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The fight to regain control of libya u. N. But Government Troops pushed east to drive out after us forces plus. And while latin america struggles to beat the coronavirus well take you to one country there thats managed to contain its outbreak. Now thousands of mourners of brave long lines intense heat on the pandemic to attend a public viewing of George Floyds body in houston where he grew up people came from near unthawed to pay their respects he died last month when a white Police Officer knelt on his neck for almost 9 minutes john hendren approach now from houston. George floyds final journey brought him to his childhood home. This is my way of speaking out just by being present i would like to know how ministering to the top of my lungs because i know so many black like a speaker every black man but for every one that i know someone has a friend or Family Member or a relative someone that from Police Brutality and you need to stop at fountain of praise church mortgage paid their respects to the open casket inside some who knew him others inspired by the National Movement his death represents everyone should be so you can feel the need to do it so we dont have to do this again this should be the last sunday we do. As they cantered. As a collective whole disobey to last me in a room they came 15 at a time for up to 10 minutes with masks and social distancing to protect from corona virus for which floyd tested positive in april and in his autopsy George Floyds body has traced the path of his life the 1st in a series of memorials began in minneapolis where he died beneath a Police Officers need a never was held in the state of North Carolina where he was born both through thousands and now after this viewing in houston on tuesday there will be a funeral after which he is buried next to his mother. His death his inspired nearly 2 weeks of protests from washington d. C. To los angeles as mourners passed by floyds casket in houston the officer who knelt on his neck derek children appeared in court in minneapolis officer doric children should be tried to a couple murdered because of what he did was premeditated he knew what he was doing he should be treated like any other civilian would be treated if they would murder somebody like the way mr play with murder on tuesday his funeral will feature the reverend al sharpton civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump in a video by former Vice President joe biden who met privately with floyds family on monday his death inspired a movement but his family says on tuesday they will celebrate his life which inspired them john hendren houston. Well george lords brother spoke outside the vatican not to give up on the fight for justice. Im just right now appreciative of everybody coming out. To personalize the. Just tell. Me. Thank god for what. Were coming out of what is. Out of them that we will need today. Michael brown. There. Are. Relatively little. That. I think out we will hear that. We would not pick you up close. Meanwhile in minneapolis former police off the derrick shove in has made his 1st Court Appearance hes facing charges of 2nd degree murder and bales been set of more than a 1000000. 00 and the name has been following the hearing. It was a quick preliminary hearing as they usually are chauvelin gave perfunctory answers when called on and the judge gave the prosecution everything they asked for the judge set bail at 1250000. 00 without any conditions but of show when can come up with 1000000 dollars he could get out on bail as long as he abides by the following conditions he does not leave the state of minnesota without permission he surrenders his gun and permits he does not have any contact with George Floyds family and he does not attempt to work in Law Enforcement or any kind of security job charges were upgraded last week once these Minnesota Attorney general took over the case the 2nd degree murder charge in the state of minnesota means that the prosecution would have to prove that provan killed george floyd intentionally or that he killed floyd while committing another felony it is predicted that the prosecution will take that latter strategy the attorney general has already said that this will be a difficult case to get a conviction on he is asking for the publics patience but of course protesters have 0 patience especially when lives are at stake in all democrats in the u. S. House of representatives have them sailed legislation to change the way Police Departments work before announcing the proposals some members melt 8 minutes and 46 seconds thats a long george floyd was pinned to the ground its a little pulses would make it easier to prosecute police for misconduct you know the president trumpeted back up calls to defund Police Departments following. Im very proud of them. There will be defining there wont be dismantling of our police and theyre not going to be any disbanding of our police our police have been letting us live in peace and we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there and sometimes youll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently but 99 i say 99. 9 but lets go with 99 percent of them are great great people and theyve done jobs that are record setting record setting north korea is threatening to cut off communication with south Korea State News Agency says closing the hotline will be the 1st step toward shutting down all contact its the latest in a series of threats in recent days young young want sold to stop defectors sending propaganda leaflets over the border but south koreas unification ministries urging them all to keep lines of communication open well robert kelly is a Professor National university he explains why this creates an awkward political position of the soul. So this is tricky for the south korean government because south korea is a democratic republic right south korea has sort of a right wing thats very anti communist as might imagine right particularly older koreans right the 2 koreas are sort of engaged in this kind of existential agenda mysie sort of contest you have sort of a hard right in south korea thats very into communist thats also very even jellicoe in christian and for these people north koreas a real opponent its sort of like you know this atheist leninist aggressor and things like that and you know regardless of which think about those opinions thats probably 20 percent of south korean opinion visa v. North korea and these people routinely use the proximity of north korea to release balloons and other things. Into the sky filled with a flash keys and imagery from south korea and magazines and things like this and pamphlets saying that north korea is this horribly governed place in conjunction with sort of this pampered desk but Everything Else the North Koreans have complained about this behavior for decades and the current south korean government really wants a rapprochement detente with north korea and so they have sort of moved against these groups but that raises all kinds of freedom of speech issues here in the south its very tricky south korean left doesnt really want this kind of confrontation in the blue launches and stuff like that right and these things sort of come in waves and the south korean and the north korean government often uses the south korean less interest in negotiations with north korea as a lever to get south to the south korean government to move against domestic opponents that is to say that north or from the south korean government to get the North Koreans to sit down at the table the North Koreans say we have to move against these groups and stop them from rasmussen Everything Else right and so this point like i said this puts the south korean less in an awkward position because if it doesnt move against these groups the North Koreans shut down detente if it does then the south korean government winds up in court and you have big fights about freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and stuff like that and so theres just no really Good Alternative here right the government is really sort of trapped and the North Koreans used this to sort of push concessions on south korean government. Libyas u. N. Backed government has vowed to take back the countrys east starting with the strategic city of sirte hoping to build in a series of victories against warlords any for have towns forces money training is that. The road leading into a 3rd is wide open remnants of destruction tell a story of conflict old and new military positions abandoned by the warlords Khalifa Haftar self declared Libyan National army fleeing their advancing enemies we meet abdul hamid. A field commander for g. N. A. T. Forces. He says his brother was killed in sirte and the fight to liberate the city from i saw in 2016. I saw i controlled the city for several months before forces primarily from misrata liberated its people and is the groups foothold in libya. For abdul. This is personal. Morale is high we have entered the western gates of sirte and a position in the south the latest territorial gains by forces of the government of National Court in tripoli follow a series of defeats warlords believe perhaps or building on their momentum in western libya forces loyal to the internationally government of National Court have made significant gains for the city of sirte this is checkpoint 51 of the gates leading to the city of sirte Government Forces tell us they have partially surrounded the city. And we have entered the city borders of and have surrounded it because the City Residents to force have to force us to leave the city we sacrificed of a 770. 00 men to liberate from i so that we will not leave the city to do war criminals have to. Strategically positioned on the coast of central syria is critical to both the g. N. A. S. For any possible peace talks. Why there has been forces will be met with stiff resistance threatening a prolonged battle within one or more gadhafi hometown remains to be seen. Is the 3rd time since he was deposed and killed 9 years ago that the city has been a war zone now a trainer al jazeera just outside the city of sirte in libya. Time for a short break here and ill just erupt when we come back awaiting sentencing we speak to a palestinian boy who is the sole survivor of an israeli awesome attack that killed his family plus. Kenyans take on their Police Forces accused of killing people join the coronavirus lockdown or not stay with us. I know that plenty of heavy rain across the south in the southeast of the United States all courtesy of this massive holes a crystal ball that was going to continue to weaken but as it came on shore it brought with it a huge amount of storm surge very widespread this is obviously mississippi but those storm surge reported into louisiana all the way across those the gulf coast area on towards florida now obviously the storm system itself the winds will continue to weaken but the rain will still say very heavy work its way quite quickly on tuesday into areas of missouri up into arkansas and eventually opt into i would then we have this frontal system here further to the west the 2 are going to merge the front will actually sweep the remnants of the system up towards the great lakes pushing up into Eastern County but some very heavy amounts of rains and thunderstorms and it could well lead to flooding and all the while the rains trading right there back into the southeast that is fine and dry out across the west but very warm still the high there on wednesday of 34 degrees celsius it does mean of course that we have seen some funny better conditions across much of Central America in particular across into mexico but the rains all back in the forecast much of Central America costa rica some heavy amounts panama as well and all the while the rains really developing throughout much of florida no real lesson there but also the bahamas seeing some very heavy downpours so a wet couple of days ahead and not so with a high of 31. They say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes follow in their footsteps as they forge their way in the wild. Aljazeera shares these personal journeys. Inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. Welcome back amount of our top stories here on aljazeera thousands of mourners have been paying their respects to george floyd at a memorial in Houston Texas where he grew up his family have pledged to continue the fight for justice. And anti Police Brutality protests have continued across the United States or show you here some live pictures from Portland Oregon in the us demonstrations have been ongoing since floyd died on may 25th these are live pictures coming now from Portland Oregon. And north korea threatening to cut off all communication with south korea starting with a key young is demanding the sole stop to this from something of a gun the leaflets over into the north. And libyas u. N. Backed government is vowing to take that countrys east starting with a strategic city of sirte theyre hoping to build on a series of recent victories against warlord police i have to tell us forces for. Now video has emerged that appears to show military officers from the United Arab Emirates directly Training Forces loyal to have top. Being trained in a russian made air Defense System called the s one russian mercenaries have been instrumental in helping have military advances. From Johns Hopkins university his Foreign Policy institute he says this new video is more evidence of the u. S. Involvement in the libyan conflict. The United Nations report says that the u. A. E. Has conducted over 850. 00. Drone attacks on tripoli over the last 14 months. There is now the u. A. E. Has a day un has now an open investigation. For u. A. E. Involvement in libya so do you even warming to libya is absolutely critical it is also the country reported. Paid the price or the cause for the wagner group to enter into. The service of how it has been without. Political military and also Financial Support there would not be where he is today so today we are looking at additional evidence of a direct u. A. E. Involvement in libya and in the attack going tripoli and you know all of the humanitarian consequences of that an israeli settler convicted of murdering 3 palestinians in a fire bomb attack is due to be sentenced on tuesday the only survivor of the attack was a young boy who still receiving treatment for his burns need to spend time with his family in the occupied west bank. Is really prosecutors one conviction last month against an israeli settler but the only survivor of the crime continues to suffer. The actions parents and 18 month old brother were killed 5 years ago. Settlers attacked the family home with a fire bomb leaving the 4 year old with serious burns he now lives with his grandparents. I forgot everything i dont have many memories of my parents. His family says he saw more that he wants to remember israeli settler i mean on been you leader was convicted of 3 charges of murder attempted murder and arson the court said hes carried out a terrorist attack but acquitted him of belonging to a terrorist organization. Around maybe a little of the civil sentencing wont mean much to me as it wont bring my family back or reunite them with. Them for years but i hope that it serves as a deterrent for settlers many here say the killings are the worst crimes to have been committed by Israeli Settlers in recent years they say settlers have the support of israels army ound judicial system and that their presence in the occupied west bank is a crime in itself settlements are considered illegal under International Law Israeli Settlers are tried in civil court unlike palestinians who undergo military trials the suspected killer of eyeshot robbies under house arrest as the court case against him continues she was killed by rocks thrown at her car in the west bank 2 years ago speaking in their home in biddy a Village North of the west bank her husband says he lost the love of his life. All 4 female grandchildren born after her death are named. By them as a lot of there were 4 suspects then there came 3 but now they are prosecuting one although they were more accomplices if the perpetrator was palestinian they would have a recent my whole village Israeli Human Rights Group dean has been documenting attacks against palestinians for the past 15 years it says only 8 percent of Israeli Police investigations and settler attacks lead to indictments. There is a government policy not to implement laws on the settlers which in the end helps implement the occupation strategy of controlling more palestinian lands. Family and friends are trying to help get over his loss his burns are Getting Better with what it says is painful these are treatment but some of the scars are not visible and might never ever heal in that dream of the occupied west bank more than 250 rangar refugees have arrived in malaysia despite efforts to stop the entry of a coronavirus fears they reportedly been at sea for nearly 4 months the boat was intercepted off the island of langkawi by Marine Police hundreds of members of the Muslim Minority group are feared trapped at sea because of Stricter Border controls during the pandemic in kenyas capital nairobi activists have been demonstrating against Police Brutality according to a watchdog Kenyan Police have been involved in the killing of 15 people since the country put a nighttime curfew in place in march to combat coronavirus malcolm webb has more now from nairobi. I mean. These activists say kenyas police need to be held to account for killings. According to a Police Oversight body 15 people have been killed by officers in forcing a nighttime curfew to slow the spread of the coronavirus campaigners say that. Some of them were killed here in the sari slums we are going all the way every ghetto ghetto to get to telling them to stop killing our oh my kids my this out crying sisters everybody we are all hides by this injustice of Police Brutality. In march when the curfew lynching used in some places it was enforced with tear gas and beatings. This is 13 year old yes he was shot dead in the thory as he stood on his parents balcony one of the Police Officers involved was arrested and charged with murder last week. But its rare for police to be convicted of crimes in kenya. When a homeless man was shot dead in my story last week resident. Tires they say Police Killed him police have denied it. But it prompted the activists to call for peace officers to face justice. Im here to protest for our youths who have died in the hands of the police without any wrongdoing and were saying enough is enough as mothers many of our youths have been killed while being labelled as the. Kenyas police was created about a century ago by british colonialists it was used to violently put down an Independence Movement was promised offices still dont respect peoples rights around the world take to the streets against racism and Police Brutality kenyas activists are calling for change to malcolm webb aljazeera nairobi kenya. Francaise ban police using chokeholds the interior minister says the method wont be taught anymore the french government has come under increasing pressure to address Police Brutality and racism more than 20000 people were tested across france on saturday against Racial Injustice in an unprecedented protest in new york Government Employees both past and present join calls for justice and reform within their own city the protest came on the day in new york started easing with 19 lockdown restrictions on the reports. I heard hundreds of new york City Government workers former and current upset with their boss new york mayor bill de blasio i asked one of the City Employees if he thought the mayor has been doing a good job during the recent protests absolutely not he has not done a good job and hes done an atrocious job there calling for the mayor to fire all officers scenes using Excessive Force and also reallocate 1000000000. 00 in the citys annual budget from the police and put it toward social programs the mayor said hes looking into it but has yet to offer specifics that satisfy the protesters all message to the mayor is that we want to be able to have a voice and what goes on in the city we want to be able to talk about funding im defunding if necessary and how we can allocate resources equitably across the city. Many of these protesters say they fear retribution that they could be putting their livelihoods are at risk for protesting against a very stupid government that employs nevertheless they say it doesnt matter whats more important is that their message is heard. Ive never seen anything like this City Employees past and present coming out like this no its wonderful im im grateful that we have the opportunity in the rights of peacefully protest and present a grievance is and thats what were doing here today and i hope the government listens to us the protest came on the same day new york city began phase one of the reopening after closing down entirely 3 months ago to help curtail the spread of coronavirus the familiar sounds are back. As construction work was allowed to begin again some Retail Businesses given the go ahead to reopen with tight restrictions. And for the 1st time in months the subway was running on a normal schedule but few people on board a sign that new york city is not. Even close to being anywhere near what it was like in the days precode. Most businesses remain closed hundreds like this boarded up in fear of late night looting and no sign of when schools or universities might reopen but on this day the Government Employees who keep americas largest city running say reopening cant wait their demands to the mayor cant gabriels on to. New york now most new arrivals to the u. K. Are now required to put themselves into quarantine for 2 weeks plane ferry and train passengers including british passport holders must give an address where they will self isolate or face a 1200. 00 fine the government says the rules designed to prevent a 2nd wave of infections but critics condemn the restriction as a publicist stunt which will be impossible to enforce weeks of lock down ending in russias capital moscows mayor announced major restrictions are being lifted from tuesday the number of infections there has more than hard in recent weeks to around 2008 russia has the 3rd highest number of confirmed cases in the world and cattle start lifting coronavirus restrictions in 4 phases starting from june 15th but flights from low risk countries wont be allowed to arrive until the 3rd phase planned for the beginning of august qatars recalled the just in a 70000 cases. The World Health Organization says it will continue to work with and support the brazilian government in the fight against corona virus the double h o appealed to president Jacob Ohlsson r. O. To educate citizens and report daily cases and deaths in a transparent manner as after brazil one of the worst hit countries changed the way it reported those figures. We will continue to support brazil and the people of brazil in their fight against in their fight against it it is though at the same time very important that the messages around transparency and sharing of information are consistent and that were able to rely on our partners in brazil to provide that information to us but more importantly to people to citizens they need to understand whats happening they need to understand where the virus is they need to know how to manage the risks to them and therefore we hope and we trust that any confusions that may exist at the moment can be resolved. Now latin america is the worlds worst hit region by the virus pandemic thats according to the World Health Organization but while cases continue to skyrocket in the countries like brazil and mexico the caribbean island nation of cuba has gone 9 Straight Days without a single virus related deaths Monita Rajpal reports. That this is become a relatively normal scene in havana cuban doctors going door to door screening for any symptoms of coke at 19 the earth you know im on the its a strategy that has apparently paid off monday morning 9 days without any new coronavirus deaths in the country if those are the numbers of whom i believe that these results are based or care protocols they are based on the facts 1st Early Detection is important because were going to detect the person would several days of evolution of the disease would cyril days of symptoms the possibilities are decrease an early addiction is achieved through screening through case funding in. Many latin american countries are struggling to curb coronavirus contagion but compared to the rest of the region cuba is miles ahead when it comes to containment im white i dont know im not we see once again that despite having the difficulties were going through our country has managed to control the epidemic and has achieved figures that are reasonable relative to the rest of the continent and despite not being developed countries weve achieved good control of the pandemic. The streets of the cuban capital are once again filling up albeit with a great amount of care as many who bencher outside do so wearing face masks which have become mandatory by the government refusing to wear one could lead to a fine arrest. Cubas success in mitigating contagion is being seen as a ray of hope for the region though International Health experts warn that in other parts of latin america the hardest days are still to come so theres a lot of work that needs to be done and we need everyone to remain focused on achieving the goal at hand. Which is stopping this pandemic which is suppressing transmission and saving lives and theres a lot more work to do so lets celebrate the successes that we do have but lets remain focused on the remaining work that needs to be done because unfortunately this is far from the. With no new reported deaths in over a week authorities have declared the outbreak in cuba under control when read up a little. Part of a quick check of the headlines here on the aljazeera thousands of people to brave long lines intense heat and a pandemic to pay their respects to george floyd in houston where he grew up he died last month when a white Police Officer knelt on his neck for most 9 minutes his family have pledged to continue the fight for justice im sure right now appreciate that everybody coming. To personalise if you just tell us. I. Thank god for what. Were coming out with what is. Out of them that we will need today. Mark the. 3rd. Round of the. Help we will yes. We would not have got close. North korea is threatening to cut off communication with south korea its state News Agency Says closing a hotline with the 1st step toward shutting down all contact its the latest in a series of threats in recent days pyongyang wants sold to stop defectors sending propaganda leaflets over the border of south koreas unification ministries urging the north to keep the lines of communication open. Libyas u. N. Backed government is vowing to take back the countrys east starting with the strategic city of sirte hoping to build on a series of recent victories against warlord how lethal have to us forces from says bandits Police Forces from using chokeholds the interior minister says the method wont be torched anymore the french government has come under increasing pressure to address Police Brutality and racism more than 20000 people protested across france on saturday against Racial Injustice. Weeks of lockdown have ended in russias capital moscow with restrictions easing on tuesday people are allowed to move around freely and some more businesses are reopening the number of infections there has more than hard in recent weeks to around 2000 a day russia has the 3rd highest number of confirmed cases in the world nearly half a 1000000. So those were the headlines the news continues on aljazeera after witness statement thats a logic. Because many countries around the world rely on micah to make their products cooler but who pays the price for making the beauty business. When i went east investigates. On aljazeera. Ranting. About. The sun one. Day one week

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