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A vaccine for the coronavirus has never been more crucial for rural parts of south africa. And the show must go on the future of british theatre under a pandemic is the industrys struggles to find a way forward. After weeks of increasing tension on the Korean Peninsula including the destruction of a joint Office North Korea has now announced its suSpending Plans for military action against the south the north state media says the decision was made during a meeting of the ruling Partys Central Military Commission chaired by. The leaders sister kim jong whos in charge of relations with the south and warned of possible military action the joint an office was blown up last week and all official talks ended. South korea says it believes the meeting was very unusual and its paying close attention it said it would keep working to stop provocative acts from its soil or that include sending propaganda leaflets over the border which can yang is said is behind recent escalation i mean. We saw the report from the north and we are reviewing it in a close serious way we will monitor the situation our government stance remains the 2 koreas should edge here to the Bilateral Agreement apart from this we stress again and will continue to sternly respond to acts such as sending anti north leaflets which creates tensions between the south and north and threatens the safety of people in the border area. Rob mcbride is covering this for us from the capital seoul. We know that there does tend to be a patent to these kinds of things we do see an escalation and then a sudden deescalation and often it is north korea that is pulling the strings maybe the North Koreans have calculated that this particular escalation has run its course has served its purpose it is grabbed International Headlines it has reminded the United States of where the Korean Peninsula is it has had the effect of unnerving the South Koreans may be pushing them towards trying to find some extra measures maybe humanitarian aid the kinds of things that south korea can do despite International Sanctions but certainly South Koreans are this wednesday giving a guarded welcome to this but there is the cavity at the as the defense minister has pointed out that is this is only putting on hold of these military measures he would rather see a complete withdrawal of them we were expecting the kinds of measures being the deployment of extra forces along the d. M. Z. It would have increased tension along the border but this does seem to be on the face of it at least a genuine deescalation we know that a lot of the articles attacking the south Korean Defector groups have been launching these provocative balloons with propaganda into north korea they have suddenly disappeared from north korean web sites also these loudspeaker system that often blare propaganda across the barbed wire that in recent times as have relations have improved theyve been taken down in recent days theyre being put back up again well this wednesday we have reports that once more they again do seem to be taken down by the North Koreans say one coup is the publisher of the magazine korea expose you gave us some more context behind the decision. I think its important for us not to overestimate what has happened because we are seeing a pattern of escalation by way of korea that really started back in march except that you 2 corona crisis perhaps we have not been paying much attention to it. And sister kim il song made a very strong statement condemning south korea as early as the beginning of march in the head in the series in the silence used throughout the month and also in the month of april and of course we have seen the very high profile explosion at the into korean the asian office in case law which was really a symbol of improving relations between the 2 koreas and now it brings us to this mormon and which north korea claims it is displeased by the problem in the leaflets being thrown across the d. M. Z. By the defector groups but in reality many people believe that this is just a pretext what were seeing is fundamental displeasure on the part of the north korean leadership at the lack of progress in that the nuclearization process which for them really implies lifting up sanctions and improving economic conditions. India has announced its expelling half the staff of Pakistans High Commissioner new delhi over alleged spying pakistan was quick to reject the allegations is baseless its demanding that india now reduces its staff by half in the slum abandon responds the latest sign of strain diplomatic relations between the 2 Nuclear Rivals come on high those in islamabad with the details. Focused on the. Indian highly gaijin on the other hand the Pakistani Foreign ministry is now. With the indian 15 days. In what they say they want them in pakistan or indeed both. However. Are in danger along the line of control we divide india in pakistani administered to be running free reports of violations by board. Or. Region against between joining in india and. The. Regional implications that the whole region is on the word of instability and the idea indian government. Against pakistan. Blame each other for why leading to fire agreements along the line of control. The un secretary general says israel should abandon all plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank and tony said it would be the most serious violation of International Law a day earlier thousands of palestinians rallied in jericho the Un Security Council is scheduled to meet in a few hours to discuss the issue for them 1000. 00 politicians across europe have signed the pot a petition opposing the annexation process. Its been conveyed consistently the message that annexation will be not only against International Law but it will be a major factor to the study lies the region it will be something that and then their mind what they believe is thats a say which is a 2 state solution in each israelis and palestinians can live together in peace respect each other and get into each other security i hope that this virus of reason that is not only my aunties echoing across the world will be hurt. By these failure of oddities or that annexation does not take place in the 1st of july i speak now to harry for cities life ross must jerusalem so any sign that it looks like israel may take into account anything that the un secretary general says. Well not of mention of pronouncements against the u. N. In the past are going to go by almost certainly theyll be more similar language in the Security Council meeting that student starts in a little while but hell be looking more closely at whats going on a few 100 kilometers to the southwest in washington d. C. With meetings this week with senior u. S. Officials including we understand jericho and the u. S. Ambassador to israel David Friedman deciding exactly what the u. S. Policy is going to be in terms of green lighting or not perhaps more to the point how much it will greenlight in terms of annexation under the terms of his Coalition Deal with his former rival now defense minister Benny Gantz Netanyahu does have the ability to bring an exception to the cabinet for approval for government approval and or to the Israeli Parliament the knesset from the 1st of july so he can start advancing his plan from that point onwards there have been reports that the United States wants to see consensus between him and his partner dance dance his own position in the run up to all this has been pretty murky hes talked about being against unilateral annexation in the past hes talked about trying to include the International Community importantly as been talking about the importance of jordan and its relationship with israel not wanting to jeopardize the peace treaty but in the last day a lot of the uncertainty seems to be clearing around guns his position he gave a pretty strong repudiation of the palestinian position when he was speaking to military journalists on tuesday he said that israel doesnt want to get into the palestinians deep expletive as he called it that they would they continue to reject dialogue and remains in that deep x. Beats of and that we wont keep waiting for the palace to. And that if necessary and if the palestinians rejected the trump plan which he endorses then israel would have to move on without them so that seems to be suggesting that things are moving in netanya whose favor ahead of this july the 1st date. And harry how does it look like the and that station might unfold. Well netanyahu initially was talking about the full 30 percent of the occupied west bank that under the trump plan has been preallocated to israel that has been changing and theres been opposition from some right wing settlers who dont like the fact that it also talks about a palestinian state of course there are concerns from his partners in government about the effect on the region and on relations with israels neighbors theres been more talk in recent days of perhaps starting in a phased process starting with illegal settlements close to jerusalem ones which might well be earmarked for israel in any future negotiations with the palestinians but of course this is not about negotiations this is unilateral annexation so even if it doesnt physically change things to a great extent on the ground even immediately it does mean that israel is claiming for itself in perpetuity areas that the palestinians see as integral to the potential future state and that is likely to sort of a whole chain of reactions and so that is why this is such a momentous few days in the run up and were waiting to hear what he says on the 1st of july all right thanks so much high forces there Israeli Police have shot dead a palestinian man in the occupied west bank police say ahmed i heart rammed his car into an officer causing slight injuries palestinian officials are questioning the Police Account on a card family say he was driving to pick up his sister on their wedding day. Crowder virus lockdowns worldwide of course the jobs of millions of Migrant Workers the u. N. Says many will fall below the poverty line this year the International Labor organization estimates there are 164000000. 00 Migrant Workers worldwide a half of them are women the Labor Organization says the loss of jobs directly impacts Migrant Worker families remittances are expected to decrease by 20 percent this year but Labor Organization is urging nations to protect Worker Rights and use their skills when they return home and tens of thousands of Migrant Workers are returning to their home countries after losing their jobs during global long town Elizabeth Farrar live reports on the impact being felt in south asia. Up the wahhabis back home in pakistan after 7 years working in saudi arabia he has a new life in his old home in swat but when i did. Get to go i was earning good money from my family but because of the pandemic everything shut down and i lost my job it was difficult survive there without a job so i returned home. Hes opened a fruit and vegetable shop so he can continue supporting his family but the 60. 00 a month hes ending is a fraction of the 400. 00 he used to make as a laborer and saudi arabia. Of the why this one of 40000. 00 pakistanis the government says have returned home after losing their job or the seas its a similar picture in neighboring india which is the worlds biggest receiver of Worker Remittances at least 50000. 00 and workers have returned since may workers from india and pakistan sent home more than a 100000000000 dollars last year. The World Bank Expects the amount of money sent by all Foreign Workers to their families will fall by 20 percent this year as millions lose their jobs and return home. And you do crude. International has sent 25000 workers overseas in the past 15 years but their business has virtually ground to a halt. Because its a kind of beacon they cannot use work but this will do sinking no because. The industry is sinking. Permission says are especially important in logan middle Income Countries more than Foreign Investment and 8 you know we have images economy was acting as a as a very fair question also for these families and literally you know poor families and announcing the standard of living giving education to their children and giving Better Health care the United Nations says the loss of money will be an evenly spread and warns that tens of millions of families who rely on remittances will fall below the poverty line this year Elizabeth Pradhan Al Jazeera you daddy. Still ahead on aljazeera the disappearing symbols of democracy in thailand concerns the government is trying to wipe out history. Hello weve seen yet more flooding into central southern areas of china exactly a cloud showing up in the seasonal rains the my you buy a front lets just stick to little further southwards for now interesting so whats a weather into the Korean Peninsula japan has seen some clout and right this will make its way across q shoe and honshu as we go on through thursday somewhat to weather into the far south of conscious and eventually it will clear through further research as we go on through friday but some very heavy rain on this lot is to see some flooding as a result of that wealth crickets a little bit of a wet weather to the far north east of china looking rather unsettled by easing at 30 degrees celsius and those showers they continue into central and southern parts moggi south of our line as seasonal rains we have got a sticky 32. 00 there but largely dry for hong kong increasing cloud and rain say making their way into were in the air now you can see the other the monsoon rain starting to push a little further north was just on starting to see some of that monsoon rainfall temperatures now a little lower new delhi at around 35. 00 celsius because we do have more clout and of course that right every pulse is of rain across northern parts pushing up into nepal and also bangladesh. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely. To deliver against the stream we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and vironment we shall Energy Solutions for future generation the brush fire nearing future. Use. Oh. Oh. Oh come back youre watching our decision time to recap the headlines north korea says it is Spending Plans for military action against the south the decision follows threats of attack by the sister of leader kim jong un and the demolition of the joint lives on office last week. India has announced its expelling half the staff of Pakistans High Commission in new delhi over alleged spying stan was quick to reject the allegations. Un secretary general on turnover terror is urging israel to drop its plans to and next parts of the occupied west bank he says the move would devastate hopes for fresh talks on a 2 state solution. Germanys Health Minister is warning of a 2nd wave of corona virus infections from regional hotspots after reporting hundreds of new cases connected to a Meat Processing plant more than 600000 people in western germany are on the lockdown bars gyms and cinemas are closed and only 2 people from different households can meet in public. Or britains economy is slowly coming to life after months of long down there pubs restaurants and cinemas have been told they can reopen next month but theatres theyre still waiting for news on when they can welcome audiences again almost 300000 jobs depend on the theatre industry john howard joins us live from london journal difficult to imagine a westend without symbols but thats the thought exactly on the minds of many right. But its all shut up now and there is no sign and no one has any idea of when theatre land here in london and theatres up or down the country will be allowed to reopen and thats because they were not included the theatre industry was not included in Boris Johnsons grand sort of unlocking of the economy announced on tuesday as you outlined there and theres no sign either of the Financial Assistance thats been offered to other sectors to help them survive through lockdown the fear to industry is an enormous revenue generator for the government its worth well over a 1000000000. 00 in ticket sales in london alone but its import to remember its also an enormously precarious industry staff largely by freelancers who exist show to show in theatres that operate on famously sparse budgets. And all of that means theres a high profile figures have been warning in the last few days and this is an industry in trouble up to 3 quarters of all theatres could face collapse by christmas without urgent help is my report. Being an actor. You you want to act. You know you want you want to be on stage or whatever you do if youre on cameras on t. V. You want to be doing well. On londons 1000000000. 00 a year westend pretty woman was sent for a sold out with actor mark holden among the cost then just weeks after opening coronavirus brought the curtain down. In our profession. 90 percent of actors are out of work at any one time. What are they doing the rest of the time in normal circumstances and were not in normal stuff sort of circumstances now were in something that our generation has never experienced its estimated that without a government rescue up to 70 percent of performing Arts Companies countrywide will close for good but the government has not so far included theatre among the businesses its trying to protect some larger Theater Companies are already announced that layoffs are inevitable meanwhile Andrew Lloyd Webber the creator of phantom of the opera is trialing thermal Imaging Equipment to test audience temperatures and make it safer to return eventually they will likely survive many Smaller Companies may not and for this there is no gravity the fightback has been online like the sonnet a day program performed under the auspices of the tiny german street theater why does that promise so few be used. But its no match for ticket sales we will need financial help airlines are getting financial help we need financial help in the same way that most theaters that i think all think it is must have an audience to be able to pay their bills we need help because if we dont have audience coming into our buildings who are able to buy those tickets these buildings wont survive they will collapse a packed auditorium here is just 70 people social distancing will mean future audiences of less than half that size nowhere near enough to survive. And so to the writers creating new work but for fewer actors to keep costs down i think writers will have to find different ways of telling multicast stories it will still be the same story. It will still have the same content but even under adversity writers will trust try to find a way of producing the same story within only a couple of characters shakespeare produced plays like king lear and macbeth while in lockdown because of the bubonic plague now too there will be cauldrons of Creative Work bubbling away behind closed doors the question is what sort of theater world will exist to bring it all to life jonah hole aljazeera london. Police in forcing coronavirus lockdowns across europe have disproportionately targeted ethnic minorities and marginalized groups with violence discriminatory identity checks forced quarantines and fines thats according to a new report from Amnesty International covering 12 e. U. Nations it exposes what the report says is a disturbing pattern of institutional racism within police forces. Human trials for Oxford Universitys covert 19 vaccine will begin in south africa this week the country grapples with the highest number of cases in africa with over 100000 infections and more than 2000 deaths and as for me the middle reports from the eastern cape one of the poorest provinces is likely to be hit the hardest unless a vaccine is found soon. Albert stillman was buried here barely an hour ago his family says he died from covert 19 they wanted to bury him at their home and some dues are in rural eastern cape but locked down Restrictions Mean this is his final resting place not in a cemetery stared at a solitary grave in an open field to comply with restrictions just a few people attended the funeral the freedoms of tradition and custom replaced by social distancing rules that. Have never showed any respect to my father even when he worked at the mine. He died as a poor man now he has been buried like garbage because of the corona it is really really painful the local councillor says 33 people in this village have tested positive for corona virus but he thinks the number is far higher we dont have the resources whereby people can test. Just undermine it as a simple they did it as a symbol for them after a long time after his death then each year by the lord knows this is quoted 90 days concerned that funerals which usually attract hundreds of people are helping to spread the virus at the cemetery outside the small town of baqubah east police keep watch ensuring there are no more than 50 people attending the burial is short and people leave quickly the eastern cape is large much of it to rural and people dont live as close together compared to other places so the spread of the coronavirus has surprised experts who are worried this province may be some africas next epicenter some estimates say that as many as 80 percent of the people here make it covert 19 but in rural towns like this one medical facilities are understaffed and underresourced this hospital and stacks approach was closed when we formed. Stafford protested against the lack of personal protective equipment shutting some of the units authorities had district to travel between provinces to curb the outbreak and permits are required to make a journey here people are screened for the virus we passed through the site twice in 2 days on the 2nd day we were not screened at all along with dozens of other passengers in vehicles passing through temperature checks and collecting Contact Details only resumed once we began filming while the number of covert 1000 infections grow the government is still easing some of its restrictions and here in one of south africas poorest provinces inconsistent plans and policies may add to the rising numbers. For me to malaria aljazeera eastern cape south africa. Symbols of thailands democracy are vanishing as monuments and historical buildings and taken down altered already named prodemocracy activists use wednesdays anniversary of the 932. 00 revolution that introduced democracy to thailand to raise the alarm about the governments attempt to raise history reports from bangkok. Early morning 88 years after the revolution that brought Constitutional Monarchy to thailand protesters gathered at the nations monument to democracy. Despite Police Warnings they projected historical footage of the Peoples Party from 1932 as the revolutionaries read out their democratic manifesto ending absolute monarchy they also laid down a replica of the missing plaque that once marked the spot where the revolution began. Their attempts to delete history by getting rid of the Peoples Party placable any democratic symbols this shows that the government wants to devalued the revelation in 2017 the plaque was removed from royal plaza without notification it was replaced with one bearing a promonarchy message the area was heavily guarded on the anniversary journalists prevented from filming nearby raj had done none avenue is a Historic District directly tied to the 1932 revolution lined with art deco buildings constructed after the transition to a Constitutional Monarchy the style was meant to represent the modern era or democratic architecture but in whats seen as a growing effort by military royalist conservatives to remove monuments and reminders of democracy the Crown Property bureau announced a renovation project that will replace the art deco facade with a neo classical style to appear more thai. People have been using these historical sites as a Political Tool the government is becoming more worried and views the architecture as a threat to the ideology of democracy monument here is the. Crown jewel of the Art Deco District designed after the arc de triomphe in paris to serve as the focal point for the grand avenue it was completed 7 years after the revolution the same year the name of the country is changed from thailand Officials Say they dont plan on altering the monument but some conservationists are skeptical its not just russia done avenue where reminders of democracy are being erased 2 army camps bearing the names of revolutionaries were recently renamed and in 2018 in the middle of the night Security Forces removed the constitutional defense monument from this Traffic Circle in bangkok. Theres a group of people in this country and. One. To forget about a park a short distance from where the constitution defense monument once stood theres a buddhist temple built to celebrate thailands democracy the ashes of the revolutionary leaders are interned on the grounds a place of worship that has so far been untouched by the attempts to revise the nations history scott hodler aljazeera bangkok. And lets take you through some of the headlines here now and as they are now north korea says its this Spending Plans for military action against the south the decision follows threats of attacks by the sister of the leader kim jong un and the demolition of the joint Liaison Office last week the north state media says plans changed during a meeting of the ruling Partys Central Military Commission. Actually we saw the report from the north and we are reviewing it in a close serious way we will monitor the situation our government stance remains the 2 koreas should edge here to the Bilateral Agreement apart from this we stressed again and will continue to sternly respond to acts such as sending anti north leaflets which creates tensions between the south and north and threatens the safety of people in the border area. India has announced its expelling half the staff of Pakistans High Commission in new delhi over alleged spying pakistan was quick to reject the allegations as baseless and demanded india reduce its star by half in islamabad in response india accuses pakistan of spying which it denies u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrors is urging israel to drop its plans to axe parts of the occupied west bank he says the move would devastate hopes for fresh talks on a 2 state solution Israeli Police have shot dead a palestinian man in the occupied west bank where these cards rammed his car into an officer causing slight injuries palestinian officials are questioning the Police Account though or accounts family say he was driving to pick up his sister on her wedding day germanys Health Minister is warning of a 2nd wave of corona virus infections from regional hotspots where large numbers of cases have been recorded more than 600000 people in western germany are now under Strict Lockdown only 2 people from different households can meet in public bars gyms and cinemas are closed the measures were brought back after hundreds of cases were recorded at a Meat Processing plant human trials for a vaccine against coronavirus will begin in south africa this week. Its inside story now stay with us here on out to syria. Whats keeping millions of children away from School Worldwide unesco says its policy and discrimination and coronavirus is making things even worse so what should be done to secure education for all and cannot get the privileged this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. Girls immigrants ethnic minorities and the disabled just some of the worlds children at risk of not getting any education

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