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1st some breaking news out of afghanistan theres been an explosion at a mosque in the capital kabul police say at least 4 people have been killed and many more injured in the blast they say the mosque official leading the prayers is among the dead theres been no immediate claim of responsibility lets speak to feel confident in kabul she is a freelance journalists in the Afghan Capital joins us now live what more you hearing about this attack and how significant is it. Well thats right and this is a story that still developing here in kabul everything is still very fresh as the attack happened about a couple of hours ago famous mosque in the west of Kabul Ministry of interior spokesman did confirm that so far 4 people are dead and at least officially 8 people have been injured who have been transferred to different hospitals. Here spokesman also said that confirmed that explosives have been put inside the mosque during the main prayer and this is on a friday thats when mosques are pocked with worshippers and so far weve been seeing images and afghan social media pictures of the carnage inside the mosque weve seen fire weve seen bodies on the floor and people carry the dead or the one dead so what we expect more information coming in from the ministry of interior and we will bring it in to you as soon as we know more right in this way no claim of responsibility yet its an attack that comes at a time when the Peace Process between the Afghan Government and the taliban seems to be gaining momentum who would want to spoil this process and can they succeed. Well thats right i mean this attack comes as equivocal time for afghanistan as weve been hearing in the past few days it seems that the taliban and the Afghan Government are closer than ever and then starting the interim afghan talks that could hopefully of the peace for this country these are talks that could start there are rumors that they could start as soon as this month and do we know that isis which has been active in the country and which has claimed responsibility for a lot of horrid attacks both here in kabul and across the country is one of those socalled spoilers in the Peace Process and that in traffic on talks for like you said its still too early for anyone to claim responsibility for this attack but it comes this attack just 10 days after just a few meters away from here there was another attack on a mosque here and was attacked by one and that attack really isis declaim responsibility so as we wait to see who will claim responsibility maybe mosques are becoming kind of like a new front line in the war here in afghanistan thank you very much for that. Report of filio contre for you with the latest there from afghanistan in other News Health Officials in india have recorded the biggest single day jump in corona virus cases with nearly 11000 new infections in just 24 hours hospitals are so overwhelmed with patients are turning some away the rise in infections comes as the government eases its nationwide lockdown india now has around 300000 cases the 4th highest in the world and at least 8 and a half hours and people have died lives with one and has more from new delhi. Another day another record high in the number of cases and deaths and thats important to remember that india is still not testing enough so we dont have the complete picture of cases and both medical workers and patients are struggling to deal with the situation as the number of cases continue to rise weve seen a number of protests this week doctors at the main Public Hospital in the Southern City of hyderabad went on strike for days this week after the doctor was attacked by the family of a patient they said that was just the Tipping Point for them the nurses union of indias leading Public Hospital here in delhi was on strike were protesting rather threatening to go on leave and on strike was over a week because of their working conditions they cooled off and leave the last minute after the hospital met their demands and we also got doctors at 2 of the biggest Public Hospitals here in the capital treating coronavirus patients saying that theyre going to resign on mass next week unless their 3 months salary thats owed to them is going to be paid and already we have patients who arent being seen to enough when theyre in hospitals of patients reports of patients being turned away from hospitals and dying off the words and here in delhi the number of deaths on adding up Municipal Corporation say that they have buried twice the number of coronavirus patients than those being reported by the Delhi Government this week. To. Journalists and political commentator in india he says a pandemic is showing up long existing failings in the countrys health system. Its limitations its got streets its in and it was hes now been revealed for the whole world to see we just havent really invested enough in Public Health care and what is happening is shocking debt or deplorable indias economy has entered into a deep depression livelihoods of at least one 4th of the population but more than that. Theyre even badly affected the thing is as the lock down has been open has been its has been had been expected by spurred by well no just the theres been a spike in the numbers that b. S. E. Again these numbers the credibility of these numbers are being questioned we havent been doing testing theres an inadequate i mean that the trip and personal Protection Equipment for doctors is inadequate i mean i see use of bend a little bit of hospitals everything is in short supply as a result of which we are hearing these pills all do our station all around us if the government of india and every right the citizen does not weak up and realize the criminal neglect of Public Health care in this country its consequences its consequences that are being breached by people that i think i mean i mean what book and im at but was it. Something has to be done something has to be dont sort of the last we dont i soon as possible protesters have gathered in hong kong as a Controversial National anthem law comes into effect the legislation makes it a criminal offense to mock chinas anthem activists say it violates their freedom of expression they see it as another sign that beijing is doing away with hong kongs autonomy to figure palin is in hong kong she says events that happen in a city a year ago came to define its protest movement. A year ago today protesters surrounded the Legislative Council hong kong to government headquarters when they were debating an extradition bill not that bill would have allowed hong kong suspects to be tried in Mainland China opaque and communist one courts and they were trying to disrupt proceedings at that point Police British shut down those protests people dispersed and both protesters and police up the ante was all canisters of tear gas water cannon and in the ensuing months molotov cocktails in the protest side rubber a live fire from the police side rubber bullets so todays scene of the day that hong kongs protest movement changed in nature human rights activists say the day when police started using Excessive Force on protesters and protesters then changed their tactics in response to that setting up blockades across hong kong and it led to nearly 6 months of daily antigovernment almost violent protest almost every day without blockading roads trying to disrupt the city it completely changed the way the protest Movement Began and now is seen in hong kong korea imo is a prodemocracy member of the Legislative Council she says the Chinese Government has made the situation unbearable for the millions of people who joined protests over the last year. The mood on the ground at the moment chiefly. That probably desperation plus the reformation many people with thinking that emigrating and some would actually if you meant that they are fleeing from home because they would consider themselves as refugees now that that might be a bit exaggerated but then whats in the future especially for young couples children they need to sayings of so they meet to do whatever they think. Its the best for their family but the for the whole of home call i mean its obvious by now that said taking to the streets to protest just may not be a Sustainable Way of. Going against the government the munging democracy freedom and so on and so whats going to happen after they actually implemented these to charity lol as something for everyone to seriously think about because this city has become well orwellian back that we have hong kong week when they say a day is night and dhaka could be the light look just what how do you occupy what do you do. Of aging has criticised twitter after it removed 170000 accounts it says were linked to a Chinese State backed Misinformation Campaign the network focused heavily on hong kong but also praised chinas response to the coronavirus pandemic the Chinese Government is demanding twitter a fight this information properly by also shutting down accounts that smear china beijing says it is the biggest victim or false information. U. S. Space Video Conference firm zoom has admitted suspending the accounts of rights activists at the request of chinas government zoom initially said it was following local laws when it temporarily brought former student leaders involved in arranging events for the anniversary of the 10 men square massacre in beijing the account of a hong kong politician was also suspended. Share markets in asia have opened down but european stocks are shopping higher after huge losses on wall street on thursday the drop is being fueled by concerns of a 2nd wave of Coronavirus Infections in the u. S. As well as fears of a slow recovery aljazeera is Gable Elizondo has more from new york. Its about many things but it all boils down to corona virus there are still deep worries now that this is spreading in more than a dozen states were seeing numbers positive cases that are on the increase particularly texas florida and arizona these are all states that with the last few weeks if lifted their stay at home orders and so the economy is really coming back but coronavirus is as well and i think that has really spooked the markets as we also saw this is not even the 2nd wave study of the university of washington came out saying that the that socalled 2nd wave of chronic viruses and expected to hit the u. S. In till probably september and then you also still have no signs of a vaccine anywhere on the horizon late this year or early next year probably at the earliest add all that up and what is one trader said the markets have been operating on irrational exuberance the last few weeks and all of that ended with this huge sell off on thursday still ahead on aljazeera a change of mind. To maintain relations with donald trump plus why hundreds of people have been rallying in the philippines capital. City of. Hello the wet season has officially started in japan not surprisingly because this rather broken frontal system the my you buy you system produces all the spring and early summer rain for china and japan and the lines move 3rd the north than it was 4 days ago quite significantly so the yangtze valley that also the north and it runs through south korea and then as you can see the western part major part of japan humid to the south so hong kong is going to see wet weather and increasingly wet weather because theres a circulation in the South China Sea heading your way or maybe just to the west so that is flooding this will produce flooding has already done so and there was some flooding in japan as well north of the line is still hot and dry beijing represents 34 degrees the monsoon trough is actually running fairly north fairly quickly at the moment the line is more or less we can see the brightest of the clouds here so its up into bangladesh and just south of hard about across towards mumbai everything on that line will produce heavy rain and of course following it will be more persistent rain for the lucky few care as an example but even ahead of it its not been an increase in the wind but also increasing showers and they are still even in delhi. For. June 1976 days the region with a map of the middle east is my record as regalia of the israeli army in that war war the greatest tragedy in the history of islam 50 years later aljazeera expose the events leading to the war and its consequences which is still felt today we tried everything we went to the United Nations and tried mediation contacts with Different Countries and it was clear that all this was genuinely the rule in june. The. A reminder of our top stories on aljazeera theres been an explosion at a mosque in afghanistans capital kabul police say at least 4 people have been killed and many more injured they say the mosque official was leading prayers is among the dead theres been no immediate came of responsibility. India has recorded the biggest single day jump in coronavirus cases with nearly 11000 new infections in just 24 hours the rise in infections comes as the government eases its nationwide lockdown and protesters have been gathering in hong kong as a controversial law comes into effect the legislation makes it a criminal offense to mark chinas national. Now around 25000. 00 patients in the u. K. Were discharged into care homes without 1st being tested folk around of eyes at the height of the pandemic thats according to a National Audit Office Report that estimated that at least 15000 care home residents died from coverage 19 in the u. K. Saying the u. K. s touch of Winston Churchill has been boarded up after it was sprayed with graffiti joining an antiracism protest in london last weekend the move comes ahead of further demonstrations that are planned for saturday british Prime Minister voice johnson says its quote abseiled and shameful that the statue should be at risk of attack he went on to add that the anti racism protests have been hijacked but why by what he called extremists now the mayor of Bristol Marvin reese has described the topping of a city statue of slave trader Edward Colson as a powerful image any piece of historical portray my colleague nic locke spoke to him earlier and asked him what im sorry had for those who claim statues are important as a teaching tool heres what he had to say statues of domes going in and of themselves do not do the job of teaching assistant you know if you were to try to base your historical knowledge of the statue of khowst him and you were using that to write in a little paper i give you an 8 because it tells you he was a wise and virtuous some of the city but thats not the full story is so you would be taken out the complexity the contradiction the nuance all this person and the community was a part of those merchants if you were simply to care about and be in advance of this you would talk about his attitude towards Certain Groups of people in your social structure within bristol so its the to set it up themselves do not teach us history. Baby talk to us about. A message a Certain Group of whats a good phrase so in his profile way street is dunbar high point. Historians to do Good Quality Research and we should wrestle with all monuments as well in the same ways we begin to turn uncover the true history of the. Euro and im also concerned you know im also aware of well peoples feelings that. You know challenging some of these monuments removing them is about loss and cities not actually what were doing is were good and were Getting Better history better knowledge better insight. We are today and how we got to become. So this is just about equipping us what was done but will better meanwhile the city of hamilton in new zealand has removed a statue of the British Naval officer its named after overconcerned its culturally offensive to Indigenous People captain John Hamilton is accused of killing maori people in 1960 s. And decision was made just a day after local tribes axed asks for it to be even more. Now north korea says theres little point in maintaining a relationship between a state or kim jong un and the us president while washington remains hostile young and foreign minister made the comments on the 2nd anniversary of a landmark summit between the 2 leaders he said north korea would no longer allow donald trump to score political points by meeting came while giving nothing in return. Tonight been on our protesters have tried to occupy the central bank as the nations currency dropped to new lows against the u. S. Dollar the government has been in talks with the International Monetary fund for weeks but there are no signs of an imminent deal on a rescue package. Whats. Antigovernment protesters face so Food Security forces instead. They played the Ruling Alliance but the political turmoil and economic chaos engulfing let alone. This area of the capital has been a front line since october when the protest Movement Began against the sectarian Political Class which has ruled for decades been able to stop the revolutionaries will topple the government and a new technocratic government will emerge which will save the country from the existing crisis the current government and Political Parties are not able to and they dont want to save the country from the ongoing crisis they want to steal it they dont care about the country. Lebanon is facing its worst economic crisis in decades foreign currency has stopped flowing in and its reserves are dwindling the lebanese layer has lost 70 percent of its value since october and inflation is soaring the World Food Program says prices of basic goods have increased by at least 40 percent d. I came down here to protest to try to build a country and this is the 1st starts of the protests started on october 17th i get that feeling that we the people we are all in the same boat. The government is seeking billions of dollars this so far talks with the International Monetary fund have made little progress Prime Minister has has promised positive change parties being criticised for a lack of action victoria gaited be aljazeera. Syrian president bashar assad has stopped his Prime Minister just a month ahead of elections the Water Resources minister will take over until a parliamentary vote in july the president s decision comes amid a deepening economic crisis which has seen the countrys currency which. Pakistans government is said to present its project in parliament as it grapples with the fallout from the coronavirus spun demick crisis is expected to push millions into unemployment and poverty the government says economy will contract up to 1. 5 percent this year more than 100000. 00 cases have been reported in pakistan critics accuse Prime Minister imran khan of easing restrictions too soon causing an increase in deaths and infections. To the philippines where people are protesting in the capital manila against a new untied Terrorism Law to say the bill gives felice expanded powers that could be open to abuse if you are president rodrigo to teddy could use it against his political opponents and critics but the government says its needed to stop attacks by armed groups i mean i linda and has been speaking to some of the protesters about their concerns with the new legislation. This is the biggest protest since the lockdown was imposed by the Philippine Government more than 2 months ago that side to stop the spread of coronavirus in the country on one with everybody. Here to give them my voice to junk that there are people here tell us they have been paroled sassing online over the past few months but the government refuses to listen theyve been calling on the government to improve the countrys social services to focus on mass testing and to provide for jobs for millions of filipinos who continue to lose their employment instead they see the government spoken man to impose more oppressive and restrictive laws and. Are not enough masters basically to make sure that he wont be used against average citizens. As the world tries to understand more about covert 19 some patients of recovered say more attention should be given to Mental Health one patient shared his 3 month recovery with aljazeera and described how overcoming the stigma of being a former patient has been difficult jessica washington has a story from indonesia. As he unpacked his suitcase repairman i had no idea how long he would stay in this isolation ward apart from regular Health Checkups options to pass time were limited the 29 year old started speaking with al jazeera in march agreeing to document his treatment and recovery from covert 19 we agreed to meet ricky when he left hospital to show his complete journey as a patient but it took nearly 3 months and 14 swab tests for the virus to leave his system at the time i am the longest patient to be treated for the coffee insurable im also defend the 1st question so the attention is really focused on me after months of talking we were finally able to meet ricky in person this park is one of cheery bones Historic Sites in indonesias west java province and its places like this that ricky longed for when he was in hospital i love to explore some places outside go outside and go to nature this is something i miss. But going back to normal life after living with the virus wasnt easy even when his doctors said he could go home he asked for more time in the ward because i dont know what people going about me. I do trust that im healthy enough saw its kind of ironic when you get Golden Ticket to go home but i refused them. I asked for one more b. S. He says support from his family helped him reintegrate into society. And to my family. They keep asking that. You see how to go back to the society but then my family my higher family and are fighting for me he says hes speaking out about his experience to help millions like him who are fearful of being stigmatized you cannot be made you know how hard inside. But dont you fall dont you fall for yourself and for your family soon ricky will return to jakarta where he works as an immigration officer at the airport but he says the experience of being one of indonesias 1st and longest covered 1000 patients would never leave him jessica washington aljazeera suitable now rice groups say coronavirus tests among the most vulnerable indigenous tribes have increased more than 5 fold in the past month with brazil having the 2nd largest outbreak in the worlds doctors fear the virus will devastate indigenous communities very simple has a story. More than 900000 people from more than 300 tribes these are members of brazils indigenous communities corona virus is spreading fast among them and now theyre struggling to cope with the seas so much more would you go to see that they had a specific word for Indigenous People for salmons for us to perform our rituals and our medicines but theres nothing like that here we have to go through other hospitals for referral when you get there they dont put on the documents that were indigenous. This hospital in my analysis has a designated area for treating indigenous patients but doctors say the biggest problem is not here. The disease is spreading into the interior and now its going to hit the municipalities the river communities and the indigenous and the case of Indigenous People theyll be brought here and why do we have an indigenous ward because we need to learn to treat people that are different differently and to value what sounds from the amazon with the state with the highest concentration of indigenous and brazil the highest concentrations of indigenous in the world and geo saying that death toll among Indigenous People in brazil rose from 28 to nearly 200 in just one month and they expect the number to rice we spoke to sonya who is in the city of d. P. Now. She says many communities are fearing extermination. There is an increase in illegal miners and loggers and they bring in the risk of infection we dont have the privilege to care for the pandemic alone we have to do this and at the same time keep on fighting that historical problems we face that will never dissolve like deforestation and invaders in our territory deforestation has also increased in the past month compared to previous years illegal miners and loggers are pushing deeper into the jungle brazils president has made it clear he wants to open up the rain forest for business and the discourse is an incentive to those who want to expand brazils agriculture frontier a video released by the Supreme Court during an investigation against the president shows his environment minister expressing the governments plans. To susan we need to make an effort while we are in this call moment in terms of prasco overage because they are only talking about corporate and push through and change all the rules and superfly norms environmental groups say the government wants to move forward with a legislative. That will we can say guards against the in question on indigenous lands. And for these communities it means their livelihood is seriously addressed threatened not only by epidemic that continues to spread but also by a government that is ignoring their calls for help. Hello again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera theres been an explosion at a mosque in afghanistans capital kabul but he said at least 4 people have been killed and many more injured they say the mosque official who was leading prayers is among the dead theres been no claim of responsibility yet had he wore dark lives close to the mosque where the bass happened and was on the scene of the attack. It happened right when the right where a huge crowd of people from the neighborhood areas were attending the friday prayer 10 days ago we have had a similar incident where a mom of you was you know what you know where han mosque which is located in the green zone of the city. Was targeted in a similar incident that was perhaps list i deem and a similar incident happened today and another Syrian Border is the year of copper which is the car to Charlie Young india has recorded the biggest single day jump in corona virus cases with nearly 11000 new infections in just 24 hours hospitals or so on the wound with patients there turning some away the rise in infections comes as the government eases its nationwide lockdown. Protesters are gathering in hong kong as a controversial law comes into effect the legislation makes it a criminal offense to mock chinas National Anthem activists say it violates their freedom of expression they see it as another sign that beijing is doing away with hong kong so tommy. Around 25000 patients in the u. K. Were discharged into care homes without 1st being tested for corona virus at the height of the pandemic according to a National Audit Office Report its estimated that at least 15000 care home residents died from called it 19 in the u. K. As sacha of Winston Churchill has been boarded up after it was sprayed with graffiti jaring and untie races in protest in london last weekend the move comes ahead of further demonstrations that are planned for saturday with us from mr Boris Johnson says its called absurd and shameful that the statue should be at risk of attack he said the antiracism protests have been hijacked by what he called extremists youre upset with headlines on aljazeera as always more news on our website aljazeera dot com coming up next year its the bottom line stay with us. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question. Can america ever not to be racist lets get to the bottom line. The killing of george floyd by a white policeman in minneapolis was the spark that brought people to their feet and protests worldwide it came after a string of killings of many black americans basically Briana Taylor of kentucky and often artery and georgia millions of americans have been in the streets in cities and towns all over america protesting against the systemic racism that hasnt been fully confronted for decades or even centuries here so how did we get here and campaigns get better in the future and as americas way of policing and

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