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A Strict Lockdown in the capital. Part of chinas capital is sealed off and its just a food market shut down after fears of a new coronaVirus Outbreak. Nearly 3 weeks after George Floyds death sparked mass demonstrations across america the Police Killing of another black man has triggered demonstrations anger and condemnation just in the past couple of hours atlantas police chief has resigned after a video of the fatal incident to managed police a racial brooks whod fallen asleep in his car at a Fast Food Restaurant failed a breath test and resisted arrest the officers then tried using a taser on him but a fight broke out brooks is seen taking the taser before hes facially shot. When they went to effect a rest on the individual struggle ensued between the parties officer was able to cool his taser out in the attempt to tase a suspect but the suspect ended up taking the taser from the officer and at some point it was later that the suspect was dean using a taser against the officer at this particular point in time weve called him because the officer did these charges weapon striking the suspect in the suspect was transported from the singing to Grady Memorial Hospital well thats not been on the gallagher hes in miami and he obviously this is a really highly charged time and there are now videos of that incident that have been released what more do we know about exactly what happened today well we know that the police were called on friday night to a Fast Food Restaurant after reports a customer was asleep in his car causing other customers to drive around it now when those 2 Police Officers arrived on the scene they carried out to sobriety test on racial brooks and said that he failed that test then you can see the video there is a struggle between racial brooks and these 2 Police Officers punches are thrown by mr brooks he then reportedly grabs one of the offices taser weapons and runs away with it and its alleged that he then turned on one of the officers who opened fire ive watched the video now are all seeing it ive heard at least 3 shots and racial brooks later died in hospital now the question here is what would the police have done it for a shot brooks was not an africanamerican what would they have done if it was any of the situation in which they did not have to use deadly force now the chief of police of Atlanta Erica shields has offered her resignation the mayor of atlanta accepted lets hear what kesha lon spotted had to say. While there may be debate as to whether this was an appropriate use of deadly force i firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do i do not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force and have called for the immediate term a nation of the officer and were already seeing some of the political fallout here i see protesters already back in the streets in georgia over this incident its now been nearly 3 weeks we were saying since george freud was killed whats the state of process around the country now. Well the protests are continuing theyre not abating and i think this latest incident in which you hear the maire of a major city in this country saying that was an excessive use of deadly force will just fuel what is a long burning fire the timing of this really couldnt be worse for the people arguing against Police Reform because that is the major call of protests around the nation you hear this phrase Police Defunding which is broadly misunderstood i think a president from that meeting thinks that means getting rid of the police what it actually means is changing their practices on the ground and also taking their budgets and using some of the money for social programs which would benefit colors communities of color i should say but i think the fact that a police chief of a major city in this country has resigned over the shooting of a africanamerican man is pretty significant remember this all comes less than 2 weeks after 6 atlanta Police Officers violently dragged 2 students from their cars using tasers they slashed the tires they smashed the windows those 2 students were charged with absolutely nothing they both happened to be africanamerican as well 4 of those officers have now been charged initially the chief of police was praised for swift action over that particular event but this seems to be one a vent and one death of an africanamerican to far and again and yet again there for us in miami thank you very much well we can now speak to jason hes a senior lecturer in the africanamerican studies department at the university of Maryland College park he joins us now on skype from washington d. C. Thank you for being with us jason just picking up what andy was saying there police chief eric shields was very quick to act when those 6 Police Officers took on the 2 black students a couple of weeks ago but now shes been forced to resign over this whats your take on that. And while i think that you know people are looking for Police Accountability theyre looking for strong leadership theyre looking for change and i think erica shields did the right thing by stepping down saying that the city needs new leadership particularly when it comes to policing so i think its actually a very responsible act on her on her part i think that this city has done a good job in terms of transparency which in many cases we dont see any footage for months on end in this case it was probably less egregious than other cases weve seen in recent months but still it was i agree with mayor bottoms that this was not a situation that had to end in a mans death and we need to rethink policing overall in this country and cities like atlanta can take the lead on this and it starts with accountability so i think what eric has shields and mayor bottoms did was the correct thing and well speaking of them and i say that madisons of the frontrunner and tens of a. Potential and she acted very rapidly here how do you regard have response is this a success of the movement. Yes i think you know were there not had there not been the outcry that weve seen over the past couple of weeks you would not see the level of accountability or transparency that youre seeing right now and i think parched partly whether we like to admit it or not it was a large scale rebellion that included destruction of property that i think is pushing people towards making the right decisions and not trying to cover things up and trying to keep the population more in line and let them know that change is coming so i think that they are bottom says done a decent job. However i dont think that she with some of the controversies that weve seen in her city that she would be the best choice for joe biden as a running mate i think that there are better choices available who are also africanamerican women so i dont necessarily think that she needs to make the leap from Atlanta Mayor to Vice President ial nominee but i do think that shes doing a good job and she can still serve her city well youre talking about the change that we have seen so if a sense this Movement Began weve seen pace reform legislation for instance right after new york state what do you think needs to happen specifically in atlanta. Well i think her across the nation i think what we need is in terms of accountability is when you have an active force and its going to lead to a lawsuit you Better Believe that mr brooks is spam and we is going to sue. The city of atlanta who are this incident and so what they need to do is make sure that when they get a judgment that that judgment doesnt come out of the taxpayers pockets it comes out of Police Pensions they are the ones who are responsible for these acts of violence so they need to be the one that puts the bill and i think you will see more Police Officers intervening around the country when did they know that they are personally impacted by these payouts for example the city of chicago paid 113000000. 00 in one ear in settlements for Excessive Force so with that money that money coming out of Police Pensions i think you will see radical change amongst Police Departments and i dont believe in defunding the police because i think that there are things that we can do that wont overburden Police Officers we have Police Officers who are having to respond to Mental Health crises and thats not their job their job is to do other things so i think defunding the police putting that funding in some places that actually prevent the root causes of crime will really help us. In that trend africanamerican studies at the end of us have merit and thank you for joining us on out of there. Thank you. Well violence broke out in Central London between anti racism and far right Groups Holding rival demonstrations now some of the far right crowd attacked Police Officers trying to keep both sides apart Prime Minister Barak Johnson described the events as racist thuggery so were going to get reports. They came they said to protect a monument. A statue of churchill that had already been boarded up to prevent vandalism thousands of far right supporters from various organizations descended on parliament square. The same crowds who voiced anger at damage done to start choose attacking policemen and women was the. Pelting them with objects fireworks even using broke barriers that were meant to keep them apart from another march organized by anti racism groups. But some broke away. Scores of Police Officers moved into position to stop further breakouts of violence theres already been scenes of tension between those far right organizations and the police that protest itself meanwhile what the black wives Matter Movement here wants to do is focus on the issues rather than any possible eruptions between them and the far right organizations the. One way the black lives movement did that organizing smaller marches across the country. But even in those marches such as this one in the Northern City of new castle the far right also issued out their own calls looking for confrontation throwing flares and taunting the police the events in the us have triggered debates about the state of Race Relations in britain but there are elements of society who violently resent that. By far right leaders under the guise of patriotism they would rather provoke the needing fully engage. So neither you will aljazeera london. And riot police in france fired tear gas to disperse a largely peaceful protest against racism and Police Brutality. You can see thousands of people defied a ban to join the march in central paris the rally was led by supporters of adama tro or a french black man who died in Police Custody in 2060 and under unclear circumstances no one has been charged to fight multiple autopsies and as those crowds marched on the streets below counterdemonstrators climbed a building and hung a banner denouncing what they called anti white racism where residents in the building then took matters into their own hands and told part of the ballot down while the french government spokeswoman is calling for the collection of ethnicity base to to sticks in a bid to monitor the extent of discrimination then to bethen diane who is of senegalese heritage says not being able to measure and see reality as it is has allowed fantasies to prosper her proposal comes as ethnic statistics in the u. S. And u. K. So nonwhite people are much more likely to die from the coronavirus currently french authorities do not collect data on its citizens a based on their race or ethnicity well canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered an investigation after footage of a Violent Arrest of an indigenous chief was released the 12 minute dash cam video shows an officer tackling chief alan adam to the ground and punching him in the head in alberta province and as david massa reports from calgary the video has prompted discussions about Police Brutality and institutional racism in canada. This was the moment Canadian Police arrested a prominent indigenous leader while one officer tries to grab chief alan adam a 2nd rushes in and tackles him once on the ground adam is punched in the face as his wife a nice plead with officers to stop on friday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded an inquiry like many people i have serious questions about what happened the independent investigation must be transparent and be carried out so that we get answers Police Dash Cam footage shows adam being questioned about an expired license plate outside a casino early on march 10th chief adam accused the officer of harassing him and his wife the 12 minute video shows him swearing at the officer and taking a fighting stance before being jumped tackled to the ground adam released this photo after being released from Police Custody my point did not want to come forward with this he waited for a long time he was suffering from trauma and finally came forward because i think this is an example of the systemic racism that exists in north america it can no longer be denied adam himself spoke about as arrests during a solidarity march on june 6th forestry a 110. 00 violation. I took the bird it. Got better the bruisers. For all the ortiz who could speak or would have to alter it or local r. C. M. P. Canadas National Police force said officers used reasonable force when adams resisted arrest but after the video surfaced a senior official made an abrupt about face earlier this week i made the statement that i did not believe there was systemic racism within the r. C. M. P. Or canadian policing. I expressed my belief that racism is found in all aspects of our society in our institutions and in our Police Services chief adam is an outspoken indigenous leader known internationally for his work against Oil Sands Projects near his community but while his fame has focused public attention on discrimination and abuse of people of indigenous descent his experiences are all too common and bitterness people make up less than 5 percent of canadas population but they account for around a 3rd of the prison population and 30 percent of death in Police Custody the question is now what authorities will do about a system that many here say is racist david mercer aljazeera in calgary canada. Well thats now remind you of our top stories this hour. The Police Killing of another black man in the u. S. Has triggered new demonstrations anger and condemnation police in atlanta say racial brooks failed a breath test and resisted arrest theyre trying to use a taser on him but a fight broke out before he was faking the show. And he racism and far right activists have clashed in Central London during rival demonstrations there were tense moments between police and protesters some throwing bottles and fireworks and offices and riot police and france fired tear gas at a largely peaceful protest against racism and Police Brutality thousands of people defied a ban to join the march and central paris the rally was led by supporters of adama troll or a french black man who died in Police Custody and 2016 and unclear circumstances. The hundreds of people in cities across lebanon have protested for a 3rd consecutive day there demanding the government resign over the countrys worst economic crisis in decades. Demonstrators say politicians are failing to take urgent action as unemployment soars along with the cost of living the lebanese pound has lost more than half its value since october lebanons Prime Minister is blaming the previous government for the economic turmoil. Has failed and all the secret schemes have field from deep in the crisis some of trying to pump rumors and push people to the street they want to prevent the government from removing the rubble under which corruption is hidden we will not be silent about holding us responsible for the policies that brought the country to where we are today. Well turning to the coronavirus pandemic in chiles Health Minister has been replaced a day after the country reporters its worst spike in coded 1000 cases a monolith had been under mounting pressure to resign for his handling of the outbreak chile is one of latin americas west affected countries and reported more than 6700 infections and 222 deaths on friday well our correspondent on your apollo joins us live from mexico city many it does seem that the pressure has finally reached a point where heads are rolling over the handling of this pandemic in chile. It is a bit of a surprise to hear the resignation of chiles Health Minister on saturday especially given the fact that is right now going through the worst phase of the corona Virus Outbreak in the country there but Health Minister leach is a somewhat of a controversial figure hes been heavily criticized for taking whats been criticized as a relaxed role for not implementing more robust mitigation measures to contain the spread of coronavirus in chile comparing the the efforts and she led to efforts in neighboring countries like argentina which implemented a total lockdown so the president of. The has been under a lot of pressure from political opponents to replace the Health Minister all of that culminating now with the resignation of liege but if we to if we look at right now just to reiterate a few of the of the statistics that you pointed out she was supposed to be an exception to the rule in latin america even before the outbreak began in the region latin america was expected to be ill prepared it was said that latin america spends less on Health Policy than any other country in the world there was an expectation that she would do better than most of the other countries in the region unfortunately what were seeing is that sheila again is one of the worst hit countries in the region according to the latest statistics of over 167000 infections and 3100 in one deaths. Many latin america has been the epicenter of this pandemic and sometime now you are in the mexican capital where cases they both have been escalating how is the government managing that. Yes matt mexico is the in 2nd place in the region were 2nd only to brazil in terms of deaths and infections so it is a Health Crisis by by all signs according to International Health experts the crisis here is actually worsening but there is a lot of confusion over policy the government had said that the height of contagion would occur sometime in mid may later they said that it would happen sometime at the beginning of june now Health Experts here in mexico and experts with the World Health Organization are saying that the height of the pandemic wont arrive until sometime near the beginning of july yet the government is has already ended its nationwide social distancing campaign its because of reopening the economy or races on now to get the word out to people who live in poor communities and some of the more Rural Communities of mexico check it out. This radio message is being broadcast in sample day one of 16 indigenous languages spoken in the mexican state of one haka me ok its only what is is a radio announcer caregiver job is getting out the word about the worsening coded 1000 al break in the country to meet you know the love that you through the radio we can give people suggestions and explain how they can care for themselves in our Spanish Language or in septic. Shock is mexicos most linguistically diverse state here 3rd of the population speak at least one native language some dont speak spanish at all. This poses a challenge to authorities when it comes time to informing people of changing policies for containing the spread of coronavirus one. When we have a world us that this takes an recommendations that they are not transmitted in a language that can be understood by everyone that is where we are fun shorting garren teen people their Constitutional Rights do x. Is doing information about the when then that bank wayside you need one Government Initiative thats proved popular is an online coded 1000. Information can be available in nearly every indigenous language and dialect spoken in mexico. This excess of mexicos online Information Campaign depends almost entirely on a person having access to the internet. Nationwide only about a half of all households have any form of Internet Connection not. Going to mexico states like where connectivity is even more limited this makes radio information lifeline. Its very important that the internet be a right for everyone middle class the poor without discrimination its a right for everyone as human beings. According to Health Experts the corona Virus Outbreak in mexico is nearing its height critical that people heed the recommendations to continue self isolation and social distancing a new. Mexico city. And then the 3rd part of our series on the impact the crime of virus pandemic is having on indigenous communities will take years to where an Indigenous Community there is using its ancestral knowledge to combat the virus you can see that on sunday here on aljazeera. The current a virus pandemic started in china and the race is on to contain at that again the biggest whole sell food market in the Capital Beijing has closed in on the police god off to dozens of people tested positive there the 1st local cases detected in the city of 20000000 people for more than 50 days officials in the affected area say theyre now on a wartime footing katrina you reports from beijing. Video of Chinese Military police entering beijings from thai district has been circulating on social media and you cluster of cases discovered here on friday has triggered what the government is calling a wartime footing to contain the outbreak dozens of locally transmitted cases are linked to shin friday wholesale market the biggest in the capital for full tide history has immediately launched the world. Has set up a few headquarters to manage of the wholesale market and the surrounding community we are putting peoples safety and health 1st the area has been sealed off and is deemed disinfected thousands are being tested those who have visited the market in the past 2 weeks have been asked to report to authorities. 11 local neighborhoods have been locked down with residents told they cannot leave their compound to people in beijing the new infections are a stark reminder that months of pandemic are far from over where you are garden i am a little worried because this is happened somewhere very close to me we have to remember to wear a mask when entering an exit in different places and have our temperature checked Officials Say traces of corona virus were found on a chopping board to use for imported salmon fresh salmon has been removed from supermarket shelves and menus everywhere in beijing and wholesale markets closed sporting events and large scale gatherings have big cancelled with further delays to the planned reopening of primary schools and Entertainment Venues residents in beijing are drawing parallels between this latest cluster and the original outbreak in the city of hot boys proportionally originated it was still full market now chinas leaders under immense pressure to do what ever they cant but this time the outcome is vastly different to train. Al jazeera. Well the number of people sleeping on britain streets fell dramatically during the coronavirus lockdown a boost in government funding meant that accommodation was quickly found to stop Homeless People spreading the virus but there are fears that money will dry up as imagines he restrictions were lifted for a challenge reports from bryson. Drugs drink just kayo it just to be more needed today to survive and not really thinking about myself or other people you know or what even what journey or just yeah it will just fell apart. House troubles adults who had followed a troubled childhood because the last 5 years roughly ping in brighton a dangerous lonely existence in recent months so theres been response this is a 1st sign of being helped in a long long long time having that worry of mind and you know where where im going to say so and i or you know close was or you know ive been asking a shower or you know having a date you know thats thats taking worries of your mind you know sometimes can cripple you in a day since mid march empty hotels and Student Accommodation have been housing some of the countrys most Vulnerable People when cope with 19 erupt in the u. K. Governments told local authorities to find rooms for the homeless and people in shelter you put up some money to help Charities Local Authorities government as well have worked you know really coordinate way to protect the most vulnerable so i mean i think its approximately 15000 people across the country who could be helped in one form or another d. One of brightons sea front attractions is this upside down house. Its an interesting metaphor for the way that cope with 19 is overturns britains homelessness crisis or babies actually put it the right way up because this is clearly a problem that could always be solved with the right approach the governments promise to deliver 6000. 00 homes for the homeless with half of those available in the next year but broughton isnt alone in worrying about what comes before that hotels will want to return to normal business universities will want their accommodation back and the government money was nowhere near sufficient to pay for it all anyway there has been some government funding but its its its completely inadequate to continue so we are as a council because we want to catch the people in the right hope we are continuing but we do need that money in part because they. Felt doesnt want to go back to the streets nor do your thirtys wanting to get rough sleepers may find themselves out in the cold once more the councils cant afford to pay any more and the government is going to. Really challenge aljazeera bright and. Residents and venice taking a stand against mass tourism as the city springs back to life after months and down protesters formed a human chain along one of the italian cities canals calling for the industry to be better regulated they say over tourism has ruined neighborhoods and damage the environment. Now space x. Has sent more than 60 satellites into orbit designed to beam high Speed Internet to earth 3 to one here. But i found. The falcon 9 rocket launched 58. 00 Starlink Internet satellites into space with 3 satellites from another firm hitching a lift its the 2nd mission this month to styling which is building a Broadband Network of nearly 500. 00 satellites. Again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines the Police Killing of another black man in the u. S. Has triggered new demonstrations anger and condemnation police in atlanta say racial brooks failed a breath test and resisted arrest they tried to use a taser on him but a fight broke out before he was fatally shot and gallagher has more from miami well we know that the police were called on friday night to a Fast Food Restaurant after reports a customer was asleep in his car causing other customers to drive around it now when those 2 Police Officers arrived on the scene they carried out a sobriety test on racial brooks and said that he failed the test then you can see the video there is a struggle between racial brooks and these 2 Police Officers punches are thrown by mr brooks he then reportedly grabs one of the officers taser weapons and runs away with it and its alleged that he then turned on one of the officers who opened fire a Violent Arrest by police of an indigenous leader in canada is also provoking outrage the 12 minute dash cam video shows an officer tackling chief allen out into the ground and punching him in the head and our better Province Police charge the indigenous leader with resisting arrest for an expired license plates and assault on an officer which has now is a challenging antiracism and far right activists have clashed in Central London during rival demonstrations there are tense moments between police and protesters with some throwing bottles and fireworks at offices. Riot police in france fired tear gas at a largely peaceful protest against racism racism and Police Brutality the rally was led by supporters of adama troll or a french black man who died in Police Custody and 2016 and unclear circumstances. Hundreds of people in cities across 11 on have protested for a 3rd consecutive day there demanding the government resign over the countrys worst economic crisis in decades demonstrators say politicians are failing to take action as unemployment saw as along with the cost of living the lebanese pound has lost more than half its value since october well those are the headlines join me for more news here after whose truth is it anyway stay with us. On counting the cost indias labor reforms but is it reform when they crunch the job didnt leave millions with no redress what china is tightening grip on Hong Kong Financial hub status. Jobs other stop gap the real deal. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Saying. My name is mona chirpy and i meant to journalist my job is to find numbers in all sorts of different places and then turn them into images that people who understand and connect. I always try to think of ways to connect the subject matter with the

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