We begin in the United States where millions more people have filed for Unemployment Benefits he keeps april track to be the worst month for job losses since records began more than 33000000. 00 people have filed for unemployment now in just the last 7 weeks economists say growth could plummets by a 3rd in the 2nd quarter in the u. K. The picture is also bleak the bank of england expects economic output to shrink by 14 percent this year and unemployment to rise to 8 percent the European Union had earlier warned to brace for the worst ever recession with the economy tipped to slump by 7. 4 percent but figures from china suggesting a different picture their exports rose in april for the 1st time this year up 3 and a half percent after many factories reopened. Well lets go now to our White House Correspondent kimberly how could 1st lets talk about those unemployment figures just put them into context for us committee. That will were waiting to see what the u. S. President might also have to say about that he set to meet this hour with the governor of texas these are meetings that hes been holding with various governors of various states in recent weeks as he pushes to reopen the u. S. Economy what seems to be the solution from this white house for these very depressed economic numbers now the latest as you stated there the rise in unemployment claims in the 10s of millions and what were expecting is this is going to continue to rise for some time because we know that there has been a backlog because of the enormous numbers of americans filing that is just taken a while for all of these unemployment offices around the country to process all of these claims but what were seeing in all of this is not only the astonishing number but the fact that we expect that these numbers are not going to come back as quickly as they disappeared if your average just weeks ago we had a 3. 5 percent Unemployment Rate that was a 50 year low now were seeing these record highs in terms of the numbers lost so again watching very carefully at this hour to see what the u. S. President may have to say about all of this really is a mind play also to talk about this news that someone close to him has tested positive for corona virus. Theres no question that the u. S. President may be asked this by reporters whether or not hell answer its hard to say but what is notable is that weve learned that the pool of reporters that is about to go into the oval office is having their temperature taken in advance of that i can tell you that the testing of the reporters going in and being close contact with the president has been spotty at best and so it does appear that there is now this new layer of prevention that is being taken is taking place i can tell you before i come into the white house i have to have my temperature taken but im not always in the same room as the president now it appears that there is this extra additional step that is being taken what is important to note of all of this is that the reason some of this may be happening is because we are now learning that a very close aide to the president in terms of one of his valet this is a military unit that specially selected works very closely with the 1st family tested positive on wednesday for corona virus now we know that the u. S. President for his part as well as the Vice President were also tested they remain negative but certainly this does seem to be concerning to this white house that they are putting in some additional protocols but this is just an example of as this president pushes to reopen the u. S. Economy the solution for these low end there are very high unemployment numbers and the enormous loss of jobs that were experiencing that these are the risks that ordinary americans are going to have to face now the president facing them to thank you for that to that is our White House Correspondent kelly hellcats as we were saying earlier a bleak picture in europe economics but i leaders want to develop ments from london. Its neutral or sleep difficult at this stage to actually say how deep recessions will because were not experienced anything like it in the modern era in that the bank of england had to reach back 300 years to say the u. K. Economy will slump through the worst recession since 1709 and that was when we had the great frost the economy here is expected to contract 14 percent in 2020 in the 2nd quarter alone the economy could shrink by 25 percent these are precedented numbers and unemployment is expected to rise to 9 percent and the situation on the continent continues to be even worse not find out the numbers next week come friday when june new releases its economic numbers that its expected to say that in the 1st quarter its economy contracted 2 percent but for the whole year economists as expecting a contraction up 11 percent and governments and Central Banks are doing exactly what this should be doing theyre pouring billions of billions of dollars into the economy to make sure the from natural system is working to make corporates make sure that the corporate sector is working well theyre paying for workers to stay off work right so that this very moment in time so its really difficult to say exactly where economies are going but we do know that its heading lower right this very moment. Meanwhile as the World Economy suffers a universal appeal is on the way to fund a Global Response United Nations is asking for billions of dollars from originations to help the millions living in the worlds poorest countries the world body has increased its appeal launched for the coronavirus funding in march from 2 1000000000 dollars to now almost 7000000000. 00 calling for extraordinary measures to fight. 6 of the crisis in 63. 00 nations and so far the un agencies have only received 923000000. 00 from donnas while wealthier nations are spending billions to boost their own economies aid agencies say they are scraping the barrel for Additional Resources to help the vulnerable the virus is spread to almost every corner of the globe with 187. 00 countries affected and this is the picture from Johns Hopkins university they caught a virus track and you can see global deaths there have supposed 264000 while the total number of confirmed cases is approaching 4000000 lets go now to our diplomatic editor james bass who is standing by for us at the United Nations james so the u. N. Is asking for a big 6700000000. 00 more dollars how does it plan to reach those people the most vulnerable well its going to try and do what it can to get this money to those around the world that need it if it gets the money you might be mistaken for thinking weve been here once before what we have in march they want they had a p an appeal to humanitarian appeal for the most needy on the planet but they had to look at it again and revise it and revise it upwards significantly thats not just because of kobe had 19 and the medical resources that these countries which tend to be countries which have pretty unsophisticated medical systems are going to need but also the Economic Impact youve been talking about globally the way this is going to affect some of these countries just listen to David Beasley the head of the World Food Program talk about the gravity of the situation is so what were facing now is a double pandemic truly famines that could impact the biblical proportions theres no question mega famines are all on our break literally right now. Before koby. We already had 130000000 people as i say marching on the brink of starvation the problem is going to be persuading the rich countries on earth to come up with this money at this time here i am right now u. N. Headquarters of course in new york in the u. S. Normally one of the richest countries in the world but all the focus is on the economic problems within the u. S. And its worth perhaps reminding you the initial version of this appeal was for 2000000000. 00 and i want more than 3 times that amount and for that 2000000000. 00 then in the in the 1st couple of months of trying to raise that they only got half that money thank you that that is diplomatic editor james phase live from the United Nations. On the news hour including. Are you going to hire the kid whos like fresh out of school or are you going to hire someone whos been on a desk or for 5 years the bleak future facing young graduates is the coronavirus pandemic sends shock waves through the global economy. Comparing for a new normal European Countries ready to open their borders with indications for the summer tourism season. And the worlds eyes will look to the skies as the last super moon of riviera balance of its. Moscows mayor fares the number of cases in the city could be as high as 300000 thats 3 times more that official figures the lockdown in the capital has been extended until the end of this month thats 11000000 residents will only be able to leave their homes for essential services and theyll need to apply to use public transport but some restrictions have been eased construction sites and factories are allowed to reopen. France will start easing its lockdown on monday with different regions opening up at different speeds Prime Minister edward ferry warned that some areas like paris will continue to be under restrictions for some time france has been under lockdown since march more than 26000 people have died in the outbreak there. And there are signs the European Union is preparing to reopen borders after several countries announced they were easing some restrictions caused by the spread of covert 19 but its a tricky decision as the summer tourism season approaches on slate has more. Symbolism matters at times like these in the size of one of madrids most iconic restaurants beloved by locals and tourists alike getting ready to open its doors once again is bound to be a psychological boost for a city so badly damaged by the virus. Tomorrow city hall gives us permission will install a one meter extension to guarantee the 2 meter distance between tables on monday we will be open although we dont know the shade youll be would have yet but unless dealers differently we will open from noon until 10 pm and while the European Countries worst affected like italy are only tentatively dreaming of what the summer might hold if the new normal can be organized other european nations are now going further announcing similar taney asli that their cherished open borders closed nervous several weeks are being restored. In vilnius the capital of lithuania the Prime Minister said the 3 people 6 states were reopening to each other and indicated that neighboring poland might follow. This would be quite a serious signal both to europe and to the world that in our region we properly handled the situation we applied similar methods we have similar epidemiological situations so we can do a regional opening. Well in the austrian capital vienna so popular in both summer and winter with German Tourists the chancellor said his country would reopen both to germany and to the Czech Republic its in turn said it was reopening to croatia in contact on our border we are in contact with these countries and we want the borders reopened because when its possible to drive from salzburg to terrill and from terrell to solve spoke without an increased infection risk and the same is true for salzburg to bavaria very to salzburg or vice versa it doesnt make any sense to uphold borders which hinder people but dont offer more protection while countries like the u. K. Are still battling the trip to the beach spain has their reopening as part of a staged return to normality undoubtedly with an eye on the summer as a way of desperately trying to recoup lost income and while so many Major Airlines are laying off thousands of staff the low cost 1. 00 dairy and carrier whizzer announced it was resuming flights from the u. K. To tourist destinations including lisbon and 10 arrays and even increasing them at one airport abandoned by the carries. Perhaps europeans might have a Summer Holiday after all lawrence lee al jazeera. Black people are 4 times more to dive coronavirus then why do people in the u. K. The countrys National Statistics agency says people of bangladeshi pakistani and Indian Origin are also at a significantly higher risk donahoe reports from North West London through donations being prepared for the community and a Pentecostal Church in the london borough of brant the reverend desmond hall shows us around. These people are all. One of all disabled some have dementia some of disorientated brant is one of the areas of london worst affected by cope with 19 new Research Suggests that sea in part because of its High Percentage of black asian and minority ethnic. Residents occupants are struggling. Our committee as you may be aware this side of brant is within that double digit deprivation so in this is a declaration we are double digit deprivation figures from the office of National Statistics indicate that people from be a m. E. Group so 4 times more likely to die from covert 19 than their white ethnic counterparts the oas points to social inequality as a major factor and Health Officials agree that any communities are more likely to live in deprived situations theyre more likely to live another half of a crowded commuter and many of them are in Front Line Work which is exposing them to the fire so it does show that. In being a great leveller its excess space in the existing Health Inequalities that sadly are all too prevalent in our society the latest numbers are in line with similar trends among ethnic minority groups elsewhere in the world at the reverend halls church we meet Jennifer Green who does what she can to help those struggling in her Community Despite having Underlying Health conditions herself these people that b. C im not well. Theyre sick so some of its hard for some of them as you mention the Poor Community some of them cant read so its hard for them to pick up a phone they have a right they dont know who to turn to so people die in as we say in the biblical biblical terms people advance knowledge knowledge is power were going to lose it doesnt have knowledge of the community its power is taken away in the end this looks like an issue of poverty and of race of minority ethnic groups less well connected to Public Services more likely to be doing low paid jobs that they cant afford to give up and very often directly exposed to the virus as nurses as bus drivers often on the front line of the fight against coronavirus. Its yet another way in which this virus is tearing into societies and communities jonah how aljazeera london. Faced with soaring unemployment figures this years University Graduates in the us are coming to the worst job market in a century many have law and student debts and theyre leaving their courses with little hope of a successful start to their koreas rob reynolds reports. For the class of 2020 there will be no caps and gowns no proud march to accept diplomas no celebration after years of study and hard work its a distressing time for grads like james warner who attended Vassar College in new york but is now with his parents in los angeles in terms of like you know graduating school and going into the workforce its such a big change in general and kind of having the you know dark cloud of this pandemic over that adds even more stress and intensity to that process back home in gorham maine after American University in Washington Closed its doors may have terri says she feels like shes in limbo ive been trying to take everything one day at a time to preserve my Mental Health for both of them and for millions of graduates in the u. S. And around the world job prospects are slim ive done some searching i mean doesnt have a lot of Economic Opportunities other than the tourist industry so thats entirely shot at the moment are you going to hire the kid whos like fresh out of school or are you going to hire someone whos been on a desk for flight 5 years. And i dont know i just it makes me feel old its its tough young adults leaving college today could face a prolonged period of unemployment for many members of the class of 2020 the economic fallout could linger for years decades or even longer Research Shows that even if and when the economy picks up again the graduates of today may struggle but we know from must be sessions that they are going to and since i was a variable of well to begin to go. Over some losses of those that are the maybe i might. Be seeing that goes into office as well were they really hard it. Might have been. Despite these negatives workforce experts advise new graduates to remain optimistic not one of these is going to be. New career. You know and you have claimed. That advice can be hard for anxious young people to follow i want to go start my life im like really ready to do that and its just like painful having to just sit for now the class of 2020 can only wait and hope for the best robert oulds aljazeera los angeles as they are as economy falters there are signs of recovery in china where the coronavirus originated its 4 months since the outbreak began and business is looking up to training years in beijing with more. There is some Real Recovery in chinese trade and this is really a surprise to many analysts they were predicting up to an 11 percent drop and some people are tribute ing this to the fact that perhaps during april there was an increase in exports of p. P. C. Or protective medical gear such as masks and respirators also one other analysts are speculating thats because there was a backlog that needed to be filled in terms of export orders or all customers were front loading orders ahead of what they expected to be a bad pandemic year and also the other thing is that paps this concern about demand dropping maybe thats yet to hit chinas exports maybe with still maybe the worst is still yet to come thats also a possibility what we did see though was a fall in imports they fell by 14. 2 percent compared to march and thats a 10. 2 percent drop your own year and that was worse than what analysts expected theres been a big rethink on the socalled war on drugs former heads of state diplomats and crime experts are telling governments that their policies are wrong and drug laws need to be reformed the swiss space Global Commission on drug policy says criminalizing illegal drug users and petty offenders is it to overcrowded prisons and the young people in poor communities are suffering disproportionately the Commission Says government shouldnt stand a focus on combating the most dangerous and profitable crime gangs drug traffickers are often links to other crimes such as people trafficking Money Laundering and arms smuggling the Commission Says regulating the multibillion dollar Illegal Drugs trade will make organized criminals less powerful. Dreyfus is a former president of switzerland and is chair of the Global Commission on drug policy she says there are ways disempowered criminal organizations. If you think about all all the potentially harmful products that are controlled by the state you are just astonished to see that some of them i mean the socalled drugs are just in criminal hands it is a matter for reasonable for responsible of hands i mean the states to control this this market and this can really determine power criminal organization who are now fuel they would say and their benefits are fueled by the system appointed bishop when he was in charge with binocular to close in switzerland they could develop a Health Approach and they can tell your criminal ization is an obstacle to their access to treatment to a real good prevention to the possibility also to be used harms of consuming and to meet again the violence of their kids. Health experts are warning the pandemic could lead to a surge in Mental Health problems as a growing number of people turn to drugs and alcohol to cope a federal us emergency hotline reported a 1000 percent increase in calls in april on a new poll found nearly half of americans say the crisis is affecting their Mental Health john hendren reports from chicago. It 13 Jennifer Jimenez became the face on a 1000 fashion magazines my life literally went from growing up and went outside us argentina where there is dirt roads and donkeys run around all over to becoming a supermodel overnight just like that then after ending years of cocaine and alcohol addiction she went from the youngest model to grace the cover of elle to the front of recovery today now she says she fears a pandemic of drug addiction within the coronavirus pandemic there isnt it and. Its and. Its but i think its so. I think that there are people coming. By that sounds seriously. Her husband tim ryan is a former heroin addict turned interventionist so what people are doing this. You arent so. Well oh no its split a lot of. The couple is now fielding more than 100. 00 calls a day on their own helpline. Experts say addiction is a disease of isolation and quarantines and social distancing increase the risk of a relapse it seems clear people are self medicating whether out of fear were just boredom in the 3rd week of march when much of the u. S. Went on lockdown the Research Firm nielsen found alcohol sales rose 55 percent even though most bars and restaurants had closed online sales rose a staggering 243 percent. For an except for ring in isolation Jennifer Jimenez has a message ive heard china gets china to sell sell him or her you might realize that your so your work and your life matters i dont even expect not one thing or charm knowing that youre touching the sorrow. Its a road that these days millions of that aches are walking alone john hendren chicago. Still ahead on our visit or taking a different course pakistan plans to visit it struck down the spot infections continuing to rise. And we look at the challenge of battling false information about hewitts for the crowded virus in africa. Welcomes another look at the international forecast weve got some quater weather coming into the middle east over the next couple of days or so the same couple of days ago actually in saudi arabia we had some heavy and thundery downpours we somehow mixed in for good measure it did cause some localized flooding at a cosi inevitable was brought disruption as a result of these big downpours quater weather coming through as we go on through the next hour so the wetter weather is easing a swiss a little bit a shower of cloud just around the levant that sin the process of nudging further east which is well says i am by radiancy wanted to showers in the distance here but i think it will be largely quiet as we go through the next couple of days with plenty of sunshine here we dont have temperatures at around 3435 maybe 36 degrees over the next couple of days pleasantly warm little warm up for we go on through the weekend meanwhile across northern parts of africa lots of warm sunshine in place here if not on the hot side showers there continuing around ethiopia right through the heart of africa into the gulf of guinea and beyond some rather wet weather as one would expect pushing up across a good part of west africa now heavy showers continue just around kenya around northern parts of towns name we have seen flooding here recently big downpours continue but to the south of that is fine and sunny. As the world fights the corona pandemic or learning more about this every day its a new path and your new join our Global Community its up to us on how we come to be able to fight. Your questions can i just as you start to see directly thats coming on on you tube as youre saying im concerned about the front line phone thats a great question but keeping you up to date and weve seen countries retreat back and beaten back successfully the street all know just 0. Political ideals grassroots activists and polished speech in its full lines takes you inside the battle for the democratic party. And asks if its base is too polarized to take home the white house theres a generational divide thats the real you might ironically see the outsider middle of the most corrupt incumbent president ever to langleys americas divided democrats on ounces era. Earth. Oh. Youre watching aljazeera on her mind of our top stories this hour almost 3200000 more people have solved the unemployment in the United States as the corona Virus Outbreak devastates the economy 33500000 people have registered as unemployed in 7 weeks. People from black asian and minority ethnic backgrounds in the u. K. Are more likely to die from cars at 19 than white people and the doctors found the office of National Statistics report says Underlying Health conditions poverty and. 8 driving factors behind the inequality. The United Nations is asking for nearly 7000000000. 00 in funding to fight the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Foreign Countries the un humanitarian chief says extraordinary measures are needed to protect vulnerable communities from conflict and starvation. Of more mass were joined by yon egeland in oslo he is the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council thank you for your time what do you make of the effort so far to protect refugees the most vulnerable globally from the coronavirus. Where were working hard to know which a Refugee Council has 15000 field workers and they have all bathed and delivered through this period of our people and we are ready to do more my worry is that too little money is still reaching the most vulnerable and we have these absolutely gigantic salivation plans for the economy of the North North America europe elsewhere we also have quite a bit of money pledged called the longer Term Investment in in the economies in the south and of course there was this great effort to find the vaccine and the shore and what not but there is little money reaching displaced the refugees families in war so we are not seeing that money yet but its a difficult balancing act isnt it because you know some of these governments who could pledge money are facing dramatic drops and there are you know economic shrinking in their own countries and they need to to deal with that i mean either that is a difficult predicament is it not. Well yes and no i mean im impressed with the trillions that they are now investing in their own economies but but but again where the u. N. Appeal is sauce for 6800000000 its its its a tiny fraction of what has been allocated to the more robust societies in the north i thin they were it will take time before that money is given i asked the norwegian red cross in the region Refugee Council i asked for 100000000. 00 for that we can reach port and a half 1000000 displaced people its very efficient very cost efficient to help in these communities or support the very recent that if coronavirus gets a stronghold in yemen or in venezuela or in syria or another country with a devastating stated Health System it will come back to haunt us in the high north how much responsibility should host nations be taking in protecting their vulnerable refugee populations. No if i mean that they should take a lot of responsibility many of these countries are very generous host countries that the neighbors of syria has taken 5000000 syrians countries like in uganda tanzania the opium have taken millions of refugees what i find is that they are not enough supported by the rest of the world and of course will also appear that there will now be increasing discrimination already we see that displaced people who lack Identity Cards simple documentation are not getting the access to have care like the host population us so thats among the things we and the sea do you know we defend the rights of the displaced and we also help with free legal counseling what are the biggest risks for refugee and vulnerable populations is it you know the worry about them actually catching coronavirus and its spreading through these crowded places or is it you know the fact that while the rest of the world has got its eyes on coronavirus the support services that were once there and the money that was flowing it is now going. Well its both really i mean we are on the ground in iran where on the ground in ecuador to put troops extremes in west and east in book these countries the the bias is killing people massively however i am now most worried for the social economic meltdown for those who are the poorest to start with you know there are hundreds of millions of people who live from daily wages though so all gone many of the displaced people like colombian migrants in venice or well or for example many of the syrian. Many of the yemeni internally displaced they are you know scraping together in an existence from from a daily salary that has gone completely so we are hearing that the social economic consequences will be even more costly in human lives than the virus itself will have lived there for time thank you for your time thats yon egland there the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council. Lets turn now to some of the measures that have been announced as governor spoke to relax restrictions shopping malls in malaysia began reopening on monday while limiting the number of shoppers singapore will return some students to class on may 19th and korea says it will resume flights to north America Europe and asia in june jordan has relaxed measures after having one of the strictest lockdowns in the world restaurants in lebanon began reopening this week at 30 percent capacity and irans government says mosques and schools will soon reopen in low risk areas Public Transportation networks are back up and running in italy businesses are reopening there and in spain and 2 fronts 1000000. 00 children will return to school on monday germany has also announced the measures but says an emergency brake will be pressed if theres an uptick in cases well to break down what all of this might mean for the virus lets bring in derek gatherer in the United Kingdom he is a viral is just and lecturer at Lancaster University thank you for your time given all of these lockdown measures being. Used is a 2nd wave of coronavirus inevitable. It probably isnt if its a boy or wholl its my nature to something that we cant yet predict as we ease the vault and there will be more opportunities for the virus to transmit at all although in many countries for instance in the u. K. We reckon that weve got the reproduction number which is the crucial number that measures whether the virus can spread or not it has to be above one for number starts increasing and we reckon weve got to have a stone below one but given that we have more opportunity for spread after a lot more contact between people and so on its possible that that will creep up above one and well start to see numbers increasing again this is why for instance germany as you were mentioning theres a possibility over of our sort of the unlocking process if things do start to get out of control the object that most countries have is to flatten the curve in other words to keep infections that manageable level keep day step into a minimum and keep and takes a kid you know its not over a pint to keep hospitals functioning and at the same time get society and the economy working again but theres always a danger when you do us that things will slip slightly out of control and we could be in for Something Like a 2nd wave and this is this may be part of dorks occlude be a more dangerous problem in countries that havent suffered so much in the 1st wave for instance in new york city you know that lead to. The selfie indicates that 20 percent of the population have antibodies theyve already been exposed which is the of extreme its quite clear that in countries like new zealand that have successfully repaired the virus and that have had a few dates then they wont have anything late that level of immunity in the population and therefore would be more susceptible to a sick weve if it were to get into the country and it were to lose control there has been this show you. Aware of it it hasnt been fair of you but this research has come out from Los Alamos National laboratory that suggesting that the virus has mutated and at least one strain has become more contagious not to all of the Scientific Community agrees is in consensus with that 20 you think its very difficult to say at the moment that there was a similar report for a vote of either spiking 2013 and when there was a break in west africa early on we had we had cases in guinea and liberia and then when the virus moved in to see it only when there was there was a mutation in the lineage of the sea and we would have brought the virus that some people claimed was making aboard fictious and they had they had some experiments in the aborted indicates that perhaps that might be the case but theres been some. Rich state by tracking all of that not not everybodys necessarily convinced about it saw it perhaps but in the same kind of situation you have with corporate 19 but what we just have to wait and and time to do viruses always mutate and how we can tell whether its going to mutate to become more contagious but that is mutation a given. Yes fine a civil very quickly and its part of the make innocent have an immune systems and it comes to the fight that they have to reproduce they quickly have quite an efficient reproduction system so when it when a fight is reproducing there will be very many caucuses virus that are known functional but as long as that are are not functional ones to find another serial horse then thats good enough for the virus so they tend to be very prudent in their reproduction but this also means that they can change and shape gradually and the immune system which relies on antibodies recognizing the shape of the virus will eventually lose its capacity to to prevent the virus infecting humans and that indeed is why we have to have a flu vaccine and your flu vaccine every winter because the flu virus is this one of these very quickly evolving biases coronaviruses in general are our lace quickly evolving than flu so perhaps we would quite see this phenomena with correct might is that maybe what once we have a vaccine for bias which of course is its not gotten t. V. But we hope that we will have one soon enough we may not necessarily need a booster vaccine every year for corona virus as we currently do for a few it might be that it will last a few years before a new one is needed but yes the virus is what we always evolve and that means that eventually our ability to do weights and vaccines have to go to police by new versions of banks hes already got to have your expertise thank you for that that stared gatherer a viral a just an extra at Lancaster University. Afghan Public Health minister has tested positive for corona virus its believed the minister has been quarantining for several days afghanistan has around 3 and a half 1000 confirmed infections and just of that 100. 00 deaths. At least 11 people have been killed by a gas leak at a Plastics Factory in india more than 300 others have been taken to hospital incident happened after gas tanks were there on attended for 40 days because of indias locked up with prada reports from the capital new delhi. Panic and chaos in indias Southern City of the shock of his People Living in an Industrial Area began losing consciousness thats after a gas leak at a Plastics Factory owned by a south Korean Company l. G. Chemicals the leak happened early on thursday morning when most people were asleep. The National Disaster Response Force evacuated at least a 1000 people from a 3 kilometer radius around the factory there were some people who were unconscious also make launches there were people who were not able to move there were children there were women there were people who. All of them were helped at least 800 were taken to hospital with breathing difficulties and irritated skin police said that styrene gas leaked out of 25000 ton tanks which had been left unattended as the factory was closed for 40 days during indias mock town. They said that hed produce inside the tanks was released soon after the factory reopened. L. G. Chemicals confirmed the plant wasnt operating because of the lockdown but said they were maintenance staff that the facility emergency workers said the date was brought under control by midday so now the focus is not so much on the guys leakage as the effect of the gas leakage on the treatment of the of the people who have been affected. L. G. Said it was investigating the cause the industry as minister of the state of said it looked as though proper procedures werent followed when the plot reopened he also said they want the company to ensure the same level of responsibility is taken at the incident were to happen in the e. U. Or United States. Police in the eastern city of god also revealed. There was a ghastly case to pay the milan wednesday they said the owner tried to hide the incident in which at least 7 workers were hospitalized in Critical Condition like the factory in the shock of that he said the paper mill had also been shot during indias lockdown and workers had been preparing to reopen it elizabeth random aljazeera new delhi pakistans Prime Minister on call and says hell start lifting the lockdown from saturday despite a high number of cases where more than 24000 confirmed infections and 564 deaths call hot it is in islamabad he says people are already breaking restrictions their doctor and have been warning that to have devastating consequences they were earlier also objecting to the congregational prayer their government theyre going ahead where day or day. Of the log down tory did great to be important to hear how did played out because. Drug courts. Dont train driver you often are different from the province and we will be a complete prick blog down the road great to be important to be where the. Order danger in todays big god we have been crushed by guitar and even during the log down people are. Moving around in larger groups in the market and north being a near danger and to the airfield p. The us senate has failed to override president Donald Trumps veto of the iran war powers resolution the bill would have blocks any military action against iran without prior congressional approval it was passed by congress and not but trying to veto the bill on wednesday calling it insulting it needed at least 67 votes to pass. Israels president has given Benjamin Netanyahu the mandate to form a coalition between himself and political rival ben against. Some israelis are angry about netanyahu forming their government while still under indictment for corruption so happening after months of political deadlock and 3 inconclusive elections and less than a year lets say a breakthrough in iraq a new Prime Minister has been appointed following months of deadlock and arguments within rival parties former intelligence chief. Is the 3rd candidate to try to form a government since november is pretty says a resigned after weeks of often violent mass protests demanding political change and better standards of living and has approved some members of the new cabinet as the country strives to solve an economic crisis worsened by the coronavirus emergency. A 2 week lock downs been imposed on a suburb of kenyas capital where the infection rate has increased the governments ordered restrictions and eastley a neighborhood in nairobi 26 kenyans have died and almost 600 cases reported nationwide. Warnings about the spread of the virus misinformation to being issued in Africa Health experts say the president s of some countries are undermining efforts to contain the spread catherine so reports from nairobi. Victor evers job as a journalist to the facts checking agency is to verify information on the internet and examine the truth to what government and political leaders are saying he especially needs to be more diligent during the coronavirus pandemic never has just analyzed the social media video of the governor of kenyas capital nairobi mikes on call who recently included potholes of a brand of cognac in food relief packs and gave these explanations that is committee which has some but it. Could act as us troops and it kills the person because the bible says. It comes as a disease continues to spread across the continent so does misinformation about it a lot of false information a lot of misinformation and disinformation play on your emotions and when people are emotional the come to be the can be critical of this would have been the one not getting the quite amazing sound in uganda president yoweri with 70 reason he endorsed the production of a sanitizing spray that a medical investor said could cure the disease but id ask this president and roger lena also launch the distribution of a drink he said calicivirus and kenya some people are using Home Remedies they swear will protect them from getting sick while Health Organization has said theres no proven cure or vaccine to give our confusing time for everybody many people are now relying more on online content for their coronavirus rb some of those he talked to say they are overwhelmed by all the information on fossil media either a very lying on thought called who are the people you know online and most of the often formation has been shared millions of times across the continent. Corina can use a volunteer with the kenyan red cross she distributes sanitizers soap and masks on the streets of nairobi. And office Accurate Information as opposed to the misinformation on line other but telling us that that drinking a lot so it means they cannot divide us and that people believe that. 1000 is not african thats saying that is in fact this morning someone quoted me and he told me government is just for rich people he doesnt believe in that. She says the only way to counter the online misinformation is doing what shes doing talking to people answering their questions and trying to calm their fears catherine soy al jazeera arabic kenya. The Prime Minister of lister too says hes retiring at the end of next month old thomas obama says hes leaving because of his age not because of growing political pressure hes been implicated in the murder of his estranged wife 3 years ago to bonnies new wife has been charged his lawyers argued the Prime Ministers immunity from prosecution. To decision to retire from reason voluntarily despite the fact that my course is just now the term is due to end in 2022. Years i did indicate in january the job of Prime Minister. Perception is really as rapid and physical strength. As energetic as i used to be as it is added to voluntarily by killed off his and over the reins of government now accordance with the laws of lawsuit. Still ahead on the. Tips for staying fit. In both mind and body. Size. And one of the most ferocious 5 history all eyes are tied to the ring. The the all the only. When it comes to staying fit and healthy social distancing and lockdowns of challenge many being active can help people cope both physically and mentally talk to say staying fit helps protect our health now and in the future that is a great way to manage stress strengthen the immune system fight disease the pandemic has led to a surge in online fitness classes for all ages from yoga and dance to high intensity cardio workouts and to some countries ease lockdowns more people are taking walks cycling or jogging the world Health Organization advises people to exercise regularly meditate keep regular sleep for change and eat healthy food some a bitch is c. E. O. Of recent enterprises and the director of fitness for the city of houston he says in the absence of a vaccine a Healthy Lifestyle is the best protection from the coronavirus. Theres a clearly khorasan between obesity and Healthy Lifestyle and has good and Healthy Lifestyle and coronavirus strong symptoms so we dont have the statistics bear say how Healthy Lifestyle impacts. Drawn a virus but we have suggested that only a few percentage almost less than one percent of people who are healthy have a strong sentiment coronavirus our recommend moderate exercises even after 2. 00 to 3. 00 weeks of moderate exercise you can improve your immune system in combination with Healthy Nutrition and also like you said according to work how to reposition Healthy Lifestyle physical fitness Healthy Nutrition can impact your immune system in less than 23 weeks and can protect you cant protect you from getting coronavirus but can help you overcome coronavirus much easier so people some people may say its too late for me to start its never too late Healthy Lifestyle is the best protection for situations like a car with 1000 because we dont have an x. Unions so what we can do we can invest in a healthy body and doctors are saying all over america right now that majority of people with a car with 19. Harsh symptoms are mostly mostly obese. Its because then that germanys bond is legal will restart next saturday making it the 1st European Football League to resume and that the coronavirus pandemic german football bosses met to agree a day after being given the green light to resume action by the government on wednesday its hoped the season can finish by the end of june games will still be subject to heavy restrictions as our correspondent dominic cain explains from the. Sport resumes the blunders legal resumes the fight for the title resumes but also the fight to stave off relegation will resume but no fans will be able to watch it physically in the stadium so here i am now germanys Olympic Stadium the home of helps or berlin no fans will be able to come here likewise when the german cup final was supposed to be held at the end of this month but it wont be held at the end of this month no date yet set for that but when the chief executive officer of the Bundesliga Christie enciphered gave a News Conference earlier on it was very clear he was cautiously optimistic about the decision to go back to playing saying it was something that have to be done. Is. This competition is not normal we will continue to monitor the developments of the coronavirus and everyone in the league must be aware of this we are playing on probation and every match day is a chance to prove that we deserve the next one the 1st and very important step is not to become infected by the coronavirus and it is the responsibility of each individual in the case of the clubs and everyone is responsible the players the coaches and the technical staff there are many football fans who really want to see some form of elite sport back on their screens if possible but then theres equally a lot of people in this country who look at how serious the pandemic is and they really wonder whether now is really the right time to be playing elite sports again when people are still dying under the people dying and many hundreds of people being infected they wonder whether now is the right time but whats clear is that the part the politicians and the sports administrators of all talk to each other and work that they think this is the right thing to do they want the bundesliga back up and running they wanted to complete by the end of june. Mike tyson says he wants to return to the ring to raise money for charity hes there were times as i stand here but has still got some. If you put out this 5 2nd clip earlier this weekend they has already been viewed more than 9000000. 00 times the 53 year old former heavyweight champion has already been offered as much as 3000000. 00 for an exhibition fight and australia. One of his most famous rivals in the holyfield is coming out of retirement at age 57 the 4 time world heavyweight champ has announced hell fight in a charity bout holyfield and time said met twice in the 1990 s. With a mug shot of the wild still on the long down there is a rare opportunity for millions of people to experience an event together the last super moon of the year its the finale of a trio of super moons which began in march appearing bigger and brighter than usual this one is known as a flower moon. Im heading out so i can look at that moon they say with us no more news in about. They wanted 43000000 homes with a weapon that was 6000000000 in. Theres not any more because theres always a small. Goodness. In essence we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function more shadow on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks the mine sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500 meters but the surface with detailed coverage of the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200. 00 range of refugees from landing from around the world some of those are accusing the opponents of trying to topple the fights with financial stability. Talk to al jazeera we want your force with when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying your europeans go build you know the stage of you know we would not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter go 0. Where every. 74000 dead and more than 33000000 out of work since march new figures show the terrible toll of the coronavirus pandemic in the us. Live from london also coming up new statistics suggest black people in the u. K. A 4 times more likely to die from coronavirus. Or some politicians are being accused of injuring not helping

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