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Own officers. Also ahead risking and faction attack we join medics on the front line treating virus victims in mexico. People are defying curfews in the us to protest against Police Brutality and racism it is the 6th day of demonstrations after an unarmed black man died in Police Custody so this is the sane right now and washington d. C. There are protesters the set fires this is near the white house the curfew is just now coming into effect George Floyds death has prompted a wave of outrage across the country i can is live for us in washington d. C. Mike i think it bears repeating the overwhelming majority of protests throughout the day are peaceful protests but these other things are happening as well so tell us what kind of set the scene force these fires that are near the white house. Indeed yes well it was largely peaceful throughout the day there were some moments of tension but generally the demonstrators kept their distance from the police the white house itself was barricaded behind a series of drawings of defense secret service on the inner perimeter then u. S. Park Police Metropolitan d. C. Police keeping the demonstrators a distance of about 200 meters away from the white house but about an hour ago there were some. Bangs throat that sounded near the white house it appeared that police were throwing flash bangs at the demonstrators near the park attempting to get them to disperse then the situation appeared to escalate all of a sudden there were fires breaking out in various areas and what police now describe as acts of vandalism the fire engine has been on the scene but for a while the situation was really tense with police and some elements of the demonstrators in an ongoing standoff some tear gas was fired as i said the flames continuing to lick within view of the white house so certainly a day that had been largely peaceful rather marred by the events of the last few hours the situation now appears to be resuming an element of karma this particular point but its a long night to go the curfew has just come into force a curfew was announced by the citys mayor in force from 11 pm eastern until 6 am tomorrow morning that is now in force and that it perhaps is the reason for this recent outbreak of unrest within the city the police apparently intent on dispersing the demonstrators well before the time for curfew well the mayor herself said that she doesnt expect those who are willing to carry out acts of vandalism measure she put it to actually observe the curfew laws so she said the Law Enforcement officials will. Still be on standby throughout the night to try and snipe or to prevent any further acts of vandalism such as one saw late into the early hours of this morning so make a moment like this cries out for leadership u. S. President on a trump has one approach Vice President joe biden the presumptive nominee has a different approach so lets start with the way donald trump has been responding hes been tweeting as he usually does and hes he singled out this group thats not really a Group Exactly and tea for 2 to aim his fire at them what is he doing with this. Well indeed yes he tweeted in the course of the morning that ante for was going to be designated a terrorist organization 91st stands for anti fascist its a movement that has its origins back in the 19 120. 00 s. And thirtys in europe innocence name implies it is anti fascist now it came into force again in the United States as a response largely to the rise of donald trump and the movement as it puts a now as a umbrella body essentially has never shied away from violence but it is not an organization as such it is various disparate parts predominantly left wing but importantly there is no us law whatsoever that provides for the designation of a Domestic Group as a terrorist force so that point of President Trumps tweet is completely incorrect as one could put it that way and the mayor of washington d. C. Once again took the president to task asking for signs of leadership from the white house rather than signs of the vision that she has seen him as carrying out in recent days now on the other hand as you mention the president ial candidate joe biden was out at a protest site in the course of the day unlike President Trump he was wearing his boss but very significantly to Vice President biden put out a tweet in which he said its necessary to listen to what the protesters are also going to say but he included a photograph with the of him kneeling on the ground now this is very reminiscent whether intentional or not of the African American athletes of recent years who took of me as they put it to protest Police Brutality and certainly as i said whether it was intentional not the images their Vice President biden tweeted out and certainly that is going to resonate with protesters and the to. And certainly it goes a long way to show the fundamental difference between the approaches of the bat in the white house and the one who will challenge him challenge him in a few months time and a footnote to the ante for tweet from u. S. President tunnel trump the k. K. K. Is not even designated as a terrorist organization mike hanna live for us in washington thank you. A truck was driven into protesters in minnesota the tanker was traveling along a closed highway near Downtown Minneapolis where demonstrations were happening over the killing of george floyd this is where it all began so we will the crowd move out of the way there are no reports of any injuries but still really dramatic picture to see john hendren and id like to address what many of you saw within the last hour a horrifying image on our television a semi truck illegally entering the closed freeways appears to be with a flammable or talked exceptions driving nearly full force into a crowd of thousands of Peaceful Protesters ive been briefed at this point time the driver was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center with injuries sustained being pulled from the vehicle to mr hanken father a brother at believe that the driver was arrested we do not have any confirmed cases of injury ok our john hendren is in minneapolis where all of these protests started john as the pattern seems to be throughout the day these are overwhelmingly peaceful protests but when it comes time for curfew when it comes time to nighttime thats when sometimes things can pivot so what is happening there now particularly with the Additional National guard troops and. Well thats exactly right richelle during the day there were peaceful protests people with their children and dogs at the place where george floyd died which is now a memorial it was kind of a somber but festive scene in this sense that people were celebrating a kind of solidarity after this event but then after curfew the police in the past 2 nights have gotten increasingly aggressive ever since they got those extra 1000 National Guard troops they now have a total of 7500. 00 and what that does is it frees up the police and the police have gotten very aggressive yesterday it took them about 15 minutes to clear out an area where thousands of protesters were protestors were peacefully gathered and then tonight again what happened is if you can see that light behind me that is alight with a line of police and Police Vehicles im not sure if youre able to see them but theyre all standing there if we were to approach there they would shoot with rubber pellets sometimes tear gas every time a car goes down that street they get that experience so the police have pushed protesters to both sides of the highway and now theres just this kind of standoff what did happen the 1st few nights where as the protesters really own the night they were as some would burn buildings there was looting and that hasnt happened so much in the past 2 nights because the police have acted extremely aggressive we would liberal use of tear gas and those rubber pellets and they have shut down areas where the protesters were gathered today they have divided them so that extra 1000 National Guard troops seems to have made a difference so. Where do things stand with the 4 officers that ignited all of this we know that of on has been charged obviously and we still dont know if that that that will ever get to court to be found guilty but the other 3 officers that are involved this all happened with all 4 of them where do things stand with these officers. All we know about the legal case here is that the prosecutors say they are still investigating those officers there were 4 officers involved one simply standing guard stood guard and did essentially crowd control 3 others knelt on the back of george floyd and of course one of them Derrick Chauvin had his knee on the neck of floyd and that seems to have been what caused him to lose consciousness and later die so chauvin has been charged the others have not and thats part of why you have people out in the street here found people in minneapolis and of course as you heard mike hanna describe all over the country and here in minneapolis the goal i keep hearing from everyone i talked to is that they want all 4 of those officers to be arrested and charged with murder and then secondarily they want to see an end to incidents of Police Killing unarmed black men those are the demands and the people weve talked to here say they will stay in the street until they achieve them ok john hendren in minneapolis john thank you so in atlanta 2 Police Officers have been fired for using Excessive Force on protesters i a police surrounded a car and arrested a couple inside so the footage shows the police slashing their tires breaking the window and using a taser in the couple was not resisting they were pulled from the car and handcuffed on the ground citys police chief said members of our force cannot be allowed to act with impunity i think is Law Enforcement if we are ever going to get out of this space that we are in today we have to recognize that our behaviors cannot consistently be part and because we are Law Enforcement. These these are good guys i know them as individuals ive worked with one for over 20 years. But they made that level of mistake that cannot be rolled back. So a video has emerged of a Police Car Driving into protesters in los angeles the vehicle is seen making contact with the protesters and then reverses and then drives away i see it there a robber analysis live for us and os angeles so what else do we know about whats going on there and also the state of emergency rob that the governor has declared a state of emergency covering the entire county of los angeles thats 10000000 people rachele there are curfews in place which are going into effect now if they have not already done so and throughout the day we saw again a kind of pattern emerge peaceful protests that then became somehow deteriorated into. Acts of destruction. The focus of the protests today shifted from Downtown Los Angeles to to seaside citys long beach which is the largest port in the United States and santa monica which is a popular sort of vacation beach town to the west of downtown l. A. In both places largely Peaceful Protesters throughout the day marched along the streets. Police keeping their distance from them but in in the middle of the afternoon here in in the law center in santa monica rather there were incidents of people breaking into stores taking out merchandise and running away sometimes jumping into cars and then speeding off these people seemed to have no connection to the Peaceful Protesters who were protesting the death of george floyd Police Brutality in general and systemic racism in the last couple of hours the police in santa monica have emerged in the very large numbers to arrest the remaining protesters people who were not fighting with the police but nevertheless refused to disperse now they are dispersing and many of them are have been placed under arrest in long beach there was also peaceful protesting but also looting at a Shopping Mall there so we are now under curfew in los angeles there are National Guard troops on the streets and many people here is saying theyve seen nothing like this of course since more than 25 years ago during the 1992 riots after the conviction of officers accused of beating motorist rodney king ok and those officers were of course and exonerated although it was clear what they did on tape rob reynolds live for us in los angeles thank you. And there has also been criticism of the place response after a car was seen ramming into demonstrators in new york city on saturday the patrol car went into protesters behind a barricade citys mayor bill de blasio says an investigation will take place. That is not the way things are supposed to be there will be a full investigation into discipline as necessary there will be but do not present only one side of the picture i looked at those videos i saw people converging on the Police Vehicle i saw people throwing things at the Police Vehicle that is not peaceful protests so lets not kid ourselves if you or anyone else was inside that Police Vehicle surrounded by people you would have had a really tough decision to make you cant stay there you cant get out of the vehicle you have to get yourself and the vehicle out of the situation safely for all so there have been more protests in new york city on sunday careless and less and among them. And one of the most famous spots in all of america time square and protesters are out in force thousands of them out here making their voices heard you can see them its young people its old its white brown youre getting a whole crosssection of new york city here they are angry and they are calling for justice and they are taking their message out to all parts of new york city including here right by times square on saturday you saw protests in all the 5 major boroughs the new york city were seeing protests on sunday as well it is mostly very very peaceful here but the crowds as you can see are absolutely huge some of the largest crowds we have seen in years for protests over in new york city. Still ahead on aljazeera a milestone mission nasa astronauts enter the International Space station after a landmark attorneys for a private enterprise. I know there are plenty of fat is being steaming in across western regions of the United States in the last year as it really is just that is a fairly calm picture generally me want to cross a little. Monday maybe just want to shout pushing up towards new york and then the next batch of rain works its way towards the midwest and across the great lakes also we could be saying on monday some storms developing into the fall south of texas and ive got one or 2 shots a kid away from the Pacific Northwest but temperatures of course have really come down quite steadily and quite nasty across much of the Desert Southwest just pushing in late in the day as we go through chews day still some good sunny skies down into california and still. Threatening the southern areas all over texas but not a bad day elsewhen time which is really on the high side typically the mid to high twentys even the low thirtys quite a different story across the caribbean and Central America its this that were watching within this massive cloud you can see here we have of course go Tropical Storm amanda now as we go through monday this should actually come on shore the forecast track very uncertain but what is not uncertain is the rain this will produce some torrential amounts particularly. Also southern areas of mexico some of these areas could see as much as 600. 00 millimeters of rain this will lead to some dangerous lats lines a month. Rewind i can bring your people back to life im sorry one day on the bandstand aljazeera documentary. Was the book but. Like any other student we want to continue with kosovo and you fear and hope this was my return to kosovo and the Little Village of one decade on ive come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams we want on aljazeera. Who knows the youre. A loon. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top stories right now in washington d. C. Protesters have set fires near the white house the death of an unarmed black man in Police Custody has called it a wave of outrage across the u. S. And atlanta to Police Officers have been fired for using Excessive Force on protesters on saturday group of riot police swarmed a car slashed the tires and used the taser on 2 people before dragging them to the ground and handcuffing them it did not appear they were resisting a video has emerged of a Police Car Driving into protesters in los angeles because say making contact with the protesters and then reverses drives away. Lets take now to reverend mark tyler and philadelphia hes the pastor at the Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and he attended protests today with a group of clergy from the area we appreciate you for your time and joining us so tell us what you experienced out there among the protesters. Well we were actually out there last night and we were out this evening as well and in both cases what you witnessed really are 2 crowds one group is there intent on raising the message that we want justice for george floyd Briana Taylor in kentucky and im odd are barry in georgia then there are others who were just there really kind of just in the moment themselves maybe not necessarily part of the protest there was considerable looting but ive got ideas about that as well and so heavy Police Presence on 52nd street in West Philadelphia today. Even saw a tank driving down and its strange that we can afford a tank until adelphia when we cant get why 5 for a School Children i want i want your thoughts on what at the leading that weve seen tell us. Sure so dr king famously said that people have been quoting it a lot the riots are its the voice of the unheard but he also had a very powerful piece on looting that many people dont realize is out there i just saw this morning for the 1st time and for me it really made since he talks about the catharsis of the act of looting for young people in poor people who have been deprived of all of the things that they see around them philadelphia is the poorest big city in america i cannot speak for any other place i can only speak for this place 26 percent poverty rate been in the area almost 20 years and ive watched incredible growth in the center city where all the wealth is concentrated we have added multiple new skies scrapers and yet in our outlying neighborhoods people are still being paid 725. 00 an hour as they were when i arrived here in the early to thousands you cannot extract all of the wealth and resources from the community suck it up into the middle and not somehow expect that at some point that will come back to bite you and haunt you we have not invested the way that we should in schools in jobs for our young people and to say to people that you can make it for 3 or 4 months when youre unemployed with a 11200. 00 check from the United States government it is be. You know inconceivable so i dont know why were so shocked in this moment we have created this situation and now its before us and when you talk about those 21200. 00 tax that just reminds us that none of this is happening in a vacuum that has been building for years and years and decades really from the beginning the creation of the United States and now the country is in the middle of a pandemic when 40000000 people have lost their jobs and and really have nowhere to go and ive been cooped up for days and can you talk about how those 2 things have merged. Yeah i mean listen so you know its amazing we watched you know our White Brothers and sisters take over state houses with you know assault rifles and who are upset about the economy not being started up begin but many of those folks have not missed a paycheck or they have other resources in america im not making this up you look at the numbers the wealth gap between white families and black families is considerable and most black families before the pandemic did not have enough emergency funds to make it through a small crisis and now here we have a 3 month crisis with no in in sight those families literally have i mean in some cases have nothing you try to make it in america with for you know a family of 4 on less than 30000. 00 a year and then that gets taken away from you and nothing is put in its place and so when you put a pandemic on top of systemic institutionalized racism that is often expressed best in how Cities Police black and brown people you are just you just really have a recipe for the perfect storm and i dont mean perfect in a good way ok that will be the end of that is gosh i look forward to having you on am again those and mark tyler thank you very much youre welcome thank you the justice for george Floyd Campaign has gone global with people in london also showing their support thousands of protesters gathered outside the u. S. Embassy somehow signs reading the u. K. Is not as innocent rally was organized by the local chapter of black lives matter other events are planned elsewhere in the u. K. Turning to the Global Pandemic now mexico is planning to start to reopen on monday actions there are still on the rise our team spent a day embedded with paramedics as they picked up coburn 1000 patients and at the worst hit areas on the outskirts of the capital. This is how majority and so hell finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mexico city trying to find a hospital for their patient. Is just the latest case in a hectic 2 months give everything as they got to 20 years of working as a paramedic ive never seen anything like this i thought the worst sightsee was the earthquake of 27000 this beats it. They work in this work with a packed mix crew city suburb code that has hit hard. Many couldnt afford to stay home during the government decree quarantine meant a lot of patients. And so he was battling through it was mourning his own loss just 3 weeks ago he came back to him when he recently transferred it going patient. And i looked and he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of covert to you and i was looking at this mans last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. Now they were on the last case of the day jose luis a big chill delivery man only 39 years old and i think that was in many places he says you know im lucky that. He has the money to live but i get that the n. L. R. B. That is that the impulse and then its time to go the paramedics hope these cops who will protect them. Its a tight fit. Want to be ambulance he gets very hot patients can get close to a full week too and this could be a long road. This 1st. Group that was a. Big fan of. Those. Now its time to see if the hospital would take cozy luis. The answer. Is yes. The majority and so hell its a triumphant end to a hard shift i am but for jose luis his family its just the start theyll join those weights you know so i thought i was all days to see if he comes back out to join home and how does it or does it work order to International Space station is welcome the 1st arrivals aboard a privately built capsule and with that the hatch is open to nasa astronauts and the space x. Dragon it successfully docked after blasting off on saturday theyve been met by 2 russian cosmonauts and an american whos been in orbit since april their pitts is the chief astronomer for the flanker Franklin Institute Science Museum in the u. S. He says the Mission Kicks off a new phase in Space Exploration. This truly is a historic a moment because this is another step toward opening access to low earth orbit in space and a much lower cost and this also will be the 1st steps towards the next big adventure in Space Exploration astronauts returning to the moon in just a couple of years and then building up the skill and the infrastructure for a potential human visit to mars one of the differences between the between nasa as a National Space agency and space x. As an independent company is that space x. Doesnt have the same time to red tape bureaucratic red tape that down nasa has to deal with that and it also has the freedom to take on new and innovative approaches to accessing space you know nasa has an entire infrastructure built up based on the space agency ideas of the 20th century where space x. Is built on ball most entirely in the 21st century and so with those new innovations and those new fresh ideas space x. Can do it better cheaper and faster while maintaining the safety as well. And you get a moment is that our website keeping you up to date on all of the major stories happening around the world is aljazeera dot com. Recap the headlines right now on al jazeera and washington d. C. Protesters have set fires near the white house the death of an unarmed black man george floyd in Police Custody has prompted a wave of outrage across the u. S. Most people have been demonstrating peacefully over the past few nights theres been looting though and vandalism a curfew is now in effect in d. C. And many other cities where he 100 people have been arrested since the protests started 6 days ago and in atlanta 2 Police Officers have been fired for using Excessive Force on protesters riot police surrounded a car and arrested the couple inside the Footage Shows Police slashing their tires breaking their window and using a taser on the couple did not appear to be resisting there were still pulled from their car and handcuffed on the ground citys police chief says members of our force cannot be allowed to act with impunity i think is Law Enforcement if we are ever going to get out of this space that we are in today we have to recognize that our behaviors cannot consistently be part and because we are Law Enforcement. These these are good guys i know them as individuals ive worked with one for over 20 years. But they made that level of mistake that cannot be rolled back. Video has a emerged of a police car being driven and to protesters and los angeles the vehicle seen making contact with the protesters and then reverses at speed and drives away and its believed no one was injured. A truck is also driven into protesters in minnesota the tanker was traveling along a closed highway near Downtown Minneapolis where demonstrations about the killing of george floyd began people in the crowd knew that of the way there are no reports of any injuries and that driver has been arrested theres also been criticism of the place response after a car was seen ramming and demonstrators in new york on saturday the patrol car was driven into protesters behind a barricade the citys mayor bill de blasio says an investigation will take place. The justice for george Floyd Campaign has gone global with people in london also showing their support for protesters gathered outside the u. S. Embassy some health signs were getting at the u. K. Is not innocent. As organized by the local chapter of black lives matter or the headlines keep it here rewind us next. On counting the costs of private freelander and hidden debts what is the world oh china what does beijing get when countries calm pay back loans plus the man behind a 1. 00 trillion dollar stock market crash will see a convenient scapegoat the british are. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Hello welcome again to rewind im fully back to bill since Al Jazeera English launched more than a decade ago weve built up but Incredible Library of Award Winning films here on rewind revisiting some of the best of them and finding out whats happy

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