs in syrias file ation of basic norms in governance of International Relations china opposes and strongly condemns that in response to u. S. Wrongdoing china has decided to impose sanctions starting from today. As secretary of state michael impales says chinas Maritime Claims in the South China Sea on lawful and the us rejects them from says china has no legal grounds to unilaterally impose its will on the region this move is likely to further increase tensions between the 2 countries. One of malaysias leading independent news for tolls is facing contempt of Court Proceedings over reader comments criticizing the judiciary malaysias kinneys editor in chief steven gan was at a federal court in portrait jaya for a hearing Reporters Without Borders calling for the case to be dropped now this comes days after police questioned on jazeera journalists over a documentary about the plight of migrant searing the pandemic these are some of the images aljazeera aired in its one a one in a series called locked up in malaysias lockdown it reported on the authorities a rests of Migrant Workers during the cove in 1000. 00 pandemic Malaysian Police says it is investigating out on his ear over possible sedition and defamation in relation to the film. Refused to seize charges in strongly stands by the professionalism of its journalism rachel cho howard is a researcher on malaysia and Amnesty International she says the malaysian government has shown increasing intolerance against criticism i missed the international other organizations are calling for the government put an end to its attacks and freedom of expression and the media inside the country as you mentioned. Or charges were filed against gun editor in chief are used malaysiakini over comments by other were posted actually by readers are that were allegedly critical of the countrys history so this would create a very dangerous precedent or online freedom of expression we also see in the unjustified investigation of aljazeera as a journalist and a manhunt for Migrant Workers that were involved in the in the documentary that was just buy out his era this is just the latest example of the clamp down against. Peaceful criticism that has been expressed online weve also seen investigation of another journalist for reporting on immigration raids carried out by the government weve seen investigation of n. C. O. Activists that expressed. Alarm about the treatment of Migrant Workers inside the country it was the scene on numerous ordinary malaysians who have expressed babies and a challenge government policy on 1000. 00 for instance been convicted under repressive laws really should be repealed by now as though this is a very alarming trend that were seeing inside the country and were recently calling for this trend to be reversed. Any gyptian journalist who was arrested after appearing on aljazeera has reportedly died from coronavirus mahmoud more near made this facebook video just spending 2 weeks in jail he was asking the Journalists Union to help him get admitted into a hospital with a coronavirus isolation ward online activists say he got infected while he was detained. Forces next year on aljazeera wipes in a name washingtons n. F. L. Team chains as well tell you why next. Right time now for sports. Thank you we start with the news that washingtons n. F. L. Team have dropped their redskins 9 and logo after pressure from social Justice Groups there are skins name has caused a lot of controversy over the years for what native american advocates have called a very short pressure increased following the black was not a movement in recent months case sponsors had asked that same to change its name including nike who stop selling the teams merchandise on its Online Platforms a new name has not yet been chosen. Well. As the latest from washington. For generations fans of the redskins have cheered for this team with its 87 year old name even though it is defined as a racial slur in the dictionary well the fact that this name is going away now is evidence that the cultural transformation weve been seeing across the United States with attempts to address historical wrongs calling out race and racism well its not just a blip but rather something to stay now this team has been under pressure for years to change its name but the team owner in 2013 said that this name would never go away telling a newspaper to print the quote in caps well 2020 years here and its a very different time with black lives matter protests happening across the country and monuments to historic figures with racist pats toppled across the country as well and in recent days we saw the sponsors for this Team Including fed ex and pepsi with their name stillman blazoned on the home stadium threatening to withdraw support all apparently money talks leading to the statement that came out today that this is going away what it will be replaced with that is still the open question a leading and popular contender on social media is the red tails which would commemorate the tuskegee airman the nations 1st black military pilots. Well earlier we spoke. To michael calls from about washington judge about the red tails idea but there are other options. The most likely names would be either the warriors which would allow the team to keep presumably their logo or Something Like the red tails or the red tail hawks which would let them keep the red part of their nickname so they could keep their team song and things like that that also was the name of an air squadron in the 2nd world war of black pilots from the Tuskegee Institute now bama so theres not really a local connection but there is a National Connection behind that the problem is and the reason why they havent announced a name is that most of these names have already been trademarked by people they call trademark squatters and theres one guy in particular who has trademark Something Like 15 or 20 different possible nicknames for the team and theyre probably having to negotiate a deal with him to get that trademark there are other names like the Kansas City Chiefs American Football Team the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team where they look at the nickname as being something that honors the Warrior Spirit which is another reason why worriers might be the front runner for the Washington Team but this is taking place in colleges in america already for example Florida State are the seminoles with the approval of the seminole tribe who are flora who are natives of florida and never surrendered to the u. S. Government others in north dakota say the sioux nation was divided on whether to continue to be the nickname of north Dakota University to fighting sioux but the legislature in that state changed it anyway because i think the point is if youre offending a certain a certain percentage of any ethnic group why is it worth fighting to keep the name why not just why not just say look were going to stop offending you and will choose another name. Manchester city have been cleared to play in next seasons Champions League after winning their appeal against a 2 year european ban back in february european footballs governing body u. A. E. For that city had committed serious breaches of financial fair play roles but the cup took their appeal to the court of arbitration for sport who found that city didnt overinflate their sponsorship contributions or though they did pharaoh to cooperate with the wife is investigation castro that the band should therefore be lifted and reduce their fine from 34000000. 00 to 11000000. 00 well earlier we spoke to a Global Sports correspondent rob harris who said that while the financial fair play rules have been robust prosecution of cases recently hasnt. U. A. For have said they just know the findings of the case and that remain committed to the principles of financial fair play but many will look at this case and wonder just where does financial fair play set from here well financial fair play was set up 10 years ago in a bid to stabilize the football ecosystem time the Global Financial crisis obviously we now enter a new period of concerns financially for football with the looming recession financial fair play has worked in terms of bringing down those collective losses across european clubs from over a 1000000000 euros to profitability of more than 100000000 euros in the last Accounting Period but other clubs will now be looking at just what can they spend because financial fair play designed to ensure clubs do break even and they arent just relying on owner investment for their funding at the heart of the man to city case with allegations that they over inflated the income using companies linked to the abu dhabi ownership that was not proven in the end but youve got other now clubs going through cas like transoms paul the turkish champion trying to get their own ban overturned and the Manchester City case is just the latest in a line of clubs that have scored legal victories i cast ac milan and paris and man as well u. A. For seem to struggle to get the cases through cas and to hold up cases that they themselves are prosecuted cast decision means the battle to get into the premier leagues top 4 has intensified since in 2nd place and ill guarantee to play in the Champions League liverpool next season which means 5 teams are fighting for the remaining 2 spots including Manchester United 2 are about to kick off against southampton and also Frank Lampard chelsea. And you know tony really i dont know much about the case and in a day. Ive just listened. To this morning and i was never pinned in my hopes on on it in maine in annexing go in or not we. We can were not going to now we can gain. Finally tennis well done before a dominant take has apologized for his and other players behavior at the Novak Djokovic exhibition talking about last month for the players involved tested positive for the corner virus including jack of which in itself there was little social distancing the fans allowed to attend players hugging at the net playing basketball with each other and partying together as well. Not do it wasnt. Doesnt feel it was naturally a mistake you cant argue against that we went there after lockdown and suddenly we were in a normal situation again there was no breaking of rules everything was permitted by the government but still we lost touch with reality somewhat and we were fooled into forgetting the distancing rules that we should have kept at all times and of course that was a big mistake. And thats all those fall for the lighter believe thank you very much for that now artists around the world are adapting to the coronavirus pandemic restorations by swapping physical performance spaces for virtual ones its falling particularly challenging for those in argentina where a di economy had been affecting a large percentage of the population even before the call the 1000 outbreak to wrestle has a story. Tangle represents the heart of the culture in point of sidings music and dance that originated here in the link 18 hundreds. But call with 19 has forced many dancers to adjust and adapt to the changing nature of their careers a lot of. Everything related to art is suspended and its one of the last things that will come back im trying to be positive and focus on what i can do but some of my colleagues say online classes make them feel lonely or far away from everything tango has a lot of physical contact so its going to be a while before were allowed to go back to a stage. That for a member is now teaching students from all around the world and is managing to make ends meet but not everyone has been able to succeed. These artists have come to the president ial palace to demand government assistance. Were trying to create a common front to demand an income because we dont have anything the government should impose a tax on netflix and other streaming platforms because theyre making a lot of money while were not allowed to do anything. Theatres cinemas and everything related to culture where one of the 1st places to shut down and theyre likely to be the last ones to open this is because this avenue its known as the broadway of south america because of the amount of theaters that are located here all of them have been closed for almost 4 months even thousands of people without work many theaters are now streaming plays online and after watching the. Have an option to make a donation. Are to say they have had to prepare safety protocols just to be ready if and when theyre allowed to open the curtains once again. Here in this song they say theyre anxious to be part of a play again because it will mean the thread of 1000 has passed was b. S. Every day im talking to representatives in new york mexico spain and we talk about the same thing passing information that we dont have because we have never seen anything like this all fair to is around the world closed we are meeting with the government to see how we continue not to see how to i cannot argentina had a long im vibrant cultural life before the pandemic so many of these artists are filled with hope and optimism that theyd be able to perform once again. One of us. Well thats it for this news hour on aljazeera from me for the whole team here in doha thank you very much for watching Barbara Starr is live next from london you sent a distance. The ultranationalist remarks connected with one of the worlds worst humanitarian crisis we doe as Illegal Migrants joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda we have to protect our nation what has happened to the engine thats one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. This is not religion this is a politics. An unholy alliance on aljazeera. Im allow an orphan. Raised in a chinese buddhist orphanage. Faces a momentous life decision. A personal story of competing identities. The chad light on a growing cultural ties the. Dam in africa a witness documentary on aljazeera. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with eventual capacity for 4000 coverage 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researchers say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. Or warning. The u. S. Fraps up the pressure on china saying it rejects beijings Maritime Claims in the South China Sea as unlawful. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching out is there a lot from london also coming up. Too many countries are headed in the wrong direction the World Health Organization

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