A lot of the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in get a break that government has a slogan that whatever the problem is the boards jobs and counting the cost on aljazeera. On a saturday morning in kabul families gather to remember their loved ones killed during more than 40 years of conflict in afghanistan. You know its true. This is the memory box example. Families put together boxes like this to make sure their loved ones are numbered and put a face to the wars violent cost. Focus and solace comes that should. And then because its the times. Since the United Nations began tracking civilian casualties in 2009 more than 35000 civilians have been killed. Was killed by a suicide bomber in 27. Hours and so important to remember who says to us were. Going to show this is just an illusion. Each part of the. Conclusion. Is that if you can see. Whos in the. Middle or teen in this a country of one of the teams no one on listening to these people they ought to implicitly forgotten the off watching on last. What are you by the day experienced no one is listening to these people. So why you may want to box we are trying to kill here. I should really stretch these the history must to be told by watch the teams. As families work to make sure their loss is not forgotten. Afghanistan is on the cusp of a new chapter in its history. After the us of the taliban signed an agreement to pave the way for the withdrawal of international troops. The high cost was paid to get to this point. Over the past few years the us is increasingly conducted its part of the war from the sky with more bombs dropped last year than any other year in the past decade but with that came a rise in civilian casualties and most of the fighting in. The sections. As the u. S. Prepares for the possibility of leaving afghanistan after nearly 20 years we wanted to know how civilian losses not only been investigating but recorded and remembered bass in the jungle of the most of them cut in the bin than in the and thats. Why im like you get it to me when i. Left the last word you. To say you know theyre all let us to move to spain they could have been the top of the. 100 my lights up on the moon the demon the for you dont you see its been just over a year since washita last saw most of her family alive. From bad to flooding back the. Lead to sell about the funding could be tough on the. In march of 2019 Afghan Forces who were carrying out an operation against the taleban conducted a night raid in what he does village in the Eastern Province of nagar before calling in air support from the u. S. Military say i love him and i have a good mother then love the tourism and the motive bill of course like you my mother doing that i love him but it would quote in the so what are the most months or so in the poem or to me were plain to me by women i mumbled a. Lot of a cat oh i got a good no. That isnt. The 1st incident will say thus you missed. What he told us the only ones she felt alive were 2 for younger sisters one of whom was only a week old and as you survived. Then again those that did the said that is typical us does a lot of adjustment. Then lead in the legs to move look a little bit of us not a lot of them does a lot im going to the group but they dont call it that theres the out of the bus thing. What he did told us that eventually she was able to leave to go find help. When the got going oh you know about the love of the sea but something quick is all going to come out of the like or the stupidest idea that. Sharif called is what he does ogle his brother her father was a doctor in the village. The strike was directed against the taliban but the night ended with 12 members of sharif in what he does family did not go to the doctor his wife 5 of their daughters in 5 nephews and nieces. Filled out a bit would happen the next day. He was in the other village when he heard there been a time the mom made the. Link in the lead up to the court of the. Court got to get on damon quote is it would you give the article out and you got the machine with i would on almost a hard as a Community College it will rise it was here dont see me in the singing going to minimize i mean i thought it was doing what i thought of thats ok so then im a come back to you over though they were my side idea then a little quota could you marshal and then i would have a modeling study be a guy like my that because. I would have to wait it out to me of course along the way cool the laughs it would it that i. See a lot on. The radio in that regard and i mean to do that it actually started when would be could be that i was a. Since the attack sharif has taken care of what he did her 2 younger sisters who survived. Its still unclear what went wrong that night. Last year the u. S. Dropped more than 7000 bombs in munitions in afghanistan the highest number in over a decade is the drumbeat ministration trying to push the taliban to the peace table. Weve been recording asterix in afghanistan for the past 5 years and the minute she transparency is a major problem and a barrier when taking into allegation so simply you know. Its a constant battle and so we partnered with the bureau of Investigative Journalism to examine civilian casualties from u. S. Air strikes in afghanistan. This is the doctor yes this is that it was a go one of the cases we looked at together was the case of sharif kloden what he does family go that we started to take a little bit more and we opened up to sort of the general public and open source expats and we started to find out all kinds of information we were able to locate at the house that we believe the doctor lived in. And new satellite imagery to get a step closer to proving in fact that that house was struck and weve also got images of funerals weve got images of bodies weve got when the bureau reached out to the u. S. Military about that airstrike bill we said that it was possible there were casualties in that their investigation was closed i think the the word possible. Is quite a quite a hollow victory for accountability in terms of what it provides the survivors if its not a conclusion that can offer them can some closure in my eyes and i think it was the most at. The top. Not to. Those of. Us who are bull market but also a less sharif told us he wants to know who told the u. S. And Afghan Military as they were tell about their when it was just his family asleep. But theyve received no answers as anyone from the u. S. Military been in touch with you since the night now not nature some of them not. When we met them a year ago and by the mid told us they still have not heard from the u. S. Military. Sometimes when the u. S. Or afghan militaries acknowledge civilian casualties theyll give families money for their loss something known as a condolence pay. But sharif told us what they really want is answers in justice like unknown. Waters just write it. Down leave it there at the base for a walk then look at one that i did. One of this is warm up a lot of that but one did though lets get caught out oh i must mound that would demoted him on the spot so the knocking and then the lot of loud loud as 100 m. Up when the miller out of court or some in the west. End up loving the might of them would mean less. The past several years in afghanistan have seen a rise in the number of civilians killed. And while the taliban has been responsible for the majority of civilian casualties. The 1st death of 2019 marked the 1st time that u. S. And Afghan Forces were responsible for more civilian deaths something the United Nations attributed to the rise of airstrikes in the war. The increase in the air war more to shift by the u. S. Military from previous years. Really if you look at afghanistan in the 2008. To 2011 we see people like general mcchrystal and general petraeus putting in tactical directive the leadership is constantly hammering on its forces saying you will not kill civilians we will improve civilian protection and it works in 2008 we had the highest civilian casualties from airstrikes by 2011 those numbers have gone from over 550. 00 civilians killed in air strikes per year down to around 100. 00 then when the trumpet ministration comes in we see a complete flip and it really goes into the idea that were going to bomb the taliban in submission and bomb them to the peace table. While the u. S. And the taliban may have reached a tenuous agreement civilians are still coming to terms with the consequences of the air campaign. Has come to couldnt do this in northern afghanistan one of the countrys most contested provinces. Were headed to the site of an airstrike that hit here in july 20. Afghan forces were carrying out a ground operation against the taliban and u. S. Forces conducted air strikes in support. Of that and you would look at doug. At the put out there with you when you go to the equipment because i do that. I do quite a lot when to go but just. The air strike that killed 14 civilians from a mobile deans family including his sister and her children. In the most brutal by that q im jealous to crawl under god now that you know im dealt and by that because now im adult up either going to done as i did the much money. Which i think it big look at you does the. Film will help america boom which is going to. School with cody fossil hardy was here the day the airstrike hit. That. You saw it here sear home is just right over there what did it feel like when this bomb hit what did it sound like. How do when you do not suck. When. The u. S. And Afghan Air Campaign over the past few years has been weaken the talibans presence and continues. And even after the deal with the United States was made the fighting hasnt stopped as the taliban has continued to attack Afghan Forces muscular at the end of the resident genki the dish be able to live on the edge of the spielberg of the spear when does it go in my eyes you get about a little bottom up at a low level slow but it is equally let me. Go on the. Brink of fire coming from my direction were going to get out here enough. 3 weeks after the air strike the u. S. Military said they had conducted an investigation and that there were no casualties. How did you feel when the u. S. Military said there were no casualties. Musses turned to news. And the only. Other one of the 131 was what if i knew it was. Going in the midst of a lot of hopelessness and he threw. Them up on who she had on a woman. Who had a name in there within the. Bar lost his wife and 2 of his daughters his son who was 2 years old at the time was the only member of the stanley who was there and survived the attack. And the. Only. I wanted to also out of the north but. The family was able to push the Afghan Government to acknowledge the casualties and they received a condolence payment. But like sharif calling you havent got what they want answers from the u. S. Military has to notional come touch of that kind of credit. And to national to home big 101 of that codicil. Led to. School so the union. How did you feel a would. Like a motion to tell a Police Council the. Months after the attack the same we found out that the United Nations pushed the us military to reopen their investigation in their acknowledged to the un that civilians were killed. When the worship had primarily to be an air war where there are any u. S. Personnel in close proximity to where these strikes are taking place weve seen real errors in the investigation of civilian harm there have been a lot of cases they have reopened usually based on 3rd Party Reporting its great that those cases are reopened but it shouldnt take a 3rd Party Reporting possible thirdly in harm for the military to figure out that they killed a bunch of civilians. And then most of that and i just say so. All of this raises questions about how the u. S. Military conducts its investigations when there are allegations of civilian casualties. The u. S. Military does not as a routine matter interview victims and witnesses of harm they generally rely on whether its might be videotapes or other electronic information from an airstrike often they will talk to local commanders who theyve partnered with they will perhaps seek testimony from the pilot but they dont go to the scene of the incident and talk to people who were there. In the 1st case we looked at told us no one had come to talk to them about what happened to their family or interview what he did about what she saw that night. The most will go on. Because the. I think that because of that they are coming up with the wrong conclusion they are frequently concluding that no civilians have been harmed and strikes where in fact they have been. Another case we looked at also raised questions about the way investigations into civilian harbor tarried out. In november 27 teen during intense fighting between the taleban the u. S. And Afghan Forces u. S. Airstrikes hit villages not far from conducive including cochlea were phase lives this because hes going to. Go to the muslim. Outlets and theyre going to be let out of the not out of. The gate i mean that dogs on them and it was only afterwards the saudis found his 13 year old son bashir not too lots of money. Dont want to give him plus a lot of the 200 of them in the b. Was there that day 2 with his son rocco dean who was injured when that was on the eve of the bout of that of them was on the done by the west. To get off to the. Just another dungeon in the midst of the media the about the color that john was on with his son recovered the last part of his life. In the aftermath outside organizations like the un so they had evidence civilians had been killed district officials documented 16 civilian deaths including sizes. But the u. S. Military said their investigation showed there were no civilian casualties specifically stating that they spoke to hospitals and clinics in the region told them no injuries were received. After the press release this started to be a lot of information coming from the ground contradicted the official response yet the u. N. Saying that they havent if so investigation indicated 10 at least 10 civilian casualties you had a New York Times report that she went to a hospital and saw civilian casualties and we in fact spoke to several hospitals and. Some of which had said no they havent been counted by the u. S. Military told and they did in fact have civilians that have been harmed in that strike so as you can see a different narrative its starting to match and one that calls into question the original state of the u. S. Military. With. We went to one of the hospitals the Bureau Contact could use Regional Hospital the main hospital in the provincial capital and were severe injuries for the area treating. Doctor name of gold is the director here during one of the air strike that had cut last november 2017. Was a little less he will not be up to what he. Did because from a doctor told us that they did treat civilians in that bill would from u. S. Military contact. With. The other will have other one is obvious that they will be able. Well achieved some of them. The subject. That is substantially the mood like we have ever followed up by phone about the strike or any other strikes and it happened in the region over the past few years most of the Political Class now there are only. Really made me question the investigations process if we were able to pick up the phone call hospital check this basic fact why were they doing it and why werent they getting it. I recently approached the u. S. Military for information on where this allegation came to i was told that i would have to step a freedom from a small quest. Which is a very tiny process and we may not get the outs as we want where we are hoping for something new so you think and. The lack of transparency makes it difficult to know what lessons were learned from the investigations into counsel to us. We wanted to ask the u. S. Military about this case as well as the other airstrikes and civilian casualties we examined but they declined our request for an interview. This is all accidents do happen that mistakes do happen and that this is about winning or mistakes this is about saying sorry and this is about accountability in the largely unaccountable war. In 2018 congress directed the pentagon to develop its 1st comprehensive civilian casualty policy and to improve investigations and transparency. But it remains to be seen is that how it will change. The u. S. Has shown improvement in the past that it can implement Tactics Techniques and procedures that minimize civilian harm you cant always 0 out the civilian casualties but we can certainly do better and we owe the afghan population better than what were doing now. It would be going to go to. The families we interviewed not receiving a dollar to me from the us left them without closure. They told us that they felt like what happened to their loved ones was a crime. And they want justice and answers something war too often denies. In the future that the. I meet with the taliban to watch him the other to who he is. Libyan regime in the mood on the page there will be a way to have a muslim on a look at the. Family hasnt rebuilt the house here to the constant insecurity is the word shes on so the rule instead is a testament to their loss. But allies of the idea will go is. The mood as this it is here. On the mission saying the bill cosby his unusual bill is a mission the be for in years to come the day you just miss and the is meant to settle in. One of the things i think that really hard for people to understand who are not experiencing a conflict situation is how much victims simply want to have their harm acknowledged. Something goes wrong to have no acknowledgement even not even a phone call not even a letter from someone in in the u. S. Military i think that that really hurts them. Or their ideal or you. Was really didnt realize that 100. But what then ghana not them doing that are those useful chatterer see. The children living in the important a possible thing that i remember doing. Under the collar. Feathers were. The mother they were. The spirit the care that their. Polish i see this year by that promise and those that are chosen im going to add that into google gives you know the gardai lets say that the militants here will place our. Money. Cause mahajan. We cut cut cut cut. As the u. S. Prepares for the possibility of leaving afghanistan after their deal with the taliban civilians want to make sure that what happened during these 2 decades will be recorded and remembered. In that their loved ones wont be forgotten. Or most of all fear not the media that has bought me a lot of things to. Not believe. That i dont know what all of that was out in the gym but. That doesnt do all that up all the kid i love it means that more small stuff was. One of the all of the softball photos. I think youll. See a warm. Fuzzy. Feeling out this year. More than 7 decades ago a country was split into a good race but it didnt and now all the time im been shown to be made all it took was a pan a map and a collapsing empire and when the british had to draw a line they pulled these 7 to the never been to india before aljazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these Nuclear Neighbors partition borders of blood. New zealand is in the grip of a housing with the capital open now one of the worlds most and affordable city one i want to use meets the families desperate to find a place to hold on on aljazeera. Played an Important Role in protecting human. Face ready. This is aljazeera. Television or on a clog this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes upgraded charges for the Police Officer at the center of George Florence death and 3 other officers are also challenge with aiding and abetting. His life had value and we will seek justice for him