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An Aircraft Carrier test positive for the covered 900. 00. Donald trump has declared that the number of new Coronavirus Infections in the u. S. Is slowing thats despite a Record Number of 2300 americans killed by the virus in just 24 hours and for the 2nd day trump has continued his attack on the World Health Organization suggesting it deliberately misled the world in the early stages of the outbreak causing many deaths on wednesday handouts to homes and funding to the w. H. O. Which is leading the Global Response to the pandemic tragically other nations put their trust in the w. H. O. And they didnt do it to form a band and you see what happened in italy you see what happened to spain you see what happened to france. W h os guidance had failed to control their borders at a very crucial phase quickly unleashing the contagion around the world that was a horrible tragic mistake or perhaps they do im sure they didnt know the gravity of it but perhaps they knew because if they knew the gravity that would be an even worse offense well the u. N. Agency has responded to trump criticisms with a call for unity its director general says arguments about the organizations performance can wait until the outbreak is of when we are divided the virus exploits the cracks between us we are committed to serving the world his people and to accountability for the resources with which we are interested in due course w. Chose performance in tackling this pundit mic will be reviewed by the w 2 s. Member states and the independent bodies start our employees to each will try to spot and see an accountability but for now our focus my focus is on stopping this virus and saving lives the u. S. Move to suspend funding has been widely condemned by the e. U. The African Union and china they say trying to decision will hurt the fight against the virus billionaire philanthropist and microsoft cofounder bill gates whose foundation is the agencys 2nd biggest donor tweeted saying its dangerous to help funding to the w. H. O. During a Global Health crisis he says no other organization can replace the work adults and slowing the spread of the virus and that we need the w. H. O. Now more than ever. Lets go live now to mike hanna who is in washington d. C. For us mike the u. S. Has recorded its highest number of deaths in a 24 hour period but donald trump says the worst is over and that states and chomping at the bit to reopen what else did he have to say well indeed yosi says that within the next 24 hours his administration will mind new guidelines with a view to opening parts of the country by the end of this month even before the end of this month he said the task force will be meeting tomorrow he says that he will be talking to the governors of the 50 states in the course of the morning and then sometime during the day time line will be announced for opening of certain states a partial rifting of the restrictions in various states across the country as many as 20 to 30 states as President Trump where the incidence of the virus has been a little relatively low compared to those arterials like new york state illinois but certainly some would argue and his Health Advice is have been arguing strongly that it would be premature to establish any guidelines or time fines for lifting or easing of these restrictions while there isnt a proper testing protocol in place and despite everything thats been done in recent weeks throughout the country there is still a massive lag in terms of effect of testing. And mike donald trump also talked about adjourning congress i mean surely that is a major Major Development thats a major claim constitutionally. Well its an extraordinary threat and its certainly an action that is virtually unprecedented president trampy use a forum of a Coronavirus Briefing to rant about his political opponents insisting that there are Many Democrats in congress who are simply trying to obstruct him at every turn referring to he said russia russia russia impeachment processes and he insists that there are large numbers of people he wants to appoint to government who are not yet been endorsed by congress because of the delays being created by the democrats he says what he could do is Adjourn Congress and during the recess then simply push through all his nominated nominations for the position he wants to fill its absolutely extraordinary threat and those in congress would argue very strongly that its massively unconstitutional but the president trance in recent days and during this pandemic has been standing all over the basic principle on which this country is based and that is the separation of Powers Congress has certain powers the executive powers the judiciary has certain powers but President Trump continues to insist that he can do whatever he wants to do regardless of constitutional provisions and the separation of powers doctrine that has been placed since this constitution was written thank you for that is there is mike hanna live from washington d. C. New york is still on the front line of the pandemic in the u. S. With the highest number of reported infections and deaths across the country nearly 640000 people have tested positive to the virus and close 228000 people have died a 3rd of those deaths were recorded in new york and even though the number of infections seems to have slowed in recent days hospitals there are stretched to breaking point. So its 5 am im still on my overnight shift and were seeing plenty of a lot of virus cases some some people as young as in their twentys. And people as world is in their eightys. A couple of people whove been enmity intensive care unit i think the best Success Story that weve seen this evening was somebody who had an oxygen saturation. That was 48 percent when the ambulance got there and the patient is not doing much better is going to go to intensive care but doing much better so. Its a relief to get to seize stories like that i think the most. Interesting or bizarre presentation was somebody who came in with a leg cramps. And it turns out theyre coronavirus so we were just seeing people with all kinds of symptoms. Just to show a wide variety of the thing was we had to watch change or visit our policy this week so previously it was no visitors were allowed because were worried that we were on protection even to spread the disease. And. We decided to change it or combinations where. Theyre very near the end of life because we want to give family members the opportunity to be with their patients on them and so were were making some some changes in trying to accommodate and so on. So that people dont have to die alone i think that thats one of the most tragic pieces of this disease is because its so contagious. But people do end up just dying alone and were really trying to do whatever we can to make it a little bit better. Well dr parikh pretty is an internal Medicine Specialist at a hospital in new york city he joins us live now via skype thank you for joining us on the program whats the situation youll saying and your hospital what are you seeing in the day and how are you coping. But were you know its been busy its we were all hands on deck for you know from the like a month and a half ago actually kind of anticipated this and we had been seeing actually queens and brooklyn where the epicenter is really of the epicenter and weve been helping out with the flow but you know were getting it and flows in waves and you know initially it was always considered to be elderly or immunocompromised but we are seeing all sorts of demographics now come in and actually you know its so interesting were focused on a lot of things about what were seeing the front lines but like i came across information maybe a month ago or so that really had a lot of the very Accurate Information about this virus recognizing this as a pandemic long before the even the w. H. O. Had and you know knowing that the casualty numbers were under reported and i think a big part was that the asymptomatic carriers were very contagious this these sources knew this much before then i guess either the w. H. O. Or c. D. C. And i think that what we need to focus on i can tell you and i just sort of that report that i had a patient study 70 could be with this family they pass i worked last night and its a very tragic but how can we stop this and it also points to the issue of donald trump the president you know reopening the economy and Everyone Wants to get back to it but i think with the information the source being very accurate you know one thing that really stuck out to me is that and i try to you know tell my colleagues and you know how contagious this was that you needed ebola level quick like hazmat suits respirators that purify the air meaning that you know the big contention is this droplets or airborne and clearly were seeing some airborne component because this is how contagious this disease was and it was spreading and unfortunately been affecting Hospital Health care workers and such well on that on that point i mean you have been sounding the alarm for some time then about this virus and yet we have seen some frontline stuff you know being infected and dying from the virus does that make you angry. Absolutely well its tough because you know the source has been accurate in other things and i saw it i was like wow this is kind of scary it says dont travel in airplanes dont be in crowded areas dont take asked transport like why is that and this virus gets airborne in some way and closed ventilation spaces like subways mass transport and especially hospital floors so hospitals and ive been trying to push this is that we need the cill these are only kogut only right because the level of equipment and protection for our Health Care Workers needs to be at let level i think youve seen videos out of china and italy there were in light spacesuit level stuff and in order to do that like you need to have a dedicated floor facilities dedicated like basically hermetic style quarantines right space that you need negative pressure ventilation you need sliding doors like theyve seen star trek right it seals it because this thing is so contagious it gets out that you can breathe it in you can take it in your eyes you know all these sorts of things and i think opening economy to seem that the other update they had given me was that you know we need to continue this for several more months at least 3 months to even 8 months because if people go soon if you go back this is going to come in waves and its getting more virulent more mutations its affecting newborns inspecting younger people youre not going to have an economy that no ones going to want to go out if you dont have confidence in Public Health so it will be devastating even more if we reopen too soon we need to bite the bullet now this is were being grounded by Mother Nature for a good reason we need to reset and people just have to hold on and all the essential things like medicine food Energy Sanitation these things should be continuing in the economy will be there we just have to ride this out and do the right things the best thing that anyone can do for us the public has the newness is staying home being socially distant it does because the virus loves crowds loves us being social loves us just being together big. It gives us time it gives a time basically to spread mutate and become more virulent we havent seen anything like this in more than 100 years of safer forget the spanish flu so i think if any country of all countries can do this or the governments and they can hear this the health parties create separate hermetically sealed for these covert patients so then we can have Health Care Workers not get infected where the proper people maximize efficiency watch these people for much longer than 2 weeks think you patient period supposedly up to one month to 3 months do you have a p. That you need you compared to the you you were talking about what you saying it does isnt any in china do you have what you need. Not necessarily we can have some we do have it but not to the level that we can have it say in a dedicated facility like i think the Javits Center was made into a covert only hospital thats a start and then we can have all the dedicated workers Health Care Workers go there and where that kind of put it and maximize sufficiency right because thats always been a supply issue thats the key is in whats happening is the Health Care Workers are probably carrying it getting infected and taking home to their family and then thats spreading it around and on top of that asymptomatic spreaders thats huge that wasnt what the flu was right they kept saying you know this is not the flu thats the spread and they actually even in this source said that the kids were the highest the great hadnt spreaders of this virus because they were largely immune initially and then they were spreading it all around unknowingly innocently but this is the insidiousness of this the virus and its so important that all countries of the world continue to lock down 3 to 8 months we can get through it i donated to a food bank today we can help each other money needs nothing if you dont have your health you dont have your family dont have your friends its tragic what im seeing on a daily basis i have always rage but my family my friends colleagues ive ive contacted as those people i can and the your people are my family like were all family and its so important that this gets out and i think Public Health wise thats the best measure of the macro sense i can tell you all the microsoft but right now we need macro we need macro policy and we need that hermetically sealed 14 space and Treatment Centers for coded so we protect the workers and we help these people and monitor them and well dont let the spread to occur also stop repatriating nationals back to countries youre always receiving it you know generally are easy they declare war on your. President dont trump from your president tomorrow i believe on the plan to reopen states we will have to leave it if a time not afraid my policies that stepped apparently there an internal Medicine Specialist in new york thank you. Thank you so much. To europe now where france has reported a huge jump in the number of corona virus deaths 1400 fatalities were reported on wednesday and thats taken the nationwide death toll to more than 17000 the government says the latest figure includes deaths from recent days that have not been reported the number of intensive care patients has dropped for a 7th consecutive day giving some signs of hope and nearly 700 saying this of Frances Charles de gaulle naval group has tested positive for covert 19 many of them were on the Aircraft Carrier when it returned to a port and to dawn on monday at least 31 sailors have been hospitalized. Elsewhere in europe sweden has reported a sharp increase in the number of fatalities with 170 people reported killed by the virus on wednesday thats up from 114 the previous day so fast sweden has not imposed a total lockdown compared to other European Countries more than 1200. 00 people have died of the virus there and nearly 12000. 00 have tested positive. Well heres paul brennan now wrapping up the developments from elsewhere in europe. When coded 19 hit europe its member countries divided along National Lines creating a patchwork response strict lockdowns in some more relaxed and open in others the disunity prompted many to question the very relevance and future of the European Union project so the question of when and how to consider lifting those restrictions is problematic italys spain austria finland and denmark have this week begun the tentative path to normality at e. U. Headquarters in brussels the Commission President wants the European Union to set the pace and she warned that in the unions borderless member area that piecemeal strategy will undermine even monday night tasks we will not want to have people moving from one member state to the next member state to use the shopping opportunity and therefore it is very important that the coordination between neighboring Member States is an excellent one Good Neighbors speak with each other in spain the number of new deaths fell slightly again on weapons day and some sectors are reopening but the country still has one of the toughest lock downs in the e. U. And in the 1st parliamentary session since controls were 1st imposed there was a heated debate about exit strategy and i see them you know this by 37000000 spaniards have been confined for a month without any hope other than 2 more weeks of lockdown because you are incapable of carrying out a plan for must testing to normalize the situation of it. I mean theyre going to start out of my stance and the confinement no to working because we began with the daily infection rate of 35 percent and today we are at 3 percent a little and thats also a consequence of increasing the number of tests so were taking tough measures that are effective because theyre protecting and saving lives and theyre benefiting spaniards regardless of where they live on. Russias Virus Outbreak is still very much on a up. Trajectory and restrictions got even tighter on wednesday creating traffic gridlock around the capital moscow with very few exceptions anyone outdoors now needs a permit in the form of a machine readable q. R. Code but with Security Officers having to check each one manually big crowds built up at the entrances to Moscows Metro stations making a nonsense of the intended strategy of social distancing and limiting movement on social media the citys mayor said he had intervened to prevent such scenes being repeated all of which risks losing sight of the ongoing struggle of medical staff and their stricken patients with more than 85000 deaths and rising europe remains the worlds worst hit region in terms of coronavirus fatalities paul brennan aljazeera. Still to come here on aljazeera back to class but with an abortion becomes the 1st european country to reopen schools some parents are concerned. And an election during a pandemic see vote is in south korea backing the ruling party. But. Hello welcome to another look at the international forecast in place to say weve got some quiet weather now pushing into the deep south of the u. S. Still a few showers longer spells of rain just around the panhandle there in the process of pulling out of the way spring sunshine for many we have still got some cool air to the eastern side of the rockies just one celsius there in denver with some rain bits and pieces of sleet just pushing a little further east was a little easier to wards the Central Plains as we go on through the next couple of days the u. K. Prices guys do come back in behind not too bad over towards the the western side of the u. S. But the temperatures down a race of values i tell 90 degrees. One of 2 showers there the southern part of california wanted to show its 3rd southern parts of mexico come across the caribbean. Blue skies for the most part will see a few showers developing around the greater red tillys over the next day or so his band yall are pushing into cuba and maybe into jamaica you catch a share or 2 here want to see showers today to nicaragua costa rica and also into panama might see the chair over towards the words i think the leaders will be settled and sunny but plenty of sunshine in between all sunshine and showers but down with the top temperature of 27. An extrajudicial killing in a north african capital. I heard someone breaking into a house in concert. That i heard people shouting at myself for masked men and only their eyes and hair was showing. Aljazeera world hears rare eyewitness accounts of the dramatic story of the assassination of major p. L. O. Figure khaleel was here in a secret israeli operation assassination in tunis on aljazeera. The. Know what technologies are on her mind of our top stories this hour. Donald trump says the u. S. Has turned a corner in the number of new corona virus infections is beginning to slow he says he will unveil plans to reopen the economy on thursday thats despite a Record Number of americans more than 2300 killed by the virus in the past 24 hours. Nearly 700 sailors of frances shall sigel naval group have tested positive for covert 19 many of them were on the Aircraft Carrier when it returned to course and truth in on monday france has reported a huge number has jumped from the number of deaths nationwide with 1400 fatalities reported on wednesday. Sweden has also reported a shop increase in the number of fatalities it with 170 people reported killed by the virus on wednesday thats up from 114 the previous day so fast weve been has not posted total lockdown compared to other European Countries. Schools and nurseries have reopened in denmark as it begins to relax its lockdown restrictions its among the 1st in europe to try a gradual reopening in order to get the economy back on track im a parent say its too soon and it kept the children at home city john reports from copenhagen. A long awaited. Principal welcomes back his students after a whole month i have really missed my school and im excited to meet my teachers and friends to see them again is a very very big pleasure but much has changed social distancing is still required and parents are no longer allowed to drop off their children inside the school worried about the kids and. Im happy but im worried at the same time however excited the kids are to see their friends again. Hugging is not allowed. Instead they have to wash their hands. Properly calibrated and sit in the classroom 2 metres apart which requires spreading the children to more rooms been out hiring. Young students to come in and supply our normal stuff so i have enough stuff apart from schools nurseries are also opening today but only half of them are ready to welcome kids due to the new Health Requirements with extra cleaning less furniture and more outdoor classes. The rest will open in the coming days. The kitchen is closed it says this used to be the kitchen area for children having breakfast in the morning if only kids under 11 years old who are back at schools in denmark the rest are still at home and these other lockers for the kids their jackets and shoes are here but theyre no longer allowed to be here in order to avoid them standing too close to each other. While the children here are happy being back. Thousands of parents are refusing to send their kids to school im responsible not the state not the kindergarten that im responsible for catching will keep the children in school for the next few weeks. Perhaps months and worried about their hours of course and weve been protecting our kids for the last months like mad and now theyre supposed to go ahead of it all and im also worried about the scenario theyll meet based on fear and distance which is not natural for a child. Back at the school its time for a short break molly you might like i dont get too close to each other but the children are only allowed to play in small groups of 4 and i feel bad for the kids because they want to play together and theyre not allowed to play together. See me john copenhagen about a mentor election in south korea has resulted in a big win for president janes governing Democratic Party south korea was one of the 1st major countries to hold a general election during the Global Pandemic and he see it as a referendum on the governments handling of the crisis from abroad reports from saul. As soon as polls opened it became clear people were turning out in large numbers if they were worried after weeks of social distancing they didnt seem to show it. I think theyre doing it quite safely i think theyre taking measurements theyre doing it quite right. There koreans and people around the world are equally concerned but we shouldnt cancel we should hold elections regardless 2 days of early voting last week so Record Numbers of voters including coronavirus patients able to vote in specially segregated polling stations. Special arrangements are also being made for the thousands of South Koreans currently in self quarantine to leave their homes and vote so long as theyre not showing symptoms at the end of regular polling some stations are being kept open just for that. This outbreak has changed the way Candidates Campaign and what theyre campaigning on. The issue of north korea has been significant in all elections until now tell young ho used to be the north Korean Deputy ambassador in london until his defection and has now won election in south koreas most affluent district gangnam everything is buried by the quiet maintain our brick and north korean Issue National Security Issues are no exceptions to this Current Situation the leader of a Minority Opposition Party and charles sue a medical doctor by training volunteered to help out in the daegu epicenter for 2 weeks and his partys popularity has improved version. And president who in jail in was lagging in the opinion polls with domestic scandals and poor Economic Performance until his handling of the outbreak which has been widely viewed as a success one of them led i got more interested in this election because of coronavirus and im looking at how politicians are responding to us. On the tone and president moon has handled the outbreak well ill vote accordingly. A majority of the electorate it seems agreed this ballot giving moons governing Democratic Party a convincing win and giving South Koreans a further milestone in the long struggle back to normal life robert bride al jazeera so. Here are asked her a devastating fire the great bell and cathedral has rung out again. It was founded on wednesday to mark the resilience of the building and that of french people battling the coronavirus epidemic while the country is under lockdown the official choir of the cathedral created a virtual us to the altered on the performance from their homes to mark one Year Anniversary since the fire. This is all just there and these are the top stories told trump says the u. S. Has turned a corner in the number of new Coronavirus Infections is beginning to slow he says he will unveil plans to reopen the economy on thursday thats despite a Record Number of americans more than 2300 killed by the virus in the past 24 hours. The data suggests that they should what we have passed the peak or new cases hopefully that will continue and we will continue to make great progress these encouraging developments have put a sort of very strong position to finalize guidelines for states on reopening the country which will be announcing were going to be talking about that tomorrow family 700. 00 sailors the francis Charles De Gaulle naval group have tested positive for the cause at 19 many of them were on the Aircraft Carrier when it returned to a port in to do not on monday france has reported a huge jump in the number of deaths nationwide with 1400 fatalities reported on wednesday sweden has also reported a sharp increase in the number of fatalities with 170 people reported killed by the virus on wednesday thats up from 114 the previous day so fast we didnt has not imposed total lockdown compared to other European Countries. German chancellor Angela Merkel has extended nationwide social distancing measures until may well some small shops and businesses will be allowed to reopen starting next week she says germany has achieved a fragile partial success against the outbreak large public gatherings remain banned until the end of august in colombia 4000 prisoners will be put on house arrest try and stop corona virus from spreading and its crowded jails to people with co the 19 died shortly after being released from prison the temporary measure will prioritize pregnant women and inmates with Health Issues or over the age of 60 a south korean president moon ruling party has won a majority in the parliamentary election the vote was seen by many as a referendum on the governments handling of the covert 19 outbreak. Headlines more news here on aljazeera after counting the cost to stay with us. Played a role. Hello im daryn jordan this is counting the cost on aljazeera you dont look at the world of business economics this week its been a little more than a decade since the financial crisis the pandemic pushed the banking and financial industry into another meltdown more jobs a loss than joining the Global Financial crisis and millions more on the line as 2000000000 people go into

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