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Kong Police Arrest some of the most prominent prodemocracy figures months after mass arrests. But under the Program New York has recorded its lowest number of deaths from the coronavirus in 2 weeks with 540 people dying at the epicenter of the outbreak in the us america has more confirmed cases and deaths from covert 19 than any other country in the world new york state governor is demanding more testing and says the federal government must do more to help and recur most said that the number of people being admitted to hospitals remains overwhelming. If it wasnt for the relative context that weve been in this would be devastating news 2000 people coming into the Hospital System or testing positive and if you notice 2000 were not at the peak but this is where we were just about in late march when it started to go up so were not at that plateau anymore but were still not in a good position while new yorks governor has described the pandemic as a tumultuous time as we have ever seen and says its not the time for division came as being caught up in a war of words with the u. S. President over how to respond to the crisis meanwhile the government of Washington State is accusing President Trump of and we quote so many domestic rebellion jay inslee says trump is spreading lies in signaling his support for people to protest against lockdown rules over the past few days hundreds of people have joined protest rallies demanding an end to the shutdowns in several states targeting governors and government buildings well this is how trump has eased twitter to urge supporters to liberate 3 states a day after he said it was up to governors to decide when and how to ease those restrictions. This man is a republican strategist and the president of my strategy she joins me now on skype from stanford in connecticut good to have you with us on the program and thanks very much for your time what is the president up to. Well i think the problem that weve seen with President Trump throughout this crisis is he has one day one hour when he says totally rational sensible things and handles this in a commonsense and president ial and professional 2 manner and then he goes on twitter and then everything changes and so you have this constant lurch in. Their heart and governments and there are people really dont know where theyre. Seeing him outlandish things. And this is just another instance where were sitting in every senate never cases before or ever covered and its really coming home to a lot of people indeed i mean some might say hes got a bit but is this a strategy developed by his advisors as always is very much an independent talk to be what people at home really trying to fathom out all of these this time that hes been in office the way he behaves like this. I think i think people really need to understand this that the president doesnt really listen to his advisors he sees himself as his own best counsel he thinks he knows more and has better gut instincts and anybody who works for him and so this isnt an issue of his advisers this is just an issue of him but you see the press conferences where hes due for earning a few mike pence and dr fallon she and other experts thats where. 1 we are and where thats where use this term i mean is he appealing to his base at this present moment in time though it is quite small it in the sense that the numbers of the coming out talk to the streets reacting to this comment about releasing themselves from it of those the numbers although certainly all the numbers that he doesnt want it is the politicizing it and. Loading the all give and to time detract from whats going on. Im not saying im not convinced that everybody whos coming out on the streets are people who are actually naturally his base i think that there are some people youd like to get to be part of his coalition probably work on that its heart isnt a lot of thoughts of this you know i mean or. Whatever finds himself in a jam or his finger and your ears find somebody else to attack our. Problem or in this case thats becoming democratic governors in certain cases how dangerous a strategy is this full haven because obviously there are still what 6 months be full the election in november 1 wonders how if the pun demick gets was over he doesnt have any bold as it could affect his base his support base his Approval Ratings arent great right now anyway. Well the main reason and i dont want to be morbid but the main reason that this could end up really affecting him is not just because of our swing voters not just because of a situation in terms of Public Opinion and how hes handling this but if you look at those scenes out of minnesota yesterday for example i mean the reality is people can carry this and be asymptomatic and that doesnt mean that other people can turn to them sent him out because people may vary in the hospital and not so you are on ventilator and i think that and this should be his primary concern his primary concern should be Public Health and safety of the country but i dont like your concern if i were one of his advisors one of my real worries would be yours for america if you do this actually im literally going to kill your boners and its pretty hard to win an election if you want every certain percentage of your heart heart hurts your dad and i think when you look at 70 s and a lack of sense of instancing inevitably somebody in this crowd is there and its going to spread and its going to cause more problems and at the end of the day thats going to create intellectual man problem for him as well 1 as adding to the Public Health crisis i think its really irresponsible and very counterproductive as you know thinking about it from a lot of politics selfserving friends back here. In connecticut for us thank you very much for joining us from stanford thank you but it will look as in the United Kingdom live criticised a government suggestion to reuse personal protective equipment known as p p a the country is facing a critical shortage of p. P. A. If you dont design this is treating convey the kind of virus patients you guidance suggested alternatives to slewed repellent full length gowns like you reusable ones may be needed as the British Medical Association says the advice comes as a result of government failings pull branded hospital so much that. Control to see about the amounts of stock of this personal protective equipment this p. P. A. Has been growing in recent weeks and essentially building to a crescendo in the past couple of days we had the Health Secretary matt hancock hes the government minister responsible for Health Reporting for Parliamentary Committee on friday saying he wished he had a magic wand that he could wave through to generate more people even he just couldnt because the global marketplace was so scarce at the moment but the pressure thats coming is because of anecdotal evidence from the frontline that staff who are treating 1000 patients are having to do so compromising their own safety their old college of nursing the union for the nurses said that 51 percent of the staff that they had surveyed had been asked to reuse supposedly single use protective equipment now the response of Public Health england which is the body which represents the governments in the governments stance in this has been to say well were going to reassess our guidelines and perhaps water down the guidelines maybe they dont need to be so stringent so you can reuse stuff they said that some compromise was needed to optimize the supply of p. P. A. In times of extreme shortages but the saturday daily News Conference from downing street the communities minister robert general admitted that the simply wasnt enough at the moment to go around we are trying to do everything we can to get the equipment that we need were trying to source more internationally that is difficult to. There is a great deal of demand for it in the security that supply can prove very challenging but we are making progress there what were talking about here is the long sleeved disposable fluid repellant gowns that are used in the intensive care units and you can imagine just how much demand there is for those not just here in the u. K. But around around the world there is a general said a new delivery arriving on sunday but these 84. 00 tons that are arriving from turkey which involve some 400000 gallons he said it was pointed out to him by a reporter that the rate the n. H. S. Is using those downs at the moment that amounts to about 3 days of supply so its really not that much at all so this is not just a Health Care Issue anymore its a real political hot potato for the government and theyre getting a lot of criticism as a result of what is perceived to be a lack of forward planning. Spanish Health Care Workers have celebrated the closure of a makeshift hospital in madrid more than a 1000 patients were treated in the socalled pavilion number 7 although most lights have been turned off part of the Center Remains open 565. 00 spaniards died on saturday raising the total to more than 20000. 00. New infections in germany have risen for the 4th straight day but Officials Say the situation is manageable the Health Minister says the number of recovered patients was higher than in new daily cases all last week germany is expected to soon ease some restrictions with the partial opening of shops and later schools. On to other news now and military has now returned to their barracks after the Prime Minister ordered them off to the streets to in his words restore peace and order it comes a day after the countrys Constitutional Court ruled against thomas from barneys decision to suspend parliament the 80 year old leader is under increasing pressure over allegations of lings to the murder of his a strange wife of apple and the other way is that a journalist in ladybird and on the border of the city and south africa he says sending soldiers into the streets is the latest in a string of controversial decisions by the Prime Minister. The prime going to star announced a provocation to parliament now to regain sion means end of term for whatever bills were already in parliament and one of them was that bill that would suggest that he does not get the powers to go to his majesty to call for a snap elections or to a 10 minute parliament that was one of the bills and but then he used the 90 in reason to terminate the parliament of course his junior seau went to the courts of law to challenge it and it was only yesterday that he lost that means he is now ordered to reinstate the palam meant to its original state before it closed down theres been a series of this thing he tried to fire the policeman the police boss of we had actually started the investigations of which saw him go into quite a closer to defend that case is still coming on now the movements of the police of the soldiers in town indeed the citizens will come out to unusual movements he made the statement on television this morning that there will be that movement that people should not be worried about what event what he said thats different is that there has been a few people who are abusing the freedom of speech who are now using it in the course of law to try and undermine their stock in it and commit an investor of the kindle. Still ahead here on aljazeera ward cleaver hafter is under pressure in libya Government Troops advance on his positions. And flattening the curve how tough measures in the Indian Carola are showing the way in the fight against the pandemic stories after the break. Hello by no means is the middle east in the arabian place across the moment the slower time around 10 suggests there are thunderstorms around that is true their house forecast to see rain north of the country north of qatar to herself breaks during sunday generally speaking in dry couple days after that but not blue skies and thats true of a good part of society particularly iran running back to turkey belafontes looking nice that it is cloudy occasional showers but its in the low twentys its only in the high twentys for example in riyadh and are hot but big shot on the western side the mountains in southern saudi and in yemen could produce more flash flooding and present conditions as they have to i mean santa recently rain in the rest of north africa is rather confined to this streak which is in mauritania and now dearie and thats significant right running up towards the north coast ahead of it thats very strong wind so i suggest just to walk sandstorms in western libya and up in tunis here as well the sea snow showers are working their way. From the baseline softens nigeria and sierra leone for example thats a typical picture and you can see that as a typical forecast in cameroon with thunderstorms occasionally for next 3 days. But. I easily test. And trace frank assessments wise italy struggling to cope with the number of coronavirus which failure to take really aggressive action there behind you per informed opinion its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti that is one dance away here very relieved people in depth analysis of the days global headlines india done enough to knit the spread of their own of ours in the inside story on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera with me sell rum the reminder of our top news stories the u. S. State of new york has recorded its lowest number of deaths from cave with 19 in 2 weeks with 540 people Governor Andrew Cuomo says despite the news the number of people being admitted to hospitals remains overwhelming. The u. K. Government says its doing its best to source more personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses and thats after coming under growing pressure following new guidelines which tell medical workers to reuse some p. P. And soldiers in a suit to have now returned to their barracks after the Prime Minister ordered them onto the streets to in his words restore peace and order thomas the barn is under pressure to step down over allegations that he was involved in his estranged wifes murder. And other news forces from libyas un recognized government of killed 8 fighters loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar theyve also captured 4 of half to supporters while advancing on his largest stronghold in the west of the country the city of that houla is the target of Government Troops after they regain control of 7 coastal cities ellie this week its been a year since have to launch his offensive to capture the capital tripoli an ace al gore marty is the founder and director of Sadeq Institute a Public Policy think tank in libya he says how significant the advance on the huna is. This is the most significant military development in libya in the last year how there is in danger of losing his last ground supply line that feeds his conflict in tripoli that i dont know which is around 60 kilometers to tripoli is the last possible node in a long supply line so if he was to lose that are going to have the lines between them and tripoli cut he could no longer continue his ground offensive and thats one of the major reasons why his forces are not only in retreat but also using indiscriminate violence i mean there has been reports now of up to 130 missile strikes in the last 24 hours in southern tripoli that are really just targeting civilian homes Residential Homes at times where those people have been told to self isolate this their home but also hospitals that treats include 19 patients so there is no other objective other than in juicing the stress and pain on tripolis residents and its you know its almost a spoilers move in retaliation for his losses the last in western libya for the last week so there really isnt retreat and this is a real danger for him the president of the philippines is down to crush the governments enemies after fighters linked to eisele killed 11 soldiers another 14 were wounded in the southernmost the majority province of sunni where the armys combating fighters police have arrested 15 of the best known prodemocracy politicians and activists in hong kong now they are accused of illegally organizing the largest antigovernment protests there were ever seen there to view the pollen reports. The list of her rested reads like the whos who upon const Democratic Movement among them are present and former Legislative Councillors prominent activist a man known as the father of democracy in hong kong we are here to 81 year old martin lee is one of the architects of the basic law the citys many constitution which essentially safeguards the territories autonomy he had stepped away from the political spotlight in recent years but was vocal about his support for the protests last year. Before i have no regrets for what ive done i feel proud to walk the path of democracy these Outstanding Young protesters. Its the 2nd time this year businessman and media tycoon jimmy lie has been arrested. They have been arrested on suspicion of organizing and taking part in Illegal Assembly the government has released a statement saying the arrests were made based on evidence and were in accordance to the law seems that government is coming out remind them that you have since you have to see them and see. A rest and continue and youve been in that time of crisis during all these i have to make. On this of the movement the arrests come up to a week of turmoil in the Legislative Council members tussled with the opposition democrats for control of the weekly Meeting Agenda in an unusual move chinas Representative Office in hong kong waded in to denounce the prodemocracy group the beijing Liaison Office monitors developments in hong kong and reports back to the Chinese Government but for the 1st time its stated it has the right to supervise local affairs and is exempt from across in the constitution which restricts interference from any department directly under beijings control. Thats provoking we need fierce amongst democracy supporters already alarmed at chinas tightening grip on hong kong since last june more than 7000. 00 people have been arrested for their involvement in the protests many are charged with biting which carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. This year there has been a law in the protests mostly due to the current virus pandemic the government has banned all gatherings of more than 4 people to enforce social distancing but protesters and democracy activists say government leaders are making the most of the distracted public along with trying to wipe out the virus wiping out any dissent is the aim to they say if you go palin our desire on hong kong. As the Global Health emergency now and some Health Experts have all that irans capital may be reopening too soon but the government says its time to shift the focus back to the economy from to. The easing of restrictions. After nearly 2 months of being closed because of the corona virus businesses in the iranian capital are waking up from their hibernation for main street shops like this in open areas the citys prime real estate it is business as usual but for covered markets where there are bottlenecks where dense crowds can gather the government says its still too dangerous to open up any of the shops in those spaces but the traders weve spoken to in teheran is back alley bazaars theyve told us that not only have they not made any money for months but it will take many more months to get back on their feet they say they too need to pay their rent and meet their expenses let alone try to turn a profit and that they hope that the government lifts the remaining control measures entirely in the coming weeks now president Hassan Rouhani has championed the idea of what he calls smart distancing things start going back to normal but people simultaneously maintain strict rules of hygiene but irans deputy Health Minister who contracted coby 1000 himself in recent days he said that iran is the countrys achilles heel a weak point when it comes to fighting this fire its and government figures do suggest that the infection and death rates are going down and everyone here also hopes that it stays that way but the government has now effectively shifted the onus to put the onus on its people and after weeks of being indoors there is this isolation fatigue there is word and so people here are ready to go back to work its more crowded in downtown to run than it has been in weeks but there are also skeptical voices in the government that say the rush to reopen could backfire and that people in the country should be prepared for the possibility of a 2nd wave of the virus. Now the indian state of carolina which has confirmed just 3 deaths and about 400 cases has been taking a very different approach and as alexia brown reports it seems to have stops the infection from spreading. Carolina has its picturesque back waters and pristine beaches but now there are no tourists in these houseboats instead theyre being converted into isolation wards for corona virus patients who have had extensive discussions with. All that. It needs. Some of indias 1st confirmed cases of the virus were here in kerala as some of the millions who Work Overseas returned home at one point carol i had the most cases in india now thats changed which the states lady has put down to intense efforts to break the chain of transmission distracted peoples pets tested and also. Trace all the day for the last fortnight test ordered by. Trace. But. That tracing is happening and call centers like this using technology such as geotagging to monitor classed as of cases we had to follow 10000 people or nearly 10000 people every day to know whether theyre developing any symptoms or not. The communist run state says its also been stopping the spread of the disease by ensuring workers whove lost their jobs still have a roof over their heads nobody can be also there for the workers. If you find any. Suckers. I would also you. Read. Or every word. Restrictive measures have seen 1300000000 indians in lockdown causing a humanitarian crisis for the poor and daily wage earners many have left their home villages and states to find work in the cities some such as these in the capital new delhi say they havent eaten for a week before police help them. And i used to work in weddings and parties but now everythings stopped. Back in kerala the annual monsoon rains a jew in a few weeks and the fevers that often come with them could make fighting the coronavirus more complicated alexia brian al jazeera. The lock down in sudans capital khartoum is now in effect its set to be in place for the next 3 weeks now the decision was made to house the Health Ministry announced a sharp increase in people who have contracted covert 19 reported 30 new cases in the last day bringing the total number of those infected to 6610 people have died. Police in peru have detained around 150 people for breaking quarantine measures they were stopped on the main road outside of the capital lima they said they were trying to go home to their villages because theyve lost their jobs and face starvation if they stay in the city or got somalia has suspended all flights carrying migrants being deported from the u. S. After a group of them tested positive for the virus yourself workers tested 12 in the group of 40 at random and all of them were infected guatemalas president says flights that would be halted until the u. S. Could prove deportees were virus free its going concern people could bring the current virus to remote and vulnerable communities. Even under a strict blockade by israel the occupied territory of gaza seems to have kept the current virus under control there are just 12 confirmed cases but its a color me which is already struggling is under more pressure or a force that explains. Farming in gaza was already an uncertain way to make a living is ready blockade restrict access to modern technologies and materials and to wider markets the coronavirus has made a bad situation much worse. People in gaza have lost their jobs and the coronavirus has completely crippled Economic Activity restaurants and kitchens are shut down wedding parties used to order lots of chicken and are now canceled almost all orders have been cancelled. Administration has begun some measures to keep the Agriculture Sector operating having banned agricultural exports entirely to ensure supply for garza its giving Livestock Farmers a 1000000. 00 worth of vouchers for animal feed for the. Whole world is suffering because of coronavirus shutdowns we are trying to enhance resilience of this sector and keep it working at Maximum Capacity to guarantee the Food Security of people in gaza. But farmers say it doesnt make up for their losses gazas isolation thanks to the 14 year long israeli and egyptian siege made helped keep coronavirus largely out but its also damaged the economy. And employment last year was at 45 percent more than half the population lives in poverty the additional damage done by the closure of shops and restaurants prices have tumbled. Since the breakout of coronavirus the commercial traffic is so weak because people are afraid its added to the economic difficulties of gaza citizens people now prefer to save their money in their pockets. From next week the Agriculture Ministry is promising to extend support for Vegetable Farmers hit by a sudden drop in demand just weeks ago a one kilo bag of onions would cost 0. 55 now its half that in ways that are high november there. Of the situation remains as it is i will stop and stay at home because i cant continue being from my pocket and i will not have enough to feed my children rather than i but. Even if the virus itself is being kept at bay in gaza the fear of its long Term Economic effects is spreading very force it out as era. Or thoughts christians call their holy fire ceremony has been held in the near empty streets of jerusalem. Only a handful of clergymen whether instead of the usual thousands of worshippers from jerusalem the holy fire will be distributed to all the dots christian countries in time for their easter celebrations on sunday. Youre watching aljazeera with the reminder of our top news stories the u. S. State of new york has recorded its lowest number of deaths from covert 19 in 2 weeks with 540 people gov andrew cohen says despite the news the number of people being admitted to hospitals remains overwhelming if it wasnt for the relative context that weve been in this would be devastating news 2000 people coming into the Hospital System or testing positive and if you notice 2000 were not at the peak but this is where we were just about in late march when it started to go up so were not at that plateau anymore but were still not in a good position the u. K. Government says its doing its best to source more personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses and thats after coming under growing pressure following new guidelines which told medical workers to reuse some p. P. Spanish Health Care Workers have celebrated the closure of a makeshift hospital in madrid although most lights have been turned off part of the Center Remains open 565 spaniards died on saturday raising the total to more than 20000 and in germany the number of new infections as risen and for the 4th straight day but Officials Say the situation is manageable the Health Minister says the number of recovered patients was higher than the new daily cases all last week germany is expected to soon ease some of the restrictions. Soldiers in a suit do have now returned to the barracks after the Prime Minister ordered them on to the streets to in his words restore peace and order Thomaston Barney is under pressure to step down over allegations he was involved in his estranged wifes murder. And forces from libyas un recognized government to have killed 8 fighters loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar theyve also captured 4 of have to supporters while advancing on his largest stronghold in the west of the country those were the headlines ill be back with the aljazeera news hour in half an hours time but next on our sister its inside story with that spear to stay with us. Why is the man mom military stepping up attacks on ethnic rebel groups the u. N. Says almost daily airstrikes on 2 states have killed dozens why are calls for a cease fire being ignored this is inside stuart. Hello welcome to the program. Theres been much attention on the militarys campaign against the wrecking a crackdown on the mainly Muslim Minority described

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