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Lockdown buckshot Child Support from one end to the other if anybody wants to travel is going to be a tough task until all the trees are cleared by the cold at the moment well corporation has all responding to action and they did that when the cycle when they would only reports of trees having fallen in different parts of the city to assess the damage and do good deed but as tradition work it is going to take a while and the chief minister a month about it is assessing the situation she says set up a special task force the are going to be looking at various aspects and of course as in as far as the night with them so it continues in some areas because a fall cut which is still an ongoing nightmare for people that all while collapses that have been reported trees havent fallen and people havent died in the state of west bengal a south 24 by the nose less than the ones that it is worst affected not 24 by the dozen other district which is also worst affected but we must remember also that the state has delayed ripped a culvert 90 prices which also brings us to the question also what about the car with 900 patients in the hospitals because we have reports of hospitals also having a backlash off the cycloid and those in quarantine also that is also a big question so the state has to grapple with quite a bit not just the cycle but also the over 90 crisis now venezuela says its military will escort a 5 iranian tank as bringing fuel to easy is of shortages both countries are under u. S. Sanctions and the white house says its considering a response to that shipment. Chinese leaders have observed a minutes silence for coronavirus victims at the start of their biggest political gathering of the year the opening session of the top political advisory body started a day ahead of the National Peoples congress thats when chinas leaders will likely announce measures to kick start an economy hard hit by this pandemic while the total number of coronavirus cases worldwide has passed 5000000 thats according to a tally by Johns Hopkins university the virus has killed more than 328000 people and lock downs have devastated a global economies iran says more than 10000 Health Workers there have been effects infected since the outbreak began its among the worst affected countries with nearly 127000 infections more than 7000 people have died there during this pandemic. Japan wants to extradite 2 men from the United States accused of helping form an isaan boss skull of scorn escaped from the country japan says they helped corn avoid a financial misconduct by fleeing to his childhood home in lebanon they were arrested in the u. S. On wednesday and Climate Change is having an unusual effect near the south pole by turning parts of antarctica green plumes of alligators spreading on the snow giving the worlds most barren continent a splash of color rising temperatures have made the spread so prolific it can be seen from space more than 1600. 00 growths have been identified over 2 square kilometers but Scientists Say the overall impact will be in significant certainly what were seeing in the. Last years a monster. I think it will really be a story of whether theres enough nutrients just d wrote. Iraq or other iran and i dont really see a good map of how substantial amounts of nutrients transported in wrong to large groups say. On their Antarctic Ice sheet or anything like that. But i think we will probably see more coverage on. Well those are the headlines tell me more news here after witness stay with us. A look at this man has got a nobel a dummy. But at the same. Would have been insanity and if you. Look a lot of money you have to let them know you. Can cheat and if you know. We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they count. We just cant. Continue sending a signal to the rest of the world that this is a nation or easy destination. This has to die can send a very clear message to Asylum Seekers who are contemplating risking a voyage. And that message very clearly. Is dike risk it doesnt give you money to have people smugglers because you will not be better off. I make absolutely no apology whatsoever were taking a hard line on illegal immigration to australia. What the australian people elected us to do was to stop the bugs. This is a National Emergency weve got to treat it as such. 1000. 00 im saying. I mean it was intentional and. Ive given away thats been i mean i think. That people looking for those fixes. That that was the. Tent. That people have already seen a 5. 4500. 00 days. I didnt know theyd be so many security personnel. It feels militarized. A friend of mine called me and told me hey that hiring people to read. Youre interested in the sausages and i thought yeah yeah i guess i am so i did she gave me this number and she got the number for facebook id leave it on and i called this number and said id like to go to my room and the woman said sure when to leave. I was a student at mcrae any in sydney and i joined the Salvation Army society on facebook and they posted an ad about good to a canary and at the time they made it sound like really nice thanks but they made it sound like it was just a 2 week kind of holiday you could bring our friends along. And 2 to 3 days later as in never it was 2 of my best friends from school for a wide range of people and though you know 18 Year Old University students retirees and anything that we have in common was that none of us had experience working with refugees before. I cant stress enough the remoteness of the location of. Its in the middle of the pacific ocean. Its an island of 10000 people. And takes 20 minutes to drive around the island its extremely hot. Humid and. Just how poor the island is. In these trying to mccombs the known government and says were going to a few several 1000000000. 00 over the next 70 years to has a few 1000 Asylum Seekers for a failing economy like never i can imagine it would seem like a very. Good option. On my 1st day we moved up to the town. The Salvation Army gave us a very small briefing and said go out and help them and. And and be their friends. A lot of people were really confused when they 1st arrived in. I remember one particular intake a lot of the members saying to me where are we i thought this was part of this trial here. So it was up to us to tell them that no you know didnt. Really. Vivid memories was a sign being on the wall of that said would have to be trained how do you say. What a hoffmans life was it was then. Quickly i started to realize that i had sent myself to a place i never would have gone. The day of the Prime Minister and. Are announcing a Major Initiative to combat the scourge of people smuggling. The Asylum Seekers who arrived in australia by boat who have no chance of being settled in australia as refugees if theyre found to be genuine refugees theyll be resettled in papa new guinea. Which as you know the christmas i. Or i dont know you have one. She told us briefly you came after me. So you never come to australia you have to go to papa new guinea. A lot of them or we live on one of the your. There were 2 guards they. Grab you and. They put you in a play. Be put to us all and speakers chairs and in the 1st they put one guard. Around it but then and i let us all. My fishing. In the morning. On the night when. Chief Forest Management approach me to go up there in a training role. To try and expect stuff. In the position of safety and security officer. Todd spent a lot of news was a prison officer. The only people that i had experience with was criminal world. One of the worst accommodation. A world war 2 heart might have team on a concrete floor. 122 double banks in this shade. It was discussed in. The ilo was disgusting but this couldnt believe i was looking at the mizen. Letters about me jailed. The man up had loved him behind. Those faces open faces on the ground. Men didnt have enough clothes. Mention how. They didnt have enough Drinking Water those malaria most sickness disease infection. The message is simple. If you come to australia illegally by bugs there is no way you will ever like this tried to hire. The act of seeking asylum is not illegal because its a rot. Its a rock that arises under the universe ticks the russian and human rights and its also a rock that irans sunda a range of International Human rights treaties such as the refugees convention. It was an understanding between countries that when people was seeking protection from persecution that they could cross a border i could see protection. And destroy this on up towards the strait he said. Yes we decide who comes into this country and we decide by signing this convention that well let refugees come here. And well let them come as they come everywhere else in the world well let him come i see. Its quite obvious that you cant just set out to send to the height. And its not supposed to be a holiday. But it took about 6 weeks i think for them to start to degrade mentally. My. Me your. E. Q. Least you hear. More from. Your current. One serious. Than i am or you might bring. The whole concept of indefinite detention is this idea that there is no progress. If you have a criminal in australia you say youve committed a crime your punishment is 2 years in jail when youve got these 3 sentences prison and you can count down the days. For these men they didnt have them. And theyre seeing daily self harm. For a day. I saw men cut their stomach open with glass. And one man take a fluorescent light tube and beatty himself across the head and stabbed himself. Men suffocating them so men stitching the lips men one man stitched his eyelid they incredibly traumatized from where they are coming from what they see you know asylum from and theyve been really traumatized. By their current situation. Their families are separated and they stay noyo prospect of them ever being reunited. They see no hope for the future. Looms of their. Clothes but those. Who still. Are the. One. With the. Power. How would he do that as he thought that the little you know what i mean. You need to know that this is going to feel. It will add it in a way to. The deterioration amongst all the a scientific is no matter what their age is probably what hardest. Children have to be in detention according to the governments policies because terrence. In the tension of the time. May develop a rancher of disorder. As a ball. Player not you know for charities terror dissipate and enormous its activities that children require for development. And i have parents who made sick as well nothing on the parents of. This or very young babies in detention who are not feeding properly who are not going why failing to strive is the medical. So all of it is really harmful for children. But its considered the process required to stop but. What you want to know. The use of but id as names is rampant children will sign up works that theyve drawn with their boat id children well. Refer to their friends by their boat id. Its like theyve forgotten their own names its like the forgotten who they were. That theyre actually human beings that. You feel any guilt or any any guilt to about one of them been killed in danger none whatsoever and they are the root 13 year old. Male the most compassionate thing you can do is stop the bad we have to stop the bad. For some time that they were being persistent and like i should say of the serious physical and sexual abuse of children and women cost right in there were. After a very long time this led to the government setting up an inquiry. Which ultimately ended up with whats called the must report. If a sexual as behaving as the monks that keeps their. Kids touching themselves. Or touching other kids in a sexualized then. They are. Under 5. Nari place force are trained to investigate a way. To interview kids around. Their nari place forthwith very slowly and. You often see results. Yeah so theres been there are repercussions but i know. Those are him train one afternoon. One of the transferees was outside. It started to rain. The room came to take an hour and his possessions were getting wet. I was standing at the door of his room. He walks in briskly and i wasnt afraid i wasnt worried i didnt think anything of it but to expert new zealand under strain security guards will go over to where he was in the room and bade him against the wall and twisted his back over a metal bed frame and punched him to unconsciousness. Eventually i was interviewed by p. And j. Police. They shut the door behind me and they threatened to me and told me that i should change my statement. They gave me all of the other witness statements that were by g. Fresh and Salvation Army manager who saw exactly what i saw and had written something completely different. So i changed my statement to say that jennifer actually pushed him. Didnt know what to do at that time. To get out of that situation. We recognize that alpha Water Protection policy is top. We recognize many would see it as hot but it has been proven to be the only why to stop those deaths that say. The argument is that weve got a right to. Put refugees through hell on their children through hail because it will stop people dying better that they be mashed up in the roof and mama silent than died see. And the deaths are cool. But i think hes profoundly hypocritical profoundly hypocritical to claim that the policies that are being pursued at the moment by the strength in government. Fundamentally humanitarian because they stop these deaths. The story of blackmail. Piracy. The i have killed i have strangled i have a story of current batch a lot of the fear is real. Passion. Dennis was under very sicilian just. Been latest news as it breaks the mind fits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500. 00 inmates his foot and the surface with detailed coverage of the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200. 00 range of refugees from landing from around the world some of those are accusing their opponents of trying to topple that by tampering with financial stability. Where every. Form of protest by a palestinian artist using a symbol of National Identity to create postage and possible stops. Allows for some burglary was another story during a large libya that come flying anywhere sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict out of the sort of false point come to palestine. Palestine song but a stamp of defiance on aljazeera. Earth. Hello again im a star with the headlines on aljazeera keen operations have begun in eastern india and bangladesh after the most powerful cycling to hit the bay of bengal in 20 is at least 84 people have been killed thousands of homes destroyed and Power Supplies cut to many communities premier rajaram has more from kolkata speaking about. That off those buildings that you know how heavy dose you get a wall collapses the reports of trees have fallen in various blogs the city when i when should out and i saw that if we did it is a tree fall into the trees that have been uprooted. Theres a lot of thread that. Is facing at the moment and not to forget the cold night which is why chief minister has a Beautiful People in the shelter. Venezuela says its military will escort 5 iranian tankers bringing fuel to easy is shortages both countries are under u. S. Sanctions and the white house says its considering a response to the shipment and venezuela has launched a legal claim to try to force the bank of england to release 1000000000. 00 worth of its own goals the country says its to help fund its coronavirus responds the institution has held on to 31. 00 tons of venezuelas gold since 2018 because of u. K. And u. S. Sanctions chinese leaders have observed a minute silence for coronavirus victims at the start of their biggest political gathering of the year the opening session of the top political advisory body started a day ahead of the National Peoples congress thats when chinas leaders will likely announce measures to kick start an economy hard hit by the pandemic or the total number of coronavirus cases worldwide has passed 5000000 thats according to a tally by Johns Hopkins university the virus has killed more than 328000 people and lockdowns have devastated economies across the globe. Iran says more than 10000 Health Workers there have been infected since the outbreak began its among the worst affected countries with nearly 127000 infections will than 7000 people have died there during this pandemic japan wants to extradite 2 men from the United States accused of helping form a nissen boss skull of scorn escaped from the country japan says they helped avoid a financial misconduct by fleeing to his childhood home levanon well now its back to witness. The dr burke out of the processing said to all 15 security guards were into this 380 days broke out all the facility. Pumps and yet they told us the sky cup was mostly built of the people of those various. You know the schools of us along. With bought. The cups at trial the truth that if they do decide to go were going to go since the cops interesting people get stuff they do it the charlie to gather a good sense the cops and your peers. We all do. Thats really the problem is your problem. Not something happens with just the cops and the anyway it away with as much been says and as most capacity is because you become an authorised officer u. S. News and bookstores and what its doing and you. Know to spin the rules and tell me to have been. Pushed to. A good point. And. I. I think. I think. I. Think i think. There is this i think. I think i think. Thus the 445. 00 and. 50. 5. 6 feet up and i havent found the feminists so for the for. The with the. Old 100. 00 Asylum Seekers have been transferred to be into Police Custody after the bullets which caused 16000000000. 00 damage. To tonights running is being high also and you saw it on nassau and the government says last thoughts on wrist began with demonstrations. Very strong suggestions from refugee advocates that this was an attack from outside but the chinese inside were attacked by paying a place of the assertion and also angry locals with machetes and other weapons that maybe even several was shot their pellets a very difficult to what i went through at the moment i. Report law and order. A black out of our group or 2 or 3. Wound them i want to invest in that over the course of the day. To go to the high jump a homestead. Your home should be here as a negotiating team as to be done that assigned me out in how we should care starting there you should be sure. And child are not saying. When the roid was happening the fences was pushed by a look inside. To know john say they. Have to hide the good in which she. Said she asked to push the. Raft himself to a fence a 1000000 wouldnt she mused a question in few minutes of the bestial. More but made in a default to work at that hour of catherwood into quality and as you know she. Sat down all you will when she said i wish leaving that up in my number that what i want you know hes done that or whatever more she shot a ship on and on the time game you dont want for that storm and i mean. What the weather was you. Have a task that if you can be me lawrence im tired and care all to morn it was your one batch or 2 at the morning yes charley name you know truth and windows came to us as well for those to have national when they turned to the home of yours in a coach and im down to stand hold a shoe in a pasture that goes out of the horn. Socialist who wouldnt use the word. Elected official neutron dump or the horn or. Dont want to harm him john dont want go for it if you know that im young man. If. You. Dont know how many of you lift to haul it. Is your monkey man aboard the bus i thought you might have additional daughter but. If you put it into a cave as a man in store with. A new town just dont get pushed 100 bowser west and all along he got it and for some corner man im sure yes i mean you trust. Inches all men are spawning. While the whole little hold on to turn you on why dont you listen to. What i said. The that and i sang which i shot at. You as a chip. Mom what a place youd have about a mutual injury chat to them to get short. To morta. But i want to know which but i wasnt in. The mind with. The veil of secrecy over the man asylum Detention Center was partially lifted today with a report released by the government into the february riots at the p. And g. Center immigration minister Scott Morrison joins us when he read the account of rosa brought his death its very detailed his skull was shattered he was beaten with sticks and kicked in the head by more than 10 officers a strain in some locals did you have even a moment of doubt about the morality of offshore Detention Centers what occurred that night was criminal there was a terrible tragic and distressing incident that took place that night as you said in your introduction. To transfigure chance and. Now its all sort of you has come. Home with a little of. My. Time then now youre on a mere 12100. 00. Can do magic when we dont have one. But who. Do you want to push. Me this with im sure most feel about us rather bipasha look at me thank you. If them all of. Them along with open arms will. You know when to call me which is. Just a little reach. Were. Going to be. A 24 year old running an Asylum Seeker has died in a brisbane hospital tonight after his family agree to have his life support machines which stop. Hammad because they are was pronounced branded earlier this week after reportedly suffering blood poisoning from an infected court you start think it was flying from out of harlem to brisbane last week Scott Morrison says the Immigration Department were here for medical treatment. Myself in 2 of my colleagues very explicitly about medical concerns. In particular infection starting in the street. Then a couple months later harming kids a still died of an infection starting in his foot and we had already told them months before and thats documented day time when everything what we had said is transcribed we had a Senate Inquiry into the death of reza berati and i dont see anything changing. I dont know what can help the man in man a sound. Oh the people in mary. We are telling the paper whats happening that nothings changing. Destroying minister for immigration and Border Protection ive recorded this message to provide some Important Information you will know by now the plans are well underway for the 1st group of refugees to travel and settle in cambodia cambodian settlement presents a great opportunity for refugees to move forward and begin the next phase of their lives in a country that is free from persecution. History is now in a Refugee Partnership which can do. Even on pain the deals being done astray is provided a 40000000. 00 down payment an additional 8. 00. Refute g. s from newbury would be voluntarily since here in the months it is. No use to take public will be moving to one of southeast asias poorest nations where the average wage is less than 100. 00 a month the cambodia deal shows that a strike you can spend any amount of money doing pretty much anything to Asylum Seekers and the striving people will accept that because we dont want them here. I want to make it very clear to all refugees and transpiration. That you will not under any circumstances be settling in australia. This is. The carnival she was refugees on the road i raised it to live in the community the temporary early to go to cambodia or to return harm. You get a job you get paid. A cost of living is very high. There was an occasion when the markets even had. They have no travel documents. They have no option of reunifying they. Leave. You have to. Leave behind high fences. And they. The women. Say when you get out of and im going to write the. Proposition for sex. A lot of the women are very scared to go into the community. And the rule of government has declared that the Detention Center will become and i didnt stand 24 hours per day 7 days per week from today it is all Asylum Seekers and theyll freeze him move around the island they will. Ruiz promising it will finalize all remember if you do crimes will be the next week hundreds will have to integrate into the tiny islands population. And the astounding government dante the safety of these people as they are related into the narrow communities particularly given that we men and children 67 allegations of child abuse 33 claims of rights and Sexual Assault can the Australian Government guarantee these people in a strong government will the coin zonal New South Wales victoria government can provide you with a guarantee for people coming out into the shrine saudi. Weve provided Additional Support through the strikes that are close to mentor those ploys all the was just a guy she was with prosecutions its much more we can provide support. People are returning home more now than they ever were returning to their country of origin and then attempting to seek asylum again in a different country nothings changed for them in their home countries often theyll state that they are returning to extreme danger. Its really hard to hear that they feel that thats their only option. Its hard to feel. Proud to be in this trailing citizen its theres a lot of shame now associated with being in this trial and for myself because of the way staleys trading pay paul. I keep going back for clients and for my colleagues. You have clients when you go on your. Best buy i say to you before youre going i claim that place come back please dont forget about us please dont leave us here. So that is really hard to hear and you want to come back for them. You want something to change in me want to advocate for them and fight for them and. That keeps bringing me back but that feeling. Gets worn down by the constant blockages you get from immigration and the lack of trained. A. Lot of. Operational wise everything i was trying to bring to the attention of management nothings been done better. I got to a personal level move. This is going to stop and i cant stop it. I was becoming emotional and theres a lot of stress is starting to to fall upon me. Because i voiced my opinion my only about what we were doing is an account you. Are founder a hand written out on more big suggestion that. I should shut up or somehow i would come to myself. And then i was to do a messy. That i continued on that the great possibility that i would be found floating. Along so a guy who missed tools at some stage. That scared me but really did. And on to the piece was it a nice enough. It sat with me for quite a number of months and if i didnt forget who was going to. Get a conscience and i was bored up or out why. And i dont understand how we can do this to each other. I felt that it was more turn more time but that was the right thing to do. People need to talk up. We need to tell each other whats going on. I think australians are pretty sick of being lectured to i really think australians as sick of being lectured to by the United Nations particularly the tick uli given that we have stopped the butts. Of. Thousands are stranded it say about the pm says he doesnt bottling to reach people to risk their lives on the. Way the Prime Minister has rolled out rain fettling any rocking guy found faith in a strategy a defiance of praise from a life threatening to nation after the launch of a shed a Mountain Range and they not fight fires off a type of lane of raleigh preserving the profits we can point out how many people are out there and by on track think at a. Record. With grow. I want to go in. Our. Were. Way. A tsunami of mud to bury 16 in d. C. Infinitives submerging the homes and livelihoods of 60000 people. Yes lay 10 local inhabitants is still fighting for justice from the Fracking Company they blame. God. And the hot sludge continues to flow. Great a witness documentary. On aljazeera. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of investment companies. Nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the storm we provide Business Growth promotes social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and byron mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breasts are in the ring future energy. And of the things cooling down across northern argentina. As well the cloud is a clear this is bringing with it heavy band of rain and also some cool air of course in the wake of this system not a cool day in a city for the rain pushes them 30 celsius just 17 and one is there is a little bit cooler even on friday but should be a dry day then we will face stiff breeze coming in from of the coast and then you can see how much is low in a 20 degrees the heavy rain working its way now into southern areas of brazil still wanted to shine through eastern coast as well 127 salvador with. Very heavy rains developing the take it only through nicaragua across into honduras slightly late in the day on thursday shower as elsewhere particules into cuba but its friday were going to see some very heavy rain developing as the day progresses across much of cuba but also more southern and central areas of of florida and then into United States were still seeing a 5 months of rain really through the eastern seaboard the middle that is it will see more rain showers and thunderstorms as we go through thursday feeling a bit cool through the midwest not seep out across the northeast its a sunny day certainly cooling off into canada just 7 degrees in calgary with more rain showers again some snow flurries to the mountains out tools west as well through the central plains. Bodies on the arm to indias biggest the industrys stunt performers are in on the one on one ace plates the name and women risking it all for the bright lights of bali on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Hello there im the star and this is the news out live from coming up in the next 60 minutes reports from hong kong say beijing is set to impose sweeping new security doors and response to the mass protests over the past year. And rising death toll that these 84 people have now been killed after a powerful psycho smashes into bangladesh and india east coast

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