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On the street. Warns Police Officers of severe consequences if they use violence against demonstrators. The total number of corona virus infections in chile is supposes 100000 Us Latin America becomes the new epicenter of the pandemic. And back to school and out shopping again as many countries across the globe east coronavirus restrictions. U. S. President donald trump has criticized the response of state governors to nationwide demonstrations during a Conference Call he said they look weak and should take a tougher stance it comes off the days of protests following the death of a black man in Police Custody in minneapolis last week lets take you straight to washington a White House Correspondent kimberly how it is that people who are expecting a White House Press briefing to get under way shortly while we wait for that what are we to make of those comments from the president about governors looking weak more importantly what the governors make of. Well it didnt sit well with at least one democratic governor from the u. S. State of illinois who pushed back and said that the rhetoric coming from the white house may be making things worse on americas streets that is when the us president said if its a movement and if you dont put it down it will get worse you will look it succeeds because you are weak and this is something that really was not sitting well with many of the governors who were participating on this call as well as Law Enforcement but its clear the u. S. President at times reportedly was angry and agitated and openly frustrated with how things are playing out he also told the governors that you need to dominate you need to rest and you need to try people u. S. President say he has this joint chiefs of staff general milley on standby but we should point out that when it comes to pleasing in the United States it is not a military role it is the role of the police and the governors can call in the military for support but they have no arrest Authority Still this is something the u. S. President continues to talk about and we should put him in im sorry im sort of going to interrupt you there im just going to break away from moment to take you live to minneapolis where George Floyds brother is speaking at the size of his death lets listen hes just been talking about hes just been appealing people to to to stop looting but dont stop protesting the stuff though. They know. This. First door so not the one right thats gone or so not the one. Thats possible under way lets stop there going to hospital where ever you had to put up for the parliamentary. Party. Educate yourself. Better to care trust. Dont wait for somebody else to tell you who was home. Educated just never know who you had voting for. And how we dont have them. All because its not as some of us who are this show right etc. 6 that we stand for the us peacefully. Because theyre not gonna come often look at me hard notice that were going to shop in every possible turn on a. Bus or turn up you know. You know. How much i usually. Write. My brother moved here from houston. And i was a talk the more. He started traveling. He was gone. I dont doubt now i dont know i know. He would not want john to be donors. And im not saying to people dont want to relax. Now like. Forever more cause. You saw on the left. Already. On the right person i was just on the right he sort of low. Hes on a low. Hes on a low just. Want to set up. Some sort of like the yeah thats what im saying but i want to thank you for. That i have. 0 point family thank you thank you for the low well thank you for flowers thank you for the memorials thank you. Now before i go. I just want to hear this again. How. Much. Was 3. 1. 1 george fords brother terence. Urging peaceful process to end to violence of the president ial in minneapolis at the size of George Floyds death. Lets go back to our white house post correspondent kimberly how could in washington as we say kimberly White House Press briefing due to get on the way. Sometime soon do we know yet whether the president will be making an appearance or will be speaking at that press briefing. Its still in question but i can tell you after that very moving message there from George Floyds brother its a good transition and also a contrast of course you know he appealed there for peace something that many people look to this president to do and have argued that his words have continued to kind of found the flames if you will and the president s recent tweet may once again do just that now he has in the last few moments tweeted an ar kiss we see you and theres video of a white man directing black protesters and al jazeera has no way to confirm this is authentic video in any way so i put that out there and choose these words carefully but this is sort of one of the recurring themes that weve heard from mayors all across the city of the country rather that these peaceful black lives Matter Movements have been hijacked by other outside interests now this white house will tell you its a left leaning group called anti foe which is opposed militantly opposed to radical ideology on the right and we have also had reports that there have been right White Nationalists or supremacy that are also marching in and creating violence as well thats something the Justice Department is going to be investigating says it is investigating under the lens of domestic terrorism but certainly we have had reports that have been consistent that throughout the country that the what George Floyds brother is advocating this Peaceful Movement to bring about an end systemic racism in the police heavy handed policing that has existed for decades maybe being hijacked by outside interests weve had reports of around the country that people have been dropping off pallets of bricks so that they can be thrown at buildings again a lot of this is raw not authenticated but it is a recurring theme that were hearing over and over so we look to this briefing to find out now. As the White House Press secretary is set to take the podium what is this white house going to do how is it going to coordinate this effort you have to remember in the United States that governors and mayors have the power here the strong states rights they can call in the National Guard for support but it is still the call of the governors not the president but again as we started off this program the u. S. President getting increasingly frustrated that these governors have not been more have heavy have if in fact he is making the argument that he that governor should be arresting people they should be trying people that they should be dominating are going that the governors right now appear weak when that press briefing gets under way well bring it to you live here on aljazeera for the moment on White House Correspondent kelly how good in washington and he thanks Company Robinson would bunz is an assistant professor at Howard University is to pop into Political Science he says that if trump speaks hes unlikely to try to unite the nation the president doesnt have many incentives to try to unite the nation right now donald trump essentially in his tweets has played to his Republican Base hes made simple tweets calling for a law and order hes argued this with the when the shooting started the looting starts and this plays to republicans who support strong policing measures against what they see as illegitimate protests but this is unlikely to feel the democrats particularly as weve seen heard this is hard to think if increasing in the United States the president has very few bill it is to get democrats over to his side and because there are relatively few structural incentives for him to try to bridge the gap between the left and the right in america it seems unlikely that he would be able to deliver or have any reason to deliver a unity message through a National Speech done a chronic president ial hopeful joe biden discussed the protests with Community Leaders in delaware where he condemned trumps comments about the protesters. Go off by the way that. Nobody can predict. How do you longer what this is all about. Nobody can for can who have. Clarity 6 on the back. With regard. To this. Former u. S. President barack obama has written an open lessons of americans calling for them to vote if they want real change hes also urging protesters to prevail refrain from violence he wrote i saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only Grocery Store of her neighborhood had been trashed if history is any guide that store may take years to come back so lets not excuse violence or rationalize it or participate in it he added if we want to bring about real change in the choice isnt between protest and politics we have to do both. Bill de blasio has addressed the protests calling for immediate harsh action against any Police Officer who uses excessive measures any situation where an officer does something even in the context of a protest of a tense situation they do something offensive and inappropriate there must be immediate investigation there must be the appropriate penalty and that penalty here include all the way up to being removed from the police force theres a video going around of a Police Officer in the middle of a situation that merely looked chaotic. Where protesters were in front of that Police Officer a Police Officer drew his gun at some point yesterday. That to me seeing that video was absolutely unacceptable more now from observers kristen salumi in new york. Well the men talked about the fact that the overwhelming majority of the protests that have been taking place in the streets for the past 4 days now have been peaceful and police overwhelmingly have shown restraint with demonstrators he had to answer to some of the videos that have been circulating showing Police Officers doing things that were questionable he mentioned just there an officer who pulled a gun another video surfaced over the weekend of 2 patrol cars driving into a crowd of protesters very dangerous situation there he received some criticism for not criticizing the Police Officers strongly enough he did so more strongly today trying to insist that and no Police Misconduct will be tolerated and that the city will take a hard line on that at the same time that theyre dealing with violent outbreaks on the streets as well there was also an incident last night that involved looting in Lower Manhattan and the mayor was also critical of that saying that. This had to be dealt with and was not helping the situation he described people causing violence as outside agitators theres been talk from the Police Department about organized efforts to provoke violence at some of these demonstrations but he did not get specific as to which groups what he did say is that they will be dealt with and that such activities will not be allowed but really a lot of time overwhelmingly spent on dealing with accusations of Police Misconduct 2 Police Officers have been sacked in the city of atlanta after they were filmed using Excessive Force against protesters brunells reports. Police misconduct amid nationwide protests over Police Misconduct hear police in riot gear surround a car with 2 young black people inside one slashes a tire thanks so another smashes the drivers window for the with. And the young woman is taste and violently dragged out although she is not resisting. The male driver is manhandled and also shocked with a taser even though each room doesnt appear to resist but put it down put it down to go for us on sunday after the Police Body Cam video went viral 2 of the policemen were fire authorities identified them as ivory streeter and mark gardner writes this was Atlanta Georgia on saturday night for protesters calling for justice for the death in minneapolis of george floyd it could have been almost anywhere in the us Atlanta Mayor keesha lance bottoms said the officers actions were unacceptable sometime during the night i saw a very disturbing video of 2 Young College students who were in downtown atlanta yesterday evening and it was disturbing on many levels. The least of not which was that the air clearly was an excessive use of force the 3 other officers were placed on desk duty and main face further discipline plan as police chief apologized how we behaved as an agency as individuals was unacceptable and i know that we. Cause further fear. To you in a space thats already so fearful for so many africanamericans and im genuinely sorry this is not who we are this is not where we were about another disturbing video from los angeles shows a Police Vehicle like celebrating into protesters knocking 2 of them down it then reverse that high speed nearly striking other people no one was seriously injured rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles journalists covering the Anti Police Brutality protests of increasingly come under attack by Police Officers themselves even off the clearly identifying themselves as journalists in addition to having tear gas fired directly at them crews getting roughed up across the u. S. On sunday a cameraman from the b. B. C. Was rammed by Police Outside the white house. A reporter with vice film this moment where he was forced to the ground and pepper sprayed despite identifying himself repeatedly. Police fired pepper balls at this reporter during a live cross in louisville this upand shot with rubber coated steel bullets photographer then the toronto was partially blinded by one while covering protests in minneapolis on friday the same day a team from c. N. N. Was arrested on Live Television they were released a short time later the states governor has apologized that press briefing is under way at the White House Press secretary Katie Mcinerney is addressing the media as processed spread across the u. S. Following the killing of george floyd lets listen very well and with that ill take questions. Yes your view of the country is the crisis there is a Global Pandemic that is claimed more than 100000 lives least 40000000 people are unemployed there are no protests in racial tension ripping apart many cities where is the president why has he not delivered an address to the nation as many of his predecessors had in a time of domestic crisis so the president has delivered multiple statements on this on the president as recently as 48 hours ago i was out talking about what a tragedy by the death of george floyd was how it has weighed on his heart and how he encourages peace and lawfulness in our streets and in peaceful protests so he has said that repeatedly hes met made many statements to this effect but what i would notice is continual statements as hes made day in day in day and day again they dont stop an arche would stop anarchy is action and thats what the president is working on right now for that. He said this morning the president is focused right now on being out teeth of georgia for did not die people custody he died in Police Custody whats the president doing to reform the policing tactics and excessive use of force by police yes so its important question for sure and this president if you look at the actions his d. O. J. Has taken theres a civil rights investigation into the death of ahmed are very big to civil rights investigation into the death of george floyd it is a tragedy what we saw i mention too that the president was extraordinary. Only upset when he saw that video and he continues to the d. O. J. Continues to pursue those charges and hes recognizing justices for a long time since he was a candidate he talked about sandra bland and what a terrible video that was too so he recognizes injustices where they are but at the same time he also recognizes that we cant allow organized groups like ante for to commit some of the heinous acts that weve seen just really going to color the governors the president sitting here to put general will you charge of all this what does that mean yes so short of policing american streets what would really mean so im not going to get ahead of any actions that will be announced but what i will say to you is this that he has had 2 briefings today with secretary asper energy bar in general milley was there and there will be additional federal assets deployed across the nation there will be a Central Command center in conjunction with the state and local governments that will include general milley secretary asked for and a. G. Barr but i wont go any further in announcing what actions explained what the president meant when he told the governors are generally in charge what does that mean is that that sounds like a total break your family what you think in terms of lasting damage and ensuring that as the president has said this has been taken out of context by the way that our streets are dominated with a police force and with a National Guard presence so that let me explain a little bit about how this works if theres a peaceful protest police will form a line what weve seen are those lines have been overwhelmed by massive protests that have turned into riots the peaceful protest to be distinguished from the riots weve seen and when those lines are overwhelmed Law Enforcement gets on the defensive what the president has said is he wants to dominate the streets with National Guard with the Police Presence and what studies have shown as general mel 1000000 noted he was in that governors call and his his points all pertain to the National Guard he noted that there are several studies that when theres an overwhelming National Guard presence it actually did. Splits the situation and causes less civil unrest so general milley has really been on point in talking about the National Guard effectiveness and ensuring that there utilized to great effect across the country its another context because i didnt have the exact quote here its a very simple one he just says that he has put joe you charge no no i wasnt suggesting that quote was out of context to dominate and ive seen some networks that have talked about dominating protesters and ive been around the president all day and any time hes used the word dominate it was with regard to dominating the streets and ensuring that we have peace in our streets yes. Yes. In addition to the president talking about taking action against looters instead of violent elements in that place in the mall or supplementing that. People. Were made to go you know your property business is yes he has done that repeatedly look he talked about understanding the pain that people are feeling and he does understand that pain hes talked several times about the right to peacefully protest and ive seen some of these peaceful protests some of these sit ins and its a real shame when you have anarchy and anarchist come in and you have anti for command and a really dilutes the message of the protesters and its a legitimate reason theyre protesting so he hates to see come in and really dampen that message which has been in many cases peaceful but has been overtaken overwhelmed by an organized effort of people from out of state coming in and causing havoc its just. Going to make he still plans to join me and i havent heard any other changes to that effect we just let him have that really. I did without reserve our National Security adviser Robert Obrien says he does not think there is systemic racism in the Law Enforcement indeed rather than the president how should have you look i think where the president stands if he does not believe he fundamentally rejects the idea that these agree just. Actions of these 4 minnesota officers are representative of our police force as a whole most of our officers in this country are good hard working men and women who work every day to police our streets and hes recognized cases of injustice and i noted sander bland back when he was in the primary ive known him more recently on it are barry and george floyd so he recognizes these injustices he puts a focus on them but he also recognizes our valiant Police Officers who have taken to the streets each and every night over the last 6 nights and protected our communities. Playing with the ego of the already the president. Who are designated. As a terrorist organization and he talked about why he does not want to label the right to privacy rules that are their message to the. World he has terrorist organizations as well so let me address the 1st part about Legal Authority title 18 section 2331 allows that the term it defines domestic terrorism as a valving acts dangerous to human life that appear intended to influence the policy of a government and other elements are laid out and allows the department of justice when utilizing this statute to invoke greater Investigatory Authority and to invoke harsher penalties i would note that the Justice Department has in the past used to messick terrorism in consultation with acts of White Supremacy or what were racially motivated acts like in april 2020 a florida man pled guilty to threatening an africanamerican Charlottesville City Council candidate i mean at that time that b. I joint Terrorism Task force was utilized same in the case of feb 2020 where it was used in connection to for racially motivated violent extremists and i would also note the president s long history of condemning White Supremacy and racism there is no place in society for these agree just agree just despicable ideologies just a. Group as a terrorist organization. It has been used to explain how in this case that domestic terrorism will be used as a way that the crime is prosecuted its a prosecutorial method and it was utilized in the same exact way with regard to White Supremacy yes here we. See during the day he should be charged as well as the odds are hes already been charged the other 3 and also are going to keep that can you explain a little bit about how how did he know or how is he talking about how he would benefit by members of the indy 500 theyre a very Nice Organization it would be very difficult to tell who is part of this so 1st i was just on the call with the president were he expressed his dismay with those 3 officers who watched leave it to the states to pursue those charges if they decide to it was the state that pursued the initial charge but the president has expressed his complete dismay with those actions but anti for i do think its important to note that they are a big element of this protest a. G. Barr has noted that. Ambassador obrien has noted that we have ample evidence that d. O. J. Has received indicating that and he says roots responsible for that unrest but as to exactly how and he has identified that would be more of a question for d. O. J. Yeah you know when you talk about it you know right now the president has already hit the 44th d floor but beyond the National Guard he does i mean look were looking at every tool in the in the federal tool Kit Available to us you know ideally this would have been resolved at the state level the states after all have the police power imbedded in the 10th amendment it is their responsibility to patrol their stair streets but youre right to say that there are many federal authorities including the one you cited available to us. The phone call with the focus of the call with the governors was really the National Guard not that specific tool in the tool kit that you mentioned but the National Guard and how it should be utilized much stronger than its currently being utilized yes so go to c. N. N. Jeff thanks for all of the time with more cover with ray she said she got the president s call to not be disturbed when she said the president told the governors he didnt put it there for he would be over with so what he did is this to make it more easy to know what to look for this disease in order to put down to this very thing you dont know why governor whitner wimmer would be dismayed at the president telling governors to do their job it is their responsibility to police their streets they have the police power imbedded in the constitution they have quite clearly many of them failed to do their job and look at the scenes we have seen and its gotten to the point where today the president has said anough is enough you know there are tools i can use namely deploying National Guard many others that steve cited one insurrection act its one of the tools available whether the president decides to pursue that thats his prerogative right now were looking at a focus on the National Guard thats where it currently stands and so you know theres a distinction between the National Guard and military forces in the street i would know the National Guard are the friends and neighbors in these communities who are used and as i noted the study from general milley i used to great effect when they are deployed to the focus of the call was the National Guard encouraging the deployment far more than the 700000 out there utilizing them this evening certainly. Want to see 800000 National Guard units might want i will put a number on it so i think its incumbent on governors to look at the situation you know a case in texas might not merit the same thing as you know new york city so hes encouraging the governors to up those levels but theres not a specific number that he has in mind david. Here there is in the present. Rate if you use a little bit of all right i. Would you agree that he is hiding out on this issue it is not a good party i would not i would not agree with that at all look i was on the phone with the president at least half a dozen times yesterday and every. I talked to him he was telling me about a different action he had taken whether it was talking to a governor about this or a foreign leader about ventilators this president has been leading he met with generals yesterday hes each and every moment taking another action to try to solve and resolve what weve seen in our streets where the governors have failed hes stepped in hes acting hes hard at work youve heard from him on this issue any number of times when hes working because thats the job of the president is to keep this country safe. That my. Needs are Getting Better all service you know. I really think that thats a misnomer in the media you know it was really appalling some of the coverage i saw like the New York Times yesterday made no mere no mention of the myriad times that the president has spoken on this issue instead in paragraph 14 they made a cursory mention of his remarks that space force most of which at least half of which pertain to george floyd there was a Washington Post article with an egregious headline about trump staying silent he hasnt been silent on this i have a whole list of his remarks there and instead paragraph 23 they know its a wait were contradicting our own headline the president did in fact make remarks contrary to the silent headline you had don lemon on c. N. N. Saying at 9 38 pm on saturday night the president s been silent ironically that comment came for after after the president was quite audibly speaking at this issue i was there for the remarks and then he had c. N. N. Double down the next day sunday afternoon saying the president was silent and you know i dont want to bore you with reading out all of the statements but it sounds like i should read a few like the president saying its a grave tragedy that filled americans all over the country with horror anger and grief and i stand before you as a friend and ally to every american seeking justice and he said i understand the pain the people are feeling i can go on and on but i would just be repeating what the president has already said because make no mistake this president has not been silent and at this moment he is acting to protect this country from the lawlessness we saw just out here and. Our classmates yes. You know we just think johns Church Church of the president s was targeted by. The c. E. O. Over fire was the president s reaction to that but its hurtful honestly i think its hurtful on a number of levels look the v. A. Was to face literally the word veteran spray painted out of the placard in front of the department of veteran affairs the lincoln to move memorial defaced how does that make much sense the place where the march on washington began that moment that momentous occasion in the history of civil rights that memorial was defaced last night that doesnt honor the legacy of george floyd it doesnt and certainly not the burning of St Johns Church look the st johns i think its important to go through a little bit of this but reverend john c. Harper was the st johns rector many centuries ago decades centuries and a few decades ago and heres what he was told he was told he needed to close st johns because he couldnt leave it open for the march on washington because quote it might be a bloodbath but he stood boldly he stood boldly and he stood on the side of justice and on the day the march on washington happened heres what was sung from that Church One Family on earth are we throughout its widest span help us everywhere to see the brotherhood of man and of course we know that the march on washington ended with reverend Martin Luther king jr giving that incredible speech i have a dream and that church the same church that was burning last night here is what they said taking the fold stance to support Martin Luther king they said this this Church Building is open as it has always been so all who want to worship here the mystery of this parish is extended to any who seek it our fellowship with one another has no limitations whatsoever that church supported the bold civil rights moment. The march on washington which began at the Lincoln Memorial that doesnt honor the legacy of george floyd it doesnt further the cause and those are violent and artists and who are taking advantage of the pain of people the pain of the Peaceful Protesters its inexcusable and we have to stand as one america against the burning of the church in the defacement of the Lincoln Memorial so now. Is it possible that d. C. Will be. Back in the country the civil rights. Of this administration investigate even members of congress for political organizations for find work i. Mean yeah you know i 95 at this point were pursuing a domestic terrorism angle thats what the d. O. J. Has decided what was your 1st question was about martial law was a protect National Monument yes so i have not heard that discussed the other questions yes you can be. Here today because weve heard from. It so considering what the president said the governor does believe from the day that he hasa president putin for advice on how to run and. I dont have any details on that call and i wasnt a part of it but i am not entirely certain what was discussed but the call did take place yes you have the last White House Press secretary look at it the addressing the media. After this process has spread across the United States that we will keep across that press briefing anything more newsworthy that comes out of it we will of course let you know here on aljazeera the headlines are supposed to come out of that additional federal assets will be deployed across the nation in response to the protests and there was the defense of the president s move to label the fascist groups as terrorists. Katie mccann in the theyre saying that the justice party. Has ample evidence that and teeth is behind the violence lets bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly how could for her thoughts on what weve heard and what more we learned kimberly about the president s call today with state governors. Kelly mcinerney really defending the posture of the president if you will that call that took place earlier the teleconference with the nations governors at times confrontational where the u. S. President accused them of being weak the white house not standing down on those comments by the president s dead doubling down essentially what we heard there from Kelly Mcinerney is that the president is a very that the National Guard is available and that at the disposal of governors that they can request it but according to the White House Press secretary just 2 states have requested a 1000 or more soldiers or troops National Guard troops to participate to try and quell the violence that is existing in a number of states now we do know that 15 different states have requested the National Guard but the feeling of this president is that it is not enough so thats one of the big headlines the other big headline there is it seems as you touched on this already a bit adrian is that theres a pending announcement to come that is essentially it sounds as if the u. S. President has put the joint chiefs of staff general milley in charge of a command center and potentially additional assets it sounds as if the u. S. President is looking to try and end this with leave by overwhelming presence of National Guard soldiers as a deterrence and again this is a shaky line for this president he cannot deploy the active duty military to these states only the governors can request the support and it is the police that do the arresting authority so the president on some shaky ground here but clearly looking to try and quell this unrest and one more very important thing i picked up from this briefing is there is discussion it sounds like under way to implement the insert action act of 1807 this would be something the president could do to quell civil unrest has not been used since 992 when the. So its occurred back in california we do know that there was some discussion of this over the weekend in the defense officials at the pentagon tapped this down but clearly this is still something thats being discussed it would be highly controversial but certainly it appears that is something that is under consideration and once again finally this white house and the u. S. President once again accusing and tif of the left leaning or far left group but that is militantly opposed to far right i see ology out being responsible for these the violence that is occurring in an otherwise peaceful protest across the nation and again we should point out that under the lens of domestic terrorism not only is that being investigated by the department of justice but also there are pursuing whether or not White Supremacy or White National groups may also be trying to sow discontent and im dressed across americas cities White House Correspondent kimberly how could reporting live from washington can believe anything. The World Health Organization says it wants to keep working with the United States the comments from the director general come days off to President Trump formally terminated the relationship the world has of them benefited from the strong. With the government and the people of the United States the u. S. Governments and its people its contribution and generosity towards global over many decades has been immense and it has made a great difference in public you know all around the world. Theres w. H. S. Wish for the School Liberation to continue. The number of corona virus infections in chile has now passed 100000 as latin america is the new epicenter of the pandemic chile has also seen its highest number of infections and deaths in a single day lets go live now to santiago thats the last in america and its a human lucy and whats the Health Ministry that saying about. It is a very very disheartening report but we heard this morning from the Health Minister here. We have the 100000 the fact that the number of infections is above 105000 in just one day it was 5000 or nearly 5500 people were infected and the number of. 1000 in fact just on sunday 59 people died from called 900 so it is very very concerning and the Health Minister warns that its not going to stay that way on the contrary the curve of the curve has not been flattened were not near the peak of this pandemic by any stretch and that the number of infections and deaths will continue to rise and just to give you an idea of. His message was people were reminded that. Everything they had done every model and im quoting the Health Minister now every model that i was seduced by in the past. Like a deck of cards so its almost as though. It is rushing to come up with a new plan a new way to pull this incredible explosion of infections and the increase in deaths at this moment rather than months ago when it began right now some. People are to wear masks but in many many areas people cannot respect because they need to go out and try to find a way to make a living all right you see and many thanks indeed the scene youve been reporting live from santiago thank you. Primary schools in england have reopened as part of Boris Johnson Prime Minister Boris Johnsons plan to kickstart the countrys economy but not all children are back in the classroom some local authorities have refused to open up schools due to safety concerns paul brother reports. Our. Lovely to see you after 10 long weeks of enforced closure the reopening of englands primary schools has brought a sense of excitement and nervousness for parents and children alike. Why is that because i want to see my friends. Happy that theyre coming back to school here because even for long youll see what a stressful for the children. For you know the challenge of getting ready to reopen this week has been enormous but this school carpets and rugs have been removed the book trays and toys covered with plastic sheets even the whiteboard pens are separated into stair are a nonsterile containers but after 10 weeks away the head wants the children back theyre really missing a child theyre really missing some kind of Normal School life and its now time to come back and to resume our daily life as much as we can children returning to school come back to a very different environment to the classes that they left desks are socially distanced there are face masks and there are much smaller class sizes than before and amidst all of this an ongoing debate as to whether children should be going back to school at all given the fact that test and trace is not fully operational yet scotland Northern Ireland and wales have refused to reopen their schools around 20 local authorities in england have also ordered the classes should stay shut even the governments own scientific advisors warn that the u. K. Is at a dangerous moment its estimated that up to 50 percent of the children eligible to go back have chosen to stay away now its a complicated balance of risks and in that situation the question is how do you make the optimal decision i think one thing thats really important is that you should involve people in discussing and developing policies what we. Ive seen from those children who have been in school have been in nursery is that with the right kind of Safety Measures with the right support from from from teachers to be very very dedicated then infections have been very low so what he did today. For those who did return like 10 year old sasha the experience of resuming school was both familiar and strange it wasnt that different. It was a bit odd how they. Have to go around the school to get to the class and it was fine this wasnt just a new school day it was a political and scientific gamble balancing the right to education against the risk of infection and there are no certain answers paul brennan aljazeera hazmi. Health officials in southern yemen are reporting a rise in the number of covert 19 cases the coastal city of 8 unregistered at least 61 deaths on sunday last month the region had its highest number of fatalities with more than 1800 recorded the United Nations of the Charity Doctors without borders have repeatedly warned that yemens Health Care System as effectively collapsed. Istanbuls famous grand bazaar has reopened after its longest closure in more than 550 years it was shut down in march as part of measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic in the south serious sun cacio reports now traders say they hope business will pick up over the coming months. The sound was hysterical grandpas are real phones in stores today after being closed for 17 days due to corona virus measures the procedure is always the same. They travel to temperature and away ring a face mask is mandatory this suffering more has been built during the 14 sixties and there are at least 2500 or shops inside was something all. This present was are is seen as healthy and then for the new era something more is because. Im a cynic is natural it was windows on the top and a circulation is provided through these windows is the 1st time the ground balls are has been close for so long and its history except for the 1999 earthquake being the most popular destination in the city by george help the customer say or a tourist. Most of his soaps are opened and the owners of the stops tell us that its much better than staying at home so thats why theyre happy to be back in business but of course some of them are still afraid of possible coronavirus. Infections but most of them say theyre ok with that because all measures are taken but mostly the markets consumers are there leading concerns so lets talk to one of the business friends. Their expectation for the smooth the no 7 days well our expectation that he just wish thats going to be the better of it of course we dont have a call from it till september. I hope till beginning of this september. Everything will be wonderful im back there lets wait and see is this courageous this is actually a moment of idea im on the shop owners here lets wait and see until september until everything is much safer and sounder. Coronavirus infections in east asia have been declining and on monday several countries relaxed their lock down some of them allowing health clubs and zoos to reopen while others are letting people go to the work goes to work for the 1st time in months but as a serious scott hide the reports now from bangkok many still approaching the changes with caution. Its been more than 2 months since athletes could train in Thailand National sport my thai kick boxing but on monday the government allowed further relaxation of its measures to control the virus the 3rd phase of easing the country has seen a steady decrease in the number of covert 1000 cases over the last several weeks with both foreign and thai clients its welcome news for the chocolate my thai school in bangkok. My tie is not just about selfdefense its a form of exercise but for living in a dangerous situation people are concerned about their safety they want to know is safe to commit weve been putting in all the necessary precautions like taking temperatures and disinfecting the area regularly so those who want to get back into the ring can now start training again other gyms have also opened their doors as well as cinemas and spas but they all need to abide by updated regulations and social distance in south korea even as high tech robots are being deployed to prevent the further spread of the corona virus clusters of new infections at churches have put officials on edge. This comes after cases were traced to nightclubs and a Distribution Center but there appears to be a downward trend after a 2 month high number of cases was reported late last week and in the philippine capital manila after 11 weeks people were allowed to return to work. But i have no choice i need income i dont have money to buy my 2 kids i also have to pay my debts the payment for my house is already past due to date commuters had to wait hours in long lines at the number of trains and buses were limited to about 12 percent of normal capacity because of strict social distancing measures its got harder aljazeera bangkok. Musicians and celebrities are demanding justice for george floyd stars like fiona apple michael b. Jordan and Ariana Grande they took to the streets this weekend many others have been sharing posts on social media calling on the Music Industry to take action to provoke accountability and change dozens of office a speaking about speaking out about racial injustice. Were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalize this pain not only speaking to people of color if youre white black brown or anything in between im sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in america right now no more senseless killings of human beings no more seeing people of color as less than human we can no longer look away george because all of our family and humanity hes our family because hes a fellow american Police Brutality been going on even even way before i was born but he has being been more visual ever since you know social media started. Another way for the people to take power i dont want to make everything political but it is what it is its by bull and when i say body im not only talking about the president we could both for many years we go both for judges and we can also board for the as this year attorneys yes we could vote for these people for our county we sure can. Get c. To come. On the Music Industry is calling for a blackout tuesday a day of silence reflection and meaningful action to on a george floyd a number of major record labels a pledge to refrain from Business Activity in response to fla to floyds death and the protests. So that it wont release new music this week instead it will assist organizations that are bailing out protest rested while exercising their right to assemble peaceably. Others supporting the black lives Matter Movement include universal sony music Columbia Records Atlantic Records Capitol Records and Warner Records stephen bud is the former chairman of the music managers form and the director of steven but music ltd he joins us now live via skype from london good to have you with us stephen why is it so important then that the the Music Industry expresses its solidarity with the black lives Matter Movement well and you know music set the absolute heart of black culture and its representation to the world and black musicians from Billie Holiday to nina simone but molly marvin gaye changed around fela kuti public enemy j Z Kendrick Lamar and recently storm z n k no and many others have been leading the comment commentators have been leading commentators on the role of race in society and i think that us in the industry need to. Show our sort solidarity with those artists and of course with the people who have been subject to this situation and really its in the great tradition of downing tools in solidarity and tomorrow blackout tuesday pretty much the whole Music Industry will come to a whole for the whole day to give people a chance to reflect and think about what this really may i think a power perhaps creating a bit of momentum. Around change and i think thats extreme how much of a sacrifice is that i mean. A lot of a lot of america particularly the companies that are saying theyre not going to release new music the entire week. Yes i mean its symbolic largely but you know these are big corporations and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people around the world are affected by this in a sense. And you know suspending releases by a week and tearing up release and marketing plans that all of the promotion and everything that goes along site that whilst its a small gesture nevertheless i think its an important gesture and its making people realize that the Music Industry is committed to assisting its artists and its artists have the biggest voice here you know artists for the 1st time really since the 960 s. And 1970 s. Have 2 really big issues that theyre communicating about Climate Change and the situation with black lives matter these are 2 extremely important things that both need addressing and i think for the industry to go out and support that wholeheartedly to me thats heartwarming and very briefly steve in about 30 seconds here what else is the Music Industry doing. What else is the Music Industry doing yet in terms of. Yeah well im aware of artists who are connecting across the xoom. From different sides of the world writing songs about this particular moment in time i have knowledge of a couple of artists working on that and i imagine those kind of things will see the light of day very shortly but i think youll be seeing a lot of. Music videos coming out people talking about this in the Music Industry and you know if it wasnt for a lot it for the sake of lockdown im sure that being a very large concerts being organized as we saw when for instance Ariana Grande day came out and did the concerts after the bombings in Manchester Central really good to talk to steven many thanks indeed steven but there in london thank the memorial is being held for the man whose death sparked the nationwide protests Community Figures demonstrators led by George Floyds brother gathered at the sites to call for peaceful protests. Im not and now. Im not. Want to go off. Not only method not mark unknown oh my god i dont run our government not go were not. At all. Here in doha were going to pass the baton on to our colleagues in law the barber sarah here to update you in just a couple of moments well see you again by for. The latest news as it breaks the only wanting an evacuation seem to have prevented many deaths and nonfatal phase the struggle to rebuild their lives with details coverage on home finds it so cold in the middle of a deepening cold war between china and the United States from the around the well to the government close to bankruptcy many say such initiatives will not be enough to deal with what Prime Minister has found yet warns could be a major food crisis. Egypts strongman is ruling within a fire and faced and the silence from his allies is deafening the u. S. Was perfectly happy to trade off the march for sea for security while western leaders turning a blind eye when even their own citizens have fallen victim to his repression executions torture or censorship is not acceptable and you wont hear such strong words from lets say berlin or paris or london man in cairo on aljazeera. Mass protests forcing the governments but are we seeing the true this is trying to moderate this we followed journalists on the front lines to speak to the prepress committed to reporting the fact Police Officers pointing guns at journalists the same thing hong kong sacked and friction the mistruths is it any way on aljazeera. If you want to help save the world. These enduro. Donors are probably. George floyds brother calls for peaceful protests over his death saying violence will not bring him back. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching out just there are live from london also coming up on the program President Trump or just state governors across the u. S. To get tougher with protesters and call up more of the National Guard

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