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Office to anderson not trying to figure out what could i say. And i thought about this old preacher told me his story set out i had to preach one sunday derleths service and i started reading his novel about 8 oclock that night and i got so into it out couldnt put the novel down i looked at the clock goes 10 oclock i want to go to bed but i couldnt put an album down it was so intrigued that kept reading you turned out to look good it was 1130 has a lot i got to get some rest i got to get up too early but i couldnt put it down he said i kept reading file it was after midnight. And he said dad al ive got to tell the truth i decided then i would cheat. And i turned to the end of the book to find out how to story was going in. I wont you didnt know 19112001. I want the family to lower nagato Michael Browns family that afternoon that she. Sat in my office in the took my bob about. And i turned to the end of the book and i know how this story is going and. The 1st will be less. The last will be 1st. The line and then the lamb is gone lay down together and god will take care of risk so we got some good for golden days ahead but i dont know how to stories rory and get her just to put your explorer up each justice very god know this story were at it like this god would never leave us not for sake of us ive been to the end of the book lets fight dont lets stand together let us not leave this family now did to ceremony his own. This is the beginning of a fight is not be ended a fight jihad which i read on the front page of the New York Times the school. Said you want to touch the world well god had already made you for that but you didnt touch it in a Basketball Court all Football Court god had Something Else for you to do because all over the world george be a macho in which own name you types to were all in south africa you touch the world it means youve touched everyone a good fit to states even in a pandemic people are walking out in the streets not even follow in social distance because youve touched the world and as we lay you to rest a day. The movement wont rest until we get just. Until we have one span. You dont just. Go families go miss you george put jordan nation is going to always remember your name. Because your neck. Was one that represented all of us and how you suffered represented our suffering so we going to lay you near your mama now. You called her mama we dont lay your body next up but i know mamas already in braces you jaws you fought a good fight. You kept the faith. You finish your cause gone in get your rest now gone and see mama now. We go fight on we go fight all we go fight all we go friday all. Praise the lord i wrote this all 20 years ago and i never thought id sing that for a game changer. So been watching their the funeral of george floyd just been hearing from the reverend al sharpton the civil rights activist giving the eulogy at the funeral the movement wont rest he said until we get justice for george lloyd until we get one standard of justice was the theme or one of the themes of his unity there george ford who died when he was a Police Officer knelt on his neck. While he was being arrested in minneapolis lets bring back in to whos an assistant professor of Political Science and the author of american while black African Americans immigration and the limits of citizenship thank you very much indeed for staying with us. Interesting the reverend al sharpton this start of his eulogy talked about the fact that actually there is a system in place at the moment that can deliver justice its just that it doesnt deliver justice for black people in spite of what he admitted later was a need for further reforms he says at the moment the system just isnt fair and needs to be fair. Well absolutely i mean i think one of the things that weve seen over and over and over again. Is Police Officers who do these actions get off on a regular basis its far more exceptional to see a officer actually being christian for killing someone or hurting someone and so you know the system depending on how you think about it is either working perfectly right which is supposed to not honor black people or its broken and i think reverend al sharpton was speaking probably from a little more of an optimistic place which is the Justice System is there and there are rules in place but we have to follow those rules in live up to its promise and so this isnt can work tell me and do you think that this is a turning point in terms of the politics as well for america i mean it weve been at this point as many of us because i talked about that in the past in fact many members of other families who lost people to Police Brutality werent were in the congregation. Why do you think its going to be different this time or do you think it will be different this time. I mean time will tell i mean weve been talking about Police Brutality i mean thats been in common parlance since the early ninetys with the rodney king beating which was also caught on film. In we were crimes reform then i mean we were promised reform in 1967 after the long hot summer so it remains to be seen i am hopeless i mean im hopeful. Im hopeful but if history is that the teacher it doesnt look like that much more will happen because afterall a body cant were supposed to brain more better policing right as for story about better policing so were rubber bullets right is nonlethal options and im using nonlethal very loosely because you know tasers and in pepper spray can kill people they have killed people but these were all supposed to be improvements in policing that would make sure the public was less in danger yet we havent seen these deaths in it and thank you very much indeed to the counter for talking to us appreciate your time thank you for having me. Lets bring in john hendren whos live in houston and john we had from family members so very much a family funeral but on this extraordinary stage. Thats right there were 2 distinct messages going on from the family we heard this senselessness of his death and talk about what a good man they felt they had to george floyd wise and they talked about how we baptize children how you know what if on brother he was how he was a gentle giant a religious man but a man with a sense of humor who wouldnt hurt anybody in their in their view. And then from the politicians we heard a completely distinct message and that was that this has launched a movement that he was a kind of accidental change agent somebody who is changing the world not because of what he did but because of what was done to him the reverend al sharpton said god took the rejected stone and made it the cornerstone of a movement that was going around the world so. There is this since sadness at the loss of george floyd but also a resolution. To turn some good out of his seemingly senseless death to make changes in Police Departments and to make changes in policies across the country and around the world in order to make things more racially fair so that africanamericans in the United States and elsewhere dont end up dying at the gun or the need of a Police Officer and a mentally interesting. Comparison and he said he talked and talked about the price of a black life until we know the price of a black life is the same as a white life will and will keep ending up in this position and its. Very much the kind of the sense that the Justice System does discriminate isnt it. Yeah thats absolutely true the sense is that there are 2 views of america that white people tend to think that its pretty fair its gotten substantially fair since the 1960 s. That was a theme weve weve heard here and that africanamericans know it isnt. And we heard that over and over and i think the sense that weve gone through reverend al sharpton and others is that that is changing that that video of george floyd just the latest in a series of videos of africanamericans dying at the hands of police that maybe this time its a little different that the world is changing not every one of those incidents has launched demonstrations and i dont recall one of them the launch of this kind of National Movement thats changing City Councils and Police Departments and legislation in congress and that is the message that we heard from the pulpit today that that Movement Must go on that the demonstration should peacefully continue until they change those laws and there is a greater sense of equality. Not just in the law but in actual practice and john you mentioned the scale of the demonstrations its not just in the cities that people have been protesting it really is throughout america. Thats right there are rural towns of 6000 people that have parades filling the streets. Parades that have big cities as well there have been riots and burning so you know its not all been pleasant or good but its its seems to be resulting in change me the fact that that officer was charged the 1st officer derek show was charged within days he was george ford was killed on. Friday shopping was charged im sorry was killed on monday shovel was charged on friday and then the other 4 offered the other 3 officers were charged days after that its hard to believe that that would have ever happened had there not been a National Movement that had disrupted cities across the u. S. Its hard to believe that the Minneapolis Council is talking about dismantling their Police Department if there is legislation on capitol hill there have been some results from this movement. Whether that lasts whether those changes are actually enacted will depend largely on whether people let this moment pass weve had a gun control problem here in the United States in their demonstrations and really nothing has changed over the years the sense is that. The reverend al sharpton others here who spoke today want to seize this moment and make this Movement Last and bring lasting change 100 for the time being thank you very much indeed and lets listen in again to the funeral of. The asked everyone to please take your seat at this time everyone were pleased that you see at this time thank you so very much. As we take our seats that are going to this service allowing the family to leave 1st. And then. Because we must maintain order and get the family to the cemetery in the appropriate amount of time assures them in the aisles that theyre going to dismiss each. Singularly to ask that you will stay in your seat until the usher has made it clear that it is time for us. To recess to leave the sanctuary. Going to ask that you would do that and it has been requested it. That you will go immediately to your cars so that we can allow everyone to clear off of the campus of the fountain of praise as expeditiously as possible we must maintain order we must get this done so that the family can get to the cemetery and we can leave this body to the ground as we have celebrated his life in such grand fashion thank you church for being the church that you have been throughout this time thank you beloved community for hearing what we have asked of you and responding accordingly were going to leave from this place now and as we do we again celebrate what god has done by giving to us the life of george floyd chillier the bible says the lord give it away the taking away now blessed be the name of the lord will you help me bless the lord as the family stands and prepares to dismiss from this place at this time if you are directors we are following your directions. And all other members of the congregation will remain seated until the shooters have dismissed you thank you so very much. What bin has something to visit please. Make your presentation of this to. Refuel hold. Please just remain seated just the family in this section right here in the center so we will be decent and in order were asked the family to follow the direction of bed Funeral Services. Little one as theyre saying farewell to george floyd at this the private Funeral Service in the city where he grew up. And weve heard from the family and also politicians at the funeral as well as the civil rights activist al sharpton reverend al sharpton. Follows 5 days of Public Memorials in minneapolis North Carolina and houston. And family members talked about how george had actually changed the world. Lets bring in that natasha the name who joins me live from minneapolis now. So. This brings an end an incredibly emotional and sort of high you know. Kind of unprecedented in in america at times what the feeling is in minneapolis where you. George floyd may have been laid to rest this may be the end in that regard but for the people in minneapolis the activists who are pushing for Police Department reform and change this is just the beginning theyve had quite a bit of momentum over the last 2 weeks trying to get people out into the streets to continue to express their anger and grief but also to push for action as you mentioned we are here at 38 and chicago this is where george floyd died in Minneapolis Police custody more than 2 weeks ago the rain has thinned out the crowd a bit but as you can see its been a steady stream of people throughout the day very somber tone people coming to look at the several block tribute in georgia floyds honor talking quietly amongst themselves taking pictures and soaking in the scene i want to tell you about some of the signs that im looking at rest in power george floyd buildings can be rebuilt but dead man black men will come back there are a couple of tables here of people trying to ask some of the people here today to sign petitions many people might know there is a movement afoot in minneapolis to disband the almost 900 member Police Departments on sunday a 9 member were told is the majority of the city council and its veto proof pledge during a rally that they would just be the minneapolis Police Department they say they believe that the Police Department is beyond it reform they want to implement a kind of Public Safety system that will be. A plan will be arrived at by working in conjunction with the community the details though beyond that are still a little vague but from their point of view there is a real sense of urgency they have sat back and waited for reforms they have seen Police Officers be required to wear body armor go undergo deescalation training techniques and yet the number of complaints against the minneapolis Police Department has continued to rise in the last 5 years and the apples Police Officers used force against africanamericans 7 times more often than whites we have learned that the 3rd precinct where all 4 officers whove been charged in floyds death had a troubled history that show even the officer charged with 2nd degree murder. Had 18 prior misconduct claims filed against him only in 2 cases was he disciplined and he was given a reprimand another one of those officers had 6 this conduct claims against him and weve learned that from 2007 to 2017 that precinct alone paid out more than 2000000. 00 to settle civil suits so again people here in the community are are tired many at least are tired of hearing about reforms being the answer but the minneapolis mayor jake uprise says he believes in additional reforms not abolishing the Police Departments natascha in this region seeing the family of children filing out behind his coffin at the end of that Funeral Service culmination of more than 2 weeks of demonstrations and calls for Racial Justice off to. Death. And his final words i cant breathe become a. Theme an iranian cry for protest is not just in the United States but in the world. Its hard for everyone except for the family if you were exiting the building were going to ask you to respectfully exit to the side doors that are here in the bronx the familys point of the suit trial please do not crowd the family any further please next and through the side door so here. Ill see nobody but in the way i need people to love you like. Our need to downplay what. May well be more of a place amy. Thank you both in leaving the church there in houston for after the Funeral Service which in boulder to family members as well as politician was civil rights activists and large crowds that as you can see a falling out behind the coffin and he will now be buried its now 2 weeks since he died. At the hands of a white Police Officer a former Police Officer who held his knee on his neck in spite of going to school. And that he couldnt breathe i cant breathe he said and yet George George 46. Was killed in that confrontation with police. I should say with a policeman kneeling on his neck and he will now be buried next to his mother from. Cried out for as he was. Fighting for his life. Thats being in that game or his own to his life is so enormous it gave will decide to lay fuel i understand that to a still just as that. There are actually more with them there are several 1000 protesters right now marching behind muse you can see and theyve overtaken the frequent bridge here in the brooklyn side theyre walking towards Lower Manhattan right now its very quiet very peaceful and theyre theyre there with a message that they want justice and theyre also paying their respects to george floyd even though the funeral the service that youve been watching there is going on in houston there are a lot of people here in new york that are so watching it very closely as well as well you have here is a protest of people going over the Brooklyn Bridge right now and into manhattan to join up with another group of protesters theres been a lot of christian criticism of the new york police over the last couple weeks and heavy handed tactics against Peaceful Protesters i can tell you want to stay one new york city Police Officer was charged with assault for pushing a female protester about 2 weeks ago at the beginning of the protests and also in albany the State Capitol on tuesday earlier today local lawmakers state lawmakers voted to enact some very strict procedures for Police Officers and the governor said he plans to sign that into law later this week theyre saying that it could be some of the strictest said no strongest measures to rein in Police Brutality anywhere in the nation so a lot of the protesters feel that they have made headway and they are advancing with their cause but as you can see im a little ahead of them now and as you can see tens of thousands right now here on the Brooklyn Bridge very quiet are paying their respects. To florida george floyd but it just gives you an idea of what you kind of see here as he seems develop this goes back for well over half a kilometer long easily thousands and thousands of people on the streets right now and you mentioned the the changes potentially for the police when we heard during the service for joyce floyd the the mayor of houston announcing that he was signing an executive order to prohibit the city police musing chokeholds and strangleholds those the kind of elements that you would eat that you were talking about there in terms of changes to policing in new york yeah. Yeah thats a very good question that the state lawmakers here in the State Capitol in acted voted in favor of a whole host of things one is which is banning chokeholds by n. Y. P. D. Officers another one for example is setting up an independent commission that looks into. Allegations of Police Violence against civilians another one is allowing the names of officers theres been accused of wrongdoing to be made public so these are just 3 of what was more than 12 Different Things that were all voted on in favor and by local lawmakers here the governor as i said is said hes going to sign it into law later this week as a protesters now coming right up to where were at now you can see its very quiet very peaceful. And you can get a sense. Of. Why people are here. And this is now more than 2 weeks of peaceful protests in new york city. And game but its going to ask you why youre here today i mean why are you here today for justice thats right youre actually enough is enough. I need it wasnt part and came we were. Be here to thank them for the knowledge do you feel that your message is being heard the last of the last couple weeks of protests after the part. Invaded had. Planted there were we will continue to do this until everyone has to take the price down time. They came out appreciate it. Because you just heard from one woman there just one of the protesters she said will stay on the streets until justice is served. Ok but its interesting isnt it that during the address of his unity reverend al sharpton talked about this all is happening in the midst of a pandemic and its only a few weeks ago that you were walking through empty deserted new york and its quite quite extraordinary to see the difference now the dissension is there isnt any social distancing possible anymore and is that with with marches of the scale. It isnt i mean you can see most of the protesters if not all are Wearing Masks im wearing a mask you know new york is dealing with. 2 major things right now theyre dealing with a pandemic and its new york is still the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States even though numbers have gone way down and youre also dealing with major protests for the last 2 weeks such as this so. As a governor stated earlier today he said were dealing with 2 major things in the city and the state really and theyre separate theyre 2 separate things you have people taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers as well as the pandemic so the governors actually said you courage is anyone that has taken part in any protest to go get tested for corona virus but the bottom line is ive been asking people for a couple weeks now theyre protesting what about corona virus and they say listen is it a big deal yes it is but they say weve been at home for 3 months now and they say its a risk were willing to to. To come out here and protest but theyre very clear they go to their throat are always social distancing so to speak but they say whats more important is if theyre of you getting on the streets of fighting for justice everyone is very much a historic moment of u. S. History that. Gabriel is on there for the time being thank you very much and that service take you back to houston where the funeral procession is underway for george floyd. He is to be buried in a grave next to his mother and your member that when he was being held down under the policemans knee and he said he cant breathe he also in the end called out for his mother who was already dead and they will be buried next to each other so if you know procession on the way there for heading towards the cemetery and we had motional testimony from family members for instance a broken williams a young niece who said america its time for a change. They also conjured up the man the family man and the. Gave a sense of of george floyd as he was to the family rather than as a kind of International Iconic figure that hes become in just these short 2 weeks since his death mike hanna is with us now from washington d. C. And mike give us a little bit of the response politically on this the quite a divided sort of take on this from the democrats and republicans. Well indeed no greater measurement than the responses of the president to donald trump and the Vice President to joe biden who will be Donald Trumps contender when the Elections Come in the. Donald trump has not mentioned george floyd in the course of the day hes issued a number of tweets having to do with Senate Nominations with various other issues but hasnt dealt with this at all joe biden sent us highly emotional 6 minute video to the Memorial Service recorded at his home in delaware in which he recalled among other things his conversation with George Floyds 6 year old daughter gianni in which he said that she asked him a number of questions and he said to her in the video message you are very brave he continued in that message now is the time the purpose of the season to listen and heal he said now is the time for justice thats the answer we must give our children when they ask why because when there is justice for george from george floyd we will truly be on our way to Racial Justice in america so were very moving eulogy from joe biden a complete comparison and completely at odds with the reaction we have from the sitting president. Mike hanna thank you very much for the moment lets have a look at those pictures there. Shots of the funeral procession leaving the fountain of praise church in houston after more than 2 weeks of demonstrations following the death of george floyd who was. Who died when a Police Officer knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes and theres been a number of Memorial Service is in the last few days minneapolis North Carolina and houston have seen Memorial Services to remember george floyd but its become a movement an interNational Movement as well as a. Movement in the United States and so this funeral is being watched around the world. And we expect that but that procession got under way heading towards the Center Cemetery in just a few minutes. Lets have a listen also to some of the family members who spoke during the funeral. Justice for my brother bob big brother. Thats big for all. Everybody you know would be florida is now gurdwara kuniholm thats what weve borne it but weve got to be remember everybody going to remember him around the world hes going to change the world their offices so no remorse watch moco so leave his body he bade him plead it many times just for you to get but you just pushed harder well much the system because in program laws largely in place for the African American system to fail. These laws you can be sure i just know more hate crimes leaf so why is it make America Great again but when has america ever been great. And the service is now over at the church in houston the fountain of praise church in Houston Texas and we are expecting the coffin to head towards the cemetery in a few procession any moment now and the family of george floyd to spoke movingly of their relative but we also heard. From the reverend al sharpton who gave the unity we are not fighting. Soem disconnected incidents we are fighting an institutional mills. Problem that has been allowed to permeate he says we were brought to these shores. And we are fighting wickedness and high praise. When you can put your knee on a mans neck and hold it there is a man its in 4 to 6 seconds. Thats not even normal to us the big. Last known to a Police Officer there also the politicians are involved in a service and there was a message recorded a video message from joe biden the democratic president ial hopeful and former Vice President he actually met george fords family and personal monday but sent a message for the funeral today. Purpose to season to listen to the. Now is the time for Racial Justice thats the instruments give to our children when they ask why. Because when there is justice for george florey. We will truly be on our way to Racial Justice in america and then she said she. Will have changed the world. God be with you george for you. And your family. And as we watch the pictures from the fountain of praise a church where that funeral was held and we wait for the procession to head to the cemetery lets bring in john hendren whos been watching this and and covering these events. The death of the last 2 weeks and john when you spoke to people who went along to see that we saw people filing through the church to see the the body even before the funeral people really have been kind of moved to to travel from afar for this and. Thats right i talked to one man who traveled from atlanta and who had written a song about george floyd a performer and other people i talked to were literally everyone i talked to said they didnt know george floyd and there were hundreds and hundreds of them we obviously didnt talk to all of them. But yesterday was really the day for the Common People to come and pay their respects and many of them said that they felt an obligation to mark this moment to be a part of a Historic Movement and one woman told me she thought everyone should be here today was really for the friends and family inside that building but outside that building we also talked to people i talked to a woman who brought her 9 year old son to me and said my son is terrified of the police and she said that she wanted to transform the world so that he could have a safer life in the future and thats the kind of sentiment were hearing and interestingly when i was in the streets in minneapolis and in chicago i heard the same thing. This seems to be different whether this movement will will last or not and whether itll bring transformative change i dont know but its certainly different than all of the other protests weve seen particularly after the killings of africanamericans i was at the Michael Brown. You know this site where Michael Brown was killed in ferguson. Missouri there were parades there were some violence and looting and stuff there too but again it was the message that really carried through after that event and with Trayvon Martin in florida youve seen eric garner in new york there have been movements there have been parades and demonstrations but this is become really an interNational Movement its not just here in the United States today there was a protest in senegal in addition to new york and lots of other places and we were talking earlier about how this happens not just in big cities but also in rural places in it just seems that people are touched by what happened to this man and its happened is so many people over the years over the decades the difference now as one africanamerican man in minneapolis told me the difference now is Technology People are filming it and its getting out there and when they see that video it has brought some societal change Police Departments are talking about changing their rules minneapolis is talking about getting rid of its Police Department so somehow this story of this one man seems to have touched people in a way that not everyone has one thing i suppose people will be looking out for is the trial and what happens there for Police Offices have been charged but many have pointed out that in the past Police Officers even when theres been what appears to be compelling evidence of wrongdoing in cases where. People have been killed on that people being killed have ive often in the end not been punished or not been punished in the way that people might have expected so that that. Perhaps of impunity if one can call it that is something that is being looked at the moment but but i suppose would also be part of the that the kind of the the narrative as the trial goes on. Thats right its extraordinary rare for a Police Officer to be charged with a crime much less to be charged with murder it is rarer still for them to be convicted many are charge and the either the jury decides the evidence isnt there or the Justice System just doesnt carry through as i point this out those buses you see behind me are people who have been in this ceremony those 500 people who were inside they are leaving through the cemetery right now but there have been cases where there has been change in chicago in 2014 look one mcdonald was walking away from police he had a knife in his hand and an officer Jason Vandyke shot him 16 times mostly in the back that video didnt come out for a year so in 2015 the video came out launched demonstrations in the streets chicago had demonstration after demonstration it took 4 years after that but in 2019 that Police Officer went to prison for a sentence of about 7 years for murder so it does happen that is what people are hoping for here they got the one officer is charged with 2nd degree murder and then 3 officers who are charged with aiding and abetting a 2nd degree murder and the interesting thing about 2nd degree is that it suggests a level of intense that it wasnt a premeditated incident but that it was in tensional incident and thats what you heard inside there today when the reverend al sharpton and others were talking about 9 minutes or 8 minutes and 45 seconds of an officer with kneeling with his knee on George Floyds neck the idea is that that had to have had some level of intent after all he went limp beneath the officer and thats what were going to hear about in those trials and theres already some suggestion in those trials at the other 3 officers or at least some of them are suggesting that they had said to Derek Chauvin that he should stop what he was doing that what he was doing was dangerous all of this will come out in the. Trial but its just possible someone might be convicted this time even though thats a rarity. And remind us about. Connection with houston in his hometown weve heard about some of the plans. To invest more money and some of the neighborhoods to being so deprived that. George floyd was born in North Carolina raised in houston and died in minneapolis but this was the place that he really considered home and. We heard the mayor today say that he was going to sign an executive order making it illegal for an officer to use a chokehold to kneel on someones neck thats what happened with eric garner in new york and of course george floyd in minneapolis. But what we heard a lot of today were really just George Floyds friends and family talking about who the man was as you heard his niece there very emotionally in that sound bite that you just played a short while ago talking about how the officer had choked the life out of george florida deprived him of the civil right of life itself and the next speaker got up and said i dont know how i can follow that. But they did one after another and they talked about how george floyd was a gentle giant a man with a good sense of humor who would never hurt anybody 11. 00 of the speakers that he never heard him complain and of course weve all heard him complain now that he couldnt breathe and that speaks to the depth of pain that he was in in that incident but people say that was not typical of him so a lot of talk about george floyd is a man that i want to talk about the movement that they want to Carry Forward from this to ensure that young africanamericans are africanamericans of any age dont have to die at the hands of police john hendren at the time being thank you very much. Indeed and lets bring in from Brooklyn Bridge in new york gave her elizondo whos with a crowd of quiet protesters whove been knocking the moment that told of a funeral. Yeah this is quite frankly extra ordinary scenes right now on the Brooklyn Bridge as thousands of protesters have taken over the Brooklyn Bridge and they are marching towards manhattan its peaceful its quiet but they have a message that they want her and that message is they want justice and they want to pay their respects to george floyd. Thousands of people you dont see this every day in new york i want to bring in somebody here who are live on aljazeera can i talk to you real quick ask why youre here today. Ok i think are signing those says what he says no justice no peace george floyd Briana Taylor lets see if someone else will talk to us. And matt sir can i ask you why youre here today were live on aljazeera im the president of the brooklyn chapter of me but thats not a brooklyn you know were out here basically and i know joyce lloyd and all the people whove lost a lot to the Police Violence were here to make a stand to let the police know that we want to fund them at the mere know that the governor know that we will no longer accept this abuse you know i guess all people affected black lives matter that matters that they dont know that the race is as the president himself and they cannot call out of a state they were erased themselves so whats your name if you got anthony tell me. If you ever see anything like this so many people on the streets like this we did this forever gone and we do it you know for many other people but this is this is the still to see of that so people always been on the streets its the fact that now its more a united front and not a push you know you see black. You know like you know asian you know jamies cushings that. Its all together now from the force and the symbolic moment to basic pushback against systemic racism and entirely against our people its right that it has been i mean weve been out here for 2 weeks now how long do you think this will go on how long do you plan to be out here we might have some of people who are staying on the streets like i told them in the streets its all about the mans a man but so he looks at atlanta he looks at this and actually pass the legislation that we demand but also make sure you find all these cops that are and here you know her and have people make sure he could stay in one piece budget by 1000000000. 00 and put us to a do you know and put that towards the census shows that we need enough needs we will not stop being on the streets thats all demanding that your chest be this is where Al Jazeera International channel people from around the world are probably watching this now what is your message to people around the world that ive been watching the protests in new york and they say whats going on whats your message to the world the stimulus for them to get out the houses and to form axes themselves like many have done in your new zealand tel aviv many people have joined with the black lies not a movement to tell everybody else and still is. Basically get out get out assad get them if you leave us together gather your family members together and unite with the people and make sure that it is her world that black man. Appreciate you thank you for talking to thank you very much. Whether you heard it straight from the leader of the black Life Movement here in brooklyn again extraordinary scenes right now. Of these protesters marching across the Brooklyn Bridge to get into manhattan where theyre going to be linking up with other protesters you can see its also a very Cross Section of new york society have white you have young you have older you have asian you have africanamerican black americans so. This is the seniors of right now here on berkeley now i will say that there is a little bit of a sense of victory here because. For 2 reasons on tuesday today 2 things happen number one is that. New yorks Police Officer that was seen pushing a peaceful protest or a female about 2 weeks ago at the beginning of a protest that new york Police Officer was a bouncer has been charged with assault and the other thing on tuesday is that state lawmakers here in new york passed a series of very stringent measures that would hold new york Police Officers more accountable number one for example is no more chokeholds that would be banned number 2 they would say say that an independent commission could that now start to investigate alleged acts of Police Brutality by new york city Police Officers so there is a sense that this movement on the streets at least here in new york the last 2 weeks is working and that it has worked and theyre starting to see some action but clearly this by no means as you can tell from the gentleman that i just interviewed there by no means does anyone feeling that this is over in many ways as he said theyll stay out on the streets as long as necessary a mans own i thank you very much indeed. So gabriel there with appears procession in Brooklyn Bridge and we take you back there to houston after the funeral federal judge flowing at the fountain of praise church and he will now be buried in a tomb next to his mother at next to his mother new grave next to his mother after a Funeral Service which saw his family remembering him but also the reverend al sharpton addressing. The mourners and saying that the movement wont rest until we get justice until we get one standard of justice said al sharpton and its also been a day when the mayor of houston committed to banning the police use of chokeholds so some of the measures that are being introduced as a result of george fords death and the protests that have followed it protests that are spread not just across the states and the United States but also throughout the world. Lets move on to some other news now and bernies president here in currencies or has died at the age of 55 a government statement says he had a heart attack on monday as speculation he may have had coronavirus after his wifes fusion iroh be an edge an h. P. Treated for cave in 1930 has gone into 7 days of mourning in currencies or had been in power since 2005 and was due to step down in august 2nd webb is in nairobi and says there are already doubts over the president s cause of death and legacy. The government has announced that president koreans easer has died from a heart attack already some brew in the in the dont believe that cause of death his wife is currently here in kenyas capital nairobi seeking medical treatment its been reported in the regions press that she has been suffering from coded 19 although the ministry of health has denied it but when currencies are and is government have been widely accused by Health Experts of doing nothing to try and slow the spread of the corona virus in the run the World Health Organization officials were directed from the country for criticizing the governments lack of response after 15 years in power in currencies or has been accused of having a poor deteriorating human rights record ever since he announced his intention to run for a 3rd that was 5 years ago activists in opposition took to the streets saying it was against the constitution that protests were met with a violent brutal crackdown the government and the ruling partys militia since then have been accused of carrying out extrajudicial killings tortures forcible Tax Collections and a wide array of things that Rights Groups say have completely closed the political space in burundi. That americas 2nd largest economy is reopening even though its corona Virus Outbreak has not yet peaked out as there is john homan spoke to managing the countrys response in mexico in every country though when do is start opening the take so back again were prepared to mourn it or on daily basis wherever in this state in each state in the each locality where. If we see things are not going well we most act what do you think of the president heading out on tour while youre telling everyone please. Stay at home the president is working is doing his job does it not seem to you that well help me out a bit here im trying to get everyone in the house if its not an absolute emergency set an example i understand i dont understand the position i may sympathize with the concerns people sometimes feel about that but at the same time im aware that theres this over reaction to what they were any breath is a precedent i guess but this picture in dos do you sometimes regret not going hard on the core and at least in the period where mexico was in in real lockdown you couldnt get this a bit more under control them if you are detained shown that may arise from Law Enforcement the use of police or military force is sort of a perfect way to have a clash we remove the incentives to go out you have no job to attend because its close you have no school to attend because its closed why would you go out it will make sense the problem with that is the people are still going out and they and they have been all through the corps and thats correct it is well known Dale Community mitigation has its limits as well as contention has its limits the World Health Organization. There are to this code it was pressed thats what you could have do youve gone the other way we said this kind of phenomena is cannot be measured directly incommensurable therefore we have no respect asian to make sure by direct observation the real boars in of case. Orgeron a virus is currently hitting latin america harder than any other region with the World Health Organization warning it faces the most complex fight globally but cuba is bucking that trend line up a report on how they island has achieved 9 days in a row without one virus related death. This is become a relatively normal scene in havana cuban doctors going door to door screening for any symptoms of coke at 19 you know if you know im on the its a strategy that has apparently paid off monday marked 9 days without any new coronavirus deaths in the country if those who doubt them most of whom i believe that these results are based or care protocols they are based on the facts 1st Early Detection is important because we can do that take the person would several days of evolution of the disease would signal days of symptoms the possibilities are decrease an early addiction is achieved through screening through case funding in. Many latin american countries are struggling to curb coronavirus contagion but compared to the rest of the region cuba is miles ahead when it comes to containment im white i dont know im not we see once again that despite having the difficulties were going through our country has managed to control the epidemic and has achieved figures that are reasonable relative to the rest of the continent and despite not being developed countries weve achieved good control of the pandemic. The streets of the cuban capital are once again filling up albeit with a great amount of care as many who bencher outside do so wearing face masks which have become mandatory by the government refusing to wear one could lead to a fine arrest. Cubas success in mitigating contagion is being seen as a ray of hope for the region though international Health Experts warn that in other parts of latin america the hardest days are still to come so theres a lot of work that needs to be done and we need everyone to remain focused on achieving the goal at hand which is stopping this pandemic which is suppressing transmission and saving lives and theres a lot more work to do so lets celebrate the successes that we do have but lets remain focused on the remaining work that needs to be done because unfortunately this is far from the. With no new reported deaths in over a week at the. Ortiz had declared the outbreak in cuba under control but it up a little. Thats it for me to our entire left the moment on the back in just a moment with a full news john and if you can thanks for watching i feel. Theyre pensive case guys throughout much of australia the southeast has been pretty chilly as well in fact melbourne she said warning of a low temperature of 2 degrees celsius that was the coldest of the lowest temperature in 31 years for this early in the winter and i can see plenty of crowd as we go through wednesday the showers the back as well along with the coastal areas of New South Wales pushing up towards prison in queensland meanwhile a fine day wednesday across both islands of new zealand but there is some rain on the way it tends to stay to the south of tasmania and then youll see this next system working its way towards Western Australia sure enough by thursday it pushes on shore some fairly brisk winds as well in the rank of the quite heavy at times that a rather unsettled time with a high of 23 degrees and that rain still affecting these eastern coast the New South Wales that becoming quite heavy towards briston now from there we had asia theres been some torrential amounts of rain through southern areas of china this long line of cloudy can say is all tied to the same system this frontal system working as they gradually on wednesday into Western Areas of japan some heavy downpours at times another little system here working its way towards the Korean Peninsula and that will merge with this front as we go into thursday some very heavy amounts of rain throughout much of japan it wont be cold 26 no saka but we could have some localized flooding. The hero. I know im your intake of this is the al jazeera news hour live from london coming up. Tears memories and vows to end Racial Injustice as George Floyds family and friends celebrate his life. The funeral procession has now set off for the cemetery near houston

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