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Urban to Rural Communities those areas dont have adequate access to health care or awareness of preventive measures one of the Biggest Challenges we face in the response continues to be the villa billeted of supplies but equally test kids and this is due to disruptions in the Global Supply chain. The u. N. Has established a supply Chain Task Force and other mechanisms are in place to address these shortages including work done by the African Union and more than 8000000 diagnostic supplies and 200000000 my terms of protective equipment are in the pipeline to be shifted to a prison countries south africa algeria and come in and out the continent or to support the Global Health but he wants countries must act fast on implementing strong measures i mean force exhaustion of distancing. But already many nations in africa i reopening the economies with more than half the population having to go out every day to feed their families locking down entire towns and cities is proving costly experts say africanamerican for less than 3 percent of the global infections for now but that could change of countries are unable to control the spread the outlook for now is warning for governments with nigerias president warning that the violence in west africa in particular hasnt reached its peak 10 of because he 4 nations account for 75 percent of 206000 infections a quarter i know south africa. But the continent is like him behind in testing and early management of cases Health Experts say the earliest to mention that the virus could kill up to 3000000 africans could still be avoided this is. Particularly been on the wall scale being assessed in Community Transmission on we vote in the appropriate measure but so i think since the beginning. They were one of the good think that were not this in their african countries is that they move towards us stronger measures of costs are fets also community is that its now triggering. Is but in india in general we are not just out of what we are observing is that what was predicting based on the worst Case Scenario the world have organization however says there is no indication that severe cases and deaths being missed as the virus caused if you can infections in refugee camps across the continent how many trees. Donald trump is ramping up pressure to stop an investigation into allegations of american war crimes in afghanistan the us president has authorized sanctions against any International Criminal Court Officials involved in the case i. C. C. Prosecutor 5 toobin sudha is investigating possible crimes by the taliban afghan authorities u. S. Forces and the cia americas top general says it was wrong to join President Trump for a photo opportunity outside the church after police used pepper spray and flash bangs to clear the area of protesters the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley says he regrets creating the perception of military involvement in domestic politics. Multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of tohu now and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the warlord holly for half that libyas government of National Accord says they contained the remains of soldiers who had been taken prisoner that who know was have tours last stronghold in the west of the country and was recaptured by the g. N. A. T. Last week those are the headlines the war in june is next looking at the 967 arab israeli war that lasted 6 days of music half a mile. 15th of may 1967. A parade of military might to celebrate 19 years since the founding of the state of israel. That this public display of power took place under a dog shadow. The previous day egyptian president. Had ordered his forces to take up positions along the borders with israel. Look at last came in no. War and that. The life. So i get done i can still levy. 3 weeks later on the 5th of june 1967. Israel launched an all out against its arab neighbors. After only 6 days of fighting. To achieve total victory. Defeating the armies of egypt jordan and syria. The cost me was how much are they i mean. Shave plays a mean. Bet some like them some are. Me the dust if ya know we have a way of looking at. Noon to israel. As the 6 day war. Israels territorial gains would change the map of the middle east. To this day Israeli Occupation of these lands is the main but to peace in this turbulent region. Is huge scotto its 5th season early on we had conquered it completely intoxicated everybody was intoxicated no one could even think straight. But the story of this school is much longer than the 6 days of fighting. Its roots lay years earlier. 2 decades before the 5th of june 1967. Televisa the food hundreds of may 1948. The day that zionist leader David Bengurion declared the establishment of the state of israel. As saeed. The man and mulatto. Say ahmed. I like a normal. To him and ask. How. To talk even when. On the day after the declaration 5 arab armies and to palestine. The lebanese attacks from the north the syrians iraqis and jordanians from the east but the most serious threat came from the south. The interruption Army Advanced to the village of youve been a vicious 22 kilometer us from tel aviv. To vet a very thin line of soldiers who were defending what was practically the last line of defense of tel aviv. But the pressure on the israelis was relieved when a un brokered truce came into effect. The zionists through the movement purchased arms on the european black markets. The arab armies of course enjoyed mainstream supplies from a states the french supplied the lebanese and the syrians the british supplied the egyptians the jordanians and the iraqis with a constant stream of arms. In 1942 the United Nations imposed an embargo on arms shipments to the middle east and the british and the french abided by this in bargain. When the truce ran out the israelis now better armed set out to expel the arab armies from palestine. The coming off any medal ask any of cobra kind of the 4. Letter new governments leah kenneth shifting on popcorn could be on. Mostly a kind of. Bin is going to have a lot of the. Talk. By the end of october as israeli troops advanced. And egyptian brigade was inside. A palestinian village called and fallujah. Among the offices trapped in this pocket was a young major there man. With their armies locked in a stalemate egyptian and israeli delegations met on the island of rhodes. Under the sponsorship of the un. After a month of bargaining they reached an armistice agreement. Well 1st of all they had to put an end to the fighting believe that egypt wants to get out of there as much as israel wanted and the negotiation was mostly both evacuating the flu to pocket. The agent had no territorial demands from israel so it was relatively easy to reach a cease fire. By the summer of 1949 lebanon jordan and syria had also signed armistice agreements with israel. The jewish state now extended over almost the whole of palestine. Arab territory it was reduced to just a few small enclaves east in jerusalem and the west bank were placed under jordanian control. The gaza strip was to be administered by egypt. In the midst of defeat a man not done not said conceived a plan that would change the future of egypt. A movement that would be known as the free offices. Africa through the minister but at the heart of the were different the right out of a home of a black hole 11 the topic. Of the little logic i got aside that when they had the tookie but fear. Led to see it im mostly. Washer good that a lot of. The of the samata were poor machete that i will welfare at their deaths that are. 3 years after the end of the war the free offices struck. In july 952 they launched a coup detat. Egypts king photo who was dethroned and sent into exile. Lieutenant colonel come on up to. The mosque to mine behind what was now cooled the july revolution quickly rose to be the countrys to shock to lead. In israel this news aroused deep rooted fears in kibbutz state who can bring time and home of israels founding Prime Minister david banker. In. England all the time feared that one day a new kemal ataturk would rise in the arab world and would unite the car of world against israel. And that fear or that prevention was enhanced when nasa took power 95th. And february 1955 bengurion returned to political life. This time as defense minister. Just a week after bangor ian took up the post 150 israeli paratroop as led by major ariel sharon. Was sent to attack an Egyptian Army base near the city of gaza. 40 egyptian soldiers were killed. And many more injured. When bigger came back decides immediately to show that israel is not going to give in. This time of from the egyptian border to prove the patience and the attacks by intl traders who are on the rise. Bad day yet. What if that means a way in mass of some your himself from c. M. Was. In medina or was. What some call me and that has. What has alerted. Are. Claiming they were egyptian territorial waters not so close the terrans straight at the entrance to the gulf of aqaba to ships sailing to and from the israeli port of the land. To strengthen his army not some sort more weapons from the west but this time to no avail. So in a surprise move he turned east. Russias new foreign minister mr should feel off lost no time in taking a personal part in middle east affairs and he was soon engaged in talks with president nasser. Egypt signed this huge arms deal which echoes slovakia which was actually soviet union. Slovakia was supposed to supply egypt with 200 aircraft. Tanks. It was something fabulous. In november 1955. Began a 2nd term as israels Prime Minister. At the top of his agenda was how to respond to the growing strength of egypt now to the teeth. 8 months later. The opportunity came. When nelson announced the nationalization of the suez canal. A decision that outraged the british and french the owners of the International Canal company. This is a matter of life and death to us all. Is not with it to last with the out of work. It is with colonel not. That he is not trusted. Under green. Britain and france were convinced that military intervention would be needed to recapture the canal. And bring down the upstart. But to pretext was needed. Fun to say i listen in the know was it occurred again. And to a sort of 80 to call mt Gaiman Mossad i thought home with very up. The whole other s. S. Enormous cloak room in a part of a plane and what that he by the how to kill myself akasha him yell our leg anybody contextless. Been cut that kind of a question. What most of us i thought of food for thought the at that he asked lingle that all follow him know me eleanor and how. According to this tripartite secret agreement on the 29th of october 1956. Israeli forces crossed the border into egypt. Even though the israelis was still some distance from the canal britain and france called for both sides to withdraw. When nasser rejected the ultimatum british and french troops began landing and put signs at the mediterranean and the canal. United states was not consulted in any way about any phase of these actions nor were we informed of them in advance. It is our hope and intent this matter will be brought before the United Nations General Assembly there with no veto operating the opinion of the world can be brought to bear in our quest for a just in to this tormenting problem. By the end of december. Under heavy international pressure. The british and french were forced into a humiliating the drool trumpeted sallied. Global attention now shifted to israel still occupying the whole of the sinai and the gaza strip. A little incitement. Because a lot about yes are you the east. Fringe knesset. Or. In march 1957 bengurion finally ordered the israeli army to withdraw to the prewar borders. However he had secured 2 major gains. The stationing of un troops along the borders with egypt and gaza put an end to the Palestinian Fedayeen xrayed inside israeli territories. And israel was guaranteed free passage of has shipping through the tiran strait. The sinai complain gave israel actually about 10 years of. Signed peace. On the egyptian border between 157. 00 and led 67. 00 there was a total call. But the fragile peace on the borders masked continuing hostility between cairo and tell of eve. In israel as arab fights man the commander of the air force was devising a new strategy. Operation focus. I mean among some kids. Nomad thought differently to its war a concept they. Seemed to must move mean we wont see what the mission moves. Without how many can you tell units live for we only want to see you know the. 2 things threatened to derail that plan. The 1st was egypts highly versatile soviet made defenses. This network would soon face its 1st major test. Not at the hands of fights mins after force but through the bizarre actions of an israeli peace activist. He would not and was a commercial pilot and every gimmick for the elections of 965 he bought a little airplane painted into wife and put. Name peace and said if im elected to the knesset i would fly to egypt. He was not elected to villa small number of people voted for him but i did time he became very serious of this so one day without any announcement he took off his claim. Ab natasha and planted import sally to egypt in february 1966. And it is. One is that what that is also in the fight. Furthermore the tan asked to meet president. To deliver a petition calling for peace. Egyptians treated him very nicely they did not let him into egypt but they can fill his tank is gather lin and sent him back. In a tense flight had revealed the weakness of egypts ad defenses. But israel still had a major concern. The make 21. A High Performance supersonic soviet fighter. It formed the backbone of the arab air forces. But it too would soon give up its secrets. In august 1966 an iraqi pilot landed in israel with his make. He had been offered a 1000000 u. S. Dollars to defect. But it would turn out to be worth every cent. That he shapiro our chief test pilot of the air force checked the airplane and when you all its this event the gist of the make it one the one which was the airplane of the war in the enemy hands. It was not known before what the israelis had learned about the meat was put to the test in actual combat. In april 19th 67 the border skirmishes with syria escalated into a full scale aerial battle. It was shot down 7 aircraft. It was such a victorian the israeli air force. In the weeks following this battle. Reports possibly originating with soviet intelligence began to come in that israel was massing its on me on the syrian border. An apparent escalation that spurred nasr into action. On the food thousands of may 1967. Did it gyptian troops into sinai. Must be better than it has here while a 17 year old boy. Got a lot in the mail tell a teen and foscari. I hope she meant. Even when who bought. Out a house. That was all out story. But also saw an opportunity to try to roll back the gains israel had secured following the 1956 war. On the 16th of may egypt asked the un to withdrew its peacekeeping troops from sinai. A week later and the theatrical setting of a meeting with his Fighter Pilots and also announced the closing of the tour on straight to israeli shipping. News of nasr is actions brought people out onto the streets all across the arab world. Tell me a little baby of. Slaves a little above a. Well a man in the water mother. Of the could have said what it is showing at the behest of appeal. Israels new war cabinet under levy eshkol took the decision to open hostilities on the 5th of june 1967. The air force was given the green light to launch operation focus. The aerial attack it had been rehearsing for years. These release had drilled the dice which would determine the future of best state. For many years so i kept my promise to secret. Every time violent extremism is mentioned it was a speed. Bump you dont believe that we were superior how could i be took all the women want to be really hot start a race war. How far would i have gone. Looking in the mirror to confront the past exit a witness documentary on aljazeera. The in the. Helo on barbless iran london these are the top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organization has warned the coronavirus pandemic is accel raising in africa infections of double to 200000. 00 in less than 3 weeks and the u. N. Says a shortage of testing kits remains a significant problem donald trump is ramping up pressure to stop an investigation into allegations of american war crimes in afghanistan the us president has also rice sanctions against any International Criminal Court Officials involved in the case i. C. C. Prosecutor fell to bensouda is investigating possible crimes by the taliban afghan authorities u. S. Forces and the cia for. Staying in the states americas top general says it was wrong to join president trying for a photo opportunity outside a church after police used pepper spray and flash pranks to clear the area of protesters the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley says he regrets creating the perception of military involvement in domestic politics as many of you saw the result of the photograph of mia Lafayette Square last week that sparked a National Debate about the role of the military in Civil Society i should not have been there my presence in that moment in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics as a commissioned uniformed officer it was a mistake but i have learned from and i sincerely hope we all can learn from. Multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of tohu 9 and other areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the warlord holly for half that libyas government of National Accord says they contain the remains of soldiers who had been taken prisoner there who know was have tars last stronghold in the west of the country and was recaptured by the g. N. A. T. Last week syrian president Bashar Al Assad has sacked his Prime Minister just the month before elections the president s decision comes during a deep in economic crisis and restrictions to stop the spread of coronavirus authorities of so far reported 6 deaths in government controlled areas. Floods in south china have killed dozens of people and many more are missing heavy rain swept across 4 regions forcing nearly 230000 people from their homes those are the headlines the war in june continues and now ill have the news hour in half an hour see you then. Cairo the morning of monday the 5th of june 1967. A day that will change the history of the middle east. A plane is waiting to take off toward sinai. Marshall added happy mohamed a deputy Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed forces is making a morale boosting visit to troops deployed on the borders with israel for the last 3 weeks. Jamelia candidate one of the shut. Up buses and little. C. S. E. On what. We have gotten up lemme minute and cameron read. Out on that just about even a team of these. But this egyptian show of strength was put to good use by israeli media. Memories of the holocaust were invoked to persuade israelis they were facing a threat to their very existence. In a different view of the nazis. Grandmother nothing was never mentioned by name in the bow media at the time it was called the egyptian tyrant it was his name. In washington u. S. President lyndon b. Johnson issued a stark warning to which ever side should start the war. It was a thinly veiled threat to the egyptian leadership. That the extra. Hour is going to lob them also. By your. Heel. To warm a doubt about. What to go away your thoughts. About have a war. 3 a little hell thats a national. Ian. Not to look up but about well how did a slot you fuck. In fact israel though apparently the underdog was far more prepared for war than any of its arab opponents. Israeli chief of staff gets caught could be true the front line to me troops waiting for a green light. On them is action of muscle is a hand to mobilize all its horses all inside the forces. And also told thing we should strike 1st and the sighting 1st was in the eyes of his leg ensign to what we thought. Of this and you can see. The opening attack would be the much trust operation focus. And aerial strike to destroy the egyptian afterwards on the ground. In the early hours of the 5th of june 19th 67. 00. These really after was prepared to deliver the 1st blow. Rubric up there was a morning and came to the Briefing Room he wrote on was a blackboards 0 hours. This was 745. 200. 00 israeli jets took to the app. They would arrive over egyptian at fields at exactly 7 45 am. To avoid radar detection they flew fast north then west over the mediterranean. Tending south the planes came in from the north not from the east as the egyptians had anticipated. But the end game a gun on him and it was clear that. He had the gun at it because in a field thats a kind of a tense a violent moment. With hostile call waiting away for. You know every single. Very easy as you trained the many many times before. His socalled were located very easy owns the ground and not far from there on was. Was not a big problem to strike zone. Immediately you so big torches swizzle smoke over olso said airfields. Get it when i matter and that melted feel 8 layers mental bust up go up and head home while i had gotten says if said a photo or a mug on to hamas. But. By midday the israelis had successfully attacked 18 airfields. The egyptians had lost 80 percent of that have forced. More than 300. 00 planes destroyed on the ground. They are but that the. Same. Message to. The last of the far sighted. Ironically cairo radio was carrying false reports of the total failure of the enemys air attack. With news coming in of egypts apparent success jordan syria and iraq now launch their own ass strikes. And the. Minute they have a shuttle shinee well you know it was 111 and. Its there too for shes super human there so theyre open. And when im sure isnt. Going to see them. Remember. Ineffective though they were those attacks gave these really is a pretext to widen the scope of the whole. Operation focus was extended to cover affeldt in jordan syria and even a key base in iraq. Page 3 on the only basis for me state called lynch islam and the only base in which we could in each with the last hopes of. My serve flock to today. Not far from damascus. When i made my 1st turn over the city of the most schools people who climb on the roofs and wave for us the people in the most those. Who are tough gone the syrians lost half the act kroft. Peachtree affeldt in iraq was put out of action. And jordans afros was totally destroyed. By sunset on the 1st day of. Operation focus had guaranteed israel total as superiority and the skies over the middle east. The arab armies would now be fighting with no assets which. The outcome of the rule had to been sealed. Anything that is no example in the history of the world of the asian of such a total strike in the total tank may be the only. Tongue the can compare to this bilawal the. Whole glacial blood thing which almost let him aided the mental fleet in the pacific. On the ground Egyptian Forces were faring much better. They had succeeded in holding up the israeli army to tons and to sinai. Yet the egyptian deputy Supreme Commander martial on that was about to take a disastrous decision. Its roots lay in his attempted visit to the front line the day before. Meant to see me say. I was a. Beaut gus gus i should be seein i built all that small. Amount of. Records they are. The. Best stop him. They meant to say could obviously. Miraculously the plane was able to return to cairo. But Marshal Ahmed had been shocked by witnessing israels as supremacy at fust time. The next day i met ordered an immediate withdrawal of the gyptian troops from sinai. And which led to the total collapse of the egyptian front. The custom before michel therrien. Shave it plays a mean bill whats very hush to base the way its vague bets and write them in the summer. So young me the dust ish young we have where to look if. They. Can one shot he said. If only to last either at last call a by your vet listen a sense. Share and its a. Big love with god thats a vote up of him by story other than the fact they saw him get will mean should come or him like a lawyer before. By the 4th day of the war israeli troops reached the eastern bank of the suez canal. They had occupied the whole of the Sinai Peninsula and the gaza strip. Solem the fears of caster. Level at the most money. Buffer zone but its pulled back the governments. Were should and i would have mellowed out at the start as as you know. Kind of good but it was for. The previous day the israelis had also tasted success on that eastern front. Ending the short lived rule launched by jordans king saying. By 11 oclock in the morning the 1st day visually of the way and destroyed the egyptian post but hussein didnt know into that thought on the country and also called him up and said will winning will winning do your own share. He didnt know a new offensive it was in the name of the doing but he conquered the hills along the government calls it endangered the saddam part of joes and then his forces were only by now a few 100 yards away from his lamia house itself and so this is that. On the often news of the 1st day of the war. The israelis began their assault against jordanians. Box will soon escalate. And 2 days later the whole of the west bank and jerusalem tell the israelis. Then they. Could sleep in the so getting the whole of it. In the low quality. Of the vote but the vote the should be on the other ben your news that awful and then. The cost lloyd. With the wool but ovah on the egyptian and jordanian fronts and ignoring a un cool for a cease fire israels high command now decided to secure its borders with syria. On the 5th day of war israeli troops began to climb the strategic golan heights. And. Last seen the suggestion the beneath it had but more as a welcome part of her duties and will be a little more through the. Modoc at the supposed to and then i must. Escort them out and its a definite look at the i. D. F. And just really all about that something. Truly yes she said that. But on the 6th day of the rule damascus radio made an unexpected announcement. Syria had accepted the u. N. Cease fire. With no advance warning given to troops fighting on the go not to broadcast fatally undermined syrian army resistance. The man blamed for the armys collapse was the minister of defense. A man who would eventually rise to power in syria. As an aside. The israelis pushed on and occupied the whole of the golan heights. Let me. Sleep. There to see us here and let the identity that we can look at the clock not but but. Its a lot of them. At the end of the 6 day of fighting and only one attempt achieved all its goals israel accepted the u. N. Cease fire. The guns fell silent. The arabs had suffered a humiliating defeat. For a bit of me i. Had a cruel been a while you have if he hasnt. Been many. For how morally mentally yet you can be. And you say. Maam and. When i had. A month of it rest me. Why. Im. Here. He would you be. In and. Under heavy popular prussia nasa rescinded his decision to step down from the presidency. And attempts to regain the lost arab territories began. Israel had tripled its size capturing the Sinai Peninsula the gaza strip the west Bank Eastern Jerusalem and the golan heights. We tried everything we went to the United Nations we tried mediation we tried contacts with Different Countries and it was clear that all this was to no avail. Their mood was lets give nothing back if you dont have to there are songs there were. Never the huge intoxication of victory. This huge unique miraculous victory of the army in that war war the greatest tragedy in the history of islam. The israelis basked in an aura of invincibility. But their victory was just the start of even greater complications. Which still plagued the middle east to this day. Israel found itself governing and being responsible for a 1000000 palestinians in the newly occupied Gaza Strip West Bank and jerusalem. To could both 6 months to. A territory has. Most in the west bank and then they came back and they said. There was other people there and they havent theres not a movement. So what do we do if there are we we conquer them and create. A state or we half the loaf to move predominately deletion of the state called israel and the west bank and gaza should be a basis for future negotiations terrible condition of their rights to have a state of their own the viable state of total in the west bank and gaza. What israel chose was and still remains the 1st option. In the aftermath of the war israel declared what it called the unification of jerusalem. The entire holy city was placed under israeli jurisdiction including christian and muslim holy sites. We are the government and the only government in the area that is just a good we have obligations and privileges and duties there obligation unfairly still maintain law and order and to provide the people with services and the way she had to build standard of living as a garment like every government was its citizen. Furthermore and in defiance of International Law Israeli Settlers began to move into the west bank the territory they cooled judea and samaria. The lands which they want to settle in who are the core and heartland of the jewish people in biblical times this is where judaism emerged as it was natural that there would be this messianic urge to settle those areas. Even perhaps even clear out arabs from these areas and this didnt happen but jewish settlements were placed there and this is made things much more complicated for peacemaking here. In addition to the west Bank Settlements were spreading in the gaza strip sinai and on the golan heights. And as the israelis tighten their grip on the occupied territories it became clear they had no intention of returning them. You need to get the bomb to. Muslims it will go on a lot of women it will be that guy says an elephant could have a new block in the sleeve vietnam and the in a mop couldnt beat wolf of wall off his accounting of them the nickel box one of them that all too cold to wear is. What i miss the give me an optical out of what then yeah but in ma to the folks like that. In october 1973 after just 6 years the arabs aiming to restore their territories and their dignity would launch another war. Israel was about to receive a shop remind us of the fun or ability to text conquered forever and the war of june 1967. How i will Say Something of a subtle change in the weather across australia as we go through the next couple days things telling a little more mobility to see how the cloud is rolling from west to waist these areas of High Pressure the keeping its a cool sunny and settled light winds that going to get shoved out of the way because we have another system which is rolling in across southern parts of doubly way that will fade across the Great Australian bite and that will roll into South Australia through the middle of all as we go on through friday the southeast is generally looking fine and dry 15 celsius in melbourne and 19 there in the sydney as we go on a day that west of weather does make Good Progress across South Australia had light saying the rain western parts of it tory attacking unsettled poor ferry will see some heavy rain southeast it generates robert you push up into New South Wales eastern parts of queens thank you see some life showers chances some welcome to northern parts of the north island of new zealand not so welcome will be the heavy rain which is continue for central parts of china snotting a little further north which as we go on through the next couple of days it will roll across c. L. S. A. In sioux south korea some lively showers there for a time into japan these will gradually clear through the tunning wetter by saturday. Because many countries around the world rely on my kit to make their products cooler but who pays the price for making the beauty business she. When i went east investigates. On aljazeera. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is to stay out of. The the in the in. The aljazeera. Hello im Barbara Sarah this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes 100000 infections in just 18 days the current virus pandemic accelerates sue africa. We go inside an intensive care unit battling the virus in mexico where exhausted medical workers are getting infected right

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