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Into the Demilitarized Zone. New u. S. Sanctions are now in effect targeting any person or entity that supports the Syrian Government. The way to stop my brother took. It that way black people i truly believe in america also this off the brother of george ford appealing to the Uns Human Rights Council to investigate the actions of Police Across the u. S. We begin with the border crisis between india and china both sides have agreed to restart talks to ease tensions after a longstanding dispute led to violence earlier this week 20 indian soldiers were killed in the worst fighting in the disputed himalayan region in decades now the dispute centers on the gal one valley region catch a lopez for the young as more. In the remote western himalayas there is little evidence of what indian and chinese soldiers to the worst of violence in decades both sides gave different versions of the violence and how it unfolded. Amid a call for deescalation the body of a soldier is laid to rest indias army said there were casualties on both sides with no shots fired according to media reports most soldiers drowned allegedly punched and shoved on to rocks and eventually falling into a river with severe head injuries. Chinese military drills like this one have become more common both sides have increased their military presence in recent months with tension rising over who owns what land. The border has been disputed since india and china went to war in 1062. 00 the line in yellow is the socalled line of actual control but there are several disputed areas on either side one of the main ones is excite chain its claimed by india that administered by china. China says their shared interests are stronger than their conflicts cut it also has a warning which we want 2nd ask india to act on our consensus and strictly disciplined us troops not to cross the lawn to provide it and not to take unilateral action that might complicate the situation. Prime minister Narendra Modi says india wants peace but is ready to defend itself. I want to assure the nation that the sec refined our soldiers have made will not stories waste for us the integrity of india and our sovereignty is the most important thing and nobody can stop us from protecting them. From families its a time of mourning this father says he cant leave his son a colonel is dead set on a new or under deep shock after hearing about my sons misfortune i never expected. That Indian Officials have rejected accusations they calls this escalation furious protesters say china must be punished the debate over this border isnt new but beijing strained relationship with the u. S. May have fueled mistrust and its true that india has to do several steps in recent times. To have a closer military relationship with the United States. A political divide now raising the stakes for beijing and new delhi over where their vast frontier begins and ends. Up a simple yawn aljazeera. Elizabeth there on a mass this update from new delhi. Both foreign ministries have released statements saying that they are going to deescalate the situation on the border as soon as possible that follows a phone conversation between the Foreign Ministers but whats really interesting is that they continue to blame each other for what happened for the violence in the strongest possible terms both sides maintaining that it was the other that trespassed on their territory started the violence and also that it was the other that broke the june 6th agreement to deescalate here and the other government is under pressure to both explain how 20 soldiers were killed along the border for the 1st time in 45 years and also to take action against what happened because for the past 10 days the government had been assuring people that any border disputes could be solved through dialogue and wall many defense experts were accusing china of encroaching on n. D. S. Territory the government said that the situation was under control now we are seeing those protests will be as small in many cities around and here with the burning of chinese flags but weve also got reports of Residents Welfare associations asking people to throw out their chinese products and weve seen videos of people doing so as well as that we also have a heightened nationalist media and who are blaming china for what happened and theyve also joined the chorus here of asking the Indian Government what its going to do to retaliate to respond to the deaths of the 20 soldiers katrina use in beijing but the Authorities Say efforts are underway to diffuse the tensions with india. China says its in close communication with india by both diplomatic and military channels Foreign Ministry spokesperson jolly gen spoke to the media today on wednesday and said that both sides were intent on resolving this dispute through peaceful dialogue and that china did not want to see any further clashes at the same time jolly gen laid the blame for the deadly brawl on monday so we at the feet of india according to beijing the truce lives actually reached a consensus on the border dispute on june 6th but indian troops violated this consensus and he said they provoked and attacked chinese personnel he also went on to urge the Indian Military to discipline its troops he went on to say further that the location where this altercation took place the Golden Valley he said that this was and has always been chinese territory something thats heavily disputed by india and he said that clearly it was clear about who was on the right in the wrong side of this clash that resulted in the deaths of those soldiers on monday now according to indian media there were chinese casualties as well but the Chinese Government is yet to release any numbers and there is some speculation that they may never release these numbers a state media here are saying that this is in fact a sign of goodwill from beijing an example of beijing wanting to pursue peace with india and not wanting to spark any confrontational sentiment that may lead to all out conflict. To the Korean Peninsula or a war of words is further escalating a dispute there north korea is warning it will redeploy troops close to the border and resume military exercises but seoul says it will no longer tolerate what it calls pyongyangs unreasonable behavior bribe reports now from part 2 in south korea. Making its message clear and unequivocal the destruction of the joint Liaison Office has been widely broadcast by north korean state run media accompanied by warnings that it will increase its military presence along the border separating the 2 koreas. Guard posts that had been removed to deescalate tensions will now be restored while military exercises on the northern side of the border will be resumed bringing this unusually strong response from the south. Such moves thought to the efforts and achievements made by the 2 koreas to maintain peace and the north will surely pay if these measures are put into action the north has blamed the south for allowing defectors to release propaganda balloons into its territory but north Korean Leader kim jong un is also frustrated at his failure to get more concessions in summits with the south korean president moon j. N. And with u. S. President donald trump the north seeming to conclude the current path of diplomacy has run its course trump just doesnt its just not that interested anymore and moon is very constrained by sanctions i mean thats why this thing is sort of been frozen for a year now have im just not sure that much can change in the next 6 months or 8 months a jew on the Southern Side of the border relatives of people abducted during the korean war hold a simple ceremony. Many events are being staged with the coming 70th anniversary of the start of the conflict least sango was a baby when his father was abducted to the north for him and others still. Living with the wars consequences this latest attempt at reconciliation has achieved little condoned when kim jong un wouldnt recognize this. And the south korean or the ministration couldnt put the issue on the table during the summit in any case this section of the border is where rail and road links were meant to be connected if the Current Initiative had been a success it was planned that you would become one of the main crossing points between north and south in what would be a new era of peaceful coexistence on the peninsula they are hopes that for the time being at least seeing dashed once more Robert Bright aljazeera to south korea the United States has imposed sanctions against the syrian president Bashar Al Assad and 39. 00 others including his wife under new legislation its known as the cesar act the measure came into effect on wednesday with the aim of increasing the economic isolation of assads government by restricting its ability to trade and to get money from abroad the sanctions will target his supporters with the threat of arrest and travel bans that includes politicians military personnel or anyone in business or banking as well as the oil and gas industry the new law also affects those seeking to do business with the Syrian Government including hezbollah in lebanon iran russia some gulf states and allies in eastern europe. Nearly a decade of violence has left syria with a collapsing economy and sanctions are expected to derail president Bashar Al Assads postwar recovery plans reports from beirut warning the u. S. May find some images disturbing. Theyre known as caesars photographs named after a military defector who documented torture and killings in Syrian Government jails his testimonies to the u. S. Congress was part of a campaign to hold the regime responsible for what have been described as war crimes it led to the passing and now the implementation of a bill in the u. S. The socalled caesar act in any country in the world theres a company individual. 50 thats providing acknowledge the financial support. And military support. Are all liable for things and under the caesar bill these sanctions go further than existing ones are aimed at preventing International Engagement with Bashar Assads government partnering or fighting on its side will also be punishable the Syrian Government calls the legislation economic terrorism but proponents of the law point to exemptions that minimize any impact on civilians the federal government is allowed to buy medicine they want but they dont want to spend. 4050 on that they want to fund their war machine they want to pump the militia human Rights Groups have accused the Syrian Government of using aid to fund its atrocities benefit those loyal to it and punish opponents by confiscating their properties plans to move to a postwar phase in syria will now be difficult. Its already faced with a collapsing economy and currency there is unprecedented poverty some say it hasnt been this vulnerable at any time during the 9 year war. It kind of shuts the door fully closed. In terms of there being any light at the end of the tunnel for the Syrian Regime so i think politically and diplomatically that will have an impact but it adds to the already terrible effects of the syrian economic crisis assad has faced pressure in the past but has never agreed to making political concessions he since the clear victory in the war in syria and while he may have won militarily winning the peace may prove harder the new legislation means the fight for damascus as the seat of assads power and legitimacy has still to be fought then heard there are people out of french court has found the uncle of Bashar Al Assad guilty of International Fraud referred to was accuse of using syrian state funds for personal gain the court in paris sentenced him to 4 years in prison but also ordered the seizure of millions of dollars worth of property in france and also in london. Still ahead here on Aljazeera Network already a very ordinary anger in paris after a video emerges showing French Police mistreating a nurse during a protest. Also ahead Flight Cancellations and School Closures b. G. Clamps down to home to news a rapidly spreading corona virus outbreak. The weather still looks pretty disturbed across central parts of china you can see this long line of cloud the seasonal rise the maya by front that still snaking its way across the region through south korea southern parts of japan is that a rope of cloud you can imagine that were just getting dragged across the area was heavy and flooding rains is going to be persistent rain many parts saying the wrang going on for hour after hour at best part of a day for some south korea looking pretty wet will see some positive panels as seeing some rather heavy rain in this we go on into friday are ripe of cloud that sinks a little further south which so it does brighten up a little some heavy showers at this station is pulling in the way into tokyo insists eastern cause of honda she still looking rather wet into central parts of china but the rains just started to not a little further southwards to the south of that is the usual raft of showers across much of Southeast Asia some rather lively downpours for a time coming into the philippines now in borneo seeing some rather heavy rain and pushing up towards thailand and indochina the west while it joins up with a wet weather that we have just around the eastern side of the but have been go we see some heavy rain pushing into myanmar into bangladesh to the northeast of india and very wet up western gas. They say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes follow in their footsteps as they forge their way in the world. Aljazeera shares these personal journeys. Inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. War. War with. The big. Welcome back lets update your top stories for you so far this half hour india and china say theyre working to calm tensions after a deadly brawl over a border dispute in the himalayas 20 indian soldiers died in the fight both sides blame the other for trespassing into their territory. North korea is threatening to send its military swards the Demilitarized Zone a day after it blew up a Liaison Office shared with south korea seoul says it will no longer tolerate pyongyangs behavior. The u. S. Has imposed a raft of sanctions on syria on the use of caesar act that designed to economically and politically isolate president bashar assad until he ends the war against his own people. Footage has emerged showing what some are describing as mistreatment of a group of Police Officers during a protest in paris on tuesday the woman can be seen here throwing looks like projectiles at the protests on tuesday then in another video she surrounded by a group of french officers grabbing her by the head of the Health Care Protest Natasha Butler has more from paris. This woman was taking part in a protest. Health workers are protesting for better pay on tuesday in paris she did throw projectiles of the police shes admitted that to the police while in custody and later she was then arrested by police but whats interesting is these 2 videos have really sparked a huge debate here in france because the 1st video that most people saw was one of the 1st being arrested surrounded by these armed Police Officers a woman big hair with blood on their faces shes been a schoolteacher way and then off to is this other one of her throwing the story to the police but what many campaigners say is her actions really justify her treatment or seemingly quite rough treatment at the hands of the Police Officers now the police say ok so. The police say they will look at the video of her trying to project. A stark conditions that they have to deal with and this is this is just a question of reasonable force for somebody who took part in a protest but this debate is really swirling here in france because of course it also comes in the midst of another debate generally a wider one on Police Violence or Police Brutality in france after the recent anti racism protests and then of course we had those yellow vest protests last year. A delegation of high ranking turkish officials have been meeting libyas internationally recognized government took his foreign minister and chief of intelligence made a surprise trip to tripoli turkey is the tripoli administrations main backer and has been instrumental in stopping the advance of the warlord after the foreign minister from turkey mr cover so news visit follows an agreement with russia which backs to push for a cease fire. At least 12 soldiers have been killed in an attack in northern afghanistan that took place at an army post in jaws jaan province some of the 5 soldiers have been held hostage the taliban who claimed responsibility for the attack says the death toll is higher turkey has launched another military offensive against armed kurdish separatists in Northern Iraq ankara deployed troops in the hof turn in region close to the border to fight the p. K. K. Or planes have also been targeting the groups positions around 3000. 00 fighters are believed to be in Northern Iraq turkey the u. S. And the e. U. All list the p. K. K. As a terrorist organization the un Human Rights Council is holding a urgent debate on racism and Police Brutality in the United States following the Police Killing of an unarmed black man george floyd a group of 54 african countries of call for the meeting the council has said it will examine violence against Peaceful Protesters diplomatic editor james bays has more from the new n. The Human Rights Council has been session for some hours now at its chamber in geneva the subject of the meeting the current racially inspired Human Rights Violations systematic racism Police Brutality and the violence against peaceful protest youll notice there is no mention in the title of this urgent session that was only decided upon in the last few days of the United States but its clear what theyre talking about theyre talking about the protests that have followed the death of george floyd in minneapolis in fact one of the keynote speakers was the brother of george floyd the way the barber brother tony abbott m. R. That all caliber is the way black people are truly about police and america you watch my brother that there could have been me i hear about bread the people who i met in a says are your brother the 1st the people of america and you have the power to help worth get that from barbara their eyes lowered. You know their help you know. You got me i think you help her black people and america session of the Human Rights Council continues in geneva but lots of it is taking place by virtual contribution in fact i mean mohammed whos the deputy secretary general of the United Nations joined here from where i am from u. N. Headquarters in new york she described this as the process taking place as todays sacred battle before she was the deputy secretary general she was in one politician and its certainly the african countries that have been pushing this but where it goes next and we expect the debate to continue into thursday in geneva is with some form of declaration this is the controversial bit you know how the trump of illustration doesnt like other countries intervene fearing in its affairs you just look at some of its recent comments on. On the International Criminal court you look at the fact the trumpet ministration pulled out of the Human Rights Council itself now some of these african countries want a commission of inquiry set up by the Human Rights Council to examine all the claims in this issue im told american diplomats and some of their allies are working very hard behind the scenes to try and drop that idea of a commission of inquiry. An Indonesian Court has issued a guilty verdict against the west papua human rights activists charged with treason they were arrested during and to racism protests in august of last year when will serve up to 11 months in jail but human rights activists say the defendants should never have been arrested in the 1st place has jessica washington. Outside the courtroom in East Kalimantan a small crowd gathered to support the defendants waiting for the verdict in a highly controversial trial the sparse and socially distanced demonstration a stark contrast to last years in indonesias papa when tens of thousands gathered to protest against racism against indigenous pop ones 7 men were arrested accused of involvement in the protests the provinces of purple and west papuan have been under indonesian rule since 969 and since then some have called for the regions independence the indonesian government has tried to quite shy any separatist movements in the resource rich provinces including the burning of the morning star flag which has become a symbol of pop when independence. The men were moved from papa to kalimantan thousands of kilometers from friends and family and because of covered 9000 restrictions the trial was held on Video Conference prosecutors sought sentences between 5 and 17 years instead all the men was sentenced to less than one year. You know what we find the defendant guilty of treason by the group. Theyve already been in prison since september so it should only be a matter of months before they release but we believe that they should have never been arrested in the 1st place they were just protesting racism at the time and they were just doing this for. Expression so they have committed no crime and they are just you know still an activist political activist here in retrospect because. They can be in prison solely for peacefully exercising their rights. The men looked relieved to hear their lighter sentences but there is the possibility that one or more of them may appeal against their treason convictions some of the men told the judges they will think about it. The defense says that demonstrating against racism is the right of every citizen in indonesia but the indonesian government has long held the view that theres no evidence of systemic discrimination against ones or any other Minority Community aljazeera asked the Central Government for a response to the verdict but did not receive a reply just the washington aljazeera to counter. Using the Prime Minister has put the military in charge of border quarantine operations after a breach of protocol allowed covert 19 back into the country 2 women with the virus were allowed out of corinth early on compassionate grounds they derive from the u. K. But they havent been tested before travelling on to visit a dying relative the Prime Minister said it was an unacceptable failure of the system the suspension of compassionate exemptions will continue until such time as we can guarantee a disciplined and rigorous system at the border that ministers have confidence and i know this will be up sitting to some New Zealanders seeking to return home to visit dying relatives and loved ones however the risk to our collective if thats to eliminate simply too great i cannot allow the games we have all made to be squandered by proces is not being upheld. The Chinese Capital beijing has raised its alert level after a new outbreak of corona virus infected 137 people hundreds of flights are being canceled and schools and universities the shot Priyanka Gupta reports. Most flights in and out of beijing are canceled but these travelers are trying to leave while they can the Chinese Capital is in the middle of its most serious outbreak of corn as far as since february if you need to know what i think im living now because the outbreak is a bit serious and im afraid of being infected so i want to escape back to home soon on wednesday the government raised to submergence your response level to tackle the spread of new infections linked to beijings largest wholesale food market schools and universities have been shot and people have been urged not to leave the city infections in 4 other provinces have already been linked to the operating budget in some areas quarantine measures are being introduced for those coming from the capital. Jemmett you got all kinds of medical and Health Institutions schools institutions for the elderly subway and public transport have been raised to a high level in terms of Epidemic Prevention and control and measures will be fully implemented to prevent keep personnel from leaving beijing we will resolutely curb the spread of the virus in and outside the City Health Workers have been dispatched from across the city to beijing state and hospital designated as a cold 90 Treatment Center you badly you were then dropped all the 100 transferred medical staff consists of 24 doctors 62 nurses 8 people from a Clinical Laboratory and 6 from radiology to enhance the treatment capacity of severe cases jangly a doctor who played an Important Role in the expert group for treating critical patients in will had also joined the Treatment Team for severe cases in the town hospital the government is allegedly testing hundreds of thousands of people on the spot and not both residential compounds under complete lockdown food markets i think restaurants in the city of 20000000 people are going to subtract and officials seem determined not to let beijing turn into another war harm even as Health Experts warn the virus detected in these new cases seems more contagious clog up though. U. K. Prime minister has been involved in a minor car accident. Happens when a kurdish protester ran into the road outside parliament a security car drove into the back of Boris Johnsons car no one is believed to have been injured. Before we go some news for football fans european governing body u. A. E. For has announced that the Champions League will be played in august and a team mini tournament in the portuguese capital lisbon will decide the title winners the quarter finals semi final and final will be played a single knockout matches between august the 12th and august the 23rd and the worlds most watched football competition the English Premier League is restarting after a 3 month hiatus because of the coronavirus aston villa kicks off against Sheffield United in around half an hour while Manchester City will be at home to ask later all matches will be paid played behind closed doors. This is al jazeera these are the top stories india and china say theyre working to calm tensions after a deadly brawl over a border dispute in the himalayas 20 indian soldiers died in the fight both sides blame the other for trespassing into their territory. The knowledge of indian troops seriously violated the consensus across the line of control when provoked an attack the chinese person now this lead to fierce physical confrontation between the 2 sides and resulted in casualties we once again ask india to act on our consensus and strictly disciplined troops not to cross the line to provoke and not to take unilateral action that may complicate the situation north korea is threatening to send its military towards the Demilitarized Zone a day after it blew up a Liaison Office with south koreas seoul says it will no longer tolerate pyongyangs behavior. The u. S. Has imposed a raft of sanctions on syria under what it calls the seas act theyre designed to economically and politically isolate president Bashar Al Assad until he ends the war against his own people a french court is found the uncle of Bashar Al Assad guilty of International Fraud of the fat al assad was accused of using syrian state funds for personal gain the court in paris sentenced him to 4 years in prison and also ordered the seizure of millions of dollars worth of properties in france and also in london footage has emerged showing what some are describing as mistreatment of a nurse by a group of Police Officers during a demonstration in paris on tuesday the woman can be seen throwing projectiles at the protests on tuesday then in another video she is surrounded by a group of french officers at the Health Care Protests. A delegation of high ranking turkish officials has been meeting libyas internationally recognized government foreign minister and chief of intelligence made a surprise trip to tripoli turkey is the tripoli administrations main backer and has been instrumental in stopping the advance of the warlord really for hafta. At least 12 soldiers have been killed in an attack in northern afghanistan it took place as an army post in georgia province another 5 soldiers are being held hostage the taliban claimed responsibility for the attack saying the death toll is higher those are your headlines the news continues here on al jazeera off to witness 30 minutes of news in 30 minutes. I think. So we dont know

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