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Battling coronavirus in mexico where exhausted medical workers are getting infected at record rates. Close think you for joining us a crew of virus is of racing through the african continent infections have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks and the outbreak is now spreading from urban centers into the hinterlands where medical Services Already stretched the World Health Organization is warning that cases will continue to rise until a vaccine is filed the agency says 75 percent of the continents infections have been recorded in just 10 days a quarter of those infections are in south africa but the western cape region including cape town the hardest hit overall more than 5000. 00 people have died across the continent the u. N. Says a lack of testing kits remains a big problem al jazeera has admitted wrists has our report it took 90 days for africa to reach 100000 corona virus infections and only 90 to pass the 200000 mark. The World Health Organization says infections in africa and i was spreading fast from urban to Rural Communities those areas dont have adequate access to health care or awareness of preventive measures one of the Biggest Challenges we face in the response continues to be the veil ability of supplies articularly test kids and this is due to the disruptions in the Global Supply chain. The u. N. Has established a supply Chain Task Force and other mechanisms i am pleased to address these shortages including work done by the African Union and more than 8000000 diagnostic supplies and 200000000 my terms of protective equipment in the pipeline to be shifts a Program Countries south africa algeria and kenya and now the continent supports the Global Health but he wants countries must last on implementing strong measures and in forcing social distancing but already many nations in africa are opening their economies with more than half the population having to go out every day to feed their families locking down entire towns and cities is proving costly experts say africanamerican for less than 3 percent of the global infractions for now but that could change of countries are able to control the spread the outlook for now is warning for governments with nigerias president warning that the violence in west africa in particular hasnt reached its peak 10 of africas 54 nations account for 75 percent of 206000 infections a quarter i and south africa are low. But the continent is like him behind in testing and early management of cases Health Experts say the earliest mission that the virus could kill up to 3000000 africans could still be avoided this is. Particularly been on there was having a sustained Community Transmission without any appropriate measure but so i think since the beginning. They want to think dont think that were not this in their african countries is that they move towards a stronger measures thats of course offsets also communities that is now triggering. Is but in india in general we can not just out of what we are observing is that what was predicting based on the worst Case Scenario the world have organization however says there is no indication that severe cases and deaths being missed as the virus caused if you can infections in refugee camps across the continent how many trees. Thats the picture across africa lets look at some specific countries now nicholas is live in the Senate Police capitol for us. How are medical services in senegal coping. Well barbara only had 55. 00 deaths so far in senegal so it seems that theyre doing well on the surface over the course of 3 months since the outbreak but theres been a lot of protests because of the measures that governments have put in place to try to prevent the movement of people what people here fear is the economic crisis thats looming because of the log down because of the measures put in place to prevent the spread of the virus and so what were seeing now is people the government allowing people to move freely were seeing more people mingle mingle and were seeing more infectious infectious rates rising not only that comes at a time where doctors here say that the Health Services are overburdened theres no beds left in the emergency in the i. C. U. Units or the Emergency Care units in the hospitals theyre running out of hydrochloric queen which is used to treat patients and so you know the situation here people are the health Health Experts here fear that its just going to get worse theres also the issue of testing well theres been a lot of focus on trying to get people tested to find out if they are infected now there hasnt been a lot of research or testing done to find out if people have been infected in the past so what scientists fear is that there is a silent transmission happening here in senegal so there could be a lot more cases with people with the virus that dont necessarily have symptoms but are spreading the virus africa in general has a young population people here know what nestle show the symptoms of the virus and also when people are sick they dont actually go to Health Facilities and tests are not being made. Find out whether or not theyre suffering from the coronavirus thats especially the case in areas of conflict and think here hell region were seeing 2200000 people displaced because of the ongoing fighting between armed groups in this all hell region affecting countries like turkey not faso mali or also in cameroon and spreading across all these regions are all these people are being displaced well theyre not being tested for the coronavirus and so theres fears that there may be a lot more people that are infected with the case with with with the virus and that the worst is yet to come Barbara Nicholas with the latest from dakar in senegal nicholas thank you. Don trump is ramping up pressure to stop an investigation into allegations of american war crimes in afghanistan the us president has also i sanctions against any International Criminal Court Officials involved in the case i. C. C. Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is investigating possible crimes by the taliban afghan authorities u. S. Forces and the cia but secretary of state might compare us as washington will not be threatened by the court for a time it looked like the icy might do the right thing and kill the investigation last spring the prieto chamber unanimously rejected the prosecutors request to open the investigation but unfortunately then in the spring in march the appeals shipper overturned that sound judgment and gave a green light to the current investigation effectively eliminating constraints on the Prosecutors Office ability to launch new investigations of americans in the future we cannot we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court and indeed i have a message to many close allies around the world your people could be next. Mike hanna is live for us in washington d. C. Were heard michael pay oh theyre saying announcing to American Allies that their people could be next but why do you think donald trump is making these announcements and ramping up the pressure now. Well this has been brewing for a long period of time in particular a very harsh critique of the i c c but as you heard there from the secretary of state the i. C. C. Intent on going ahead with this investigation and certainly the trumpet ministration reacting angrily to it the very fact that senior cabinet members are paraded before the media the secretary of state the National Security adviser the secretary of defense along with the attorney general all spoke to journalists in the course of announcing the executive order that had been signed by donald trump so certainly it does appear to be a display off american dissatisfaction with the i. C. C. But this is something that has been brewing as i said for a long period of time particularly under the Trump Administration while exactly mean weve also heard that might compare has a personal interest in this what else do we know. Well certainly he does because one must remember that my pump oh now the secretary of state was also the director of the cia between 20172018 this is one of the periods that the i. C. C. Is looking at Human Rights Watch reported at the time that they were widespread war crimes by ethic and Strike Forces backed by cia operatives so mike from pale himself could be part of the i. C. C. Investigation so theres certainly a personal element within it as well but interesting though that the secretary of state also made mention of israel the attorney general as well saying that israel is in the crosshairs of the i. C. C. Using this to support his thesis that other of the u. S. Allies could be next in terms of action by the International Criminal court so my compare and the other members of the cabinet attempting to widen this out to make it as a wider threat than just against the United States warning allies and israel in particular particular mention made of israel repeatedly by the cabinet members that they are also facing action by the i. C. C. Mike hanna with the latest on that from washington d. C. Mike thank you. Well staying in the u. S. Americas top general says it was wrong for him to join President Donald Trump for a photo opportunity outside a church after the area was cleared of anti of racism protesters chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley says he regrets accompanying trump because it created the perception of military involvement in domestic politics he was with trungpa as trump walked through Lafayette Square after police used pepper spray and flash bangs to Disperse Protesters the president then posed with a bible outside the church. As many of you saw the result of the photograph of me a lobby at square last week that sparked a National Debate about the role of the military in Civil Society i should not have been there my presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics as a commissioned uniformed officer it was a mistake but i have learned from and i sincerely hope we all can learn from it lets go live to our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett kimberly you were actually live as those events where unfolding when the crowds outside were being cleared with tear gas among other things and the president walked towards the church it felt like quite an orchestrated event like the timing wasnt that wasnt a coincidence so the so what reaction then to the statement now by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff saying that effectively he made a mistake. Yeah we were both live that day its one that will never forget and Many Americans feel that way also in terms of the specific reaction the president has not commented thus far but it is important to note that this is the latest in a string of divisions between the white house and the pentagon not only this instance where we now have the chair of the joint chiefs of staff apologizing for wearing his Army Fatigues as he crossed Lafayette Park after the use of the tear gas but also weve had the defense secretary not backing up this white house and specifically this president when he said that he wanted to use the insurrection act to quell the rest that has gripped the United States for so many days and weeks and then we also have a difference of opinion when it comes to not just the defense secretary but again the chair of the joint chiefs of staff over this issue of potentially renaming military bases specifically ones that have been named after confederate commanders both the defense secretary as well of the as the chair of the joint chiefs have said this is worthy of a bipartisan discussion but the u. S. President has reacted to this in fact of earlier this this morning in fact he tweeted that those that deny their history are doomed to repeat it in fact the white house saying that when it comes to the issue of renaming military bases this is a nonstarter so weve seen this already now playing out for a 3rd time we know the u. S. President does not like to be embarrassed he is the commander in chief of the u. S. Military so we expect that the u. S. President may have more to say hes on route to dallas and may have comments when he lands can we have can be checking in with you if and when those comments come in for the moment thank you. And still ahead on aljazeera rescue and relief operations in china floods forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. But. We got more hot sunshine across eastern process here here its actually hot sauce thundery we have got some thundery showers up around the Baltic States to lie down towards remaining just across hungary implied by the really active weather that is further west its cold and shabby got the seri of low pressure swirling away in the sky bringing outbreaks of heavy right into central parts of france and the lapses way back across belgium Northern Areas of france southern areas of england and wales war heavy showers coming through here then as we go on through friday then fick a little further north as we go on its saturday much of England Wales pushing into southern scotland saying that what the weather joining in with the damp weather is well at this stage will see some wetter weather continuing into the southeast of france heavy showers pushing back into northern parts of germany notice it stays sunbury more heavy showers possibly with some large hail and well tornado mixed in as well not quite as warm as it has been in moscow temperatures here at 17 celsius southern parts if you stay warm dry and sunny with lots of sunshine as is the case across Northern Africa more warm sunshine here might just catch field shower just around the straits of gibraltar lots of showers into the gulf of guinea with some very heavy rain for southern parts of much area. June 19th 67 sixtys they redrew the map of the middle east just record a victory of the israeli army ended war war the greatest tragedy in the history of islam 50 years later aljazeera explores the events leading to. The war and its consequences which is still felt today we tried everything we went to the United Nations we tried to make. Contacts with Different Countries and it was clear that all this was just 2 of the war in june. The the the with. The on. The move there reminder now of our top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organization has warned the coronavirus pandemic is accel orating in africa the number of infections as doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks but the u. N. Says a shortage of testing kits remains a big problem President Donald Trump us authorize sanctions against International Criminal Court Officials investigating u. S. Misconduct in afghanistan i. C. C. Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is investigating possible crimes by the taliban afghan authorities and u. S. Forces and that the cia. And americas top general says it was wrong to join president trying for a photo opportunity outside the church after the area was cleared of antiracism protesters mark milley says he regrets creating the perception of military involvement in domestic politics. To get more now on our top story the corona Virus Outbreak in the african continent south africa is one of the worst hit countries lets speak to tom ellman hes the director of the south African Medical unit at Doctors Without Borders he joins us now via skype from a cape town thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera so not only is south africa one of the worst hit. Countries but actually the western cape is one of the worst hit provinces within south africa itself so tell us a little bit about the situation at that youre seeing and presumably thats the terrier rating and how. Yeah certainly the western cape is leading the rise of corona virus cases in south africa are over 2 thirds of cases reported in the country are from the western cape and it is a 6 pack to hitting the most vulnerable most densely crowded townships like the chair where where Doctors Without Borders is working are seeing very dramatic rises in cases so what is it that is needed the most is it tests is it protection personal protection kits ventilators what are the necessities there. Well its the same things as everywhere in terms of preventing the spread and passing the messages around social distancing and handwashing etc but of course in crowded slum areas where 10 people may be sharing a shack without access to Running Water these things are really difficult so while testing is essential in the western cape and south africa in general unfortunately hasnt had enough testing to follow the approaches that much of europe has taken where now talking about how to prevent the disease having the worst effects on people who are most vulnerable the elderly people with advanced age hiv and tb that a very very high prevalence here and diabetes as well as having access to to hospital care and other care when they do but perhaps one of the other issues often forgotten is that the disruption to the Health System itself is what we perhaps most fear in many countries in africa are a breakdown in supply of essential goods vaccines. Sex or Reproductive Health hiv and tuberculosis tests so we need to make sure that while fighting the the direct effects of cove it we also have the capacity and the staff and the supply to manage all the other health all the other illnesses that are affecting people all the time yeah and its worth remembering that south africa actually has one of the most advanced Health Systems in the content so worrying is for a lot of other countries what is m. S. F. Able to do right now to help their South Africans hit or worried like of it. Oh nothing without working with communities and weve been working in colucci for over 20 years initially drawn to the lack of options for people with h. L. V. And developing the programs in response to the needs of communities there so. Right in the middle of working with the District Hospital weve developed a partnership and built a Field Hospital which opened about 10 days ago with 60 birds offering basic Supportive Care keeping things simple particularly oxygen for people who have moderate and severe disease and working in partnership with the hospital to make sure that there is access there but at the same time keeping that continuity with the community and working with other groups in the community and and the provincial Health Authorities to make sure that this isnt an isolated activity but part of all of those other things we need to respond to corbett and do you think that part of that response i responsible of it should be perhaps every implementing the lockdown which had been eased quite recently or do you think its just not practical to implement european or u. S. Star lock downs in south africa. And im a doctor not a politician or a town planner or the. Inevitably where people have no access to food or water in their homes no access to Internet Television and information means to stay alive its impossible for people to stay home without somebody ensuring that those needs are met and thats proved i think extraordinary difficult to manage so whether or not a lockdown is there in theory in practice people have to get what they need to to get by and i think that thats what were seeing in townships of south africa and indeed across africa in high density urban settings tom ellman director of the south africa medical unit at Doctors Without Borders tom ellman thank you thanks. Multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of tire who now and other areas have recently retaken from forces loyal to the warlord tell me for half that libyas government of National Accord says they contain they were the remains of soldiers who had been taken prisoner that who now was have terrorists last stronghold in the west of the country and was recaptured by the g. N. A. T. Last week try now has more now from misrata. Now today forces are saying that theyve been able to recover hundreds or or over 100 bodies in these mass graves these mass graves are yet another indication of the brutality of the libyan conflict and the toll on the on the residents in the area now in march the u. N. Support mission in libya released a statement saying they received reports of hundreds of unforced disappearances killings and the displacement of entire families in the city of to whom by the kenyatta again the knife brigade thats the militia that was under the leaf the hof theyre in control of the city of through his u. N. Support mission also added that they verified numerous summary executions at the to whom the prison on september 13th so now the d. N. A. The Health Officials have told us that theyre finding out that civilians are among the dead in these mass graves were also understanding that the d. N. A. Ministry of justice have appointed a committee to identify and investigate but thats the circumstances of the death and the minister of interior but the bush has said they will pursue the perpetrators of these crimes. Syrian president bashar assad has sacked this Prime Minister just the months ahead of elections the Water Resources minister hussein artless will take over from emad jaimie sent to the parliamentary vote in july the president s decision comes during a deepening economic crisis and restrictions to stop the spread of coronavirus authorities have so far reported 152. 00 cases and 6 thefts in government controlled areas. Mexico meanwhile has reported out of record the daily rise of more than 4800 cases of the coronavirus more than 15000 people have died doctors and nurses are exhausted and they say that theyre lacking medicine and protective equipment from home and went to meet some of them at an intensive care unit in mexico city. So the. New patient comes into this intensive care unit what is hospital mexico city. In this old war hospital from the 19th century the stuff heading into a new battle. The enemy this time around the few survivors once patients are unable to breathe for themselves. I an exhausted nurse julio cesa 32 has struggled to come to terms with. What would be for the toughest thing is your mental state because you put in all of your effort but the patients still dont survive in my shifts ive seen very few of them get better with. The right stuff here have been going nonstop since the start of the pandemic and although the countrys Health System is cope so far the capitals hospitals have approached max capacity even as mexico starts to go back to work are you worried about the reopening of the country and what that might bring it up about life that you know im not but again im more disappointed than worried because they say theres less patients and the curve is flattening out but we dont know that we could not have even reached the peak because for us theres been no decrease in the number of patients they dont leave nobody yet and. The number of infected and the dead nationwide has just and in mexico a worrying pattern is also emerging just had a quick check around this intensive care unit one thing that really strikes you is that everyone is under the age of 60 here and thats a real change in the trend from europe for example but it seems like the most elderly with the most at risk. Theres a reason 70 percent of mits can i dont for obese due to a junk food have amassed in the rest of latin america and one in 7 have diabetes it makes makes conserve all ages vulnerable. And even in this hospital one of the best equipped stuff like the basic medicine st does make im not going to one of them on a nice day theres still some antibiotics that we need and that we dont have so we have to talk to the family members to buy them and it means a delay but we dont have another option to get it its been nothing he said but if you fight them by. Many of them its can hospitals are in a worse state with stuff across the country protesting about a lack of gear and training. Perhaps because of that doctors and nurses are getting infected one of the highest rates in the world. With that grim panorama every Success Story is celebrated. And i really owe a gas salesman is one of the he was being discharged on the day of a visit well though still fairly sick. Nothing was going to stop him getting out how are you feeling now youre about to leave which i feel really excited thats why im coughing. Well he enjoys his freedom once more one of. The team in the intensive care unit continue their struggle with the images that you are allowing of. What you heard. Or separative this i thought like and the good stuff where we want people to be aware that this is getting worse for people who see that call 1000 doesnt exist to know that here on the frontlines were seeing it for ourselves we dont eat for 8 hours we dont drink water were giving our best but we need people to support us. This team knows that in mexico this still might be just the beginning John Heilemann how does it a mexico city. Hundreds of people in the pool have protested against their governments handling of the coronavirus demonstrators in the capital katmandu rallied on the road leading up to the Prime Ministers Office Police fired water cannon and warned people that they were violating lockdown measures by coming out in large groups the paula so far reported more than 4300. 00 infections and at least 15 deaths. Floods in south china have killed dozens of people and many more are missing heavy rain swept across 4 regions forcing nearly 230000 people from their homes rivers are overflowing and mudslides swept downhills rescue and relief operations are ongoing across the regions the extreme weather has caused more than half a 1000000000. 00 worth of damage. Ok time to take a look at our top stories the World Health Organization has warned of the coronavirus pandemic is accel orating in africa the number of infections have doubled to 200000 in less than 3 weeks but the u. N. Says a lack of testing kits remain a big problem. Donald trump is ramping up pressure to stop an investigation into allegations of american war crimes in afghanistan the us president has authorized the sanctions against any International Criminal Court Officials involved in the case i. C. C. Prosecutor fought to bensouda is investigating possible crimes by the taliban afghan authorities u. S. Forces and the cia. Saying in the u. S. Americas top general says it was wrong to join president trying for a photo opportunity outside a church after the area was cleared of antiracism protesters mark milley says he regrets creating the perception of military involvement in domestic politics really was with trump as he walked through Lafayette Square after police used pepper spray and flash bangs to Disperse Protesters as many of you saw the result of a photograph of mia Lafayette Square last week that sparked a National Debate about the role of the military in Civil Society i should not have been my presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics as a commissioned uniformed officer it was a mistake but i have learned from and i sincerely hope we all can learn from. Multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of tarhouni and other areas recently of re taken from forces loyal to warlord honey for half that libyas government of National Accord says they contain the remains of soldiers who had been taken prisoner that who know was have 2 hours last stronghold in the west of the country and was recaptured by the g. N. A. T. Last week syrian president Bashar Al Assad has sacked his Prime Minister just a month before elections the Water Resources minister hussein articles will take over until the parliamentary vote in july the president s decision comes during a deepening economic crisis those are the headlines the stream is coming up next this cussing protests over Police Brutality in canada i have more news than half of our. I am for me ok youre watching the screen protests about Police Brutality race inequality and place used to do better for people of color in canada the anti racism protasis United States a spot in a National Conversation about race in canada he was delivering bailey hes a former canadian limpy and talking about racism canadian style. Now in china this is a little different and you know i guess the Word Association that we always talk about in janet is that its a

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