A 2nd time and buried in the dead of night funerals held in secret in nicaragua as the government is accused of covering up the kofi death to. The end thank you very much for being with us a powerful storm is expected to make landfall in eastern india and bangladesh within an hour psyko known porn is bearing down on the bay of bengal with winds of up to 170 kilometers an hour its already bringing heavy rain and strong winds in india where hundreds of thousands of people have been moved to shelters theres been reports of injuries in a 2 month old baby has die its in bangladesh desperate efforts are underway to protect vulnerable coastal regions from the expected storm surge the government is attempting to evacuate millions of people to safety 1200000 Rohingya Refugees in coxs bazar have been asked to stay indoors until the cycle impasses well lets bring in iran who is on skype from the band show are in indias eastern odisha stage jati theyve already been deaths in odisha bring us up to speed with the latest. Well the cycling is less than 100 kilometers away from the coast and over. There within an hour it will make landfall at indias will know whether it could be as high as a 160 to 70 Kilometers Per Hour thats a big thats very very few will give our station. Is very close to their place and the nearest being were largely been affected that are 400. 00 and balance or we are told that the wind speed that is more than 100 Kilometers Per Hour and mostly what is happening is that the destruction of infrastructure has already started to go mostly down and those are the electric poles the roads and went off trees it will take a while for the administration who called with this situation and to destroy the land for happens because theyre already dealing with the. Crisis i was going to ask you about that you know how is the authorities dealing with this situation its a complicated time right now given that many people were returning to their to their homes because of the corona Virus Outbreak. But this is the 1st time when there. Disaster at the same time when this pandemic one of why this. Is at its peak and the district of which are most affected in the state there. They are also the most hit by this cycle. So im sure that that is the reason why. It is all a deep quite dressed up in those districts dealing with the cold and why it is theyre also dealing with this same. Disaster so its quite a task on the history of mission and theyre fully been geared up to make this a big us dont. Thank you very much for that. Reporting there live from audacious state in india lets get an update on the weather and speak to rob rob so this storm expected to make landfall at 12 g. M. T. Very selective path and how dangerous is it this could you sense the scale of by look at the satellite picture i think in 2 days ago this was the biggest one ever recorded for you strength of wind therefore its been throwing out ways to the sides theyve already stars effecting both the coast of India Bangladesh and me in law to descend economies for makes a very major storm luckily when it makes landfall geez i was in error too its more likely to be similar to a bull bull which was november last year its still a vicious nasty thing but its not the biggest ever recorded so it could carry on moving northwards and once its over land it probably keep going north because its very low land bangladesh until you go well inland so it just doesnt change its past so thats the wind and rain pass without stop the biggest danger i dont think the rain as you see is expanded a long way and the fact that it was captured about 2 hours ago that rainfall the storm moved on since the start to make landfall the orange part is the rain going over west bengal then north bangash and for the northwards category 2 equivalent from the point of view when strings when it makes its landfall but look at the bottom the storm surge is the dangerous thing here because it most of bangladesh this part of west bengal is very low level so you get a wall of water 3 to 5 meters high sort of against this does nothing to stop it they will keep going right through the mangroves right up the inlets for the next 12 hours rob thank you very much for that well be keeping a close eye on the storm of course with you throughout the day here on aljazeera now on to other world news any president ial election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus vote as a choosing a leader to replace. Is stepping down after 15 years in Power International observer. As were told they must quarantine for 14 days that effectively bar them from working raising doubt over how free and fair the volt is arkham webb is following the election from nairobi in kenya he says people are concerned about both the fairness and the Health Impacts of the election. Health experts and rights activists have complained the government hasnt really taken any serious measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus either today during the polling people are lining up at polling stations weve no sign of distancing and also during the campaign when thousands of supporters of attended both the rallies of the ruling party and of the opposition people are concerned that this is being an opportunity for the virus to spread widely but to date for the release only reported about 40 cases of the virus again activists and Health Experts are being critical of an inadequate response inadequate testing and they say that the motive for this could be simply because the government wants to get on with this election and push it through and so downplay the virus the government denies it says its on top of things and has really said that there isnt a great threat from the virus that weve got in the Political Violence that you mentioned ever since the outgoing president and currencies are going to power 15 years ago this is the last election 5 years ago hes been accused of his people and his government of the accused of widespread Political Violence as a Ruling Party Youth wing called the boehner of korea but activists describe it more like a militia its been accused of widespread mass arrests violence political disappearances and killings government denies this rights activists many rooney and rights activist of course are in the country many of them in exile along with journalists and they all say that this climate of fear means that theres very little space to have a meaningful election at all. The new Prime Minister of list so too has been sworn in will catch the majority its over the day after his predecessor thomas abani resigned the 80 year olds clung to power for months as he denied involvement in the murder of his 1st wife his recent wife has already been charged with the killing 3 years ago. In libya forces loyal to warlord highly for have to have pulled back 2 kilometers from the front lines around tripoli they say the gesture is to allow people to carry out each holiday rituals and are calling on the un recognized government to do the same this comes as Government Forces continue their major offensive west of the capital tripoli they recently entered the town of alice saba earlier this week they captured out of our air base which was the western headquarters 405 tossed forces along with a number of towns. Taiwans newly inaugurated president says she wants dialogue with china but rejects reunification after being stolen in for a 2nd and final term sighing when says both sides have a duty to prevent antagonism and find ways to coexist Robert Bryant reports. Taiwans president has promised to continue a precarious policy of seeking a more d independent line from Mainland China while still coexisting with it or member would just hope it will not accept the beijing authorities use of one country 2 systems to downgrade taiwan and to undermine the cross street status quo. The one country 2 systems model of shared government which beijing wants to use to reintegrate taiwan is similar to the way hong kong is governed anger at the perceived lack of autonomy under that system led to months of violence protests in hong kong and in taiwan created fears among voters who gave a landslide victory in january president ial election one thing thats clear is that she woke me up on my hand with the Chinese Government on the mainland because shes expected to do that by her constituents who are highly supportive size popularity has been further enhanced by her handling of the coronavirus pandemic transparency combined with a Quick Response kept infections to a minimum winning praise from around the world the regime in beijing certainly does not appreciate the kind of positive attention that i want to as been receiving this has provided probably on president of the unity for atari want to showcase its knowledge its abilities its fuel the controversy over taiwans exclusion from the World Health Organization at the insistence of Mainland China and side has promised to leverage taiwans unexpected increase in stature to get more International Recognition and she just she so will work hand in hand with countries in the region to make concrete contributions to peace stability and prosperity china has already shown its displeasure with increased military activities around taiwan and coinciding with worsening relations between china and the United States the taiwan straits are likely to witness more saber rattling in the months ahead robert bride aljazeera. And china will be holding its biggest political gathering of the year on friday 3 months mates because of the Coronavirus Crisis and National Peoples congress is likely to announce measures to kick sa the struggling economy after the outbreak caused the biggest decline in decades katrina you has this report from beijing. Hopped on the ship. This time last year leave a was running from one International Business meeting to another but because of the pandemic who work as a freelance interpreter has dried up shes turned to teaching to make ends meet oh i find its quite challenging and depressing for me. Sometimes but. I would be reminding i by people around me and to understand that its not just the me its actually everybody and there are people being hit harder than me when chinas leaders gather for the National Peoples congress on friday the slowing economy will be front and center local coroner virus infections have slowed to Single Digits and Manufacturing Activity has resumed but shelters are stay hard and investment is down shouted Small Businesses are a common sight while closed borders have hurt the tourism and conference industry this is beijings Biggest Convention center and during this time of year its usually overflowing with crowds of people and tending International Trade shows and conferences but because of corporate 19 all of these events have been canceled and this venue has remained closed some months millions have taken a pay cut or are out of work the official Unemployment Rate is 6 percent but analysts say in the 2nd quarter the real figure could be closer to 18 percent unemployment is. Closely related to social instability and for chinas government the number one jobs this year is to create enough jobs to absorb those unemployed myrons and the upcoming new universe it graduates this year nearly 9000000 graduates who enter the worst job market in chinas recent history and its not just students who are worried. Their. Effect on the economy auditor people are less willing to spend money. Leaders attending the congress are expected to announce further economic stimulus measures and a growth target for the year. Hoping virus related travel restrictions will be relaxed so International Events can resume until then like millions around the world she staying harmed and standing by katrina you aljazeera beijing. Still ahead on aljazeera vedas in south sudan kill more than 100 people the latest violence in a centuries old dispute between cattle farming try. Had other some really heavy rain developing in china is the seasonal right it seems to be completely separated from this line that goes to the east of japan but theyre all part of the same system but they tend to pulse and then move on so youve got fine looking weather in japan but look more closely the temperatures mean tokyo 17 in may with a circulation here in sea of japan is likely to be disappointing now the Korean Peninsula is looking fine the moment there is rain the yellows say but the sea is just a bit breezy as light breeze on shore so your eyes are drawn to this and that is heavy rain developing in Southern China running through hong kong and probably drifting offshore through taiwan but staying away from japan where it warms up a bit come friday that active system links up with this from paul on the Tropical Cyclone that makes landfall along the coast just south of calcutta late on wednesday afternoon now that rain is going to be on the indian side rather than the bangladesh side cyclamen where the risk of course is storm surge the other thing is going to be a ryan through wednesday and thursday taking with it as the winds to try a mass of right through india Northern Bank vision eventually to boot flooding is inevitable. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a global power the. Looking to the bushman company brush power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the street we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and the barman to shelve Energy Solutions for future generation the british pioneering future. The with the the in. Our mind of our top stories on aljazeera this cycle an open air has started dumping rain on bangladesh and indias eastern coast it is expected to make landfall in the next hour with winds of up to 175 Kilometers Per Hour have been reports of injuries and a 2 month old baby has died. In neighboring bangladesh well theyre tending to evacuate 2200000 people to safety the country is on his highest level of alert 1200000 running a refugees in offices bazaar have been asked to stay inside until the cycle passes and an election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus voters and choosing a new president with longtime leader pm grandees are stepping down after 15 years maybe in power. Other news now and a key figure in the genocide 26 years ago is appearing before a court in frances capital. Was arrested in paris last week the court is set to decide whether to send him to the International Criminal court in the hague for prosecution is accused of financing hutu militias that massacred as many as 800002 seize in 1990 for that speech natasha but miles outside the court in paris so natasha another Court Appearance for couple got what exactly are we expecting today. Yes its not certain where the computer himself will be in the court but his lawyers will be now they are expected to also the chamber for a delay to this hearing of one week which would take us to may the 27th it is expected that they will be a granted that delay now when this hearing does take place what the chamber will be looking at is the validity of those International Arrest warrants and whether or not he can be extradited to tanzania to face an International Tribunal where he faces these charges or taking part in the 1994 genocide now the courts here could take 2 weeks to hand down his ruling but the process wouldnt be overfed because could actually then take his case to another Court Hearing from the court of cassation and they would then have 2 months to hand down their ruling natasha got was one of the last key fugitives wanted over the one done genocide how was he able to evade justice for so long. Well its quite extraordinary for more than 2 decades he managed to evade justice he was one of the wonders richest businessmen he is accused of using his power his influence and his money to fund a militia that carried out killings in the 9094 genocide and then it was just a few days go on saturday here in paris that French Police arrested him he was actually in a home in source saying which is a suburb of the french capital Police Arrested in their 84 year old man whod been living with a false identity so quite an extraordinary arrest happening right here in france just a few days ago he now of course faces justice and this is been a welcomed by Many Organizations who say that no matter how long it takes the thirtys who are suspected should face justice is noirs however are expected to oppose any form of extradition proceedings theyve also criticized the way in which. Arrest has been presented here and french media saying that even the paris felice sent out a press release which seems to insinuate that was one of the main suspects they are saying though the man still hasnt face trial thank you very much for that matter but my life forests in paris in south sudan at least 120 people have been killed since friday in what authorities are calling cattle raids more than 100 people were injured during the attacks which took place in or county state a staff member from Doctors Without Borders was also killed at the weekend forcing the organization to suspend operations in the region David Shearer is the u. N. Special representative for south sudan he says the violence has its roots in a political vacuum in parts of the country. The really sad thing about whats been whats happened is that up until the outbreak of code that there was quite a lot of reconciliation between the 2 sides we actually really had real hope that they might bring reconciliation and we might be in a woodsy basin area. Private and drop that and i think. The Political Violence is as has come down and the 2 rivals president kiran the Vice President reacted shower now with the one government together but the intercommunal fighting has continued on and theres a couple of reasons in this particular area why its being frivolous 1st of all there was flooding in the area in august which killed thousands of cattle in these societies are very much part of the in the around camp and thats the bible was presented on the fact that the so many catholics died for real christian economic pressure on the on the on the society and the 2nd thing is its possible reunification coming into the one government one aspect has not been result and thats been the anointment off the often this site is a site of junk laden with despising things that complies has not yet had i governor of. The government is a very very important person and that because they bring together many of the tribes and they also have the authority to to bring i reconcile and action where there is within noncompliant. By need to have the government urgently if they dont we will see more of this violence across the across the country as a result of this was not to back him up power if you like as a result of the. Impasse among the. The Coronavirus Crisis now and opposition leaders in nicaragua are accusing president Daniel Ortega and the government of covering up covered 1000. 00 deaths by ordering burials to be done quickly and at night the Health Ministry reports 17 covered 1000. 00 deaths but doctors warn the true toll is much higher if the reports. This wasnt the way we see arrow wanted to bury his father where. The local authorities ordered a rushed late night burial which luis on his. Where there were orders that the body must be buried and there was no turning back so the only thing i could do was try and stream it so that my friends on facebook could be with me at the time because they forbid people to be close to the grave there were even police that kept people away luis is convinced his father a pilot for nicaraguan airline died of cope with 19. Funeral directors say his familys trauma is increasingly common they say theyve been so busy in recent months theyve run out of coffins. The funeral home owners all communicate with each other and we learn each other vehicles and things like that weve buried about 200. 00 people a night so far without relatives without candles without anything. Their experience contrasts with the governments official figures for coronavirus deaths which show very few so far unlike other latin american countries president daniel agger hasnt implemented social distancing measures he says the spike in deaths this year from pneumonia has little to do with the coronavirus pandemic. We have a normal cycle in mourning the deaths. The important thing is that in beating this pandemic theres no crisis in nicaragua. But doctors say hospitals are overwhelmed by patients suffering from or spirit 3 illnesses and the pan american Health Organization said nicaraguas government has refused to allow its staff into any hospitals adding to concerns that ortigas downplaying the effects of the pandemic victoria gates and be. Turkey is finally opening its borders to 31 countries allowing patients to enter for medical operations people who want to visit will 1st have to be tested for coronavirus before boarding the plane medical tourism is a multibillion dollar industry for turkey with hundreds of thousands of patients traveling there each year for cheap treatments. For me some. 30 is beginning to ease the measures gradually by the end of summer according to the government and this is one of the 1st steps especially the Tourism Industry is at stake during corona Virus Outbreak in every country a tourist destinations like turkey before day before the new measures enter ism has been announced this was interesting that the foreign patients come in coming for coming for treatment of turkey is allowed as of today foreign patients from 30 countries and listed by the Health Ministry including geography like iraq as are way down some European Countries like germany and u. K. These people are allowed to apply and if their tests are ok and if their government approves it they can travel to turkey with 2 to attendees nearby them of course they will be directly sent to the hospitals that they are booked and the statement stays however its an important step for turkey because this summer theyre not expecting many tourists and its. A turkeys a tourism country and this coverage crisis is a big hit in the industry so it is seen as an advantage at this to compensate some of the most interesting industry and 30 some Train Services have resumed across pakistan after a 2 month suspension to contain the spread of corona virus the 1st train set off from karachi and lahore overnight 30 trains will begin into Prevention Services in the 1st phase of reopening the network in south korea hundreds of thousands of High School Students are back in class but the 1st day was cut short for some 2 of the 32 new infections or forces in the past 24 hours were at a school near seoul also and sent teachers Must Wear Masks and follow social distancing roles and temperatures are checked in Hand Sanitizer before entering classrooms. Single day i was in university but its really exciting to meet my friends and teachers face to face but we have to strictly follow the disinfection guidelines in order to prevent the spread of covert 19 i am very worried but its still nice to see them again. Now a chinese man has been reunited with his parents 32 years after he was abducted and its all thanks to facial Recognition Technology has a story. The moment got to hug his parents. After 32 years of searching leaching could finally touch her sons face clinging on to each other making up for lost years this time she told him she wasnt going to let him go. Now you must not just in 1988 outside a hotel in Shanxi Province his father had stopped off to get some mortar he was only 2 years old from then on his mother quit her job and dedicated her life to finding her son as she searched she reunited 29 other children with their parents now was found after a series of tip offs to police his identity confirmed by d. N. A. And facial Recognition Technology now you and was sold to a childless couple in neighboring Sichuan Province they raised him as their own and changed his name he had no idea they werent his real parents until the Police Showed up and i want to know when the police came to see me i didnt believe them i was still in shock even after i did a d. N. A. Test. Its not clear if action be taken against the couple who wrongly adopted him there are no government statistics on the number of children who disappear every year in china but it is thought to be in the 10s of thousands abductions became common in 1980 s. The communist partys one child policy was introduced in a country traditionally favoring boys over girls in the last decade more than 6300 kidnapped chinese children have been reunited with their families thanks to d. N. A. Testing in 2016 the government also set up a missing child alert system by a social media old text it has successfully reunited many more families and its hoped that new technology such as facial recognition means more children like maui and will be able to meet their parents once again after so long so hide out. Again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera cyclon poland has started dumping rain on bangladesh and indias eastern coast city is expected to make landfall in the next hour with winds of up to 175 Kilometers Per Hour theyve been reports of injuries in a 2 month old baby has died it may bring bangladesh is attempting to evacuate 2200000. 00 people to safety the countrys on its highest level of alert 1200000 running are refugees in coxs bizarre have been asked to stay inside until the cyclon passes an election is underway in burundi despite the risk of coronavirus voters are choosing a new president with longtime leader Pierre Coren Deezer stepping down after 15 years in power. The new Prime Minister of list so too has been sworn in well casey majority xover the day after his predecessor thomas to bonnie resigned to bonnies clung to power for months after he denied involvement in the murder of his 1st wife his latest wife has already been charged with killing with the killing 3 years ago. A key figure in rwanda genocide 26 years ago is appearing before a court in frances capital 50. Arrested in paris last week the court is set to decide whether whether to send him to a u. N. Court for prosecution couple guys accused of financing hutu militias that massacred as many as 800002 seize in 1994 and taiwans newly inaugurated president says she wants dialogue with china but rejects reunification after being sworn in for a 2nd and final term syene when said relations have reached a historic turning point with both having a duty to prevent antagonism and finds ways to coexists the need to lift coronavirus patients in brazils amazon a state has tripled in recent days doctors say small planes can only carry one seriously ill patient at a time so those who have to be read ok did must join a wait list express say colvin 1000 is quickly spreading among indigenous communities the state has reported more than 22000 infections and nearly 1500 deaths so far and those are the headlines inside stories next on aljazeera stay with us. Libyas war holy fuck off star is forced into a retreat an important base near the capital tripoli is back in the hands of the u. N. Recognized government pulis prolonging the civil war kick start talks between the warring factions this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program on tonights. Told the world hes the only mom who can bring stability bach to

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