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Says his forces will stop fighting during the holy month of ramadan. Brazils Supreme Court blocks president also as choice of a family friend for the new police chief. Welcome to the program the u. S. Economy is falling deep into one of its most severe recessions in recent times its seen a decade of growth wiped out in just 3 months shrinking by almost 5 percent and theres concerns a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is only going to worsen she have returns he reports. The 4. 8 percent decline for g. D. P. Between january and march represents the largest decline since the 2008 recession Consumer Spending which accounts for 70 percent of g. D. P. Dropped by an idealized rate of 7. 6 percent the. Largest drop since 980. 00 moreover this is just a preliminary estimate Analysts Expect the eventual number to be far higher than these numbers are for a quarter in which the economic locked down only accounted for a few weeks 2nd quarter g. D. P. Figures for april to june a projected to register a decline of around 30 to 40 percent with some Financial Institutions predicting much much worse the white house is still clinging on to the hope of a v. Shaped recovery helped by a rapid reopening of the u. S. Economy i think theres a tremendous feeling of optimism in this country i think the 3rd quarters transitional that it would were transitioning into but its a very transitional period d i think its going to do good but i think the 4th quarter is going to be fantastic but reopening the economy too soon and then facing an even deeper recession is a risk i think fundamentally its going to end on whether the u. S. Is capable of actually putting implants sophisticated widespread testing in crime scene which allows people to essentially go out and where they can be in this community likely to be true and out recovering back at the Federal Reserve dream poll pledge to do all that could be done were doing all we can to help American Families and businesses whether this difficult period we will continue to use our tools to assure that the recovery when it comes will be as robust as possible Interest Rate cuts and trillions of dollars in spending by the fed have injected liquidity into the Financial System along with the stimulus passed by congress markets have been reassured in fact this street ruse after the g. D. P. Figures were announced but there is more and more evidence of that the money being spent is not reaching those most in need with unemployment now projected to reach 20 percent in june there are increasing calls for far bold action to help those who now find themselves without the mud. The for rent mortgage is health care and food Shihab Rattansi how does iran. Dozens of bodies have been found in trucks outside a funeral home in new york city the discovery was made after neighbors reported a smile coming from the vehicles is unclear how many of the people had died from corona virus related illnesses new york state is the epicenter of the u. S. Break that nearly half of the worlds workers are in danger of losing their livelihoods because of the pandemic the uns International Labor organization is forecasting that up to 1600000000 people working in the informal economy could be out of a job most of them have no welfare protection nor access to health care well in just the 1st month of the outbreak these workers lost 60 percent of their income manufacturing Food Services and retail are among the worst hit sectors what we find in report in this monitor is of the that of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 as suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social protection german g. D. P. Has focused to shrink by more than 6 percent this year the government expects the most painful recession in generations to bottom out in the next 3 months now Economic Activity it says could pick up after that as long as a 2nd wave of infections can be avoided. Well britain has europes 2nd highest current virus death toll after italy the numbers jumped to more than 26000. 00 after the government started to include faith teletubbies in places like care homes for the elderly the upward revision has prompted new criticism of the governments handling of the break well more current Virus Coverage later but now will turn to other news and libyan warlord cleaver have to has announced his forces will observe a cease fire during the most imposing month of ramadan and hes been trying to take over the capital tripoli for a year and remove the un recognized government as base there earlier on wednesday at least one person was killed and several injured during an attack on the Health Complex east of the capital well the tripoli government blamed it on hafter on monday he ended peace talks with the government. Are cars but of mahmoud of the one who is in tripoli he says that although frontlines of quiet for now have to announce that. And thats what has not been taken seriously i have thought as spokesman and i assume as has been contradictory you know that the last ramadan last year they said that ramadan is the month of jihad the were boosting their forces to continue the battle to attack the capital tripoli this ramadan this year he is calling on it he is an hour. Secession of hostilities but that this has been interpreted here in the west of libya as a kind of maneuver to gain time to maintain their positions maybe to regroup and rearrange their plans and to also plan another or fresh attack on the capital tripoli a member have to have to himself rejected that many cease fire proposals in the past and only this comes only a few weeks after this set back his forces suffered in the west of libya after the last several strategic cities and towns along the highway linking the capital tripoli to the tunisian borders and only a few hours ago have those forces have been engaging in heavy fighting against the Government Forces in the vicinity of the city after this and i was meant has not been taken seriously has not been taken for granted especially in the west of libya they dont forces do not trust have to especially with his past experience of rejecting many ceasefire proposals. And in another Development Sources have told al jazeera the plane carrying problems officials from the United Arab Emirates flew to the sudanese capital khartoum on tuesday now the sources say the amorality delegation including the brother of abu dhabis crum prince met sudanese officials to discuss military support for Khalifa Haftar sudanese officials have denied any meeting took place while William Morris the former u. S. Diplomat in libya and the professor of International Affairs at the American University explained why the presence of sudanese fighters had become a notable feature of the libyan conflict the core of the sudanese troops that were sent to libya were the farmers in india we accused of war crimes in darfur and elsewhere and theres a sort of a safety valve effect on sudan and letting the sort of worst of the worst of cities troops were implicated in heart to massacres last june out and after leo went in committed whatever war crimes they want that i want to have an effect on sudan so theres that site in the back theres also debates within the Sudanese Security forces and military about you know which troops are involved in the current machine which arent and certainly theres a lot of poverty now its again which will be aggravated further biological benteen shutdowns and those sudanese soldiers and guards and others want the employments whats interesting on the front lines in libya is theres increasing segregation among all these mercenaries who dont trust each other so weve got russians running away from syrians on the credit line we on the other side to be as great to line up with syria churchmen and so when a team is also affecting the front lines which makes it much harder for have to are which is part of the context of this cease fire that were looking at right now. Protests in several lebanese cities for a 3rd straight loiters crowds voice of frustration over the worsening Economic Situation demonstrators in the Southern City of sidon threw a molotov cocktail at a branch of the Lebanese Central Bank its change has been descending the banks role during the collapse of lebanons currency it was a mahanta has more than the capital. At Bank Branches across lebanon people line up to try to withdraw as much of their savings as they can informal restrictions have been in place for months and recently access to dollars stopped further fueling public anger banks say they face a liquidity crisis through the central bank they have been lending money to the state which is now almost bankrupt or. Not if the central bank funded the state we didnt spend the money we need to know her the money was spent the central bank doesnt have the capability for oversight this is a campaign against a central bank and particularly its governor. The Central Bank Governor defended himself after the Prime Minister has sandia indirectly accused him of trying to topple the government by engineering the collapse of the local currency the pound along with lebanons worst economic crisis and decades is a struggle for power. Protesters anger is targeting the banks and the government which took over in january but has still to present the plan to save the economy lebanons foreign reserves are dwindling. What we need to do is to dismantle government and have channels through which Government Spending are done and those Government Spending let the last one i use the word right we have 175 percent well that is due to and to the city and that it should be this problem should be sure to open the competition something privatization without just and corruption but it would be more profitable instead of draining Government Funds such Structural Reforms are what International Donors have been demanding. The United Nations western governments and the arab league are all reiterating the need for reforms in lebanon it seems that changes in the structure of the state is what well im not billions of dollars in assistance western and some arab nations dont seem to be willing to give blanket checks particularly to a government controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and its allies politics is at play as popular discontent worsens that. They vote. Well still ahead here on aljazeera how coronavirus is forcing american bowing to accept thousands of jobs and well tell you why some members of new yorks Jewish Community are angry with those stories after the break. Weve got another round of severe storms making their way across southern parts of the u. S. Central plains also seeing some rather wet weather day perrie of low pressure here just tucked in and lot will drive the wet the windy weather and a few tornadoes further a switch as we go through the next few days pushing across the appalachians alabama georgia seeing some very heavy rain through the carolinas right into the middle antic states and that very wet weather with the possibility of some localized flooding will be in place as we go through a good part of thursday dry weather comes in behind still very hot down towards the Desert Southwest temperatures hit could well get up around the 40 degree mark i would towards the west coast some mild pleasant weather but a more pleasant weather coming through here at around 20 celsius a few showers there just tumbling across the rockies on thursday theyll skirt a little further east which is to go on through friday pushing across the Northern Plains central parts of canada and by friday night is that wet weather into the northeastern corner so pulling across new york into new england that east side of kind of the further south it should be largely fine and dry slightly fought and dry across the caribbean although we do have some showers little bit more clout there into cuba so for the Greater Antilles you can expect see a little bit of wet weather with a chance of some showers making their way to jamaica. But. A history of guerrilla warfare. A place on the. King string there revolutionaries see you know no bounds to the series of the final spot there splinter groups damage the palestinian cause for insurance survival chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian home in p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching algis there with me said holroyd new reminder of our top stories new Financial Data shows the impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on the world economies the United States and germany are amongst countries experiencing their worst recessions in years libyan war 3 to have to has announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan earlier on wednesday he was accused of ordering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli. That aljazeera has learned that a plane carrying prominent officials from the United Arab Emirates through to the sudanese capital khartoum on tuesday sources say the iraqi delegation was meeting sudanese officials to discuss military support for Khalifa Haftar. Of all the covert 19 epidemic cajole 100 volts all the huge losses reported by the worlds 2 biggest produces. Buffeted by a Global Pandemic in a crisis of its own making boeing is plunging deep into negative territory the company has been scrambling for more than a year to get its most lucrative plane this 737 max back in the air after it was grounded following 2 crashes that killed 346 people then the coronavirus emptied planes in airports with passenger travel down an unprecedented 95 percent boeing reported a loss of 6 141000000. 00 and now plans about 16000. 00 layoffs 110th of its Global Workforce light all shut not just europe and United States pretty much everywhere in the world the ramifications are. For the most part the industry is not interested in taking delivery of airplanes at the moment and or. Against contracts that we have in here and so as a result there is this moment in time for try to contend with the dramatic reductions southwest and other airlines are cutting their orders for the 737 max and with fewer long haul travelers boeing is cutting back on production of its massive 777 and 787 dreamliner jets boeing is the United States largest exporting manufacturer and it said that when boeing sneezes americas economy catches cold now foundations of highly skilled highly paid boeing workers will be joining the waiters Service Workers and others who are among the 1st wave of coronavirus layoffs and that will reverberate down the boeing supply chain and throughout the u. S. Economy boeing rival airbus also posted a 521000000. 00 loss in what its c. E. O. Calls the greatest crisis the aerospace industry. As ever known analysts say boeing and airbus will have to restructure for a new marketplace and compete with their own cheaper used planes languishing on tarmacs around the globe youre all roughed up and got no where to go even being there isnt any crap and certainly across the Pacific Coast bad news europe not many people are planning a trip to the great country of italy right now so its going to be a long time theyre going to readjust and be a Smaller Company although the Global Pandemic took just months to ground much of the Aviation Industry analysts say it will take years to arrive at a new normal John Hendren Jazeera chicago now the International Monetary fund has approved emergency funding and sold 3400000000 dollars from nigeria its a colony relies heavily on oil revenue which has been hard hit by the unprecedented drop in demand and would address has more from. Hours before the International Monetary fund and now the 3400000000. 00 loan grant to nigeria the National Parliament approved 2100000000. 00 for going to the German Government on following a request by the president for such an amount to be brought up from domestic market to finance the 2020 by the it may interest you to know that already the country is reviewing its budget by nearly 40 percent down ward and this is a country that has seen a lot of borrowing in recent times in march early march 2020 the government at the parliament approved more than 22000000000. 00. For for the Nigerian Government to borrow externally so this is also coming at a time when the external results of this country has seen a significant drop from more than 40000000000. 00 just a few years ago to only 33000000000. 00 the grant from the i. M. F. Is seen by economists and government officials here as a Welcome Development it could help stimulate growth and also cushion the effect of the covered 19 impact on the economy but a lot of economists also fear that this country may need much more than what it has already gotten from the i. M. F. External other external and internal voice at the at the moment well south korea has reported no new domestic infections for the 1st time in 2 months the country has more than 10700. 00 confirmed cases that members of the but its community gathered in seoul to pray for those infected its also a month but its birthday nationwide holiday in south korea for large scale celebrations of being put off until later 30th in the hopes the virus will be contained. There also appears to be positive news for the treatment where top u. S. Infectious disease advisor dr anthony found she says theyre seeing progress in trials with the antiviral drug render. That the average Recovery Time was cut from 15 days to 11 while the u. S. National institute of health reported that the mortality rate dropped from 11 and a half percent to 8 percent although with 31 percent improvement doesnt seem like a knock out 100 percent it is a very important proof of concept because what it is proven is that a drug can block this virus new york city mayor bill de blasio is being accused of unfairly singling out the has sytycd Jewish Community and enforcing covert 1000 restrictions he personally called on pleas to disperse hundreds of mourners who gathered for a funeral Gabriel Elizondo reports. Thousands of ultraorthodox his city jews packed the streets of a neighborhood in brooklyn they were mourning the death of a prominent local rabbi and gathered for a funeral procession in accordance with their religious traditions with new york the epicenter of the covert 1000 pandemic in america and strict stay at home orders in place the police were called and gave numerous warnings to disperse before breaking up the gathering something the Police Commissioner defended on wednesday it cannot happen and it will and its going to be met with very stern as it was last night immediately being broken up. Consequences new york city mayor bill de blasio was furious the gathering took place at all and mentioned the Jewish Community by name in a tweet saying the time for warnings has passed and arrests would be made of those who gather in large groups the reaction was swift liz smith a new york political strategist tweeted new york city has been a refuge for jews fleeing persecution and death for decades and more how on earth does a mayor of new york city single them out for persecution in the middle of a pandemic others called on the mayor to apologize with some going so far as to say he should step down and calling him antisemitic arguing that he unfairly singled out all jews the issue has divided new yorkers but there are many that support the mayor and say that its not he that should be criticized rather than his sytycd use that held the mass gathering this new yorker tweeting no one is prosecuting them but they need to follow medical and Health Guidelines this is for not only their protection but the protection of others its ridiculous an irresponsible to give them or anyone else a pass during this pandemic they need to follow the rules period on wednesday the mayor said he was not trying to single out the Jewish Community but didnt back down from his criticism members of the Jewish Community were putting each other in danger. They were putting our Police Officers in danger now if i see it in any other community ill call that out equally the Hasidic Community doesnt need to look too far to see the dangers of deadly viruses the rabbi whose funeral everyone was at. New york. An International Watchdog is warning that the United Arab Emirates isnt doing nearly enough to crack down on Money Laundering and terrorist financing the paris face Financial Action Task Force Says the u. A. E. Could find it solves all a watch list along with countries like syria and yemen unless it improves spend it since reports. Dubai is slowly reopening some businesses that have been ordered shut to stop the spread of coronavirus but its the failure to pull down the shutters on people suspected of Money Laundering and terrorist financing but cook cause another serious financial headache for the emirate and the 6 others which for me are knighted Arab Emirates investigators from the paris based Financial Action Task Force Found that theres a high risk that criminals will try to launder money or finance terrorism through the u. A. E. The f. A. T. F. Says theres little investigation all of a prosecution for Money Laundering and theres minimal formal International Cooperation with countries investigating financial crimes the does have a system whereby we look at countries with continued and significant strategic divisions is that represent a risk to the international Financial System i cant say at this point whether the country is going to fall into that process what i can say is that the country now has its own road and its recommendations to follow but we fully expect that we do that that they will do that weve already seen a high level political commitment there to get things going and we will assess their progress next year and then well decide from there dubai is one of the Worlds Largest financial hubs not far behind london new york and Hong Kong Financial services make up almost 9 percent of the u. S. G. D. P. A lot of the money they make its driving by. Addressing that would mean shining a light on a lot of schemes and making Information Available that are not in the interest of those who actually like to put their money back. So definitely there is a trade off there or even a conflict there if the u. A. E. Fails to tackle Money Laundering it could find itself on the task forces gray list along with countries including pakistan syria and yemen that means Financial Institutions could be reluctant to do business there and the cost of borrowing will be higher but its meant. That i missed international has released evidence of multiple violations of a u. N. Arms embargo in south sudan the organizations and investigators to 12 military camps in february and found new weapons concealment of arms and continued use of child soldiers all violations of a peace deal that requires disarmament presence of a kid and rebel leader i wish are formed a unity government in february after a 7 year war in which hundreds of thousands of people died in iraq has broken out in a prison. In sierra leone after an inmate contracted covert 19 fellow prisoners set buildings on fire in protest before things were brought back under control the sick inmate has been taken away for treatment. And yes democratic president ial candidate joe biden says hell leave the u. S. Embassy in jerusalem if hes elected and thats despite criticizing Donald Trumps decision to move the embassy a short sighted instead biden says he to reopen a u. S. Consulate in occupied East Jerusalem to engage with palestinian leaders trumps 28 Team Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital was declared null and void by the u. N. Brazils Supreme Court has blocked the president s pick for federal police chief job also nominated his family friend after firing his predecessor as a lot of america to see him newman reports the ruling is the latest in a series of political blows against votes nora. Millions of brazilians had overlooked. Massage instant racist comments his religious fanaticism and his adoration for guns during his Election Campaign because they believed he would wage a war against corruption but no longer on the same day the bulls are now to replace the countrys most popular Anti Corruption crusader former Justice Minister said joe models with his personal Legal Advisor the Supreme Court blocked his pick for federal police chief another close friend of the family the court argues the appointment would allow bledsoe natl inappropriate influence over Law Enforcement also natl is under investigation for alleged political meddling in Police Probes expect to kill essentially it since 2 of his 3 sons are also being investigated for bezel mint running a Fake News Network and other misdeeds the 3 deny any wrongdoing. The president whose middle name is messiah is also trying to brush off the soaring number of deaths from coded 19 a limb into it but would you expect me to do a messiah but i cant do miracles people waiting to receive emergency aid for the pandemic were outraged like myself out of a 100 follicle when he says so what at more than 5000 deaths it shows a psychopathic character a person you cant trust any more just one more will know they continue to be crazy hes a new emperor nero of the world i dont have much more to add. Also not his popularity has been plummeting c fired the Health Minister for trying to promote social distancing measures now with the death toll surpassing that of china brazilians have good reason to be worried about their president s legal and political problems detracting from the more pressing issue of keeping brazilians alive. You see in human aljazeera. Your job is there remains the whole romney rewind of our top news stories new Financial Data shows the impact the crow virus pandemic is having on world economies the United States germany and nigeria the eco heart of africa and once countries experiencing their worst recessions in years they the heart of the worlds workers are in danger of losing their livelihoods because of the pandemic the uns International Labor organization is forecasting that up to 1600000000 people working in the informal economy could be out of a job most of them have no wealth or protection nor access to health care what we find in report in this monitor is of the it of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 as suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social section. Up 2nd highest credible risk death toll after italy the numbers jumped to more than 26000. 00 up to the government started to include fatalities in places like homes for the elderly the upward revision has prompted new criticism of the governments handling of the outbreak. And libyan war claimed to have to has announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan earlier wednesday he was accused of ordering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli. And aljazeera has learned that a plane carrying prominent officials from the United Arab Emirates flew to the sudanese capital khartoum and choose day sources say the amorality delegation was meeting sudanese officials to discuss military support for Khalifa Haftar sudanese officials have denied this because you follow those stories on our website aljazeera dot com more news in the next its the p. L. O. History of the revolution the winds of heaven to stay with us. The latest news as it breaks with no treatment or vaccine for her and a virus volunteers if it will continue to provide the services they can to fight that is being with detail coverage along without any planning for india for millions of migrant workers. And fearless generalism from around the world for many coming to the place of the only chance they have to leave at least once a day. 148 the state of israel was proclaimed. Palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization or the p. L. O. Was founded. Made up of different factions the p. L. O. Has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since

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