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A solution to these job losses that are historic in nature being compared to the Great Depression but the reality is will these jobs were lost very quickly over a matter of weeks the recovery is going to be phase that means its going to take some time now the u. S. President continues to project optimism in the midst of all of this but at the same time the reality is that the projections are gloomy and theyre going to kid to new to be for some time new figures show black people in britain a 4 times more likely to die from a coronavirus than white people Country Statistics Agency says people of almost all ethnic minorities are more likely to be killed by the virus it said relative poverty was likely to be a factor reports from several other western nations have shown similar results. The maire of moscow has extended the citys lockdown until the end of the month the russian capitals 11000000 people can only leave their homes for essential services and that also said he believes the real number of cases in the russian capital is around 300000. 00 as the worlds economies suffer from the Global Pandemic a universal appeal is being made to fund the response the United Nations is asking for billions of dollars from rich nations to help millions living in the planets poorest countries a diplomatic editor james bass reports an appeal for the most Vulnerable Countries on earth taking part in a Virtual Event the uns top humanitarian officials have identified 63. 00 countries that need help both to fight the virus and to withstand the effects of the economic downturn here is what were facing now is the double pandemic truly famines that could impact the biblical course theres no question mega famines are all on our break literally right now. Before code. We already had 130000000 people as i say marching on the brink of starvation the u. N. Emergency relief coordinator who also spoke at the event told me why the rich countries of the world need to act to tell us the benefits of acting early its always cheaper and better to act early and take me with this kind of problem were going to see if there is growing instability and growing migrates repressions and more space created for terrorist and other extremist groups is was apparently a one year problem potentially being turned into a 10 year problem and thats not in anybodys interests the broadway dealing with has the potential to circle back around the world know what we say kill everybody say so even in the midst of dating with this huge domestic challenge and all the rich countries the smartest strategy is to spend one percent of your effort and he about the wider world as well the problem for this appeal is even the richest countries on earth are currently facing Major Economic problems the 1st version of this appeal was some 2000000000. 00 and the u. N. Only managed to raise hol fact some now theyre asking for 6700000000. 00 james but out as era at the United Nations okla fishel says a Plastics Factory in india has just begun to leak toxic gas again that comes after 11 people were killed by an early leak of 2000 people being left with breathing problems after the incident at the plant in the east of the country facility owned by the south korean firm l g ive been unused for 40 days due to indias coronavirus knock down flash floods caused by heavy rains have killed at least 65 people in rwanda 5 bridges were washed away and dozens of homes destroyed flooding across Eastern Africa has led to more than 260 deaths in recent days you stay with us shadow world is next ill have more news for you after that i have now. When we stumbled on the saudi arms deal. We really started to stumble on a central feature of british politics over the last 30 years harnessed french has been at the heart of many of the great quote events of the past 30 years i was always peace to see him when i was Prime Minister. She considers saudi arabia as a strong friend and would be willing to support taking them with whatever the kingdom needs and of discussion from there on Everything Else was. He explained to mrs thatcher that this was a deal with saudi arabia and therefore things were done differently. They wanted 43000000000 pounds worth of weaponry that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. The 1st majority i would most people understand as bribes. When an executive goes to bribe a foreign official he says to himself look ive taken a lot of risk to take this 5000000. 00 that im paying to the Prime Minister of x. Y. Z. He makes an arrangement with Prime Minister of x. Y. Z. Ill hand over the 5000000 but you take half of that 5000000 and you send it to the following bank account in switzerland a good thing is money i dont mind paying bribes to politicians spite of the deal the thing about politicians is that theyre very much like prostitutes but only more expensive. From the 1950 s. All. All the way through the 1970 s. The cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions throughout central med america throughout africa really throughout the world where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right Wing Military juntas funding and arming death squads like the contras in nicaragua or battalion 316. 00 and under us and there were these spate of assassinations across the globe. Individuals operating in the shadows they never having their names called are able to leverage the power of the military and the Foreign Policy apparatus for their own personal pick junie ery in. Our war on terror. Begins with al qaida. But it does not in. This very very swollen on terror is irrational its like saying. A war on all war on violence a war that its nonsense you skipping into this possibility of confidential war. Our your political reassuring us and we kept believing him because you dont want to think your Prime Minister is deceiving you and the route to a war one is nothing more serious. When really Serious Fraud office launched its investigation into all the crimes that we were covering it turned out that many of these arms deals have been forced through by tony blair personally he said 30 k. Saddam salesman when ever there was a dispute ever in government he always found the onset of the Serious Fraud office go to the brink of uncovering the secret Swiss Bank Accounts by which be was from owning money to the saudi royal family the swiss said were going to notify the bank to tell holders randolph flew to london blasts one into action. He ordered the Serious Fraud office to close down their investigation. Prince bandar said if the investigation continued they would withdraw National Security cooperation which would lead in the words of prince bandar to blood on the streets of london. The story weve been banging away out for more than 5 years something every worked up to it because everybody could see was a huge cover up scandal the spectacle of a british Prime Minister closing bell and a criminal investigation for his release were you aware that your government was approving pavements to a friend of president bushs as part of British Aerospace is kicked back system is that why you suspended a fraud inquiry. When tony blair started talking about National Security interests thats supposed to be a card that trumps all others i dont believe the investigation is that it would have led anywhere except to the complete wreckage of a vital strategic relationship for our country in terms of fighting terrorism in terms of the middle east in terms of british interests there. So these things absolutely stunning it seems to be a very expensive way of organizing payment when was the military equipment and now the money. Blair came to south africa specifically to lobby the b. The british weapons manufacturers one the biggest contract on this deal. And the option that they presented was 2 and a half times more expensive than the plane that the south African Air Force actually wanted to be a nice systems real performance real advantage. As monday was about to step down from public life his successor tabel and betty made the decision to spend around 10000000000. 00 quite scarce Public Resources on this weaponry that we didnt need. Rather than provide lifesaving me. Cation for the almost 6000000 South Africans who were then living with hiv aids. The primary reason for those deals was that around 300000000. 00 in bribes were paid to senior politicians. And sadly to the African National congress the a. N. C. My own party. I was called in by a Senior Member of the a. N. C. Is National Executive council he said to me look angry this is a battle you cannot win because this money the brides we used to fund our 999 election. And almost immediately im asked to make a statement to the press that says theres nothing to investigate. Its all over. And i looked at him last said no its not. I wont be able to live with myself if i stop this investigation but at the same time im also realizing that this is the end of my political career. The heads of government of the sales people in chief of their countries large arms contractors. And this is the template used by large defense contractors around the world. Companies might be another me sort of effect to be part of a government but theyre effectively above the Law Corruption is not merely a dirty little detail on top of the arms trade its actually in a lot of cases what drives the International Arms trade many of these deals would not happen if they did not provide opportunities for personal enrichment i would be offended if i thought. We had the monopoly on corruption. To pay more for the right drugs we made a run to run for 20 years it was there a 1000000. 00 every year the mind off. As i was being dragged out right at the last 2nd im going to still fail remind everyone that this guy is a war criminal can i just say actually called the record what he said about iraq and j. P. Morgan is completely and totally untrue ive never had a discussion with them now im not suggesting that it was a phone call between jay people whove been in blair that was actually what happened was j. P. Morgan and a consortium of other banks didnt fact prop up the whole iraqi economy to the tune of about 2 and a half 1000000000 not 20000000000 other bit nervous that day then 6 months after he left office blair sammy signed by j. P. Morgan for 5000000. 00 every year i was just trying to enlighten the public that there was corruption involved and not just bad Decision Making id like to find out how this. Managed to access the coolant there must be a back door in because they dont want to tear time and there was a court room directly underneath the court room the player was in and it was left on not so i went through that run up 2 floors by the fire escape and then to the door of the court itself by this time my heart was pounding like im really going mad and i actually lost my courage for the moment i went and sat down in a low and a bouncer my family gents toilet there i did actually ring my mother and said listen im here in washington do you think i should still go when my mom said youre gone you wont get another chance and i thought thats it i mean the man or. This thing. That i hope has 2 beautiful daughters anger and courage anger at the way things are and courage to see that they dont remain the way they are. When you hear it. You can serve 2 sets of principles privilege and power justice and truth the more you make compromises with those who serve privilege and power point diminish the capacity for justice and trust. And. I think that the rebel seeks to keep those who have power fearful. Under them. Have been. Ordered to go. Unappreciated usage and to have a tally of the city well but of all that the feud has on t. V. Will get there which we will see t. The opportunity but it does appear to be a year of have to wash it look to feed the study. Now we are humans in what i dont know man a sunni militia so im. No no not a computer mustapha could be a. Human hope under george bush. Im not a washington side and the minute i see them im just bush. Who work on. The general anyhow that im a one party. Peace thats what we want freedom and peace not. A few of. The who were left who wanted to see. When the whole dollar an hour just to her feet. And they just pushed them and. We can bet because of that good luck and the how they get bought girl in the shop will add up to Say Something well never do it but i can him if you want too much coffee that i want to tother can even be full. Damage how about a lead up to a silo let me allow to be a dam how about an add up how well it had heated you let you color george bush and then tell us all in there not be a circle let me come to what i can accept that we had the end and then take out it but it could do so if you were accepted at the job and end up being let mr. George bush whod been with darwin and the u. K. s statement. On how the judge. Who has not even died well i can no hole no hoof and. No no. So what if the guy threw a shoe at. Me. Along. With my. Going to be may have had. That for you could come south. Dakota going to be my. That i did no no no just said the. Movement. Im going to reach is the sourcing of the l. A. Times report paragraph one of us Authorities Say column one still u. S. Officials say said one u. S. Justice Department Counterterrorism official column 2 Officials Say u. S. Authorities say u. S. Officials say those officials said the officials confirmed american officials complained they said that u. S. Officials. U. S. Officials stressed column 3 u. S. Authorities said jordanian Officials Say they got a side. Note off to place we havent finished yet several u. S. Officials said column 4 u. S. Officials said several american officials said Officials Say say u. S. Officials but u. S. Officials said one u. S. Counterterrorism official said im not joking there it is that is the journalism youre getting fed i sometimes think the l a times the New York Times should be called american Officials Say. I denounce the call to invade iraq publicly and here times issued me a formal written reprimand which is what you get before your fire under union rules to stop speaking out against the war i had been the middle east bureau chief and i better iraq than 7 years in the middle east. How can you come out of gaza not being free. Whats being done to those people how can you come out of the sudan solid or dozens of other places i better not be angry. Ive seen the bodies of a lot of children which i cant forget. You know especially i mean duff. 20 years and. Dostoevsky 7 l. Is the inability to love and thats what kills people. I fully get why people blow their brains out its really you. And i dont use love as a kind of all mark schmaltzy and we all gotta love each other. Im saying that the only way youre healed from those experiences is by reestablishing a connection. With that kind of power with another human being and if you cant do that you dont survive and i have friends of couldnt do it theyre not here anymore. Its you know the power of love. To transcend time. That looks like ga youd be too alpha 38. 00 we used to have a woman loaches amigo and it fired 4000. 00 rounds per minute one of the manifestations of the National Security state especially in the in the sort of apple j. Its arrived at today is that it destroys the palms it destroys the will to diplomacy and it destroys the skill for diplomacy. If youre a small state like we were for 150 years in an essence these of these spain france england than even russia youve got to be exquisitely good at diplomacy you got to be able to talk yourself out of lots of things and make deals and compromises and so forth but if youre the worlds head human you dont deal with anybody you smack you use your military and you smack him. On may 3rd of 2003 the ambassador of switzerland to turn around delivers a letter from iran to the United States. In that letter the iranians essentially offer negotiations to open up the Nuclear Program for full transparency. The proposal came in i have been to see its because a copy was also given to a member of congress that i worked for at the time. He sent it over to the white house and called rove called rove called back he said that he found the proposal intriguing he wanted to know if it was genuine were a promise to put it in front of the president i would call karl rove a dear friend. Ive seen made a far sighted courage put america on a war footing. And protect us against a brutal enemy in a dangerous conflict that will shape this new century no formal response was given to the iranians at all im grateful to have been witness to history. And the argument was that whatever could come out of a negotiation with the iranians. Even more could be achieved by simply removing the regime in iraq. In a way to sum up the argument however a principle in the Bush Administration said that we simply do not talk to evil. And as tony zinni said former Central Command commander if you like the rock youll love the wrong. That is a 10 to 14 year 3 to 4. 00 trillion dollar invasion at the end of which the world western asia will look not much different than it does right now itll still be in turmoil and still be in chaos and 70 plus 1000000 iranians will hate living guts. I was in the pentagon and i wanted to see undersecretary difference the idea is that wolfowitz shared with me in surgery cheney in 911000 packages to retool and went to the white house briefed people like president s America Needs a new strategy of force regime change. So here this idea springs back up again in 2001. I went through the pentagon in november of 2001 and one of the general said sure i got this memo on the oscars. Were going to go after 7 countries in 5 years. I said is that a classified memo he said yes sure were going to start with iraq and then were going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran. I think its highly probable the administration has already made the decision to go to war against iran there are already u. S. Troops inside iran want to repeat that there are already u. S. Troops inside iran the u. S. Has long had its eyes set on trying to impact regime change in iran and much of what youve seen the u. S. Doing with regards to iran has been on a covert level weve seen a report in a new yorker by Seymour Hersh that a u. S. So are sold in the us marines who are operating in the blue key missouri and kurdish regions of iran have you ever heard of that report ive never heard of the report ive never read the article nor do i intend to do you have any end. Christe as to whether or not as the u. S. Ambassador i dont have any interest as to whether or not u. S. Marines are actually operating in iran right now and i said i had not heard of the report and i didnt intend to read the article in the new yorker if i gave you this article right now walked it over would you look at it i dont think so honestly congressman because i dont i dont have time to read much fiction. We have teams inside iran and these include joint special Operations Forces mostly Commando Unit it has been given executive authority by the president as many as 12 countries to go in and kill were talking about high value targets. Theyre operating now and they go into a country outside of the war zone outside of afghanistan and outside of iraq they love telling the american cia station chief or the American Ambassador they go into their own they kill people. We have to work to sort of to the dark side if you will with us spend time in the shadows in the intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly without any discussion using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies. Thanks. To. The doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the United States has the right to go into any country around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what International Law says. What is president obamas response to that how is he going to deal with it he embraced the very covert Shadow Forces that a decade earlier had only been talked about in hushed tones in the pentagon not just as the implementers of a policy that said we should decapitate Terror Networks and engage in preemptive strikes but they became the policy itself. Culturally i believe the muslims had a far greater effect all europe than europe hard all the middle east. The crusaders fault for old dismissal because they failed to recognize the moment when youve had a ride not halakha it was in the the List Campaign of colonization that exploded religion in the name of the cross the crusades an arab perspective to find a pursued liberation on a jersey of. Examining the impact of todays headlines extraordinary times require extraordinary measures but these should not be at the expense of our privacy setting the agenda for tomorrows discuss truths i know double life that was in these walls and now there is no live in the wall global experts in discussion in this democracy why are people not voting International Film a cause and world class journalists. On just sarah. Political ideals grassroots activists and polished speech in its lines takes you inside the battle for the democratic party. And asks if its base is too polarized to take on the white house theres a generational divide thats real you might ironically see the outsider mantle the most corrupt incumbent president ever to langleys americas divided democrats on out his era. Hello norm Taylor Nandan the top stories on our 0 has been more detail on how badly the coronavirus pandemic is damaging global economies a further 3200000 people of fog for unemployment in the u. S. In the past week that takes the total number of people whove lost their jobs since the outbreak began to more than 33000000. What we know is this is a white house very eager to bring back the economy pushing very hard as a solution to these job losses that are historic in nature being compared to the Great Depression but the reality is well these jobs were lost very quickly over a matter of weeks the recovery is going to be phase that means its going to take some time the us president continues to project optimism in the midst of all of this but at the same time the reality is that the projections are gloomy ad theyre going to continue to be for some time new figures show black people in britain a 4 times more likely to die from coronavirus than white people the countrys Statistics Agency says people of almost all ethnic minorities are more likely to be killed by the virus it said relative poverty was likely to be a factor reports from several other western nations have shown similar results a matter of moscow has extended the citys knock down until the end of the month the russian capital has 11000000 people could only leave their homes for essential services and have to apply to use public transport map also said he believes the real number of cases in the russian capital is around 300003 times higher than the official total you noted nations says the worlds richest nations need to give billions of dollars to help protect people in the poorest from coronavirus ahead of the World Food Program says the pandemic could lead to a significant rise in conflict hunger and poverty he called for 4700000000 dollars of extra aid. Local Officials Says a Plastics Factory in india has just begun to leak toxic gas again comes after 11 people were killed by a leak up to a 1000 people were left with breathing problems after the incident in the east of the country the facility and by the south korean from l. G. Had been unused for 40 days due to indias coronavirus lock down. Your stay with us shadow world continues next ill be back with a news hour straight after that ive been. Throughout history humankind has prevailed in our darkest all coming together to face the very thing that would extinguish our lives and. This is not one of those moments. At all. This is a moment for pretty much the opposite for hiding for laying low. Is also. Saving humankind by really really not getting mirrors. Were playing games staring at screens staring at any. All of the stuff of euros. Every generation has its will or individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who come after a higher purpose. This one is ours. The latest news as it breaks the mind sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500 mates has been able to surf this week detailed coverage the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200 rating of refugees from the landing from around the world government leaders are accusing their opponents of trying to topple that by coming with financial stability. Thank you thank you. The doctrine that has endured from bush to obama is that the world is a battlefield and that the United States has the right to go into any country around the world to conduct what they call kinetic operations lethal operations regardless of what International Law says. What is president obamas response to that how is he going to deal with it he embraced the very covert Shadow Forces that a decade earlier had only been talked about in hushed tones in the pentagon not just as the implementers of a policy that said we should decapitate Terror Networks and engage in preemptive strikes but they became the policy itself. President Obamas Administration have built up something called the disposition matrix is an algorithm for determining who should be killed or who should we seek to capture and one of the more sort of grotesque aspects of this is that there were actually meetings on tuesdays in the white house that have been nicknamed terror tuesday meetings where theyre going through rosters of names to put on or take off the list maybe someone within that group has been in contact with someone that the u. S. Is watching they went to the musee mosque is someone they keep ordering pizza from the same place as a taliban leader and you decide these guys are probably up to no good and so on this particular day were going to remove them from planet earth that were getting into minority report into the sort of world of p. J. Did well as justifiable homicide even though its for that that might take place in the future its ok to kill from a distance without a warrant without a trial without a jury and the execution takes place off screen. Where appropriate we will bring the terrorists to justice. And. When we. Do you want to answer. Why and. We went on. To. Say this is face there is. The most of the woman. Is worth paying attention to obviously i do not agree with much of what you said the president is not implementing policies that we need to see change for example that he would stop the authorization of think nutri strikes which means killing people on the basis only of suspicious behavior thats led to the killing of many innocent people the question on my Facebook Page and asked them what they wanted to ask you when a lot of them said that you were hurting your own cause because one you appeared rude to the president of the United States and 2 you just seemed. A little crazy well i think killing innocent people with carolyns is rude i think not apologizing to the families of innocent people who are killed is rude there are a lot of rude things about our policies i want to make sure that people understand actually drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties for the most part they have been very precise precision strikes against al qaeda how do you expect to be a bit of pakistan not to have and the american sentiment in and day out we had about doing that act. More innocent than militants how do you explain that well i do not believe that. There is any basis for your comment maybe you need us money. Go. That is. My money they apparently live above a lot of us were locked. Up us months of blood and now from them the asshole collateralised. Debt he does feel the make yet holy get give you dont let us guy look there. God took me a moment up and i knew you missed it i guess. I john he. Gave me a growing board and they said. Lockheed martin boeing dime Corp International Computer Sciences corp and aero vironment all told eric about 70 companies are interested in this 1000000000. 00 contract as we look out for 35710 years this market remains a very much a growth market. This is the disease a permanent war the destroy the better way. Islam like fundamentalism. Empowered all of those who profit permanent more politically economically and militarily. Make no mistake a Nuclear Armed iran is not a challenge that can be contained it would threaten the elimination of israel the security of gulf nations and the stability of the global economy. At risk triggering a Nuclear Arms Race in the region and the un raveling of the nonproliferation treaty. And how close is iran to getting it let me show you brought a diagram for. Heres a diagram. This is a bomb. This is a fuse. Where should a red line be drawn. A red line should be drawn right here. The threat from iran is a political football what was interesting was that many israelis including people from the military said as long as there is an extensional threat somewhere somehow that is certainly helping us expand our budgets in ways that its not possible to do in the absence on anything that can be defined as such a threat if you were iran what would you do i mean israel has what 3 or 400 Nuclear Weapons theyre the ones who started the damn arms race in the middle east anyway they did in synanon player for asian treaty they built this program in secret. India and pakistan then went on to do the same thing and iran would you did sign a new killer nonproliferation treaty looked around and realized they dont screw up your bomb administration wants to sell bunker buster bombs which can penetrate 20 feet of solid concrete to the u. A. E. The deal is the latest us arms sale to members of the Gulf Cooperation Council 6 nations that neighbor iran a foe it could be an atomic i mean what i call bomber i see when i ask them what the war has become a commodity for several reasons one is because you need somebody to buy the stuff you bring us another us arms deal with saudi arabia and the fight the biggest in history this deal and most apos is the time i close the lob sails already 57. Saw that it would does this enormous serve as a recycling. But was also a business in another sense it is a business that uses war to get its ends established this is George Orwells 19 eightyfour dubai was always going to be in battle and guess what. Making out really well of course of the weapons dealers and the people involved. While the ultimate manifestation of the National Security state is that it not only seeks a perpetual state of war it will even go to all the ins to create that perpetual state of war im always reminded of a book at it long time ago called them is a map and that book has a beautiful sentence i am an invisible man not because they thought exist. But because you choose not to see prince friend do you know the ben lomond family this is ironic and amid the 80s if you remember we had been on state who were supporting the mujahideen to liberate afghanistan from the soviets. Bled then came to thank me for my efforts to bring their americans our friends to help us against the atheists he said the communist. When i last saw been locked in this camp high in the mountains of afghanistan. With an air raid shelter built into the living rock of amount to 2530 feet high. Camps built by the cia late as they tried to find cruise missiles and of course when you were it was they built it. No wonder but kept smiling no wonder he did. The american song review put 1000000000. 00 each to give them arms training equipment we are the ones who cleared all those people to go we had you. There must be something wrong with the way we think that we can say that the grammar of the past is operating today we have been pumping money a great deal of money without Congressional Authority without any congressional oversight prince bandar of saudi arabia is putting up some of this money for covert operations in many areas of the middle east where we want to stop the a shiite influence they call it the shiite crescent i think the arabic word is fitna civil war were in a business right now of creating and some places sectarian violence. I cannot retreat from because we are trying to destroy and liquidate in mali of a crime to give ahmed training. In northern syria. It really is a world gone mad but oddly enough you have to be in the period to realize how mad it is. When you actually linger around you listen for the news coming out of washington like americans are living in a kind of fantasy world of no relating to monitor where im. Trying. To. Listen. Today there are good terrorists and bad the bad terrorists those in yemen who the United States deems to be a threat the good terrorists those who are in syria the joke here is weve been there before i mean if you consider the of the honest on story they have learned nothing. Today if i see that the saudis are giving money to groups that are in syria that are not only a looser but also the. People who say you are a conspiracy theories or what im just trying to say is in the moment of the contemporary this grammar. Of dangerous politics sounds insane once again you have a. Follow up. To what appears to have been a conspiracy at the time. When documents appear. To be true we must address the cycle of conflict especially sectarian conflict that creates the conditions the terrorists prey upon in public they say we have to enter this meanwhile this drive. Of getting involved in conflicts still is the part which produces characters that appear to become terrorists which is reinforced as the public narrative and then makes things like intervention ok. Good morning everybody. Last night on my orders Americas Armed forces began strikes against deisel targets in syria. Just ahead of airstrikes in Syria Defense firms Lockheed Martin Northrop Raytheon and General Dynamics corp all set stock price records their shareholders are making money off the unusually large number of conflicts around the world. Every 2 years or so the any military at x. The gaza strip and right astern there is a trade show in which israeli weapon companies show their technologies. All of these Israeli Companies which are becoming an increasingly important and very significant part of these ready on a me depend on those wars and the 1st thing that they say when they try to market weve already used to add an actual human being by making that claim they are able to compete with weapon manufacturers from other countries. The United States is the biggest supplier of military aid to israel this attack on gaza is also a trade show for the United States arms industry. Like. Iran an isis are competing for the crown of militant islam one calls itself the Islamic Republic the other calls itself the Islamic State both want to impose a militant islamic empire 1st on the region and then on the entire world they just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that and for. In this deadly game of thrones theres no place for america or for israel today after 2 years of negotiations the United States together were International Partners has achieved something that decades of animosity has not a comprehensive long term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon this was a very difficult negotiations and part of it is because of this trench and compounded mistrust that we have between ourselves mutually for the last 34 decades but im happy that the reason people at diplomacy predate people exercise great the look restraint and patience and reason and maybe go out and i hope this will be a good beginning. As this nuclear deal goes through were still dealing with the problem that the states of this region are collapsing and theyre void that they will fail you will see more violence and you will see more weapons which is important to understand that thats not a result of this deal that is a result of the paradigm not shifting towards demilitarization and collective security soon enough the saudis and the israelis are on the same page they worry about iran and then they do anything thats not new theyve been worried for the can they do anything about well they can get their own weapons. This is a region that has more arms per copied out than any other region in the world much thanks to the Defense Industry israel and some of the arab states are going to be able to buy more weapons and more advanced weapons. If the Nuclear Threat from iran is decreasing why should these other countries get a chance to actually arm themselves more pakistan is a friend of saudi arabia pakistan has Nuclear Weapons are you in discussions with pakistan about perhaps getting a nuclear bomb from pakistan lets you know wolf weve known each other for 25. You dont really expect me to answer this question. Were not going to have a truly demilitarization in the region unless Israels Nuclear Arsenal also is addressed. The significance of this peace deal is that it is a game changer in the region and its going to be a question about the political willingness of leaders to whether they will pursue these opportunities or whether they will fall into the patterns of the past. And once you start a war. You open a kind of pandoras box you dont control it and control geo. The use of that kind of violence has unforseen consequences that no one can protect and it propels you. In directions you never fight you got that from your guts. So the images. Are very carefully controlled and countered by the lies that have to some unaided through every institution in Society Schools government entertainment the press. When you shatter the meth and when you understand especially what techno war industrial war is about which is really about murder slaughter people would be so repulsed it would be very hard to wait for. The ceiling didnt see your hands young. Lady. And you can see who feel. The ceiling do. You know. Thats the fiftys. You just see in the front seat. She wanted. As a man finds his sister. Who will see you. He told the local in the tier russet that will be. The robot on the moon. Scene about all. The such thrown out its not in england but out on the luna its when youre the leader of. Me bro mance us todays your mouth us me a good answer for a. Scene no time in the new not. Going to. Sit acting like the other but. Most importantly i dont. Sit i get in the. 6 comedy i dont. Live. Here well no not. Hello there quite a bit of cloud on its way to the southeast of australia as being some rain with this as well and some fairly guess who is the same storm system that brought really a lot of damage across into Western Australia in particular but as this cloud came through the last couple days its also been are all the misty starts the morning look at this is about melbourne a couple of mornings ago this is actually taken by construction work on the 60th floor of a building and all this fog you can say cause a lot of problems on the ground it made for some very hazardous driving conditions that in the Morning Hours before that fog actually lifted now through friday this is some is working its way across the great bight weve got this the next system weve got these gusty winds arriving with the rain showers pushing in later in the day not too bad across both audience of new zealand it will stay fine most if you through saturday as well the rain pushing across much of that toy again these coastal areas saying fairly strong winds pushing across into tasmania and all the while improving and calming down the temperatures on exactly the cold but not 20 celsius some pretty good sunshine across much of the japan for the next couple of days but friday sees this mass of rain gathering through eastern portions of china on its way across the other say and it really does arrive with quite a bit of vengeance as we go through saturday across the Korean Peninsula it will work its way into western japan bring some showers that west coast of honshu. City. Is never been an arab state the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome. Project thats what we diffuse it was one of the founders of the settlement we put this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem our rock and a hard place on aljazeera these are world ring and disjointed days especially for the young my life changed because i cant go will say we have to be careful to not get sick and also at University Study found the one in 5 children and now afraid to leave their homes the sense of disorientation and confusion it would be very understandable natural order reaction a lot of children in the past few weeks secure Mental Health units have been forced to discharge large numbers of patients there are children suffering from psychosis who believe the virus is a conspiracy others with eating disorders or histories of self harm we feel were going to have a time bomb this is building up to a nation Mental Health jenny the worlds attention is on controlling the virus for the rick helpless he didnt victims even when the pandemic passes there will be many in desperate need of help. Talk to aljazeera we ask what will force were when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying your utopian to go build you know at this stage of you we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the old 0. This is aljazeera. This is the news hour live from london coming up. 75000 dead in the u. S. And more than 33000000 out of work since the coronavirus knockdowns began. Meanwhile president celebrates the Justice Department withdrawing its case against former National Security adviser Michael Flynn with another attack on the apollo administration

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