And finally israel has a government months of elections and political deadlock have led to an unprecedented power sharing cabinet enjoyment netanyahu and benny gantz will both lead it over the next 3 years but with different agendas can these 2 men actually work to get that this is inside story. Hello everyone im come all santamaria he is seen as an unparalleled political survivor and once again he got what he wanted Benjamin Netanyahu will lead a 5th government in israel but for the 1st time he will not be governing alone netanyahu will be rotating the Prime Ministers job with his former rival benny gantz 18 months each power sharing deal was agreed last month ending a year of political deadlock in which 3 inconclusive elections were held a unity government now sworn in it is a rarity in israels politics count says its needed to tackle the coronavirus during quote not normal times but what about Prime Minister netanyahu and his own battles he is facing a corruption trial this month the 1st sitting Prime Minister to face such proceedings and hes also pressing ahead with a controversial plan to annex part of the occupied west bank. Its time to apply israeli law and right to glorious chapter in the history of zionism the state doesnt delay peace it brings it closer because peace must be based on the truth and the truth is that there were hundreds of thousands of sit lose. And today and smeary brothers and sisters they will stay there as part of any Permanent Peace deal. We decided to take National Responsibility especially at this time israel needs a National Government that represents broad sections of the country after more than 10 years the era of government by one half of the nation is over we are here to represent those who felt they had no voice in leading this country. So 2 men both who would be Prime Minister and both who will theoretically get the chance but as we know even just one year in israeli politics is a long time alone more than 3 years harry for that in west jerusalem to set the thing for us well after more than 500 days of Caretaker Administration and political crisis during which time weve seen 3 inconclusive elections weve seen Benjamin Netanyahu go from a suspect in 3 Corruption Cases to being indicted with his trial due to start next sunday at last israel saw a government sworn in but what kind of a government will it be itll be the biggest in israels history swelling to 36 ministries a way of trying to satisfy demands on both sides with the 2 men at the top of each side benny gantz that knows former rival and netanyahu both sworn in immediately as alternate Prime Minister and Prime Minister netanyahu will go 1st for 18 months and then dance for the last 18 months but even as netanyahu hands over power if he does he will still retain the position of alternate Prime Minister something seen as important as he tries to fight off that Corruption Case as for what they said is they tried to sell this to the wider israeli public at a session at the knesset during which there was often a good deal of shouted opposition from the floor netanyahu talked about unity talked about Standing Shoulder to shoulder against the Coronavirus Crisis he also talked about his plans for an accession saying that it would write a glorious new chapter in the history of zionism despite the fact that dance himself is opposed to any unilateral action wants to see more International Consensus and the message from the u. S. State department in recent days seems to be that they want to see slow progress on that front from this new Israeli Government as well as far as dance is concerned it was pretty extraordinary to see someone who just weeks ago was talking about netanyahu pouring poison into israeli democracy making his entire political career about ousting someone under corrupt. Charges from a position of power in israel suddenly to praising him for having made an important decision in taking his party into this unity government the leader of the opposition yeah alloted say both men say worse things about the each other in private than he could have a say in the knesset and predicted that there would be more dysfunction as this government continues but for now israel does have a government in office at last how we force aljazeera the inside story westerners. Theres all the background lets introduce you to our panel today starting in west jerusalem with Mitchell Barak c of the political Consultancy Group at kiev on Global Research then in tel aviv and an economist at plus 972 magazine a political opinion analyst and a political strategist and back in western islam as well as a key the elder former columnist at monitor and a contributor to the newspaper welcome to all 3 of you i wonder if we might start a little unconventionally with looking back Michel Barack the outgoing government of Prime Minister netanyahu was actually i think the longest serving government there has been in israel which is quite an achievement it has to be said i wonder though what was actually achieved what did Prime Minister get done Prime Minister netanyahu get done in the last 5 years because i would suggest actually maybe not a lot well he managed to stay in power you know one of his main goals and one of the things that keeps him going. Certainly you know he was blessed in particular where i would say that cynically he was blessed with the coronavirus epidemic which kind of took the focus off of israeli politics and of goddesses you know efforts to unseat him and in the beginning it was going really well meaning you know he was able to be elected speaker he was moving some legislation forward i mean he almost had a leg up on. But he was able to use that coronavirus. Thing you know nittany out theres always going to be some kind of security issue that hes defending the iranian issue i think if you want to look at it you know what she meant and again this was like happenstance if you will the fact that President Trump came in in the last you know 34 years has been really helpful and he was able to cement that relation with relationship with the United States and really achieve things that no one ever thought would take place including moving the embassy to jerusalem including having near a new nuclear deal canceled including recognizing the Golan Heights and he seems almost poised as was shown in the program to you know extend israeli law or what was called an exciting the west bank so that thats really i think his achievement he also has achievements you can criticize him a lot but within the International Arena he is a well respected leader and he has besides that he has an excellent relationship with trump he has also has an excellent relationship with Vladimir Putin and he is probably the only person in the world that has an excellent relationship with both with both yeah danny let me bring you into the conversation because what weve done already with between mitchell and i we just talked about Prime Minister netanyahu and thats generally the way the conversation always guys im also just interested to get a little bit of a picture of life in israel for people there because while were a global news channel we take a regional and a global look at things im actually interested in well what life has been like for israeli people in the last 5 years and what they can expect Going Forward well this is a good question because it does tie into what mitchell did to try to summarize natanya his achievements and one of the things that i think that many israelis do give its own yahoo credit for is that they view the last 5 years as a phase where security was not as big of an issue as it sometimes is which is odd because there were actually 2 wars with gaza between israel and hamas and gaza during that time but somehow israelis have been convinced that thats a manageable situation there was. Even a wave of stabbing attacks but its as if israelis had such low expectations that that is considered somehow a credits and yahoos term and of course im going back before the last 5 years because hes been in office and 2009 so there has been a semblance of normalcy because there hasnt been you know major war since 2014 and Economic Life is strong on the Macro Economic indicators but of course people have a heavy economic burden what i do think has been going on over the last 5 years that also plays into it and yahoos socalled achievements you might say is the fact that there has been a a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society the public doesnt like it but the public does participated on all sides and that rhetoric involves very significant both legislative and rhetorical attacks on israels minority the palestinian arab citizens of israel on left wing or dissenting opinions that has become so routine that it kind of set the stage for one of the other major aspects of the last few years which is a sort of ongoing undermining of the legitimacy of the judiciary and the Supreme Court and this is something that was a little bit under the surface for part of the last 5 years but really burst out into the open over the last year especially the closer we got to indictment of men than yahoo for those Corruption Cases that are of course the trial supposed to start next week and now i think that that issue is reaching a peak and has been reaching a peak over ever since the last elections we had a constitutional crisis were seeing a very vicious attacks on the attorney general who has recently submitted complaints to the police for threats on his life that has become a feature of Israeli Society and is dividing the public just as much as some of the other issues you mentioned such as an explosion which has been much more normalized and the other things well talk about yes hes going to see increasing debate over that issue in the next in the coming months in iran and so the question. Isnt this questions going to akiva eldar in westerlies and welcome to you what if anything is going to change this is a different sort of government that is coming into power theres no 2 ways about it ive read commentary saying that netanyahu is theoretically going to be on a shorter leash now do you see any time minister changing his style at all because of the makeup of this of this government well the this question will have to be asked again 18 months from today because as he he said today he gave a specific date in the event where he will turn over the crown and its a crown because give me is becoming the king of israel the longest broke all the records even of being green founder of israel if he will hand it over to guns this will be a big surprise and i think that this will help him to save whats left of his credibility but i think. The most important thing is going to happen to him and i think states if trump will have to hand over the white house to back his belongings and there will be and Democratic Congress senate and president then netanyahu will have to change because as mitchell mentioned he got many free lunches i dont think that this is going to happen in under a Democratic Administration so he put all his chips on the republicans against the Jewish Community against the american liberal community against europe well he got the support of. Of the and garion democracy. And. And then india of course but he lost the arab league the Arab Peace Initiative he missed opportunities to complete ode to to see if there is any possibility to reach a 2 state solution i think that he is leaving israel too and. Is it going to change not was this planning or government not where is a partner like lance who was a very small party and very little experience i think in that and you know will be able to get in for breakfast Goodness Gracious me michel let me come back to you. Bill in a point which which i gave a made in this is about the handover effectively in 18 months time to 2 benny gantz the alternate Prime Minister i think he is known as i must admit when i 1st had this deal i thought oh i dont know that benny gantz has got a great deal here hes been told all show i 10 months you can have the job. As i said at one year is a long time in israeli politics i wonder if he will ever even get the job well thats a big question i mean certainly its its anchored in the Coalition Agreement which is anchored in law at this point so its very very difficult for to break it but you know i think youre lucky that the former partner of benny gantz had threatened that you know you can you can break it with you know 70 members of knesset i think is the number theres a number thats above that a simple majority of 61 anything is possible and enough anyhow his has the way that he has worked over the years is hes always buying time hes buying more time and somehow he buys more time and it works out in his favor so hes not even worried about november 2021 knows if i november 20th 21 theyll be Something Else if not you know coronavirus its kind of virus 3 if its not you know it could be the iranian nuclear. You know threat it could. The something from the Palestinian Authority could be something from lebanon there will be always something which will convince him that he is the only person that can lead israel and therefore he will act accordingly one of the better field in that hes gotten a lot of ministries yet a lot of very coveted ministries and its taken away a lot from the likud so where is god is somewhat of a political novice we know because this is really his 1st time in the knesset although its really is 3rd time in the knesset but its his 1st year in the knesset what hes going to be hes going to be the defense minister isnt it church that within his own party because of the 10 yeah it did it did not have enough jobs to give for the boys and the girls if you will and he didnt have enough of really important ministries to give and there was a lot of infighting there and hes kind of theres a definite undercurrent of dissent within the likud guns is really cost at the deli and that he will have to see you know how that plays out ok let me come back to you then ill put the question i was i was trying to put to michel there and that is the fact that. Benny gantz will be the defense minister for the 1st 18 months how defense minister is an important position in israel and i wonder how much influence he will have in that role and whether we will see differences in his opinion over what should happen with things that mitchell mentioned they may have been on iran for example i doubt that we will see a significant change of policy for one thing defense minister is of course an important position but you know in many ways you can look at israeli history and pinpoint the policy making to the Prime Minister weve had Prime Ministers who have served as defense minister and i think that its on yahoo as we all know is not only a very capable politician but hes a master controller and i think that hes very unlikely to actually let any against and of it assert any sort of independence in that role the other major reason why i dont expect to see a huge change is that benny gantz has not indicated any definitive differences from its and yahoo when it comes to issues of defense or even with relation to the Israeli Palestinian conflict i mean the debate. Over whether he supports an extension or not is really a matter of centimeters of land how much its on yahoo actually plans to annex and how much benny gantz would accept to be an expose gantz and his party also called for essentially strengthening the israels big settlement blocks in the west bank and holding on to the Jordan Valley in some fashion they were just less clear about it over this time but of course the 1st thing that he was able to agree on with netanyahu journeys alicia negotiations was that they could move forward on this an exception it was like the 1st point he basically agreed with on a 10 yahoo and i dont expect its a young want to go as far as his further right parties would have liked it at least not formally and i expect dance to go further than his supporters would have liked because his supporters are centrists many of them were center left leaning and they do not support an exception but against doesnt seem to be particularly committed to the position of his voters thats and yet as weve seen i think is willing to negotiate pretty much any principle of policy in order to stay in power we should remember that the right wing parties are almost as disappointed as the left wing parties at least one particular right wing party called the ameena which had sworn you know fealty to the right wing block and its and yahoo established only to be essentially thrown out of the game by its own yahoo when he realized he had to do other political maneuvering and just to go back to what my colleagues were talking about with relation to whether we can believe that its a new who will uphold the deal and michel also was talking about the law you know if not if nothing really bennett the head of that right wing party who swore loyalty to him that they knew who this old time ultimately could not trust and yet who broke every promise that he made to him over the course of the year its not clear why a center a centrist party would have any more reason to trust its on yahoo or white and yahoo would display any more loyalty or commitment. To the agreement he signed with benny gantz yeah so were i doubt i very hard for me to see benny gantz having a serious and fluence many people think he might not be around in politics beyond one or 2 cycles it certainly would be characteristic of centrist parties in israel not to survive for very long yeah i keep ill tell you the picture im getting from all of you at the moment its well its a very disjointed one and it actually makes me think that weve got a government here which theoretically represents more of israel than previous governments has but at the same time whilst pleasing everyone it may actually end up pleasing no one there sooty 6 ministers all of them jewish ok and very mascot not a single arab not even a single droops but. I think that this government reminds me of the show me a paris unity government that was completely paralyzed they neutralized each other with this government will have to do now is 1st of all to get over this and excision and that is very easy because if you read we call it an agreement there is a way out of this if we dont get the green light from the International Community which we will not. It will not happen now i can show the camera also the map trumps map which also requires israel if you can see this in the leg to swamp land if you can see it here ok those green points into negative yes now it was not discussed in the Coalition Agreement or not in the public arena that according to the israeli law in order to swap territorys and to give away carry toys that are under israeli sovereignty leader for handler to least the majority so to me it doesnt the whole thing doesnt look very serious but on the other hand the ameena party that dalia has mentioned of course if they will not get what they want which is jobs in the government you know it in israel there is d 1000000 people who lost their jobs during the koran have 35 or 36 people are happy today that they got jobs in the government but this is this is the major challenge of course is not the corolla because israel is doing great now the people who are the number of people recovering higher than the people who are infected so its almost during breaks on a corner because of the very strict measures that the government took and lovely. I have to put a price and the economic price is you know was 0. 25 an employee was a huge step sassoons and was a lot of people people will demonstrate. Some of the you know against the government because they lost the jobs right and hopefully it will all go but these were going to me im going to interrupt you because were just starting to run down the clock i must say thank you for bringing your own graphics we dont get many guests who do that thats pretty and look final thought i want to get from from from you is and its something which the actual country because you did raise this a little bit earlier the Corruption Case against Prime Minister netanyahu when i actually pulled back and think about that think you are creating a socalled unity government and in 10 days or less the man in charge of that is going to go on trial for corruption its an extraordinary situation its an extraordinary situation i think that its and you who can rack up one further achievement in his term as Prime Minister richs legitimizing the idea that in a democracy and in a you know socalled develop democracy that a Prime Minister who is not under one count of indictment but 3 indictments will be standing trial while serving as Prime Minister some people think that breaks a sort of you know ethical code of politics other people think its simply bad for his management capacity because you know he will be as we have been saying in the country all year going to court in the morning and to the Prime Ministers residence in the afternoon but of course by israeli law and the Supreme Court was asked to rule on this with i should say putting themselves in grave danger of outrage from the right wing they have ruled according to israeli basic law that he is under no obligation to resign and of course hes even allowed to form the government help under indictment until there is a complete decision in his case a conviction if its a conviction and that means following any appeals processes now that could drag on for a very long time and so hes not expected to actually ringback face a final conviction if he is convicted of course while hes even an awful. I dont accept him ok i dont expect that you and i think that we have to understand that is one of the reasons hes been working so hard to undermine the legitimacy of the judiciary as a sort of insurance policy in case they do go in that direction hey ive got 30 seconds left mitchell the last words with you and you know i love a prediction how long till the next israeli election. I dont know come on. I mean thats too hard you know the only prediction that i can make is that you know i may be dalia has more insight on that people are not satisfied i mean its not just that theyre not satisfied with this government which would be a perfect jewish government because jews are never satisfied so if no one was satisfied if the great but the reason theyre not satisfied is because it seems that they are at a touch with whats going on right spent this time you know israel under netanyahu 3 and a half percent employment until this month its 30 percent employment the economy coronavirus none of this was debated during the Coalition Agreement it was all an exception which has nothing to do with coronavirus in fact the palestinians are working very nicely with the israel yaz issue and you know the judges and rotation so you know it was a great idea to have this coronavirus and get a you know the government together but the real issues that they need to tackle i think are not being tackled because they havent been tackled up until happen till now have they Michel Barack and i keep the elder thank you to all 3 of you i know were going to be talking about this again in the months to come thank you for joining us and of course thank you for watching plenty of ways to continue the conversation if youd like were online in the show section at aljazeera dot com we are also at facebook dot com slash a. 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