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Allow his Opposition Leader pledges to fight for. Sworn in as president after an historic election victory. And president microns party faces a drubbing but its a good night for the greens after local elections in france. I only went into the sports news is Manchester City remain on track to defend the f. A. Cup after a comfortable when i was a new console into the semifinals where theyll play and itll be mine just you know its a bit chancy and the other day. It began as an unknown virus among a few dozen patients in china at the end of last year now 6 months later the coronavirus pandemic is fast approaching another tragic milestone almost half a 1000000 people are known to have died and the virus is still spreading across the planet more than 10000000. 00 people are now confirmed to have been infected thats a 900 percent increase in less than 3 months a quarter of all those infections and. And deaths are in the United States by far the worst hit country with a birth 2 and a half 1000000 cases and the 125000 fatalities but the true toll is likely to be much higher a recent survey by the u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention found the many more americans had antibodies for the virus suggesting the real case count maybe up to 10 times higher than reported well covered 1000 cases in the u. S. Of increased by more than 40000 in the last 3 days florida alone has seen 8500 cases of the virus in the past 24 hours prompting 2 counties to announce their beaches will be closed over the 4th of july weekend which is one of americas biggest holidays meanwhile georgia and there was 0 and i have joined florida in that recording their largest they really increase of infections. U. S. Vice president mike pence is canceled Campaign Events in arizona and florida this week due to those spikes in coronavirus cases there he still due to visit both states to meet their republican governors but 1st he traveled to texas where he spoke at a Baptist Church and met the states governor in the city of dallas greg abbott warned that the outbreak in texas has entered a dangerous phase. But we need to understand that kobe 19 has taken a very swift and very dangerous turn in texas over just the past few weeks over just the past few weeks the daily number of cases have gone from an average of 2000 to more than 5000 per day while u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says mandating the use of face masks is long over due shes called the president trying to set an example by wearing one himself. The centers for Disease Control has recommended the use of mass but not the demand required it because they dont want to send the president and their president should be example you know real men wear a mask be be an example to the country where the mask. Its not about protecting yourself its about protecting others lets go live to gabrielle is under who joins us from new york and new york was of course the epicenter when the crisis 1st hit the u. S. Now it seems obviously to be spreading elsewhere give us an overview of the virus situation in the u. S. Right now. You know its really bad in the South Southwest and the west where we are seeing an explosion of cases of corona virus in a multiple states some of you have mentioned lets just go through the list here quickly the state of nevada in the southwest 821 new coronavirus cases on sunday that saw almost 2 Straight Days of numbers like that in the state of arizona 3858 thats a new record for the amount of cases that but the in portraying part there is 7 of the last 10 days in the state of arizona they have had more than 3000 cases florida as you mentioned over 8000 500. 00 cases but in florida the hospitals have reach 75 percent capacity as they mention theyre closing a lot of beaches there and in texas as well seeing huge spike in cases there and of course california we just got word in just the last hour or so that the governor of california has ordered bars in 7 different counties closed immediately because of the spread of coronavirus to try to curtail it one of the counties is Los Angeles County home to 10500000 people so as you can see this spread of viruses surging in many states in the u. S. And now governors are starting to pull back on the opening of the economy and requoting parts of the economy again absolutely and theres also growing pressure on president trying to make masks mandatory which of course they are in certain situations in many other parts of the world what impact do you think thats going to have on the president. Well hes given no indication that hes plans to do that he himself has rarely if ever seen in a mask and this goes against what the c. D. C. The centers for disease and controls and Top Health Officials in the United States say masks are the best way to control the virus and the easiest way to control the spread the virus however the weve got no direction from the white house on any sort of National Policy mandating masks the white house is saying theyre leaving it up to individual states and even in states where were seeing a surge in chrono virus cases for example in texas the republican governor there greg abbott has not given a mandatory face mask order in that state yet even so as one governor said. The message out of washington where guarding masks is quite frankly just very confusing and its led to even more confusing confusion and a lot of critics saying now its part of the reason why a virus cases are skyrocketing in several several states in the us deborah their lives on the with the latest there from new york on the situation in the United States give me a fank you well were now joined from geneva by dr Margaret Harris who is a spokesperson for the World Health Organization dr harris thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera so we were just hearing our correspondent there outline what the situation is like in the u. S. Right now how worried are you about the situation there. Good evening yes were certainly concerned about the situation there but also in around the world weve got brazil reporting very large numbers of cases also india reported a very you know more than 100000 cases in the last 7 days where single ranks in the Eastern Mediterranean in the gulf states and were also seeing an acceleration in some african countries so we concerned about the regs in all all around the world because in some parts of the world you could almost have the sense that the situation is either under control or over but 6 months on the where would you say that we are when it comes to the Global Pandemic. So where we are is we have a very very big Global Pandemic and we have transmission in all parts of the world so yes some parts of the world that have been to bring down the transmission but this is a country thats free or safe of this virus i mean some countries of some small Pacific Islands for instance have been over to bring down there the numbers right down but it where if the virus is any way its everywhere and thats really been demonstrated this week when some people came out people especially in the Northern Hemisphere where they were enjoying us so much they sky never forgot that this threat is there and unfortunately its really come back to bite us you have described this as the year of living it differently you have in the past advised against thinking that its over in any country really in the year of living differently of living with it what does that mean. Was it just something its a work in progress for all of us but what it means is its in our hands we have to understand that this fire is loves effect that we love each other it loves it exploiting us being together so yes many of the human activities many of the things we do economically require us spending some time together but we have to really do the social distancing the mention of mosques its a good idea to wear a mosque when your in a crowded space when you come on social distance its essential to keep on watching those hands your best friend should be the Hand Sanitizer and the tap and the sink and unfortunately it sounds like being paranoid but we have to really think about hygiene at all times understand that it spreads through droplets understand that it can infected it can and does infect anyone it comes in contact with so we have to take that seriously and we have to work out how we can live. Fall in a way where when were living with this flu the months maybe years so we have to find a way that balances the Economic Issues the Economic Needs the needs of society with our very survival this is a Global Pandemic but there hasnt really been a coordinated Global Response some of the things that you mentioned like face masks for example are mandatory in some countries and not in others 1st of all how disappointed are you that there hasnt been a sort of cordon native response even within some regional blocks and how crucial is it do you think it is to have one if we are going to defeat or live with this disease for the foreseeable future yes certainly from the very earliest days my director general has emphasized solidarity you know so right now what we need is to be working together now we have seen a lot of coordination i would say the many of the leaders around the world have come together to really get the vaccines and the research into treatments going and to also ensure that when we get those the scenes and weve got 7 or 8 in human trials now but when weve got those that seems to make sure they go where they need it most where theyll make most difference for the entire world so to be a matter of whos got the money itll be when we as humanity need it to happen and we are seeing that level of of global coordination emin lets definitely hope so but i think the who has the money always ends up playing a part in most crises so do you think that there is a risk that once a vaccine is available corona virus will actually still remain an issue in the some of the less wealthy parts of the world that simply either cant compete or cant get enough of the vaccine do you think that that is a realistic possibility and do you fear it. Well certainly just relying on a vaccine a line will not be the only onset because weve got that same preventable diseases and weve got fantastic vaccines like the maze those vaccines yet you still have a large chunk of people who reject those vaccines so it wont be just a matter of who gets it financially it will also be a matter of people understanding that we need to find a way to protect ourselves and so that this virus doesnt do the damage its trying to do and during very effectively right now dr margaret has harris spokesperson for the World Health Organization that madame thank you so much for having joined us thank you. Now brazil is the worlds 2nd war state country with more than 1300000 cases in over 57000 deaths a staggering 246000 infections were recorded in the last 7 days alone in response 1000 crosses have been placed in front of the Brazilian Congress to honor those killed by covert 90 that this play is also a protest against the president jade bull so that has been widely criticized for dismissing the severity of the disease and showing indifference to the rising death toll allison that im katie joins us live now from bogota i mean its a very has a huge visual impact obviously those crosses just a constant reminder that this crisis and arguably for the people who see it that way both scenarios mishandling of it has cost so many lives in brazil tell us more about other ways that the protests are manifesting themselves in brazil. Absolutely barbara that was the 1st serious of demonstrations that have been organized by the opposition inside brazil to the presidency by different groups of brazilians living abroad we have seen a number of demonstrations especially in European Countries from portugal to germany and other countries in latin america for example and she lay where a number of brazilians leave trying to bring more International Attention to a presidency that they see as both irresponsible in their injuries youre responsible in the way that both scenarios been playing down the risk that the coronavirus is brought to brazil and dangerous because many is a political allies including his son who is a senator have repeatedly called or said they are considering the possibility or the need the in brazil for an intervention by the military this because the president. Has been at the center of a number of scandals accusations of corruptions and this of course for the people who are protesting against bolton are is a real threat against the biggest democracy in latin america a country that of course has been under a military ruling for 20 years starting in 1964 so a lot of people fear that again democracy in brazil could be at risk at the same time while is at the center of the damage in this part of the world. In that part of the world of this is not just brazil thats being hit by the coronavirus you speaking to us from colombia youre in bogota and actually the mayor there is looking at putting the city putting the city back under lockdown what was wrong. Yes until now colombia had managed to keep the spread of the virus under control through one of the strictest lock downs anywhere in latin america for practically 2 months and then in the last 2 or 3 weeks the sectors of the economy have been reopening and theres there has been an uptick in cases so now the mayor is saying now that the i. C. U. Units are 70 percent full is calling for a return to a Strict Lockdown to make sure that in 2 weeks the hospital d system will be able to sustain itself because theres a lot of fear that if the numbers continue to rise at the level that weve seen in the past week that it could collapse at least here in the capital with this and that empathy with the latest from bogota listener thank you. Coming up on this news hour from london. Where the success of a trial involving the delivery of medical supplies by drone from the mainland has important implications for isolated communities everywhere. Silence on the slopes south africas Tourism Industry fears for the worst after lockdown and in sports will hear from the football legend who was decided to come out of retirement. But 1st lets go to india which has seen its biggest single day spike yet in covert 1000 cases the Health Ministry confirmed almost 20000 new cases on sunday over half a 1000000 people have now been diagnosed with coronavirus with more than 60060000 thats the surge has prompted authorities and asked some state to impose a curfew as well as a 2 week lockdown in the state capital of south korea has reported another increase in coronavirus cases with a further 62. 00 in the past day while somewhere imported cases 2 thirds were transmitted inside the country most around the capital seoul the country is struggling to suppress a 2nd wave of the disease easing social distancing rules in may. And the english city of leicester could be the 1st in the country to face a localized lockdown a quarter of all its coronavirus cases came in the 1st 2 weeks of this month as numbers dropped in the rest of the country meanwhile in London Police had to break up a number of illegal Mass Gatherings thousands of party goers had to be dispersed over several evenings the home secretary pretty patel called it unacceptable and condemned thousands of liverpool football fans who celebrated their clubs premier league title when earlier in the week. Now getting vaccines to isolated communities will be one of the Biggest Challenges of the coronavirus pandemic the solution needs to be quick and Cost Effective and researchers in the u. K. Think the answer lies in the skies so ill report stuff from the isle of wight on how medical deliveries via drone could change the future. High above the soul and off englands south coast and unmanned drone hurries pathology samples across the water to a hospital on the isle of wight its 4 times faster than a conventional ferry crossing at a fraction of the cost and enormous benefit to remote and island communities and their stuff is delivered either by boat which is really slow or by manned aircraft which is really expensive and so i can see a commercial operation in areas like that where there are poor logistics links where a really cheap platform such as this can reliably deliver things and can fly at night can fly and for can fly in paul whether the ground operated drone system was developed at the university of southampton with the aim of distributing humanitarian aid its been given special permission to fly in britain skies to assist with the governments covert 19 response in fact i like to think of it as a sort of a landrover of the sky a similar sort of needs in that its very robust very tough very easy to repair. A twin engine so its capable of flying on a single engine therefore very reliable the Successful Use of Drone Technology to transport medical supplies from the mainland here to St Marys Hospital on the isle of wight is a breakthrough for island communities everywhere but think of the wider humanitarian possibilities the ability to deliver lifesaving supplies to isolated communities by air efficiently at times of Natural Disaster or war or pandemic. Its easier just to be to reach the places where im not reachable before. And you can evan from london just remotely bail out of iran which is in bangladesh for example i think we really have a tough but dont show charities like Doctors Without Borders already make extensive use of drones for filming and mapping hard to reach areas but the animal of y. Trial with the ability to carry a 100 kilogram payload over a distance of a 1000 kilometers is the most significant advance in autonomous drone flight yet jonah aljazeera on the isle of wight. Malawis Opposition Leader has been sworn in as president and marking an historic result for african politics lazarus chapter are one tuesdays rerun of the president ial election with 58 percent of the vote he vowed to make it a victory for all but us how do with us of reports the new leader faces many challenges. Malawis new leader spent time talking about Good Governance and uniting the nation in his inaugural speech the form up into coastal preacha city no said people didnt want him as the president his swearing in came after months of protests against last years disputed election that left the country its really divided the new president asked malawians to give him a chance to earn their trust with your help. We will restore a new generation of brain. In the possibility of having our government that serve. Not our government our room. A government body aspire. Not a government body europeans. A government but listens not a government but show. A government that fights for you im not against you. That would mean trying to work with his political rivals supporters the former president peter baker whos criticized the president ial run saying malawis if they took a mission known as the any c. Made a mistake these are perhaps the worst elections are held in with history. And we only see means to ensure that it will uphold the principles of quality elections in law or otherwise were certain a very very bad precedent for future elections when most. Jacquier is promising to tackle corruption poverty and create much needed jobs in one of the poorest countries in the world most of the lobbies budget comes from foreign and. The greatest challenge now is how do we set things right how do we reboot malawi and bases across that was huge group promises were made by the politicians now or does up to them to achieve those promises or else pay the price at the next elections. Is the 1st time in africa a Court Ordered election has led to victory for an opposition candidate over the decades the continent has sometimes had a turbulent history with democracy some leaders of state and others for much longer than the mandate are quiet people are closely watching chuck you know whos promising a nice title malawians but can he deliver him a tussle out isnt. Just of chango is president of the Malawi Political Science Association and he joins us via skype from zone but in malawi sir thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera 1st of all how significant do you think the winner of lazarus is and the crucially what do you think his Biggest Challenges ahead are. Well the care of this is a fairly historical moment of formal hours as youll see in the celebrations there is a feeling that the busy lections were in the because of for 12 months my allowance ive been protesting in different forms you know that the elections that we had to in in in im a 2019 was the poor with a westie election live card and they thought they could accept us so this visit feeling that this is in to and to be there for the people celebrating this is their own achievement that after 19. 00 and 2. 00 for fighting for change to democratic system this is another point where the country leader came to start is to because the people there are people thought you know it is need for change but i would argue that its also historical if this is that it is the 1st time not only in my life even in Southern Africa only jordan that we had a courts order to presume to was a junior sort mean was duly. Elected and therefore we need to freshen occasion so its a little historical moment to for months as oppose the sense that previous election in that time until now we have seen and divisions in the loudly way chet check where a is going to have to over to bridge a do you think or how do you think hes going to be able to do that because its something that he obviously was pushing in a speech when he said he is the leader of all the allowance. Yeah you have understand exactly where the country is this countrys see divided politically. Divided along the tribal lines and so thats why i think he was making levis to that i think that you want to be to a difficult task because i think a little also alliance is beneath to give a 9 Political Parties and throughout the campaign the message has been want to do to him our leader to benefit or all of us and that to do with the privileges that are beneath created and in the view of the closer Alliance Partners this is the result of will be outgrowing d. P. P. Government organized itself and the other issue that malawi at will have to deal with like most of the countries in the world as of course the coronavirus which some commentators a set of has kind of taken a backseat while the politics was getting sorted how do you think that will be dealt with by where and how difficult you think its going to be. Well i think its been a difficult. You know experience going through the colon at the same time when people really badly wanted visit lectures. I think this starting point would be sorting out the leadership of or of course of the dust before so that was put into place to to do with the other corner of us being there we are elizabeth sure as our i guess to be the way the president put together a committee that was really in the view of many a villa park design. For being broad based there was also a view of that theres abuse of funds that were meant to to our team to our tool to tool our devices the activities of the. Committee as well as other have their facilities and they have a system so i think this is where. This government to have to start from putting together it doesnt force that is acceptable to all that is a broad based and above all that is informed by experts other than just reporting titians drug or legion ali i try to kind of politicize the process has a president of the Malawi Political Science Association joining us from zumba in malawi sir thank you so much for sharing your views with us thank you welcome thank you. The democratic republic of congos Prime Minister has criticized the president after the Justice Minister was briefly arrested so listening to him the yak ascend there was held for several hours on saturday has been at the center of a disagreement with the president of felix she said katie over proposed judicial reforms Prime Ministers have vester longer and has called on the president to guarantee cabinet members legal protections. More still to come on this news hour including mississippi legislators vote to remove a confederate battle emblem from their flag the last us state to do so. But thats their making india face up to its own Police Brutality problem and in sport still got it one of footballs veteran players rose by 3 years with an eye catching goal in. L. A. There are still plenty of nice will the sunshine across some areas of europe not quite so nice across the northwest a huge mass of cloud here coming from an area of low pressure and spreading showers across much of the northwest you can see head down into Southern Spain thousands of people out enjoying the warm sunny weather on the nose as being very well mainly across into moscow in russia now having set the time which is actually coming back down over the next few days theres been a system go through cloudy skies certainly through monday it should be dry there but you can see weather got more in the way of heavy rain this is across the Central Eastern areas of poland just where we dont need it just vocals weve had very recent flooding in the rain in fact pushing right the way down towards Northern Areas of italy still in the shiny pattern on monday across much of the northwest across the u. K. And some heavy rain on its way into southern areas of the scandinavia so again here the time which is slightly lower than they have been just 17. Grizels lay on choose a knee while for london and paris time which is not fairing to bobby there is a child. Into paris and a bit of the cooler in london and again this is chance of that want to pulsing showers and also those temperatures any paris not to about his shoes at the chance of showers and thunderstorms cools down with the scattered showers and warms up again when he in july at this point me want to book or us the southeast it is warm and sunny. Rewind i cant bring your people back to life im sorry but its on the best of aljazeera documentaries. Continues. To call these distance rewind continues with returnability cant stop shouting when one east approaching 300. 00 species are going extinct every 24 hours and a lot of that is attributed to wildlife trafficking rewind on aljazeera examining the impact of todays headlines i need to go to work because i need to make money risking our lives by going in setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions racially charged social unrest on a scale not seen in the International Filmmakers in world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you to terrorist but you hear the story of your city walk the path. For now just see iraq. Welcome back is a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera more than half a 1000000 people have now died of corona virus around the world over 10000000 people have been infected with the number still rising rapidly across the americas a quarter of those infections are in the United States which is the worlds worst hit country with 2 and a half 1000000 cases there are concerning upticks and the number of infections in southern and western states and the worlds 2nd worst hit country brazil protesters have again been demonstrating against president. Handling of the crisis setting out a 1000 crosses in the capital. All africa and now has more than 3 171000 confirmed infections and almost 4 and a half 1000 deaths more than a 3rd of the continents cases are in south africa where the Health Minister has warned that infections will dramatically rise over the next few weeks but even as the government eases lock down restrictions to revive a battered economy the vital Tourism Sector is still expected to struggle for me the miller visited a winter resort at tiffin though where its feared the season is already lost. More than 2700 meters above sea level this is the highest resort in south africa its also the only ski resort in the country and one of 3 in africa but with no Leisure Travel allowed the covert 19 locked down has brought to fidel and south africas Tourism Industry to a standstill the resort high is about 120 people during the 3 month long ski season with good new talent and repeat cold front coming. Now were not. Trying to. Make sure that we can run a soon. So tonnage really is a ski instructor who also teaches in the resorts Training Program for the underprivileged it too has been canceled now that season the winter season scars due to lockdown its very difficult for me because i dont work around it in council i just sit at home. The resort usually hosts at least one International Ski competition every year but its likely this season will be lost and surrounding Tourist Attractions are also empty this is the cold the fear that this areas had in 7 years conditions are perfect for Winter Sports making it all the more difficult for people here its a big had it not been for coronavirus this resort would have 3500 people pass through during the peak of the Winter Tourism season instead of being on the slopes 17 year old top is spending his free time trying to keep fit earlier this year he competed in the youth limpy games in switzerland he was one of only 2 competitors from africa he had hoped to train during the winter at his home in the eastern cape i feel embarrassed because i really really looking forward to this game this year and trying my best to qualify for the 20202022 Winter Olympics and china. I quite enjoyed but the coroner i came destroyed everything well topples plans have been put on hold the Tourism Industry in south africa waits for word on when it can reopen the government says the bulk of applications for unemployment grants has come from the sector and up to 600000 people in the industry could lose their jobs if its not fully operational by september but for now the ski resort stays empty for me to malaya aljazeera eastern cape. 3 children are among at least 10 People Killed in shootings in chicago over the weekend a one year old boy was killed and his mother was injured after they were shot at while driving home from a launderette a 10 Year Old Girl died after being hit by a stray bullet and the 17 year old was shot dead after an altercation the citys mayor said that shes quote tired of burying children a suspect has been arrested after a man was shot dead in the us city of loose ville during a peaceful protest over the Police Killing of a black woman 27 year old Tyler Charles girths was killed when gunfire erupted during saturdays demonstration in Jefferson Square park protesters had gathered to demand justice for Brianna Taylor who was shot dead in her home by police in march officers raided her home as part of a drugs investigation and no drugs were found. Meanwhile representatives in the u. S. State of mississippi have overwhelmingly voted to remove a confederate emblem from the states flag the proposal passed 91 to 23 and now goes to the state senate the symbol is widely seen as racist and came on the renewed scrutiny after black lives matter protests gripped the u. S. On saturday politicians began the process of changing the flag mississippis population is almost 40 percent black its the last state in the u. S. To feature the confederate emblem on its flag. Well byron down to our a is a professor of Political Science at Jackson State University he says that changing the flag is just the 1st step in achieving the Racial Justice house concurrent resolution when youre at the bottom i mean theres a series of the bottom in almost every socioeconomic category the only place that you can go up the only way that we can go up is the blacks and whites to come together and you know move forward as opposed to a total war and you know continually to stay at the bottom for example you know i dont know whether or not these lives play tourist who cross they are out to vote to get rid of the flag or genuine in their efforts or saying africanamerican progress the flag of the symbol you know up low down because now it relieves the trauma that i faced daily and what most africanamericans in this state face so that is a positive from a substantive angle we have to see these policies that are punitive and were going in right now we have to get rid of those policies so that we can have. You know once and for all. Well donald trump has calls outrage again with this twitter feed the u. S. President shared a video in which one of his supporters is heard shouting a slogan used by white supremacists. That are you. Trying to retreat at the post which appears to show confrontations between protesters and the president s supporters in florida the outcry was immediate with the only black republican senator tim scott calling for it to be taken down trump has now deleted it. Theyre calling it indias george floyd a moment heard the deaths of a father and son after allegedly being portrayed by police in the Southern State of timing now though has sparked outrage across the country its thrown a spotlight on Police Brutality in india and many are comparing it to george fords killing at the hands of officers in minneapolis victoria gayton b. Has the story. What started off as a small protest by relatives of 2 men who died in custody has grown much larger in recent days and reignited a debate about Police Brutality in india. J. Raj and his son panix who were arrested last week accused of keeping the shop open during a lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus they spent the night in jail and died days later within hours of each other relatives of the men say they were tortured an investigation is underway. In districts of the nicola immobile shop around but there are Denison Bendix there was an issue between them and the police regarding the close of the shop and the police file a report they were held in custody in. Both richard and gold but the hospital and died. 2 Police Officers have been suspended many on social media are comparing this case to the death of george floyd in the United States latest figures from the National Human Rights Commission show that 9 people on average dying custody every day in india and a further 50 report violence and torture we have accompanied maliki but of course the that theyre out of luck thats what politics where certain were going to get that that they will not be engaged in the war and heard in the same breath what we have what the right is sort of national where this. Little bit off and heard this kind of politician that people. Leaders in Tamil Nadu State say theyll transfer the case to the Central Bureau of investigation but thats unlikely to stop demands from the victims family and hundreds of thousands of others for justice and accountability Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. Thousands of people in myanmar as Rakhine State of fled their homes in fear of military raids villagers were ordered to leave the Security Forces prepare to launch what they call the Clearance Operations against the attic and army a rebel Group Seeking more autonomy for Ethnic Rakhine buddhists but the Evacuation Order is since being called off with a local official saying the operation will only affect a few villages dozens of died and tens of thousands have been displaced in the conflict between me and lars military and the arak and army forces loyal to the libyan warlord tally for half that say they are deploying reinforcements to regions they hold in the center of the country this video reportedly shows fighter is being sent to the regions of sad and who for sources told al jazeera that sudanese mercenaries loyal to half that have also been deployed to the regions sudanese Security Forces say that theyve arrested 122 people including 8 children who were intending to fight as mercenaries in libya. A spokesperson for sudans powerful Rapid Support forces says 72 of those arrested in darfur were from an armed group led by a notorious jansha weed leader jonjo weed fighters 14 therefore in the early 2000 and are accused of killing and raping civilians i said but my mother many thought of the delay in not receipt information at the beginning of this month to a number of citizens in this area have been deceived and recruited to work as mercenaries in libya based on the information we form the joint Security Force and we sent them to various Darfur States we have been able to arrest this group which includes 122 men they are all youth they are part of saddams National Wealth and should not be used in this way in february we were at another group of 243 people who were created from various states to work as mercenaries in libya. The green party appears to have made major gains in local elections held across france while president emanuel across party has struggled its the 2nd round of polls for mayors and municipal councillors which was the late due to the coronavirus lock though the greens are poised to take control of the cities of your bordeaux and strasburg while the far right National Front has taken the Southern City of. The election is seen by many as a test of president macross reform policies and his handling of the corona Virus Outbreak his Prime Minister. Isnt a member of across party has declared victory in the election for mayor in the Northern City of laughter and socialist and he delgo is said to be reelected mayor of paris the pressure butler is in paris and says the coronavirus and voter apathy has then to turn out and many people simply stayed away and they also stayed away from the 1st round of these elections which took place more than 3 months ago for the very same reasons because just a couple of days after the 1st round france went into lockdown so people already concerned by the Health Situation theres no doubt as well when you have to round so far away people simply also just lose interest they sort of lose the thread of whos running where and france of course is going into its traditional summer break but theres no doubt that its a cause for concern weve heard from the least say the president my craw has said that he is concerned about the abstention rate because of course it is a worry when so many people in your country dont want to take part in the democratic process its going to look at another election our exit poll suggests that polands president has won the most votes in the 1st round of that countrys election and they do that hasnt picked up enough to have enough votes to prevent a runoff poll next month so now youve got reports. But. There had been tight race a battle of ideals pitted between populism and progress but a frustrated win for the man who had occupied the role for the past by years andre do with a tie to his fate to the right wing law and Justice Party and placed his bet on a deeply conservative often homophobic agenda still he attempted a positive spin on the outcome change will come to come did not target them by slow growth the result is better by far than the one from 5 years ago with 10 other candidates thank you very much for your support but 1st dont foremost i would like to thank my compatriots for the turnout for this massive participation in the election but this was a campaign fought in extraordinary times deferred by the pandemic the vote was supposed to have taken place in may which would have put due to comfortably ahead of his rivals instead the delay allowed his strongest rival. Ski to throw his hat in the ring a pro e. U. Centrist and the mayor of warsaw whose liberal views have at times put him at odds with the countrys influential Roman Catholic clerics. To consolidate his base invoked a nationalist program condemning the countrys l g b t Rights Movement as a foreign ideology more destructive than communism and under his watch made close to choose tional reforms that put the independence of the countrys judiciary at stake by giving politicians the power to fire judges if they disagreed with their legal decisions a move that strained polands relations with the European Union you saw it as an assault on poland and the blocs own legal system but i wonder do they also had International Supporters who chimed in this populist tactics perhaps hoping an endorsement from the u. S. President just ahead of the election would boost his. Bass is doing a terrific job the people of poland think the world of him and by the way this is judy whos a terrific woman terrific woman who weve gotten to know also through our various travels and meetings do this failure to secure an outright win now means that both he and his crops will face each other again next month but will both be playing is if it will bring to an end polands bitterly divided politics so new diagonal aljazeera. Icelands president has won another 4 year term in office with a landslide victory former history professor good need johansson the received at 92 percent of the folks crushing his right wing challenger his role is largely symbolic in the campaign centered on the purpose of the role most powers lie with the government which is currently headed by the Prime Minister Kathleen Yacob stop there italian divers have freed a sperm whale trapped in a tangled fishing net it was found off the coast of lee prairie on friday by biologists working at a turtle Recovery Center the coast guard then sent diverse to help fish it out using cutters and knives they sliced through the legal net and freed the giant mammal it swam off apparently and hard to join 3 other whales who were waiting nearby. Ok its time to get all the sports news though heres les barbara thank you very much and lets start with sundays f. A. Cup matches where holders Manchester City are into the saudi finals after an easy victory have newcastle and earlier in the day there were wins fastenal and chelsea for big clubs into the semifinals let me give you those scores show so Sheffield United won. It was newcastle nil Manchester City 2 less than the 0 chosen one and will try and produce an action if we cant later in this bulletin now its emerged that one of the reasons are your problem was coaxed out of retirement by his old club in the netherlands with them showing him clips from Michael Jordans last dance documentary the 36 year old former Chelsea Brown were joined by munich star has returned to dutch side f. C. Groningen they used the example of jordans basketball comeback to worry him along with images of his own career robin originally played for groningen as a 16 year old back in the year 2000 and hes happy to be back. My. I have a very good feeling about the future i was talking with my wife about how to answer the question why are you doing this you can describe it all than one phrase club love thats why im doing this im a positive person and i just want to go for it maybe it will be over in a month maybe itll end in 2 years from now or somewhere in between. And the man who made such a formidable double act with opened up by you mean it frank literally has been rolling back the years in italy where he plays for florence so you know the 37 year old with a great goal to get in the lady gets lots you know in syria and such that hes still got it has a name but not shell fall back and i wonder going to wonder is out thats why with the were not in it sometimes it moves not so within 4 points of the lead as you ventus. On sunday i say milan won their 2nd straight matches the very start i think by material on sunday with goals for Cancer Research and how can a new goal in the 2nd half the land back in 7th place while mr 56 points away from the Champions League places. May well not play in my own time their place above me and im in 61 cause for price in the year one plate thats after a 31 when i decided i was caught inside the guns from trees martins house and callahan and i mean us not only have been great for officers may start 11 days ago the event is to win the cup its how do i win scrying currently i should tell you that wrong with dread a cowardly Leading Light in the 2nd half against bottom cop espanyol and that was with a casimir ago the National Womens Soccer League returns action in the us on saturday the ses im beginning with a message of unity its a black lives Matter Campaign is. 22 players from the North Carolina college and poland phones now joining the National Anthem and before kickoff by wore black lives matter armbands to the guy the match was played behind closed doors because of the coronavirus pandemic. There were signs that he and i shall is returning to action although theres no specific date yet for Games Division and i chose Alex Ovechkin returns of the ice for a Washington Capitals practice session on saturday for the 1st time since the late shutdown in march teams are allowed to have up to 12 players on the ice at one time in china then move to the next phase of lifting restrictions in late july and the 3 time grand slam champion andy murray says the revised tennis calendar which includes 7 told him it is many wait is not safe for players the a. T. P. Tour had to be suspended in march because of the corona Virus Outbreak and he said to restart the middle east before nonstop played up to the u. S. Open mary is concerned about picking up an injury having just returned from another hip operation its not safe for players to go lets go or said it was your. Shoes in a trade out that you dont. You know well the players have a very long i dont want to promise she said half a cup action lets see if we can get some now and they report this time for stocks. Manchester city completely dominated the 1st half against newcastle who only completed 15 passes in the 1st 25 minutes still it took 37 minutes for a city to break through jesus was found in the books and Kevin De Bruyne a school of the penalty. Newcastle did improve after the break and should have equalised what gael somehow missed an open goal and that mistake seemed worse just a minute later when rocking stirling but the game to bed. To no city he may have lost the premier league crown to liverpool this week but could still in the season with 3 trophies theyve already won the league cup the still competing in the Champions League and now into the semifinals of the f. A. Cup the theyll be up against arsenal whove won the cup 13 times more than any other team the gunners went ahead again Sheffield United midway through the 1st half with a penalty Alexander Lakas that was brought down in the books and pep 8 and the rest sheffield are actually a place higher than arsenal in the premier league and created more chances after the break they go keeper dean henderson nearly equalise with a wind assisted go kick but it bounced just over to the relief of his opposite number asshole did concede to a long throw though failing to clear the bull and David Mcgoldrick level things up with 3 minutes left it seems certain to head for extra time. But arsenal went to the other end and grabbed a victory substitute daniel chaos firing home the winner in the 91st minute 5 to one the final score arsenal on track for f. A. Cup number 14. After that it was leicester up against chelsea in sunday 2nd match leicester were the strongest side in the 1st half but didnt take their chances and they were made to regret it. Chelsea were different side after the break and ross barkley popped up off the bench to school the games only goal. So franklin pugs team had to wembley well theyll play Manchester United you know itd be no rich on saturday each of the she has cup quarter finals all played behind closed doors one by the away team is the 1st time thats happened since 1987 david stokes aljazeera lots of action and all the big things all here really thank you. Now the Rolling Stones have threatened to sue the us president if he continues to use their songs at his rallies was the you know we all know that when the band says donald trump has continued to play their songs the spike cease and desist letters there 969. 00 classic you cant always get what you want has been a regular feature it is events since his 2016 president ial campaign the stones have now put a ban on using their songs politically with the organization that licenses music use in the u. S. Any other musicians have also complained about trump using their music including queen r. E. M. Brianna and file with. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise looking at another side of it or not so much the information around the outbreak but. The listening post on aljazeera. In a 2 part series. Observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that cheap lives was rapidly changing. 20 years of me starts with blood and land to story on how to 0. For 4 weeks america in goal didnt protest every day all over the u. S. Even as the country faces the continued threat of a deadly pandemic. And it morphed into a movement calling for Police Reforms sometimes it was violent. But mostly it was peaceful we asked people to describe what america is now feeling i think people want change. And i think people are willing to do whatever it takes to get there on friday billions of people in america are expected to celebrate whats called june an unofficial holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States this year in the wake of the nationwide protests there is a growing number of calls to make it an official federal holiday. As people see it as a great opportunity to take to the streets to continue to let their message be heard. Coronavirus says now killed more than half a 1000000 people around the world with 10000000 confirmed cases. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching out jazeera live from london also coming up. Real men wear masks President Trump a storage to set an example made growing calls for masks to become mandatory after spikes across Southern States plus. 3

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