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A book by his former National Security advisor john bolton. New president takes power 2 months after the sudden death of his longtime ruling. And in libya the countrys 1st helps them develop you to use it under construction after 9 years of war. Welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump has lashed out at the Supreme Court after it ruled against him for the 2nd time this week the judges blocked trumps bid to end a program that stops hundreds of thousands of immigrants from being deported on monday they rejected the trumpet ministrations argument that gay and transgender workers should be protected under federal law mike hanna reports from washington d. C. Jubilant crowds gathered outside the u. S. Supreme court many here are socalled dreamers the. Children of undocumented immigrants who are now assured of the right to residence for the foreseeable future between 7 and 800000 people are affected by the Supreme Court decision ive had dark eyes since i was 1516 years old and its allowed me to go to college its allowed me to get a full time job and that could have all been stripped away had the court decided differently joining the celebrations was the Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer this is just the beginning you are going to become american citizens and Great American citizen. Was there was a vastly different reaction from a disgruntled president who lashed out on twitter do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesnt like me he asked plaintively these horrible and politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court or shotgun blast in the face of people that are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives he continued we need more justices or we will lose our 2nd amendment and Everything Else in writing the majority decision chief Justice Roberts made clear he affected to administer to failures in the trump legislation not the policy itself this is similar to the trump travel ban that was rejected by the court for the same reasons but then approved when it was reintroduced in an amended form theoretically the administrations lawyers could read draft the repeal to address the courts concerns and then introduce it again the only long term guarantee of the dream has rights is Immigration Reform in congress we need Real Solutions you need real relief from congress and from all parties because thats the only way that we can. Get our citizenship and actually get full acknowledgment of all our contributions to this country this is a minimally acceptable program and congress can not feel good about themselves that even throughout this that throughout this entire period they have failed to produce comprehensive Immigration Reform so we are we are still going to continue to hold them accountable but that is all in the future of the earth day at this place its a time to celebrate no matter how mero the courts decision mike hanna aljazeera washington. The former u. S. National security advisor john bolton as asked a federal court to dismiss the justice departments case against him over the coming release of his book bolton has written to trump trying to enlist the help of foreign leaders to win reelection bolton is now being targeted on social media and secretary of state my pump has used unusually Strong Language in a series of tweets pompei wrote that from the excerpts hes seen bolton is spreading lies fully spun half truths and outright falsehoods he said it was sad and dangerous and then called bolton a traitor who damaged america. Well earlier the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives nancy pelosi said allegations in boltons book prove that trump is unfit to serve as all official. From the white house a mixed reaction to the impending release of the john bolton book from the president a tweet boltons book which is getting terrible reviews is a compilation of lies and made up stories all intended to make me look but from his press secretary a different approach the book is full of classified information he is. A misguided hawk on Foreign Policy and a weak government author this is despicable that he chose to publish this book without fully going through the review process from his top treated visor a personal attack by the its the washington swamps equivalent of revenge he got fired because he did not obey the chain of command because his views were totally out of sync with the president down jay trump with respect to how know how to handle International Fairs john boltons been working on the book for months the president s long serving handpicked National Security adviser was present during key moments of the Trump Presidency the summit with north korea and singapore the meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin in finland g 7 g 20 and nato gatherings around the world bolton says trump is easily flattered by authoritarian leaders who try to manipulate him and americas Strategic Interests are less important than winning reelection in a longer interview to iran american t. V. This weekend he says donald trump isnt fit to be president i dont think hes fit for office i dont think he has the competence to carry out the job there really isnt any guiding principle that i was able to discern other than whats good for Donald Trumps reelection bolton was called to give evidence from Congress Held impeachment hearings for donald trump he took legal steps to avoid doing that the democratic leader of the house of representatives says hes no hero telling his stories no President Trump is clear. Ethically unfit and intellectually unprepared to be the president of the United States that doesnt seem to matter to the republicans and the United States senate didnt seem to matter to john bolton he chose royalty over lot over patriotism the trumpet ministration is taking legal action to stop publication of the book which is due to hit the shelves on tuesday but there are many copies already in circulation and its rare for the court to issue such injunctions in the next few weeks another book on trump is expected to be published its written by his niece who is also a psychologist and its expected also to be highly critical of the president alan fischer aljazeera at the white house meanwhile facebook has taken down posts and ads run by trans relation campaign these social media platforms that the ads are violated its policy against organized hate those showed a red inverted triangle with text asking facebook users to use a petition against anti for a loosely organized anti facet fascist movement or triangles were used by nazis to identify their political victims in concentration camps. We dont allow symbols that represent hateful organizations or hateful ideologies and less theyre put up with context or condemnation you obviously want to be careful to allow someone to put up a symbol to condemn it or to discuss it but in a situation we dont see either of those we dont allow it on the platform of the remove it thats we saw in this case with this ad and anywhere that that symbol is used we would take the same action. A senior official in the u. S. State department has quit over President Trumps handling of nationwide protests against racism and Police Brutality Mary Elizabeth taylor was the 1st black woman to serve as assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs in her Resignation Letter she says trumps comments and actions have cut against her core values and convictions earlier this week to pentagon officials also resigned video has emerged of an interview recorded 4 months ago featuring ryszard brooks a black man shot dead by police in the u. S. City of atlanta last week and his death reignited protests triggered initially by the killing of george floyd in custody in may jury in the interview brooks opened up struggles after being incarcerated saying that the Justice System treats people like animals the former officer who shot brooks has been charged with murder. Some of the system could you know look at us as individuals we do have lives you know were just a mistake we may you know and you know and that not just do us as if we are animals me going through their process. Harding me hard and me at a ploy you know like hey you know i have to have my my guard up because the world is cruel you know me to saying Different Things and you know in the film you know it is just makes you hardened to a point you just says cause d me to be behind by here yet im trying you know im not a person to get. You know and. Keep going into our make it to where i want to be. Frankly is executive director of Law Enforcement Action Partnership hes a veteran of the Baltimore Police department and he says the problem of racism is deeply entrenched in american policing and the fight to overhaul the system is going to be a long war. Weve been trying to effect positive change here within our criminal Justice System mainly policing here in the United States for a very long time for decades many people still fail to realize that during my lifetime we can go back to the 1950 s. When i was a child in this country black men who entered into policing couldnt even ride in a police car in many of these cities so as a Police Officer a black Police Officer wearing the uniform couldnt even carry a firearm couldnt even police in White Communities and they couldnt arrest white citizens its not that very long ago internally within policing here in the United States we have a serious racial issue racism is prevalent weve been trying to deal with it weve been trying to eradicate it for a very long time and if we cannot rid our own ranks of racism were certainly not going to make any advances in our community relative to police and policing in our communities let me let me explain something to you. Here in the United States we have many employer you groups of color we have the National Black Police Association which came about in the 1970 s. We have a National Organization of black Law Enforcement executives the National Lead pino Officers Association hispanic Officers Association asian peace officers of those the asians even associations for women in policing and the reason for that is the old guard which is the fraternal order of police is what i consider the reservoir or racism within policing today. Return order police have been around for a long time in these recording ization is that i mention the one of the ones of color came about because people Police Officers of color and women could not get proper representation from the established for turn order of police the major police union here in the United States and it is that union that holds on to theyre not going to publicize it but they hold on to the racism that we currently see within american policing today. Until we do something about the unions until we do something about the political power and control that they have over our elected officials its going to be very difficult to move forward in american policing in ridding it of racism australias Prime Minister says the country is being targeted in a sophisticated cyber attack however Scott Morrison stopped short of saying exactly who is behind it he wouldnt be drawn on whether they are turks a part of australias increasingly hostile rift with china what i simply can confirm is there are not a large number of state by state actors that can engage in this type of activity and it is created by strongly advise that we have received that this has been done by i started by stacked up with very very significant type abilities. Well still ahead here on out as a former child soldiers in the Central African republic and helping conduct the coronavirus pandemic to stay with us. No sign of any rain in the forecast across the middle east large city hot and dry its been a little dusty recently with lifted dust in the sands quite brisk winds but those winds will ease around the gulf as we go on through friday and saturday temperatures right around 44 celsius here in doha on friday in places say its a little colder a little more comfortable as we go on through the weekend but 43 on saturday pretty looking at temperatures into the high thirtys by sunday more hot sunshine for all that be a few showers having said that into that eastern side of turkey few showers too into the ethiopian highlands theyre tending to drift further westwards only eastley waves as they should do some big and thundershowers theyre setting possible into parts of south sudan Central African republic into the gulf of guinea more lively downpours coming through here stretching into cameroon and also into southern parts of nigeria where we slide to see the heaviest of the rain not too much rain in the forecast see around the horn of africa here it does stay a generate dry and thats the case too across much of Southern Africa that said theres a little more cloud around the eastern cape so you could catch a shower to here eastern parts of maize and bake also seeing some very wet weather and tell you very very wet indeed for the madagascar. Sure truman said. And inspiration. Castle stories of people keeping the spirit of freedom alive. By courageously defending their right to be heard. Thats. A good. Aljazeera selects. All. Of them i get watching are just means theyll run the reminder of our top stories President Trump has suffered a setback after the u. S. Supreme court blocked his plans to end a program that protects immigrant children known as dreamers from deportation. And the former u. S. National security advisor john bolton has asked a federal court to dismiss the justice departments case against him over the coming release of his book in it he writes the trunk try to enlist the help of foreign leaders to win reelection. And australias Prime Minister says the country is being targeted in a sophisticated cyber attack Scott Morrison stopped short of saying exactly whos behind it he wouldnt be drawn on whether the attacks are part of australias increasingly hostile rift with china. New president over easter day is he me has been sworn in saying hell work to reunite a country isolated after years of violent repression he was declared the winner of last months election and had to take power earlier than planned after the sudden death of his predecessor. Malcolm where possible. During these new president at a recent die she may have been sworn in 2 months earlier than expected. You know who his predecessor own currencies are died last week and had we ready been declared the winner of an election last month. Today i want to announce that we are entering a new change and what we have started today its a win against those who want to destabilize. A fight that was also fought by the late president. Is 15 year rule ended with his sudden death the government said he had a heart attack many suspect he died from covert 19 he had no policies to slow the spread of the virus. Crowds of thousands gathered at Campaign Rallies for the elections held last month. Expelled the countrys World Health Organization team. And at the swearing in ceremony have his successor no social distancing no masks and no sign of a change in policy towards the pandemic Rights Groups are waiting to see if theyll be a change in policy toward government critics. Reports of extrajudicial killings and became common towards the end of an currencies is 10 yeah the ruling partys militia who are a coup or a who are often blamed the elections last month were marred by reports of irregularities and violent. Back by own currencies or was announced the winner. Is held key roles in the government and the ruling party cool to see n d d f d d ever since he came to power. Yet. He never once. Force human rights abuses chile for arrests. Lets. Say he was complicit. With the own currencies are now out of the picture there waiting to see if new leadership will be a chance for change. Malcolm webb aljazeera. Because of protests calling for the president s resignation are expected later on friday many accusing him. Of failing to control violence groups as nicholas reports. Is it off. For a buck i remembered to come are students there is no simple answer to these questions they were 5 years old when armed groups took over in northern mali then president. Promised to bring peace nearly a decade later a 1000000 mostly children are displaced the violence is spreading to the center of the country edging towards the capital bamako qamar says president has failed to bring peace and he must resign if hes going to let these. So there were really. What do you call is simply wrong things can continue like this revolt betting very low and he has to stop making fair for. Farming mom. And her late teens he was among tens of thousands of protesters who surrounded the president ial palace on june 5th inside the president in panic told his security personnel to disperse the crowd behind this movement is an influential cleric named mahmoud who was once an ally of president kaita last year diego told al jazeera that foreign troops in mali needed to leave but stopped short of calling for the president s resignation and if i look for the resigning is not the solution today i think the mauling people have to get together Ibrahim Hooper carr catos one of us the people elected him for 5 years we will respect what has been done by the people we will help him so that he can take the right path. Since then attacks by the eisel affiliate Islamic State in the greater sahara and alqaeda have increased and the president is accused of embezzling millions of dollars from state coffers. Is calling on people to unite against the president among the protesters are teachers who have not been paid for months displaced families fleeing the violence and the political opposition accusing the president of cheating during the last parliamentary elections as a response kate a says hes willing to dissolve the newly appointed National Assembly and hes offering a pay rise to teachers hes also calling for a unity government to address the growing discontent but for kamara its too late with no peace in sight he believes president needs to go he says the future of mali is at stake Nicholas Hawke aljazeera. Mexico is reported to record rise in the number of krona virus cases more than 5600 new infections. That brings the total to just under 166000. 00 Officials Say that figure is likely to be much higher due to a lack of testing or despite that the government is gradually easing lock down restrictions mexicos reported nearly 20000 covert 19 deaths. Holders are helping to stop the spread of covert 19 in the Central African republic theyre drilling wells and promoting hygiene in rural villages alongside unicef the uns childrens agency says the project is supporting the rescued former fighters rehabilitation c. A. R. Has counted more than 2000 corona virus infections the pictures you saw there were just taken by a journalist and filmmaker jack he says projects like this help unite communities one of the problems that former child soldiers face is stigma from the community this impedes their reintegration and can in fact drive them back to the groups from which theyve escaped the way of encouraging the community to accept these these innocent children again is actually by setting them up in these projects like this while drilling one so car Central African republic also has a water problem people lack sanitation they lack hygiene so this project had a 2 pronged approach one to help the rehabilitation these former child soldiers help them deal with shame this self loathing the horrors that they have been involved in while at the same time bringing water hygiene and much needed sanitation to these impoverished overcrowded communities now the u. N. Mission in colombia says violence remains an issue in some areas of the country despite the coronavirus lockdown dozens of former fark rebels and Community Leaders have been killed since nationals began and the government has been criticized for not doing enough to stop the violence. He has more from the capital. Like many Community Leaders in rural colombia where they have to flee as farm for a little time after receiving Death Threats from a Paramilitary Organization he says hes been trying to protect his community from Oil Companies wanting to drill or spends almost. We believe in colombia there are still a Systematic Campaign to exterminate social movements killing a leader has a larger impact killing 10 people it lowers morale it spreads fear and above all it silences the voices that speak for the community we dont give up on that one time associate by the neda who had fought for alternatives to coca production for subsistence farmers was killed the day the National Coronavirus locked down was imposed he was the 1st of many. Civil Society Organizations say that since the start of the quarantine a human rights political or social leader has been killed every other day the worst period since the signing of the peace deal with 5 rebels in 2016 activists say the lockdown has worsened the situation leaving the leaders less protected. These killings have been escalating since mid march is a critical situation. Grassroots leaders in remote areas and getting killed by paul forces interested in the lengthily gold or the cocaine trade. Talking of those who dont want to see the peace deal. To bring more attention. To one of. Paper. Front page this week into a list of all the leaders killed. There are 446 of them and the list goes on for 3. Do you want despite the government assurances to investigate the deaths most end up unsolved a commission for security guarantees the west to work to dismantle the criminal organizations behind the killings has met only once. Increase of antinarcotic operations during the pandemic has also worsen the security situation in many areas of the country. And thursday 6 soldiers were ambushed and killed by an armed group. But for now are all dead are equal under the law. When 6 soldiers are killed immediately serious plans from the state during the pandemic weve lost 65 Community Leaders and it doesnt generate the same kind of response. Its going on because other crises the like 19 generates death in fear but that the country seems and able to tackle allison them and just. The families of 4 jordanians detained in the United Arab Emirates have been protesting outside the u. A. E. Embassy in jordan there are reports that one of those detained has contracted coronavirus Rights Groups allege that some detainees suffer in dire conditions in the jails and like medical attention. 9 years of war in libya has named thousands of people now the victims are about to have a clinic to aid their rehabilitation trainer reports from misrata. 6 men from misrata have long been in the forefront of the fighting in libya during the revolution which toppled wall marget deathy 9 years ago misrata was the largest rebel stronghold in western libya the 3rd largest city was the rebels only lifeline to the outside world now much like in 2011 forces here say their fight is for freedom and democracy and that warlords have to or aims to return libya to a military dictatorship death is long gone but the scars of the 8 month battle to depose him still remain so low has severe had his leg blown off when a tank shell landed on his position in the outskirts of misrata in 2011 he spent a year in rehabilitation in canada then returned to libya and worked as a mechanic his prosthetic needs repair but he hasnt received any Government Support in the bush c. N. N. Im not asking for much all i want is help to fix my leg so i can work thats tries to help but theres only so much they can do is o. C. A. Sion of living heroes friend beautys receives most of its funding from donations by local Business Owners they are building libyas only center for amputees including a Recreation Center and a prosthetic workshop to help people like the bit about her art we go see a little support from the government but everything you see here is mostly from donations were trying to finish with what we have but we need more support it. Muhammad as he works for the ministry of injured he says there are more than 2200. 00 registered amputees himself included he expects the total to double with soldiers maimed during the filled campaign by half truths forces to capture tripoli. My mrs used to have to empty supporters we fart if sacrificed our limbs for every libya to live in a free and democratic country will not allow have to or anyone else to take us back to military rule in a dictatorship libyas only center a friend cuties is still under construction here in misrata the city has more amputees than anywhere in the country so the centers founders they also say with little government funding it may be years before other centers are open to help ease the pain of the many injured now trainer al jazeera misrata. Your geologist whole run a reminder of our top stories President Trump has suffered a setback after the u. S. Supreme court blocked his plans to end the program that protects immigrant children known as streamers from deportation up to 800000 people could be affected by thursdays ruling. Former u. S. National security advisor john bolton has asked a federal court to dismiss the justice departments case against him though over the coming release of his book in a t. V. Rights that trump trying to enlist the help of foreign leaders to win reelection and a senior official in the u. S. State department has quit over President Trumps handling of nationwide protests against racism and Police Brutality Mary Elizabeth taylor was the 1st black woman to serve as assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs in her Resignation Letter she says trumps comments and actions of cut against her core values and convictions. Australias Prime Minister says the country is being targeted in a sophisticated cyber attack over Scott Morrison stopped short of saying exactly whos behind it he wouldnt be drawn on whether the attacks are part of australias increasingly hostile rift with china what i simply can confirm is there are not a large number of state by state actors that can engage in this type of activity and it is created by strongly advice that we have received that this has been done by i state by stichter with very very significant capabilities mexico has reported a rise in the number of krona virus cases more than 5600 new infections and that brings the total to just under one 166000 Officials Say that the figure is likely to be much higher and thats due to a lack of testing despite that the government is gradually easing lockdown restrictions. For which our soldiers are helping to stop the spread of covert 19 in the Central African republic theyre drilling wells and promoting hygiene in rural villages alongside unicef the u. N. Childrens agency says the project is supporting the rescued former fighters rehabilitation those where the headlines about with more news in half an hour the stream is next. Told to go to sara. Let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all the 30 action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories the home to 0. Hey theyre welcome to the stream i am josh rushing sitting in perfectly ok from the comfort of my own home today because a team. Were talking about can trump get reelected were going to look at the poll numbers were joined by an excited panel of guests and what im really hoping youre going to do if youre watching this on you tube live is youre going to join us in that chat box over there and hopefully get some of your comments in during the show in real time. When the 1st things i want to do is go to a poll here this is from 538 which does a lot of polling combining the polling so this called help popular is

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