To after the war saying your europeans go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera. Hi anthony ok and you are in the stream home edition welcome to my house today i should be asking you whats in the show because this show is a q. And a about the clone a virus and Subsaharan Africa weve had your tweets in already thank you very much for those but also on the chiefs i just jump in ask your questions and you can also be in the streams conversation today i want you to meet the panel i think youre going to be impressed still to regina introduce yourself hi im gina i am an Infectious Disease specialist and i work in Johannesburg Institute i work in. I laid out to michele. Recently out Program Manager for. A free. Am hammett please introduce yourself welcome to the stream thank you are my name is mom and im the representative for United Nations they want to program in nigeria based in a bundle. So i guess that was a headline that really jumped out at us at the stream and that headline is on aljazeera dot com Africa Coronavirus cases could hit 10000000 in 6 months and that figure comes from the w h o im going to go straight to the question guess the 1st question from twitter make you work straight away and it comes in the rios events trivedi thank you very much for your question and the real savant says if states and Disaster Preparedness agencies engaged in crises simulations and ground proof their plans would we be in a in a basically a better place to tackle this Global Pandemic let me put that 1st mohammed what youll take a somebody who really cares about development on the continent. Thank you well i think theres a theres an african saying that you can only kill a snake with a stick you have of. Essentially in in the continent and in. The. Face in triple one is essentially one is that you have a global recession the endangered 2nd you have a Public Health spawns that is making the Economic Situation of people much was welcome back to what and then the 3rd part which the question relates is the governments ability to respond is much more constrained because. Of the oil prices so many african governments not only nigeria on one commodity and that exposed as them to fluctuation in the case of nigeria the projection is the government is most about 10000000000. 00 even more from the 2020 but its ability to respond is much more limited so yes disasters for disaster. Systems that are in place can be extremely helpful. But i think its not straightforward ability to respond is very much limited by the economic condition of the countries in the 2 g. To just jump in there. At yes i think that that prepared us is really important but i think as mohamed said it is very difficult for countries that are a country thing sometimes one percent of their g. D. P. To house to be able to actually have a budget that will allow for and preparedness as wow so usually youre prioritize what you can power ties and we have a lot of hiv we have a lot of so governments apart i think those primary health care and trying to reduce Maternal Mortality and therefore theyre not really focused on some of these preparedness exercises which as much as they could like stockpiling and all of the other things that could be. You mean even bonnie and im going to bring you in dr michelle here at money and says that there is very little testing ability in Subsaharan Africa with 2600000 people i see him 6000000 swaps have been used how many countries are actually producing the tests what does it cost that michel can get us up to speed with testing. Thank you very much about the testing in fortunately in our african continent so we are not manufacturing this test so that we have to laboratory and my colleague in suffolk uncut from the lab in suffolk 3 counties that refer to a lab and that we have a laboratory in the Senate Gallery and well for the labs equip our some of them in collaboration with laboratory can start producing i know that there is some Rapid Testing process in a state to pass the in in the car but a sense of those who would have capacity out there is no law. As well at least in the Subsaharan African countries that can produce and this is the one of the critical challenge that we have to make it been about the. Lab equipment and reagents that locking out so only international markets. Regina. Yes so i think that thats true but i also we also have a platform called the gene expert which is a platform that was put in place for tb diagnostics and our the company that makes it has created a cartridge can be used for source of the 2 so hopefully our people countries in africa will access price that is reasonable so that they can use the existing platform kind of distributed in sort of no a level of facilities not in central labs to be able to test for you as well. So the stream spoke earlier this week to angela t. T. Hes the c. E. O. Of safe hands kenya and what has happened in kenya is a number of Companies Got together to work out how come with the fights in essential for people who are living in food most settlements whats a fence kenya is a Mission Driven alliance of close to 30 companies that are present here in kenya looking at rapidly providing sanitation products including soap family ties and surface disinfectant and mosques to each and every individual in these informal settlements we are looking to do this at scale quickly in order to be able to address and manage the spread of covered in kenya so what im really curious about mohammed is the kind of innovation the kind of Grassroots Efforts that either private companies are doing citizens are doing youve seen. The innovation im seeing actually is is not innovation per se but is solidarity its something that i see especially for people impacted. Informal sector you probably know most of africans. G. D. P. And in case of major more than 60 percent is the Informal Sector there are people who who are bearing the brunt of the Public Health response especially when it comes to lockdowns they are the ones who have to. Look for only what they call 102. 00 mouth situation so what were seeing which is really amazing is the country getting together and private sector individuals and in the in the case of nigeria you see a lot of nigerian you would and. And and and a lot of musicians getting work getting together to help people in the Informal Sector because essentially the hope will come to this specific question on how do you balance Public Health in a context of informal it and how do you ensure that we have a context based Public Health response in africa that is actually very much in line with our capacity and our realities. And the some other things that were seeing may contradict that and i hope we will have an opportunity to discuss that how that can be done so maam if you want to discuss it go ahead india right now so you have so i hope dr regina. Also come in but one of the things we are seeing is that. Africa needs d it all on Public Health system that is based in a context that cushions against against the poorest and i say this because. Look do you want to give us an example because we had we had these big themes that came and i hear this a lot about this is what the continent should be doing but how do you do it just very briefly give me an example give us an example of what actually needs. So. Im happy to give you the examples but just. There is not easy answers because on one hand on one hand we tell people social distancing is extremely important to rate control of the virus we say isolation issues that are ensuring that most people are not with each other is important but in reality many of the african african communities in the continent and. Live earth through connecting with people. And in the case of even have the residential areas called face merely face you essentially people cant get off from each other so how do you do that and how do you do social distancing. So this is i dont know how to have a lot of questions coming in so i try i take your point when im going to on a reel of the questions and as we have so many so this is really interesting and this is talking about. Some of the ideas are going around the continent and may not be accurate and the experts say the virus cannot survive under 26 foreign hide this comes from a while yeah roger dr michelle you cannot see this one most african countries are experiencing extremely hot temperatures currently african countries are recording cases that contradict the expert claim why is it basically asking about temperature where the corona virus actually does most damage in and is africa safe because lots of africa is quite warm. Did they fight is related to how they come in asia on the east and its men near through droplets down and sneezing coughing so if you will being in front of somebody less than a bit. In front of you and receiving the drop lets end the press on being contaminated so in this situation their temperature cannot apps on the salt prevent hunting maybe what they are talking about is having a ferrous on the side face that can be dry and then the virus to be inactivated but we should recall that some of the respiratory infection. May depend on me on a regional. Event and im trying my heart that you know in africa so its not. A kind of talk about can i prevent or small down the trustees. Im going to go to the time. You go ahead and look at. The viruses actually denatured are around 50 degrees 56 degrees celsius so i think thats a myth thats been sort of propagated and we should sort of move away from that. Im going to go to twila whos in South African on you tube thanks for your question and tell us as im in south africa were doing ok here but the lockdown is quite stressful a lot of people are struggling and thats of a theme the mill a lay who is a pastry chef student in south africa i would love to be on lockdown with her because the food is going to be great but she also makes a much more important point about food and lockdown is that if youre on lockdown there are some times where the people in the community who cannot stay at home it is not possible they stay at home they will stuff nations have been mainly with regard to follow dirty fund and of course every day people donating what they can towards people who have much but not enough is being done in helping out every day man what were good people furth the hunger or the pandemic at this rate could mean if you dont care the food and they needed now just somebody to appreciate you can appreciate you know you take this one cause its a South African specific question. Yes i think this has been a big struggle and i the government has tried to sort of balance the need for isolation and lock down with the need of the people and as you know our president announced yesterday a massive stimulus package of 500000000000 rand a lot of it is going to go to Unemployed People a lot of its going to go to food packages and to create Economic Relief it is very clear about the continent and africa in particular is going to pay very dearly for. Demick but also that individuals are really struggling and we have to figure out how to be more so have most of the direct t. V. There are lots of food packaged sions theres a Solidarity Fund thats created where people can access Different Things and i think its just you know about. Educating and communicating with the public to make sure that they know where they can go about it dont stay at home start. To finish i want to give this one to you and get it on you lots of questions coming in on you tube and a crispin says there is a story going around that the medicine for covert 19 is to be tried here in africa how true is this is something i have seen only over social ive seen a lot of people getting very upset africans getting very upset that perhaps some of the greatest cases will be over seas for them so in europe elsewhere but the testing experimenting is happening on african soil to michelle can you tell us more about that. I think this one is that its not true because most of the medical journals occurring out of africa we have hundreds of trials going on in europe in asia mainly in china where the outbreak started the and well as the u. S. The press box in struck me out of the start in and in u. S. In africa based soley directed. For treatment thats public to launch 28. 00 african countries that apply and up to now its only flaw that are almost ready to start because they did not provide the required documentation and also they did not receive they require approval from the Ethical Committee and i want to reassure our africans that this trial cannot be taught it counts that we have to be outraged. Instead strictly. Of standardized and organized and you have to go through the kind of committee you have to have the profile of the National Authorities and the average joe is so are also looking at sort of the process so its not so easy that they are free country betty its necessary its necessary also to have some challenge in africa for medicine that im utterly cheat our conscious does michel i want to stay with you for this next question on twitter and its from felix and felix says what about the victims deol congas many ungallant conflicts as a spread of the crime if i succeed them its across the country they also have to focus on a ballina cholera measles does michelle. This i met upon crises challenges the rights last couple. Including the humanitarian response as well as the public have restaurants and these are well the Health System and did not give time probably had system to recall the tool to think ahead like we were talking about in terms of preparedness. Address that helps you a sense because we had to pull out they still have some of the equipment some of the aspects on the ground but that they repeat recurrent crisis destroyed they they have said dissent is to require additional not support coming from outside is where we partners on the ground need to walk hand and hand store bullfight a strong response because their system is weakened by their record on crisis. I want to bring something that comes from a studio in nigeria and its a beautiful a beautiful video and animation helping young says you have to stay at home understand what lockdown means so were joining the video as its done in 4 languages from nigeria so we join in the video where big sister is telling her little brother be to stay inside because if she doesnt stay inside he may well be infecting other people with the corona virus and this is from and hell studios and they did a wonderful job of actually using an african solution using african imagery nigerian imagery to actually share. How we as a community can actually battle and fight the krona virus you will be one of our also and that. Money will be seeing a lot of. Everything going on seeing all these. Little less the government the government think money and that you. Know you just make you know and not yes you are seeing players. Mohammed have you seen other examples like that i know some celebrities are also helping in nigeria. You know theres a lot of on the communication side and you probably know we live in an age where by trust of information is not as much as it should be so its really important of these kind of voices and we in nigeria we see a lot of messages in different parts of the country different which is on people sharing. What are the basic prevention measures you can put why you have to isolate why you have the distance and this goes against our culture its not an easy thing to do not to visit your extended families not to look not to. Interact with people you know is a huge ask and i think this kind of stories that has been done in nigeria and other african countries are important because they we convince people that this is temporary is not going to be a permanent situation but this is important because to protect yourself and to protect those you love and i think this has been successful in many of us have. Recorded messages in different languages and weve seen a lot of successes in the front but usually let me put this tweet into cuba to come assess what are the plans of the governments in tens of welfare for the citizens after the lockdown is over do you want to take that from south africas perspective which is. Well so i think in south africa what the plan is for the current relief efforts to go all the way to october which hopefully will be beefed up after the lockdown is over but i think that theres going to be an opportunity to review everything that has happened and use the data when were closer to that to understand exactly what else needs to be done i think you know its very difficult for other african countries are going may not have the types of budgets that south africa potentially can have to be able to take care of the welfare of people long after the lockdown has happened but i think the Economic Impact is going to be quite severe and i think also the Health Impact is going to be quite severe and so well have to see how we do when we get there i think what were seeing across africa is that the countries that are in lockdown or some isolation are having a less exponential increase in cases which is great but then what happens when the isolation and the lockdown is lifted in a place like south africa where you have 2500 cases where probably just going to go back up to exponential growth. Im going to im going to put this tweet to you dr michelle because everybody wants to know when will the vaccine actually happen so im mad mohammed is from nigeria and he says when do you think the country 19 vaccine will be available to the well. Everyone wants to know that. Its a very difficult question on the some of the. Already started and off from what we are hearing from Different Research team. It wont be before our Business System out. Youve been talking about 22021 so we are not there yet so you need for us maybe 2 or 4 sides on a track coach on ms thats of course making the mall friendly. You know with specific contact. Question about best practices and this is want to know whats going bad and want to suggest some figures from senegal and says you know we weve done pretty well in thames evacuee season how many people weve treated and what best practices can share with the rest of the world mohammed from your perspective in nigeria you see best practices actually in practice. Yes i mean weve had similar problems initially. Terms of testing and i think dr michelle also pointed out that testing has been a big problem but its not an african problem is a global problem weve weve always been its been difficult to catch up with the testing but what nigeria has done best practice which is really good for others who are listening is to see this not only as a Health Crisis it is a Health Crisis but its also an economic and political crisis and social crisis so what nigeria have done has done is set up a president ial task force that brings different parts of government together with the United Nations reported to be able to respond not only respond from the health and prevention and isolation and treatment side but also to look at the Economic Impact against the most and planning for the day after to morrow how does the economy look like can we be sure we have an economy that is exposed to one commodity what kind of system we need to be put in place and i think what the government has done for africa and intently is to revisit our Economic System our social structures and what is important and i think what weve seen is investing in people happens to be the most important. You know in the fine a woman of the show it is present there are so many questions and we dont have enough time to give all the ounces but if i wanted you to give me in a sentence to it to receive an adult to Michelle Mohammed one cent is the way encourage our audience who are tackling covert 19 across Subsaharan Africa with that sentence be dr gina you start a sentence with i would say that you know we have to its something we have to go through and if it is going to pass as well so we have to just follow the rules and follow our governments and then well hope were on the other side got to michele. So it could be quite long so we need to find a way to detect and control but at the same time communities need like the public that made it all right and mohammeds. Everyone has exposed our structural weaknesses and it gives us an opportunity to fix it after the movie thank you so much for being. Dr regina dr mashal and mohammed and of course you on twitter and seeing next time take care. As corona virus continues to devastate the United States the race to the white house goes all joe biden has all but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he beat still trump joined us for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election 2020 on aljazeera. On the deserted streets of theyve become familiar figures couriers on bicycles delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants they might go missing mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind none of them receive Health Insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants now say theyre essential to control the virus i receive messages on the out saying that we are you know so i was a nurse back home what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. In the far reaches of the New Siberian Islands gold rush fever is in the air. 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