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For 60 days he says to protect american jobs plus. We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months die a warning some the World Food Program just how will the worlds poorest cope with basic access to food and water during the pandemic. And as many of us stay home the environment is getting a bit of a break just in time for the 50th Birthday Well tell you why the fight for the planet is as important as ever this year. The u. S. Senate has passed another multibillion dollar relief bill to help Small Businesses suffering from the Coronavirus Impact its the nations 4th stimulus package this one is worth almost 500000000000. 00 it comes as the number of reported infections worldwide stands at over 2 and a half 1000000 with more than 177000 deaths mike hanna reports now from washington d. C. With many senators working from home the vote was taken by voice all in favor say aye aye aye aye those no yeah its fair to have it the follows intense negotiation between the white house and congress in recent days at the core of our remit is 320000000000. 00 more for the Paycheck Protection Program which is already saving millions of Small Business jobs and helping americans get paychecks instead of pensioners democrats successfully 4 to include 75000000000. 00 for hospitals and 25000000000. 00 protesting which had been excluded in the initial republican proposal we dont have enough chests that cry rings from one end of america to the other to urban suburban rural north east south and west we dont have enough jacks well now help is on the way because democrats stood and fought for it President Trump says hell sign the bill when it passes in the house of representatives on thursday but in coming hours his signature will go on an executive order limiting immigration it would be wrong in a jest for americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we must 1st take care of the American Worker take care of the American Worker. The details of yet another ban on immigration and travel into the u. S. Is yet to be made public no visas have been issued for weeks because u. S. Embassies are shuttered around the globe and this week the restrictions on travel across the u. S. The southern and Northern Borders were extended for another 30 days president transfers the order will not apply to those visiting the u. S. On a temporary basis but rather on those seeking permanent residence critics argue that the move would have no impact on Public Health or unemployment but is rather yet another intent to decide who gets to be a u. S. Citizen in the long Term Administration officials have been working through the day and night to draft the executive order and clarify exactly what the president means mike hanna aljazeera washington. John h. Jones as a political strategist he thinks trumps plan to suspend immigration is more about politics than helping struggling americans president s from have not been shy by the fact that hes going to govern by tweeting you can see that how the announced this. Effort to spend immigration has already been scaled back to green cars anyone. Whos ever gone through the process can tell you thats already out then the process to begin with to announce an across the board immigration suspension will in many ways just to begin be able live american arms are who are busy with the effort under this pandemic making sure american state bed so i think look the president from speaking to his Campaign Promises that he may back into the. Base speaking to the electorate and you can see right now that this is a way of all that has really been drawn out at. He plays the immigration car. Hire and time again because time and time again it has worked for him in terms of rallying its base but right now if you look at where every day americans are want republicans who are democrat theyre looking at what can be done right now. And implement a solution to this pandemic what can be done right now so that testing initiatives and Small Business or be implemented as expeditiously as possible so that some relief its been down the line for President Trump is also promising to help out the oil sector prices for us oil diploma 0 for a 2nd day on wall street didnt fare well either from new york has given his own that. Was an ominous sign for those hoping wall street had turned a corner in recent weeks the 2nd straight day u. S. Stocks slid at the opening bell as the chaos in the oil markets weighed heavily on investors minds and apparently on the mind of the president as well as the dow lost nearly 500 points to kick off the trading day President Donald Trump sent out a tweet promising Financial Support for u. S. Oil producers mondays historic crash in the u. S. Oil price deep into negative territory continued to send shock waves on tuesday with other oil markets also falling brant crude the International Benchmark dropped to its lowest price since 2002 the problems are many 1st too much oil is being produced much of it sitting in Oil Tanker Ships off shore with nowhere to go does almost no quality storage needs to be and 1st before the new production can be brought into an assumption into the other times and thats existing right now so. B. Youre looking at years from now before we can see a normalized station and with uncertainty about corona virus and no vaccine or proven treatment on the horizon the market remains uncertain it was barely a week ago a record deal to cut production by producing countries including recent rivals saudi arabia and russia it was meant to alleviate the pressure on prices but he clearly didnt work its another blow to President Trump a keen backer of the u. S. Oil industry in texas q e z n n and north dakota all states truck one in the last election the future outlook for oil remains poor crude is traded based on speculative pricing meaning how much traders think or oil will be worth at any given point in the future on tuesday the futures market for u. S. Oil in june dropped to under 10. 00 a barrel with the u. S. Economy still shut down nobody driving to work flying or traveling in a realization that it will remain like this for weeks if not months to come april zonda oh ill just data new york the governor of new york state andrew cuomo has met President Trump at the white house whether to discuss the need for more federal help to increase testing for coronavirus new york is the worst affected state in the u. S. With over 250000 infections and the 15000 reported deaths its the 1st such meeting between the 2 have often spad publicly during the course of the outbreak this time they say they had a productive an honest discussion about increasing the states Testing Capacity and budget issues earlier in the day a group of nurses protested outside the white house demanding more personal protective equipment some Health Photos and read out the names of colleagues who died out the treating covered 900 patients more than 9000 American Health workers have tested positive for the virus. Mexico has entered what it calls phase 3 the most serious stage of the pandemic the number reported infections as a possible 9000 with nearly 900 deaths the governments passed on or granting amnesty to prisoners who havent committed serious crimes and hopes keeping the prison population down will lower the risk of an outbreak is money off. Of mexicos covert 19 contagion could be only days away mexicos Deputy Health minister warns the National Health system could soon be under the greatest pressure from the virus. Today we want to start phase 3 of the pandemic remembering that we are in the phase of rapid ascent where a large number of cases of an affectionate and hospitalizations will accumulate and we must continue to maintain social distancing so that sees a minimalist as much as possible. For Mexican Health officials phase of the river flows to the point where the virus will spread the fastest hitting its peak in the 1st half of may. The announcement also coincides with another major Public Policy change the passage of a new amnesty law which will oversee the release of thousands of low level offenders from mexican prisons. This will allow us to release people from prison who have not committed serious crimes those who are sick or elderly this will allow us to carry out a humanitarian gesture for the. Human rights organizations have warned that mexicos overcrowded prisons or a ticking time bomb for contagion of coronavirus those familiar with the legislation however say that while the new law is an important milestone in social justice it will take months to implement many of the impact on covert 19 containment will likely be minimal. I think this is an important law that weve needed for a long time because of all the injustices that occurs but one thing should be clear that this law will not contribute to the deep pressurize ation. Of the penitentiary system in the context of code 19 it but it could help in the future and the future pandemics. Also bracing for the worst of the virus for tens of thousands of migrants among them Asylum Seekers stuck in mexico under tough new rules imposed by the trumpet ministration governors across that on monday u. S. President donald trump tweeted that he would be temporarily suspending immigration to the United States mexican Officials Say they dont expect this latest executive order by the white house to have much impact on existing code 19 containment policy which already restricts migration and includes a partial closure of the Us Mexico Border bundled up into algis eat up mexico city. Time for a short break here on aljazeera when we come back for the 2nd time in a month the roads turn to rivers as heavy rain overwhelms a city in yemen plus. Im scott heiler unconscionable thailand where the Economic Impact of covert 900 on the critical Tourism Industry is hitting hard and with no visitors one elephant camp is struggling to keep the animals bad. How i was still got some rather unsettled weather across parts of the middle a still quite down as we go on through the next couple of days but the big area clout there running right out of northern parts of the gulf for kuwait down into west saudi arabia right the way into that southern end of the red sea some places a cloud of grain still a possibility as we go on through wednesday so the eastern side of saudi arabia to the west the weather thats pulling over into iran and it will continue to just ease over towards afghanistan patriotic as it does through thursday coming on into friday further north of the some rather wet weather there into northern parts of iraq up towards the caspian sea still want to showers just lurking so that western side of a yemen you see that area of cloud and rime which pulls all the way down across the ethiopian highlands actually some nasty weather coming through the possibility of the flooding rains then stays rather wet for a good parts of somalia the wet weather well that drives its way all the way down across a good part of the rift valley the same flooding recently to the eastern side of the democratic republic of congo and those showers for the great king across the eastern side of the rift valley over towards tanzania through kenya as we go on through the next couple of days with further flooding likely for the remainder of the week. For the. Medieval western. Society it was a Feudal Society that detail if you keep the without a will and as soon as the pope ended his speech some people stood up and said god will see again and the entrance to the city was horrific they killed people in the streets in their houses and in. The crusades an arab perspective at the sold one shop. On a jesse oh. Oh. Welcome back ever came out of our top stories here this hour the u. S. Senate has passed on any 500000000000. 00 relief package to aid Small Businesses and also provide more funds for hospitals and coronaVirus Testing the bill will now go to the house for a vote. Yes President Donald Trump says the executive order to hold immigration to 60 days may come as soon as wednesday trump says it and protect American Workers whove lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Mexicos and what it calls phase 3 the most serious stage of the pandemic the number of reported infections has surpassed 9000 but nearly 900 deaths nonessential services have been shut until the end of may. Now some European Countries gradually ease their lockdowns the situation is different in the u. K. The death toll there is continuing to rise and the governments facing growing criticism over a lack of protective gear for Health Workers need barkha reports from london. An intensive care unit in scotland. Where the youngest to test positive has only just been born although. The medics here are traumatized by what they are dealing with. 2 or 4 the stuff to. The north. Hurt so far and now research by the office of National Statistics suggesting the actual death toll in england and wales in early april was 40 percent higher than the number reported by downing street. Those daily government figures dont include deaths outside hospital in care homes hospices or in the community they also classify what counts as a covert 19 deaths in a slightly different way there are concerns the u. K. Could soon have the highest number of deaths in europe putting pressure on the search for a vaccine human trials will begin at Oxford University on thursday this is uncertain science but im certain that we will throw everything weve got at developing a vaccine the u. K. Is at the forefront of the global effort weve put more money than any other country into the global search for a vaccine the crisis is now also defining the shape of britains democracy with m. P. s making plans for a Virtual Parliament the proposal allows up to 120 m. P. s out of 650 to join the debate by Video Conference a further 50 will be in the chamber sitting spaced apart there are some who believe the parliament should close altogether given Boris Johnson the Prime Ministers recent bout of coronavirus but others insist it must remain open to continue scrutinizing the Government Technology offers a compromise. But it doesnt provide easy answers on the rising number of deaths elsewhere in Europe Germany where infection numbers are fallen sharply carmaker voles violence began preparations to restart production as some kind of for the countrys foreign minister said normal travel in europe is unlikely to happen this year italys the latest hard hit country to announce it would begin lifting some restrictions starting in early may and in austria restaurants churches and some schools will reopen in 3 weeks time the World Health Organizations warned governments that lifting lockdowns must be gradual these are europes 1st tentative steps towards normality. Nieve barkha al jazeera london well the coronavirus has brought thailands Tourism Industry to a halt its estimated lose 24000000. 00 visitors this year because of travel restrictions on lockdowns and the impact on elephant camps has been devastating with the owners running out of money to feed the animals its got to hide the reports now from countries on board. The elephants of the tower we charge cant enjoy their morning river back and washing away the dust cooling down from the searing thai summer but unaware that their future is uncertain. The mom or caretakers are keeping their routines as much as possible despite missing the last 3 weeks of the tourist high season like all nonessential businesses in thailand the government ordered the camp closed because of kobe had 19 dont run long so cohen has run the business since he took over from his father 20 years ago when it was started as a refuge for stray elephants the revenue from the visitors mostly foreigners usually covers the 30 1000. 00 it takes to run the camp each month but now hes struggling along the way i told my stop at the happiness fighting together at the camp is not a sheen you cant just simply turn it off a managing living beings my staff and my and often its a contest and to stop them wrong says that there are many other people in his community harder hit by the pandemic than he is with funds from previous tour seasons hes able to keep the elephants that for now but that might change he might need to ask for donations if hes not able to reopen the park over the next few months one way hes offsetting costs local farmers are allowing the more hoops to chop down banana trees for the 25 elephants to the feed on the soft tree trunks as drought has prevented them from bearing fruit. The camp is the only home assume kit mate he shot a coon has ever known both his parents were working there when he was born hes now raising his own family camp and the other markets have taken pay cuts more. Im worried about many things the elephants my family how am i going to feed them how am i going to pay my bills. With little time to prepare the elephant camp has been blindsided by the corona virus in even if it reopens its unclear if it will be able to survive i cant see when this outbreak is going to end i have no idea what Tourism Industry will look like in the next few months but i think it will be like this for a while i have to carry on tired fishes estimate that the flow of tourism dollars will be down 60 percent this year so dont run and those at the camp will have to carry on and most likely in the next few months theyll also need to find other ways to get their next meal its got harder aljazeera conscionable. The un is warning of famines of biblical proportions in a few months if countries dont take immediate action a report by the World Food Program says the coronavirus pandemic could push more than a quarter of a 1000000000 people to the brink of starvation people from 55. 00 nations already experiencing a food crisis especially at risk most are in africa the middle east Asia Latin America and the caribbean the countries with the largest populations facing acute Food Shortages afghanistan the democratic republic of congo and yemen among others their Food Supplies have been interrupted by war poverty extreme weather and people being displaced the world bank has cautioned countries against hoarding food it says global Grain Production and stocks and their all time high is making restrictions unnecessary for the u. S. Who the agency has asked for 350000000 dollars to set up a network to keep humanitarian supply chains moving around the world. There are no famines yet but i must warn you that if we dont prepare and act now to secure access avoid funny shortfalls and disruptions to treat we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months the actions that we take will determine our success or failure and build a Sustainable Food systems as the basis of stable and peaceful societies the truth is we do not have time on our side so lets act wisely and illicit sales i do believe that our expertise and our partnerships we can big we can bring together the teams and the programs necessary to make certain that covert night teaching pandemic does not become a human and food crisis catastrophe australia is taking advantage of the u. S. Oil price cross spending 59000000. 00 to buy to record low prices that will help build up the countries in the agency stockpile itll be held in the u. S. Until Storage Space is made available no kind of a strain on imports 90 percent of its fuel most comes in the middle east and asia. I saw that he was down and i disaster area has been declared in yemen southern port city of aden off it was hit by flash flooding the Prime Minister has asked other nations and relief groups to help people including children were killed when heavy rains inundated streets and homes shot ballots reports. It was a desperate attempt to stop this couple being swept away strange isnt it into the streets in central aden fighting to proofread the current. It is rainy season in yemen but with neglected infrastructure the water makes its own path through the city and inroads into rivers many with poor sound had to be safe from the vehicles. Was these boys trying to cheer up a woman they rescued i seem to have compounding the trauma is that this also happened a month ago then u. N. Had to bulldoze thousands of tons of rubble and model to the streets almost 5000. 00 families were displaced the water also harbors an invisible danger human is battling a cholera outbreak a disease spread through. Some 400 kilometers north in the capital sana residents a cell which in what they can from floods a week ago he winds and rain killed 7 people injured dozens and damaged 16 refugee camps in the neighboring government of marie. The heavy rain destroyed everything we werent expecting it and it came from the mountains and swept everything away without warning running to go codes busses everything in its path. And yet there is a potentially more ominous disaster on the horizon yemen has had just one case of coronavirus the u. N. Has we warned it would be catastrophic if it catches hold here only half of yemens medical facilities a functional the population is acutely mono. Merged in about 80 percent to 24000000 people need aid to survive Multinational Companies including tetra pak and you know lever and donating tens of thousands of Virus Testing kits to human the shipment will arrive next week. A devastated Health System and neglected infrastructure a symptoms of humans 5 years who whether it will continue is under negotiation weve all noted continued violence where mr griffiths is doing is trying to get parties. To a nationwide cease fire sustainable the schwarzs far those discussions are ongoing obviously challenge the circumstances. But thats thats what hes trying to do challenging circumstances prove that yemenis a resolution cant come soon enough shelob alice. 50 years ago the 1st earth day mobilized millions of americans to fight for the protection of the planet half a century on the battle still being fought and this year its particularly important in the clock reports earth day a question observateur with c. B. S. News correspondent walter cronkite. But it made you think day in American History as i live a day the grainy story of the day half a century ago fashionable 5th avenue was off limits to automobiles and april 22nd 1970 across the United States more than 20000000 americans took part in the original earth day that was one in 10 of the population of 170 in the United States pollution have become a really serious problem simply breathing in the air in many of our major American Cities its like smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day rivers are catching on fire birds are going extinct and and there was a great upwelling of protest against that and it developed into a protest movement that continues to this day empowered by its early success and it led to an era in which we passed a clean water act in a new species act of Marine Mammal protection act and Toxic Substances Control Act we banned leaded gasoline we banned lead in paint it was just a remarkable period of environmental accomplishment. 50 years on the threats posed by the Climate Crisis are even more pressing. For one thing its evident modern day pollution has made thousands more vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic we know actually the Climate Change is one of the drivers of condom ics as well as being a superior destruction to it is he to produce enough food to protect our cities from fights and storms and rice and. Now on earth day there are calls to seize the opportunity to recalibrate after the pandemic has passed. I think were seeing a ramping up of focus within the financial and i would say some really interesting and positive signals it really in in the last few weeks from governments saying that they are going to actually come out of this crisis you know way that leads to a green much green a much stronger economy. Given the variety of threats we face much depends on how we come back from covert 19 because its become very apparent the way humanity treats the world as a way of reflecting how the world treats humanity they knew that back in 1970 nick Clark Al Jazeera now facebook has to buy a near 10 percent stake in indias digital giant geo platforms the investment of more than 5 and a half 1000000000. 00 is the biggest in the countrys Technology Sector by a foreign funded the move is a collaboration between facebook and indias richest man Mukesh Ambani geo has more than 380000000 subscribers Facebook Says it wants a link what it calls the power of whats up with geo Sports Business Initiative and sports baseball has returned to south korea with closed door practice sessions being televised nationwide the l. G. Twins took on the do sun beds and soliah to begin the 2 week run of exhibition games for the 10 teams in the table. The league has also announced the begin the 144. 00 game regular season in may to fish. For the 1st time in over 50 years spanish football giants barcelona says itll sell the title rights to its stadium to raise money for the fight against coronavirus the club is taking offers from Companies Interested in putting their name to the new camp for a year the money raised will be invested in Research Projects to fund a treatment for the virus the 99000. 00 seat stadium has not had a Title Sponsor since it opened in 1957. Time for a quick reminder the headlines here on aljazeera the u. S. Senate has passed on the a 500000000000. 00 leave package to aid Small Businesses it will also provide more funds for hospitals and testing for coronavirus the bill will now go to the house for a vote. U. S. President donald trump says the executive order to hold immigration for 60 days may come as soon as wednesday trump says its aimed at protecting American Workers whove lost their jobs due to the pandemic. By pushing immigration will help put unemployed americans 1st in line for jobs as america reopens so important it would be wrong in a just for americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we must 1st take care of the American Worker take care of the American Worker in mexico nonessential services have been shut until the end of may the governments move to what it calls phase 3 of its Emergency Response to further restrict movement doesnt arise the number of cases mexicos registered nearly 9013 has more than 700 deaths the coronavirus death toll in the u. K. Could be much higher than figures indicate the office for National Statistics says by april 10th there recorded more than 13000 deaths in england and wales thats 41 percent higher in the governments figures of around 9000 the un is warning that more than a quarter of a 1000000000 people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the pandemic the World Food Program says countries need to take immediate action or risk famine and the virus has brought thailands Tourism Industry to a halt its estimated to lose 24000000. 00 visitors this year because of travel restrictions and the impact on elephant camps has been devastating and facebook has to buy a near 10 percent stake in indias digital giant geo platforms investment of more than 5000000000. 00 is the biggest the countrys Technology Sector foreign funded geo has more than 380000000. 00 subscribers on the move is seen as a joining of forces between thanks book and indias richest man Mukesh Ambani those are the headlines and news continues here on aljazeera after listening post station thats watching. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that coal means a lot to the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in a good break if it does not was a slogan that one of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson counting the cost on aljazeera. Not terrible. Having our objective is to kill a black. Yes i mean the 1st now. They call theyve taken the right approach another day another politician standing at this neck tatt with. Hello im Richard Burton youre watching the listening post here are some of the coronavirus stories the media angles that were covering from home this week the casualty figures are climbing in the u. K. Yet most of the british media are failing to hold the government to account locked in with covert 19 across the world prisoners are trying to get their stories out israels

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