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I have any i can look into the street in the home edition it is a show that is produced under lockdown conditions and we focus on lockdown life around the well this is an Election Year in the United States this is also the coronavirus pandemic however republicans and democrats adapting for an election that will probably have to be socially distance that is a question that were going to be unpacking today if you have questions and thoughts and experiences and i days wed love you to share them with us the you chitchat is open jump in 8 and you may well be in the stream that means the expert panel hello there daniel tell everybody who you are. Hi im daniel marrons a reporter for off post i cover the Democratic Party and progressive little brats and i listen ways did work as a correspondent for the aljazeera series fall and thats where i looked at the divide in the Democratic Party its good to have you down you know and i know al welcome to the strain tell everybody can you are. Right there i know on the corner met you he strategists a National Fund raiser and the author of america and iowa day nice to have you in the stream explain what you do day. Expense rights are going to be. Really going to matter to the consumer shes going to the congress and it is 1st district as previously these directors for mayor people are just as i should have. Known all right thanks so much for being with us everybody i want to start with a little bit of video daniel from the recent 4 lines proposing that you did and its video of campuses canvassing for. Biden and also countless in fact that any sound as joe biden at takes us back a couple weeks but when we look at the way people are canvassing and now we look at the way that we dont even stand that close to each other. What difference do you think this is going to make for the rest of the campaign as we go forward to november. Well as always its a little bit hard to predict but i think i think in the in the near term it hurts people who are not incumbents whether youre an incumbent president and when i say incumbent i mean somebody whos already in office like president. President has an enormous platform as as the sitting president of United States he has Daily Press Briefings if you are a sitting member of congress you have all sorts of ways of communicating with the public currently that if youre beat if youre challenging a sitting member if youre a newcomer or if youre joe biden the democratic nominee to take on President Trump you may not necessarily have and so those smaller ways of connecting that lower level going to a meeting going to a rally those are often ways in which newcomers break through and develop relationships achieve name recognition and i think theyre struggling to find new ways to adapt to that reality and we could see a much bigger emphasis on media and on on sort of the digital space. You know what point is republican strategist you know kind of i was kind of realized this is this is going to change the action. Wow you know what great question now only this is for you to change the election but it is changing how you campaign its virtually nonexistent it is changing how you raise money which is virtually nonexistent which puts a lot of pressure on our major donors in america we have the bundle hours which. Billionaires and millionaires that are responsible or gather large sums of money for candidates in super. And right now. This is an environment that has a full consultant in National Fundraiser this is an environment that nobody is an expert of navigating around a lot of people who are trying to heavily advertise digitally but you know the results from that or everybody gets run at bennett i mean could this be a great thing is so much money in politics as simply people involved in the idea that you actually have to kind of bring it down a notch you cant be strangle the money going when everybody still say is there a plus to this at all. I think i think there is if you look at. One you know aspect of this pandemic its taking away the opportunity for candidates to me face to face with voters with donors with state with the usual stakeholders in the elections but that has increased the campaigns are up and down the ballot so increase their opportunities to connect with voters and with smaller donors and so if you look at the Joe Biden Campaign for example the president ial campaign along with the Democratic National committee they brought in 60 and a half 1000000. 00 in the month of april it was a rough month for you know everyone across the globe and in the United States and they were still able to bring a large sum of lending through small dollar online donations because. Folks you know are are respecting stay at home orders theyre not traveling outside of their homes theyre not going to work for the most part theres more time to take in more information to connect with these campaigns and its a really important election season and so folks are still pulling their wild side during a tough economic time and contributing to campaigns im so there is an opportunity and i think you know to your point you can listen the right direction when it comes to taking you know big money out of politics and making sure that small donors are the folks back in campaigns. Daniel and daniel you go fast no you dont 2nd im just wondering how a quit the democrats and the republicans to go digital on the ready i mean raring to go give me an example that you. Well i think that obviously on the republican side donald trump is extremely sad that he on twitter sometimes he is very angering to democrats and to liberals but theres no question that hes extremely president and there was recently a solid report in the Washington Post that his app has hit the sort of thing you can download on your phone associated with his campaign is a lot more engaging than the Joe Biden Biden did not have a lot of sort of the the Digital Talent in the democratic president ial primary and so actually that seems to be something where in the in the near term donald trump has something of an advantage but joe biden is sort of gearing up in that respect the other thing i would say about biden is heres a guy who really didnt have much of what we call a field presence in a lot of these states that he ended up winning by huge margins he. He he won in South Carolina he won in texas and a number of major states in what they call super tuesday in the United States where there were a number of elections and that was really how he locked up the nomination and the chance to take on donald trump and so he didnt have a lot of the people doing that kind of person to person work on the ground and he won anyway because his presence is so large and people remember him from the presidency of barack obama and i think thats a real event that she has Going Forward now u. S. Mining when i mentioned hes got that many digital game im thinking that if you think the republicans are way out there. Yes absolutely i mean there is he theres no question that donald trump was really has been on his ag any with that with digital and social media and everything that he is doing hes really a master at it and i think that thats basically how he kind of won the won the election the last time around and joe biden has been really lacking on his digital game and Everybody Knows that you know. Had a fantastic he was a maverick at the at the digital day he really engaged facebook and twitter and everything he was really dynamic and donald trump took it to a whole new nother level by constantly in gauging followers and constantly you know present the media calling out forwarders and you know why donald trump hate normal the one thing that you can say is donald trump will not be ignored. No i let me put this to you because we have a huge of conversation going on as were having our conversation and the fact i mean to come must have beautiful handle that do you believe that this is good for trump all right so the whole coronavirus pandemic the idea of maybe using it politically. What does this do for the republican chances for a 2nd term. Well if he is successful if he at cannae does not flatlined then he will be seen as a hero but no may be seen as a hero or heroine cant because were in a political well lambaste right now with the democrats in the war against so depending on whom you turn if you talk to a democrat president term is a fairly about how hes handled everything if you talk to republican theyre going to say hes aware now lets try this out d. N. A. Has struck during right now. What i mean and id add that its a has been a failure. I think you know when you take partisanship out of the equation when you look at where we are right now weve lost 30000000 jobs over the past i want to say 2 months you know the main street economy has flatlined were in a deep recession you know folks are unemployed at a rate that we havent seen since the Great Depression and you know the crowbars spend them it is a Global Pandemic you know how does that countries have been affected so you cant blame you know President Trump for the crown of ours but you can hold him accountable for the american United States response to the crowbars and the activity through the month of february and the delays stead home orders things like that which you know did eventually bring our economy to a halt to a halt but did not address the Public Health issue have caused this you know huge this deep recession and so you know theres a whole american political ad its just its about the economy stupid and i know that that place true for every you know president ial election and if were in a position that we are now in november i believe that americans are hope the incumbent accountable. Also you know ive got a comment on that ill also errol in the morning yuri. This is very political within state to state like you have a state like california which they are given or governor newsome has jest and now they are looking to extend the lockdown in california and whole mid august compared to other states like arkansas where im from the home of bill clinton home of governor huckabee and their governor governor eisa hedge inten has already our lack some of the laws and he is the cases are growing and he has been a success so i am seeing a lot. Lead states going to battle with democrat led states so it is more already the virus which is a health issue is already getting majorly. Let me let me bring in another voice into our conversation this is Monica Mcdermott shes a professor of Political Science of food in university and she picks up on the way that the cone of eyes is just in hans in the divisions who really see in u. S. Politics. The reactions were seeing right now among the public and among congress when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus are really quite polarized and its no surprise given the polarization of the American Public plan is surprising is that usually in times of crisis what we see are americans pulling together during this rally around the flag effect that political scientists are always talking about and thats what were now seeing here were seen as something thats very emblematic of the timer and which is this terrible polarization american bummer where democrats are not going to believe anything republicans say or who part of the answer not going to believe anything democrats say. Daniel i wanted to look a little bit further ahead i mean thats telling us all you know we all know right now if you live in the United States you understand that this is the division see what republicans say and then what democrats say and were still trying to fight a krone virus pandemic but if we push ahead to what would have been an incredible Convention Season so much to talk about so much to do and now what are you hearing about the conventions will they happen and how they happen. I think its very likely that joe biden the u. S. Democratic president ial nominee will speak in some capacity but he may speak to a all but empty room and i dont know exactly how that will work but i think thats increasingly likely it was due to take place in milwaukee wisconsin incentives state wisconsin that democrats are desperate to take back from donald trump it was one of 3 states that barack obama won and then that cost Hillary Clinton the previous democratic nominee the elections a donald trump i dont know if we could be looking at something where theyre sort of piping in the applause digitally and im not exactly sure d if that generates the same effect as now of course dollar trump has said that he is still interested in traveling hes obviously skeptical of the idea of lockdowns and regardless of sort of the Health Consequences of that that seems to put him at an advantage in terms of visibility for these types of large public events. So we at the see me sort of reimagines what it might look like at maybe the Republican National convention so this is typically a mission an animation of what we would expect its a set a floor day policy stadiums are a full one elina is full of people theyre placing a festal game politics but what if you had to scale it down and people will be watching fire that was frozen by that i pods. And then basically some dead end zone that way now wow what are you hearing about how the republicans again to come together will they will they physically be in shock that. You know i really do if this is a very difficult question because i know that they want to ive talked to some Leaders Within various far east Republican Party United States and i know that they are really really want to. But how safe is it. Even to have a convention or even a socially instance the Convention Convention or orderly optics of that what does that look like are we going to go ahead and do Something Like a Virtual Convention and how effective is a Virtual Convention i mean lets face it. Not a lot of people if you if youre not really involved want to sit hours and watch this so. Its really going to be difficult and like you were describing you know are they going to have the convention are they going to pick up the phone and vote that sounds like a Reality Television show like americas got talent. I dont know enough to. Know you are the republican strategist so what would you tell driza trump about to have a conventional to not have a convention what would you tell him who designs and arrow ok to have are not have the convention. If i am or inviting him i would actually tell him to not physically have the convention but have like oh a week or 2 weeks fan or hour we can go from state to state and trying to have meetings with in all the States Social distancing meetings with their with their delegates with their National Committee and the National Committee warman you know these are Office Holders with in the way already that thats what i would do i think its to say but thats just me. In this new way to separate politics from this pandemic doesnt matter whether in the us a whether countries to take the political out of it so i wanted to introduce into a conversation. He said g. O. P. Political strategist and then im going to get you to respond to him the 1st as he sent out that the American People do not require perfection when it comes to government responses to the pandemic but they do require accountability affective ness and after republicans need to focus less on getting in fights with journalists on twitter and more on the fact that america has tested more people per capita than any other place in the world and has exceeded many places in can east asia and europe in our response to the pandemic without that no matter how radical the democrats are and no matter how mentally compromised their nominee republicans will get swamp in 2020. 7 i dont want to get into a fight with al that i cant really cause hes a video but i do cling to question some of the figures that he was using so President Trump has said that the u. S. Leaves the world into an a Virus Testing but i want to show you a chart which suggests that maybe the president got a little bit mixed up because United States testing but capita is down here and italy is on top but the actual numbers of tests that we know the 10000000 about. Excuse me right about now yes exceeds the well but not per capita does arguments like this does it matter these the things that were going to be talking about come election time in november oasis trivial. I believe it deftly i trivial i think its important not just to have this conversation now because you know its material to this pandemic but. You know mass scale testing is our path out of this not just Public Health crisis but the economic crisis short of you know an actual vaccine being deployed and were not expecting to see Something Like that until new reports say beginning of next year and so if were going to be in a position where we can safely reopen in the extras are telling us that if we want to see a very open and avoid you know a 2nd wave or 3rd wave we have to have mass testing and mass testing as a me that were leading the world and number of tests completed to your place i mean it means that were leading the world in. Testing for capita and you know albert you know did he do not share that information and he he reflected you know us having the most tests in the globe compared to the true metric which is the testing per capita because we dont have that if we dont have contract Contact Tracing we dont have those methods that experts are telling us we need to safely reopen we are going to still be in the midst of wave after wave of outbreaks and then were going to get out of this economic depression and thats going to be an issue in november which voters are voting on. Daniel i want to put this you chief complaint. And manage the leaf is then a chance for trump to pass ben elections does he have the loophole in the system to doing the guys at the coronavirus. Now constitute daniel you know that its not possible. And then sort of as i know i have seen add ons and i think had a hands. Right look i think that. There have been many things that have surprised me over the course of the Trump Presidency in terms of what he is willing to call for and what he is able to get accomplished in part because he has now a conservative Supreme Court that might sign off on things that many legal experts consider questionable and so i suppose i wouldnt be completely shocked but i think its very very very unlikely and i dont think that you has. The legal wherewithal to do it currently i also add theres Something Interesting thats happening which is theres an entire fight right now over whether we whether americans should have the ability to vote by mail and do it safely from the privacy of their homelands yeah and democrats the opposing party the liberal party against donald trump have really advocated for this they just came out with a bill in the United States house of representatives that would enable everybody in the country to vote by mail and the interesting thing about this is that this is something that traditionally republican supported in rural western States States with older populations this is already in place in many cases and Many Political political experts would say that it actually favors republicans because older voters who lean more conservative politically and are more likely to vote for donald trump often vote by mail in greater numbers and are more likely to do it that way currently republicans are very opposed to it on the grounds that its susceptible to fraud i think that thats thats quite a maze lists and and of course these sort of political reason for that is that people who might vote less frequently for whom it might be less convenient. Who are people younger people might be more likely to vote for democrats one less interesting thing about this though that works i think in favor of the idea that this doesnt cut neatly into political lines there was a special congressional race just yesterday and. In the suburbs of los angeles that where people voted by mail and there was vast i think it was all mail voting not all mail as unmasculine but all mail by post and republican actually won so it suggests that republicans can do well in this environment and i think thats a key question in terms of how this election in november is go or. Yeah daniel and you know and thank you so much for talking about something that weve really not sure what hes going to happen next i have of the coronavirus pandemic or with this upcoming us election season this of rainy on you tube was wondering is this Global Pandemic would it change the way that we actually and we we take part in elections Going Forward and if that voting by mail comes in that definitely will be a permanent change i just have time to tell you about daniels for documentary which is now available on the night on it is cooled americas divided democrats you can see him in his element talking to democrats on who up aggressive and democrats who are more traditional and you can see that my in the a. J. For the ones twitter handle but for now thank you chief as compensation for daniel de lay and noel the media appreciate you guys kill the station and im very bipartisan and printing much of your plate. And. Business leaders. By the brass part. Business leaders just want to find a bra spot. When these young street kids were filmed in brindisi little could they have imagined that 30 years later theyd be reunited on camera. An intimate portrayal spanning a life time probes the twists in time and a friendship survival and the quest for meaning. In another life i witnessed documentary on aljazeera. Save humanity i really really not getting anywhere near it. I really dont know how to define or thats its a tough bottom if only to the fan and thats its just one of those things that you feel this is yes yes i believe in this im so im not but im an independent on a mission for america. Thats about the idea that

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