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Change just days after a new leader is sworn in. It starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom its not so much a juggling parenthood and politics the efforts in the u. S. To get more mothers on the ballot. On these countries around the world live to coronavirus lockdowns there are warnings of a possible 2nd wave of infections in the next hour british Prime Minister Abbas Johnson is due to outline plans over how the lock down there is going to be eased the government has changed its slogan from stay home to stay alert south korea has had to introduce some restrictions all bars and clubs in seoul are closed after a spike in cases linked to some of them russias at risk of becoming the new european epicenter on sunday it reported more than 11000 new cases the highest one day figure yet meanwhile in the u. S. The top Infectious Disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci is in self isolation after coming into contact with someone who has covered 19 well were joined now by paul brown in london whos got more of what the Prime Minister might say so paul were waiting for Paul Boris Johnson to speak probably in a the next hour or so the message has changed but is anything else going to change. Well hes due to speak in one hour from now highly anticipated address to the nation on television its prerecorded will be played out at 7 pm local 800. 00 g. M. T. The reality though is it seems that there wont be a huge amounts of relaxation that was predicted by sources close to downing street saying that you dont expect opening of the floodgates a sudden relaxation people being allowed to do pretty much whatever they want were not at that stage yet in fact the Prime Minister has been accused of giving mixed messages on this there were briefings that took place last week in the National Newspapers here in the u. K. Went with headlines such as for example stay at home scrapped picnics trips outings back on the people who are expecting that sunbathing all the rest of it would be allowed from this week it appears thats not going to be the case not yet anyway. The Prime Minister at pains to say that while there is the need to have a new approach and i spoke about the change in slogan hes gone away from stay at home protect the n. H. S. Is a slogan the new slogan being stay alert. The emphasis is now on the idea that people should be able to go back to i think one of the things we should be watching out for from this address in time is the idea that the Prime Minister wants to get britain back to work if thats all possible and i think watch out for a phrase something on the lines of if you cant work from home if you have to go into work then you should. Certainly what that you know hes at pains to say that the economy really does have to get going again one of the issues that hes also facing is the fact that scotland Northern Ireland and wales all part of the United Kingdom but devolved governments are following their own routines when it comes to how they deal with coal. 1900 putting forward a national covert 19 response is actually very difficult doesnt. It is youre exactly right the Prime Minister of course is the u. K. s Prime Minister but on this matter. Stay at home regulations coded restrictions he really only has jurisdiction of england the other administrations the Welsh Assembly the Scottish Parliament they set their own rules as far as stay at home rules weve heard nicholas judge and for example the scottish 1st minister already saying that while she will go along with relaxation on for example the amount of exercise people can take the Welsh Assembly leader already said back on friday that they want to restrict she will be lifted and people can take as much exercise as they want so long as they abide by social distancing scotland has now agreed that they will go along with that but theyre not dropping the slogan of stay at home because nicolas. Welsh is well im not an island hastens to add all believe that stay at home remains the best slogan the best message to send out to the public and theyre not exactly happy that here in london the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has chosen to divert from that slogan paula no were going to be checking in with you. And speaks but for now paul brennan in london thank you very much. Well turkey says attacks on libyas only functioning airport Diplomatic Missions in which civilians have been killed amount to war crimes and its warning its going to take action against forces loyal to war locally for half dog if they continue to support libyas un recognized government in tripoli which is now launched a counteroffensive following saturdays attack planes were damaged and fuel tanks were set alight after us forces also struck nearby residential areas killing at least 5 civilians the tripoli government says more than a dozen people have been killed over the last 2 days lockwood other war head is in tripoli he has more on turkeys reaction turkey is now threatening that if have his forces tax continue targeting get its interests in libya then have to individuals or elements will be a legitimate target before turkey this comes. Of thursdays attacks targeted the embassy and to the police city center and killed 3 people in the vicinity of the Turkish Embassy in the city center now turkey also reiterated that it has it has been supporting its friendly and brothers in in libya and it said that it will continue according to the statement it will continue supporting the government of national called because it is diligent mut the government thats presenting libya and is recognized by the International Community as you know rob that the turkish intervention with the government of National Guard has changed the battle process on the ground dramatically it has shifted the balance of power in favor of the government of National Court especially after turkish drones were introduced to the battles and have been targeting have that as forces locations in many areas in iraq with antigovernment protesters back on the streets of the capital the new Prime Minister who has made good on his pledge to free people detained during previous demonstrations its one of most of our hard news 1st to decisions after his inauguration last week iraqs Supreme Judicial Council has ordered courts to release the demonstrators and the news. The lucky was forced from office by months of often violent and government demonstrations the process is a calling for Better Living conditions and an overhaul of the political system our correspondent similar 14 is in baghdad with the latest reaction to the release of prisons. On the one hand there has been some positive response to the fishing to release the prisoners and we understand that people are indeed being released from prison as we speak but the people in Tahrir Square their demands go. Much further than that they want to make change and they say that thats something that the me is able to deliver and given the fact that the same Political Parties remain in control of the parliament theyre the same Political Parties that put him in power so to say because they had to vote through parliament so what people into her square are saying is that these are the same powers that are responsible for all of the problems that the nation is facing including unemployment the lack of services corruption and therefore they dont have a lot of trust in them himself as a person to be able to deliver change to what they really want is a complete overhaul of the political system they want to be able to elect the head of state directly not to be chosen through parliament so although the yesterday from kadhimiya were quite significant and really you could see that he was really making an effort to try she enjoys a rift between his new government and the protesters many people on the streets see them as just very small concessions you know one example was that you know i asked the demonstrators what they think about the release of the prisoners and they said well on the one hand thats good but look over there we still have Security Forces who are using Excessive Force this Excessive Force against the. Police in hong kong have broken up protest in several Major Shopping Centers despite social distancing controls hong kong is seeing a revival of antigovernment demonstrations if youre go paula reports. Its the 1st weekend since hong kong street social distancing. Many shops restaurants opened expecting celebrations for mothers day instead there were scenes like this several shopping malls across the city. Protesters would appear in different parts of the mall then disperse a soon as there was word that police were on their way to visit them on this day is a tradition in the name so finding really annoying. Anna and i i have no idea why the police are so i guess the. Protesters gathered spontaneously to chant slogans and sing and in line with the days theme calling for independence for hong kong the chance for independence are likely to provoke beijing and the Hong Kong Government and the protesters say had taken advantage of the corona Virus Outbreak to crackdown on the citys Democracy Movement and for which in the midst of the coronavirus the government has imposed restrictions on gathering and turn it into a crackdown on freedom of assembly not only for the human rights of citizens but also for religious activities i think this is a gross violation of human rights. Hong kong has not had any new local infection of covert 19 for nearly 3 weeks on friday its government eased social distancing restrictions increasing the number of people allowed to gather from 4 to 8. Months we have to spread in groups and flow as it moves the police go broke as we can only go guerrilla star anyone flouting the rules could be immediately find 250. 00 a large sum for many of the young protesters this is one of hong kongs main tourist and commercial areas its hard to tell who is a protester all whether they are simply here to shop the boss police could identify protesters because they wore mosques to remain anonymous but now almost everyone in the city is wearing a Face Covering as advised by the government to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Most of the crowds on sunday were part off or supported the prodemocracy protests last year which would often lead to violent confrontations between police and demonstrators the coronavirus pandemic has subdued many activities including the antigovernment protest but it seems to have done little to diminish the anger of the protesters who see the government as taking advantage of the situation to further erode hong kongs freedoms and many here are calling this the start of protest season the bigger pollen our desire of hong kong. Still ahead an aljazeera warning to south korea as it strives to be the undisputed number one in the global fight against covert 19 plus in deep waters brazils president goes jet skiing as cover 1000. 00 deaths client in the hardest hit country in latin america. Head over it is fairly warm and also breezy across much of the Arabian Peninsula to the north this cloud has been producing wanted to show us that beginning to really pay to out as we go through monday affecting Northern Areas of iran maybe some rain showers as well into northern sections of afghanistan but elsewhere it is dry maybe some cloud again through the central as a saudi and the winds very brisk coming down from the north are coming to the hot interior so theyre hot twins 37 and on monday maybe a little bit cooler as we head into chooser the waynes actually little bit stronger point but a warm day with a high of 37. 00 and then down into Central Africa the usual seasonal rains at this time of year we continue to see more heavy rain through monday and tuesday along these coastal areas of tanzania again up into areas of kenya and then through cheese day the rains very widespread as is typical for this time of year becoming havea as we go through the day across areas of bone up into cameroon and also nigeria showers in the 4 cost money and choose to across central areas of madagascar these could be a little bit havea time some a funnel storms in there of course and generally fine in china throughout much of a south africa slightly for monday but by cheese day we could you see some trout in chiles pushing into the south so maybe a damp day in cape town with a high of 21. Is really just treats and trace. Frank assessments why is it its only struggling to cope with the number coronavirus pensions failure to take really aggressive action we put them behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where theres one thats later very relieved people in depth analysis of the dangers global headlines as india done enough to nip the spread of coronavirus in the inside story on aljazeera. We want to know is here a reminder of our top stories at this hour british Prime Minister barak is johnson is expected to speak within the hour im explain how the lock down there could be eased the government has already changed its coronavirus slogan from stay home to stay alert. Fighting is intensifying in libya after forces loyal to warlord cliff are huffed out attacks the capitals only functioning airports turkey says it amounts to a war crime tripolis u. N. Recognize government has launched a counter offensive. Iraqs new Prime Minister has ordered the release of people detained in the countrys protest movement it comes as an antigovernment demonstration in iraqs capital intensifies. Its being reported that iran says its ready to conduct a Prisoner Exchange with the u. S. Without any preconditions government spokesman was quoted in local media saying techron has expressed willingness to exchange all prisoners but has not heard back from the u. S. Both countries have called for the release of prisoners because of the covert 19 outbreak lets take a look at some of the people being held in both countries there are at least 4 americans detained in iran c. M. Economizing and his father barker have been imprisoned the longest 4 years on espionage charges along with a former Navy Seal Michael white in the u. S. That are dozens of iranians being held for violating u. S. Sanctions on tehran iran is specifically seeking the release of serious us gardley 59 year old iranian scientist who tested positive for cover 19 in federal prison last week. The last time a prisoner swap took place was in december in a display of real cooperation to iran freed american graduate student in exchange for an of winning scientists. Former u. S. Diplomatic teller reman levitt says such an agreement between washington and tehran seems likely as well as the possibility of a change in relations there do seem to be more and more indications that both the United States and the Islamic Republic of iran are getting close to what may be called a prisoner swap there are more and more comments from officials both sides about this American Navy veteran who is on a medical further out in iran and this iranian professor here who is still in prison but has been acquitted of all charges in my assessment of in 1000 pandemic is having influence on both sides particularly the iranian professor here in the United States he has been infected from what we understand with the coronavirus and hes still in prison there is no mechanism or no mechanism has been made for him to have medical furlough like the american who is in iran and so hes really in a dire situation here in the United States hes been acquitted theres no reason the United States needs to hold him and similarly for the american in iran hes a medical for a low theres no reason at this point for the iranians to continue to hold someone who they have theyve released on medical furlough so the code 1000 pandemic to me is the most important thing that could be happening here but i will say there are more and more indications here in washington that are people speculating that maybe there is some warming in the relationship chinas report of the 1st case of covert 19 for more than a month in the water the says he with the virus was 1st detected in december its National Health Commission Says the new case did not show symptoms previously the capital of hoby province was the 1st city in the world to go into lockdown its been slowly returning to normal since restrictions were lifted last month. South koreas president says theres no reason to panic after a new coronaVirus Outbreak in seoul linked to nightclubs when jay and praised his countrys efforts to contain the pandemic but warned of a 2nd wave of infections later this year robert reich reports from seoul. South koreas response to the corona virus has been widely held up as an example to other countries at one time it faced the 2nd worst outbreak in the world after china but quickly brought it under control by encouraging people and companies to voluntarily social distance while conducting mass testing and Contact Tracing president moon use this National Address to promise further advances. We will reinforce the Epidemic Prevention and 100 systems become the undisputed number one epidemic response country leading the world but he had a warning that the world was now on the verge of a Global Crisis because of the pandemic. Is fundamentally changing our daily lives and pushing the World Economy into an unprecedented crisis such as an export driven economy south korea faces tough times a global recession means people will be buying less of what the country makes while restructuring of Industrial Production is likely to further hurt trade. Its a National Forum a panel of experts came together to consider ways for the economy to recover the focus is using the countrys high tech advantages like 5 g. Networks and Digital Systems to grow socalled face to face industries. For all society is transforming to happen less human to human contact our economic structure has to be digitalized fast and we will be focusing on ways to accelerate that. Described this National Drive as a career in new deal. In production face to face Industries Related to medical Services Education and retail distribution will be intensively faster cities and industrial complexes Transportation Networks and aging National Infrastructure will be combined with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology to make them smart. How south korea performs could have wider implications just as much of the world has been watching how it handled the pandemic so we will be studying how it now recovers from it mcbride aljazeera soul. Has turned back on its plan to lift the lockdown rules this weekend the measures have now been extended until next sunday the government says its too early to lift restrictions with nearly 1200 coronavirus cases recorded djibouti his figures are low on a global scale but it has the highest number of infections per capita in africa the World Health Organization ones more than 190000. 00 people across the continent could die from the virus in the coming year. Brazils president is facing renewed criticism over its response to the pandemic on the day the number of deaths past 10000 jebel so not always seen writing at jet ski on a lake in the capital brasilia exactions and in defiance of advice and social distancing from his own Health Ministry also not only has dismissed a growing alarm over latin americas worst outbreak as you roses. Well one of the worlds most respected medical journals has described as the biggest threat to his country but the president and his supporters are refusing to support staying at home measures and saying the economy must come 1st. Reports. As brazil recorded more than 10000 copies in 1000 dates on saturday supporters of president of the sender their game on the capital brasilia to defend their battered leader and demand an end to all lockdown measures they rallied in front of the countrys Supreme Court angry after it allowed an inquiry into the president for allegedly interfering in a Police Corruption case against. All this happening while a study by top brazilian universities says the country is still weeks away from reaching the peak of infections and predicting more than 60000. 00 deaths by next month the highest death toll anywhere besides the United States in escaping at the tauriel the british medical journal the lancet says balsa narrow who continues to dismiss the effects of the outbreak is the biggest threat to easing the crisis the governor of brazils most populous states extended a lockdown in this region until the end of the month backpedaling on an earlier promise to start reopening the state a monday and implicitly attacking will so now still. We are all going through the worst moments of this pain dimmick but its not recognised not say not understood by those who are blinded by hate or by personal ambition. Medical officials in religion a go in at least 4 other major cities have warned that their Hospital Systems are on the verge of collapse among them and now its in the heart of the Amazon Region where 500 more coffins arrived by boat to deal with the surgeon deaths nobody knows exactly how many died to cope with 19 because of insufficient the late testing for instance the state of. The 2nd most populated state in brazil we have only 3000 cases but then we have almost 100000 suspected cases that have gone so far so the numbers are clearly much worse than we know the government has absolutely no idea of the true extent of the problem in. The Health Minister himself has admitted that. Through this. And already bleak situation the promises to become even harsher as the weeks go by alison that. Hundreds of are indian nationals have returned home after being stranded abroad because of the pandemic this group was sent by ship with all the as part of the governments mission to bring back those stuck in various countries arrivals are then checked and sent into quarantine india closed its borders to International Flights and barge leaving hundreds of thousands of its citizens stranded abroad. New corona virus infections are increasing in germany just days after the government eased social restrictions the Roberts Court institute to release the reports as thousands of protesters gathered to demand the lifting of all lockdown rules report says germanys covert 19 reproduction rate or the number of people each confirmed patient infects is now above one that means infections are on the rise germanys recorded more than 170000 cases and 7500 deaths so far. Americas top Infectious Disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci is in self quarantine after coming into contact with someone who has covered 19 she is a Senior Member of the White House Response Team and will go into whats been described as modified quarantine after making the low risk contact the 2 other officials in the task force will go into isolation for a full 2 weeks. The number of corona virus cases globally has now passed 4000000 with the u. S. Accounting for around a 3rd now former president barack obama has described Donald Trumps handling of the pandemic as an absolutely chaotic disaster obama made the remarks in a private Conference Call with former members of his in ministration he says trumps team appears to have a mind set of whats in it for me and to heck with everybody else the u. S. Reported about 1300000 infections and nearly 80000 deaths obama urged his supporters to back president ial candidate joe biden and said hell be campaigning hard for Bidens White House bid a new group is working to put more mothers into american politics by removing some of the hurdles its called vote mamma and its making an effort to increase the number of women on election ballots it comes fewer than 6 months before the house and Senate Elections in november unofficial reports from austin texas. Before the world changed this was political campaigning in america to have 2 neighborhoods knocking on doors canvassing for votes now most of the work is being done on the floor and its another obstacle to overcome if youre running for office particularly if youre a woman and a mother the reality is people look at you differently theyre like i cant tell you the times ive been asked where your kids are all over is running for the u. S. Congress in texas one of the growing number of mothers who want to change the face of u. S. Politics i think moms are the ones who have really delivered powerful movements in our country and whether its black lives matter moms demand demand action for gun safety legislation or mad at you know mothers against drunk driving its always been moms whove been pushing these movements to save people truly like save peoples lives from Gun Violence Police violence from Truck Drivers and so i think we would have a completely different set of priorities if we had a whole lot more months in congress and the senate and the presidency the Texas Democrat is being backed by a group called vote mama its a Political Action committee for support and mentorship to democrats up and down the ballot it was set up by a mother who run for a congressional seat in new york she was the 1st to when federal Election Commission approval for Campaign Funds to be used to pay for child care it was Game Changing we have actually seen 38. 00 federal candidates take advantage of the ruling since may 2010 ruling including that its been men its been women its been republicans its been democrats weve seen over 60 state candidates now use this it breaks down a major financial obstacle at a time when more working parents are thinking of running for office and it starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom with small children most states are considering changing their laws to bring them into line with the federal ruling country less than 5 percent of congress are working mothers not even close to his liking america is a whole district i know the sacrifices it takes us to work and raise a family that put mama wants to give more women in politics of voice we will not be pushed to the side but 1st it wants to give them a chance Alan Fischer Austin texas. This is our jazeera these are the top stories british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to outline plans soon over how the lockdown there might be eased the governments already changed its coronavirus slogan from stay home to stay alert the fighting is intensifying in libya after forces loyal to walter you feel huffed out attacked the capitals only functioning airport turkey says it amounts to a war crime tripolis un recognized government has launched a counter refence of. Iraqs new Prime Minister has ordered the release of people detained in the countrys protest movement it comes as an antigovernment demonstration in iraqs capital intensive finds new corona virus infections are increasing in germany just days after the government ease social restrictions but thousands of protesters have gathered to demand the lifting of all lockdown rules and you report concluded the number of people inch confirmed patient in fact is now above one that means infections are on the virus. While police in hong kong have broken up demonstrations launched in several major shopping malls protest against the influence of Mainland China have resumed as coronavirus restrictions. Typical policy has more. At the beginning they were trying but eventually they made their way into these shopping malls and gathered in groups and as you can see here behind me on the railings people just gather around them and start chanting slogans against the police against government and for more democracy and universal suffrage but as soon as right police come they all dispersed very quickly whats making it very difficult for police to discern who is a protester and whos just a regular shopper this is one of the main shopping malls in the city is the fact that everyone in hong kong is wearing a face mask due to the governments advice to help fight the coronaVirus Outbreak iran is reportedly ready to conduct a Prisoner Exchange with the u. S. Without any preconditions the government spokesman was quoted in local media saying teheran has expressed willingness to exchange all prisoners but has not had back from the us those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera the inside story good bye. Stranded with no income no work the patent damage pushes millions of Migrant Workers out of a job they and the families back home go hungry so who should look after them and will the crisis change the way wealthy countries use foreign labor this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program on boots farm workers are often the backbone

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