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Again exclusive access to iranian backed the type hezbollah a group produced by the Iraqi Government of attacking u. S. Forces and more than 30 people have been killed in southwestern japan during flooding and landslides. I dont feel sympathy with the school as formula one makes its return but the drivers are divided over a protest against racism with sean the clear and next step in saying they wont speak to me. But we begin this hour with the increasing number of private 1000 cases well why it saturday saw the biggest single day rise since this pandemic began with more than 212000 infections recorded globally the majority of them were in latin america which now has more cases than europe brazil alone has more than 1500000 infections and has now had at least 64000 deaths and israel officials have reauthorize the use of phone Surveillance Technology that was once deployed to prevent attacks thats after an easing of restrictions that. To a rise in cases of lockdown measures in south africa has also caused a sad is announced a record daily number of new infections counting more than 10000 and the astray in city of melbourne has imposed a complete lockdown on 3000. 00 residents and Public Housing buildings theyre now banned from leaving their homes for any reason at all for at least 5 days the tory b. Has more. People who live in these tower blocks in a poor area of melbourne are some of the most vulnerable in society many have Underlying Health conditions that makes the street look down they now have to endure a complex logistical task for the authorities that ordered it for 5 days which began on saturday 3000 people are banned from leaving their homes 500 Police Officers are patrolling the tower blocks during each shift to make sure no one breaks the law food and medical supplies are being sent in and Mental Health as well as drug and alcohol addiction support is on hand the state governments also offering financial help at 1st things 1st there will be no rates charged for those tenants for the next 2 weeks secondly those who are employed and because of the hard luck there and cannot go to work by was saved by 1500. 00 hardship hi meant for those households where there is no one employment by was saved by 750. 00 hardship the lockdown was ordered after 30 cases of coded 19 were linked to 12 households but the fear is the virus has spread to many more people through lifts and walkways this is not just a matter of 23 to 30 armed people this is a matter of many hundreds who have already been exposed and who may already be incubating while most of australia is opening back up the state of victorias recorded an increasing cave in 1000 cases since last week in 12 suburbs people are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work exercise see a doctor or buy food in the 9 tower blocks where people face the severest restrictions doctors say will take around 5 days to test all 3000. 00 residents Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. Well i aspect as. Hes an associate professor of Infectious Diseases at the Australian National university he says breaches of Hotel Quarantine restrictions are thought to have contributed to new cases and now than it was really only a couple of weeks ago that we were quite happy with the situation in australia and then we have seen this in victoria predominately melbourne where say in the last 10 days weve been averaging overall over 50 cases per day now compared to some parts of the world that seems to be minuscule but compared to what we were having that is a big jump and as you note that this is can become an uncontrollable surge if we dont control it now we werent quite sure why this happened in melbourne we always thought it was if it were to happen it would happen in one of the more popular cities in australia such as noble or sydney and the cold weather might make it more advantageous for the virus but it has since come to light that they have bits of breaches in the Hotel Quarantine setting which may have contributed to these outbreaks in the community but better to still be looked into now so we dont know all the details but there certainly have been some goings on which have not been ideal. Well there have been jubilant scenes across england after business as there rio and in london a large very happy crowds gathered in big gardens and outdoor spaces where a challenge reports from soho in london. The ancient in alienable rights of free born people of the United Kingdom to go to the pub is how Boris Johnson described it well here they are enthusiastic enjoying that right again after more than 3 months of lockdown plus going to the cinema getting their hair cut eating in restaurants and staying in hotels for england at least Something Like normal life has returned it feels 2 really nice feels really nice were going to go on a bit pub crawl after this its rather expensive by comparison with. By buying in. Super saturday is the English Press has called it was desperately needed by a struggling Hospitality Industry but Business Owners had to reduce capacity and make other changes to open a safeway as possible we will take all the poached we can we put screens up between people you know wash your hands and everyone or i get way past and stick faces to you know i was watching everything and anything he said you know that knocked me to where you were just hoping that the rest of the 2nd wave and that we need food. It is perhaps the most significant step yet in englands exit from lock down given the combustible mix of liberation and alcohol politicians both local and national have been urging responsibility well maybe we should call it so the saturday then but i think its a weve been its been 3 or 4 months in which weve not been able to come to restaurants we know been able to come to bars you know been able to come to pubs for an englishman not to be able to go to a pub is a very bad thing so i think people are allowed to let their head and just a little but we want them to do that in a responsible way essentially this is a big experiments that carries with it a big risk if this does result in new flare ups of covert 19 the government is hoping that theyll be localized and could be dealt with with localized restrictions returning to another full national not downwards finish off even more businesses than are expected to go under anyway. Even if this reopening goes well for business and safety tough times are coming during the lockdown period weve seen many trusted brands such as college as cafe rouge suddenly fall into administration sad fact is i think were going to see a lot more of this lockdown has simply accelerated the decline of a lot of businesses as of today i think there is maybe 250 branded restaurants which will not reopen and that number is only going to get bigger. This may have some appearances of normal life but its still far from the real thing. Well we can now speak to rory whos back in soho for us or it didnt play him as a really party vibe over there last night especially in those bars and pubs did people manage to socially distance after a few pints. I think thats the very simple answer to that question from what i could see being out in soho yesterday. The mix of young people being out after several months of being pretty much locked indoors alcohol into the mix a sense of. Jubilation that Party Atmosphere no there was very little social distancing going on very few mosques being warned who were going to have to really see what happens next is obviously a big worry the. Kind of Party Atmosphere might lead to fresh outbreaks of covert 19 in the u. K. In in england as other parts of the u. K. Are still kind of working out their own exit from from lock down the government is saying that this went pretty well that by and large people behave responsibly thats not a view thats been shared by people in the police force the head of the Police Federation said that look you know clearly drunk people either cannot or will not socially distance and the impact that this might have some way down the road is obvious we could get fresh outbreaks and that could lead to fresh lock downs be it national or perhaps more more localized ones i mean obviously people were having a good time im very glad to be out in the atmosphere today is a mellow one you can see behind me out the sort of cafe streets atmosphere that you could that people out there Drinking Coffee and having their lunch but yeah if normal life resumes in the sense that we saw it last night you know partying and whatnot then yeah it could have a serious impact to the health of the United Kingdom. For us on the streets of london thank you very much for that. In the u. K. As elsewhere the search is on for effective treatments to combat the corona virus and in reading scientists have turned to a herd of llamas to provide very small antibodies which they believe could neutralize the virus john howell has more. What does a herd of lamas have to do with covert 19 its not the start of a joke but it could be the route to a cure bonnie jones looks after the animals welfare have suddenly we have toddy we have sports. We have alfie. The one sitting down. And meet the star of this particular show fifi is the 1st in on the universitys film that weve used in research. And other. Species such as camels and our packers produce specialized small antibodies different to what you and i produce so what we do is we introduce a dead or small. Protein into the llamas and they produce a natural body response so their small antibodies that bind on to the proteins that we introduce these pictures from a similar trial with alpacas in germany showed nobodys binding with the corona virus protein spike the virus is kind of a round virus thats got lots of spikes on it and these spikes we think are the things that latch onto our cells and infect us so the idea is maybe if we produce a nano body that combined onto those spikes or lots of those spikes we can prevent the virus from attaching to our cells and in that way prevent infections so the fight against the corona virus has come to this could have llamas in an English Field its not as unlikely as you might think the 1st llama derived drug was produced last year for the treatment of a rear blood disease and thats triggered real optimism about similar treatments for a range of cancers for alzheimers and dementia and also now course for covert 90 the daily pace of lama life is slow and so to the pace of Scientific Research but already there are promising results with the possibility of human trials in a year using lama nobodys to neutralize the corona virus journal aljazeera reading. Now iran has announced 163 new death thats the countrys highest official one day death toll since the outbreak began back in february the government is now reimposing lockdown measures but theres also concern that people are failing to follow the rules that are already in place where we can now speech our correspondent said bag who joins us live from tehran as and with the death toll clearly climbing how is the Health System there holding up. Well the government is under increased rain because thats because the figures of that have gone up not only those dying from the virus those being infected so the new cases in the last 24 hours was around 2500 thats similar to the numbers that were seeing during the peak back in march now the death toll is 163 in just in one day before that the highest death tolls was 162 and a few weeks before that i was standing here talking about how the figures for the 1st time in 2 months had gone over 100 now there is increased concern from the government these figures are alarming for them to put that in perspective one person in the road gets infected by corona virus every 33 seconds and one person dies from the virus every 30 minutes goodness as a talk us through some of the measures that were now seeing reimposed and how the government plans to enforce all of this especially as theyre saying that people even following the existing rules. Absolutely so the government has given some provinces the ability to impose on lockdown measures so 9 of those provinces have done the lockdown for about a week some businesses that require the gassing of people have been closed and Government Employees have been reduced but also the government has announced that wearing face masks in enclosed areas that requires gatherings of people is now mandatory but the problem is as you said the people following their audit hearing to these new regulations has reduced so at the peak of the virus it was around 80 percent that struck down to 20 percent and that the iran mess is those wearing the face mask on the metro is around 50 percent and its been mandatory to wear face mask on the metro for a while and now the government has been running a campaign on state t. V. Saying that chroma virus is no joke and that people should be taking it seriously theyve been having billboards around the city saying. A face mask but the problem is that theres no punishment for not wearing one and thats where the problem lies this virus has been going on for a while now and the government maintains that this the increase in numbers that were seeing isnt a 2nd wave its just a virus passing through the country but they are reluctant to impose a nationwide lockdown thats because the economy has been struggling going into this crisis inflation is around 41 percent unemployment is high and the iranian real has lost value against the dollar and those are the countries suffering under u. S. Sanctions or the very reluctant to impose a wide a nationwide lockdown but the numbers are increasing and the government is concerned. There for us in the iranian capital tehran thank you for that. Now protesters in iraq have rallied outside the green zone over a cartoon that was published in a Saudi Arabian newspaper demonstrators in baghdad was stopped from manchin to the fatty embassy before the crowd was broken up by security with water cannon theyre angry about a cartoon of shia cleric grand ayatollah sistani which they say is offensive only earlier on sunday 2 rockets landed near the green zone in baghdad injuring a child Security Forces also reportedly managed to foil another attack lets get more now from our correspondents mona fulton who joins us from the capital simona yet more rockets allegedly being fired at the green zone what do we know about these attacks and just trees behind them. Well this is just the latest in a recent spate of rocket attacks and at the green zone and other facilities where u. S. Soldiers are stationed and it comes just a day after the United States embassy here in book that tested a recently installed Defense System to ward off rockets artillery and mortars which are regularly directed at its institutions now what is not clear exactly who is responsible for displayed attack there is one group that has claimed responsibility its called the league of revolutionaries although many doubt whether to scroope really exists or whether it is just a front for other factions that are better known such as as ball of course lets remember that is the group that the u. S. U. S. Has repeatedly accused for launching such attacks against the establishment and it is also the group that was targeted in a raid on june 25th which was the boldest move yet by the Iraqi Government to try to rein in groups that operate outside of the law. Were about to get a rare glimpse into the most secretive armed group under Iraqs Popular Mobilization forces brigade 45 better known as. This is the 1st time journalists have been allowed into one of its military bases. Is nominally incorporated into Iraq Security apparatus but has been accused of acting outside the formal chain of command aljazeera gained exclusive access to dislocation in southern baghdad after it was raided by iraqs Counterterrorism Forces the Iraqi Government says it had been tipped off that a rocket was about to be launched from dismissal of it towards the green zone where u. S. And other Diplomatic Missions are based 14 people were arrested and several weapons seized but the group says the raid was illegal carried out without an arrest warrant. On which they have evidence for the so they can show it to the people but here there are no missiles and launching pads the spices bring you since 25 doing. It from Baghdad Operations command this base is used for Logistical Support this was once a farm that belonged to saddam husseins government after 2003 it was taken over by al qaida and bombed during the sectarian conflict during our visit we didnt see flags or signs marking it as an official facility belonging to the Popular Mobilization forces and none of the soldiers were insignia or as it was. The pm if is being targeted so we didnt keep the flags because the Surveillance Drones are always flying around here. Our visit was tightly controlled free fighters were allowed to speak on camera under the condition they hide their faces and withhold their names they admit that theyre not just part of the Popular Mobilization forces but also the socalled Islamic Resistance which fought u. S. Troops in the wake of the 2003 invasion they still regard americas presence in. In iraq today as an occupation and aggressive up in the near we are both at the same time the resistance and the Popular Mobilization forces the resistance was formed before the Popular Mobilization forces it for the occupiers after 2003 and expelled them in 2011 to this day the resistance groups are standing against occupation. The u. S. Has previously bombed the type hizbullah positions in iraq and has pressured the Iraqi Government to take action the raid on this base was an unprecedented move by the Iraqi Government against groups that the u. S. Has accused of targeting its forces Prime Minister most of them he has promised to restrict weapons in the hands of the state but the backlash against this operation shows just how difficult it is to deliver on those promises. The night of the raid a convoy of pickup trucks with heavily armed men breached a fortified green zone to demand the release of the 14 people detained hours earlier but the government yielded handing them over to the Popular Mobilisation forces which acquitted them days later type hezbollah released images showing its fighters as they stepped on the Prime Ministers picture and burned the american and israeli flags their interviews were broadcast on. Own channel it was all to deliver a stern message to iraqs Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has totally failed and he has to understand if the reliance on the americans rather than the iraqi people he will fail and if he continues this way he will shows cards as an agent of the americans and that he serves the americans more than his homeland a Government Spokesperson says one of the 14 detainees remains in custody but has not provided details of the governments substitute response has left many questions on answered and has raised doubts on whether the Prime Minister is able to confront powerful groups like. Now among the questions that remain unanswered is whether or not this arrest warrant was present at the time of the raid who exactly this person is that the government claims remains in custody and the government has been very careful in not commenting too much in public perhaps in an effort to deescalate the situation and to not alienate hezbollah further but since that raid we have seen additional steps being taken by mr me among them he has replaced fayyad who is the head of the Popular Mobilization forces but also held until now important positions as the National Security adviser as well as the head of the National Security service he replaced him with other officials in what appears to be an effort to curb the influence of the Popular Mobilization forces which some say are linked to iran in formal state institutions what remains to be seen whether the Prime Minister will once again order a similar raise in operations on groups like the type if these rocket attacks continue to manifolds and there our correspondent with that exclusive report from baghdad thank you very much. Well lets now speak to a shaker hes an independent politician and an economist and he joins us now on skype from baghdad mustnt thank you for joining us today i want to start with these rocket attacks that weve been seeing just how sure can we be of who is behind them. Well obviously nobodys 100 percent sure where theyre coming from but one thing we know is that as the law has been implicated in such attacks on the u. S. Embassy or the bag that europe or or the military bases the combined military bases of iraqi and u. S. Soldier its what happened with that raid is there its a lot of unknowns was the arrow arrest warrant whose name was on their arrest warrant the big rumor that we as the iraqis living here in baghdad are hearing is that there are iranian elements within it that has a lot who are members obviously of our Republican Guards yes and in iran so the question is are those high ticket items or the high level of the officers that they arrested were they actually iranians are they iraqis so there is another very very strong rumor that the iranian elements that were arrested are no longer in iraq they have been the transported to American Military bases outside iraq i cant confirm that but thats been there are many many different sources well as our correspondents and i know a saying there as well. Hezbollah have a strained relationship i see theyve been accusing him of complicity in the selling in the killing of cousins out of money the iranian general and i see me has now removed the head of the popular most of my bill is ation units which includes qatar has got as the head of the National Security agency i mean this is all complex but is this essentially could be me trying to clean house here. Well in the hes is hes inching its way through cleaning the house and there are other methods he can go but in iraq isnt such a fragile situation if he takes one who long you know everything falls apart again there we have a major problem between the distinguishing between the pm there and the militias p m f theres a good guys and the militias are the bad guys thats what we call it in iraq but there are no rules like that that has a lot who are in the gray zone there after you know some of them are militias and some of them are with the pm so really they have to go down to one every single optus or every single soldier and identify ari are they on the payroll of the government or are they on the payroll of iraq or all those big so we have to identify all the way down as you know iraq has up to 900000 employees these are of police with names only to see if salaries of these people do not exist and this 100000 part of them are in the pm have part of them are on the pitch market for the iraqi army or for other ministries of the government so we dont know suspect a method of that transporting dollars outside iraq you know 900000 that huge number obviously the Prime Minister has another problem besides what happened look as a lot but turkish army has in 3 months or 3 been inside iraq and him the Prime Minister as the commander in chief cannot who are there are the peshmerga who are still benchmark as part of the Iraqi Armed Forces he can order them to fight the turks so you know we have to rein in the government turkish involvement us more 3 bases. At sea though nobody wants to be in the shoes of a white mist or. A very delicate balancing act and as an independent politician speaking to us from baghdad great to have your insights here on out of there thank you for joining us. Thank you. Now at least 34. 00 people have been killed during flooding and mudslides in southern japan nearly half of the victims were in Nursing Homes the areas of komodo and amount you sure island have been hardest hit Japans Meteorological Agency says the region has never seen so much rain the military has been sent in to help with rescue and Recovery Efforts well our correspondent is in chiba thats about 40 kilometers from japans capital tokyo he says the situation isnt likely to get any better for at least 2 days. Then the true Political Agency has just say that so they are expecting almost the same amount of rainfall during the next 48 hours so many people know a lot of freight of this heavy rain and its effects on not only their skill but ations but also their condition in general their miscue workers have been working overnights over 10000 personnel from Self Defense Forces have been also dispatched to the area to work there and theyre racing time trying to evacuate as many people as they can especially and the only people who. Are famous for their. Ruler for their High Percentage of when they only there isnt sand you can imagine how difficult it is to evacuate so children the people from there. Until now back to ation prices have been taking place by using boats and sometimes any copters but even they cannot make even the makeshift any parts for me because of the flooding is there and im through as a collision she has issued an evacuation warning for over 200000 people and many people. Have headed to the shelters there over 190 shelters have been all bent for the people and as we saw on the local media foot issues here many people are reluctant to go back to their homes as the heavy rain is expected during the next 2 days. This is a good time to get an update on the weather and jenny is here to tell us more of what japan can expect yes well as it has been hearing yes they are they do you know very well theres more rain on the way but let me show them what is coming this is a satellite dishes you can tie a region this long sway the cloud this is the my you buy you from this is seasonal rains we talk about it is pretty much a stationary front and that is why we have seen so much heavy rain so heavy and persistent over the last few days and it will stay that way as well is a close up because this is key issue here and if you see well you can barely see it through the cloud and put the rain on the full cost of monday you can see exactly why there are such huge concerns because the next couple of days we are going to see some torrential downpours and very persistent torrential downpours this huge area of blue and yellow is where the rain will be heaviest but also pushing youll notice into western and central areas of honshu so we could well see some fairly widespread and potentially serious flooding here as well but as we go through choose say it really just sits across q shoes so by the time the next couple days on done we could see more than 400 millimeters in parts of key issues that will not help at all of course with the flooding situation nor indeed with the threat of mudslides and landslides theres a fun training back into central areas of china it is going to stay there as well for the next couple of days and this is why again we could have more flooding rains into Central China we could have as much as 400 millimeters of rain here and then just to finish up because we also need to just keep a very close eye on Western Areas of india look at this massive yellow through monday and tuesday the next states potentially hinestroza is good jurat they could see over half a meter of rain in the next couple of enormously enormously and thank you very much jenny while still ahead for you on out of there. Im robot bride in busan south korea thats decided its now safe again to go back to the beach and say to get festive. Springing into action and tina gives it a limpet high profits the go ahead to train. And baseball is not for the faint hearted as peace will be here to explain just what happened at best Training Session and enforced out. The air. In a 2 part series. Of his evil observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that shake lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean continues with good morning go see ya on aljazeera. Yaps oldest muslim undertakers working here is a 7 days a week job thats grown with a community my father purchase a black ambulance man started to do the funerals in london and their families we saw stopping father and daughter and became Business Partners the stories we dont often hear told by the people who the gift is for the level of. East and undertakers this is europe on aljazeera. To the end. Hello again im a star and thats remind you of our top stories this hour several densely populated apartment buildings in the astray and city of melbourne have been pushed into stretch lockdown after a rise and in 1000 cases thousands of people will be forced to stay at home there for at least 5 days. In iran the government is reimposing lockdown measures after a bike and the number of cases there more than 160 people have died just in the last 24 hours theres concern that people are failing to follow the rules that are in place. And flooding and landslides have killed more than 30 people in southern japan almost half of the victims and Nursing Homes meteorologists are predicting even more heavy downpours over the next 48 hours. Now despite appeals by medical Health Experts to avoid large gatherings u. S. President donald trump will host an event at the white house to mark independence day. Has that story. Vintage warplanes filled the skies over the National Mall in washington d. C. Bombers and fighters from every war the u. S. Has been in since the 1940 s. The 1st time the President Trump who avoided service in vietnam by claiming medical draft deferments for. Presided over the spectacle at the white house. Despite pleas from public Health Experts and the mayor of washington d. C. Over the risks of people getting cold it 19 a crowd gathered many ignoring social distancing. Thanks to the. Courage of those patriots on july 4th 1776 the American Republic stands today as the greatest most exceptional. And most virtuous nation in the history of the world trump praised american exceptionalism and the u. S. Military attacked the media and china and praised his own performance in the fight against covert 19 appealing to his base trump invoked images of rampaging radicals intent on destroying the nations heritage we are now in the process of. Defeating the radical left the marxists the n. R. Kids the agitators the looters and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing. Around the country people protested peacefully against Racial Injustice and police brutality. In pittsburgh protesters and Trump Supporters chanted rival slogans injured at one another. In washington black lives matter protesters marched for the 6th weekend in a row following the killing of george floyd by police in minneapolis we as a community especially in in our capital city of the of our country need to come together and protest unjust killings and get these murders to justice i just did what could be more american than protesting our president today you know. Not really helping. An enormous fireworks display capped off the extravaganza in washington the glitter in the east were perhaps a momentary distraction at least for some as tens of thousands of new cases of color but 19 were confirmed. Robin olds aljazeera. Well south korea is going ahead with its annual opening of its beaches for the summer but this time with special arrangements in place because of the pandemic of the bride reports from the 2nd city a person which is also a favorite tourist destination. The beaches of blue sun or officially open and people love flocking to the South Koreans are among the worlds top spenders all overseas travel but most of this summer are looking to vacation a lot closer to home and still following strict rules to prevent the spread of covert 19 beach umbrellas are individually numbered so people hiring them can be traced in case they were close to someone found later to be infected but the leaf family this summer break is a new experience. We often go abroad in summer but we cant do that this time so we decided on booth. Theyve also decided to come earlier than normal a majority of people in south korea take their summer vacations in a narrow window from late july into early august but companies are now being encouraged to spread holidays out to avoid overcrowding in the most popular tourist destinations. And relies heavily on its Summer Season and local people are compensating for the lack of International Visitors especially from neighboring china and japan. With only a handful of new cases of infections being reported to sound can also host festivals again. At the opening of this annual food and film event. Frontline medical staff are honored for making it possible. The theme this year food as a source of healing you know your. Cultural life has suffered in this pandemic if we dont revitalize it the people will face more alienation and depression we want to heal our audiences through culture. Life is still far from normal but many here see this further careful reopening as a reward for south koreas steady progress against the virus. Bride aljazeera and south korea. Well voting is underway in croatia as parliamentary elections people there are choosing a new government during a recession thats been triggered by the coronavirus pandemic now the governing. Party only has a slight lead against its main rival the social Democratic Party and that could force the Prime Minister into an alliance with a far right nationalist bloc voices theyre being advised to wear masks tanya novak is live in the croatian capital zagreb for us tanya the pandemic im croatia really did appears to be under control for a while now we see cases clearly on the rise given the situation all people actually coming out to vote today. Well the president make doesnt seem to affect the turnout of this election the the Morning Hours it was 18 percent a little bit over 18 percent exactly like it was 4 years ago at the last parliamentary elections so the whole turnout is definitely not due to pandemic. But these are the definitely one of the most demanding elections to be organized over 3000000 and 800000 people have the right to vote and they are voting with all the precautions taken using masks gloves having their own pencils at the polling stations creation was quite successful in fighting the 1st wave of pandemic it went into lockdown in march and april and did manage to minimize the spread of the virus but that was one of the reasons why the current government of the is that and the Prime Minister on the plank of its decided to organize these elections a little bit earlier than they were supposed to be they were supposed to be held in the autumn hoping to have a virus free summer and hoping to do everything they can before the possible 2nd wave of the coronavirus pandemic later in the year and also probably hoping to gain some favors due to the Good Management of the covered crisis earlier this year. For us in the croatian capital zagreb thank you very much for that update tanya. Now as the u. S. Election approaches a new dynamic is playing out there President Donald Trump is now not just fending off attacks by members of the opposing party but also from his own some prominent republicans have made it stated publicly that they will vote for former President Joe Biden and are working to help get him elected how to callahan has that story. There is morning in america this viral ad to put a new group called the Lincoln Project on the political map not because it has been viewed almost 3000000 times under the leadership of donald trump our countrys weak and sicker. This was an attack from members of the president s own party and he responded by attacking them well after midnight on twitter their reaction. Republican operative rick wilson is one of the founders of the group he says the ad did exactly what they wanted every day donald trump is distracted every day dont i was running around like a crazy person doing the things that he does what a tweet gets in his head or read it says this campaign is not focusing on beating joe biden every day hes thinking about us hes i think about him with surprising speed the group turns around ads meant to get inside the president s head somethings wrong with donald trump he shake. Speaking. Hitting him on issues that hes made clear bother him like crowd size turnout in tulsa. His physical health weve seen that youre shaking. Cant keep your palms up and its getting worse and his handling of the coronavirus i dont think he was. But the group is also airing ads praising former vice President Joe Biden and Democratic Senate candidates will also attacking republican senators up for reelection richmond has a nice ring thats drawing criticism from other republicans but theyre doing it not only opposed to reelection. To flip the senate to democratic majority control to say that you have to you know give the democrats control of the senate because you oppose trump that makes no sense thank you but wilson says its a kind of insurance policy you know we dont want to have a situation where donald trump if he does win a 2nd term has an easy route to continue to do things that this nationalist populist wear that we think is a danger to the country and more republicans are joining his cause hundreds of alumni from the George Bush Administration have formed a group to try to help biden get elected. To trim Campaign Says its further proof the establishment is working against them this is highly unusual members of a Political Party turning against its old leader openly and in public. Imagine how big the crowds will be when hes gone actively raising and spending money to see him defeated and their own Political Party completely out of power. Aljazeera. Airstrikes have targeted a libyan air base that was recaptured back in may by the u. N. Recognized government with the backing of texas forces the attack by unknown aircraft on the Strategic Air base happened overnight the loss of the base was among a string of recent defeats for world before hafta pushing them out of large parts of western libya while our correspondent mark went up to what he joins me now from tripoli my going out is such a significant base what more do we know about these asteroids and just who is behind. Well. As you know the military have been using this air base to help the Government Forces recapturing civil is to look asians from half to his forces in western libya now to military sources deny that any casualties or military facilities have been hit or damage it by the airstrikes but meanwhile News Agencies have been reporting according to eyewitnesses in western libya that they heard heavy explosions overnight in the vicinity of. A base as you know this is a Strategic Air bases about 145 kilometers west of the capital tripoli 27 kilometers from the tunisian border its very strategic very well fortified and it has has been very well equipped specially by Turkish Military and as you know that to military took part in the capturing that is from his forces in may now this could be a kind of message according to many people in the west of libya that have those forces are trying to send a message that they can still. Get Government Forces or Turkish Military position in western libya just as you know whatever was headed there for us on the ground in tripoli thank you very much matters now algeria has marked the 50th anniversary of its independence from france with the burial of 24 existence fighters who were killed during colonization in the skulls of the men were returned to the capital algiers on friday theyd been treated by French Colonial officers as war trophies and kept in a museum in paris their final resting place now is among other notable algerians in the alley a cemetery. Now in hong kong online records appear to suggest that books written by prominent prodemocracy authors have disappeared from Public Libraries it follows the introduction of a controversial security law imposed by china that drew protests last week Rights Groups fear the law will give authorities greater power to arrest and imprison anyone who expresses dissent against beijing a heatwave in a region thats usually famous for cold weather has started fires across a 3000000 hectares of land in a remote part of siberia planes are being used to tackle the wildfires now lightning strikes are thought to be the main cause but the region is also experiencing a severe heatwave on june the 20th the town of requirements recorded a temperature of 38. 00 degrees celsius setting a record for the Arctic Circle and a heavy monsoon rains have lashed parts of western india including the Financial Capital mumbai the downpours lead to waterlogged streets and cause traffic jams so you can see people waiting through ankle deep water that is police have advise people not to leave their homes and the Indian Weather Office has also issued warnings for people to stay away from the coast. Now argentinas government has given next years olympic athletes special permission to train at the same time though its reimpose tight restrictions are outdoor exercise for everyone else as a measure to control the private 19 pandemic that youre trying to reports from one of their. Martina is delighted to be training again. Like all of argentinas limping athletes she was confined to weeks of working at home to cope with 19 restrictions the 18 year old gymnasts now has to refocus after the tokyo games were delayed until 2021. I mean differ on the. Psychologically it was hard for me because theres so much anxiety about competing in the olympics everything had been planned for this year but after talking to my psychologist and my trainer i refocused. The marathon runners cant really train a home he needed to pound the roads and mountain tracks in the Southern Province of 2 boards to try to better the 2 hour 11 minutes a limpid qualifying time he clocked last year was a single. Goal but a month in an often known just training once a day to keep in shape but Nothing Specific because we dont know if were going to the World Championships in october or some of the race in december for now its just good to be doing something for hockey in not running is not an option its how he earns his living the prize money paying to build a house for him and his family to run or not to run to train but where to train the tight restrictions in place especially here in one of cyrus have provoked a debate about the freedoms fundamental to any democracy. Last month your thought is lifted the restrictions on outdoor exercise allowing runners and cyclists out at night on the 1st day thousands came out onto the streets prompting the government to reimpose the restrictions for everyone other than the olympic athletes. Monosyllable members of his running club wont be allowed out. He says hell respect the government directives but reluctantly and with concerns but i know. I dont agree with the restrictions because they dont do anything to help individual health stuck inside all day no fresh air thats not good for your health physically or mentally. Thats why the elite athletes are allowed to train again but why the Authorities Say ordinary joggers although they dont like it must stay indoors to help keep 1000 infection rates low and beat the pandemic. When osiris. As their formula one drivers protest racism but not all of them are comfortable taking a name thats coming up with peter and. John the president s son Donald Trump Jr was promised damaging information about Hillary Clintons allegation to see an investigation sit down troops did the Trump Campaign with russia did you at any time of the large former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form get closer to backing down the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you will know. Next question battlefield washington on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks this crowd of hundreds of people didnt come with invitations they came to pay their respects to george ford with details coverage the government needs to balance the needs of the economy with the trace of the virus returning. From around the world organized crime is now beginning to try to play the role of like giving away food to win over the loyalty of people in desperate. It is now time has gotten his piece at thank you know its been more than 200 days before the one season is back underway in austria following a delay because of the coronavirus well terry botha leads off to starting on pole ahead of the race the 20 drivers took a moment to address social justice they gathered for the traditional grid photo wearing end racism t. Shirts it was hamilton whos been a vocal supporter of the black lives Matter Campaign took in me alongside the majority of the drivers and some of the team mechanics. But as you saw the 6 drivers chose to stand instead among them were red bulls max for stepan and ferraris Charlotte Clare clare tweeted before the race to explain his decision he said i believe that what matters are facts and behaviors in our daily life rather than formal gestures that could be seen as controversial in some countries i will not take the knee but this does not mean at all that i am less committed than others in the fight against racism for stepan echoed those words i am very committed to equality and the fight against racism but i believe everyone has the right to express themselves at a time and in a way that suits them i will not take the need today but respect and support the personal choices every driver makes. The football and spanish Legal Leaders rail madrid are in action right now way from home against that they say the bill bell they currently want to head thanks to a penalty from sergio ramos just a few minutes remaining in that one but if it stays that way radio will go 7 points clear of fierce rivals barcelona as for boss or will they play if he had a l in the late game away from home or in 1st spot and only 3 points behind severe in the race to qualify for the Champions League next season since the restart after a 3 month coronavirus suspension barcelona have 3 wins and 3 draws and have surrendered the top spot to real madrid as has increased the pressure on coach k. K. City and going to respect. Regarding my future at the club im not spinning even one minute thinking about it im only focused on my responsibilities and on sundays game which is a very important one we need to maintain the same level of commitment we had in the previous match but it is also true that we need to be more precise and avoid the same mistakes which will help us win. Theres no stopping the byron munich steam train in germany after clinching the seasons bundesliga title theyve now out of the german cup to complete yet another domestic double to be by leverkusen in the final on saturday to win the trophy for a record extending 20th time 3 weeks ago by and wrapped up their 8th Straight League title and they still have a chance to win the european Champions League win back comes back you know just. Over in italy you venters extended their lead in with a comfortable win and they w. Match against torino 42 year old you a goalkeeper before an 8648. 00 League Appearance that breaks the all time record set by Paolo Maldini at melanne it was also a record breaking off for christie on a renault that he scored a trademark free kick which believe it or not was his 1st infantry 10th also becomes the 1st event of player to school 25. 00 league goals in a season since 9961. 00 youve easily winning this match for one to move 7 points clear of a lot c. E. O. At the top of the table one of us former players the latter anybody him of age that is ultima favre on saturday the swede helped a similar defeat 2nd place for you know. 7 points beyond event as a result of the defeat at abraham of it he needed a penalty to help move millen to 6th in the standings and in position to qualify for next seasons you rope and. Former brazil and real madrid coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo says hes tested positive for corona virus the 68 year old now coaches Brazilian Club made us and has won the Brazilian Championship 5 times he says hes quarantining at home Major League Baseball teams are in Training Camp ahead of the start of a season in less than 3 weeks but it was a painful day for one man in particular. This is new york yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka he probably wasnt expecting this. And hit on the head was enough to send the japanese to hospital for evaluation and testing thankfully he is ok and was released later the same day yeah i mean thats stops in your tracks and you hope for the best and when i went out to the mound you know you know at least in the immediate felt somewhat good about it because he was alert and very aware of. It was doing ok so there was a little relief there but you always worry about the next minutes and hours and whatever so the fact that were getting good news is a good. Horse racings epsom derby usually attracts 100000 spectators to the course but the 241st running of the race had an eerie atmosphere instated fans have been shut out because of the coronavirus pandemic but those who watched on t. V. Would have witnessed a spectacular victory for a super in time who opened up a huge lead on the favorites and just kept going the wind was a record 8th in this race for trainer aiden obrien. Thats where well leave it for now ill be back again a little bit later with other sports news updates for the starter thanks so much pisa well dont forget you can always find a much more on our web site the address for that aljazeera dot com with all the latest updates on the pandemic well thats it for me for this news hour but ill be back in just a moment with more news stay with us. These men are survivors of a covert 9046 year old is a limousine driver is the only one here who needed to go to hospital when he became bill in early march with. Border will be combatants or do you know them so deep it is a 34 year old driver kotori family and he tested positive for my body is good it will be small but will you all be Health Officials say the rate of new infections has slowed the goal here is to conduct a broad serving to better understand transmission and asymptomatic cases which in turn could help policy decisions in the future so it would be easy for us to inform the Decision Making on what to do next the goal now is to increase testing and contact tracing. The government provides retesting a medical treatment for those who need it while campaigns to raise awareness continue. Rewarding to continue. A care bring your people back to life im sorry with updates on the best of all jews use documentary. The struggle continues book from to know these districts revisiting the suv of friends were going back to a poor South African neighborhood where music and tradition come together in an annual competition for people who would know your reward. Not. Is resistance. In akra people are grabbing social and political issues. And time to sing creativity courage and protest to challenge and change ideas. Garneau controversial witness documentary on aljazeera. New coronavirus cases discovered in melbourne as thousands of Public Housing residents are ordered to stay home. Hello again im the thought of your pay this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a new single day record for corona virus deaths in iraq has the country struggles to contain the spread. More than 30 people have been killed in southwestern japan during flooding and landslides there. And out of there again exclusive access to

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