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Threatened by a Kangaroo Court. Used his time in isolation to achieve what he was his greatest artistic success. Welcome to the program a sudden rapid rise in corona virus infections in parts of africa is worrying the World Health Organization it says the pandemic is accelerating across the continent at an alarming rate it took 98. 00 days to reach 100000 cases its not passed 200000 in just 18 days a reason for this is not surge in the Community Transmission in more than half of the 54 countries in africa well the worst affected country is south africa where there have been more than 55000 cases and as infections spread beyond big cities and into rural areas the real fear is that Health Systems are not equipped to handle the crisis well ive been addressed says that Health Systems across the continent will struggle to cope with severe outbreaks. Report is poking about how 10 countries in particular with 3 being the hotspots south africa and cameroon and its the cases were going to see in these 3 countries will rise. And to such a time that went about seeing. These these these for you right now africa has grown 200000 cases and covered 9075 percent of these cases reside in at least 10 countries on the continent but what is clear is that even before covered 900 the whole systems in africa not prepared for a pandemic like this in addition to that the reason why we may probably see the rising number of. Cases in the coming weeks and months is because of the Weak Health System in africa and poverty levels were talking about a continent where some of the poorest in the world live and you have in probably a 5 to 6 People Living in one small room in africa here social distances would be the situation just as it would be a very very difficult thing youre talking about a country a continent while hundreds of millions suffered such as is what have to go out every day to pull money in order to put food on the table so its difficult to switch and just as in such a situation it only takes 1. 00 single index case in a Rural Community and within a matter of days you have a spread. That will affect almost everybody in that community right now the largest concentration of infections in the city is the capital and regional cities in africa. Is the Emergency Operations manager for the World Health Organization in africa he says. Up to 3300000 deaths from kiev at 19 can still be avoided. This is. Particularly bizarre on there was having to sustain Community Transmission we vote in the appropriate measure but i think since the beginning. They want to think would think that were not dissin they are african countries is that they move to outlaw song of measures of cause and effect also communities that is now triggering. Is but in india in general we can not just doubt what we are observing is real oh well thats what was predicting based on the worst Case Scenario but we should not be complacent this situation was to really deteriorate we dove. Head facilities being totally overwhelmed so we may not have all that and tried to sound tough in numbers but we have quite a good proxy that is also showing you what is the situation and how the situation is evolving and i think based on that the process probably think is to continue having Strong Public Health measures include Early Detection and management of cases what we are strongly advise the countries that we need to put in place measures that can help us to my knowledge of it as well as dealing with. Health conditions we cannot afford to stop savitz is like a vaccination treatment of malaria tb and this is so obvious trash their resources but a country is to try to see how they can while scaling up or restaurants to cause the. Continuities of of our services that are critical for africa. Well seeing all the constant multiple mass graves have been discovered in the libyan city of another areas recently been taken from forces loyal to the walled clique to have to libyas government of National Accord says they contain the remains of government soldiers whove been taken prisoner soon a soft as the last remaining stronghold in the west of the country last week the g. N. A. T. Recaptured the city but a trainer is in misrata with more on the discovery of those mass graves now d. N. A. Forces are saying that theyve been able to recover hundreds or or over 100 bodies in these mass graves these mass graves are yet another indication of the brutality of the libyan conflict and the on the on the residents in the area now in march the u. N. Support mission in libya released a statement saying they received reports of hundreds of and forthwith appearances killings and the displacement of entire families in the city of to whom why the kenyatta gave the knife brigade thats the militia that was under the lead to have in control of the city of through no u. N. Support mission also added that they verified numerous summary executions at the to whom the prison on september 13th so now the d. N. A. The Health Officials have told us that they are finding out that civilians are among the dead in these mass graves were also understanding that the d. N. A. Ministry of justice have appointed a committee to identify and investigate but thats the circumstances of the death and the minister of interior but the bush has said they will pursue the perpetrators of these crimes. Catman is an International Human rights lawyer based in london he says the evidence from the mass graves points to war crimes. I think the reports d that are coming out now are sharing that there are also some military because to it of being executed their hands tied behind their backs and their reports coming out of civilians now of course still dont meet the investigation to identify the cause of death but it certainly looks in the face that these are executions and thereby construed in a war crime the fact that theyve been buried in a minute mass grave would indicate that these are not individuals who died in the course of warfare. If they are military personnel there at the geneva conventions are very clear that the steps that have to be taken when military personnel are whats called order come out they are they become prisoners of war and the geneva conventions apply and the fact that these individuals have now been found dead and in some circumstances with hands tied behind the acts demonstrates something far more sinister its not the 1st time weve heard a of situations such as this from from have forces carrying out attacks like this its likely to need to go back to the i. C. C. To invest. Now the United Nations says both sides are fully engaged in the latest round of ceasefire talks the u. N. Support mission in libya says separate Virtual Meetings have been held with have to representatives and the internationally recognized government turkey says the u. S. Needs to play a more active role in those talks that says the u. S. Secretary of state might compare cold developments positive. Well the bodies of 22. 00 west african migrants including 2 babies have been recovered after the boat that they were in the sank off the coast of china sea many of the victims bodies were found washed up on a beach they were taken to a hospital in the city of facts or fortys say most of the people were from ivory coast that sort as many as 53 migrants were on the boat when it capsized a week ago 45 confirmed. U. S. President all trump is imposing sanctions against the International Criminal Court Officials investigating whether american troops committed war crimes in afghanistan so actually a state my palm pair says washington wont allow americans to be threatened by the court for a time it looked like the i. C. Might do the right thing and kill the investigation but last spring the Pretrial Chamber unanimously rejected the prosecutors request to open the investigation but unfortunately then in the spring in march the Appeals Chamber overturned that sound judgment and gave a green light to the current investigation effectively eliminating constraints on the Prosecutors Office ability to launch new investigations of americans in the future we cannot we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court and indeed i have a message to many close allies around the world your people could be next. Keeping an eye on things for us from washington d. C. Rolls ready no one in trouble in a cold windy mincing no words that i mean video on the verge of anger according to the secretary of state so what do the sanctions actually mean in reality. Well thats a really good question so how because even though the secretary of state the defense secretary the attorney general and the National Security adviser all gave statements in the state Department Press Briefing Room about an hour and a half ago they did not take questions so we do not know exactly what the full force of the sanctions will look like it only mentions aimed at seeing europe personnel at the International Criminal court and their families we dont know what senior i. C. C. Official means for example we also dont know whether or not an allegation put forward by the attorney general bill barr that russia is exerting undue influence on the i. C. C. To the detriment of the United States and its western allies we dont know what that evidence is again because the for a Senior Administration officials did not take questions certainly this is not a surprise in terms of the trumpet ministrations opposition to the i. C. C. Efforts to investigate alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly carried out by u. S. Troops and by cia operatives in afghanistan during the war that its now almost 19 years and going but certainly there are many questions because the senior officials called reporters into the state department Briefing Room and then did not take a single question to clarify or to bolster their accusations about the effectiveness and the integrity of the i. C. C. Thanks very much for us in washington d. C. Well still ahead here on aljazeera dozens of hit dead and many more are missing as floods sweep away thousands of homes across china. India is expected to swear in a new leader and speculation surrounds the sudden death of president pm encodings easer to stay with us. And it has a good kick in issues across much of north asia but to the south it is a very different story now if some clear skies in the last few hours but weve now had several weeks of the seasonal rains across central and southern areas so more pictures coming out of Guangdong Province which has been particularly badly hit the rains have been terentia the flooding has been extensive and as you can see houses have been demolished with the force of that water thats going to be a long while before things that begin to dry out we have got a dry spell on friday so then also going don weve got more very heavy amounts of rain not bad across the Korean Peninsula but by saturday this is when that heavy rain that frontal system works its way east was taking those rains across into south korea and pushing on into Western Areas of japan and watching the philippines we have this system here bringing some very heavy amounts of rain it could develop into a Tropical Storm not expected to do that on friday but by saturday it moves away from land it encounters more fuel in the form of warm water so it is a system a watch very closely but again suffered another very wet day and thunderstorms and all the borneo as well saying plenty over the same and then Central Regions of india the southwest monsoon being good print making a Good Progress out to cross the west and get some very heavy amounts of rain through friday and will continue as we head through the 1st part of the weekend. Welcome back youre watching ill just remind of our top stories the World Health Organization says the covert 19 pandemic is accelerating across Africa South Africa accounts for a quarter of the continents 200000 infections the w. H. O. Is calling for more testing kits multiple mass graves have been discovered in libya in areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the walled Khalifa Haftar the u. N. Recognize government says the graves contain the remains of its soldiers and President Trump has authorized sanctions against International Criminal Court Officials investigating u. S. Conduct in afghanistan secretary of state might pompei or says they wont allow threats of what he called a Kangaroo Court the top u. S. Military general has apologized for taking part in President Trump a photo opportunity outside a church in washington d. C. Army general mike many a Company Trump as he walked through Lafayette Square after Peaceful Anti racism protesters were forcibly removed from the area when he says his presence created the perception of military involvement in domestic politics. One of the 4 former Minneapolis Police officers charged in relation to the murder of george floyd has been released on bail thomas lane has been held on a bail of 750000. 00 hes facing charges of aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder for the deaths set off widespread protests for Police Reform and Racial Justice and those protests on are being aimed at monuments in the u. S. Confederacy. The statues of soldiers who fought to keep slavery were destroyed and spray painted in portsmouth virginia with warner falling on top of protestors and the demonstrators attacked the monument after 2 rights activists were arrested earlier in the day. Well donald trump has rejected calls to change the name of military bases named after Confederate Army officers who fought against the government in the u. S. Civil war the us president tweeted it has been suggested that we should rename our legendary military bases these powerful bases have become part of American Heritage the u. S. Trained and deployed our heroes on these grounds therefore my administration will not even consider the renaming of these installations. Current our special envoy for afghanistan says president garny is prone to hold talks with the taliban in doha will go she known as in traffic and talks are supposed to continue on march the 10th but theyve been held up by disagreements over februarys president ial election and the size of each delegation as well as the Global Pandemic the u. S. And taliban side to the agreement earlier this year ending americas longest war. To africa now where the leader of burundis parliament is expected to be sworn in as caretaker president after the sudden death of. His cause of death was described as a heart attack in government statements but many suspect it was linked to covert 19 welcome where passports from nairobi in neighboring kenya. Diplomats and officials come to sign a book of condolences the state house in the rooneys capital budget. The late president pierre and guernseys or lead the indian to a period of peace following a civil war but then back into political turmoil on tuesday the government said he died of a heart attack his predecessor called for calm we asked for everybody to keep quiet to keep in peace and to listen for the message is given by the government the government on their own currencies or became known for political killings and torture critics were silenced or fled abroad. He had no policies to slow the spread of the coronavirus he said god would protect poor indians many people suspect the virus was the cause of his death few dared to openly criticize the official line we spoke to an exiled activist in belgium who did. Order. One. We. Some autistic. Thousands gathered for Campaign Rallies ahead of an election last month and no social distancing measures. The ruling partys candidate was this man ever reste in diet. Opposition complained of vote rigging and was announced the winner he was due to take over from currencies are in august but analysts say the might be trouble ahead the constitution says if the president dies its the speaker of the National Assembly who takes over hes called pascal near banda. Boys in the green caesars preferred candidate allegedly where is east the chosen the president elect was supported by other generals within the c. N. D. D. F. T. D. D. Ruling party so this could indicate that there might be c. And d. D. F. D. D. In fighting in the coming weeks with different generals backing different candidates. Who currencies are left the room deal with the spreading pandemic and the political crisis is far from over malcolm webb aljazeera Nairobi Kenya 3 cameroonian soldiers have been charged with murder for their alleged involvement in the killing of 23 people including 15 children in february but the victims were attacked by going in the north west of the country its in the countrys English Speaking region where bin regular clashes between Government Forces and separatists the government initially denied its troops had any role in the civilian killings but in april it admitted 3 soldiers were involved. Another time Anti Government activist has gone missing in cambodia is the latest in a string of disappearances of dissidents in Southeast Asia lets quarterly reports from bangkok pressure from supporters and family have prompted the government to at least acknowledge the disappearance. Taking a need for the missing dissident of thailand. This vigil in bangkok was held just hours after reports of another reported abduction of a critic of thailands government dissident watch i learned. It human Rights Groups say he was snatched by gunmen near his home in the cambodian capital phnom penh last week in broad daylight he fled thailand just after the coup in 2014 facing charges for social media post satirized the government over them even if i dont think i dont know if the government is hiding anything from me but i really wish that the disappearance of my brother will be the last time that someone goes missing. But it thailands Parliamentary Human Rights Committee is pushing for legislation to prevent disappearances and abductions of dissidents. Those who disappear are normal people people who oppose the Government People who can gather support has open attention to the issue after initially denying even hearing about the abduction the government here has now said that theyll start looking into the case but Prime Minister says that he has not even heard of one child liam or why he would flee thailand for cambodia since the military coup 6 years ago 9 tied dissidents exile in cambodia laos and vietnam have gone missing over killed 2 were found in the mekong river their stomachs full of concrete bunch of them seem to be not and we came up this trend that going to seek refuge in a neighboring country doesnt guarantee that they will be safe they will be spared from the. Repression. Last year kanya son went missing in vietnam he was charged with article 112 a wide sweeping law against the faming the royal family she says police made her put portraits of the monarchy on the wall her advice to the other families how kind dont have negative thoughts keep looking keep up the hope and keep fighting even though you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. As the number of missing dissidents continues to rise supporters say they will keep on fighting and pushing for answers its got harder al jazeera bangkok the Video Conferencing application zoom is again facing criticism after it emerged it disabled the accounts of chinese dissidents a leader of the 98910 minute Student Movement and other activists say it happened after zuma shut down an Online Meeting commemorating the anniversary of the massacre the Video Service has soared in popularity due to the coronavirus lockdowns zooms china links have raised concerns about privacy and security while staying in the country floods in Southern China have killed dozens of people and many more are still missing heavy rain swept across 4 regions forcing the 230000. 00 people from their homes rivers are overflowing the month slide swept down hills the bad weather has caused more than half a 1000000000. 00 worth of damage katrina you has more from beijing. Tens of thousands of emergency workers and troops from the p. L. O. The Peoples Liberation army had been sent in and the focus has been on rescue and evacuation 230000 people have been relocated theyve been moved from rural areas mountainous areas to towns and more urban areas theyve been sheltered in schools or the halls or makeshift tents given food and shelter and we just have to look at the huge scale of this in that region 148 rivers also broken that warning levels and also 1300 homes have sort of destroyed now this rain has started last week last thursday and its been pounding these regions today in some areas the rain seems sort of eased so in some towns the focus has turned to cleanup but as you heard earlier they are expecting more heavy rain starting from toward friday up until early next week so emergency teams are staying put and theyre not quite relaxing yet 8 provinces in southeastern china have so far been affected among them the worst hit the provinces of junction where joe and. Now these areas generally receive a lot of rainfall this time of year but the government says that compared to last year theyve received already more than 6 percent more rain so about 30 centimeters of rain across this region over the past week now this region is also very mountainous its very lush and that means that the People Living in these areas are vulnerable not only to flooding but also turned landslides and according to state media many people have lost their lives in dangerous landslides across this area. That the size of Russias Arctic regions to use to get the job done more than 20000. 00 tons of diesel was leaked from a power plant its not into an environment. The problem began when the fuel storage tanks failed but the director of the power plant has been arrested. Around the world are closed and theres no indication of when know if theyll even reopen many so of them the leader of the metropolitan opera in philadelphia orchestra young ethan say so i guess has been in lockdown joining the pandemic now he used his time in isolation to achieve one of his greatest autistic triumphs as my kind of ripples what was once the beating heart of new yorks cultural scene is still the Lincoln Center is home to the Metropolitan Opera House but now stand silent is its a dark period for the world its dark period and very scary for the arts and for the artists for other work and as a whole not being able to express and do what each and do which just bring you teach but its also d as artists our duty to help being creative being even more creative and reinvent ourselves d so that we can also try to give back and give this hope to. Transforming this idea into action the conductor brought together the orchestra and sing is from around the world in an astonishing. Was. What really warms my heart was to. See that all the singers from so many countries in so many continents around the world. They were all like friends throwing to each other and just play this this wonderful opera game and seeing that theres only one. Opera with the met you know way i still hope all these artists but when the computers are switched off the artists return to isolation. To ponder what might come next i think we have to distinguish whats happening now where still people are dying from this virus and still its very threatening to the next stage which will be a transitional period where orchestras might not be able to do immediately in mahler symphony but maybe some things are opera houses of the magnitude of them it might not be all going to present opera the way this is it will be a light at the end of the tunnel and im convinced that eventually course great arts like this cannot be silenced. The musician alone returns to his roots the piano money and all. The performance dedicated to all who are suffering. It was a. Way for me to express what words. Cannot really express and this is why we need using this it can express feelings that we cant put into words. My camera aljazeera washington. Watch aljazeera with me said the remind of all top stories the World Health Organization says the cave in 1000 pound is accelerating across Africa South Africa accounts for a quarter of the continents 200000 infections the w. H. O. Is calling for more testing kits President Trump puzzled why sanctions against the International Criminal Court Officials investigating u. S. Conduct in afghanistan secretary of state my pompei are says they wont allow threats from what he called a Kangaroo Court for a time it looked like the i. C. Might do the right thing and kill the investigation. But last spring the Pretrial Chamber unanimously rejected the prosecutors request to open the investigation but unfortunately then in the spring in march the Appeals Chamber overturned that sound judgment and gave a green light to the current investigation effectively eliminating constraints on the Prosecutors Office ability to launch new investigations of americans in the future we cannot we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo Court and indeed i have a message to many close allies around the world your people could be next multiple mass graves have been discovered in libya in areas recently retaken from forces loyal to the ward cleaver after the un recognized government says the graves contain the remains of its soldiers. The bodies of 22. 00 west african migrants including 2 babies have been recovered after the boat they were in sank off the coast of tunisia many of the victims bodies were found washed up on the beach or 40 saying most of the people were from the ivory coast and its thought as many as 53 mine prints were on the boat when it capsized. One of the 4 former Minneapolis Police officers charged in relation to the murder of georgia floyd has been released on bail thomas lane had been held on a bail of 750000. 00 and hes facing charges of aiding and abetting 2nd degree murder Qatar Special envoy for afghanistan says president musharraf carney is preparing to hold talks with the taliban in doha the negotiations known as interim afghan talks were supposed to continue on march the 10th but theyve been held up by disagreements over februarys president ial election and the size of each delegation as well as the Global Pandemic those are the headlines you can follow the stories of course on our website at aljazeera dot com back with more news in half an hour here on aljazeera but next its the bottom line do stay with us. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question can america ever not to be racist lets get to the bottom line. The killing of george floyd by a white policeman in minneapolis was the spark that brought people to their feet and protests worldwide it came after a string of killings of many black americans they included Briana Taylor of kentucky and often artery of georgia millions of americans have been in the streets in cities and towns all over america protesting against the systemic racism that hasnt been fully confronted for decades or even centuries here so how did we get here and campaigns get better in the future and as americas way of policing and

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