Millions could face starvation as coronavirus takes its toll world wide that warning from. Hunger caused by the pandemic will kill more people than the virus itself so we should step in to stop this design stuff this is inside story. And welcome to the program im noriko more people will die this year from hunger caused by the pun demick than from coated 19 thats according to the Charity Oxfam which says 121000000 more people could face starvation because of reduced aid mass unemployment and disruption to Food Production and supplies it also describes middle Income Countries such as india brazil and south africa as a merging epicenters of hunger with millions of people facing being tipped over the edge on the social and economic effects of the crisis. Well lets take a closer look at some of the figures in that report oxfam says some of the worlds poorest countries could see 12000. 00 extra deaths per day due to hunger before the end of 2020 the charity says this is more than the peak of global current virus death rate of 10000. 00 per day in april the 10 extreme hunger hotspots the report highlights include afghanistan syria and south sudan where the charity says the situation is most severe and getting worse thanks. Lets talk about this further with our guests today and from madrid we have chamma vera the executive director of international from son al waleed al food gerri a member of the Yemeni Society for emergency and disaster medicine and from cairo rima not a Regional Communications officer with the World Food Program a very warm welcome to all of you if i could start with you this is a pretty hard hitting report how have you reached this number of more people potentially dying from pandemic related hunger than from the virus itself. Thank you our thanks for for these for the space and we have been doing a combining of Research Using they that some of them actually come on food program and all that from our Research Centers with our experience in some of the countries that named both countries that were already affected by hunger massively because usually culture can be such a new countries that are coming to these hunger as we as we call it finally we found the asa resoled the figures that you have said on that show that its a terrible situation for in terms of human suffering because of the growth of iras. And so just to be clear this 12000. 00 figure is on top of the existing daily death toll from hunger as it is a new potential preventable deaths of course i mean the should be all in all a 100 of those should be prevented but this adds to the normal of the rate because of hunger and what we are seeing is and those countries that were already have massively affected by hunger because of calm of conflict of Climate Change of inequality of off color to be this builds on to that is the final line it means that lines of farmers are not support that markets are this rough to have it for supplies turned reach that there is must leave unemployment there is no safety nets of finally of millions of people that are facing starvation once mr 120 i will leave yemen is one of those countries thats already massively affected by hunger related deaths has been on the brink of famine failure is how has the situation there wessons with coronavirus yes. I think you put it this in and. Limit and its focusing on this talk with really. Current nalini in our leaders reinvent. Every human being and this in this world who care about humanity and every kind as you all d know all the human considerate lately from the darkest crisis worldwide the it and will lift iran has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world millions of people have been displaced by fighting to the will to their lives of food. And the latest assessment palatal held by the many who work in the alls in yemen. Report that shows the prohibition in the country is norsemen according to that assessment which was done. In 201820 point 2000000 are at high risk or are threatening shortages of food which means 76 percent of the total population are facing likes to think shortage of food without assistance provided by the humanitarian community. As a comparison but this was the problem the population of sweden at this includes people who have been internally displaced. Or a little as we called i give is. 3000000 or more with this list across 21 governorate mainly due to the consulate of youth and our consulates and not the disease this is a general holistic few that i can give you and good old dudes wanted just give us an idea if you can what its like to be hungry because most of us do not know what its like to be so hungry that we dont know our next meal is coming from that we are on the brink of death what it was he was saying that in yemen. Yet as not yemen didnt. Have 2 percent of the import so due to the tight through cape that human faced for more than 5 years by the union of some neighboring countries. There for many a man is most likely to come out of the 3 quarter of all occupation and as early as as i just mentioned it 3000000 of. I had 10 that the way he wanted he scored a few which was a hole by the end of 2098. That show the young man is the considered late if from the largest food prices in the world not only food or. As well as the clean water the human rights the level the health. I dont know why people lately focused on on health which was already damaged from the beginning but as nickel butts in the world its yes they think the percent. Of people in the event that you do 1000. 00 as compared to the work which is 5 percent our this in a but is still very low as compared. To the man and with. That the william any other bank from especially childhood. If you know that the last jump in as a premium into the discussion now if you dont mind while me because. We want to get an idea from you as to why so many people around the world are going so hungry when there isnt a food in the world well your parents are not for it. Trained. Well to everybody but not for the poorest hungriest with a week at the problem is that the poor and the well the hungry and the well of that situation and west and west and was their only hope is for humanitarian assistance for People Like Us the World Food Program other humanitarian there is a well to step up their game and to actually provide them with what they need and see now we are seeing problems even in the developed well there are economic problems even full middle class people who have Small Businesses so now we are talking about people who have. Daily wages we are talking about displaced people small scale farmers the World Food Programs this response their response they say is the biggest and i hate we are talking about providing assistance for 140000000 people that is 40000000 more people than the number we had last year how big or how did we get to those also oil well what was it that months into this crisis now into this pandemic how if we reach this point now where were looking at this summit talking about this with the terrible predicted figures. The countries that are all taking. Taking it hard there are countries that are not so i think from a good cause this in any way you talked about syria or about yemen to buy back than afghanistan even countries in africa like zimbabwe for example that struggling with. Foreign currency reserves so there is no way for these countries to get up and to actually have what they need in the situation that were living in now there are disruptions in trade disruption in supply chains theres an economic slowdown across the world even in the developed world so in these countries with people who are living on next to nothing any show any little shock would actually throw them off balance so this is a huge shock for everybody across the globe and for millions and millions of people many of them are out of this place many of them are living in countries that are suffering from conflict we have also in some countries a toxic combination of conflict economic meltdown. Struggle and drought in other countries so. Other. Related to Climate Change as well so this is not something that the poorer communities can deal with not to damage the well it just bring it ill change china to say 15 poor countries come to with themselves for all the reasons that reams of outlined why not a better global system to catch situations like this to catch them to better protect the most vulnerable yes this is what i mean this whole crisis what were Coronavirus Crisis shows we have a broken system. And obviously there has to be. Very Quick Response actually we have been raising this issue for 4 months. So you are a same last 6 months and actually we are assuming the ringer yes is happening racing hunger crisis and port of the races that was coming that was monday and now its a problem for us so there has to be an urgent extraordinary human response and we are seeing the the opposite we are not seeing there is a a u. N. Appeal last funds 7300000000 that has been covered by donors only 24 percent but actually the food component of that is has only been covered by 9 per cent so we cant expect at some point 3 since a huge amount but if you compare with any bailout of foreign knowing the u. S. Air Companies Like 500000000000 it doesnt need thats much when were talking about humanity were also asking for a full cancellation of their young 2024 on countries we need a nice to be fiscal space on them and countries cant put money in servicing when they cant put money in their Health Systems or in or food systems and give some cash protection for for the most vulnerable and its obvious that we are joining us call for a cease fire will cease fire those countries as i say are facing the heaviest the most severe hunger graces are those that. Are also things in conflict but china we have to tackle the food system and yes and i want to get into that again in a little bit but 1st were going to pick up on this debt cancellation idea going g 20 finance ministers meeting coming up a you hope for thats going to be on the agenda and it will be accepted. Theyre hopeful and is going to be in the agenda weve seen some missteps precisely on the bilateral of members of the of the g 20 although theyre speaking more about moratorium and not cancellation we passed towns in Previous Year if not youre building more that corridor for her for the future are they still we have to see if we want to include brighter and moved a lot about that so also theyre coming from the i. M. F. And world bank and Development Plans is the still there and we are asking and it has to be the full all the cancellation of her plan to go and it was a 1st step and largest that if we want to phase this crisis properly with sufficient resources for government to cope with a leading game and has been the source of many a pales charitable or pales for aid what has been the response to the crisis that the international response. I just mentioned that women and really many. Who create and who knew or know it or just will explore new forwards new truckling know it in patients can trust and so and many n. G. O. S were ready to respond to that. Humanitarian crisis and they find difficult is special in the north. Our all of the humanitarian community aids do not meet the real requirement that we are facing any moment we need more cooperation with more International Aid we need its serious we need a serious move so on and can and really concerned about the whole human you know our concern about tight located about anger about really damaged health system. As the world struggled to cut the Health Service in that area because we had 19. Let us tell you that we are and human best struggling to get all that this is for the whole year plans for all international n. G. O. S. Create and by many programs here in the north and in the south as well as our own i told you and through this program i want to do a little of the message that the real requirements. Do not meet with what you many needs as 20000000 are a facing a real issue of tables with and that were needing more unborn women why is the Global Response to fundraisers like this so poor why is the u. N. Only getting 9 percent of the money it needs to tackle food insecurity. Because basically there are many the mastic priority full donor countries that they need to tend to economic as they said there is the economic downturn slowdown if you will and developed economies and theres also their own cobras response and there are people who lost job info in the countries so for the un to be able to secure all the funds that we need for example cause for the World Food Programme we are appealing only for the. Until the end of the year of 5000000000. 00 back we are all thankful more money than we had ever all told because the needs are greater than we had ever seen before so of course there is difficult. Donor and byron because they are at the end with their own problems as well it is a struggle for any humanitarian agency to be able to secure the forms they need for example he talks about yemen and yemen and until the end of the year the well through program they dont need or in short call 740000000. 00 to be able to provide food for more than 60000000. 00 people 30000000. 00 people who almost entirely depend on the food or the Food Assistance they get from the World Food Program so that all people in the world the 114000000 people the World Program is seeking to provide or whether thats through actually through boxes whether thats through triumphs would bother to they have nothing but if they have no if they have they have nothing and if they dont have a they have nothing else right tell me you mentioned before that cutting one teen has exposed what probably many people already d knew was a broken d food system how would one create a new sustainable system if indeed the opportunity does exist here now. It should be i mean it is it is showing as you say all that weaknesses obviously there is a lot of descriptions in this is the. Food chain is now a supply of food but its showing the underlying tensions and weaknesses and we have to do that different the say are more rebels a more Sustainable Way of see the world we should be doing this but of the main issues of its staying now we are seeing now is that for years for many years the food system left Small Farmers small producers workers left behind there has been no support no rights for many of them why we are seeing how big and really Big Companies are taking the biggest part of the of the value chain was the final price actually we are saying the same report how in the from january is of just the 6 months off and they meet the biggest 8 fulton supermarket companies. Share with their shareholders 18000000000. 00 so thats clear is huge and shows that despite the on where the money is is going where who is really feeling finally we school low sort of the communities who rings that they are fools who can ensure a false security in local markets are those everyone is leaving behind this should change the other way around and remove we bring it back more to the more local Even National level when can when when governments are trying to balance protecting lives and livelihoods clearly in some countries its not happening its not working well how can they better approach this. Well we all providing assistance we have been providing Technical Assistance the government to be able to over come to issues and. Youve mentioned just now that Domestic Production and Food Production is is a real problem in many countries especially the poorer countries in Southeast Asia in africa where they are also struggling with effects of Climate Change the most mold holger farmers theyre not seeing the same amount of grain they have seen we are seeing based been seeing this since december well the rainy season in africa is not the same and the rainfall is very is a trickle really compared to what it should be so at this point. The real work that the world would program have been to it was the poor thing will who are the promise helping them. Find moth kids helping them consolidate that causes and being able to do and less and get a lot more from their small patches of law but of course with the Global Pandemic this is this is something that nobody would have been. Ready to tackle and if youre in a again if youre in a weak position if youre struggling if youre poor if youre a small hole the pharma what can you do in the face of such a hurricane if you will so so 1st of all we need to get i was just a block from that that we are in a moment the most important thing is actually providing true wood for people and then what ive seen on the solutions which we have been working on. Is a regression look. I regret that walid im just going to ask one last question to you because the report did highlight women as being particularly hard hit by this hunger crisis now is wondering is that the case in yemen and why. Well actually. Yes as most of our school oh were told by a woman and most of the dont last this. House all others and this year in yemen are all the building and. Specially at will. Many of them in her concern look their children are that there is old. Wounds and there are children so i am we cant consider that as the front line defining and distributing and a 60 by the by you read articles links here in human. Just like. Then we know were going to be a front line and they are areas. We have especially for governor is that i think newer. Wheat and son are city with a bar of. Ajdabiya. Which. Until now 1000000 from these. Smaller governorates ok well it im afraid we have run out of time there many thanks to all of our guests for joining us today d channel of our waleed al for gerry and ream nada and i thanks to you too for watching you can see the program again any times by visiting a website thats aljazeera dot com and for further discussion to go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com for slash a. J. Inside story it was a join the conversation on twitter 100 at a change inside story from me laura tyler and the whole team here its quite an. As countries begin easing coronavirus restrictions scientists warn of a 2nd wave of infections in the last few. Weeks in front of the neighborhood and many feel the economy is be prioritised about for human life until fall to pull yet leave the focus on the outfield that was spiking public life in places we bring you the latest developments from across the globe coronavirus fundament special coverage on a. The ultranationalist marks connected with one of the worlds worst humanitarian crises its really dull as any gaily maigret joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda they have to photo our nation what has happened to their engine thats one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. Is another religion this is the politics me and an unholy alliance on aljazeera. Short films of hope. And inspiration a series of short personal stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. Aljazeera selects. Revealing ecofriendly city since to combat threats to our planet on which is iraq. This is al jazeera. Its 1800 hours g. M. T. Im Kemal Santa Maria here in doha with the news out from aljazeera the u. S. Supreme court has ruled president Donald Trumps tax and other financial records can be handed over to a new york prosecutor but not to the u. S. Congress. Is not good news for president trumps the court has reaffirmed the congresss authority to conduct oversight on behalf of the American People also in the news aljazeera

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