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Suspension on immigration. Is sure busy to will only apply to individuals seeking a permanent residence in other words those receiving green cards. And will look at a u. K. Report which brings into focus the severe impact pandemics having on many young and vulnerable minds. Says were going to start with a couple of other stories from around the world 1st iran which says it has launched its 1st military satellite into orbit this is something which will likely increase tensions with the United States washington says irans Space Program is just a cover for Missile Development irans leaders deny that claim his own bus arrive in tehran to start a subzone tell us about the launch itself. Well come all this this launch today is the 1st time irans government has claimed that it is launched a military satellite into space the newer was launched this morning into thermosphere 425 kilometers up now we have to recognize that iran has spent the 1st decade of this century much of its resources have been spent of its Space Program as weather as the Aerospace Division of the revolutionary guard theyve been dedicating themselves to try to perfect Rocket Technology in 2009 they became capable of launching into orbit so weve been seeing a number of satellites launched into space since then for the Defense Ministry for very specifically for Telecommunications Technology and use as well but this is the 1st time were seeing them say that this is a military satellite its likely to be used for capturing imagery for intelligence gathering for secure communications for military assets on the ground and on the sea and for navigation purposes and it reminds me of the the situation with the Nuclear Program in that the United States for example says the Nuclear Program its to build a weapon while iran says its full civilian purposes and we get the same argument here over a Space Program. Thats exactly right iran was one of the founding members in the fiftys of the un body that was meant to govern space make sure that countries are using any Space Technology or anything they launch into orbit for peaceful purposes and since then iran has been ambitious about trying to become one of the countries that is capable of doing so and really in the last 2 decades weve seen them elbow themselves in to what is an elite club iran is one of only about 12 countries that has been able to develop an indigenous launching system an indigenous Rocket Program that has allowed it to launch a satellite into space so there is certainly a symbolic value to the application of this satellite as well apart from the military Practical Applications theres also a symbolism here iran wants to illustrate that despite the economic problems its facing despite the fact that its going through isolation economically as well as sanctions it is capable of carrying out things that only elite countries can we also cant ignore the financial implications here satellites make money through for instance Telecommunications Services the region has been expanding the number of satellites in the air from countries like china south korea india weve seen a number of countries get into the satellite game iran does not want to be left behind money is made by to satellites through telecommunications and were likely to see that iran illustrating that it can launch its own rocket and own satellite into space will Start Marketing that were likely to see it suggest other countries that it can undercut the cost of launching rockets and satellites into space and do so for other allies and other nations. With that developing story out of iran today thank you. All sort or yemen or a disaster area has been declared in the southern port city of aden after it was hit by flash flooding the Prime Minister is asking for foreign help people including children were killed when heavy rain inundated streets and homes this report from charleville us. It was a desperate attempt to stop this couple being swept away strangers mixed into the streets in central aden fighting to proofread the current. Thinking. It is rainy season in yemen but with neglected infrastructure the water makes its own path through the city turning roads into rivers meaning with poor sound we have to be safe from the vehicles our god i know these boys trying to cheer up a woman they rescued i seem to have compounding the trauma is that this also happened a month ago then the un had to bulldoze thousands of tons of rubble and model to the streets almost 5000. 00 families were displaced the water also harbors an invisible danger human is battling a cholera outbreak a disease spread through. Some 400 kilometers north in the capital sana residents a cell which in what they can from floods a week ago are heavy winds and rain killed 7 people injured dozens and damage 16 refugee camps and the neighboring government of marine. Cyril the heavy rain destroyed everything they werent expecting it and it came from the mountains and swept everything away without warning running to go codes busses everything in its path. And yet there is a potentially more ominous disaster on the horizon yemen has had just one case of coronavirus the u. N. Has ruined it would be catastrophic if it catches hold here only half of yemens medical facilities a functional the population is acutely moen nourished and. About 80 percent to 24000000 people need aid to survive mostly National Companies including ticha pac and union lever and donating tens of thousands of Virus Testing kits to human the shipment will arrive next week. A devastated Health System and neglected infrastructure a symptoms of humans 5 use of new will continue isnt a negotiation weve all noted continued violence where mr griffiths is doing is trying to get parties to agree to a nationwide ceasefire sustainable the schwarzs far those discussions are ongoing obviously challenge the circumstances. But thats thats what hes trying to do challenging circumstances prove that yemenis reason lucian cant come soon enough charlotte ballasts. Almost to the right is coronavirus developments now in the u. S. Senate has approved nearly 500000000000. 00 in extra aid to help businesses and hospitals during the pandemic the house of representatives will vote on it on thursday on what would actually be the 4th such package since the crisis began it means a total of about 3 trillion dollars mike hanna has this from washington d. C. With many senators working from home the vote with taken by voice all in favor say aye aye aye aye oppose no. Fear to have it this follows intense negotiation between the white house and congress in recent days at the core of our greyman is 320000000000 more for the Paycheck Protection Program which is already saving millions of Small Business jobs and helping americans get paychecks and set a pension which. Democrats successfully 4 to include 75000000000. 00 for hospitals and 25000000000. 00 for testing which had been excluded in the initial republican proposal we dont have enough shafts that cry rings from one end of america to the other to urban suburban rural north east south and west we dont have enough jess well now help is on the way because democrats stood and fought for it President Trump says hell sign the bill when it passes in the house of representatives on thursday but in coming hours his signature will 1st go on an executive order limiting immigration it would be wrong in a gesture americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we must 1st take your the American Worker take care of the American Worker. The details of yet another ban on immigration and travel into the u. S. Is yet to be made public no visas have been issued for weeks because u. S. Embassies are shuttered around the globe and this week the restrictions on travel across the u. S. Has southern and Northern Borders were extended for another 30 days president transfers the order will not apply to those visiting the u. S. On a temporary basis but rather on those seeking permanent residence critics argue that the move would have no impact on Public Health or unemployment but is rather yet another intent to decide who gets to be a u. S. Citizen in the long Term Administration officials have been working through the day and night to draft the executive order and clarify exactly what the president means mike hanna aljazeera washington. Dont trump also promising to help the u. S. Oil sector prices a falling because of anxiety over the pandemics economic effect of the International Benchmark for oil brant crude is hovering around 17. 00 a barrel which is lowest point in 2 decades from the New York Stock Exchange gabriel evensong to reports on the financial fallout. Was an ominous sign for those hoping wall street had turned a corner in recent weeks the 2nd straight day u. S. Stocks rallied at the opening bell as the chaos in the oil markets weighed heavily on investors minds and apparently on the mind of the president as well as the dow lost nearly 500 points to kick off the trading day President Donald Trump sent out a tweet promising Financial Support for u. S. Oil producers mondays historic crash in the u. S. Oil price deep into negative territory continued to send shock waves on tuesday with other oil markets also falling brint crude the International Benchmark dropped to its lowest price since 2002 the problems are many 1st too much oil is being produced much of it sitting in Oil Tanker Ships off shore with nowhere to go almost no. Storage needs to be 1st before the new production can be brought into an assumption into the consumption thats existing right now so. Be are looking at your years from now before begins the unknown lies and with uncertainty about coronavirus and no vaccine or proven treatment on the horizon the market remains uncertain it was barely a week ago a record deal to cut production by producing countries including recent rivals saudi arabia and russia he was meant to alleviate the pressure on prices but he clearly didnt work its another blow to President Trump a keen backer of the u. S. Oil industry in texas q e z n n and north dakota all states trying to one in the last election the future outlook for oil remains poor crude is traded based on speculative pricing meaning how much traders think or oil will be worth at any given point in the future on tuesday the futures market for us oil in june dropped to under 10. 00 a barrel with the u. S. Economy still shut down nobody driving to work flying or traveling in a realization that it will remain like this for weeks if not months to come april zonda oh ill just data new york. Well i said their differences aside for at least an afternoon President Trump who hosted the new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo at the white house agreed to work on doubling testing in the state which is the epicenter of the u. S. Outbreak more than 250000 people are infected there 15000 have died when the president of recently accused each other failing to respond properly earlier in the day nurses protesters outside the protested outside the white house demanding more personal protective equipment some Health Photos and read out the names of colleagues who died after treating covered 1000 patients more than 9000 American Health workers have tested positive. Coronavirus coverage continues in a moment with a look at tourism. Im scott heiler unconscionable retiling were the Economic Impact of covert 90 on the critical Tourism Industry is hitting hard with no visitors and one elephant camp is struggling to keep the animals fed. Hello welcome to another look at the international forecast fania shalah straddling the equator now as they should do the seasonal rays then nothing a little further north with so we will see some wetter weather pushing into southern parts of vietnam maybe seeing some showers just leaking else of Southern China as well actually pushing their way into where thailand as we go on through thursday and on into friday as well some big downpours essential areas of it and im also into the possibility of seeing some flooding showers there around the malays peninsula pushing down across a good part of malaysia but through indonesia it looks a little dry and it has done recently and that dry weather is standing across a good part of australia last week clear skies bits and pieces of cloud rolling through the but youll see some showers just creeping across South Australia them as we go through thursday not seeing their way towards adelaide thursday into friday that wetter weather will push into that western side of victoria tasmania seeing the blustery showers sliding across the ditch and on to was new zealand the south island will see some wet weather as we go on through friday but behind that i think the sea across much of australia is fine and dry lots of warm sunshine coming through a 29 impressed but also the odd one shell shower into northern parts of queensland but fine fettle west. A history of guerrilla warfare a place on the global stage. The pira gaining strength the revolutionary zeal knowing no bounds but did a series of violent acts by their splinter groups down the palestinian cause or ensured survival chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. So these are the top stories this hour on aljazeera iran says its launched its 1st military satellite into orbit a move which will likely increase tension with the United States washington says terror on Space Program is a cover for Missile Development in irans leaders deny that. The u. S. Senate passed a near 500000000000. 00 relief package to aid Small Businesses provide more funds for hospitals and coronaVirus Testing the bill will go to the house of representatives for a vote. And donald trump is promising to help the u. S. Oil industry as prices fall because of anxiety over the economic damage of the virus brant crude the International Benchmark for oil is hovering around 17. 00 a barrel which is its lowest point in 2 decades. But australia is taking advantage of that and it spent 59000000. 00 to buy oil at record low prices the oil will help build up a strong leads emergency stockpile will be held in the u. S. Reserves initially until Storage Space is made available locally or straight imports 90 percent of its fuel mostly from the middle east and asia but u. S. Storage facilities are fast running out of room this is one in oklahoma its 70 percent capacity traders say all of the Space Storage is already booked a lack of storage is a big factor in these Falling Oil Prices to south africa where the president s announced a 26000000000. 00 rescue package to deal with the devastating Economic Impact of covert 19 several run the horse unveiled what he called an extraordinary budget in a special address to the nation 2600000000. 00 would go to the poor in the form of grants of africa already under a 5 week lockdown it is recorded more than 3400 factions and 58 deaths. We recognize that Food Distribution capacity of the government is not adequate to meet the huge need that has arisen since the start of the mic and on top of that more than 70000. 00 South African soldiers which is almost the entire Standing Army are being deployed to enforce the lockdown they will join the nearly 2300 personnel already on the streets from the miller is now johannesburg and says this big deployment has got people worried at the lockdown will go on much longer than planned thats the question from millions of South Africans that this new information hasnt yet been announced formally by the president its emerged through a procedural letter that hes had to write to Parliament Saying that this is whats going to happen an additional additional 73000. 00 soldiers and also africans are asking why south africa is currently in a 5 week lockdown its due to end at the end of next week and so now would this mean that the lockdown would be extended we have heard from the minister of defense has spoken to the media saying that in addition to the troops we see on the streets so far these soldiers will be on the streets to help with medical services and also give support to the troops a Radio Monitoring the borders patrolling the streets who are in charge of roadblocks to ensure that the lockdown is observed but this additional deployment has certainly raised more questions that its oncet so far at least 7 people are thought to have contracted the coronavirus during the primary election in the u. S. State of wisconsin early this month they include 6 voters and one poll worker who were identified in milwaukee Officials Say the number of election related infections. Could increase after more data becomes available wisconsin so far has 4620 known cases and nearly 250 deaths we turn our attention to the u. K. Where more than 17000 people have now died in hospitals and there are fears the true extent of the outbreak is actually much higher but while many Health Officials tackle the virus others are responding to a surge in demand for Mental Health services for both adults and children this report from the back of. The zipper will ring and disjointed days especially for the young. East our readers the f a dead body she stem my life change because i cant go will say its like a juror. That wants to make people say i dont see it University Study found that warning 5 children and now afraid to leave their homes. We have to be careful to not get sick. When theres this change because i cant go to school and and its a very hard learning. Disorientation and confusion of being a very understandable natural reaction to children and increasingly i think as the days go by things started to feel more restrictive. And. A sense of things unravelling. Your friends technologies help close the gap left by social distancing theres a video play date hosted by elmo and some other familiar faces. But for some children the strangeness of it all is distressing especially for those with serious Mental Health problems. In the past few weeks secure Mental Health units have been forced to discharge large numbers of patients including children over fears of staff and bed shortages. Aljazeera has learned of at least warm front lines secure Mental Health units in london that had to send home 40 percent of their patients there are children suffering from psychosis who believe the virus is a conspiracy others with eating disorders or histories of self harm and there are some with obsessive disorders like compulsive handwashing the virus only seems to confirm their worst fears were hearing about people with severe Mental Illness such as schizophrenia. Who are being sent to my family and the families are not being in any school or any information. We share that we cant how much harm is just building up nations Mental Health in the months to come we need to be careful i. Mean you live here my hopes of the future are all that like scientists find a meant to cure the current fires that the kernel fires has stopped there are many layers to this crisis the worlds attention is on controlling the virus and saving lives but there are countless hidden victims even when the pandemic passes there will be many in desperate need of help Neve Barker Al Jazeera london mexicos government says it is heading into the most serious stage of the pandemic the number of infections as a past 9000 with nearly 900 deaths as it prepares hospitals and clinics to meet surging demand government is also free prisoners whose crimes arent considered too serious. The worst of mexicos coburg 19 contagion could be only days away mexicos Deputy Health minister warns the national Health System could soon be under the greatest pressure from the virus. Today we want to start phase 3 of the pandemic remembering that were in the phase of rapid ascent where a large number of cases of an affectionate and hospitalizations will accumulate and we must continue to maintain social distancing so that sees a minimize as much as possible. For mexican Health Officials phase of the river 1st to the point where the virus will spread the fastest hitting its peak in the 1st half of made. The announcement also coincides with another major Public Policy change the passage of a new amnesty law which will oversee the release of thousands of low level offenders from mexican prisons. This will allow us to release people from prison who have not committed serious crimes those who are sick or elderly this will allow us to carry out a humanitarian gesture for. Human rights organizations have warned that mexicos overcrowded prisons are a ticking time bomb for contagion of coronavirus those familiar with the legislation however say that while the new law is an important milestone in social justice it will take months to implement many of the impact on covert 1000. 00 containment will likely be minimal. But if there is no right. Then i think this is an important law that weve needed for a long time because of all the injustices that occurs but one thing should be clear this law will not contribute to the de pressurize ation of the penitentiary system in the context of covert 19 it but it could help in the future and the future pandemics. Also bracing for the worst of the virus or tens of thousands of migrants among them Asylum Seekers stuck in mexico under tough new rules imposed by the trumpet ministration governors across the on monday u. S. President donald trump tweeted that he would be temporarily suspending immigration to the United States mexican Officials Say they dont expect this latest executive order by the white house to have much impact on existing coburg 19 containment policy which already restricts migration and includes a partial closure of the us mexico border. Mexico city we have other news now on the number of victims in canadas worst mass shooting has now reached 22. 00 now includes a pregnant nurse and a 17 Year Old Girl the gunman drove across the Eastern Province of nova scotia shooting people in various communities spraying lasted almost 12 hours before he was shot dead by Police Facebook will by almost 10 percent of the indian Digital Company geo platforms for 5 and a half 1000000000 dollars the biggest Foreign Investment in indias Technology Sector geo has more than 380000000 subscribers it operates broadband mobile Services Online commerce so this deal will allow facebook to partner its Whatsapp Messaging Service with geo as it looks to expand into one of its largest Growth Markets business also been for the Worlds Largest Internet Streaming Service because of the pandemic. Between january and march netflix signed up 16000000 new subscribers double the number it was expecting and its shares have picked up 11 percent. But most Industries Worldwide are suffering and of course that includes tourism thailand for one is expected to lose 24000000. 00 visitors this year and the impact on elephant camps has been devastating owners are running out of money to feed the animals scott hired the reports now from country to bury. The elephants of the tower we cant enjoy their morning river back washing away the dust cooling down from the searing tie summer but unaware that their future is uncertain. Or caretakers are keeping their routines as much as possible despite missing the last 3 weeks of the tourist high season like all nonessential businesses in thailand the government ordered the camp closed because of kobe 1000. Dont run long so cohen has run the business since he took over from his father 20 years ago when it was started as a refuge for stray elephants the revenue from the visitors mostly foreigners usually covers the 30 1000. 00 it takes to run the camp each month but now hes struggling along the way i told my stop that we have to fight and together the camp is not a sheen you cant just simply turn it off a managing living beings my stops me and my and if and when i contest him to stop them wrong says that there are many other people in his Community Hard hit by the pandemic that he is with funds from previous tour seasons hes able to keep the elephants that for now but that might change he might need to ask for donations if hes not able to reopen the park over the next few months one way hes offsetting costs local farmers are allowing the more hoops to chop down banana trees for the 25 elephants to eat the feed on the soft tree trunks as drought has prevented them from bearing fruit. The camp is the only home assume kit made tee shot taken has ever known both his parents were working there when he was born hes now raising his own family on the camp and the other markets have taken pay cuts more than time called im worried about many things the elephants my family how am i going to feed them how am i going to pay my bills. With little time to prepare the elephant camp has been blindsided by the corona virus and even if it reopens its unclear if it will be able to survive. I can see when this outbreak is going to end i have no idea what Tourism Industry would look like in the next few months but i think it will be like this for a while i have to carry on tired fishes estimate that the flow of tourism dollars will be down 60 percent this year so the monk and those at the camp will have to carry on and most likely in the next few months theyll also need to find other ways to get their next meal its got harder aljazeera conscionable. At half past the hour well take you to the headlines on aljazeera iran says it has launched its 1st military satellite into orbit that is likely to increase tension with the United States which says Space Program is a cover for Missile Development that irans leaders deny this. We know is that this is what the revolutionary guard. Is their 1st military satellite being launched into space they call it the newer one and it is orbiting in the thermosphere at around 425 kilometers up thats about half the distance of the 1st satellite ever launched into space by soviet Russia Sputnik of course now we do know what that iran has for the 1st several years for the 1st decade of this century theyve been developing the kind of rockets required to achieve orbital launch they achieve that in 2009 and since then theyve launched a number of satellites a disaster areas been declared in yemens southern port city of aden after it was hit by flash flooding the Prime Minister is asking for foreign help 8 people including children were killed when heavy rain inundated streets and homes. That is coronavirus news in the u. S. Senates pasta nearly 500000000000. 00 relief package to help Small Businesses it will also provide more funds for hospitals and corona Virus Testing bill now goes to the house of representatives for a vote donald trump also promising to help the u. S. Oil sector as prices fall because of anxiety over the economic damage brant crude the International Benchmark for oil is hovering around 17. 00 a barrel the lowest its been in 2 decades and in south africa the president has announced a 26000000000. 00 rescue package to deal with the Economic Impact of covert 19 Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled what he called an extraordinary budget in a special address to the nation south africa currently under a 5 week lockdown also more than 70000. 00 South African soldiers which is almost the entire Standing Army are being deployed to enforce that lockdown they will join a personnel who are already out on the streets hes got the news off in about half an hour. History of a revolution is next. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that call means a lot to the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in. Breaks it was a slogan that one of the Prime Minister of course jokes and counting the cost on aljazeera. Be the hero world needs right. In 1948 the state of israel was proclaimed. Palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization or the p. L. O. Was founded. Made up of different factions the p. L. O. Has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since. By the end of the sixtys the palestinians had become masters of their own destiny. But a bloody showdown was on the horizon. Not with israel but with fellow arabs. The palestinian commando movement emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the region following the defeat of the arab states in the 1967. The palestinians had taken their 1st steps towards emancipation from the out of work. And that. Would allow us at the arab league all of these

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