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Handling of the pandemic. Also ahead flash floods in kenya leave a trail of destruction with several people dead and many displaced. And im piece them to the sport after 104 days chinese superleague club who hands are finally back home after being unable to do so because of Coronavirus Travel restrictions. For weeks they were the center of the coronavirus pandemic but now European Countries are starting to see a glimmer of hope with daily death tolls and new infections dropping many governments are taking tentative steps to lifting constraints on daily life germanys reopening some shops and allowing limited School Access to the federal government the Central Government has left it up to leaders in each of germany 16 states how much they want to reopen and when after a month long closure Nursery Schools are now open in norway thats despite polls there showing nearly a quarter of parents still do have concerns shutters are also lifting across poland denmark and the Czech Republic infections in europe are nearing 1000000 and close 2100000 people died lets go live now to berlin and our correspondent dominic king good morning dom so is this a stage by stage process. Its a stage by stage process of loosening restrictions while simple taney is the keeping a very close eye on the reproduction rate of the virus so as to know when to loosen restrictions and and when perhaps to tighten them today monday in germany all shops of a certain size federally are allowed to reopen but the devil is in the details the different states 16 different states can choose when they allow the shops in their respective state to reopen so here in berlin the shops of a certain size cant reopen today that will come on wednesday and so if i step out of shop briefly now this is alexander thats one of the most iconic squares in the shop here this big building gallery a colorful thats a big chain store its right across this country that is in financial difficulty they would reopen today if they could they cant and as a consequence thats a consequence of the berlin decision but in other states they can open their stores the other issue which is really vexing people here education schools reopening here in berlin some schools are reopening to allow those students who are about to take big exams as 81718 year olds taking end of school exams well those are reopening but it has to be said many teachers in berlin and elsewhere are really not happy at the thought of going back to school when theyre not sure that all the precautions that need to be in place are in place and one other central issue in germany right now is whether people should be required to wear masks in public so i am not wearing a mask reporting now but other people in this part of berlin and others in this part of germany are Wearing Masks the bavarian Prime Minister marcos a key ally of angloamerican has said as of next week when all shops will reopen in bavaria of a certain size everyone. I have to wear a mask and this shows this is emblematic of the degree of discord there is in the political classes in germany right now where some want a rapid return to whatever normality really is and others is saying caution this morning and going to merkel has said it doesnt help to have this discord and it might cause a flare up a 2nd wave of corona in this country dominic thanks very much lets bring in already broken up hes a political analyst and a usual man a professor at stanford in berlin he joins us from dresden now welcome to the news hour here on aljazeera is this too soon timing wise or just about right i think its just about right and everything how the standard scarecrow for nick responds of some happy someone who could stir is exactly what the Pluralist Society here can expect to the 2 looked like so we have very different situations in densely populated places like the city of earlier and we have less densely populated places like make them before we have high numbers of very are very different numbers in other parts of germany so one coherent approach for the sake of order would make sense it wouldnt be appropriate i think if people were politicians explain why they do what they do they get people on board and make citizen stakeholders and this work well what would be does that mean however the angle of merkels government in berlin is in effect devolving responsibility her critics might say abdicating responsibility to the individual states in germany and also theres a trickle down here isnt there abdicating responsibility perhaps to the parents of children whove got understandable concerns and they may turn around and say well actually no were not sending our children back to school yet. Well 1st of all germany is a country that experienced to totally carry in regimes and people are very sensitive when it comes to too much centralization of power it is from all the politicians ive seen on television by the most opposed heroic one so she shares her doubts she shares what she does not know if shes a scientist she trusts scientists and shes certainly not keeping order as if shes a commodity in war times she literally avoided the war rhetoric because this is a pandemic and it doesnt have anything to do with war so it makes perfect sense to get governments on board theres no struggle about competence and of course every governor has different priorities given the situation on the ground but i think for now it works perfectly well to follow this approach of trial and they are all if we see that things to not work rather than the numbers increase we will see harsh measures and then people that understand the message he whats the difference between trial and error and being incredibly risky. But incredibly risky is that you just use the whole country as an experimental case like lets see what happens if and then the Health System will be used and doctors have to decide who will get in intensive care and who will not weve got a number as indicators like the reproduction rate of infection and if we need a certain target we can expect to go back to small steps of normality and this is something we have seen since easter so what we face now answer the 1st test in schools and in small shops and its not working we will go back to the situation before easter this doesnt appear as a major risk especially given the other discussions about what are the long Term Economic consequences and what happens to the freedom rights in the Pluralist Society in which the rights for integrity and your life is certainly want to import one but there are many other freedom rides and they are put on hold because people accept it but its not something we can last forever ok when it comes to that idea of integrity and the worth of ones own life what are the Takeaway Points for other countries looking in on what germany is beginning to do today i mean it occurs to me that germany here you seem to be saying was quite realistic early on about what it knew but more to the point was very hyper realistic about what it didnt know. Well no one pretended that we know a lot based on the different decisions that have been taken but this is also something i very much appreciated as a citizen that im not treated as someone who doesnt know when the government has appeared your knowledge germans rather trust scientists and we have a lot of experts who also share their differing interpretations of the available data and we learn a lot about methodology and we dont know a lot about statistics but the general take is we know very little about the virus and theres very little optimism that one can share in the short run we will find a medicine that could cure and then we could go back to normal so all we can do is to make small steps to rebalance the conflicting goals of freedom rides economic increases and the Health Interests of the society i dont know if you heard my conversation with our correspondent in berlin dominic cain he was making the point however some people are still Wearing Masks some people are not should they be added pressure from those individual states to say yes the science shows us that continuing to wear a mask is the best way forward. Well if this would be the number one crucial question then of course it would be good to have one centralized decision and then everyone has to we all make homemade masks this is my 6 on your version because the state of sex in the it was her 1st to impose obligation to wear a mask in Public Transportation and in shops so im ready if i go upwards to where it according to the laws of sex in the but as i said before this might be different in other parts of germany where we have as mall a number of infected people and also the density of population is different i see this rather as a symbolic act of solidarity because what we learned is that mass dont protect us those who wear it but it rather protects other in case i am the one who was spread the virus so i act to care for others and this is something that sends a strong message to who we are and how we treat each other so its a question of social conscience their interest and good to talk to you thank you so much. It was my. U. K. Planning to collect blood from covert 19 survivors to help those still battling the disease doctors are asking those who are covered to donate blood its hoped the transfusions could increase the speed of recovery and improve the chances of survival britains state funded Health Service the n. H. S. Is working with the government to get approval to move forward with those plans. Russia reporting a drop in new directions today just over 4200 were confirmed in the past 24 hours compared to 6000 the previous day 405 people have died the russian president Vladimir Putin told people the outbreak is quote under complete control. Turkey though is reporting more coronavirus cases than any country outside the European Union and the United States the 2nd 48 hour weekend curfew has ended but shops schools and restaurants will have remained closed with an 86000 inventions are confirmed and just over 2000 people have died simcoe salute joins us live from istanbul so whats the explanation behind the spike in numbers this an m. Well peter actually the explanation behind these high numbers lies lies on the people who have come from abroad since the beginning of the new year january 1st on till march 10th. The data when the 1st coronavirus case was reported in turkey around 420000 turkish nationals living of road overseas have come to turkey these are most most of them are the troops in diaspora in the European Countries like germany france and other places also the pilgrims the programs who have been to saudi arabia to perform their religious duty and after they came back and since until march 10th there was no koran a virus reported those people came directly and met with their families and in turkish culture course reaction close connection is popular when you see someone that you havent seen for a while or when someone comes from a pilgrim or any other foreign country you kiss you hug you shake hands you have close contact and this is how it ended up enough that the 1st case was reported that the government imposed 14 days of current time if for anybody who came from a broad and they established special places there to transform dormitories for the current time its a bit to make currents and houses for instance that there are at these 320. 00 turkish citizens who lost their lives due to koran the virus in the overseas countries according to the Health Ministry and is still because of the holy month of ramadan many people are willing to come back to turkey and the government is doing their best to bring those people with special flights but of course they will be kept in current time for 14 days as they arrive and they have they have transferred 25000. 00 people but basically the situation lies on. The turkish citizens who came from europe and who came from the pilgrims especially those who are living in germany for many years they came to turkey and to stay away from as the risk actually rose increased in the in the countries that they were residing in europe and somewhat for instance for the cases in the toll in cities i must say that those people who came from germany or other places they went to their villages or home towns in ison on a toll their southern a lota on the toll theyre in other places this is how im not told theyre met with the koran or virus actually and because the 1st batches of those people coming from europe and coming from saudi arabia from their pilgrim duties they are seen as the main reason for an uncontrolled interaction and for the high increase of the virus case in turkey peter said and thanks very much but with the u. S. Coronavirus death toll now well beyond 40000 pressure is mounting to reopen the economy there to protesters in a number of us states of hear the call from president to demand a return to work but state governors from both the main parties say it is far too soon for that is an acknowledgement the u. S. Accounts for a 3rd of the worlds confirmed coronavirus cases and president dont trump held up swabs claiming no nation has tested more people he says more than 4000000 people have already been screened and thats now expanding to millions more is it. Does it remind you of something remind you of this. One just walk once a qtip its actually different. Its very sophisticated actually but its a little bit like so this is the show. And. Weve ordered a lot of them they have a lot of them some of them some of the states where they were shipped to states in the states dont know where they are. At sundays briefing the white house showed favorable comments from democratic new York Governor Andrew Cuomo in what could be seen as an attempt to heal a growing political rift over trumps determination to get people back to work in new york where cases are falling but remain dangerously high Governor Cuomo says this is no time to slow precautions or reopen too quickly its no time to get cocky and its no time to get irene right we still have a lot long way to go and a lot of work to do and this virus has been ahead of us every step of the way we have been playing catch up from day one in this situation in other parts of the nation though small groups of protesters egged on by the president continue to call for an easing of restrictions the desire to kick start the economy is growing but problems persist republican governors who really have critical words for the president said this still facing major hurdles and i could probably double maybe even triple testing in a while burchill overnight if the f. D. A. Would prioritize. Companies theyre putting a slightly different formula together for the extraction region kit and thats if the f. D. A. Would do that we have a shortage worldwide shortage of some of the materials that go into that so we really need help money from the Payment Protection Program designed to keep businesses afloat has now run out even as more than 20000000 people are out of work its now 4 u. S. Lawmakers could meet as soon as wednesday to consider expanding the program but thats already running into political arguments despite the president s optimism that the u. S. Will be back and greater than ever the just tickle issues political infighting and a shortage of essential equipment persist at this point the daily briefings given by president dont trumpet becomes. Somewhat repetitive and increasingly political hes blamed states governors for a shortage in testing talked about the thousands of ventilators being made and weighed in urging certain states to be liberated the death toll here is now by far the highest in the world and for many this crisis is far from over and the gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Well as andy was mentioning in his report the people who protested in some states to demand virus containment measures be lifted well theyve been met by counter demonstrations. These pictures are from Denver Colorado Health Workers and face masks were yelled at as they stood at intersections urging people to stay at home. The brazilian president has backed protesters calling for military intervention in a standoff with state governors on his handling of the pandemic his supporters gathered in the capital on sunday also naro has been accused of undermining efforts to contain the virus hes calling for the economy to be reopened and whose ignoring guidance on social distancing brazil has the highest rate of infections in latin america. U. S. Oil prices dropping to their lowest level in 20 years as concerns over the virus eclipsed a deal to cut out the benchmark fell below 15. 00 a barrel before clawing its way back up a bit and demand has plummeted and travel restrictions reduce the need for oil but this is having a Major Economic impact john hendren explains from chicago. Across american oil country the pumps are shutting down since the coronavirus last much of the western world in their homes the floor has dropped out of the oil market is a gas station selling gasoline for 99 cents a gallon now you would think was great and anybody going to run and there was a line of people there to fill the course the question is where youre going to go the price of the benchmark american crude west texas intermediate has collapsed from 60. 00 a barrel in january to below 20 in the past week across the u. S. The price at the pump is lower than its been in years rick even at rush hour if you are vying the International Energy agency says the worlds appetite for oil hasnt been this low since 1905 especially hit hard the fracking industry that turned the u. S. Oil industry into a net exporter since 2011 Fracking Companies which break rocks to find fuel need oil above 30. 00 a barrel to make a profit its not its not just that it will come you know its the Oil Service Companies its the little towns in the oil patch that you know the motels the diners restaurants you know those types of things the Ripple Effect is tremendous when you go move out from the old gas company and all the ancillary companies that provide them services and arts so im afraid its going to be ugly the 1st casualty came on april 1st denver based Whiting Petroleum declare bankruptcy if prices dont increase soon whiting will likely become only the 1st of hundreds of oil and related companies to do so right now and then theyre like well if. Were not able. To have a t. V. You know maybe whatevers. A bad a situation. So the oil industry waits and worried until all the problems return to service john hendren aljazeera chicago china hitting back today after australia raised questions about its honesty in the handling of the pandemic the top diplomat marie spain wants an International Investigation into the origins of the virus and how it spread Chinas Foreign Ministry says it has grave concerns over those remarks the chinese authorities have been under pressure over the way they dealt with the break but beijing insists its always been open life to beijing and our correspondent there katrina you katrina hi there. Is there a grain of truth here because if we cast our minds back there was a period of time in the early days of the pandemic when beijing was saying nothing and then it began to get more transparent. Absolutely at the beginning of this at the end of january there were some voices from one some doctors who tried to raise the alarm about the severity of this outbreak they were silenced and punished for doing so and for weeks the message from the Chinese Government was that this was under control that there was no evidence of human to human transmission and they were criticizing countries for closing the borders to chinese travelers and fast forward in 4 months and its a very different story china has has not admitted that it was at any fault but it has said over and over again that its been open and transparent despite the evidence to the contrary and certainly today the chinese Foreign Ministry was saying that had this message was attacking the government saying that these remarks were graven and disrespectful that china has always worked with International Agencies and was doing all it can to to be a leader in this global fight against the pandemic responding of course to maries paying the Australian Foreign ministers comments that questions about chinas parent transparency had reached a very high point calling for an inquiry where the Australian Government would be keeping its eyes open so the diplomatic ties between those 2 countries certainly tense and thats not the only country that china is currently having trouble with the u. S. Has for months as well being laying blame at the doorstep of beijing saying it tried to cover this up the bringing the worlds attention back to those 1st few weeks where china was. About how serious this was and also saying repeatedly that china is not being honest about its core in a virus case numbers which remain very low compared to countries such as the u. S. Or italy and spain french president has also chimed in saying that its naive to think that china has responded to codeine 900 in a better way than the rest of the world and the u. K. There also have leaders there who are raising questions about. Chinas transparency and this is causing anxiety about the participation of chinese tech giant quality in the 5 g. Network so many countries now increasingly demanding answers from beijing and beijing is aware of this International Chorus of criticism which is growing and theyre trying desperately to really. Improve its International Image lots of propaganda with beijing sending plane loads of medical supplies medical teams contributing mosques the testing kits and their expertise when it comes to this outbreak but it seems that its only becoming harder to convince World Leaders and it doesnt seem like this criticism is going to disappear anytime soon katrina thanks very much. For the global break is causing a massive demand for rubber gloves of course 60 percent of the worlds supply comes from malaysia but its factories are struggling to fill orders and there are concerns about forced labor florins the reports now from. Production lines run 24 hours and workers put in overtime this is to meet increased demand for rubber gloves as the krona virus pandemic continues to spread 2 thirds of the worlds supply of rubber gloves are made in malaysia the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association told our jazeera that Global Demand could increase by 30 percent this year compared to the Previous Year factories are struggling to keep up even last year yes lovely day. From my mouth from the malaysian level of association yes i do the government short of work and be assured of generally 30 percent of that work goes like malaysias restrictions on movement also includes a ban on foreigners and that has contributed to the labor shortage in an industry that relies heavily on a migrant workforce glove benefactress say theyre hiring more locals and looking to automate more of their production line but i suspect trees ramp up production a labor rights activists expressed concerns about exploitation of workers the companys very strong reputation for finding a lot of working hours with. Workers. Once they. Ration. Labor lost a september the u. S. Banned imports of gloves made by a Malaysian Company over the use of forced labor but it revoked the band in mid march just as demand for personal protective equipment sought citing an improvement in Labor Conditions love manufacturers here say they comply with malaysian labor laws and that theyve made efforts to improve living and working conditions but labor rights activists are still concerned and the government as well as global buy is to ensure workers are adequately protected florence the aljazeera quality. Ok lets get you the very latest on the severe storm system were talking about this time yesterday his journey into some severe storms indeed have been erupting and also as and they still are across the southeast of the United States if you think on the satellite this month the plans i want to do is actually just zoom in and take you a lot closer have also put the lightning layer on so all this yellow you can see just look at this these are all the storms in the last few hours a. They will continue in the hours ahead now out of the damage because this is already taken place this is actually in Central Alabama and between birmingham and mongomery and just look at the damage now already the how being 8 tornadoes reported though actually in southern mississippi and in alabama the been some severe winds reported in fact in some areas over 120 kilometers an hour and we could well be saying more of that as we go through the day now as we go through monday the storm system will work its way across into georgia and then push up the coast into the carolinas but all the while there is a potential for more severe thunderstorms eventually lation the day it really will head up towards the northeast it will stay offshore and it will be another very nice day in the northeast because all that weather is offshore this was actually on sunday in central park the very go to sunny skies but make the most of it because once that storm exits it actually almost allows this next system to move in that will push into the northeast itll bring snow into Eastern Canada so feeling very wintry and very unsettled but thankfully pieces nothing like the storms that were seeing right now across the southeast of the u. S. Some good news jenny many thanks to you later still to come here on the news hour for you kind of those worst mass shooting a gunman disguised as a policeman was killed 16 people before he was shot dead also ahead. Why one european nations economy may need bounce back from the impact of the pandemic faster than some of those. Also own social distancing went out the window on the bench shes going to put this baseball peter explains all in the sports news in about 20 minutes. One half scottish and half was the least so diversity is really important to me and all to 0 is the most diverse place i have to work we have so many different. This is brought together in this one News Organization and. Perspective is reflected in our coverage giving a more accurate representation of the world we reports on and thats a key strength of. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise youve been looking at another side of the story the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality has. Exposing deal to. Manipulate their rhetoric and claims but they cannot manipulate the listening post your inside guide to the media on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha minings peter dhabi your top stories germany reopening some shops and allowing limited School Classes as the number of new infections and from the coronavirus does fall that. Turkey however reporting more virus cases than any other country outside the e. U. Or the us a 2nd 48 hour weekend curfew has ended however shops schools and restaurants remain closed there being more than 86000 infections and over 2000. China sit back after australias foreign minister raise questions about his honesty in handling the pandemic mary spain called for an International Investigation into the origins of the virus band how it spread. More now on the pandemic a little later for you here on the news in the meantime we will wrap up some of the top stories at least 16 people have been killed in canada it is that countrys worst ever mass shooting the series of attacks started in the small coastal town of port of peak in the Eastern Province of nova scotia a 51 year old male suspect is dead following a standoff with the Police Daniel lak reports. Police say this was the most horrifying crime theyd seen in this murli quiet part of canada just before midnight saturday a gunman was reported important pick a remote Seaside Village where the suspect 51 year old Gabriel Wartman owned property for the next 12 hours along nearly 100 kilometers of Highway Police fielded dozens of emergency calls about house fires gunshots and other incident. Heavily armed officers pursued the suspect who at one point was dressed as a policeman and driving an apparently homemade police car just before noon sunday i witness has said they saw the suspect lying on the ground surrounded by police at a petrol station near nova scotias International Airport visibly shocked Senior Officers said one of their own a 23 year veteran of the Royal Canadian mounted police was among the victims countless families are in mourning today each person who lost their family and friends. And they too will need their support the impact of this incident will extend to one end of the province to the other. Police expect more victims will be found as multiple crime scenes along the highway and elsewhere are investigated several other Police Forces are involved in this massive operation were not fully aware of what the total may be because as were standing here the Investigation Continues into areas that weve not yet. Explored across the province. These sorts of Mass Shootings are rare in canada which has much stricter gun control than the neighboring us police say they have no idea yet about motive and that many of the victims appear to have been targeted at random it will take days possibly weeks for a full explanation to emerge about one of the worst Mass Shootings canada has ever seen daniel lack aljazeera in afghanistan at least 19 security personnel have been killed in attacks overnight taliban fighters targeting soldiers in the north and tackle province the fighting continued until early in the morning they even 5 other people injured. Flooding in western kenya has killed 4 people including policemen on a rescue mission and search is underway for 28 of those who are missing heres laura button money. Rivers of mud sweeping through villages in the west of kenya. In the past. Marketplaces a Police Station and schools was shot. In west pocket days of heavy rains look as possible from the debris left behind. Many areas still waiting for official rescue teams to arrive at the 1st of the rich guy do i just what we ran to the other side of the ridge and thats when we saw the floodwaters that came down in a big wave and destroyed this whole Shopping Center and carried away all the animals into cars being moved through tipping cotton all the bridges washed away look you say theyve had to carry flood victims to nearby Health Centers on their backs. But did you mean this used to be a big market but now it looks like a river there were many shops here before yesterday this was a vibrant Shopping Center but everything is gone now everything has been swept away and its very distressing the government and all relevant agencies need to come here and as we speak several people are still missing kenyas red cross warns that once the floodwaters clear of the threats loom they fear water borne diseases and a possible increase in corona virus infections. In november al jazeera filmed tom cow village in western pa caught after days of torrential rain flooding and landslides entire families here were killed communities surrounded by floodwaters and isolated days later families went out in search of their relatives bodies. Many say it was the worst disaster theyd seen in a lifetime. Researches say warming oceans are causing unpredictable weather patterns in Eastern Africa and with more rain expected in the coming days help may be slow coming to these villages and the problems may not be for sure about somali aljazeera. Patients who tested positive for ebola has escaped from a clinic in eastern democratic republic of congo the World Health Organization says it will further complicate efforts to contain the outbreak in and around the city of benny 6 new infections have been confirmed in the past week or so more than 2000 people have died since the outbreak began in late 2018 as a bug is a specialist in Infectious Diseases and tropical medicine at the university of toronto he says it seemed like the outbreak was close to ending. Thats really too bad i mean it was so close this this epidemic in the in the eastern part of the democratic or democratic republic of congo has been going on since 2018 its infected about 3600 People Killed about 2200 people and its just everyone was so. You know really upset when we heard about these new cases emerging because it was thought that really that this epidemic was was over now of course this is a major setback and they really have to find any possible contact to these positive cases to really make sure that theres no further spread in the community we know how difficult some of the teams have had it working in that part of the democratic republic of congo Contact Tracing is challenging sometimes there were you know hostile individuals towards the Health Care Teams the logistics have been challenging but you know fortunately the Public Health teams of the democratic republic of congo have tremendous experience working. With in a bowl of virus epidemics and have excellent training and have a very good track record of getting this under control so im confident that theyll be able to do so but of course it will be without hurdle and and it just might take a bit more time than initially anticipated. Coronavirus long term restrictions in bangladesh have been ignored ignored 5100000 mourners at the funeral of a popular preacher organizers say they want to expecting such a paternal side the capital dhaka the government struggling to enforce social distancing rules has nearly 100. 00 deaths 2 and a half 1000 confirmed cases but it doesnt i mean thats another topic we wanted to make small arrangements for the funeral filming the governments guidelines on maintaining health and safety for the people gathered down to their respective without sound knowledge weve no idea how it happened. India has a population of 1300000000 and the worlds biggest locked on but that is starting to ease now because in health and Financial Services manufacturing agriculture and Public Utilities are now exempt but stay at home or does remain in areas swiss affected elizabeth peron im in new delhi explains how people are trying to navigate their way out of lockdown. As of monday theres an easing of some restrictions only in places that are considered non hotspot all green zones places where there hasnt been a rise in the number of cases and state governments think that that would be around 10 to 25 percent of the country so what is allowed a really big easing of restrictions in the farming sector and all the businesses that support it so even things like transportation roadside restaurants will be allowed to open for Truck Drivers the focus on farming because more than half of indias workforce is employed in the Agricultural Sector and with the wind to crop just harvested its important to get food from the villages to the cities to avoid shortages theres also going to be an easing of restrictions and and banking and public works in the social sector and construction and all with specific restrictions and self employed professionals like plumbers electricians carpenters i. T. Repair are allowed to work and again would. As well as the specific restrictions everyone has to wear a face mask when they step out of their homes and observe social distancing norms we have heard from the government in the last few hours and they have said that theres already been violations of lockdown measures that they have been more incidents of violence on Health Care Workers complete violation of social distancing norms and too Much Movement of vehicles and urban areas. New zealand is extending its month long week to then plans to ease restrictions a curfew on the closure of schools. Just new cases were reported on monday the Prime Minister says the measures to prevent it what she calls an uncontrollable explosion of infections our transmission right there is the number of cases that each person with the virus. Is now 0. 48 recent half of each. I have a say c. Everett is 2. 5 people we have amongst the lowest number of confirmed cases per 100000 people in the world israelis are enjoying fewer emergency restrictions are the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced what he described as a responsible and gradual plan to reopen the country but thousands demonstrated against him in tel aviv there has been against his blue and white party not to join a Coalition Led by netanyahu who is facing a bribery trial before selection in just over a year may have to be held if no agreement is reached to form a new government. Poverty is on the rise in iraq as more cases of covert 19 are being reported their daily wage earners are being forced to stay at home because of the locked up volunteers are helping some of the 1000000 struggling without any income some one of 14 reports from baghdad. A bottle of oil a small bag of beans pasta and a can of tomato paste it doesnt seem like much but these volunteers hope it will offer some respects to iraqs most needy families struggling to get fired during the coronavirus pandemic this group of University Students and recent graduates has raised private contributions through social media to fill the gaps in iraq social safety net what you might not get much of it not enough we dont rely on the government we depend on ourselves and the generous people who donate to us a few days ago we went to the houses of those in need we checked how many they are and what they need sometimes they dont need food they need medicine so based on the needs we register we will provide what they need. The volunteers head to our area in the shop neighborhood one of the poorest and most neglected in baghdad many here depend on daily wages but because of the month long lockdown theyve been stuck at home with no income father of 4 Mohammad Siobhan used to earn 25. 00 a day working at a restaurant before it was shut down. The impact is very big we live from day to day as you know the daily labor cannot save money even if he has money it may be enough for one week or 10 days. Many here are desperate for help but the volunteers only have 50 foot baskets some criticize the group for unfair distribution but most of their anger is directed at the government which dick use of corruption and systematic neglect when i want you to come see him i was born in 1950 and im a waterbed trend where the even my branch isnt in the level or does the because the government distracted with other things that are of no benefit to us 20 percent of iraqis or 8000000. 00 people live below the officially designated poverty line but only half qualify for Social Security payments of up to 180. 00 per month the government also hands out food rations to all iraqi families though many complain about delays and poor quality now a new program has been launched to help reduce the impact of the coronavirus pandemic the government has called on families suffering from Economic Hardship to register for a special monthly allowance of 25. 00 but even for the poorest segments of Iraqi Society that would only cover a fraction of their living costs. The government says it is doing enough to help iraqs poor. The government allocated 250000000. 00 for a one month what 10000000. 00 people who dont have any income and who are really hurt by the curfew because of the corona virus crisis the funds are expected to be paid out by the end of the month but for many iraqis living in poverty itll be too little and too late what they need is for a curfew to believe that so they can again return to work and fend for themselves simona 14 aljazeera but that. Belgian doctor has spoken of his experiences in battling the coronavirus and once the scene was put into a coma for 3 weeks he described the happiness he felt on waking up in intensive care. In. Dead relatives i was seeing my end i thought i was going to die and i would never wake up my greatest joy was on the hook me up and i saw the face of my friends in front of me telling me hello. It was an incredible joy. Dozens of refugees and migrants rescued from the Mediterranean Sea over east have been transferred to a quarantine ship off the coast of southern italy theyre due to be on board from months being looked after by a medical team and red cross staff rescued migrants are being quarantined at sea because of the pandemic well the coronavirus outbreak in greece at a time it was still recovering from a major refugee and financial crisis yet it introduced locked on measures to prevent the spread of the know most e. U. Countries its fatalities have been low and is now hoping for a quicker economic recovery John Psaropoulos is in athens. Says the coronavirus has been good for his business especially in the run up to easter and. People are stocking up on food because theyre afraid of shortages but also sitting at home watching cooking shows and experimenting with new recipes. Is one of the businesses considered essential by the government that didnt have to close due to coronavirus customers have to keep their distance one per 15 square meters but for other firms its a different story. Theyre locked down measures were announced on a friday night i was able to pay my rent im such a morning and called my landlord to say im not going to pay you dismantle and a good thing too because ive been living off that rent for the past month greece is spending 15000000000. 00 supporting affected businesses and workers until june its locked down began early carnival celebrations were canceled in february schools were closed on march 10th a week before france and germany and 10 days before the u. K. People who dont live on the islands arent allowed to sail there so ferries a traveling light mainly to keep trade alive all this has led to greece having a fatality rate of 9 per 1000000 much lower than the death rates in most European Countries sources close to the Prime Minister say the government knew the national Health System couldnt cope with a major outbreak early measures would create a recession but so would a Health Crisis so the government opted to trigger an early recession calculating that this would save lives and give it a Stronger Economic recovery but some say there was another goal stemming from greeces decade long economic crisis. And. What we wanted to show. Responded. Unexpected events and if we do so we will turn around and say you know what. I made with these people at the experiences that they had. We hope that they. Will be able to attract investment in the future the International Monetary fund predicts a 10 percent recession for greece this year followed by 5 percent growth next year if that assessment is correct coronavirus could mark a turning point giving greece the economic recovery many here want after a decade of economic crisis jumpstart openness aljazeera athens. Still to come here on the news for you how korean baseball could be coming to a screen new very soon piso explain when we come back after the break. Time for sports news yes peter peter thank you so much tennis is woman born of a job of it says he wont vaccinate himself against coronavirus even if that means hell face a delay in returning to the court at the moment there is no vaccine approved for the virus but the 17 time grand slam champion says that if it was compulsory to be vaccinated to travel and compete then he would be forced to make a decision the a. T. P. Tour is currently suspended until at least july the 13th the Football Team from the city where corona virus originated have returned home after being unable to do so d owing to travel restrictions for several months we were hands arlie were on a preseason Training Camp in spain when they said he went into lockdown to return to china more than a month ago but had to spend time in quarantine however they are at long last back in will hand of the 104 days away. Meanwhile in italy said he our club aromas players and Coaching Staff all giving up their salaries for the remainder of the season this is to ease the financial pressure on the club during the Coronavirus Crisis the players and coaches have also agreed to prop up the salaries of nonplaying staff who are receiving government grants but a fraction of the salaries currently. And in cuts are former barcelona captain chevy who these days is the head coach of all sir it is also taking a pay cut some of the clubs players including captain hostile hate us are also lowering their salaries to help ease the financial pressure. The sport of baseball has been played in taiwan for the last few weeks since the island appeared to get its coronavirus cases under control but any social distancing measures went out of the window at this game between food borne guardians and a record 10 monkeys when the pitcher hit a battery in the bottom of the 4th inning both benches emptied out onto the field a rare sight in taiwanese baseball record saying monkeys went on to win 31 to sweep a 3 game series and remain unbeaten this season. On tuesday baseball fans in south korea will finally get to enjoy the game again with the number of new coronavirus cases dropping in the country their Domestic League will restart albeit behind closed doors and with civil restrictions to keep everyone safe the 10 teams in the k. B. 00 will take part in exhibition games theyre also expecting confirmation that the regular season will begin in may baseball journalist daniel kim says the restart is important not just for koreans but for baseball fans around the globe. I think it could be uplifting for a lot of korean fans and korean citizens just last year just last past few years weve been seeing 8000000. Tendencies so its been one of the most popular event in korea they arent going to be any fans in the stands although nonplaying personnel are talking about the on pyres. That boys coaches and managers they need to wear masks again need to also wear gloves and are not going to be any high fives a changing hands no spitting is wrong all the players need their temperatures are going to be checked at least twice a day but if you can play or to prepare for it the games next year or just practice games even that you know its going to be televised nationally 8 so i think it just goes to show that people are waiting for baseball to resume yes p. N. Inquired about possibly getting your rights to broadcast games back in new United States thats going to be thats in the works right now it hasnt been confirmed yet is that going to be a Major Major League level type of a talent but its a funny its an Exciting League the fans get into it the atmosphere and the culture is no different if youre baseball fan im pretty sure you are going to find it good enjoy all exciting baseball from ti vo to another better ball game around the strayer crickets boning stone Josh Hazlewood says hes quite shocked at just how quickly the coronavirus pandemic has caused a financial crisis for sport in his home country the 30 year old is one of many contracted by cricket australia who will receive just 20 percent of the salaries well he admits it still compares favorably to the situation facing some other sports. You know lets reach. A really decent trouble. Ill be surprised it is going to be theres going to be some impact media. Many of us in august and along with things are real and. Not just going to just the tokyo lympics may have been pushed back a year but athletes are still training to be ready for a moment one of them is moroccan taekwondo competitor nada lara the 19 year old and her sister 4 whos the moroccan champion have been getting remote coaching sessions through whatsapp calls with a trainer so how the muscle and blood who are has a remote coaching is not enough for me but we take advantage of what is available for the moment despite the inefficiency it is good because at least there is possibility of communicating with the coach a message for all moroccans stay home this is the only way to fight this covert 900 fires there are a lot of things to do at home think about your hobbies for example for me i spend a lot of time doing sports morning and afternoon because it is my hope and my sport speciality. Formula one driver Charlotte Clare has clinched back to back wins for ferrari on the simulator that won and esports a virtual chinese grand prix ahead of a host of f one rivals including red bulls alex album who came 2nd in 22 year old who has the simulating installed at his home in monaco only started playing the game at the beginning of the month. Ok well leave it there for now ill be back again a little bit later with another sports news update peter peter thanks very much mr santamaria is in the chair. To enough minutes from now im back from 13 g. Hopefully see that last one is of course on the website to complement. Award winning programming from International Film makers as we wouldnt have it here we are going to wife insert life if we carry on this way just the arrest sets the stage theres no longer a naivety is no longer an excuse giving voice to the voiceless so are we ready to go to local expats and discussion that culture still exists and theyre still full batting that today open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on aljazeera an extrajudicial killing in a north african capital. I heard someone breaking into our house because of. That i heard people shouting and so for mosque to men only their eyes and hair was showing. A world his red eye witness accounts of the dramatic story of the assassination of major p. L. O. Figure was a year in a secret israeli operation assassination in tunis on aljazeera bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as vapor i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects i was smoking does between 20132014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison easter eggs versus conventional cigarettes which one do you think is healthier my opinion i think theyre both dangerous take no one else is in. Play an important role. A cautious reopening countries around europe begin easing some of the coronavirus restrictions. For one im Kemal Santa Maria this is the world news from aljazeera china is hitting back over australian criticism of its handling of the pandemic with the world in lockdown and an oversupply of oil u. S. Crude prices have dropped to a 20 year low. And another news flash floods in kenya

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