A moment. Where retreat from the world to see that every generation has its moment this one is ours. I am. I am. It was a it. Hello welcome again to rewind im fully back to bill since Al Jazeera English launched more than a decade ago weve built up an Incredible Library of Award Winning films here on rewind where revisiting some of the best of them and finding out whats happened since 10 years ago cost of all sandwiched between serbia and albania on the Balkan Peninsula declared itself independent and independence held the promise of a new beginning after a bloody war had ravaged the country at the end of the 1990 s. In the months following the emergence of this new nation aljazeera correspondent bonamy phillips traveled to the village of barrack of all where ethnic said he and sowed fled during the war where returning to make a new life alongside their albanian neighbors from 2008 he has bought of these film about one villages attempt to forge an inclusive and peaceful future kosovo a year of fear and hope. This is western kosovo and behind me you can see the village of but. Its just a small place but what makes it so unusual in kosovo is that in late 2007 a handful of serb families who had run away during the war decided to come back here that makes but one of the very few communities in kosovo where Ethnic Albanians and ethnic serbs live side by side as neighbors we decided to follow 2 families in one albanian and one throughout this historic year in kosovo our idea was to see what the prospects of 2 communities living in peace in a land which has been divided for so long by hatred and war. As you can fell a party the night that made lease. On moved into courts of. The suppressed k. L. A. Guerrillas fighting for independence for the majority albanian population to. Many albanians splayed into neighboring countries a desperate exodus fueled by atrocities carried out by sea troops. March 19th 99. 00 nature began bobbing yugoslavia to stop the persecution of albanians. Nato succeeded in forcing serb troops out but failed to protect civilians. Now they suffered ethnic cleansing at the hands of albanians some 100000 fled from costs of the province which is regarded as the spiritual home slipped out of belgrade control. If. 9 years have passed its february 2008 and salva bad jack is one of the serfs whos come back to rebuild his old life in the village of berk of for salva and his wife lupica you start after years of demoralising exile in southern serbia. We only got here to. Everything was in ruins and overgrown with weeds we have to start a life from 0 which is very difficult so far we havent had any problems without enabled us. For the time being. But solvers children could see no future in this ruined village and decided not to come back with him to. The returning serbs are mainly old mainly men. Theyve just heard that cos of those ethnic albanian. Will declare independence from serbia in the coming days as they warre on what this means as bizarre as it is no matter how hard theyre trying to take it away from us we are staying i havent stolen anything from anyone this is mine and mine alone its all i have. On the other side of the village and of course of those divide and. Is an ethnic albanian working the land a verdict of over 30 years a tough life because even afford to send his children to school but he believes independents will change everything for. The board. God willing it will be soon things will change for the better and we waited 100 years for this and. So how did he and his family feel about serbs coming back to the village. Theyve come back to their property lines that have done something wrong will not come back and they dont come back but the ones who have returned have done nothing wrong so im not going to harm them they will be in their homes and we will be in our homes so everything is normal. The declaration of independence by course of Us Government was accompanied by an eruption of joy. In the capital at the sculpture spells out the word new born of the ethnic albanian crowd saw this as the tryout the culmination of a long and bloody struggle against the serbs. It was still dark seeing the next day and saying thank you to the americans and europeans who had back their independence. Celebrations took place across cos a band would give an illusion his family a camera so they could keep a video diary this year hear his children joy in the street dances in a small town. And back at home or. Even lose his grandson was allowed to raise a glass to the new era. Its so obvious that its going to be better the president is good europe is going to help us america are going to help the countries that are with us are strong. We also lost family to keep a video diary. They saw no reason to celebrate on the day of independence but played cards at home hoping there would be no trouble in vain as it turned out was a was a reaction david belgrade not cos of there. Was was. A huge crowd protested the declaration of independence. Anger and humiliation whipped up by Prime Minister costa beats. Soon often. Hundreds attacked the american embassy. In cos about that celebrated american french and here they vented their new you read towards the west which they believed would help steal their sacred cos about. Bakken but salvato and his brother. Have bore down to earth and. Planting crops for the 1st time since they came home they fill this Important Movement was al be a right of a mechanized ploughing machine a gift from foreign donors and the cost but government it should make farming easier but trouble is brewing again. This time in a nearby course of a. Supposed to independence attack un and nato peacekeepers with grenades and dogs at the end of this chaotic day one soldier had died many dozens were injured. But the peacekeepers are reluctant to use force against the serbs cos of those future in the back. These are still happy day. Off family film over the easter holiday. Most Ethnic Albanians in kosovo all nominally muslim. But here in weston costs of many a catholic like lucian his family. Back in but lucian saw those seem to be getting on well it looks like it might end the beginning of a tentative friendship they speak together in serbia as. Over there. Theyre now partners in this new venture intended to lift out of poverty to the. A peacock just opened. A part time jobs here again the fall responded by the cost of government and foreign aid groups and the pig farm seems to be a catalyst bringing serbs and albanians together. Of course this brings us closer we can communicate with them and they can communicate with us because we work together. Weeks later in early may serbs elected a new governor. The nationalist Prime Minister. Confronting the west over kosovo looking for another term. When the results came out in galbraith a surprising victory for pro western democrats led by president boris tadic which the democrats also reject the cost of an independence but getting serbia into the u. Is their priority. For the celebrations went on long into the night this results reduce tension across the board. Sama in the village of. The ruins of houses destroyed in the. Ugly reminders of what went wrong here not so long ago. But next to the new houses for the serbs who are trickling back. The cost of a government has helped build them it says its committed to a Multiethnic Society where serbs are welcome. Oh no no no but there is a growing Serb Community and. And in june salva and his family feel this ceremony they call this day spousal marking the ascension of christ in the orthodox calendar. By tradition the serbs gather at the site of a ruined Orthodox Church just as they did before the. Pick goes on all day. Has plenty of drink and old folk songs of courtship and love a day that folded them together and strengthened their feelings but but where they belong. In july news from belgrade resonated across europe the bosnian serb leader and war crimes suspect rather than carriage was courts after years in hiding this is how he disguised himself. There were protests against his arrest but they were contained maybe this was the final angry spasm of serbian nationalism. By the end of september the salvo has reason to be satisfied the 1st crop of peppers since the serbs returned is a good one. And hes been led to a car by a nearby serbian monastery giving him the freedom to drive across cos of 0 if he feels safe doing so. Today hes going to the nearby town of cleanup where serbs have been attacked by albanians even since the war with a lot of problems. So far weve had no problems whatsoever neither with people more with the police or thing is not of money however we do have the most of our license plates which helps as far as im concerned with drive all the way to pristina if you want to. Know where any possible. Shopping in cleveland solve it was treated politely by albanians but suburbs say theyre worried about their safety of this town and they dare not go to bars. Or their. Salvato filled this delivery of free grain from the serbian government. It shows how belgrade tries to keep the loyalty of subs who live in kosovo giving them aid the serbian government undermines cost of those independence. By big november its called suppose albanians who are part. Of the very same prestigious streets where that celebrated 9 months before they reject a plan from the u. N. Secretary general ban ki moon which will allow serbia to retain power over parts of course of a. But theres a deep frustration here that independence has not changed their lives in the way that i hoped that course of those government has let them down. There have been changes we are now independents with the constitution of we are making new laws to european standards donors have promised us. Thats why people today are more optimistic and hopeful about the future certainly it will be difficulties. But we will make progress. But like so many costs been albanians lucian his son did not yet see that progress. By the end of the year things are going badly at the peak farm donors have pulled out news doubts it can survive. Back home he looks after his own life stopped and wonders how to find paid work optimism has turned so quickly to dissolution of. Course. Theres so much corruption you cant even imagine the top officials are taking everything for themselves opening up businesses like restaurants and petrol stations and we have been abandoned. And for the 1st time i sensed resentment from this family towards the serbs in the village itself scum of the. Reverse. Of woman for i cant blame the serbs they have nothing to do with this we mind our own business but the truth is that they have been held more than we have. They robbed hours they killed us they burned our homes and now theyve come back and the authorities have built them new homes. They leave gone for debris in the past and now we are left helpless no one comes to help ourselves. Not that the serbs of birth are finding life easy many still depend on Social Security and help from their neighbors but theres also a determination to stay on and possible. To i dont know if it means a lot to me it means that its ours and nobody elses. My grandfather and my great grandfather were born here he has been ours for 200 years. But they can take that away just like that. This is the last bit of home videos. It shows his neighbors gathered in his living room its hard to know if there is a future for this community. And heres the last build we received from the family enjoyed that time together and for one night at least begetting their frustration. At least here in the declaration of independence. And life carried on pretty much as before in fact perhaps what is most striking is how much in common. They both mistrust politicians in distant citizens frustrated at slow Economic Development and corruption and perhaps above all a common desire to carry on living here peacefully on the land they consider their home. Throughout the year and we saw that serbs and albanians avoided confrontation. But we also saw they lived largely separate lines. With their own religions customs and language. To. One Little Village. Not sunlight to change but maybe. That was a year. Since independence back in 2008. Tough for the young state with Major Players like russia china and crucially next door serbia refusing to recognize its independence but how have the villages of barrack of a fair 10 years on Barnaby Phillips braved the winter snow to go back and find out. This was my return to kosovo and the Little Village of buckle in the depths of a cold winter a return to a place which i got to know well in 2008 following an albanian families who are neighbors ive not been back since ive been treated know whats changed when i left this village 10 years ago the serb family was at the heads of about their future even physically worried about their safety the albanians well they hoped that cos of those independence would be the answer to all their problems that it would help make them rich one decade on ive come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams many of the old serb houses still lying ruins sad reminders of an ok. But when i visited sappho and his wife lubyanka i found them in good spirits more relaxed more comfortable feeling more permanent in their presence. Was the father god there are no no no when it gets. So you. Look. Why islam is were there courts are more mature and then there were no money people or were programmers in the more you market doesnt appear to be the big number but they would not do so now. And yet this community is precarious several of the older people i met in 2008 have died very few young have retired and mr to sail to see called the removal of paul or if the full story also wanted to. Rajan more to the woman a. Bitch or more to for the real cause of delegates perceptible for its simple this is how you. Can only serve as a good to do or do not really. Say we are k. L. Surrealism we can email and though there was a look at it was a more general or your started looking over their notes that we are. More than one of them. And yet all is not well in back of the pick farming business that salva and his albanian neighbor louche worked on together collapsed albanian family moved into the property. Whats keeping young serbs away from here is not fear as in the past but a lack of jobs and those economic frustrations i felt very strongly on the albanian side to. Lucy was happy to see me but hes still a small time farmer still wishing he could afford a tractor still hoping for regular paid employment. Through 3rd poor. For good because of the. Guy who. Was a dog owner. So. The Music Community the pool was supposed to look were. Going to call for mrs server 2 orthogonal to the 53 source if. You go from 04 to because were a little nuts when were going to toss the most. Lucian printers family has grown they have 10 grandchildren with the 11th on the way to of their daughters live in western europe they depend on their remittances like so many families in calls of a. Printer describes relations with the serbs exactly as she did 10 years ago. And. The percentage in. Which option. But it is. All taken. The complaints ive heard here about corruption lack of jobs reflect what people across kosovo a feeling disappointment that independence has not transform peoples lives. What i found is that in one sense the village of bourke over is working serbs and albanians live in peace but in other ways this village is not so exceptional after it could have been a model of cooperation for cos of a in fact the 2 communities lead parallel lives even as they share this land they live apart. Well thats it for this week if you want to catch up with the rest of the films in the series you can find them on the rewind page on the aljazeera website but for now until next time good bye thanks so much. 3 want a care bring your people back to life im sorry i walked out on the best of aljazeera documentaries the struggle continues for full body to knock out or use distance when one continues with australias lost generation a recovery from call on is a really important issue suicide rights do or mine very hard was still twice the National Average we want on aljazeera there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roaming correspondent i am constantly on the go to covering topics from politics to conflict is just often bar mental issues the scale of this conflict like nothing youve ever seen access to all parents on what we want to know is how do these things affect people we revisit places and stay even when there are no international headlines. Aljazeera really invests in that and thats a privilege as a journalist you know were in the world is growing reforest disappearing fast a very easy install. Only when the will fly we have been called denise on its total use and traitors i was a policeman this know like the sun was falling into the fast flowing real world into knots through. One mans fight for the rights of indigenous heritage a time to swim a witness documentary on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks my mind sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500 made his name the surface with details coverage the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200 rating of refugees from landing from around the world some of those are accusing girl opponents of trying to topple that by tempering with financial stability. Thank you. This is al jazeera. Peter dhabi youre watching live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. Another night of protests in the u. S. Over the killing of an unarmed black man sometimes peaceful sometimes violent with hundreds arrested across the country. 3

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