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Pleading with individuals. To remain calm and to let us conduct this investigation. To give it just a minute before i blow over. We share with the f. B. I. And we share with our state partners who are conducting parallel but independent investigation so that is clear we have 2 different investigations and conclusions and recommendations that will come from those to each of our respective offices but we share an unwavering commitment to see that this investigation is done right. That its sent forth with that we act with dispatch. And that we live up to the standards the. Community demands. Are highest priority is that justice will be served. With that i am going to close my comments and turn it over to special agent charge writer drawls hagon from the f. B. I. Thank you erica good afternoon my name is reiner drolls haagen im the special agent in charge of the minneapolis field office. They can wean us attorneys comment so id like to say i express my complete condolences to the floyd family id also like to express my sympathy to the citizens of minnesota as there is extreme frustration. Anger and sadness. I also want to thank chief or or not i want oren donda the Minneapolis Police department he reached out to me in the middle of the night and requested our system its. His call enabled me to mediately reach out to the u. S. Attorneys office to enlist their assistance and as such we were able to open an investigation in a matter of a few hours after the incident. All role in this investigation is to investigate allegations of willful violations of federal civil rights. The f. B. I. Team is following the path where the facts will lead us. We are conducting a swift yet meticulous investigation. In less than 72 hours much work has been done but i assure you there is much more to be accomplished. I want to ensure that you understand we respond to cases like these as quickly as possible. We will both case to conclusion in partnership with our state partner the bureau of criminal apprehension. The f. B. I. Is the thought gathering agency we could we collect facts and we need your help. Were asking everyone that was present before during and after the incident to come forward to help us build the best picture of what occurred. Each little piece of the puzzle helps us complete the big picture if you have any information or if you have any videos or you know of anyone who can help us with this i encourage you to ask them to contact 1800 call f. B. I. Again im encouraging you to reach out to 1800 call f. B. I. No tip is too small thank you. Good afternoon i might for human head of the county attorney. We are the principle prosecuting agency for the state and the criminal side. And michelle i want to say that my thoughts and those of my office continue to be with the family and the friends of george floyd they know they are hurting over this senseless death. The manager of our Victim Services division has been in touch with George Floyds family on several occasions and is keeping them updated on what is happening in this case there where that the Minnesota Bureau of criminal apprehension better known as a b. C a the head of the county medical examiner and the head of the county Attorneys Office are moving as quickly and thoroughly as possible ive. Also been in direct consultations with governor tim walls with attorney general keith ellison. And others in the state the city and the county to discussions on this case. As many of you know the head of the county Attorneys Office is one of very few Prosecution Offices in the United States who have successfully charged and convicted and obtained a guilty verdict against a Police Officer for unreasonable use of deadly force. We have developed a detailed plan for that prosecution and with the b. C. A a detailed plan for investigation. Our office has been flooded with calls many as a 1000 a day as well as email and social media from people in this jurisdiction in this state and throughout the country the main question is what are you going to do about the murder of george floyd well ive just described what were going to do we are going to investigate it as expeditiously as thoroughly and completely as justice demands sometimes it takes a little time and we ask people to be patient we have to do this right and thats what well do. I also want to tell you that our office has led the nation in the openness on these types of cases when we decide to charge an officer we put the criminal complaint on our website if we decide that the evidence is that does not support a criminal charge we put our report and all our evidence on the website for all d to see. When we make the decision in this case we will do the same what i can sure the citizens of minnesota we will do it as d quickly as we can do it as possible well do it as quickly as possible. I think through evidence from the b. C. S. Next group. Thank you county attorney friedman my name is driven as i am the superintendent of the Minnesota Bureau of criminal apprehension and 1st said like to share with my colleagues here and expressing my deepest thoughts and sympathies to the family of george floyd that heartbreak that theyre going through in the community as a whole this is a difficult time for our entire community as they mourn his death the bureau of criminal apprehension and began this investigation immediately after this incident occurred when we were contacted by the minute the Minneapolis Police Department Agents were deployed including our crime scene immediately began gathering evidence talking to witnesses and then working immediately with the county Attorneys Office discussing our findings and what we had at that time the next night or over the night as was indicated the f. B. I. Was contacted id smoke a chief there done to inform me of his contacting them and that was a contact we all d welcome in this process d were going very collaboratively together through this process our agents are working closely together weve deployed numerous resources we brought in agents from all over the state recognizing the importance of an expeditious quick investigation that is still thorough independent and im biased by all of our organizations those findings will be turned over to the county attorney on the state side and on the federal side as noted to the United States Attorneys Office the same thing we share as the f. B. I. Did we want any citizen anybody who was there that witnessed this event that has information that would be helpful to our investigation to their call the f. B. I. Tips line or 6517937000 which is the b. C. Operations center my perspective is we want citizens to go wherever they are most comfortable whichever line they are so that we get all of the information in this case so we can conduct the most thorough investigation possible and with that i think well turn it over to the u. S. Attorney and county attorney. And so. At this point were going to open it up for questions i can tell you ill start by saying weve got questions too and were getting answers to those were doing our best were digging in but we do and i want to know what my Law Enforcement partners we need the Community Listening to that Law Enforcement will News Conference about the case of the georgia floyd now in the Erica Mcdonald their u. S. District attorney for minnesota we also heard from the rain or shine again the f. B. I. Special agent in charge of the investigation the u. S. District attorney there saying that they are conducting a meticulous and robust investigation and the f. B. I. Also appealing for any kind of information on video that could help that investigation john hendren joining us live now from chicago john you were also listening to this News Conference certainly there you get a sense theyre trying to reassure people because of course lets remind viewers of this comes off the back of many protests and anger in minneapolis over this killing so very much Law Enforcement agents they are trying to reassure people that they are taking this investigation seriously. And its right you heard the u. S. Attorney there say i am pleading with individuals to remain calm this seems to be in a dramatic effort to try to get people in the streets to stop and let the wheels of justice grind forward however the problem with doing Something Like that is that a lot of people who heard there was an f. B. I. News conference happening might have expected charges to come out of this that is what the protesters had been looking for thats what the mayor of minneapolis has called for and thats what the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives has called for a lot of people were probably hoping for quick action the problem is with a case like this interviewing people gathering the evidence that is required just seems to take longer than that so. They seemed to have done the best they could to try to give people the information they had and to tell them that they were looking forward to a potential prosecution of the officers involved in George Floyds death but they were unable to deliver an actual charge and one wonders whether thats going to be enough for people in the streets after all as this press conference was going on looters were running through stores in minneapolis and in nearby st paul the embers are still burning from last nights fires from massive riots most of those protesters we are told even even by authorities in minneapolis were protesting peacefully and safely but there were some who were not they were confronting Police Police sent back tear gas and rubber bullets and that city is in chaos right now so this was an effort to try to quell that one wonders whether its going to work yet because its not just i mean with so far we have seen the protests in minneapolis but National Protests are actually planned for saturday what do you think might happen there. Well you know based on what happened in minneapolis things could go badly in other cities mostly things have been calm there have been protests in new york today on thursday there have been protests here in chicago in los angeles protesters briefly took over a freeway and blocked traffic but otherwise there doesnt seem to have been massive damage there and then today in memphis tennessee there was also a protest going on this is a movement that has swept across the United States in recent years and spawned the development of black lives less matter of this organization that has been fighting against the killing of unarmed black people by police and yet it seems to keep going on in new york in ferguson missouri here in. Chicago its happening again in again in this pent up frustration has resulted in the kind of rioting that we saw in minneapolis in one hopes it wouldnt happen in other cities this weekend but things have gotten out of hand. 100 with the latest on that from chicago john thank you. Staying in the u. S. President trying to pass signed an executive order targeting the Legal Protection of social Media Companies its in response to twitter labeling 2 of his street misleading and referring users to a Fact Checking page tran says the order would remove our liabilities shield that Internet Companies currently enjoy he also said the choices twitter makes when it edits or blacklists people are editorial positions and nothing more than political activism theyve had unchecked power to censor restrict and shape i order for actually any form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences there is no president in American History for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of Human Interaction and that includes individual people controlling vest amounts of territory and we cant allow that to happen. The president speaking there a little earlier well mike hanna has more now from the white house. Well President Trump is focusing on section 230. 00 of the Communications Decency act which essentially shields social Media Companies from legal liability for what 3rd party people put on their websites but it also gives them a cover should they choose to moderate those sites in good faith as twitter says it did with regard to fact shifting President Trumps tweets and certainly this continues to absolutely anger the president the fact that his tweets were in fact fact checked and saying as well one of the reporters asked him well why dont you simply delete your tweets and the president said well if we had a free press i would do so in a heartbeat but President Trump has also directed the federal Communications Commission to look into amending that act to that part of the act section 230 hes also directed his attorney general william barr to look into claims of conservative bias in social media and as well in what is clearly a financial stab at social Media Companies hes instructed all federal agencies to review their ad spend on social media platforms but the bottom line here is that despite these threats despite this executive order its up to congress to amend any act it is not up to the f. C. C. And should the f. C. C. Do so it will certainly receive a very strong challenge in court. The u. K. And canada have condemned china for imposing new security rules on hong kong saying it threatens the territories fritos Chinas Parliament has given the go ahead for the legislation despite protests and international. The wide ranging which beijing says will aim to tackle secession subversion and foreign interference could now be in effect in a matter of weeks adrian brown reports from hong kong. Hong kongs people had no say in the decision to impose a new security law on this city that was not a concern among people we spoke to in the north point district where many mainland immigrants live night or are of course we will have peace now hong kong has been so chaotic the protesters even went to the United States to ask them to put sanctions on hong kong what a mess they have made a oh the young may have different thought before as the elderly the law we make our country prosperous and stable but other elderly people are fearful and scared to come in because you know all freedom for their speech no freedom for. Democracy so ski since 1907 when hong kong was returned from british the chinese rule this city has operated on their unique one country 2 systems formula intended to guarantee the citys legal political and economic arrangements the question now is whether the experiment has failed bid local historian john carroll insists thats not the case no sooner had the sign of british joint declaration been signed in december 1084 people were already talking about the death of hong kong and i mean thats been going on for years and years and years and hong kong is not dead and i dont see hong kong dying so. Chinas leaders insist the new security law d will save hong kong not kill it so the vote by Chinas Parliament on thursday to approve the law was never in doubt you could. Sure go gather the Central Government has always emphasized the comprehensive an accurate implementation of one country 2 Systems Hong Kong ruling hong kong and its high degree of autonomy it strictly follows the constitution and the bicycle or and supports the Hong Kong Government and its chief executive to govern according to the law. Bypassing hong kongs legislature the rubber stamp National Peoples congress has now paved the way for mainland security agents to operate here in marked contrast to these orderly scenes there was more disruption in hong kongs parliament. When 3 legislators were ejected during a heated debate about another proposed rule that would make it an offense to disrespect chinas National Anthem both measures prompted demonstrations and a warning from the United States government that its special trading status with the city could be about to end raising concerns about its continued status as asias leading Financial Center adrian brown aljazeera hong kong. Libyas un recognized government says its destroyed 3 Armored Vehicles belonging to warlord d honey for half that the government of National Accords forces are continuing to make advances and say they now completely control the areas surrounding iraq and saudi kamila 3 camps south of the capital tripoli troops loyal to have thought are retreating from their positions within the region the government is also accused of trying to arrange for sudanese larrys the fight alongside his forces and that. The whole region is almost empty of the enemy we have managed to completely control the areas around the military can see. Different areas reach more remote places and beyond i salute men on all fronts for their patients moved in a year and with this thing this brutal enemy of course the enemies are now trying to reorganize their ranks some from sudan followed him on. 3 prisoners in cameroon have been taken to hospital were serious burns after a fire ripped through an overcrowded jail to firefighters were also injured during the blaze which is the 2nd to happen in 5 years at a maximum secure. Prison and while Emergency Services prevented the fire from spreading beyond the new belt prison while inmates unsuccessfully try to escape human Rights Groups say its one of the most overpopulated jails in cameroon hosting more than 5 times its permitted number of prisoners. The u. N. Says war crimes and crimes against humanity may have been committed by an armed group the northeastern democratic republic of congo the report cites widespread and systematic killings beheadings of rape and other barbaric acts the u. N. Says most of the acts were carried out by the rebel Group Cooperative for the development of congo least 151 people were killed in the 6 months to a. 65 people were killed and Dozens Injured when gunmen stormed 3 villages in northwest nigeria the attack happened near the border with tunisia where in the state of sokoto locals the scribed the gunman is bandits and said theyve been terrorizing communities in the region for several years the number of dead is expected to rise as volunteers continue searching for missing people. Donald trump has offered to mediate between india and china following reports of rising tension along one of the worlds longest unmarked borders confrontations between soldiers has seen both sides increase their military presence in the region elizabeth poor on the reports now from new delhi. Indias army on patrol in the territory of the dock along the countrys border with china the Nuclear Neighbors dispute a 3 and a half 1000 kilometer from tia in the remote himalayas. Early as this month soldiers clashed in the number of areas around the unofficial border known as the line of actual control or they see Chinese State media say indian troops trespassed on chinese territory and accuse them of trying to build a defense facilities the Indian Government says its soldiers remained on its territory it is true that india is also increasing its own infrastructure. And. Maybe be chinese friends that are fortifying their own positions without informing them because there is a protocol both sides are bolstering their presence satellite images appear to show the building of more tents and roads within 5 kilometers of the lot of actual control the border dispute goes back decades a month long war 962 ended without a resolution and they have been several standoff since then the latest in 2017 an unsettled boundary may be acquired boundary more thought has been fired no one has been. 975 you know i mean yet its all completely militarized military forces on both sides so it is an opportunity to go in on the heat and burn all the heat in a very calibrated kind of a fashion. Early and may china india not to take actions that may complicate the situation on wednesday both countries agreed to dialogue. You know. Mechanisms and Communication Channels both parties have the ability to properly dissolve through dialogue and consultation theres been no official comment from the Indian Government with fears of further escalation the us president offered to help resolve the dispute neither side has responded to Donald Trumps offer to mediate but analysts say the americans wouldnt be acceptable for china not the least because they recognize the demarcation line between the countries which china disputes elizabeth iran and al jazeera new delhi. Brazils president has accused his political opponents of seeking to oust him after his allies were targeted as part of an investigation into the spread of fake jade will so not all says the inquiry is aimed at silencing those who support his presidency on wednesday the Supreme Court approved police raids on the homes of Business Leaders bloggers and politicians accused of spreading lies. A shantytown a near argentinas capital has been placed under lockdown for the next 2 weeks. Is home to about 4000 people mass testing was carried out by authorities and nearly 200 Coronavirus Infections were confirmed the slum has now been sealed off and people may not leave without police permission. The u. K. Governments test and trace system for covert 1000. 00 is finally up and running following repeated the ladies Prime Minister Boris Johnson says it will unlock the prison of lock though that has more now about the new scheme. Well this nationwide scheme around england is ambitious involving thousands of people acting as contact traces there have been some complaints by some of them that they havent been able to access the system online and the government insists that they or they are all prepared and trained there have been questions about whether the sufficient number of tests are being carried out every day around the country because we havent heard figures for that in several days the government insists that its all in place despite a mobile phone up thats supposed to work with it being delayed for several weeks theyre also insisting that they can count on the cooperation of the general public now dozens of members of the conservative party m. P. s from the conservative party have told the government they think that their messaging has been undermined by the ongoing scandal involving Dominic Cummings the chief adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson who made a trip by car with his family who had coverage to stay with his parents now daryn police in the north of england have now said that they wont be pressing any charges and that that trip didnt break any regulations but a subsequent trip after they come out of isolation a subsequent car trip may have broken the rules it may have warranted Police Intervention but certainly no charges because there was no infringement of social distancing but people have been telling those m. P. s theyre very angry about the perception of one rule for him and one rule for the rest of Society Given that the government has stuck by its defense of mr cummings and insistence that he did nothing wrong meanwhile on monday schools are due to reopen some scientists who broke away from the official Scientific Advisory group say that the government is going against scientific advice of the r. A. To try and be sure could go above one very quickly when schools do reopen. Without proof the choice of. Schools should not be opening up so theres a lot of debate right now. Is going to work and that it can count on the Public School peroration the french Prime Minister has announced a further easing of the countrys lockdown with cafes restaurants bars and beaches to reopen from next week social distancing measures will be enforced with one metre gap required between groups paris will face stricter measures of the says the french capital is no longer considered a coronavirus danger zone internal travel restrictions will also be lifted to help boost domestic tourism. South korea has reimposed social distancing measures after its highest spike in corona virus cases in almost 2 months the number of infections increased by 79 on thursday 67 of the infections were reported in the seoul d metropolitan area prompting the government to shut public facilities including parks museums and state run theaters at least 82. 00 cases this week were linked to a cluster of infections west of seoul at an ecommerce warehouse. The worlds most lucrative football the English Premier League will resume in 3 weeks no matches have been played in almost 3 months because of the coronavirus all matches will be played behind closed doors to prevent any spread of the disease the league it could have lost about 750000000. 00 in revenue from broadcasters if it didnt raise you its a nice top the city hour is also resuming kickoff june 20th. Only you. Now a quick reminder of our top stories minnesotas attorney general has promised a robust and meticulous investigation into the death of george floyd in Police Custody officials in minnesota have also pleaded for calm after a 2nd night to violent protests floyd died shortly after an officer had. On his neck for several minutes. We have been working on this case nonstop since we were notified. We understand this ability of this situation unfolding it breaks my heart to see what is going on in our streets in minneapolis and in st paul and in some of our suburbs and i am pleading i am pleading with individuals. To remain calm and to let us conduct this investigation. But im trying to sign that executive order targeting the Legal Protection of social Media Companies after twitter label 2 of his tweets misleading trying said the order would remove a liability shield that the Companies Currently enjoy trying says the choices twitter makes when it edits or blacklists people our editorial positions and from little activists and. They had unchecked power to censor restrict shape i alter for actually a form of communication between private citizens or large public audiences there is no president in American History for so small a number of corporations to control so large a sphere of Human Interaction and that includes individual people controlling vast amounts of territory and we cant allow that to happen in. The u. K. U. S. Australia and canada have condemned china for imposing new security laws d on hong kong saying it threatens the territories fritos Chinas Parliament has given the go ahead for the legislation despite protests and the International Warnings the wide ranging laws could now be in effect in a matter of weeks these are the headlines say with us one of one east india under lockdown is the next investigating the humanitarian crisis unfolding in india because of the coronavirus as for watching by. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that coal means a lot to the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in. For the Prime Minister Boris Johnson counting the cost on al jazeera. In india the goal with 1000 knocked down was sudden sivia and absolute days og but when theyre going to made. By an hour by their say. Some full days you may some foreigner love the 100. 00 out of. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi blanched 1300000000. 00 people into confinement with only 4 hours notice across the country tens of millions of Migrant Workers suddenly found themselves without jobs and unable to return to their villages

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