A penalty shoot out to win because they tell you. They begin the program with a contentious law chinas proposing which would allow beijing to further oversee security in Hong Kong Chinas top Decision Making body is considering a draft of the bill bring it one step closer to becoming a reality despite widespread criticism so we have a fortress in beijing and hong kong closely covering the story will go to adrian brown in a moment 1st betray us in the Chinese Capital so katrina what else do we know about where this word this law potential loss stands. Well we do know that its more surveyed essentially by beijings frustrations and embarrassment following these prodemocracy antigovernment protests that have been taking place in hong kong since last june beijing firmly believes that these are a source of instability and of threats to the regions prosperity they also believe that theyre being filled by forces intent on splitting hong kong from the mainland now critics would say simply its beijings way of taking matters into its or in hands because Anti Government voices in hong kong are simply getting too loud now essentially what would happen with this law is that it would be inserted in hong kongs mini constitution its basic law while completely bypassing the usual legislative process in hong kong now we know that Chinas National Peoples Congress the Standing Committee which is the top legislative body in beijing discussed this law today on thursday and they defined 4 separate crimes under this National Security law which are separatist activity terrorism colluding with Foreign Forces and also state subversion and they also apparently discussed punishments for these individual crimes now were yet to hear any specific details on this but analysts believe that this will will essentially take hong kong one step closer to being like any other chinese mainland province in the sense that any criticism of beijing is likely to be censored or severely punished now the Foreign Ministers from the g 7 nations released a statement on wednesday asking beijing to reconsider this law because they said that it would erode hong kongs fundamental rights now beijings Foreign Ministry on thursday hit back at that statement saying that they oppose it and that these countries are meddling in chinas internal affairs it simply seems like beijing has no intention whatsoever of pulling back from the store anytime soon ok with the latest from beijing adrian brown jurors as down from hong kong so adrian is because you said china is now back backing down but hong kong clearly is not going to just accept it or do they have a choice. Well richelle the devil is in the detail and we simply dont have enough details meet chinas definition of whats a version what is satish and what is succession is very different from other governments the worry here is that hong kong is going to have imposed on it a vaguely worded law the could be broadly applied now in china they have a charge known as picking quarrels and provoking troubles not is the go to weapon of the authorities when they want to go after dissidents human Rights Groups journalists the worry is the same thing could happen here weve been hearing from journalist groups here in hong kong today who have carried out a survey 150 journalists were were questioned 87 percent of them said they now have grave fears about freedom of speech the future of freedom of speech in hong kong and some journalists are saying they might well quit the profession rather than remaining as a journalist we heard also of course thursday from g 7 Foreign Ministers the Foreign Ministers representing the advanced economies of the world they urged china to rethink this security law that court has been ignored but they also pointed out and its important to to mention this the by doing this china is breaching not just hong kongs basic law the mini constitution the lure of hong kong but also breaching the joint declaration thats the deal that britain and china signed before the handover in 1997 a legally binding deal thats been lodged with the United Nations now its not just journalist groups who are worried ive been hearing from others who are also concerned about what the future holds. You find it of a busy street up a narrow staircase where walls are 1st student with stickers advocating hong kong separatism and mocking chinas leaders the building is home to a bookstore specializing in literature sympathetic to hong kongs protest movement and that the only concedes makes him a potential target for chinas new security law something pops especially the us are there were folks there were tight toes on safra to some on the hong kong and ins that we sell so all these might be things that got us in trouble some time later he has reason to worry in 2015 another hong kong bookseller disappeared into chinese custody for 6 months following a visit to the mainland the clock is ticking for the imposition of a law that journalists say could severely restrict freedom of speech in shrines in the deal that britain and china did before the handover in 1997 so were concerned over many questions as to whether we can interview the parent advocate you know film people calling for an end to one part party rule or criticising the government but beyond that were concerned that we wont get on to the top of these questions and this law is going to be. Broadly applied in the same way that it is in the mainland to stifle dissent not so say chinas leaders they insist the new law will only target a minority of one or termed troublemakers who threaten chinas National Security. But in a sign of what may be to come 15 veteran prodemocracy figures have gone on trial accused of taking part in an Illegal Assembly they include albert ho who says hes prepared for jail we have to risk my safety. Liberty that is something im prepared for but i wont give it up the new security law could be in place by july the 1st the 23rd anniversary of hong kongs return to chinese rule well weve had a parallel picture here today richelle because one of chinas Biggest Companies jadi dot com has made its debut on the hong kong stock market and its share value soared this initial Public Offering making more almost 4000000000 dollars meaning it was a 2nd biggest i. P. O. Of the year now that may or may not provide an indication of the ambitions that china has for this place. Adrian brown live for us in Hong Kong Adrian thank you and yes president Donald Trumps former National Security adviser has written a book that makes insatiable accusations about president among those accusations john bolton says trump asked foreign leaders including chinas president to help him get reelected this year thats based on excerpts released to the media early war will be revealed obviously with the because out thats next week in the meantime mike hanna reports from washington. The democrat controlled house of representatives impeach President Trump for his dealings with ukraine ruling that hed withheld aid to leverage information about his political opponent Joe Biden John Bolton refused an invitation to testify before the house but now alleges that this action was typical of President Trumps dealing with a number of countries and he criticizes the house for limiting its investigation to use crain had they taken the time to inquire more systematically about trumps behavior crosses entire Foreign Policy john bolton writes the impeachment outcome would have been different in published excerpts from his book bolton alleges that President Trump sort favors from foreign leaders like the one of turkey and in particular president xi of china bolton recounts President Trumps conversation when he met the chinese president in a soccer on the 29th of june last year trump then stunningly turned the conversation to the coming u. S. President ial election alluding to chinas economic capability and pleading with sheikh to ensure hed when you stress the importance of farmers and increase chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome bolton continues i would print trumps exact words but the governments prepublication review process has decided otherwise despite boltons confirmation that the manuscript has been vetted by the National Security council the department of justice has asked a federal court to block publication 50 years ago the Supreme Court held that a similar attempt by the Nixon Administration to block publication of the pentagon papers amounted to censorship the widespread publication of passages from the book is likely to reinforce the federal court in applying precedent and rejecting the trumpet ministrations case next week its likely the public will be able to read the full account of a white house which practices in john boltons words obstruction of justice as a way of life. My kind of aljazeera washington and china has reacted to those allegations saying there is no intention to meddle in the upcoming vote films you are going to need to know and. China pursues a principle of noninterference in others internal feeds we have no intention to interfere in us internal fees or a mere election. Bill schneider is a professor of Public Policy at George Mason University he says its too late for trump to contain the fallout from the new book. Whatever this is going to happen its to me the book is already out there its not in stores yet but its been sent to Media Outlets like to be york times reviews have been published more reviews are coming its too late you cant kill a book like this my take on it is that its shocking its not anything dramatically new but what it really demonstrates is john boltons argument that donald trump is motivated primarily by his personal interest d in everything right now that means his personal interest in getting reelected he seems to be putting his personal interest ahead of the National Interest or at least defining the National Interest and his personal political interest as one in the same that is a very damaging charge and its actually a scandalous charge some people would call it a treasonable charge but its a very strong charge part of it is trumps shocking unfamiliarity with some of the basic facts about International Affairs he wonders whether he asked one point bold reports whether finland is actually a part of russia he doesnt know he seems to be surprised that Great Britain is a Nuclear Power he didnt seem to know that there are many occasions there where hes the lack of knowledge is really quite surprising he also does some embarrassing things like he presses people to deliver a gift an elton john musical cd of a song call rocket man he asks people to deliver that to the leader of north korea who he likes to call rocket man i mean the whole thing is a bit embarrassing. John boltons book also says President Trump told chinas paying that he approved of beijings repression of Muslim Leaders and other minorities while publicly condemning the mass detentions earlier on wednesday trump signed into law an act the calls for sanctions against chinese officials who are involved the United Nations says that to a 1000000 we girls have been detained in camps the chinas government says the centers provide Vocational Training is a Senior Research fellow at the center for china and globalization it says there is an element of duplicity in the white house response to china. Youll recognize the issues that will follow our red line or any. Plane to take a look. At hong kong. And this is. Well used to play the boss on us and we always. Try to keep our guys who dont work well 72 in the in the outfield of National Security strategy was to us when we meaning plant in washington. That i think china has a little. Once to fall off a little plane running was exactly what we will or should they who are the ones with the lever on think is also very pragmatic in wanting to know why the wall meaning that they think this is war western media and ones over. Being the checkpoints or what. Is the truth what is probably our situation in that there are elements of Whose Administration was in iraq over 21 years much more pragmatic the more interesting the wombles that we. Could be mounted. Actually. That all this plan is doing in singles actually the right things that its all charles and so there is a little boy i will see that certainly what i think they think what the administration with thinking was what. Senior military officials from india and china are expected to hold talks after 20 and then soldiers were killed in a skirmish on the border it comes a day after top diplomats from the ship country spoke over the phone and afraid to deescalate the situation tensions paint on monday on the call on valley region and the himalayas with the worst fighting and decades. John the one who. After this incident both sides had communication and coordination via military and diplomatic channels both sides agreed to deal with the serious message caused by this conflict at the valley in a just minute we will jointly observe the consensus made in command level talks and. As soon as possible in order to safeguard pace and tranquility the halls government has set to adopt a new map including areas of land disputed with india both houses of parliament have approved the changes india which controls the region had earlier rejected the map saying it was not based on historical facts or evidence the region includes the limpia dora at and pull k n n collar areas halls president still needs to approve the map plenty more head of the news hour including that of being a student of the famous. Hundreds of lawyers protest im allowing accusing the president of trying to crush the ports to stay in power. And concerns that lebanons economic crisis could be made worse by u. S. Sanctions targeting a serious government and the English Premier League is back with an important black lives matter message peter will have the details and score. Parties and a president every state has been sworn in he was declared winner of last months election its taken more than 2 months. Took office more than 2 months early pardon me after the sudden death of president pierre and currencies a welcome mat joins us live from nairobi so tell us about the the new day that actually started a couple of months ago malcolm. Every day she is just been sworn in in a stadium in a football stadium in the capital get a go at a ceremony there as you said taking over from here. Who died suddenly last week the government said it was a heart attack although its widely believed that he may have died from 19 he didnt have any policies to try and slow the spread of the virus one of the things that people are waiting to see is if the new leader in die should be able do anything to change that no sign of that so far that ceremony theres been no social distancing people are seated together in the stadium with no distance at all another thing that people are waiting to find out will changes rudys human rights record the later years of an currencies rule were characterized by widespread reports of repression political killings extrajudicial executions torture and kind of suppression of all dissenting voices now. Was grins eases chosen successor his preferred candidate in the controversial election that happened last month although it was marred by violence and irregularities that Rights Groups are saying on the letter this is a moment that could be an opportunity for brandy to bring justice to those victims of those abuses and take take a new turn and change to change things for the better but people are waiting to see if if this will actually amount to any change of direction at all ok. Thank you. It has been nearly 10 years since the u. N. Call for a major cleanup of oil spills in nigerias unshared delta but a new report says little is actually been done to caves of oil spills have cost a very damage to the delta in 2011 the u. N. Said the cleanup could take 30 years and cost a 1000000000. 00 up to 40000000. 00 people face Major Health Risk because of contamination to Agricultural Land fisheries and Drinking Water across the delta the region has also seen a rise in infant mortality the study also found un backed emergency measures on water and Health Protection have not been implemented properly investigation by pressure groups including friends of the earth and amnesty found cleanup work had only begun on 11 percent of the contaminated sites so this is how Shell Petroleum nigeria is responding to all of this is part of their statement this report fails to recognize that the majority of the un Environment Programs recommendations need multistakeholder efforts coordinated by the federal government of nigeria and that shell has acted on all recommendations directed to it in the un e. P. A. Report we continue to actively support the clean up process along with other stakeholders so lets speak to mike to met and mark pardon me to met in london hes the head of Business Security and human rights at Amnesty International we appreciate your time so much so i guess lets just go ahead and pick up on the statement from shell basically saying its not all up to us what do you have to say to that. You know all of them sort of having me on this program to explain this you know frankly scandalous failure by a shell in the Nigerian Government to follow up on the recommendations of the United Nations what we found with our partners in friends of the earth is that the efforts that have been launched to conduct this cleanup in this one region called it go to land which is just one small part of the niger delta but the efforts to date have big too little too weak and they havent resulted in any effective cleanup when the result of that the inhabitants of the area are stupid exposed to Serious Health risks the u. N. Found for example that groundwater had been heavily contaminated by years and years of oil spills and pollution and a failure to clean it up though is nigerian citizens are still forced to drink but polluted water so many years off to this situation was exposed so where is the accountability i mean where where where what is the mechanism to force somebody to do something about it is there a line. Well but thats a really good question and to date there hasnt been any accountability what were calling for is the Nigerian Government to once again was really committed itself to this cleanup it set up a body in 2051 president bihari was 1st elected he promised that his administration would see this cleanup through well all fine and show that he has failed so were calling on president the hari and the government to completely we examine what has been done. And we launch this initiative to make sure that it is affective one of the things were asking for the government to do is to remove shell from the body which oversees. Oversees this cleanup were concerned that theres a potential conflict of interest in having the Company Responsible for the pollution then also having a say in the oversight of how the cleanup is carried out. Is is that that that is unusual that there are this has to be the ones that can clean it up and they actually have a say so when it is that part of that almost seems like nobody really wants to do anything about it but what were worried about is that you know on paper it looks good on paper you know there is an organization which is being set up to conduct its cleanup its got a really good website is go to twitter feed. You know its on facebook it presents itself as being as a Successful Organization were worried that its basically an excuse for everyone to samal of there is progress being made but the reality on the ground is that this progress is not being made and as i said people are still force adroitness poisoned water isnt just about money. Its not about money because money has been put forward by a shadow on the all the Oil Companies it goes much deeper it comes down to competence of the contract and the commitment old everyone involved in the knowledge that you know to protect the rights so that people cannot be informed marx met with Amnesty International marc thank you very much thank you larry as im allowing you have joined a protest against what they say is government interference and the tradition president peter with rekha has sent the countrys chief justice and to retirement just 2 weeks before an Election Rerun of president her earlier to overthrow a court ruling that a new election must be held. To be assured. For the 1st. That of this day. On the basis. That you know you got to see the face. d of the other side. And molly and flinch will religious leaders calling for people to join antigovernment protests on friday earlier this month thousands of people took part in rallies called by. Demanding the resignation of the president Nicolas Hawke has more too little too late says. The cleric is calling on mali and back on the streets on friday on june 5th tens of thousands of his supporters have answer to is called surrounding the president ial palace asking for president brian burke arcade to step down says that he is no longer legitimate and has lost control of mali and its borders this is a warning to our leadership if you are seeing such protest its because nothing is working its the existence of mali as we know it that is under threat. Meanwhile on friday the french said they had killed the leader of the al qaida in the stomach my bread. And his right hand man 2 feet shy and theyve also handed the chief recruiter for the some extent in the greater sorrow Mohamad Bazzi this bite with the frenchies as victories the state have yet to control most of its territories in the north and in central mali. On tuesday made several announcements to try to appease to protest against him he says that teachers have been on strike for 7 months will get a 20 percent pay raise hes willing to dissolve the newly elected National Assembly and the Constitutional Court and is calling for a National Unity government despite all of this it seems the depot will go ahead with this protest and tens of thousands of people are expected on the streets of moscow on friday. Hard time for weather here as ever 10 with record breaking heat in moscow yeah thats right richelle we got up to 31. 4 celsius yesterday in moscow be about 10 degrees colder by the end of the weekend whether he is certainly on for the time being now i just want to show is just around that western side of our russia as well and we will see the showers increasing from west to east as we go on through the next couple of days we have got a little flabby area of low pressure just went out west and sort of you and say this purple line that ive drawn on the chart here that has been producing some thunder paws seen some very heavy rain into parts of england and wales pushing up into scotland to further if you can see other wins coming around the area of High Pressure in the clockwise direction so its a hot southerly winds and thats why weve had that heat in russia and as i said the temp just got up to 31 celsius hottest june day since 8092 we are going to see the heat continuing at least for another couple of days before does gradually turn a little colder this was a scene in the east midlands in england heavy and thundery downpours led to some flooding here flash flooding a problem across many parts of england at the moment thunderstorm warnings remain in force every show is to into central parts of europe pushing over towards a good part of ukraine will see those showers gradually nudging further research to go through the next couple of days side some drier and quieter weather from the west next week richelle thank you every time. Still ahead on aljazeera. Primaries cases in the u. S. Will continue to rise as many ignore social distancing rules. Are back so you. Black people here in america the brother of george floyd makes a plea to the u. N. Human Rights Council as Police Officers charged are over the other death of a black man in custody. And in sports there has been a twist in the race for the Champions League places and germany it will have all that. If you are in beijing looking out the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships when this was done somehow time is aiming to replace america and going to run the world while the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china part one on a just you know when the news breaks children here say theyre excited to be back in school but also know of us when people need to be hurt while qatar certainly has friends here for whom its a kind of theone put important limitation and not push the country focus on if the message production aljazeera has teams on the ground just because its more doesnt mean it cannot be priced what about the guys that can afford it to bring you more room would win documentaries and life. Now watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories right now chinas top Decision Making body is reviewing a draft of a controversial National Security bill for hong kong the announcement it may spark criticism and protest amid fears of will curb freedoms a new book by former u. S. National security advisor john bolton says donald trump asked the chinese leader for help and his reelection beijing says it has no intention of interfering and the folks olten also says that trump told station ping that he approved of chinas repression of Muslim Leaders while publicly condemning the mass detentions trungpa signed into law sanctions against chinese officials who are involved. The United Nations says almost 80000000 people are now forcibly displaced from their homes the highest number since records began war persecution and human rights abuses forced millions of people to make a life or death decision every year to stay or go displacements have nearly doubled over the last decade reaching 79500000 people by the end of last year thats one percent of the global population and just 5 countries account for 2 thirds of those displacements syria venezuela afghanistan south sudan and me and maher lets bring in Matthew Saltmarsh a spokesman for the u. N. Refugee agency. These are startling numbers how did it get to this point so quickly. Well thank you very much for having me i think the report shows us that displacement is here with us and its not going anywhere fausto and theres a danger that its become ingrained and that its simply accepted as being talked about more than an International System how did we get to have well displacement has been rising for a number of years in the most recent year and this report covers 2019 weve seen. Displacement in africa in mess a hell reachin in the democratic republic of congo of course theres been no solution to track to refugee situation like afghanistan and like syria and of course we have a venezuela situation where we have Something Like 4 and a half 1000000 people who have been forced to flee that country so taken together a number of factors but as you mentioned in your intro the conflict in persecution on not being resolved on a global scale and thats why were here so any make a good point like wait were almost were almost used to these numbers as horrific as they are but these are these are real people and often these are people who actually want to return whole how how how big of a factor is that i mean how common is that that that people actually want to go whole i think youre absolutely right to say that most refugees do indeed want to return they want to go home they dont want to remain in exile one of the problems we have is that the number of returns has been declining significantly in this last year the number of refugee returns was Something Like 300000 if you look back at the ninetys there was there were much much bigger returns in some cases well over a 1000000 refugees were able to return to conflicts were resolved dont because of the nature of conflict at the moment were simply not seeing that these days. Is there anything in the reports anything that is a glimmer of hope about anything going in the right direction at all. Well i think theres a couple of things one is the Global Compact from refugees this was an International Agreement at the end of the 28 team where a number of countries and International Organizations and institutions and Civil Society all came together and decided to try and work in a different way to help refugees but also to help host countries and that process is still ongoing and despite covert 19 were hopeful that more progress will be made in that sense also i think the International Community has been generous in funding the refugee situation in the covert 19 context and i think thats a sign that there is solidarity internationally but of course we need much more and particularly in certain regions what does this mean for sick cases like this always disproportionately generally affect disproportionately when men and children what does this mean for a generation of children many of whole are have no stability and no education you know youre right to focus on that fact i mean the number of women and children in the refugee population particularly in certain areas like for example the south sudan situation is disproportionately high and education is of course lacking so we need much more resources and more focus on bath so that we can allow refugees to have much better prospects and so that they can get livelihoods for themselves and that they can become much more independent so theres lots of work that needs to be done on that thats why countries that host refugees but also by the International Community and donors and the humanitarian sector at the salt marsh with the u. N. Refugee agency matthew thank you thank you. The u. S. Has introduced more sanctions against syrias government at its backers warning it will not stop until president Bashar Al Assad and the war against his own people some of those targeted are in neighboring lebanon and thats expected to worsen the economic crisis as the government seeks help from the International Monetary fund saying no to reports from beirut. Lebanon strictly poor it was getting ready to play a role in the rebuilding of syria a few kilometers from the border its well placed to become a Logistics Hub for local and International Companies but any Foreign Investment or business dealings with president Bashar Assads government will now be punishable by u. S. Sanctions the measure targets assets political and economic backers some of them are in lebanon i think it would be very difficult for lebanon to keep maintaining his relationships with the Syrian Regime its going to be difficult they will not be able to reconcile before syria is the only functioning land border in lebanon has trade might be affected even then would this make this a lebanon is an economic crisis what this means is lebanon will be isolated according to customs we export more than we import about 400000000. 00 and. Its not clear whether commodities for which taxes have to be paid will be considered aid to the government but what is clear is that syria will find it harder to rely on lebanon to avoid sanctions it has used it to access dollars in banks for International Trade lebannon is one way for for for him for smuggling for exchanging. Some some trade lebanon is a line along one of the long slow. Through sanctions also apply to any force operating in a military capacity for or on behalf of the Syrian Regime that would include her. The armed iranian backed group that controls political power in lebanon. Its calling for restoring relations with damascus when the. Lebanon is in a difficult position the government risks sanctions if it supports syrias collapsing economy or doesnt move away from the syria iran account talks with the International Monetary fund for much needed Financial Aid to help deal with a deep economic crisis will also be affected. Authorities will be required to stop the smuggling of goods like fuel and wheat into syria which the United States believes is helping us how its government survive the new sanctions may not be directed at lebanon but lebanese Business Owners Companies Politicians even the state could be targeted. Beirut the top scientists says work on a number of potential coronavirus vaccines are progressing to the next phase thats after the organization stopped testing on the malaria drugs as rocks of cork and what data showing no benefit to patients so we did entering a new phase no vaccine trials the fees 3 trials which are the ones that will definitely prove whether the vaccine is efficacious and save im hopeful im optimistic but. You know Vaccine Development is a complex undertaking it comes with a lot of uncertainty the good thing is we have many different vaccine candidates and platforms so even if the 1st one feels or the 2nd feels we shouldnt lose hope we shouldnt give up as it stands former president. Has tested positive for corona virus a statement from the 79 year olds office says he said isolation and there is no cause for concern or by a step down last year after nearly 3 decades in office. Health care workers and for who had been protesting the lack of protective equipment and are facing one of the worst rates of covert 19 in south america the government is rushed it has more than 200000 people built makeshift hospitals and fly doctors around the country but many say its still not doing enough to protect frontline workers on a sanchez reports from lima was. There is anger and fear in Public Hospitals on wednesday doctors and nurses took turns to protest refusing to leave their patients an attendant to demand more and better protective equipment to treat covert 1000 patients pay more for your well are not demanding payments were asking for solutions to protect our own lives. They say they often have to buy their own masks and other equipment because the government doesnt provide enough they feel over exposed and in danger who are probably why we are probably the hardest hit me this morning my friend died he was fighting against the in this together with all of us he died fighting to help others until the end. At least 45 doctors have died in bed 2 says the coronavirus pandemic struck 7 this past weekend alone most in the wards nurse sonya keeps her last name from us because she still working even though shes not sure if shes recovered every damage into whatever better i got the virus at work i feel i am cured although i constantly have to catch my breath but i need the money. To steal says only a few of her colleagues have been tested for covert 19. We want to be tested im in the emergency ward to be airing the Constant Contact with current patients and no one has taking tests who knows if they bring the writers to our small children are our parents. Around the country hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed not enough beds. Not enough oxygen not enough ventilators all covered 900 numbers continue to rice when the pandemic began to have fewer than 150 intensive care unit beds for 32000000 peruvians its a sign of just how broken the Health Care System has been for decades of the call that crisis has forced on improvement there are no 5000 beds available many say its too little too late for were not president meant to be scared to acknowledge just mistakes have been made since he imposed one of the earliest and strictest lockdowns in the region a recent opinion poll says 70 percent of peruvians support his strategy but only 7 percent think hes done enough to bolster health care and the hospital workers who risk their lives every day but the innocent just. As they owe us forges ahead with reopening its economy several states have reported a record rise in daily infections texas and california are among those saying a surge in chrono virus cases and there is concern many people which are seeing to it more medical advice as rob runnels reports. Social distancing and mask wearing are being ignored by Many Americans with predictable results more than 20000. 00 testing positive per day with large spikes in several states including arizona texas florida and oklahoma where President Donald Trump plans to hold a Mass Campaign rally on saturday. Florida now has more than 82000 cases a 17 percent jump in just the last week they include a group of 16 friends in jacksonville who took advantage of the states decision to reopen bars to have a night out all have since tested positive and the bar is closed again it was one of. More than 3000 people in florida have died from the virus hospitals are filling up we know already that social distancing and wearing of masks helps to prevent this disease and were not seeing that right now. Weeks of protests over Police Brutality and systemic racism may have led to more infections in massachusetts the governor ordered new pop up test sites for demonstrators in arizona cases are surging with record high numbers reported the states republican governor threw open businesses bars and other Public Places in mid may in nevada the democratic governor is opted for safety halting the states next phase of reopening now is not the time to abandon these protective measures it is a time to double down on them we can only stay open if we stay safe please for caution. Often going unheeded rob reynolds aljazeera. But people in france face more discrimination than any other minority that is according to the National Commission for human rights and will report on racism xenophobia and antisemitism and found that although people of african descent are one of the most accepted minorities they are often the most marginalized france maintains that achieving equality is one of its principal values. Yes place officer who fatally shot a black man in atlanta last week has been charged with murder and assault Garrett Rolfe shot rush hour brooks in the back on friday during in an incident at a Fast Food Restaurant he was fired the next day works is death has heightened racial tension just weeks after the killing of george floyd and george lloyds brother has urged the un human Rights Council to work for justice for black people in the u. S. And a rare urchin debate on racism in Police Brutality a group of 54 african nations call for action or diplomatic editor james phase has more. This was a meeting that was only organized in the last few days were here this afternoon to hold a not some debate on the current racially inspired Human Rights Violations no mention of the u. S. Or the protests following the killing of george floyd in minneapolis last month but that was the main focus more of the main speakers by video message was mr floyds brother you were making a matinee says are your brothers the 1st the people of america and you have the power to help workers get there from barbara that there are lower acts that you can help heal our exit through to help me i have access to help earth black people and america it was a number of african nations that organized this last minute meeting and it was the most senior african in the u. N. Secretary at the deputy secretary general of the United Nations i mean a mohammed who address the gathering by video link from here u. N. Headquarters in new york she described the fight against racism as todays sacred battle so people are saying. Enough the United Nations has a duty to respond to the anguish that has been so many for so long whereas in the heart of our. Equal rights are a shined in our founding charter just as we fought a. Thorough fight the hatred oppression and humiliation today President Trump doesnt like other nations involving themselves in u. S. Affairs back in 2018 the administration pulled out of the human Rights Council the United States is officially withdrawing the debate on racism and brutality will continue on thursday and the final declaration document is still being worked on but after intensive work by diplomats from the u. S. And some of its allies in geneva it appears the proposal to create a formal commission of inquiry has now been dropped jamesburg aljazeera at the United Nations. The governing body of an Oxford University college is backing the removal of a controversial statue Oriel College has been under pressure for several years to remove the tribute to the 1900 centuries cloning alist cecil rhodes activists say the statue glorifies racism as an insult to black students. Still ahead on aljazeera the streets of naples are flooded with fans celebrating italys 1st football trophy at the season peter will have all. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look in run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working and commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. Revealing eco friendly city since to combat threats to our planet on aljazeera. The old. Time for sport peter thank you so much police have won the 1st trophy of the italian season happy to ventus in a tense penalty shootout to clinch the copper you tell us on another frustrating my for you based star player cristiana remember joanna guys are off school reports. Italian football returned to action last week but christian or now the shop miss remains absent the portuguese star failed to score in the 1st leg of this final and was denied again on wednesday napoli had plenty of opportunities to score 2 that you face keeper genuity to phone kept them at bay. With the score nil nil at full time the match went straight to penalties because players still getting back into shape and thats when the rust really began to show for you very palatable a shock to say i brazilian danio said to spot kick into the empty stands before they knew it would to kneel down. Polish strikeout converted the decisive penalty to see the full 2. I. Take it christiana announcer had been waiting to take a spot kick he missed his chance instead it was napoli who took the spotlight and the copper in the 1st major triumph for coach generica to serve. The young coach had lost this final as well people would have tagged me as a loser because i had already lost 2 finals this was the 3rd did this. Tough to Live Football the way i do but its the only way i know it thats why i feel the victory is site because i know where we started i know how difficult its stressful ive made life for my players and for the people who work at this club and i think we deserve it. On it would be im angry and disappointed when you lose on penalties the disappointment and the anger Even Stronger because you end up with the feeling that winning or losing only depends on luck if one has to lose a final maybe its better to lose it after the 90 minutes rather than on a penalty shoot out the unable to be in rome for the final because of coronavirus restrictions fans flooded the streets in naples to celebrate after the 3 months sporting break because of the pandemic the trophy and the night finally belonged to them. Trying to get your oscar aljazeera. The English Premier League is the latest Major Sports League to return wednesdays restart began with a show of support from all players for the black lives Matter Movement 3 months after the coronavirus brought about a shutdown reigning champions Manchester City faced arsenal in a match played in an empty stadium before kick off players paused to pay tribute to Health Workers and then took a knee before the game kicked off after citys 3. 00 no win manager Pep Guardiola offered hes thoughts on racial injustice. And say that when people lose a bowler jaycees shorey or the way we treat the black people in the last 100 years or for centuries. And she machine would have done to produce marvelous. People around the world is not probably the usa in the instance of medicare would have been for mr floyd. The ms and never were. Dortmunds quest to secure 2nd place in the German Bundesliga has suffered a setback on wednesday dortmund were at home to mind this 1st half goal by Jonathan Burke card and the 2nd half penalty from your own felipe. Ensured victory for the visitors thankfully for dortmund they have already qualified for next seasons champions. And the race for the other 2 Champions League places is still a long bow the light see held to a 22 draw by a full tuna dissolute off even though kevin cumple and team of vernon had put leipzig 2 goals ahead the soft hit back with 2 goals in the final 3 minutes to level matters of 4 points ahead of 4th placed. Back. And by leverkusen have moved into the 4th Champions League qualifying position they defeated cologne 31 on wednesday. Put them in front before high habits finishing the fire and moved to double the lead cologne pulled one back but then the rb completed another stylish move to wrap up the win leverkusen are one point ahead of motion back with 2 games to play. Benfica are back on top of the Portuguese Premier League after a 21 win over rio ave on wednesday they both arrivals porto drew the night before allowing them to go top on goal difference were actually one down but 2 raid cards to rio ave helped them get back in the game julien vital is 87th minute goal securing a 31 win. The worlds top wheelchair tennis player has accused us open organizers of discrimination after the sport was dropped from this years event in new york Paralympian Dylan all caught says players were not consulted before the u. S. Tennis association took the decision this tournament will be played behind closed doors in all this because of coronavirus restrictions the 10 time grand slam champion posted this on twitter. I thought i did enough to qualify him to say im champion number one in the world but unfortunately i missed the only thing that mattered being able to walk disgusting discrimination meanwhile Serena Williams says shes aiming to play at this years u. S. Open williams is targeting a record equalling 24th grand slam title all top level tennis is suspended right now but the mens and womens tools are due to restart in early august with the u. S. Open taking place at the end of that month. Leagues. Its been overheard 6 months and a lot of i suppose tennis. Are certainly missed the behinds dont give me round just being out there in the new york crowd in your everyone cheered and i really missed that and you need to do some of those tough matches were the one goal for rory mcilroy says players should be prepared to make sacrifices to compete in the United States the 2nd post locked onto a moment on the p. G. A. Tour tees off later on thursday in South Carolina if i were in their shoes and i was asked to come over to the states and shelter in place or quarantine for 2 weeks before these tournaments i would have done because weve got like i mean if you really care about your career and paranoid moving forward you know like you should be here i think thats where well leave a normal sports news coming up again later Richelle Taylor thank you very much hong kong is a land has reopened after being shut in late january or corona virus fears. Social distancing rules are being enforced and gas are required to book up to 7 days in advance on kong as a 2nd to reopen during the pandemic. And some of us here might be out of a job look at this. Why dont you hate. Larry. Had a few days there and elmos world news will air over the next few weeks and 13 languages across the world the special up so to sesame street is aimed at helping kids cope with rhinovirus and there will be activities games and advice on how to manage frustration tablets and bad feelings make it all you sad keep it here warning as i never said it right. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen perching go up significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy you say countries like not only disintegrating but hes threatening this the leading to all continues inside story on aljazeera the way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says. Its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run. Is saudi arabia publicly championing womens rights so obviously is committed to empowering excuse empowering women while privately punishing those who step out of line theyve been aided. And from they would lift their mistake into this. Aljazeera world examines the alleged detention and torture of saudis women activists the only charges against them relate to their talking to foreign organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International saudi women reform or oppression on aljazeera. Is controversial National Security bill for hong kong moves a step closer to becoming law. Can but al this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. A tell all book from the former u. S. National security advisor john bolton alleges donald trump asked china to help him get reelected. Sworn in 2 months early burundis new president takes Office Following the sudden death of his predecessor

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