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Government extends lockdown instructions for at least 3 more weeks. And Brazils Health minister is fired over his handling of the coronavirus price. So join his crate of eyes crisis has tipped its economy into sharp decline quarterly Gross Domestic Product figures showed that demand for its goods and services has plummeted by 6. 8 percent in raises yet more pressure on beijing to prop up growth and made mounting job losses in 40 exports in the worlds 2nd largest economy lets go straightaway to beijing correspondent katrina youre standing by for us they could train almost 7 percent these are extremely serious figures. Thats right this is a historic plunge this is the biggest contraction weve seen for the 1st quarter growth in china since records began and its not entirely surprising it is especially due to this corona virus pandemic now chinas economy was already slowing last year was it slowed to its slowest growth since the 1970 s. Now this has really this pandemic has really brought the country to a standstill for almost 2 months chinas Manufacturing Activity was halted people stayed indoors consumption was was down and really this figure this minus 6. 8 percent is the results of that and some analysts were actually predicting even shop of all of minus 10 to minus 15 so this is definitely within the realm of what is what was expected from china and it comes with more very sober grave figures we know that job ads here in china also are down about 27 percent and unemployment in china for the Chinese Government is a very big concern for the Chinese Government its key to social stability and employment has also been affected because some chinas Small Business its Medium Sized Enterprises are particularly some of the engines of employment here in china and they are among those who have been hit by this outbreak the hardest as were about to hear in this story. Empty chairs at empty tables this beijing restaurant once served 200. 00 customers every day but because of the coronavirus pandemic its now struggling to survive owner joe tao was forced to close the u. S. Themed dyna for almost 3 months you know when youre here. There is no cash flow if we arent open and cash flow is the most important thing for our restaurant we are still paying for the rent and stuff wages plus there are accommodation in beijing weve taken a really big heat small and Medium Sized Enterprises have been worst hit by the Health Crisis local curve in 1000 infections have eased in china and life is slowly returning to normal. But many businesses have been forced to close for good this restaurant was once bustling with customers but since the beginning of february its been quiet foreign Business Owners are also suffering theyre requesting more Financial Support and an end to the ban on foreigners entering the country we need there really. Measure sure to relieve your region its a matter of. These companies actually should be thinking negatively. Some retailers attending to of logging on Live Streaming to sell products but for many such efforts to adapt to the outbreak wont be enough and analysts dont expect the worlds 2nd largest economy to bounce back before 2021 right now the biggest challenge chinese authorities there is actually to stabilize on employment because our there is a weak demand from domestic market and also foreign markets chinese appliance make a high sense laid off over 10000 workers this month following a drop in sales more than 20000000 people nationwide are expected to lose their jobs by the end of the year joe tao is doing everything he can to retain all of his staff he started offering Home Delivery and reopen to the restaurant this week albeit under strict conditions. Though more than 3 people ok to eat at one table and they have to sit at least one meter apart beautys coles only accommodated half their capacity duress says all he can do is wait for economic stimulus measures for a coronavirus a vaccine and for customers who often now few and far between. It could true thing is that chinas had to get its economy up and running again pretty much a standing start so what can it do to help things along. Well like a lot of countries around the world the Chinese Government is trying to balance preventing a 2nd wave outbreak of infections as well as getting the economy started again this has really hit all sectors as you just heard its not just a Manufacturing Industry people arent there arent spending theyre going out to restaurants or going out to businesses theyre still very afraid and economists are particularly afraid that this is really impacting their long term habits and are going to spend as much in the future theyre going to save their pennies because of this uncertainty now so far the Chinese Government has resisted a blanket may just stimulus plan its instead rolled out what it calls targeted stimulus measures so that is included some rate cuts for banks subsidies for Small Businesses for example they can get cheaper laurens dow they can get allowances when it comes to paying their rent or paying wages or they can delay the response but for many of these businesses it simply still not enough and analysts say as well theyre going to need much more support from the government if many of these businesses are to survive this outbreak or survive till the end of the year certainly so there is quite a bit of pessimism around chinas ability to get its economy back up and running certainly for the next few months even potentially years. Because relieving the thanks very much for katrina you there with that update from beijing. A great President Donald Trump has line going lines to reopen the u. S. Economy ravaged by the coronavirus job losses well towards levels of the Great Depression of the 19th thirtys but hes leaving it up to state governments to decide when to ease restrictions backing down from earlier claims that lifting lockdowns across the country would be his sole decision im going to go as this report. Its what President Donald Trump calls a science based plan to get the United States back on its feet hes issued guidelines in 3 phases that advise each state when they can begin to reopen and what doctors say will be a new normal america wants to be open and americans want to be open as ive said for some time now a National Shutdown is not a sustainable long term solution. To preserve the health of our citizens we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy over the long haul the 1st phase calls for social distancing and to schools and businesses to remain closed at some larger venues including restaurants and movie theaters could reopen if states see a steady decline in coronavirus cases they can move to phase 2 in which schools some businesses including bars could open big gatherings remain limited the 3rd phase will allow workers to go back to their jobs and for at risk people to continue to take precautions we took the greatest economy in the history of the world and we closed it in order to win this war. And were in the process of winning it now our approach outlines 3 phases in restoring our Economic Life we are not opening all at once but one careful step at a time democratic speaker of the house nancy pelosi called the plan vague an inconsistent citing concerns over the need for Rapid Testing oh the corona virus has taken a harsh toll on the u. S. More than 30000 people have died and there have been over 600000 confirmed cases 22000000 people are now out of work wiping out a decade of job growth President Trump says the u. S. Will be back and greater than ever but this is a delicate process that comes down to a state by state county by county basis some states manta phase one as early as friday others face a far longer slog Business Leaders governors and scientists warn a shortfall in testing could hamper efforts to reopen the country that decision now lies with each states governor in some States Coronavirus case is a yet to peak and as a risk of the virus making a comeback in the months ahead personal Protection Equipment for Health Workers is still in short supply but even if you are in phase 123 its not ok game over its not its going to be a way that we protect ourselves because as we know and as i said from this podium it may very well be as we go the cycle around that theyll be this virus that wants to come back to us i think were going to be able to handle this is a cautious approach to reopen the Worlds Largest economy something President Trump has long wanted to do the challenges for each state a huge the dangers of making the wrong decision now crucial and as yet theres still no vaccine and a gallica aljazeera. All right lets break to those bob honors whos a medical doctor and a broadcast medical journalist he joins us live from stow in vermont bonnet welcome to the program so we have these guidelines and President Donald Trump indicated that many states could reopen by the beginning of may some even can start the process he says by tomorrow is that right. You know its very interesting nick that if you look in china and who had problems their success was they came up they hit a peak and thats where they are right now they didnt succeed until they had a rigorous contact case tracy that is every single positive was traced and all their contacts they were then put into quarantine what they call these camps mobile camps and then they had to decline to 0 were taking a big chance at opening back up full flat out we still have you know massive numbers of infections many dead every single day so theres no question that its its a real risk to start back up that said you know i work with dr fox he says 980 for a one of the very best Infectious Disease people on the planet. Im very impressed with i think that theyve done a remarkable job of debbie down the infections the state here in vermont is one of the most successful thanks to our governor phil scott we have i think 28 cases in our whole county right here so theyve theyve done a good job but the key point is this youve got to have the test its called an Antibody Test to show who has the virus or who had the virus and very rigorous contact case tracing so you can have 25000 people from the u. S. Census and then others about 500 or so from the peace corps that theyre going to use to go door to door to door to find these cases they use Emergency Rooms so if for any upticks but its still risky and until we have the advent of what i would call a bio Security Industry much like we had a Security Industry after a 2001 with much more sophisticated testing in monitoring its really going to be trial and error and the errors are going to result unfortunately in more deaths so even in those states like i was aiming montanna north dakota and so with the money. Where they have limited number of cases its still you think too much of a risk to get back to work soon is the president more. Well so heres the interesting thing theyre already talking about in phase one about having some sporting events and restaurants and theaters and whatnot that the terrible thing about this virus is about 25 percent of people who are infected have no signs at all and so you could sit down next to somebody and its not just spread by coughing or sneezing but by talking the droplets that will come out talk you know enough to infect somebody and so you just need one or 2 cases to come to a bar or restaurant or a sporting event to have another sort of mini outbreak but when these many outbreaks happen thats when they swing into action with a contact case trace and trying to have them down so i dont think its its its particularly well thought out for instance if i were going to start a factory i would have everybody come into a hotel for a week make sure theyre all clean have a go back and forth like there are no oil rig we dont see anybody and you get you know vital pharmaceutical airplane manufacturing up and going thats the important thing not starting out with sporting events and in restaurants and then phase 2 is going to schools you know kids are the biggest carriers of the disease you know asymptomatic carriers are going to bring it to their parents and their grandparents so its a very noble idea but i think that the. The devil is in the details which are not great at this point dont above all integrated get your point of view on this we could talk a long time but unfortunately thats all we got time for thanks very much indeed thank you thank you so much nick. Still ahead here on aljazeera targets of abuse why many front line is fighting coronavirus have been attacked in chile. And they want money in the poll its what is next for Small Businesses in the u. S. Now that the measures the fund is empty. Weve got some right in the forecast for japan over the next couple of days but at the moment its not too bad a sloppy fine and dry here is a band of clouds and rain thats going to slide through the l. S. A. Itll bring some very heavy rain into the Korean Peninsula as we go through friday. In japan at this stage 15 souses but that western weather will slide through the siege of pan itll bring some very heavy rain into honshu possibility of some localized flooding here they say fairly quickly but there are going to be some very heavy bursts of right on that system brought the skies come back in behind but you can link that wet weather back into central parts of china down into the south it is largely driving plenty of sunshine sunshine and showers as per usual across the Southeast Asia some lovely ones there into northern parts of the philippines scattering as shastri malaysia scattered showers to into indonesia thailand also say some wet weather you can see that cloud and rain that slides across the bay of bengal southern parts of the bay of bengal over towards was a possibility of one or 2 showers here weve had some showers recently into the northeast of india into bangladesh see seasonal rise here the cowboys shockey says they are now and theyre going to continue bring some very heavy rain is going through friday and very hot to the northwest. Of. Alaskas phone nor a pristine environment thats become a black. Ground with the trumpet ministration keen to let Oil Companies start drilling some in its remote communities are tempted by the promised wealth we live here we may not there but others bitterly opposed we should not have to trade our culture for oil and gas crossing the high peaks of the Arctic Circle to investigate the people in power at the edge of the earth on aljazeera. Her. Well again youre watching out is there a reminder for our top stories this hour and chinas economy plunged by almost 7 percent in the 1st quarter of this year after covert 900. 00 brought its workforce to a standstill during the outbreak manufacturing hit record lows in exports fell by as much as 17 percent. Donald trump has unveiled guidelines to reopen the u. S. Economy ravaged by the coronavirus 22000000. 00 people have made jobless claims in less than a month as a result of the pandemic but its up to governments to decide when to ease lock downs in their states. To the United Kingdom now where the government has announced an extension of social and economic restrictions for at least 3 more weeks the foreign secretary dominant rob says that now is not the time to give the virus a 2nd chance more than 13000 people have died in the u. K. And there are over 104000 confirmed infections if barker has more from london. Britains Financial Capital quiet empty the wards meant to be the height of the working week it began as a novelty but its fast becoming an uncomfortable reality and now a bleak message from the British Government that while the virus looms and lingers there will be no return to normal if we rush to relax the measures that we have in place we would risk wasting all the sacrifices and all the progress that has been made. And that would risk a quick return to another lock down with all the threat to life that a 2nd peak of the virus would bring and all the economic damage that a 2nd lockdown would carry the governments been asked repeatedly for an exit strategy from current restrictions the answer continually given its too soon to tell in a major new study by the office of National Statistics half of all british adults say the virus is affecting their sense of wellbeing contributing to heightened levels of anxiety with many people citing financial worries the virus is affecting the health of the nation in more ways than one and according to recent findings we arent all in this together we know men are twice as likely to die of the virus so too are those with underlying conditions but also a greater risk people in poorly paid jobs and those from black asian a minority ethnic backgrounds who are 30 percent more likely to become critically ill many of those contracts in the virus are essential workers bus drivers cleaners and caregivers in the National Health service this is mary a go argue pong an n. H. S. Nurse she was pregnant when she tested positive for covert 19 but died soon after her baby was delivered alive and well by emergency says areon a formal review is to be launched to understand the deepening disparity in deaths but this is special is the long standing inequalities in wealth and health mean some are more likely to lose their lives neve barker aljazeera london Us Government says the 350000000000 dollar Emergency Fund set up to help struggling Small Businesses is run out but theres a fight brewing in congress over how to inject money into the Lending Program pudukkottai has more. Its also eerily quiet across the country main streets big and small are deserted many boarded up. In most of the country main street means rows of Small Businesses almost half of all private sector employees in the u. S. Work for Small Companies now mostly shuttered its employees sent home the 2 trillion dollars stimulus package was supposed to help people workers on the payroll 349000000000 in loans to Small Businesses if they kept paying their workers the loan would likely be forgiven the administration sold it as simple courage all Small Businesses that have 500 or fewer people please contact your lender you get the money youll get it the same day you use this to pay your workers please bring your workers back to work it didnt work out that way according to the Largest Organization representing Small Businesses the banks d didnt have guidance until 11 pm on april 2nd and the pace that Protection Program remember overnight so what are really our or an e. P. P l program opened up treasury releases kind of and oh by the way a new application or so its been kind of a massive infusion. Of the hundreds of thousands of businesses the National Federation of independent businesses represents she says only a handful have actually seen the money the Small Business administration announced the money was all allocated on a website but did not answer questions from aljazeera about how much has actually been distributed many Small Business owners are angry and panicked it felt like the Worlds Largest agency and it felt like you know weve been irresponsible office desk as each day goes by we worry more and more ive heard nothing or receive nothing joe carlson is trying to get a loan for his baltimore bookstore hes not impressed with the federal response so far there doesnt seem to be any consistency in the messaging thats been coming out and its yours. A lot like instead of saying. You know this is what were going to do to take care of everybody it feels more like well its not our fault nobody could have ever been prepared for this so we should just be happy with whatever were able to go out. So not were not rated highly for him that feeling is unlikely to change as the Political Parties continue to fight over next steps and he wonders how much longer hell be able to keep his small store running that team in the scenic side thanks to calling aljazeera. To brazil now where the president jab all scenario has fired his Health Minister needs already came and both an hour of class for weeks over how to handle the corona Virus Outbreak the president has repeatedly played down the risk of 19 calling it a little food and opposing social distancing advice i presume will has left americas west right with nearly 2000 reported deaths deserves Hassan Masood is in sao paolo and he says the past was sending conflicted conflicting messages to the public. The president decided to move monday from his position and this is because of the disagreements between the president and the man death especially about socialization and quite entirely in here in brazil since the brazilian presidency was not a wants to return to life the normal life here in brazil he d wants and support that idea of vertical isolation another has until as a nation he think that the only and the people that they are in danger it must stay at home at home must be isolated but all the other people must return to work normally here in brazil and this was the main issue that the former minister as we said he came on that i didnt accept at all and he said that brazil must obey and follow what the h. Always said about the strategies that brazil and all of the countries must obey the whole movie Health Workers on the front line of the pandemic being deployed around the world of those are becoming targets of abuse in chile there are increasing reports of discrimination in attacks by people afraid that they might infect them. In america its a lucy in human reports from santiago. But the chilean ambulance driver. It no longer seems to feel that way. Now and some people say yes there. This would be a life we have families to and were doing are they going to stay healthy at this hospital as in so many others medical personnel are working at their own peril without sufficient personal protection acquit but as this pandemic spreads so too did the cases of harrison and even assaults against them fanned by one of the most basic human instincts and that is fear. This circular says medical personnel living in our condominium or forbidding from using the lives and public areas failure to comply will result in having their electricity water and gas cut off in another building a Health Worker found this message we know you work for the red cross dont come home the state has special places for you dont come back again. Hospital nutritionist sonya farah has been harassed and threatened on the social networks ever since she was suspected of having called coronavirus 3 weeks ago. I dont know if i need to get a restraining order theres a person whos threatening to hit me if she sees me but the Health Ministry calls the ongoing cases of discrimination against Health Workers appalling. That we should be grateful to them ive asked that this cases be reported as a breach of the law. And its not just in chile from argentina to mexico and way beyond cases of discrimination against medical personnel are on the rise xico City Hospital internist alan goodness has started wearing his street clothes rather than his uniform when he cant get a lift to work. When i try to take the bus the driver closes the door in my face when he sees im a doctor and there are even worse forms of aggression of. Reports of medical staff being attacked or having bleach thrown at them are becoming more common dr pamela fell she explains its not rational the hostility or the enemy anger really comes from underlying fear and frustration because were fighting something we cant. Disability or not this pandemic is revealing not just the positives but also some of the more ugly aspects of human nature. You see in human aljazeera santiago. The u. N. Envoy for yemen says the countrys warring sides are close to reaching a formal truce because haitians have been taking place for the past 2 weeks after the saudi u. A. E. Coalition and now as the unilateral cease fire spokesman said saudi arabia wanted to support you in efforts to reach a political solution and help stop the spread of kuranda violence. Present jerusalems ally so moscow being suspended for the islamic holy month of ramadan the council that oversees the site says the compound will be closed to worshippers because of coronavirus theres been a bone on islamic prayers at the site known to muslims as the noble sanctuary and to jews as the temple mount tooth late march. Police in new delhi have rescued hundreds of daily wage workers in migrants who had been living under a flyover after losing their jobs theyve been provided with food and taken to a Night Shelter of a lockdown has left millions across the country out of work and able to return home india has so far reported over 12000 cases and 423 deaths. Where theres a rush to sell gold in thailand as the price of the precious commodity continues to rise people are being curing up outside gold shops in bangkok the pandemic is cut the incomes of families so many are now selling their gold to get cash to cover their living expenses. A picture of a young protester reciting poetry in sudan has been named World Press Photo of the year the photographer yes you your it captured the image last june as demonstrators called for an end to military rule scores of demonstrators were killed in the protests and judges say the photograph beautifully summed up the wave of demonstrations that swept the globe in 2019 strakes work from home measures are being observed across the globe but it seems those rules also apply to one of the worlds best known street artists benghazi has crafted his latest piece in his own bathroom room wrecking rodents were posted to the elusive artist social media account along with the line my wife hates it when i am from whom. Legend directional website r. J. Dot com has interests all the news recovery right there lots of comment and analysis to. Say this is out there these are the top stories and chinas economy it plunged by almost 7 percent in the 1st 3 months of this year off the cave at 19 brought its workforce to a standstill during the outbreak manufacturing hit record lows in exports fell by as much as 17 percent which really has more now from beijing now this has really this pandemic has really brought the country to a standstill for almost 2 months chinas Manufacturing Activity was halted people stayed indoors consumption was was down and really this figure this minus 6. 8 percent is the result of that and some analysts were actually predicting even shop of fall of minus 10 to minus 15 so this is definitely within the realm of what is what was expected. Trump is unveiled guidelines to reopen the u. S. Economy as it continues to reel from the corona virus pandemic but its up to governors to decide when to ease lockdowns in their state 22000000 people live made jobless claims in less than one month the quays extended restrictions to contain the coded 900. 00 spread by at least 3 weeks the foreign secretary dominant rob says lifting curves early could damage the economy over a longer period Brazils Health minister. Came and that has been followed by the president job also in our pay a class for weeks over how to handle the corona Virus Outbreak also norman has repeatedly played down the risk of cave in 1000 calling it a little flu. The u. N. Envoy for yemen says the countrys warring sides are close to reaching a formal truce because the a sions have been taking place for the past 2 weeks after the Saudi Coalition and ill say unilateral ceasefire a spokesman said saudi arabia wanted to support un efforts to reach a political solution and help stop the spread of coronavirus. From home measures are being observed across the globe and it seems those rules also apply to one of the worlds best Street Office banks he has crafted his latest piece in his own bathroom the room wrecking rodents were posted to the elusive artist social media account. States with all the News Headlines here on aljazeera got more coming up right off the pillow history of a revolution. When diplomacy fails and fear sweeps then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists weve proven the barriers are built to impose division and its not effective instead of being an obstacle to tell wastes it became another obstacle to peace in a 4 part series aljazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides was of shame on aljazeera. In 1948 the state of israel was proclaimed. Palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization or the p. L. O. Was founded. Made up of different factions the p. L. O. Has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since

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