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To lose their jobs 45000000 to plunge into poverty as the uns dial warning about the impact of the pandemic across latin america. Our top story several aljazeera staff have just been taken in for Police Questioning in kuala lumpur about a documentary on the laziest response to covert 19 the show looked at the experiences of Migrant Workers during lockdown they say theyre investigating aljazeera for sedition defamation and violation of the countrys communications and multimedia acts in response aljazeera has now released a statement saying it calls on the malaysian authorities to respect Media Freedom and desist from treating its journalists as criminals aljazeera has serious concerns about developments that have occurred in malays years since the broadcast of his one o one east investigative document. 3 locked up in malaysia is locked on july the 3rd the documentary investigated why the qubit 19 pandemic is forcing Migrant Workers into hiding the government put some areas of kuala lumpur with high infection rates under locked up with people tested and some fingerprinted foreigners with valid documents were arrested if captured immigration raids it captured rather as they unfolded in real time malaysian officials on state t. V. Have criticized the report as being inaccurate misleading and unfair aljazeera rejects those claims attempts to interview government ministers and officials during production were declined to 0 staff of sustained online her response since the broadcast including Death Threats when he stays in asia Pacific Current Affairs Program that has won Numerous International awards lets talk again to air as are you from the institute for democracy and Economic Affairs in Kuala Lumpur Air a good for good to stay with us here on out as iraq is there a chance that the team of journalists produces reporters will be detained in the Police Station i mean does the government to the Police Authorities have form on this kind of thing. Well i think im not sure what the north is exactly but. Previous cases as i mentioned previously with. Some active if that had been questioned along the same line so none of them i think have been detained so far theyve been questioned and then released some of them have. Mobile devices on 5th and they let out. So that might happen but whether or not theyll be paid and im not sure what does what is unfolding tell us about the relationship between the Government National media and interNational Media. Well so the malaysian government has always had quite a strong hold on National Media also the more stuff the mainstream. Media Mainstream Media outlets in malaysia are all into by the government media and i realise that they are the country of the state owned media but i think in malaysia its a bicycle any concerning because you know state media also has quite a lot the thin torn to the good news reporting and you know this is this is very well documented. When it comes to interNational Media. You know i think the malaysian authorities have also been. Quite i dont know whats the word for concern already there sometimes theyre a bit dismissive of some International Reports unrelated depending on the content but i think. What we have to all of us here i think is. Probably is the quite serious and im not sure if they have actually done these before in the bus is it perhaps more serious than it would have been if this happened say even 5 or 10 years ago because when it comes to governments wanting to spin or label the media as being Mainstream Media as being fake news we live in a fee breillat miss fear where for example with this particular team the sound is either a Team Personal details just mystically appear online on various platforms people getting anonymous Death Threats and that kind of feeds into another agenda where people are encouraged or coaxed towards a situation old me consumers of news they are kooks towards a situation where they distrust the media therefore the media becomes the enemy the government for the sake of an open debate the government doesnt become the enemy. Well i think you know with with with all these a lot of the Death Threats and backlash that has been faced by by i think generally is the online i do think that im not sure who are behind them i really cannot say but i do think that you know there has been a fueling and and. I would say an extra. Extra net nationalists that you know phobic and most i think we just unfortunate because. As i mentioned earlier malaysia has been quite a Success Story in containing covert 19 but i do think that one of the consequences of of one thing is also that its sort of presented in very stark reality the divide between what we say citizens and noncitizens and the government does present on qubit in that we differentiate between citizens and noncitizens and. And i think its a kind of a 2 way street right so there is increasing. Nationalist. Discourse amongst the public which i think which i think is also fuelled by you know the reaction that the government gives to all these differing points of views and i must add also d that you know this whats happening to all of this you know i dont think it would have you know happened in such in such a say in how the speed at which is happening would have been possible if every thought was an filed a report was and complained to the police right who filed that report and who filed the complaint i dont know if it was a member of the public then you know it will be seeing legal consequences of what you know is right using sort of National Discourse amongst malaysians. And associate ok we have to the. In kuala lumpur thank you very much. All right. The u. S. Supreme court has issued mixed verdicts on demands for Donald Trumps financial records and for now at least the president s tax returns and other documents or remain out of the public eye but it can be examined by prosecutors in new york she had as. President trump displayed mixed emotions following the 2 judgments on the release of his financial records what the rules were you should be showing more again selling everything back down to the lower courts and so i know you get so worked for so quite satisfied you know the point so. This is a political witch fight that we can have you know if you want to do it which are. Just like the model in michigan she was a hoax that one of these Supreme Court rulings werent even close each one had a 7. 00 to 2. 00 majority that included trump appointees justices call such and cavanaugh off the court threw out the president s lawyers arguments that their client has immunity from investigation in both cases chief Justice John Roberts writing that no sugars and not even the president is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding so authorities in new york are allowed to secure records from the president s Accounting Firm through the courts the citys District Attorney hailed the decision Cyrus Vance Jr said its in keeping with the u. S. A. s founding principles and added the investigation which was delayed for almost a year by this lawsuit will resume guided as always by the ground jury solemn obligation to follow the law and the facts wherever they may lead but new yorks grand jury investigation into potential wrongdoing by trump and the Trump Organization is held in secret so barring a leak the public will not see the records if and when it receives them investigators are looking into whether an alleged hush money deal with 2. 00 women who claim to have had an affair with trump broke the law Congress However could released all charges financial records to the public. If house committees were in the right to see them and that may or may not happen now but the House Speaker welcomed the justices up holding of the principle that congress has the right to subpoena the president the Supreme Court including the president appointees have declared that he is not above the law. The point the path that the plane court has laid out is one that is clearly achievable by us in the lower courts and we will continue to go down that path but the Supreme Court has enacted limitations on congress that it will now have to meet in the lower courts among them to prove that any information that is requested would have a direct impact on legislation always hanging over the issue of Donald Trumps tax records are statements like this dating back to before the 2016 election im clean and when i release my Financial Statements my decision sometime prior to election it will only show one thing that i am much richer than people even thought yet the president has fought their release ever since so there is some comfort to be had for the president Donald Trumps arguments regarding president ial immunity did not win but these rulings will not result in the release of Donald Trumps closely held financial records before novembers elections. Washington earlier we spoke to bruce fein mr fein is a former u. S. Deputy attorney general he says the rulings are similar to other rulings made decades ago. I was here 40 years ago the Supreme Court said precisely the same thing in the nixon tapes case when the president was forced to reveal 62 tapes of the oval office of his having conversations with john dean and others the Supreme Court also had held with regard to the presidency of William Jefferson clinton he had to respond to document requests subpoenas with regard to the pollen jones civil lawsuit and indeed the house of representatives itself as far back as 1974 and i was involved voted an article of impeachment as article 3 against president nixon for what defying a congressional subpoena that he was not above the law so this is not breaking new ground one of the things that nancy pelosi said that i think is quite misconceived is the idea that continuing on in the lower courts that this is going to result in a victory wrong the congress has a life span of 2 years every subpoena expires at the end of the issuing congress which means in this case january of 2021 this subpoena there were 3 or 4 against President Trump rosa counts are all going to expire which means that you all are back at square one theres no way given the slowness of Court Proceedings that this case is going to meander back from the lower courts and get a decision out of the u. S. Supreme court by january of 2021 which means trump is home free you have to start again a new subpoena litigation. The u. S. Supreme court has ruled a big area of the state of oklahoma will remain a native american reservation it means that state prosecutors do not have the authority to pursue criminal cases against native american defendants in the area the 5 to 4 decision is one of the most important legal victories for indigenous americans in decades. A u. S. Judge has asked an Appeals Court to reconsider its dismissal of the criminal case against Donald Trumps former National Security advisor Michael Flynn had pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. In the investigation into russian interference allegations in the 2016 president ial election in the states but a Court Ordered the criminal case against him to be dismissed last month still to come here on aljazeera argentinians choose protests over celebrations on the Independence Day. Hello weve had a bit of a reduction in the rain over japan its not the end of it by any means but as the rain on this system that goes back to china tends to pulse you might get a couple of days off the next pulse will get some rain to cure then just avoid honshu as it catches south koreas developing into a proper circulation which tends to take the heavy rain with it most of it over the water youll notice the chinese end is moving northward through all hands so theyll be all flooding taking place here then it goes north of the yangtze but yanks itself is really hit quite high levels in many places jumping south and weve got quite a mess of showers developing around borneo maybe around the central philippines bit of a gap to the east of that so actually west park is not as wet as it was and if you go further west again sumatra isnt looking particular turn this is the focus now coaching in all places to just to the east and to the north and this tended to march in this general direction so sort of ways he has got a wet saturday youll notice that sigurd. Kuala lumpur are in the shower but not as much as they were a few days ago. We just about see the back of the rain now for good rock but this circulation cloud is quite interesting i see no development yet but it brings rain with it somewhere but the big showers focus that moment are in the northeast of india and the pole. Join our Global Community because the price is just slapped is the phrase blessing upon my sin upon my soul humans have evolved Global Health keeping you up to date is why self or situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the Health Crisis answering your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must not miss the stream on aljazeera. Welcome back lets just have a quick look through our top stories for you several aljazeera staff are now arrive for Police Questioning in kuala lumpur about a documentary on melissas response to cope at 19 the shown up to the experiences of Migrant Workers during Lockdown Police say theyre investigating the court for sedition defamation and violation of the countrys communications and multimedia act. The us Supreme Court has issued mixed verdicts on demands for Donald Trumps financial records the president s tax returns and other documents were made out of the public eye but they can be examined by prosecutors in new york. The United Arab Emirates is said to be holding up a deal with gulf states that could end the 3 year long blockade against cattle thats according to reports on the fox news website today practical haim reports from washington. We need to sort of take a step back and look at where the spirit being reported in the fox news website not on fox news on air we havent seen it on air yet and again we know that the channel that the president likes to watch we have seen no evidence that the president likes to read the website and again it has been picked up by anyone else and we have not been able to independently confirm this but what this article is saying and it doesnt give any sort of indication where the sources are coming from which is slightly unusual but it doesnt name anyone but it says that for the last 2 months somehow if there were secret negotiations between saudi arabia officials from saudi arabia qatar the u. A. E. And the u. S. Acting as a mediator that it 5 would be surprising if true because these are thats a lot of different people at the table and theres been no even whisper that there were negotiations of any kind taking place much less among high ranking officials from these 4 countries the article says that a potential deal was in their words quote at hand and that the u. A. E. Walked away and tried to pressure saudi arabia to do the same thing again theyre saying that just for purpose perspective this is not anything weve even heard is on the radar lately from the secretary of defense secretary of state the white much less the white house dealing with a coronavirus pandemic a downturn in the economy falling poll numbers and now the Supreme Court decision so theres been no indication no signals that this is high up on 0 the priority list giorgio is c. E. O. Of gulf state and on the ticks and geopolitical Risk Consultancy firm focusing on the Arabian Peninsula he says the u. A. E. Is less likely to change its position than the other countries involved here. Among the countries blockading qatar it is the u. A. E. That is most rigid in its position against dough are where as the saudis have viewed the alleged qatari threat as more of a strategic issue for i would be this is really very much about ideology and ultimately this agenda of blockading qatar came from abu dhabi and i think out of all of the gulf countries putting pressure on cots are the u. A. E. Will be the last one to decide to ease that pressure so it definitely makes sense that he would use its leverage over riyadh to block any u. S. Backed plan aimed at bringing the g. C. C. Countries back together the Trump Administration is seen this arabian feud is a big threat to u. S. Interests in the sense that washington would like to have all of the g. C. C. Member states united against the Islamic Republic of iran and this issue has definitely been an irritant for the administration but you know i the defacto ruler of the u. A. E. Crown Prince Mohammed bin zayed whatever people may think about his policies we can all agree that hes no pushover and hes a very strategic thinker when it comes to dealing with Regional International issues. Argentina seeing the effects of economic pressure people held antigovernment demonstrations in the capital some with on behalf of angry foam as across the country but many more all unhappy with the coronavirus long time is to raise about. An unusual Independence Day now in tina despite the lockdown in place thousands took to the streets to protest against the government to 5 out of the farm and they. Were let go they make a says he voted for the president but hes now disappointed and you know put on the film even the most gentle madonna who you know he promised he would improve our pensions and instead of doing that it is getting worse the situation is sad for everyone im very because i see the government imposed on lockdown almost 4 months ago and its never going away. Argentina so far has been able to control the spread of covert 1000 it was one of the 1st countries in the region to impose a Strict Lockdown but the Economic Situation combined with the recent release of prisoners accused of corruption during the government of former president and now Vice President on this occasion or have many in argentina upset people here are protesting against corruption the Economic Situation the foreign team but also against what they say is an attack against private property by the government last month president and medical man has announced that he would explode ph all of the largest private supporters in the country something that people of years say both against argentina powerful agriculture sector. Among all the rest is a farmer in but i mean all about 2 hours away from the capital he says growing crops its becoming more difficult have a Day Exchange Rate controls inflation and export taxes have small scale farmers in this area extremely concerned. We are the ones i produce the hard currency and we are taxed and paid 70 percent less than what its worth and i dont understand why instead of helping us produce more theyre always trying to squeeze us president out of the farm and the says that once the pandemic passes all argentines will have to work to help the country recover it is a moment of this is the time when the virus is in latin america and we have to pass it it happened and i Europe North America and now us we have to survive and we have to rebuild argentina for tomorrow mean of industry min of the Agricultural Sector mean a finance all together we have to build the argentina that is coming because height and division have left us where we are it hurts me to say hatred because it delights us in a puts us on the worst places human beings in argentina struggling with recession and inflation and is negotiating with creditors to restructure its debt with unemployment and poverty rates on the rise the challenge is finding consensus to overcome the difficulties ahead. When a site is. The u. N. Secretary general is warning the 1000 pandemic in latin america and the caribbean will plunge millions of people into poverty and turning good terrorists says 18000000 of them would lose their jobs women black and to digitise communities will be the worst affected. Reports from point of cyrus. 3rd many in latin america the have it caused by the covert 900. 00 pandemic has only exacerbated already existing problems in a context of already gaping inequalities i levels of informal labor and fragmented Health Services the most vulnerable populations and individuals are once again being hit the hardest. To tear this is one in the poverty across the region will rise by 7 percent an increase equivalent to 45000000 people extreme poverty is also expected to increase by 28000000 to 230000000 people in other words a massive number i learned on the street with my baby girl 4 months ago at the start of the pandemic youre surviving going to a soup kitchen receiving donations just staying afloat. And there are many more about to join him the u. N. Says the number of Unemployed People in the region will also rise an increase of 80000000 to 44000000 in just one year i came there if there are people who found themselves in the streets because theyve lost their jobs theyve never been in that situation before they couldnt pay their rents many of these people have worked their whole lives and feel embarrassed to ask for help. The u. N. Policy brief says the worst affected will be women since theyre more likely to work in the Informal Sector indigenous communities and those of african descent will also be disproportionately hit and the crisis will exacerbate the vulnerability of migrants and refugees the secretary general is suggesting a number of urgent measures hes calling for greater international. Support and major structural changes in a region where you need quality has become untenable it means developing comprehensive welfare systems of thought accessible to all it means creating a fair taxation system promoting this of jobs says think environmental sustainability and reinforcing social protection mechanisms are. A huge challenge for the number of deaths and infections continue to rise during which one route is iraq one osiris the us is registered more than 65000. 00 new cases of corona virus which makes it another daily record rise for the country infections have been increasing in nearly every single state there are now being more than 33100000 cases over 135000 people have died in serbia hundreds of people have staged a sit in protest outside parliament. Thats in defiance of a 10 person limit on gatherings juta the pandemic the restrictions were announced after 2 nights of fighting between police and protesters over long term measures serbias president alexander which is a huge sing some protesters are looking to do quote serious damage regularly. I am urging all our people in belgrade and novi sad and all other cities not to confront the hooligans themselves we will do that as a state we will work and we will win we will preserve peace for our country surrender was never an option. Singapore ends of voting in a general election expected to extend the ruling parties on broken record the vote comes just weeks after the country and from a 2 month lock down the key issues of the governments handling of the Health Crisis and a struggling economy the sea and loom who took charge in 2004 is expected to continue as Prime Minister is a strange younger brother has supported the opposition. Sudans Transitional Government has announced a Cabinet Reshuffle hoping to calm protesters over the economic collapse in the country the Prime Minister has accepted resignations of 6 ministers and named temporary replacement thousands of people rallied in sudans major cities in june to pressure the government for reform the countrys in a period of transition after the leader of al bashir was ousted last year. The Un Security Council is due to vote on a draft resolution that would reauthorize cross border 8 access to syria the operation which is authorized until friday brings in supplies from turkey without interference from the Syrian Government Council Members met 4 times since last week they were unable to reach a compromise diplomatic editor james bays reports now from the un. All week theres been a standoff at the Security Council over the renewal of authorization to bring humanitarian aid into syria aid which thousands of people in opposition controlled areas rely on the results of the voting is as follows 3 times the council has voted on different versions of a resolution one version that would have continued the 2 border crossings into syria was vetoed by russia and china russia has put forward 2 versions of a resolution they did not pass the u. N. Secretary general is why it of course were concerned weve been weve been down this so this road before of last minute discussion. Of the Security Council is the master of its domain is the goshes Member States already go shooting which is where they are meant to do. From our point we have been very clear that the humanitarian needs sincere remain incredibly high and that we need increased cross border we need a crisscross line support and any failure to extend across the border if there is a should. Cut the u. N. Operations currently underway yet another draft resolution is now before the Security Council there is a 24 hour period in which Council Members can vote the problem is the current authorization are allowing humanitarian aid into syria runs out at the end of friday libyas u. N. Recognize government says its found a prison used by warlords to torture and kill opponents in the city of tal which was under the control of half the us forces until it was recaptured by Government Troops on the 5th of june charcoal was reportedly placed on top of the cells to overwhelm prisoners with heat. More elephants have been found dead in botswana and its still not clear whats killing them the National Park rescue charity says more than 400 have died was one as government has only confirmed 281 deaths its been 2 months since the 1st carcass was spotted the government has been criticized for acting too slowly to solve the mystery the country has the Worlds Largest elephant population. Recapping our top stories here on aljazeera several aljazeera staff have arrived for Police Questioning in kuala lumpur after a documentary on malaysias response to 19 police say theyre investigating the report for sedition defamation and violation of the countrys communications a multimedia act the show looked at the experiences of Migrant Workers during lockdown foreigners without valid documents were arrested captured immigration raids as they unfolded in real time malaysian officials and state t. V. Have criticised the reporters being inaccurate misleading and unfair aljazeera rejects those claims and stands by the quality and the impartiality of his journalism attempts to interview government ministers and officials during production work declined the us Supreme Court has issued mixed verdicts on demands for Donald Trumps financial records the president s tax returns and other documents will remain out of the public eye so they can be examined by prosecutors in new york the u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the democrats will continue pushing their case against mr trump. Careful reading 3 mm court ruling related to the president financial records is not good news for President Trump the court has reaffirmed the congresss authority to conduct oversight on behalf of the American People as it asks for further information from congress congresss constitutional responsibility to uncover the truth the civically related to the president russia connection that he is hiding the congress will continue to conduct oversight for the people polled in the separation of powers that is the genius of our constitution we will continue to press our case the us has meanwhile registered more than 65000 new cases of corona virus which makes it another daily record rise for the country infections have been increasing in nearly every single state the u. A. E. Is said to be holding up a deal with gulf states the good and the 3 year long blockade against cattle thats according to reports on the fox news website those are your headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after techno i will see you very soon for the moment. I was taken to prison in the knowledge that i will always be a trained one yes or just me old mother and the father of my toto 8 months kid. When parents at imprisonment the government doesnt have any plans for the trigger left behind so these 2 didnt need for they need shelter they are starting from. My obsession is to see that this shooting of prisoners also given another chance to live like normally should and because theyre not a party to that crimes committed by their parents when i finally get to that place to build a home for these children and they see them become somebody used to fall into society fending for themselves. To give me satisfaction. This is techno a show about innovations that can change lives the science of fighting the fire were going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity were doing in communities where. This is a show about science lol are not by scientists tonight techno investigates deep ivory trail theyve tried to seize it. Burn it but nothing has stopped the terrible trade in the legal ivory. Now. New tours straight from the lab that could find a crime thats brought elephants to the brink of extinction giving a seizure is a great victory but that owns are already dead. From rita davison is an environmental biologist i am holding a tray of elephant who should show us the high tech plan to stop the killing. And then celine stranded along the california freeway yes freeway doctor should do some more as a mechanical engineer sure sure

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