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Last. Anyone else quarantine confusion the u. K. s only telling new arrivals to isolate now that infections are falling which stop the spread. And on time the hamas now have all the support including tyson fears from osa says the match against the ontario wilder could happen this year in macau. 2 weeks after 46 year old black man george freud died under the knee of a Police Officer sparking a global wave of protest the accused killer has faced court Derek Sherman has been charged with 2nd and 3rd degree murder as well as 2nd degree manslaughter is appeared by video link in a Minneapolis Court as the charges were read thousands of people queued to pay their respects to George Floyds body and his home city of houston is funeral will be held there on tuesday and as the protests grew the cry to defund the police has become louder counselors in minneapolis of already committed to dismantling the Department New york and los angeles have also vowed changes to funding. Lets go straight to john hendren his. Show. That we can. Can you describe. Where you are. Yeah right now there are hundreds of people who have been lining up since noon today and right now its just about 4 oclock so for 4 hours they have been lining up and theyve got 2 more to go all of them passing by the casket of mr floyd and people in line and generally what we heard were that the people who have come by and large were not people who knew him personally but who have come to pay their respects who believe that this is an important moment in history and that he really represents an important person in this movement but i can do better than just telling you my own view i can invite in i guess this is Darrell Kelly who is a musical artist from atlanta yes my name is. From atlanta and let me ask you. What brings you here while i write music and justice in america and i wrote a song for george florey called Police Brutality i think its important to come together to stop brutality. And racism in our country but around the world i could in our days write about george if i can come out to support. It lana has its own history of racial tension. I think for our viewers who are largely around the world and not all here in the u. S. Just describe what its like to be an africanamerican man in an urban area when confronting police well actually im originally from boston and i can say that no matter where you come from it can be from the north for the west have experience with how we all my life. Growing up with a disability and its just hard to be an africanamerican and you get pulled over for no reason you dont even know if youre going to be you know arrested for no reason shop for no reason so i always try to be very respectable and what i dont do is give them a problem they write me and i take you know i go about my business ive learned in the past if you give them a hard time then you have a harder time for no reason ive heard ive heard other men say you know they look at george floyd and they think on a bad day that that might have been me did you ever feel like that every single day because george floyd was a mob. I met a mob was a joyful so at the end of the day its racism happens every single day and they say black lives matter i truly believe that but i see dr sophy now the only way were going to stop Police Brutality and racism in our country is that we come together as one doesnt matter if youre black or white spanish it doesnt matter we need to unify our country and we need to stick together and change what should happen and join floyd or my nieces and nephews my children other peoples children and we have to keep a movement called a positive future of america with to morrows funeral thats really the end of the journey for george floyd but its a continuation of a of a movement what needs to happen but what we need to do is come together in the member and we need to go ahead and hope for a candidate who is going to support americas values and we need that person to come together and to make us the country that we all are because of all the rhetoric thats happening right now thats not going to unify our country its not going to stop racism or Police Brutality and we need to come together in november. And we need to pick someone whos going to do the job. We want to thank you for joining us with a little perspective from one of the people who came here from substantially far away in order to pay their respects to george floyd and there are hundreds and hundreds more and of course this continues in a day when the funeral takes place. Thank you very much. Natasha tell us about. 44 year old former minneapolis Police Officer derek show even has been in a state correctional facility outside the minneapolis city of minneapolis for his own safety he appeared remotely for his 1st Court Appearance a preliminary hearing its usually rather quick and straight forward he answered perfunctory yes no answers when spoken to by the judge and it appears that the prosecution got everything that it requested the judge has set bail without conditions for 1. 2 5000000. 00 in the event that show even can come up with a 1000000. 00 bail he has to abide by the following conditions he cannot have any contact with George Floyds family he cannot leave the state of minnesota without permission he has to surrender his guns and permit and he cannot work for Law Enforcement or could conduct any kind of security hes been charged with 2nd degree murder when the Minnesota Attorney general took over the case last week upgraded the charges in the state 2nd degree murder conviction means that a prosecutor will have to prove that chauvin intentionally. Killed george lloyd or did so while committing another felony and its believed that the prosecution will take the latter strategy in its prosecution of show vin but the attorney general here warned that this will be a difficult case will be a lengthy investigation and it wont be easy to get a conviction he has been asking the public to be patient but of course among protesters there is a real sense of urgency they want to make sure that there is not another unarmed black man killed in minneapolis while in Minneapolis Police department custody and in the meantime those City Council Members have been pledging to disband the police tell us more about how that might work. Well how it might work remains to be seen the City Council Members are simply saying that they want to create a new Public Safety system in conjunction with the community now on sunday 9 City Council Members attended a rally and pledged that they would be and the Minneapolis Police department they say that the Minneapolis Police department is beyond reform especially considering the fact that despite texas techniques and deescalation training and the use of body cameras that the complaints by the public against the Minneapolis Police department only continue to rise these 9 City Council Members say that they have a majority and a veto proof majority at that however they may be setting the stage for a standoff with the minneapolis mayor jacob frye he has said that he supports reform that gets to the heart of any type of systemic racism within the Minneapolis Police department but he does not support abolishing the Police Departments and to show name thank you very much indeed despite widespread calls to take away the funding or disband Police Forces across the u. S. President dont trump says it wont happen and im very proud of them. There will be defining there will be dismantling of our police and theyre not going to be any disbanding of our police our police have been letting us live in peace so we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there and sometimes youll see some horrible things like we would destroy recently but 99 i say 99. 9 but lets go with 99 percent of them are great great people and theyve done jobs that are record setting record setting i cannot i want house correspondent can be held on with those words the president also been meeting Law Enforcement representatives. Yeah hes been meeting and his position is one that has been echoed by his press secretary caylee mcenaney as she held a press briefing prior to that Law Enforcement round table in the view of this white house they are essentially saying there to paul that the suggestion by some democrats that there be a defining of the police force they say this is the left going too far and in fact they say that no one in the white house agrees with this no one in america does either now obviously thats not true because there are many in the left in the United States who are calling for this it can take a number of forms it could mean that there is some money that is slashed from budgets put into social programs economic programs to help Companies Rather communities that have been affected disproportionately by crime and other issues that require the police to be called but in the midst of this we should be clear well the trumpet ministration says that it does not support it also that is true of some very prominent democrats particularly House Speaker nancy pelosi and also the man who is trying to win the white house come november against donald trump us the former Vice President joe biden in fact his campaign putting out a statement saying that they are not calling for a defunding of Police Forces in the United States instead he says there is an urgent need for reform and it can mean once you finish he has been talking about the need to reform police. Yes so given the fact that there have been this widespread protest for a number of weeks now in the United States theyre moving from that momentum that has built up from the street level to the legislative level of Police Reform legislation unveiled by House Democrats who control that chamber earlier today it was a somber moment as they started off that press conference with an 8 minute and 46 seconds moment of silence kneeling down in order to honor george floyd and also others who have been killed they say victims the systemic racism in policing so what this legislation seeks to do is a number of things set up a National Police registry bad things like chokeholds and also make sure that there is something that is no longer in place that is currently in place and thats something called qualified immunity that basically shields Police Officers from civil litigation so these are some of the things that are being sought but we have to remember the wheels of the legislative process move very slowly well this may pass in the house of representatives there are still questions about whether its current form it would pass the Republican Controlled Senate or whether this president a republican as well would sign it into law can be ok thank you very much Tony Williams is a member of 150 an organization thats helping the Minneapolis Police department understand the history of u. S. Policing and its relationship with communities he joins me live via skype thank you very much for being with us just on the issue of defunding the police what exactly in terms of minneapolis is that something that they would actually do completely take away the money from the police or is it a partial defunding. Yeah well thanks for having me on i want to say 1st that m. P. T. 150 is interested in helping our Community Learn about the history of the police not necessarily helping them learn their own history we created the 1st independent history of the Police Department thats ever been created here in minneapolis in response to your question i would say that we are ultimately Police Abolitionists we believe that the police are not a system that can efficiently and effectively provide for the safety of our communities especially when theyre constantly invested in violence against black and brown people and that we need to move away from a Police Department entirely we did see a commitment from a veto proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council at 3 pm yesterday saying that they believed that Police Reform was fundamentally impossible that they are moving away from the department and are looking to dismantle the Minneapolis Police department and will be engaging in a deep Community Process over the next year in order to identify whatever comes next will look like sorry when you when you say dismantlement i know that in other cases in the past people of dismantle the Police Department kind of essentially rebuilt it but in a different way you saying that there would be no peace about nobody i mean who would you call for instance if there was a violent act on the street with a b somebody to cool or not. Absolutely so i think somebody said at the event yesterday were not abolishing abolishing police were not abolishing help so its helpful 1st to understand that police have not existed for the vast majority of Human History weve been a species for 200000 years weve had civilization for 10000 and the London Metropolitan Police Department is actually the 1st department ever established in the 1600s policing didnt come to north america until 838 so its actually a relatively new construction but i think when we look at the need for safety of course our communities need safety and of course our communities need the resources to see to those needs the problem with policing is number one is that its based in an underlying presumption of racism right police in the United States evolved directly out of slave patrols for example i mean and the 2nd problem with it is that its actually not a good solution to almost any of the problems that police are asked to deal with its a one size fits all solution on for safety issues that are incredibly diverse and unique to individual Communities Just like when we see some sort in charge of it briefly that you talk about the history of it but i mean one of the issues in the states i suppose that that the police confronted that is that in the office in this case in georgia its case and many others that the people were not but a lot of the country is on civilians to carry arms and i guess that puts. Not just that puts society at risk in a different way doesnt it from from what youre describing. Well certainly but when you look at you know the way that social workers for example do their work or Mental Health professionals do their work or youth workers do their work im a lot of them come into situations that are potentially violent all the time and run into people that are armed all the time and theyre still not executing armed civilians on the street so i think the issue that we see with Police Brutality is its exacerbated by the gun the levels of gun ownership in the United States but it certainly doesnt its not just because of the issue of gun ownership in the United States the problem is deeper than that Tony Williams thank you very much indeed for sharing thoughts and some thank you yes thank you i would encourage people to check out m. P. T. 150 dot com for further resources on Police Abolition in minneapolis thank you very much. Racism at protests as in both the u. S. And u. K. And directing their anger at one human they say celebrate a history of prejudice british protest as toppled a statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colson and dumped it into priscillas harbor he was part of the company that had a monopoly of the slave trade from west africa in london a statue of water made of Winston Churchill was spray painted to say he was a racist expressed racist and antisemitic views and is blamed for 943 famine which killed more than 2000000 indians and one link to the Confederate States in the us which broke away of a support for slavery has become a target a statue in virginia was covered in paint and had a new space to round it and on thursday virginias governor announced plans to remove the statue of confederate general robot in the u. K. Prime minister says he wont indulge people who desecrate monuments but a debate has now been opened up over who does deserve to be remembered in bronze or stone swords the report. Whats a statue for the basic assumption is a celebration of the life in achievements of someone regarded as historically significant which explains without the slightest question why supporters of black lives matter in the english port city of bristol did what they did after all in the 17th century when britain was an empire and would colston grew rich from african slavery using ships out of crystal harbor how appropriate stick these people to dump him and his ideas in the sea criminal damage your own does the 7 of you know jamaicans some point were enslaved and i cant say that that statue is anything fancy to me in the middle of the city other significant figures in british politics are equally clear that the statues are a standing insult to people of color imagine what its like as a black person to walk past a stash of somebody who in slave drive and we are commemorating them celebrating the ms icons in the hall the most diverse city in the world and i think we should start to show in museums give and give the proper context we can learn about some of the bad things done they were the empire after colston everyones wondering whos next theyve been busy taking the graffiti off Winston Churchill in Central London as well as David Lloyd George the last liberal Prime Minister of britain young smuts the founder of apartheid south africa and Abraham Lincoln as well but the view of people who say statue should be raised from view completely continues to infuriate the government we live in an open society and in a democracy we have the means and the mechanisms to bring statues down and to change the society in the way in which we wish to other controversial figures will be turning in their graves like Major General robert clive who oversaw British Colonial rule in india and in oxford on to State University students and others will once again turn their attention to sessile rhodes a long time target of people who think it outrageous that such a key figure in the British Empire in south africa should continue to be on it they tried before to get roads taken down without success as in the United States increasingly the protesters are taking less and less notice of what the politicians have to say gloriously aljazeera. On this im joined by Donna Gabriel shes an academic in race and gender and a former member of the campaign to remove a statue of imperialist sessile roads in the bush city of oxford she joins us on skype from london thanks so much for being with us so just to go back to the removing of the statues how does the removal of a statue help the cause of improving peoples lives and and reducing racism will be statues exist all through our our country many of us who pass them every day but we barely even notice them and we dont do not understand the significance and the implications of the people and the systems that these statues memorialized so these kinds of protests where which involve during attention to the statue and taking that kind of direct action is really about highlighting the Hidden History of slavery colonialism that has driven britains development and by contextualizing that history by understanding that history of race and racism in britain historically we can better understand how it exists in the present and that will move forward in terms of making the lives of that even this country better what about that. Its going to about there i mean or tearing down for instance the in bristol the interior minister pretty said its not for mobs to tear down statues and cause criminal damage in our streets is that is that a fair comment. Well what i would say is that people have been trying to get this statue down in bristol through these official bureaucratic means since the 1980 s. And even though they want to over the consensus of many members of the community this is the action has actually frequently been blocked by wealthy donors who still consider colsons legacy to be something that should not be touched and i would go back to my own experience as a campaigner as a student campaigner in the rights muscle in Oxford Campaign we went through every single official channel we did the petitions we did the protests we did the lobbying we did the letter writing and when we finally won a consultation process from the college where the road statue stands which was meant to consult with students that up to this with member of the community about the future of the road statue and also committed to the removal of a plaque commemorating sessile roads that process was halted because a bunch of anonymous unidentified unaccountable donors threaten to withdraw funding from the college if the consultation process went ahead so what i would say is when that process is constantly blocked even when the game is played what do you expect people to do next so beyond that though i mean is there a danger that the focus on the statue is actually a distraction and that some of the other measures that might make a difference peoples lives in getting more people into work for her for instance from nation minority backgrounds that sort of pale into the background in that theres not that theres not have enough emphasis on or some of the practical measures that might make a difference now. Well the work that ive been doing as an educator and as someone whos committed to colonizing education since since i was and must fill in 2015 the start she was very much a symbol about the kinds of education of radical transports of education policy that we want to implement we want to ensure that children throughout the schooling system and our Higher Education adequately and honestly taught about the long lasting implications of slavery and colonialism in britain we looked at this past the very rose tinted glasses either completely ignoring that history or talking about it with nostalgia so this is really you know the act of the stuff behind this happen committed not only to the kinds of brother coppola see reform and radical policy changes that would improve and make those practical improvements to the lives of people of color in this country but also to radically changing the Education System and so that is where the decarbonizing curriculum what comes it down here thank you very much indeed for taking the time to talk to their thank you thank you for having me i mean up on this news hour from london the deepest recession since the 2nd world war the World Bank Offers a pessimistic forecast for Global Economy as. Traffic clogs the streets as lock down is lifted in southeast asias largest city but doctors warn coronavirus is still a threat. And in sports spanish champions barcelona receive a huge boost before their league overturn. Libyas u. N. Indorsed government has vowed to take back the countrys east starting with the strategic city of say it is hoping to build on a series of victories against the forces of warlord highly for have to manage trying to report. The road leading into sirte is wide open remnants of destruction tell a story of conflict old and new military positions abandoned by the warlords Khalifa Haftar self declared Libyan National army fleeing their advancing enemies we meet i mean. A field commander for g. N. A. T. Forces he says his brother was killed in sirte in the fight to liberate the city from i saw in 2016. I thought i controlled the city for several months before forces primarily from misrata liberated its people and is the groups foothold in libya for up to. This is personal. Morale is high we have entered the western gates of sirte and a position in the south the latest territorial gains by forces of the government of National Accord in tripoli follow a series of defeats warlords for have to are building on their momentum in western libya forces loyal to the internationally government of National Court have made significant gains for the city of sirte this is checkpoint 51 of the gates leading to the city of sirte Government Forces tell us they have partially surrounded the city one of the many of. Them we have entered the city borders of and have surrounded it because on the City Residents to force have to force us to leave the city we sacrificed of a 770 men to liberate from i still say we will not leave the city to do war criminals have to. Strategically positioned on the coast of central 3rd its critical to both harper and the d. N. A. For any possible peace talk. Whether that will be met with the weaker than britain in a prolonged battle with an warmer gadhafi hometown i mean. Its the 3rd time he was told until 9 years ago that the 3 has been a war zone about 3 now over there are just outside the city of sirte in libya as libyas u. N. Recognize government continues to seize territory a key figure from the rival administration has appeared in moscow for talks agree to a salary they speak of the parliament based into brooke was also saturdays talks in cairo alongside warlords Khalifa Haftar and egypts president a cease fire they announced there was rejected by the un recognized government in tripoli went up there ahead is in tripoli it says changes in leadership could be a foot. It seems that russia is looking into replacing having a replacement to the world have to in order to have a peaceful solution to the libyan crisis given the fact that it has taken a long time both for a violent factions have not come to a Common Ground despite all regional and International Efforts to end this conflict so russia now as a backer of the world have to could be looking into other personalities to have participation from the east in the camp led by again the speaker of the. Parliament in any are possible peace talks in the in the future now i get to himself he proposed a plan to shuffle the Presidency Council to be only one president and to the beauties representing the 3 libyan regions. He proposed that plan a few months ago the plan was taken into consideration within the latest peace deal proposal of the by the egyptian president of the for the his c. C. So it seemed that after he suffered a major setback with the latest defeat to have thought of. Their world really for have to after he suffered a major defeat then the russians might look into other personalities to replace him. Still to come on the news hour from london marching to the beat of a different drum india defies its growing coronavirus told to reopen shops and places of worship. Despite the fears of parents and teachers classes resume most south africans calls. An a sport being in Different Countries didnt stop 3 of the worlds best catholics competing against each. Hello there is another very unsettled picture across much of central and Eastern Europe huge amounts of cloud ready across much of the continent some clear skies across the southwest and weve even had a few breaks in the cloud across most of the areas of the u. K. So this is Winchester Cathedral not exactly blue skies but there is a some sunshine coming through choose day another cloudy day really across much of europe the u. K. See wanted to show us another system work its way across into scotland but really the bulk of the rains across the central areas a real way from france right there cross towards the balkans and stretching up towards a scandinavian some very heavy amounts of rain at times in fact we could even house a fairly severe thunderstorms as well. As damaging winds and also some help a look at this throughout wednesday you can see these dark areas of blue is where were going to see some heavy a spells of rain now head of all this it is warm if i touch is on the high side 30 celsius in kiev 25 in moscow meanwhile out across the west under that cloud with the showers it is feeling quite a bit cooler just 17 in london 18 in paris not bad image with a high of 27 that was cool with that across much of Northern Africa weve got a few showers here as well just 23 in algiers on tuesday some showers along these coastal areas heaviest rain pushing into Northern Areas of china see a little bit better go through wednesday but later in the day well see the showers back into morocco. For many years i kept my past a secret but every time violent extremism is mentioned it bothers me a. Computer i believe that we were superior how could i beat up other women want to if they really had started a race war. How far would i have gone looking in the mirror to confront the past exit a witness documentary on aljazeera. When the news breaks and the story builds when people need to be heard and the story told this pandemic is revealing the weakness of governments in the face of Health Crisis none of them receive Health Insurance for their work aljazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentary score the real work and life means its a party that dulls do what it says on the turn on air and online. Im going to run to the top stories here not his era the former Police Officer accused of killing george floyd has appeared in court for the 1st time derek show even appeared by video link bail was set at 1250000. 00. Thousands of people have queued to pay their respects to george fords body in his home city of houston is a funeral will be held there on tuesday. And us house representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi was one of several politicians who knelt in silence in the Capitol Building to mark floyds death democrats on veiled a Police Reform bill which they say aims to create structural change and safeguard rights and to safety. The number of corona virus infections around the world has now passed 7000000 this graphic from flourish shows how the number of deaths has grown relative to other courses causes through the year initially of little concern with fewer deaths than conflict or even drowning but as the days roll on the virus shown by the growing olive line overtakes natural disasters the flu meningitis and malaria to take the most lives and its still going well at americas accounting for more and more of that growth and the World Health Organization the sound of the alarm that the outbreak in the region has not reached its peak Officials Say Global Support is needed. We need strong government leadership in latin america we need Strong International solidarity with the countries of latin america and we need leadership from within latin america too to bring this disease under control its not one country its many many countries experiencing very severe epidemics with what we saw in europe and north America Health system is now coming under real strain intensive care beds not being available in all countries to to cope with the disease and a lot of fear and confusion at a Community Level for Different Reasons so i would say right now the epidemic in central and south america is the most complex of all of the situations we faced globally they impact their pandemic on the health of the Global Economy has also been made in stark terms that the world bank expect the Global Economy to shrink by 5. 2 percent this year because of shut down measures this would be the deepest recession since the 2nd world war much of that will be borne by advanced economies which are expected to suffer a 7 percent contraction while emerging and developing economies are forecast to shrink by 2 and a half percent thats the 1st time it experienced a contraction as a group in at least 16 years or francisco or as our goal is manager of the world Banks Development Economic Prospects Group she joins us from washington d. C. Thank you very much indeed for joining us so some quite stark figures which areas in the world of worst affected and on your forecast. Really at this mind 90 percent of countries are facing per capita. Which are income declines there is hardly any country in a way that escapes this this perfect storm of shocks so the previous speaker already spoke about the domestic shocks of the rest of Health Crisis but on top of that almost every country in the word is also facing external shocks trade has collapsed. By more dissolute 2010 and in 2000 im sure the previous record tourism has fallen is near evaporated by almost 100 percent from last year a Commodity Prices have half so this is really i cant think of any country that escapes this perfect storm of shocks to the bottom aesthetic and external one side of course most hit other ones that are facing multiple of the shot so for example latin america expected to contract by 7. 2 percent this year was a very anemic recovery next year and that is because its facing multiple shocks in a messy crisis plus they are heavily export oriented in the caribbean as a tourism oriented you know its good i was here early days in terms of the response but globally there are lots of different approaches all in Different Countries doing Different Things to try and manage the the fallout are there any that stand out here as being the kind of model waiting actually thats a really good idea and that should really help to limit the damage whether 2 types of responses as a Health Response phrase is or has done very well really brought the numbers today infections but theres also the economic response and there that is the civilizing all of this the way policymakers around the words have stepped up very quickly and very aggressively to support of a number of groups is a big sea change for example 2009 at the moment in 2020. Advance Economy Policy makers have put in place soon as fiscal stimulus or double digits that compares is a multiple of what was put in place in 2000 i even imagine markets and developing economies on average have put in place fiscal stimulus at 5. 4 percent of g. D. P. So a lot has gone right on the Economic Policy of sight front that the 1st the symbolism Antonis Samaras what was put in place to avoid what us and in terms of the recovery i mean lots of countries economies are now opening up kind of almost regardless of whether theyve managed to bring down code 19 completely or how whats your forecast for the recovery. There thats very seat a structure this is a long difficult road ahead so yes we do expect low growth of course recovers to 4. 2 percent next year but that is not enough to offset the losses of this year and if past past recessions are much milder than this one if past recessions are any guide it will take many years for the Global Economy economy to truly recover because consumers tighten their belts to be repaired as savings investors the way its a delayed a process projects and turned to dust has settled a bit so we have many years of struggling Global Economy ahead of us if history is any guide francisco owns or thank you very much indeed for joining us from aljazeera thank you only u. K. New measures have come into effect demanding that anyone entering must self isolate for 14 days while breakers could be fined nearly 1300 dollars but the move has drawn criticism of the timing how it will work and what impact it could have on the economy china how reports from london. New 14 day quarantine rules for passengers arriving at u. K. Ports of entry are sure to deter International Travel and may well put the brakes on a much anticipated summer recovery for the travel industry. 3 of britains Largest Airline groups Ryanair Easyjet and British Airways owners i. A. G. Are taking the government to court it is devastating to kendall visitors to british britains tools or britains Tourism Industry its going to cause destroy millions the charts in a hotel guest houses Tourist Attractions all over the country during the peak most of july though is so its not only irrational only primitive but its entirely disproportionate to any effect its going to have on the special called dont eat the point government says of confining incoming travellers with few exceptions to a fortnight of self isolation is to limit the spread of corona virus from abroad and help prevent a 2nd wave of infection if so say critics why apply a quarantine measures across the board including to countries with lower infection rates than the u. K. Particularly since the science the government says its relying upon seems to suggest instead focusing on countries with higher infection rates and in any case why do it now when this is something that might more usefully have been applied to us 3 months ago at the height of britains epidemic new arrivals on monday pointed out other problems from here to home on the use of public transport. So if im a courier now then how would they control it how would you know if i have spread it to anyone else so theres no truck of that at all. And then. Its just filling up a form but the the bus was full of us so all the plane was in the bus even though before we get to the flight they say keep your social this things keep your mask on and all that stuff but the bus was literally 30 centimeters between all of us. And threats of further job losses mount with some in the travel and hospitality sector warning they wont survive the loss of some of business its normally one of the worlds busiest airports but heathrow is a desolate place now with up to a 3rd of its staff count said to be in jeopardy all the more so as new government rules mean many of these planes will Stay Grounded jonah aljazeera at Londons Heathrow airport. Shopping most restaurants and places of worship are reopening in india months after the government imposed the Worlds Largest knocked out but corona virus infections are still rising india has reported more than a quarter of a 1000000 cases and will go several 1000 deaths and is a must for on and reports. The bagging of drums welcomes worshippers to new delhis 500 year old hunnam on temple along with a man dressed as the temples namesake hindu isms much loved monkey god hunnam on while priests offer praise the ancient rituals include some new guidelines like temperature checks satta taishan tunnels mosques and limited numbers of people to ensure social distancing the opening of villages places being welcome to the country where 80 percent of people say religion is very important to them as. God is the supreme being and hes going to make everything ok there is no greater dr than guard hes gone to all the sadness in the world that are different doctors what every ailment but god is supremely his answer to all. The. Most of the restaurants also reopened with the same restrictions as temples and while some sharp point is welcome the Business Activity others were apprehensive. Because like restart the march. Just starting in india and we were in the air pollution. Was just playing with us and. The numbers its not like my. Start the job this is one of delhis most popular moles which should have opened at midday local time but most of the shops are still closed and there are very few customers some states have clued in maharashtra which is worst hit by the corona virus and indeed the minister to push me to have decided to keep such a status means shot because of the rising number of cases so. We know the Health Experts say while medical facilities have been improved the government is still under reporting the number of cases and deaths testing needs to go up deaths need to be reported accurately and we need studies this recall so logical so obvious would just tell us how many people have already been exposed to the virus and that has not happened even though we were led to the epidemic. An epidemic which government leaders say people must learn to live with because the cost of the lockdown with 120000000 people jobless is too high to pay a little bit parata aljazeera new delhi. Indonesias capital jakarta is partially reopening after weeks in lockdown but Health Workers worry that its too soon to lift restrictions in southeast asias largest city jakartas governor has spoken exclusively to jessica washington about how the city is planning to recover. To counter is notorious for its traffic and after months of relative quiet its finally back the roads are busy and the city is waking up since april jakarta has been under partial lockdown many businesses were shot and people were told to stay at home now the citys governor says its time to ease restrictions and to have that day he is moving into a new state which we call a plan a season. Were not yet. Were not yet able to say that it is safe. Healthy and productive yeah. Offices and restaurants can start operating again but at half capacity and motorbike taxis can pick up passengers on friday mosques around the city reopened for prayers for the 1st time in months governance was one of the worshippers at fatah hillah mosque he says the community can start coming together but everyone must wear musk and be mindful of social distancing we dont want to see new cases coming up new patients or even. Case fatality here in south africa so if those 3 numbers suddenly jump to the left all that is worrying to us we will then pull the brake the virus has already spread to all 34. 00 provinces of indonesia but the message from the Central Government is its time to embrace the new normal to get the economy rolling again while keeping Health Protocols in mind the State Government has designated some parts of the city as red zones where infection rates remain high they say theyll be closely monitoring those areas and businesses that should remain shot but Health Experts are still worried they say its too soon to relax restrictions and not enough is known about how widespread the virus is across the city and the country it up a little bit what we havent even passed the 1st wave yet and we did a plan to ease restrictions theres still a possibility of a 2nd and 3rd wave coming. A lot of the Health Advice was not followed and it could be an ischl ation a positive covenanting cases and even an escalation in the mortality rate of the public continues to have discipline. For many around the capital the restrictions broad Economic Hardship and they happy to see them eased but theres also fear that i think too quickly could put lives at risk jessica washington al jazeera jakarta. Corona virus is spreading rapidly in south africa with more than half of its 48000 cases recorded in just the past fortnight but most schools have reopened with peoples in their final years of primary and secondary school returning to class and their parents are concerned the country isnt prepared for the move from in a minute reports from johannesburg. Its an anxious start to the day at whispery Primary School in johannesburg so were all scared im scared but yeah my word that we are doing everything. To keep your child safe principle sheldon macone speaks to parents gathered outside the school many say theyre not confident that enough has been done to safeguard their children as will do if you have apparently i dont know what the reopening was delayed by a week after teachers unions and parents complained about a lack of personal protective equipment and poor sanitation at some schools the government says 95 percent of schools are now ready but some parents dont feel reassured we already we all worried and for what its being put out there to 2 parents who say do not worry how do you not worry as a parent thousands of students in the hotting province are discovering their School Routine is now very different theyre having to wear masks and keep their distance from others their temperatures are also checked while they stand in the cold waiting for others to be registered and screened its been a nightmare. You know the amount of hours weve put into this. Its in the almost. Up to the yes there was involved in you know as a meeting with politicians bartlett officials you know trying to determine exactly how ready we are because its something new for everybody you can say you read it and then something comes up that you havent thought about Counseling Services are available but many parents and teachers are concerned about how well children will adapt to their return and catching up on their schoolwork many of the children here say theyre excited to be back in school but also nervous in the last week alone at least 2 schools in the western Cape Province was shot after teachers tested positive for the coronavirus here in plotting one school has remained closed of date was found that a student has the disease inside classrooms students have to stay at their desks and socializing in the playground is banned while online schooling will continue for those who want to stay at home for schools with fewer resources thats not an option the school is giving out education packs for parents to collect but as the number of covert 1000 infections in south africa grows sharply many say they are being forced to balance between educating their children and keeping them and themselves safe from either miller aljazeera johannesburg. Some breaking news now in north korea says it will completely cut off all communication with south korea north koreas state News Agency Says south korea has been dodging heavy responsibility and acting but what it calls treacherous and cunning behavior. Will sever into korean hotlines with south korea from noon to state local time thats over 300 g. M. T. And hes 5 civilians have died in russian asked trikes on syria the attacks targeted to rebel held areas in july were in southern italy province several other people were injured in the 1st strike since the russian and turkish cease fire was agreed on march the 5th United States and russia have agreed to hold Nuclear Arms Negotiations the us special envoy for arms control says both Nuclear Powers are settled for a place and date sometime in june china has also been invited to the table travel sport now discussion over tucson and oh thank you very much laura tyson fear is that world title rematch against the ontario wilder could happen later this year in macau the island is known as the last vegas of asia and furious the promoter says stage in the fight there with a Live Audience is the possibility in 88 year old it made the comments with his promotion set to stage an empty arena event in las vegas on tuesday is the citys 1st box in show since their march following a corner of virus induced hate is also refused to rule out the possibility of wild the fury 3 happening in the u. S. We have. Tyson fury with. Wow we hope to do that play November December whether its florians or a limited audience in the United States who are. In macau which may be all. For cold calling readers as early as november. You know were a sure thing all our options Major League Baseball has made a new proposal to get the new season under way in july the march started to the campaign had to be canceled because of the coronavirus if proposed a 76. 00 a game regular season then expanding the playoffs to up to 16 teams in the deal will also see a players get 75 percent of the rate at the salaries so far there is a being a standoff between the owners and the players who are refusing to accept any cuts beyond what they agreed to shortly after the pandemic began. Illness it has given barcelona a huge boost ahead of the restart of the league a season the argentinian star has returned to training had been suffering from a tightness in his right thigh and had not trained fully since last tuesday barcelona getting ready to take on real my old car on the saturday the spanish m. P. s are 2 points clear of real madrid at the top of the league which will resume on thursday office 3 month break due to the pandemic. Syria has announced a backup plan to conclude this season if play is forced to stop again because of the coronavirus it citys top division is scheduled to resume on june 20th having been suspended for 3 months should there be a further delays the Italian Football Federation professed to use a playoff system but if matches cannot happen because of time restrictions algorithm will decide the standings in this case no champion will be declared unless the leaders have an unsaleable lead when play is stopped by about to tell is korea has taken another radical turn its been reported that the italian striker has been fired by his italian club british are said to delos forward to stated the reason was that by the telly failed to report to training ahead of the planned to restart of syria it 29 year old had signed a 3 Year Contract with his Hometown Club last year after they earned promotion to the top flight for the 1st time since 2011. English premier League Champions Manchester City are hoping for a big win in the courtroom as they aim to overturn a 2 year ban from the European Competition this year footballs european governing body us found city guilty of breaking financial rules the abu dhabi owned club is taking its appeal to the court of arbitration of sport which is based in switzerland the hearing is scheduled to last 3 days with no verdict expected until next month at the earliest. Well you have a claim a city overstated the size of some sponsorship deals to get around us this financial fair play rules the rules are designed to ensure clubs dont spend more than they earn since you have rejected the charge that they failed to cooperate with investigators and believe the process wasnt impartial if the appeal fails the city will be banned from playing in any European Competitions for the next 2 seasons and could lose more than 250000000. 00 in revenue. The former head of wall that. Was in court on monday hes facing charges of corruption and Money Laundering at the trial in france its alleged. More than 5000000. 00 from russian athletes suspected of doping and allowed them to carry on competing the senegalese 87 year old denies any wrong doing and thats all useful for man you back to learn and have them sent out thank you very much indeed in a quick reminder you can always catch up with all the sport and the news on our web site the address about his aljazeera dot com aplenty there on the top floor and immoral people be paying their respects to his body. Thats it for me now in trade if theres news that ill be back in a member of a full run of the days news thanks very much for watching i can. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen poaching go up significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy gives a country that you cannot all be seen to Grady Brittany fish the leading to all continues inside story on aljazeera water scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential Natural Resource into a commodity traded to the profit just because its life doesnt mean its going to be priced what about the guy that can afford it guys tell me is water in a new 2 part series aljazeera examines the social financial and Environmental Impact of water privatized nation loads of water on aljazeera this underwater treasure is a risk of disappearing due to coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures when we. Drain the eric eric egypts iconic the Tourism Industry based. Instantly if we have another bleaching event of these magnitude. Continue just when the opportunity for the corals to recover in between those magic. Sides is supporting full strong Climate Policy from the government to reduce emissions without this the situation on the get worse. Paying their respects to the people of George Floyds home city filed past his body ahead of his funeral on in minneapolis the former Police Officer charged with his murder makes his 1st appearance in court. My. American taylor this is al jazeera live from london also coming up north korea and now it says its cutting off all communication with the south. Libyas u. N. Backed government may

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