Advisor Michael Flynn who admitted lying to the f. B. I. About his russia contacts and more toxic gases emitted from a Chemical Plant in india where an earlier leak killed 11 and put hundreds of hospital. Is on track to be the worst month for u. S. Job losses ever as the coronavirus continues to take a terrible toll on the worlds economies around another 3000000. 00 people filed for Unemployment Benefits in america last week it means were looking at 33 and a half 1000000 a Staggering Number of people have made claims for support since late march when the shutdowns began the news isnt very good elsewhere either the u. K. Where the bank of england expects economic output to shrink by 14 percent this year and unemployment to rise to 8 percent the European Union earlier. Warded is bracing for a similar slump 7. 4 percent but china is reporting a different picture it says its called actually rose in april for the 1st time this year after many of its factories reopens the u. S. Though is bracing for more bad news on friday when the overall unemployment figure is released more from a White House Correspondent kimberly has one in 5 americans filing for Unemployment Insurance since march what we have now 33000000 and climbing really this is a nation that is bracing for an historic Unemployment Rate because essentially all of the jobs that we saw really added to the u. S. Economy in the last decade have now been wiped out centrally a 20 percent Unemployment Rate and you have to remember thats astonishing given the fact that it was just weeks ago 3. 5 percent previously which was a 50 year low. Voice are with us now a specialist on political economy in a resident scholar at the American Enterprise institute hes with us from washington nice to see you stan these numbers i mean there are still missing arent they and its i guess its the speed with which this is happening with no real ability to slow it down. Absolutely so this is really unprecedented. The number of seats seen every single one of the last 6 weeks have been so much higher than than any bill. Previous unemployment claims numbers that weve seen since world war 2 and so that didnt happen just lets read it happened 6 times in a row and by now were up to well over 20000000 people who follow for Unemployment Benefits is the u. S. Government and the treasury in your opinion doing all it can i mean these are i get a little bit sick of saying this but these are unprecedented times we know that and theres no playbook for whats happening at the moment. Yes ive actually been somewhat relieved that quickly congress has has acted and how dramatically the Federal Reserve has intervened as well so weve seen a drastic expansion of the Unemployment Insurance program both in terms of generosity and duration weve seen. You know im again im president support for for businesses grants for businesses with fewer than 500 employees and very significant market support for Larger Companies through the Federal Reserve and so i think thats all you know better maybe then some would have expected coming from from a congress that has and hasnt worked perhaps as a fact of the as you might hope over the last few years and what we dont know yet is whether it will be enough fred we have obviously seen that deleting in the labor markets continues i think people would have hoped that by now it would stabilize a little bit what we saw up just today that you know over 3000000 people thoughts on Employment Benefits in the past week hopefully some of that is simply a bad lot right to some states like florida for example where people have really struggled to be able to file their their unemployment claim and so hopefully some of the some what we saw today is a backlog and situation stabilized but its certainly not looking great so if we compare this to. The Great Recession 20082009 when obviously there was large unemployment numbers there well 1st of all can we compare it but also i just wonder that with sort of. A decline which took a long time to recover from this time its a sharp decline but i wonder if Companies Might be in a position to start rehiring when things open up again you know things like say airlines or Hospitality Industry where suddenly they will have business again and whether theyll be in a position to rehire. Well yeah so if you if you want to take a very positive look at the situation i take 2 things are much better than they were after the financial crisis one and youre saying well well automatically get a very positive shock and things reopen red that will presumably give you know get a boost in demand but also due to the supply side of the economy and secondly for now at least credit markets and the sort of financial side of the economy are working. Thanks to the Central Bank Intervention and so you know those 2 things i think what should give us hope in addition to you know the expansive congressional action weve seen but i think that that would be. Optimistic way to look at whats going. On he got another cold coming in stand so ill let you guys and boy get joining us from washington thank you thank you. On to other news in the u. S. Is reportedly removing patriot antimissile systems and other military assets from saudi arabia as it winds down a military build up began as tensions with iran flared up last year this is all according to the wall street journal which says among the facilities affected will be Saudi Oil Installations remember the u. S. Deployed more assets there after an attack on saudi aramco plants last september dozens of u. S. Military personnel will also be reassigned when asked about the report President Donald Trump had plenty to say but wouldnt be drawn on specifics. Well i dont want to talk about it but were doing some things were making a lot of moves in the middle east and elsewhere were doing a lot of things all over the world militarily weve been taken advantage of all over the world our military and. In the sense that were and this is nothing to do with saudi arabia this has to do with other countries frankly much more we have the most powerful military in the world weve spent 1. 00 trillion dollars since ive been here more than that 1. 00 trillion dollars on a military that we now have the Strongest Military weve ever had we have the best equipment the best missiles planes the best of everything. Were authorizing and just authorized ships new ships being built theyre all being built in the United States and theyre beauties swip the best submarines in the world by far and we have some brains being built and we go around and protect other countries and other countries dont respect us like they should in some cases they dont even like us. And those days are over those days are over so things are moving. And im not putting saudi on that thing but we are doing certain things that will be positive for us and i think very positive for them too spoke to samuel for money about this a little bit earlier hes the middle east analyst and regular contributor to the Washington Post and Foreign Policy magazine he says that withdrawal has more to do with saudi arabias Oil Price War with russia. I think the drawdown is largely related to the ongoing saudi Oil Price War with russia which indirectly relates us shale gas over the past several weeks is not a lot of pressure again for republicans that are so easily prostatic on trying to take strong action against the ship all because the secondary factors could be the us need to we dont why worry doriss towards Asia Pacific Region as the as tensions us lately china and also the belief that iran does something of a back foot as it should syria has receded your israeli airstrikes its military forces in iraq into fracture and also deals with the combined bag of holding 19 sanctions but i would rate the low price war as the primary factor and eventually a child and then we can simply run a secondary tertiary drive your suspect like in this new decision. The u. S. Justice department is dropping its case against President Donald Trumps 1st National Security advisor Michael Flynn a former general was fired in the early days of the trumpet ministration after he admitted lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russias ambassador to washington but in recent months hes been aggressively challenging his prosecution the details now with alan fischer in washington. During the trump president ial campaign general Michael Flynn often led the chance of look around him that the republicans opponent hillary clinton. Won and he faced the very real prospect that would happen to him after he pled guilty of lying to the f. B. I. In recent weeks his new legal team insisted documents had been uncovered which suggested misconduct by f. B. I. Investigators no the Justice Department wants all charges dropped i didnt know that was happening at this moment i felt it was going to happen just by watching and seeing like everybody else does he was an innocent man he is a great gentleman he was targeted by the Obama Administration and he was targeted in order to try and take down a president and what theyve done is a disgrace and i hope a big price is going to be paid a big price should be paid 24 days as National Security adviser is the shortest ever remain in the important government post he resigned when confronted with evidence he lied about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the us that made him vulnerable to blackmail he also lied about his law being for the turkish government and the white house said hed lied to the Vice President his resignation was an issue of trust. Flynn and initially worked with the miller inquiry into russian collusion with the Trump Campaign to win a lighter sentence but last year he changed lawyers and took a more aggressive approach to Court Proceedings even though hed already pled guilty the decision to do. The case has left many legal experts surprised it is appalling that somebody who actually pleaded guilty to 2 crimes is now walking away because the attorney general of the United States is deciding there isnt enough evidence to prosecute him i think that given the judges statements in this case all along judge Emmet Sullivan i think judge sullivan may have something to say about this sudden reversal on trump has hinted hes open to bringing Michael Flynn back into the administration a federal judge now has the final decision but it seems the legal case may be coming to an end the political fallout of the Justice Departments decision is only just beginning alan fischer aljazeera washington forces loyal to the libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar have shelled central tripoli resulting in explosions near the turkish and the town embassies and a hotel after has been trying to seize the capital for more than a year he also issued a warning to turkey on thursday about its support for the u. N. Recognize government which is trying to defeat right up the one head is in tripoli for us and says residents fear more attacks by have to forces. The targeted area which is a very close to the city center its called zoe demand the word civil Diplomatic Mission headquarters are located and also a courthouse and a public park 2 Police Officers were killed along with other civilian a passer by were killed by the explosions caused by. A grad rocket launch it by forces loyal to the warlord. And civil other civilians that one day now the people in the residential areas nearby are still living in a state of panic state of fear they cannot guarantee that more rockets were have to his forces wont be targeting their areas over night and tripoli. Recognized foreign minister mohammed say yellow contacted both the turkish and italian ambassadors to check on them he also stated that the targeting of that residential area which is very close to the headquarters of the diplomatic or the embassies is a violation of the into the national and International Humanitarian law now as as you know that have those forces have been threatening to. Target more areas and as you know that the government of national called is accusing his forces of committing war crimes by targeting residential areas in the news ahead were looking at new research from the u. K. Suggesting ethnic minorities are at a greater risk of dying from coronavirus than the u. N. Issues a stark warning is millions of people risk starvation and economic devastation. Hello there not a bad couple of days ahead much of it japan there is some rain beginnings push in at the end of the 2 days but in the meantime enjoy the class guys and the sunshine this march you can see here this is all time so a lot of rain some very heavy downpours at times this will work its way slowly east was on friday a portion of the east coast of china and head on across the yellow sea now in the wake of this we have certainly seen the temperatures actually come down already in beijing but just 18 degrees on friday cloudy skies across the fall south its a fairly pretty warm and humid a high of 32 in hong kong this rain then through saturday works its way across the Korean Peninsula some very heavy downpours at times thomas nulty about an insult 20 degrees celsius but then that rain beginning to push into Western Areas of japan so showers like into a soccer later in the day on saturday should stay fine though in tokyo for the south across indonesia. And some storms we sent a few those crop up across india china as well but you can see here they are actually this time of year beginning to actually put down the rice say for the rice paddies its before the rains the rise of the seas get put down and say we got a few showers and 4 calls in cambodia but not the heavy rains that obviously encourage the crops to go but in the meantime throughout south today on friday well see those heavy rains particularly into northern i was a small border air. Choices and sacrifices made in the name. To provide children. Right some of the love they crave and focus this compassion and kindness on one with alzheimers patients from the west. Oneness with travel halfway around the world to lead the. Witness kissing mother goodbye on aljazeera. The top stories this hour on aljazeera april is on track to be the worst month for u. S. Job losses ever around another 3000000. 00 people filed for Unemployment Benefits last week making a total of more than 33000000 since late march. The u. S. Is reportedly pulling out its patriot antimissile systems and other military assets from saudi arabia the wall street journal says washington is winding down its military buildup that began as tensions with iran flared up last year. A libyan warlord honey for haftar is shelled central tripoli resulting in explosions near the turkish and italian embassies after its been trying to seize the capital for more than a year. There are signs the European Union is preparing to reopen some of its borders several countries have individually been easing their coronavirus restrictions to varying degrees but its a tricky strategy especially as the summer tourism season approaches more on this from lawrence lee. Symbolism masses at times like these in the size of one of madrid smokes like conic restaurants beloved by locals and tourists alike getting ready to open its doors once again is bound to be a psychological boost for a city so badly damaged by the virus. Tomorrow city hall gives us permission list of the one meta extension to guarantee the 2 meter distance between tables on monday we will be open although we dont know the shuttle b. Would have yet but unless to as differently we would open from noon until 10 pm. And while the European Countries worst affected like italy are only tentatively dreaming of what the summer might hold if the new normal can be organized other european nations are now going further announcing similar taney asli that their cherished open borders closed nervous several weeks of being restored. In vilnius the capital of a few ania the Prime Minister said the 3 Baltic States were reopening to each other and indicated that neighboring poland might follow. This would be quite a serious signal both to europe and to the world that in our region we properly handled the situation we applied similar methods we have similar epidemiological situations so we can do a regional opening while in the austrian capital vienna so popular in both summer and winter with German Tourists the chancellor said his country would reopen both to germany and to the Czech Republic its in turn said it was reopening to croatia in contact we are in contact with these countries and we want the borders reopened because when its possible to drive from salzburg to terrell and from terrell to solve without an increased infection risk and the same is true for salzburg to bavaria or of area to salzburg or vice versa it doesnt make any sense to uphold borders which hinder people but dont offer more protection for countries like the u. K. Are still battling the trip to the beach spain has their reopening as part of a staged return to normality undoubtedly with an eye on the summer as a way of desperately trying to recoup lost income and while so many Major Airlines are laying off thousands of staff a low cost 1. 00 dairy and carrier whizzer announced it was resuming flights from the u. K. To tourist destinations including lisbon and 10 arrays and even increasing them at one airport abandoned by the carries. Perhaps europeans might have a Summer Holiday after all lawrence lee aljazeera. Black people are 4 times more likely to die of coronavirus than white people in the u. K. The countrys National Statistics agency says people of bangladeshi pakistani and Indian Origin are also at a significantly higher risk all of this building on evidence of significant Racial Disparities in how the virus is impacting minority communities john hall with his report from North West London food donations being prepared for the community at a Pentecostal Church in the london borough of brant the reverend desmond hall shows us around. These people are old really vulnerable disabled some have to mention some of the story. Brant is one of the areas of london worst affected by cope with 19 new Research Suggests that sea in part because of its High Percentage of black asian and minority ethnic all. Residents occupants are struggling our community as you may be aware this side of brant is within that double digit deprivation so in this is a separation we are double digit deprivation figures from the office of National Statistics indicate that people from be a. M. E. Groups of 4 times more likely to die from covert 19 than their white ethnic counterparts the o n s points to social inequality as a major factor and Health Officials agree that any communities are more likely to live in deprived situations theyre more likely to live another half of a crowded commuter and many of them are in front line which is exposing them to the virus so it does show that. Its excess space in the existing Health Inequalities that sadly are all too prevalent in our society the latest numbers are in line with similar trends among ethnic minority groups elsewhere in the world at the reverend halls church we meet Jennifer Green who does what she can to help those struggling in her Community Despite having Underlying Health conditions herself these people that b. C im not well. Theyre sick so some of its hard for some of them as you mention the community some of them cant read so its hard for them to pick up the phone they have a right they dont know who to turn to so people are dying as we say in the biblical biblical terms people. Knowledge is power i want to conclude it doesnt have knowledge of the community its power. Is taken away in the end this looks like an issue of poverty and of race of minority ethnic groups less well connected to Public Services more likely to be doing low paid jobs that they cant afford to give up and very often directly exposed to the viruses nurses as bus drivers often on the front line of the fight against corona virus its yet another way in which this virus is tearing into societies and communities jona whole aljazeera london United Nations is asking governments companies and the worlds richest people to contribute to a multibillion dollar fund to help poor countries in their fight against covert 19 it is warning any failure to help could lead to famine riots and even more conflict or from a diplomatic editor james pace an appeal for the most Vulnerable Countries on earth taking part in a Virtual Event the uns top humanitarian officials have identified 63. 00 countries that need help both to fight the virus and to withstand the effects of the economic downturn here is what were facing now is a double pandemic surely famines that could impact the biblical course theres no question mega famines are on our break literally right now. Before koby hit the street we already had 130000000 people as i say marching on the brink of starvation the u. N. Emergency relief coordinator who also spoke at the event told me why the rich countries of the world need to act to tell us the benefits of acting early its always cheaper and better to act early and take me with this kind of problem what were going to see if there is growing instability and growing migrates repressions and more space created for terrorist and other extremist groups is was apparently a one year problem potentially being turned into a 10 year problem and thats not in anybodys interests the problem were dealing with has the potential to settle back all around the world know what we say everybody say so even in the midst of dating with this huge domestic challenge and all the rich countries the smartest strategy is to spend one percent of your effort and he about why the world is well the problem for this appeal is even the richest countries on earth are currently facing Major Economic problems the 1st version of this appeal was some 2000000000 dollars and the u. N. Only managed to raise hol fact some now theyre asking for 6700000000. 00 james but as era at the United Nations lets turn to some other news north korea has criticized its southern neighbor for conducting military drills according to the state news agency the north Korean Military described the exercise as a grave provocation that demands a reaction it also says the drills of violated agreements aimed at reducing tensions on sunday the north and south korean troops exchanged gunfire across the demilitarized zone. More gas has been detected coming from a Plastics Factory in india where an earlier lake killed at least 11 people hundreds more have been treated in hospital in the Southern City of. The plant was due to reopen cern after being closed due to the coronavirus lockdown theres a bit around and reports now from new delhi. Panic and chaos in indias Southern City of the shock a part known as People Living in an Industrial Area began losing consciousness thats after a gas leak at a Plastics Factory owned by a south Korean Company l. G. Chemicals the leak happened early on thursday morning when most people were asleep. The National Disaster Response Force evacuated at least a 1000 people from the 3 kilometer radius around the factory there were some people who were unconscious also make conscious there were people who were not able to move there were children there were women there were people who. All of them were helped at least 800 were taken to hospital with breathing difficulties and irritated skin police said that styrene gas leaked out of 25000 ton tanks which had been left unattended as the factory was closed for 40 days during indias small town. They said that hed produce inside the tanks was released soon after the factory reopened. L. G. Chemicals confirmed the plant wasnt operating because of the lockdown but said they were maintenance staff that the facility emergency workers said the date was brought under control by midday so now the focus is not so much on the gas leakage as the effect of the gas leakage on the treatment of the of the people who have been affected. L. G. Said it was investigating the cause the industry is minister of the state of said it looked as though proper procedures werent followed when the plant reopened he also said they want the company to ensure the same level of responsibility is taken at the incident were to happen in the e. U. Or United States. Police in the eastern city of baghdad also reveal that there was a gas leak as a paper mill on wednesday they said the owner tried to hide the incident in which at least 7 workers were hospitalized in Critical Condition like the fact. That he said the paper mill had also been shot during indias lockdown and workers had been preparing to reopen it Elizabeth Al Jazeera new delhi flash floods and landslides in rwanda have killed at least 65 people flooding that was triggered by heavy rain and 100. 00 homes were destroyed and several bridges were washed away in the south as Prime Minister will retire at the end of next month 80 year old thomas the banner says hes leaving office because of his age not because hes implicated in the murder of his strange wife about his new wife has been charged over the killing which happened 3 years ago. The decision to leave for israel entirely despite the fact that my of course is jewish no term is due to and in 2022. Years i did indicate in january the job of Prime Minister. Perception israel is right between physical strength. Due to my. Initiative is i used to be as. Voluntarily were killed or over the reins of government no accordance with the laws of the short. Funny with much of the world still under lockdown there is a rare opportunity for many lives of people to experience something together the last super moon of the year that appears bigger and brighter than usual this one beautiful shots of istanbul there an idea known as the flower. These are the headlines on aljazeera this april is on track to be the worst month for u. S. Job losses ever around another 3000000. 00 people filed for Unemployment Benefits last week taking it to a staggering 33 and a half 1000000 making claims for support since late march when the shutdowns began the number will start coming down at an appropriate time what ever that is im viewing the 3rd quarter as being a very important quarter because its as i said there will be a transition i think you could almost see a transition into greatness because i think next year were going to have a phenomenal year a phenomenal year economically in other news the u. S. Is reportedly pulling out its patriot antimissile systems and other military assets from saudi arabia as it winds down a military buildup that began when tensions with iran flared last year the wall street journal says Saudi Oil Installations will be among the facilities affected when i asked about the report President Donald Trump wouldnt be drawn on specifics well i dont want to talk about it but were doing some things will make it a lot of moves in the middle east and elsewhere were doing a lot of things all over the world militarily weve been taken advantage of all over the world our military and. In the sense that were and this is nothing to do with saudi arabia this has to do with other countries frankly much more we have the most powerful military in the world the libyan war there is shelled central tripoli resulting in explosions near the turkish and italian embassies after its been trying to seize the capital for more than a year now. The u. S. Justice departments hasta judge to drop criminal charges against saddam and transform a National Security adviser Michael Flynn was mounting pressure from the president and his political allies the case against flynn was one of the most high profile to come from a special counsel russia investigation and just some breaking news for you a father and son in the u. S. State of georgia has been arrested and charged with the murder of a black man who was killed on a residential street the family that operate say he was just not joking when he was confronted by 2 white men who thought he was a bit more on that story a little later on inside story is next. How is corona virus affecting the Sports Industry all major event. Takes its toll worldwide a multibillion dollar business is now at stake so can sport survive the break this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im peter told me it is a very very lucrative business and almost recession proof but sports is being dealt a financial blow by the coronavirus made

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