Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Takes another town held by the world before after. Strained a relationship the Syrian Government seizes the assets of president Bashar Al Assads cousin and billionaire businessman. And sport professional rugby players in new zealand are back on the training failed we report on the countrys efforts to secure its National Sports financial future. So that me United States is facing a growing backlash everetts threat to permanently halt funding to the w. H. O. And that is after president told trump said the organizations missteps have come out and extract costs. And i think theyve done a. Very sad job in the last period of time. And again the United States pays them 450000000. 00 a year china pays them 38000000. 00 a year and theyre a puppet of china. China centric to put it nicely but theyre a puppet of china well russia has become the latest global power to condemn threats its Deputy Foreign minister has been quoted as saying that it is against breaking the w. H. O. For another members political preferences china accuse the u. S. Of attempting to avoid responsibility for the handling of its own outbreak it said the transfer marks were meant to criticize chinas response efforts made the u. S. Tries to use china as an issue to shirk responsibility and bargain over its International Obligations to the w. H. O. This is a miscalculation and the u. S. Has picked the wrong target and they want. The u. S. Leaders open later is full of hints perhaps and maybes and tries to use specious methods to mislead the public and achieve the goals of smearing chinas antivirus if its an shoot responsibility for the United States on insufficient response this is futile what all this comes as Member States voted for an independent investigation into the response to the pandemic and thats something the head of the organization has welcomed and made criticism from donald trump well get reaction from our White House Correspondent can be helped in just a moment 1st lets go to i said back in london has got more from the General Assembly so thats what we have this comprehensive review coming up and just as the u. S. Threatens to withdraw from its. Yes the resolution was on the table for a while it did it had angered china initially when australia proposed it thats because you want to independent investigation into the origins of the virus and china took that personally they thought they were being targeted there was a bit of to and fro and a political spat between those 2 countries but now this resolution was put forward by the European Union and it was cosponsored by 100 and 44. 00 countries now when it went up it had no objections from the 194. 00 members it calls for independent impartial and comprehensive evaluation of the response to covert to to kroner virus including but not limited to the World Health Organizations response now the director general of the World Health Organization dr ted ross has said that they want accountability more than anyone and he will initiate. The investigation that the appropriate time now that this does come at a time where theres been a bit of to and fro and a lot of attacking the United States is attacked the World Health Organization accusing it of not taking it seriously of not being not evaluating the information they had from china and not to warning the world soon enough so that now donald trump has given this 30 day ultimatum but realistically work do to satisfy that work of she say or come up with. Well its very difficult for them to satisfy that when they dont exactly know what donald trump is asking for and hes given them this 30 day deadline but without saying what he wants them to do now some of the allegations theyve been against the World Health Organization is that they didnt warn of the human to human transmission but the World Health Organization say that actually in early january they put out a warning about that also they say that they warned the world this said that theres a risk at International Risk of the crown a virus one day before the United States partially suspended flights from china so the World Health Organization has been defending itself theyve been calling for solidarity and unity in many countries attending this 70 reiterated that message of unity and solidarity but the World Health Organization are also looking for more support and more money but that that comes at a time where when donald trump is threatening to stop funding the United States contribution altogether. All right reza thanks very much indeed for that. Washington across the atlantic is washington going to help is standing by the donald trump very critical we knew that over the show that is threatening to stop us funny that doesnt show we knew that would come to so where are we at now what happens next. Yes so in terms of the timeline were now in a 30 day window for this review and pending that review the outcome could be a permanent cut as weve seen already in terms of the pass taken place and funding to the World Health Organization by the United States this would be a big problem for the World Health Organization because the United States as you mentioned is its biggest donor so the president trumps threat should be taken seriously in fact weve seen these kind of threats from the u. S. President in the past particularly when it comes to china the argument thats being made is that china did not do enough to or rather the World Health Organization that he believes this china cetera did not do enough to war in the United States about the approaching pandemic in fact the argument made by this administration is that it ignored credible reports of the virus spreading and we won in december we should point out a very well respected Peer Reviewed journal here in the United States known as the lancet calls that assertion factually incorrect still its when the u. S. President is making weve seen a strong arm tactics before particular with the trade war with china he even put farmers in the United States at risk a way with those escalating trade and terror of so in order to try to achieve structural change so its kind of the same approach that hes taking here is argument is the u. S. Economys been a blitter rated we should have been better warned about this the u. S. Taxpayer is paying a lot of money and we didnt get our moneys worth so dont expect the u. S. President to back down in fact just the opposite were watching very carefully to see what more he might have to say nic hell be speaking in this hour hes talking from the roosevelt room about food supply and ranchers talking with them he may talk about this he may talk about of other topics were going to be watching to see we will indeed and well come back to you if he does move on to the surface while completely talking thanks very much indeed and can we how can the white house. Well as we mentioned russia has criticized what it calls u. S. Attempts to break the w. H. O. And its big not to be true but use a political analyst at the russian state news agency. And he joins us now from moscow welcome to the program 1st of all just tell us a little bit more about the kremlins position on this well the russian representatives build their walled Health Organization greek it sized as a u. S. Move saying that it was counterproductive and there are from their option a foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said that of course. When i say she needs reform but this free form should be based on facts not on him or since it should not be used for political means right now the impression in russia is that mr trump has failed the situation with corona virus in the United States is bad its or was then in the country that United States going to see this its a near miss its a war zone in china its was done in iran its was done in russia so mr truong decided to make the World Health Organization escapable thats not the right way to go if it was we need International Cooperation maybe its not perfect now but to reduce it to 0 would be just what you write as you well know donald trump is threatening to withdraw funds from the w. H. O. Which is a significant amount of money if that does happen how important would that act be and how would russia respond. Well russia would of course try to respond collectively because despite their very core style a get you out from the European Union and from doing that the states and the russian elite has been trying to cooperate with the west at least for the last surge of 5 years since world war 2 it came to power it was a never ending process of russia making all what you are still the west making concessions of course we cannot sustain that was how someone has ation for all the money but if there is a collective action to prop up that wall calendar when as ation do come up with something that would Link International corporation lore effective russia would be a willing participant and i think is from a handful of coronavirus patients in early march russia now has a Staggering Number of infections itself is not the illness is exposed a russian Weak Health System its. Made people realize how underfunded it is in the bin ventilator accidents has been a lot of bad news out there and i guess in that sense russia needs organizations like the w. H. O. To help it. Well its a lot of fake news what you just mentioned its not bad news russia has done better than the delhi better than spain better than the United States better than the u. K. And thats why theyre angry and theyre producing all these fake narrative about putin on the brink of a disaster in reality russia has the largest number in europe after germany or the largest number of course but the world bats 100000 people in the population thats why we barely passed that threshold of 1000 corona deaths in russia right now russia being a very large country among kind of 46000000 thats an excellent result there is all of that spain italy and the United States can only dream or so this is all a big heap of lies about russia somehow being defeated by iris there is really where im going to be a political analyst at the. Bones there yes it will be very sorry about that we just run out of time we do appreciate your contribution to us thanks very much indeed. Now the un is warning the coronavirus is having a devastating impact on Indigenous People around the world in brazil doctors say the number of critically ill patients being airlifted out of the amazon rainforest has increased by 60 percent since the start of the pandemic. Has its report. Inside this plane theres a critically ill 19 patient. Understandable hes a member of an indigenous try to live in brazils amazon rain forest hes been and lifted to now see one of the few cities in amazonas state with intensive care beds. Every day 2 planes are going out one is for normal patients and the other is for covert patients sometimes you dont have a normal patient but we have a patient with elipse for covered patients have gone up a lot its gone up 60 percent for removals. Latest figures show there were more than 500 confirmed cases over 19 among 40 tribes many Indigenous People have gone into voluntary isolation barricading roads to protect their villages from the pandemic but the disease is spreading quickly. We havent underdeveloped in syria 4 or 5 cities have intensive care units and many of them are not operate tional those in the rest of the interior those in underdeveloped areas are trying to get to my mouse and we could see a new wave of crowded hospitals fights for vacancies an intense situation even before the Coronavirus Crisis brazils Indigenous People say they were in a struggle for survival they say president. Has stripped them of their rights and dismantled environmental protections opening the amazones mineral riches from all commercial exploitation. 19 is an additional threat a time of heightened tension the tribes say they dont have the resources needed to fight the disease if the question of Indigenous People is. Always worth sending. Me cry. Because. The american that is stationed at the Indigenous People how being so far south for historically its because also be locked out of pocket Services Human Rights Groups were on that illegal miners and logos in the amazon rain forest are exploiting the pandemic and that the government is ignoring or even encouraging illegal land seizures at a time when Indigenous People almost fun ripple Victoria Gate and be al jazeera all right we have plenty more ahead on this news hour including his Prime Minister stepped down after months of pressure related to the killing of his exwife. And desperate for answers a family searching for relatives whove gone missing during yemens 5 year war. And its more coming up to christiane i rebelled overturns training as italian teams move closer to a return to action. Now libyas internationally recognized government is continuing its offensive against forces loyal to the warlord who leave to have to in the west of here now from sara hard to isolate just. Oh. Driving through the streets of baghdad and back Government Forces showing that they are now in control of the small town southwest of tripoli. And i am going to cut army found. Another victory against warlords Khalifa Haftar us forces in less than 24 hours what are. The roads through bad and connect the air base to other cities they control near the border they retook what they itself on monday a significant loss to have tons forces who had been using it as their headquarters in western libya since 2014 planes carrying out a strikes against the un backed government in tripoli throughout from here good to have the kind of hard. Work but this time it wasnt their planes the to cough it was their fighters moving behind some of them i mean a shock. But tough times spokesman was downplaying this loss bellman. Been pulling out Strategic Equipment and heavy military gear from the base 3 months ago we pulled out the jet fighters and their ammunition and spear parts only yesterday orders were given for personnel to withdraw under 0 air cover the withdrawal was successful because we moved the personnel and old weaponry and ammunition we have on planes and we will recapture the us. The loss of their air base means have to us forces no longer have a foothold southwest of tripoli and its paved the way for Government Forces to focus on taking back the town hall now. Last remaining stronghold in western libya and a crucial supply hub for his forces to parts of the capital theyve suffered major losses in recent weeks. The more than a year long battle to take control of tripoli has killed hundreds of people so facilities have been destroyed at a time when libya is trying to control the corona Virus Outbreak is the most vulnerable to continue so for superior rest. Migrants Healthcare Facilities are under attack. Civilian infrastructure is attacked or message to all the parties continues to be the same which is stop the violence with the guns and resume the political process. And i say the balance of power is shifting away from have to ask for things and despite them to say i am going for 300 day mark the end of the fast in a moment im just around the horn or it looks like there are no plans for either side to stop the fighting. Does it or. The u. N. Security council is holding a virtual session on libya lets join our diplomatic editor james bays is live for us at the United Nations in new york right now and james in this meeting coming as things are ramping up in libya. Yes absolutely and that was very clear from the tone of the meeting and from the very strong speech that we heard from Stephanie Williams shes the acting special representative of the u. N. In libya she gave a grim assessment of the situation and she said weapons were flooding into the country foreign involvement was growing mercenaries on both sides and the main victims have been the civilian population of libya she said since the 1st though a cruel that had been 248. 00 civilian casualties thats an 89 percent increase on the 1st 3 months of the year and she said the vos majority of those casualties work because of the actions of the forces of the general haftar she said that any crimes on International Law should be brought to justice she also said she was fearful things were going to get much worse. As we surveyed the carnage rocks by almost 15 months of unrelenting violence of the year i believe we have reached another turn point in the conflict conflict from what we are witnessing in terms of the massive influx of weaponry the kryten and mercenaries to the 2 sides the only conclusion that we can draw is that this war will intensify broaden him. Devastating consequences for the libyan people as the foreign intervention increases the libyans themselves are getting lost in the mess their voices crowded out we must not let live the yes or when so where is the diplomacy the u. N. Representative Stephanie Williams said it she thought it was regrettable the announcement by general half to the end of april that he considers the political agreement that they had been trying to perceive dead and consider that he had a mandate to rule himself she said much more positive was the news coming from the g. M. A and Prime Minister saraj that he was open now to talks full talks on the situation in libya were now hearing from the various ambassadors of the countries of 15 countries all of the United Nations one remark just heard from the delegates of the u. K. Who raise the issue of the wagon a group thats the russian mercenary company thats operating in libya in support of general have to believe to be paid by the United Arab Emirates where thinking its likely were going to hear a response to those comments from the Russian Ambassador a little later on interesting or james theyve ever meant james bays at the u. N. On to yemen where hundreds of civilians have disappeared during the 5 year war many are said to be taken in for questioning by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition and their families while the desperate for answers about their relatives whereabouts. Its the not knowing which is the hardest part its been 5 years since these children lost their father since his wife last knew for certain that he was alive and then the live human. I havent heard about my husband since he was abducted not even a call or news i havent heard his voice since then i dont know anything i searched on looked everywhere i made reports to the police and the security directorate i even went to the ministry of the interior according to his wife adel her dad was a bus driver in yemen southern port city of aden she says he was taken for questioning by groups backed by saudi arabia and the u. A. E. And the vendor of 2016. He isnt the only one to disappear the 5 year war has left many families with the same pain and uncertainty these mother hold weekly protest they want answers and advice and we appeal for the release of our children weve been looking for them for 4 years and we havent found them if there is something they should put them on trial at least they should let us talk to them see them what theyre doing is forbidden 2 of my sons were forcibly taken every mother and wife here has been in such pain for 4 years. The risk of covert 19 has added to their worries relative. Yemens Health Care System is barely functioning off 3 years of war the official number of current infections here is relatively low but aid agencies fear the numbers are far higher the World Health Organization has warned that a large outbreak of the virus here could be disastrous there is a severe lack of equipment especially when it comes to ventilators there is no capacity to cope and as the rest of the world focuses on battles to contain the coronavirus it seems to be the only subject that makes News Headlines these days but it hasnt stopped the conflict here and its only added to the worries of those desperate for answers Stephanie Decker aljazeera this is his Prime Minister has resigned after months of pressure over allegations of involvement in murder thomas to bomb his coalition fell apart in Parliament Last monday he was asked to step down by the end of this week to make way for a new government body is suspected of conspiring to murder his former wife his current wife has been formally charged with. Any involvement in death. Men and women period for you to do. The work that you. May not yet be over but the time to job from the great. Has arrived or lets hear from her has more details of what the body said and what will happen next. We know that thomas to buy me a formally handed in his Resignation Letter to kingly 3rd the king could ask him to stay on as a caretaker Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister has been sworn in the person will likely be finance minister by giora hes 58 years old he used to work for the i. M. F. Anything to support from people who like me when it comes to the army political analysts say that they will likely remain neutral they havent really had to deal with him but its affected or expected that they will try and support him so bonnie has been was getting going for a while and he said this is not a resignation hes simply retiring because hes too old but people in the city know that hes been under a lot of pressure to resign because of his alleged involvement in the murder of his former wife he had approached the Constitutional Court earlier saying that his argument was that a sitting Prime Minister cannot be charged with anything now that of course will change once a new Prime Minister has been sworn in some political analysts sitting thing of the reason what have i have told with all along with because he is trying to organize some kind of good exit package for him when he leaves maybe try to take the people around him and also try and get immunity from prosecution but all this will become clear to the new Prime Minister has been sworn in that could be late on tuesday or possibly even wednesday to bring we know where millions of people are expected to come on wednesday to vote in the new president. Is stepping down after 15 years in power so its a competing to take his place for the lead up to the polls with violence as. General every sunday is hardly new to politics hes a ruling c n d d f the Party Secretary general a former rebel commander and present as close ally joined the president s Rebel Movement in the 1990 s. Against the then government who is a key signatory of the 2003 peace deal which ended a 12 ethnic based civil. That cost the debts of up to 300000. 00 people and then no one ever will i am from the north and the south i am the child of burundi each one of you has delegated me and i am at your disposal i come to be the servant of all my dear burundians the oppositions main candidate Agathon Wassa is also an ex rebel having fought in the civil war between hutu and tutsi ethnic communities. He has run for president twice before but lost he says his victory was stolen by president quinns inza who is not standing at this time we have to make sure that he is. Country where all the citizens are equal. But also we think that we must emphasize on. Private sector if we really want this country to develop a job has been watching political rallies closely return to the country 2 years ago after failing to a refugee camp in tanzania in 2015 this was during violence that erupted when the president announced he would stand for at that town agencies say around 1200. 00 people were killed and more than 400000 displaced a man also survived the civil war to. Come our money theres nothing as important as peace to break peace is easy but to bring it back is difficult in 93. 00 they broke the peace and it took so much effort to restore it does a geisha after delegation came our leaders should make our peace a priority and love the country 1st. According to the World Food Program more than 65 percent of whom are poor ethnic tensions have plagued the country since it gained independence in 1962. The kind of it has promised to create jobs fix the struggling economy and unite ethnic communities. A man says the key to all that is fast ensuring that the election is peaceful catherine so we are to sarah. Still ahead here their anger in chile is comparable over coronavirus locked up protesters in need of food and money plead for help. Return to sender the political future threatening the future of the u. S. Postal service. For the English Premier League is taking its 1st tentative steps towards a restart and it will be here with that story and more. How the dry and dusty resists to blogs for iraq were not as strong as it was and there is cloud the satellite pictures would hint maybe enough moisture in the upper atmosphere or middle atmosphere of juice a few storms in the high ground of west and saudi or west and you know and thats true of most part is dry question showers in iran and coming into turkey are outside the area where its going to be halt and dry now for weeks on end with humidity playing the biggest cost and how it feels in doha city for humidity is going to be the norm i suspect for quite a while its much dry heat and high heat in baghdad and in fact to the west of that so the levant and israel is one case in point weve had a heat wave its still 37 in jerusalem in the forecast on thursday. For most of those officers looking fairly quiet you have got grazing crowd with the Current System sitting over its least that means cooler weather in tunis and tripoli in comparison with recently war weather and robot coastal shasta and the Atlas Mountains otherwise north korea is fairly dry there are seasonal showers moving slowly north of course the stretches the highlands of baxter nigeria and thats his year in the air at the moment it looks like prices are bound joel should and will stay dry. For. Protest by a palestinian artist using a symbol of National Identity to create postage and possible steps. The last number is enough freedom to unite come fly anywhere sending a message of resistance about the arab israeli conflict out of the south of france and come to palestine. Palestine sunbonnet a stamp of defiance on aljazeera. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world i cover Foreign Policy National Security this is very much a political impasse heres the pop like how do we illustrate it are we telling a good story will people get what were trying to think here theyre living outside in makeshift camps this is not the way any family wants to raise their children were willing a kid in taking you into a place that you might not visit otherwise and to actually feel as if you were there. So you all but you remind us of our top stories and russia has criticized threats by the United States to hold funding to the President Donald Trump says the organization is handling of coronaviruses combat stream cost. Libyas government is continuing its offensive against what he for have to fight says after taking control of the base on monday jan a forces now say theyve retaken the towns of t. G. And body. Searches Prime Minister has resigned after months of pressure over murder allegations thomas to plan his coalition fell apart last monday and he was asked to step down by the end of this week to make way for a government to. The Syrian Government to seize the assets belonging to president Bashar Al Assads cousin rami is one of syrias most prominent business men he recently addressed the dispute online where he accused the site of forcing him to step down as leader of syria tell which is the nations top mobile phone operator syrias finance minister says the seizure of my troops assets is necessary to protect money owed to the government for much relief has been seen as a pillar of the Syrian Government and has heavily financed assads war efforts for the past 9 years before the conflict began back in early 2011 he controlled 60 percent of the economy and that allowed him to build an independent power base apart from syria tell his Business Empire ranges from real estate to construction an oil trading there have been reports of strained ties between and its sad that the president announced an Anti Corruption campaign in auk tooba already curry is a senior Public Policy fellow an adjunct professor of journalism at the American University of beirut joins us on skype from beirut to tell us more about this vessel rami this man just tell us more about him who he is and what his role has been as the conflict has gone on. Hes a cousin through the you through the the mother of 1st through the mom who family and. Many others like him probably you know a dozen or so people like him have grown enormously wealthy over the last 2030 years simply by being close to the family and being trusted and the system in a country like syria and the 4th thought authoritarian centralized economy as it used to be a little bit more open now but power essentially meant to have money who had guns the government controlled both of those and let more people share the money in the last 20 years on one but shuttle as it came to power he opened up a little bit more the system to let the private sector play a role and most of that private sector expansion was controlled by people like rami mcclure and others who made huge amounts of money use that money to support the system and to keep the power base intact so hes not particularly unique hes just a little bit bigger than some of the others right this is and this is not unique to syria either this is happening it happens all over the middle east its a little bit like what herman been solomon did when he put a lot of people including royal family members in jail and saudi arabia d and shut them down for billions and billions of dollars and if the apparent motivation here is similar to that situation why is this now marginalizing michael. Well only hazard can tell you why hes doing it anything else you hear from people including me is speculation but the most credible analysis that ive heard from syrians who know the system and have studied syria for years is that acid is passing through a very delicate moment where hes essentially won the war d against the people who try to overthrow him hes trying to do reconstruction and rebuilding his got some upping up to do with that live in other places but hes also got russia and iran looking over his shoulders and there is hopefully they hope theyll be a lot of reconstruction contracts that will also be used to develop more patronage and loyalty hes lost huge amounts of money because of the Regional Economic situation because of the war the pandemics impact the lebanons collapse economically is a big hit so hes got serious serious economic stresses at a moment when he needs a lot of money to start the reconstruction process and reassert his Central Authority over the entire country and his independence from foreign patrons so hes trying to juggle 6. 00 or 7 different blogs at the same time and for all of them he needs money rami appreciate your perspective as ever on this thanks very much indeed thats rami khouri speaking to us from beirut. No but human rights activists. Are calling for the government to help a poor area which has been hit hard by. More than a 1000 confirmed cases in the village 31 which already suffers from crowded Living Conditions and a lack of water run 45000 People Living but it has become a symbol of inequality in the country. Who joins us now from one of the areas that certainly seems to these people suffering. Well thats correct i am right now in what is known as the 31 neighborhood in one of us were just a few blocks away from the city from the center of one to fight it is this is a slum where the government has been doing in the past 2 years lots of working in order to improve peoples Living Conditions but anger in this place is has been on the rise there was a protest earlier today demanding better sanitation among other things especially because Community Leaders from this place passed away just a few days ago because of colvin 19 their relatives are also affected and were told that there is also over 1000 cases in this in this neighborhood and 2 others that are located here in the city of went off site as we were just told by those residents that there were some doctors testing people controlling their fever and testing them for 1000 in order to try to contain the spread of 19 in areas such as this one where the lack of sanitation and overcrowding one of those who died just a few days ago has been denouncing the lack of water Drinking Water but also water to be able to wash their hands even though i didnt you know was one of the 1st countries in the region to impose a complete lockdown and it has prevented the spread of covert 19 nationwide it has not been able to stop the spread in poor neighborhoods such as this one human rights activists is calling for. What is a drug user. Well the government is saying that its doing what it can that it will try to address the issue is argentinas president a lot of the fatah members argentina was one as i said before one of the 1st countries to pose a complete done in order to try to prevent the spread of corporate 19 it has started distributing cash handouts assisting Small Companies among other things in charge of this more specifically is the city of one of society is the city of one aside it has a Different Party that very apparently started out of the finance and theres been lots of criticism about how the situation has been handled in the slums of the north side of the citys government is saying that theyre doing what they can theyre trying to address the water issues affecting these areas in some areas are better than others who are told their deeper inside the slum where they knew where areas are being built are suffering especially for lack of water but what they say is that nobody was prepared to deal with a situation such as this one that ive been trying to address issues as they go. Thanks for that such as about reporting on the villa 31 slum one of our st louis. Well half of chiles 50 member senates have been placed in quarantine on crown of ours for it is said this comes as demonstrated for with police of one of the companys poorest neighborhoods hundreds defied a citywide lockdown to demand food and other vital supplies thats enough for my latin america and its a to see a new man who reports from santiago. And the residents of the community in some town or have begun by blocking streets and screaming we are hungry riot police tried to dispel the crowd with water cannon in tear gas but they refused to budge and responded with rocks and sticks seems reminiscent of the social upheaval that brought chile for months until the coronavirus pandemic saw the pause button hit on protests. A bosc is a poor and overcrowded municipality where the majority struggled to make enough to survive even before they were ordered into total quarantine in mid april a full month before the entire capital was locked down on friday people say theyre not against the quarantine just starvation but. Just get out of here you know this woman that police. This was exactly what many predicted might happen in the face of widespread unemployment and growing hardships brought on by confinement and a deepening recession. The night before president Sebastian Pinera had announced a plan to distribute 2500000 boxes of food and cleaning products for the needy across the country less than 24 hours later he rushed to address the nation again appealing for patience and understanding. What the process of preparing and distributing these boxes demands a tremendous logistical effort a need some time we understand the urgency for many so we are working tirelessly to start distribution by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. But for tens of thousands of chileans who have been left with nothing next week may seem like a lifetime away this latest protest shows that many chileans have already run out of patience and the biggest fear is that this incident could well snowball into far more widespread protests that could be even more difficult to control than chiles earlier social explosion were seeing human aljazeera suddenly out. Protests is in ecuador say theyre more concerned about the future of their livelihoods and of getting covert 19. Yes you know groups a labor reforms will allow businesses to cut working hours wages by half the government says the moves will save jobs but many workers are guarded about having enough to eat according to reports nearly 150000 people have already lost their jobs. Pakistan has launched a program to get emergency funds to people whove lost their jobs because of the pandemic its specifically aimed at people who rely on a daily wage the critics say its too late for many has more now from islamabad. Now gummer dont progress donna started giving out. 75. 00. In order to go ahead eased a situation. Made. By gift on may feared rising unemployment according to a. 1000000 people may be affected and. That would include 1000000. 00 and industrious and too many and thats. The problem a. Fiction that i dont buy gift on the number of 19 right exponentially predict the thing it did. By the government i think i did go ahead put it out of this crisis the problem gets done in one off economy and without economic stability and help from outside august on made millions of people unemployed it got into the planning minutes. The next morning children i did a number of forward 19. Because of the restriction being lifted. Up to. The plate and. I dont for jobs. In nearby goodish are evacuating several coastal areas and brace for the most powerful cycling to hit in 2 decades so i can is expected to make landfall late on tuesday night into wednesday time to challenge the reports now from dhaka will increase the number of temporary shelters. This is the 1st supercycle on forming over the bay of bengal in more than 20. People living in the coastal areas are worried. Approaches the coast of bangladesh. Is in a hurry to collect our belongings and rush to a shelter. We are worried about the cycle now were preparing to go to the shelter the. Isnt good were not sure what will happen to us all commercial ships fishing boats and trawlers over the bay of bengal and deep sea have been advised to take shelter. Volunteers across the coastal areas are warning people of the dangers and arjen them to go to a cycle in shelters the Bangladeshi Government says it has prepared shelters in coastal the stakes for more than 5000000. 00 people but maintaining social distancing will be difficult in densely packed shelters with limited space. Weve already seen rise to the relevant cycle in shelters provided money baby and dry food as well as food for livestock weve doubled the number of cycling shelters to around 12070 in order to maintain social distancing. If the storm makes landfall in the low lying delta there is also the potential for a major storm surges perhaps even as high as 9 meters youre going to only once additional if the water surge happens and the level goes up we have enough materials and manpower ready to deal with the situation along with the help from the District Administration but many people along the coast say they know better from experience. Like the rest of the world were worried about coronavirus and in the midst of all this theres a high tide in the ocean and they really could get flooded if it stays like this it poses a great danger to us the double track of cope with 19 and a cycle and its particularly worrying for disadvantaged people in coastal regions and for those living in crowded growing refugee camps in coxs bazaar while bangladesh is dealing with coronavirus pandemic supercycle is approaching its course lying posing a challenge to the authorities here to evacuate coastal areas even if the psycho hits off their wakening it could cause significant damage to the farmlands and ruined homes. Ill just dhaka bangladesh. Right still ahead here in auxerre we have the sport. Porting from the new zealand where there is excitement about the return of professional rugby but well tell you why there is real concern about the future of the sport here. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the stick around we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and veyron mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin Pioneering Future Energy the promise of peace in the middle east not. Enough but a new dilemma after the death of the man at the center of the palestinian struggle. Now more than 40 years after to status meant how far has the p. L. O. Come to achieving its hopes and dreams concluding the turbulent story of the struggle for palestinian home. History of a revolution on aljazeera. Over again now the u. S. Postal service in desperate need of emergency funding its reported to be reviewing its Package Delivery fees present old trump has long said it should charge Companies Like amazon far more but amazons own it. Jeff bezos also owns the Washington Post long a focus of trumps attacks she never tansey as this report. The Trump Administration has made no secret of its wish to privatized the United States Postal Service or u. S. P. S. And wall street has long coveted the u. S. P. S. Is profitable Revenue Streams now there are suspicions of that the pandemic may finally provide them with an opportunity to act its been in the sights of wall street knows it would like their. Profit from what we call the public commons in the public good of a Postal Service for decades and decades but its intensifying under this current president. The u. S. P. S. Receives no taxpayer funding and without an emergency 89000000000. 00 bailout it says it will be forced to cease operations in a matter of months by comparison the u. S. Is private ally and its just received a 50000000000. 00 bailout package mail has increased but personal and marketing mail has dropped significantly those against the bailout argue that the u. S. P. S. Had been in financial trouble well before the spread of covert 19 due to the rise of email among other factors and it is true last year the u. S. P. S. Is net loss was around 8000000000. 00 but theres a clear reason why the Postal Service is losing so much money in 2006 Congress Mandated that the u. S. P. S. Set aside 72000000000. 00 to cover the healthcare costs of retired postal workers 75 years into the future this isnt a requirement for any other u. S. Entity government or privately held the u. S. P. S. Makes a loss when you include that mandate but without it the u. S. P. S. Would have been able to report operating profits since 2030 mm 10000000000. 00 has already been approved by congress to help the u. S. P. S. But its being held back by treasury secretary steven nixon reportedly until the u. S. P. S. Raises rates and makes concessions on worker pay and benefits donald trump however has made 8 contingent on raising. Package delivery prices on Companies Like amazon a move that might lose customers and the key revenue stream the Postal Service is a joke. Because they hand their packages for amazon and other Internet Companies and every time they bring a package they lose money on the amazon owner jeff bezos also owns the Washington Post hasnt gone unnoticed trump makes no secret of his hatred of that papers coverage of his presidency its kind of a were terribly perfect storm where you have the new chairman and other longstanding conservatives trying to achieve their goal of cutting bills you know Public Services and privatizing the Postal Service and all of death mixed in with trumps seemingly just personal vendetta against jeff bezos Washington Post and by extension amazon president ial candidate joe biden would want this question whether u. S. P. S. Funding is being withheld to make voting by mail as difficult as possible in november the fundamental issue though is whether Market Forces be allowed to encroach on a service that guarantees delivery of mail to 160000000. 00 households wherever they are for a flat fee and it is a stark choice for the trumpet ministration is it willing to take responsibility for the cessation of the Postal Service just when the public and especially those in rural republican areas need it the most during an Election Year pandemic she ever turns the aljazeera. Or lets get on the sport and thank you so much nic well professional rugby players in new zealand are back on the Training Field the Super Rugby Competition was suspended in mid march because of coronavirus and now the countrys teams are starting their own league but some major questions one hanging over the future of the game in new zealand as wayne hay reports. Tonight. New zealand is slowly returning to normal as coronavirus restrictions are eased and for many in this country normal includes rugby more than 2 months after super rugby was called off new zealand sides have returned to training for a revamped 5 team domestic competition are certainly no its more personal on the view from the players were just really excited to be back together and we will do anything we can to make sure that everybody stays safe. And almost in that hopefully we can get a really really quality product out on the. Training sessions are being held under Strict Health guidelines while the games which start on june the 13th will be played in empty stadiums the return of some form of sport particularly their beloved rugby will be welcomed by new zealand as but it doesnt mean that all is well in fact financially the business of rugby is in trouble the announcement about the resumption in professional games was teenaged with some grim news from the sports governing body here in new Zealand Rugby which announced a 4400000. 00 loss for last year forecast a drop in revenue for this year by up to 70 percent and announced its cutting half of its staff will drug be has postponed all International Game for july and because of travel restrictions theres a chance new zealands all blacks may not play at all this year theres also uncertainty about the domestic and International Womens shed jewels as new zealand prepares to host the world cup next year but it may be here at the emirates Grassroots Level where the most pain is being felt club grounds around the country where the sports foundations allayed have seen no. In this year and therefore no income we will all know the oil supply will sponsor us which we do but also with a lot of dont trust. Us. Binocular for money so were. Sure. The return to training for the professional mens players may provide some clarity about the short term future of the game but in the long term things are a lot murkier when hey al jazeera hamilton new zealands christiane are in our house returns events this is Training Ground after a 10 week absence has just finished at su a period of self isolation in italy after returning from his native portugal syria hoping to resume in mid june with uva one point clear of last c. E. O. At the top of the table at the English Premier League house confirmed 6 positive tests from its 1st round of mass testing for corona virus the individuals from 3 different clubs and will now self isolate for a week or my 750 players and club staff were tested on sunday and monday same stuff been training in small groups for the 1st time since the games were stopped the sessions are noncontact with no more than 5 players on the pitch at any one time all players and coaches are to be tested now for coronavirus twice a week players have been told not to share transport with anyone to or from the Training Ground sessions will be restricted to 75 minutes with the league saying it will carry out spot checks to ensure clubs comply juna 12 has been its hard for matches to kick off but thats now likely to be pushed back the clubs juice of out on a return supply next week when you can see united manager steve perry says the biggest challenge will come when players step up to full contact training. Although the darker the next step because thats where were all these players is. Just like this you know its going to hang around it big the prudent cool place well do everything we possibly can to get rid of issue is the culture not trade probably pretty normally not like this but its you know weve had sort of the like 8 weeks of group actual absolute precedent that were less than 200 people will be inside stadiums when spains top League Returns players and officials will be tested the day before games and have that temperatures taken on the way into stadiums its hard matches or a star behind closed doors and gene thats wealth sames have just started taking part in Group Sessions with up to 10 players now able to trying together now isabella we can train them more like wed like to do it. You know the 1st record was a bit strange but now now we can be back in group and were going to present the most of is more like we want to you know so now we just want to be all together and try to to walk as a group for a one World Champion Lewis Hamilton says his mistake the same will be competitive as soon as racing regimes f one hoping to start its season with 2 grand prix in australia in july i think we d all need to make sure that were utilizing the tools we have simulations of race relations. We will get in the simulator which i dont really love but its lies in those tools to make sure the money comes that 1st race. As it is it will not miss any of the rights. And be a superstar Le Bron James isnt giving up on a return to action the l. A. Lakers plying player saying its his wish for the season to come back sooner rather than later the leak was suspended in mid march 2 unnamed lakers players have tested positive for coverage 19 the governor of california though well hes cleared the way for sports resume in the state next month. Ok but his high schools looking for a great thanks very much we will see you later thank you but is it for this news hour but ill be back in just a couple minutes with another full half hour of news see you then maybe offer up. As the world fights the corona pandemic were learning more about this every day its a new path that youre joining our Global Community its us on how we come together to fight im sorry your questions can i just ask you tony recently directly that coming on on you tube as you were saying im concerned about the front line oh nothing or a quiet and not keeping you up to date country back and beating back the street on no 0. What was described as the worlds longest long down course the largest exodus and the creation of the independent and here and 9247. Experts believe india is still at the stage of infection but the last dollar has already created a humanitarian crisis and driven the Unemployment Rate for 6 to 23 percent and its also highlighted inequality religious tensions and a Health Care System that isnt equipped to deal with a pandemic the following weeks will tell that the peace and Mass Movement of people will accentuate the spread to the kowtowing to juarez from indias cities to its rural hot. A story of blackmail. Parasite. And. Youll have. I have strangled. The story of carnage but what i feel is real. Passion. And very soon just. An independent investigation is ordered into the World Health Organization is handling of the current virus pandemic. And i mean this is out 0 live from also coming out of the un warns the pandemic is having a devastating impact on Indigenous People well beyond the immediate threat to the health. Strained relationship the Syrian Government seizes the assets of president bashar

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