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United states the authority is told. Hell decide when the u. S. Economy reopens but state governors say nothing will change until it is safe. Its stalled. And just today in canada the great forces transplant patients to keep waiting for lifesaving surgery. And support a top nascar driver has been suspended for using a racial slur entering an east Sports Events i believe you can hear me. Kyle larson has apologized for what he says was an inexcusable mistake. We begin in russia where officials have today announced another record daily rise in new code with 19 infections more than 2. 1700 cases were confirmed in just the last 24 hours the government says 170 russians have died and there are more than 20000 cases of spain loosens its locked on measures the death toll has surpassed 18000. 00 with another 567. 00 fatalities reported overnight there are signs the infection rate there is slowing because its seen the lowest increase in new cases in nearly a month in france the president emanuel micro has extended the countrys nationwide lockdown until at least may the elevons the eurozone 2nd biggest economy is now expected to contract by 8 percent this year only got this good money to false hospitals a saturated everywhere in france in the French Overseas territories the system is under strain there and the epidemic is not yet under control so we must continue our efforts and continue to respect the rules the more they are respected the more lives will be saved that is why the strictest lockdown must continue until monday may the 11th ok lets get more on the picture across europe our correspondent tracking that aspect of the story this neve barker sony what do we make of those stats coming to us out of russia. Yes an incremental jump on a daily basis according to the kremlin itself theyre expecting new infection rates to rise between 16 and 18 percent on a daily basis president Vladimir Putin has been pretty straight with the public in telling them that the situation is only going to get worse even in the russian capital moscow which is expected to be possibly days even weeks ahead of the rest of the country lets not forget of course how large russia raise is a got 11 time zones from vladivostok in the far east to moscow in the west trying to collate data and of course trying to roll out some Police Restrictions across a country of that size is going to be incredibly difficult nevertheless what we know of whats happening in the likes of moscow and St Petersburg restrictions are tight indeed shops are shuttered people are told to stay at home we have learned also that a new digital permit is being rolled out and bosco allowing some people access to their cars but under strict restrictions under strict regulation as well we know also that a piece of emergency legislation has been rushed through the russian duma that would see anyone flouting these restrictions possibly facing a 7 Year Prison Sentence thats how seriously the russian government taking their so when it comes to measures to bring they situation under control is Health Care System we know is under strain having queues of ambulances seen outside hospitals in the russian capital it is a Good Health System but its creaking we know that 18 hospitals new hospitals have been commissioned and the hope is to have 95000 beds ready for what the government assume will be an influx influx in cases very soon over the coming weeks and hows the dates coming to. Showing itself overnight the to do with deaths in england and wales. Yes weve had some new information come from the office of National Statistics here in the u. K. Which suggests that up until april the 3rd so earlier this month the death toll was actually 15 percent higher than the figure that was released by the government the reason for this disparity is because of where the deaths of taken place the official figure announced on a daily basis that the downing street briefing is only linked to the number of deaths within the Health Service or in hospitals it does not include people dying in care homes or dying out in the community in their own homes so if we take into consideration all of these deaths then what were seeing of course is a significant jump of 15 percent were also learning that 21 percent of all recorded deaths up until april the 3rd were attributed to cove it 19 so what can we draw from this well clearly a much more serious situation than initially thought its very very difficult of course to get a precise figure on the deaths information is coming in slowly from different parts of the country but all of this is going to be looked at closely when it comes to deciding whether or not to lift restrictions the British Government has to decide by thursday its legally bound to do so but what were hearing is that there are some differences of opinion within the cabinet about what to do next lets not forget of course businesses here in the u. K. Are have been really hit by weeks of restrictions billions of dollars a week theyre losing out on as a result of these restrictions they will be asking whether or not the pressure could be released a little bit ok navalny but they will talk later im sure thanks very much martin how terro joins us live from madrid martyr how are the overnight numbers looking where you are. Well its one month since the onset of a state of emergency lockdown in spain to date spain has all the castle ready 18000 of our best from corona virus and 170000 people infected though these numbers are going down every day are going down today we have produced in the past 24 hours 567 new fatalities from covering 1000 and so its nearly 3000. People infected weve seen how though the curve is flattening we have entered us have mr stated to yesterday we are entering. Is the village safe a fabulous ation face and so these figures are growing a little bit down every day but still there the numbers are quite worrying 2 days a 2nd wave the 2nd day people are returning to work and in many regions in spain yesterday 9 re just out of spain i started to take you know where these people from nonessential workers and economy and to this 2nd day still are Police Police are handing out mask in subway stations and people are keeping maintaining this all chill distancing of the 2 meters between each other and so people still goes on here ok marta thanks very much. Thousands of shops across austria are reopening to as the government loosens its lockdown measures there the Authorities Say its phase one of a gradual process to re start the economy austrias strict social distancing rules will remain in place and the government is urging people to stay home as much as possible in more than 14000 cases and nearly 400 deaths in austria chinas approved human trials for 2 experimental coronavirus vaccines as it tries to prevent a 2nd wave of infections state media announced one vaccine is being developed by a biotech firm and the other by the China National pharmaceutical group the country is now trying to contain imported cases especially from neighboring russia sarah clark joins us live from Hong Kong Sara what else do we know about these experimental chinese vaccines seem to be getting ahead of themselves because to go straight to human trials that super fast. But it sort of sounds like its going fast but clearly early stages at the moment and at this particular announcement was made earlier on tuesday initially by the news agency that the government controlled media operation but weve now had it confirmed from the National Health commission at the Daily Press Conference that this is chinas approval of 2 experimental coronavirus vaccines to go to Clinical Trials and as you mentioned these vaccines were vaccines will be developed in partnership number one with a Biotech Group based in beijing in the 2nd partner is one based out of this is a pharmaceutical group and as i mentioned has been confirmed by china but chinas already got a vaccine or a trial in place and that particular trial its audience its 2nd phase the 1st phase of that trial looked at the safety scenario of that vaccine and the 2nd one is now introduced by a. Perceiver control group so certainly its got enough at this stage 500 volunteers have signed up that we can now confirm about 3 vaccines in place in china but the National Health Commission Said it cant pass it must pass various conditions before they can enable mass production of the scientists. When they will report back to the efficacy of what theyre trying to achieve here. No but certainly the trying to fast track this and china certainly has an advantage as the 1st nation to be able to map the genome status of the corona virus and we have some light as numbers coming out of china were looking at a particular area now russia province in china that borders russia and weve had 409 infections coming from russia into china over the last few weeks the current number of cases in china is 89 as of today and this particular province accounts about 79 of those cases as of tuesday and as a result these cities put in a number of Border Protection control checkpoints in that area that healthy or Health Checks on those people coming from russia into china weve also got mandatory coronavirus testing from all those chinese nationals coming from russia into china theyve also set up a hotline to allow for those people in this particular province to report the illegal arrivals coming from russia china is also deployed a number of extra resources and medical teams from will hand and the south to that area and it seems that particular region is now the focus of what they could ringback believe might be a 2nd wave of infections into china sara thanks very much. Well as weve been hearing there is no a big race on globally not just in china and hong kong to develop a vaccine against cove at 19 there are at least 70 potential treatments in development 3 of them at the clinical stage which is when human trials begin outside china the us is the only other country doing human testing but some experts warn against rushing the process they say doing that could result in a vaccine that weakens the bodys ability to fight off the virus on its own americas top medical expert and. A vaccine could be ready within 12 to 18 months while Health Officials elsewhere say it could take even longer lets talk to john nichols hes a clinical professor of pathology at the university of hong kong his team was the one of the 1st outside of Mainland China to reproduce covert 19 in a lab for research he joins us on skype from Hong Kong John nichols great to have you back here on the news so the finish line in theory should be at least 12 months away how do they fast forward through that process. Well normally with the banks and to start off with small animals and then move to the primates and then to the humans but it seems of this one that theyve gone straight to the humans which are is a very Bold Decision on it but i must say is it risky. I think its very challenging because thats why you have to have the testing in the small animals to make sure that safe and that it works i think the other issue is that you notice that theyre all using young volunteers and this is actually going to be a big problem with this vaccine is that because the most of the mortality in this disease is in the elderly and in the elderly they dont mount a very strong immune response and thats called indian senescent so the best thing should actually be to see what a antibody response is in the elderly rather than the young so from a clinical point of view it would be better if they managed to get a study group a group of volunteers people in their sixtys in their seventys in their eightys well that because thats that the target population which has the highest mortality because if you remember you know weve got an aging population in hong kong during summers and 11 percent the population was over 65 now its 18 percent so if they have been best use of this vaccine. Should be really how much is going to prevent a serious disease in the elderly and this is got to be a step change through a linear process i mean a Safety Development efficacy and then approval and thats got to be approval handed down by multiple agencies and multiple countries. Thats why that could very confusing many got 70 people working on so many different vaccines everyone is going to compete and say theres going to be the best and so then you need to have some sort trawl of comparing different vaccines so its going to be a very big list just call and also challenge for all the right later authorities ok and phase 2 is randomized testing with some built in double blind analysis that comes back to as a statistical breakdown of the success or failure and i mean some people are saying Antony Funnell shes saying that process itself can take 2 years. What that stress right vaccines cant be rushed in because as was mentioned earlier is that if you rush a vaccine too much and you get side effects and thats going to have really deleterious effects and will also reads i know what percent of the population needs to have the munis heal vaccinations effective things like measles you need about 95 percent so beat because we really dont know at this stage what the proper herd immunity is challenging to know i what. Amount of the population will have to have a antibodies either through natural attraction or i mean or vaccination to be for it to be really effective i dont know if youve been hearing our earlier conversation here on the news mr nichols but we have been touching on this idea of herd immunity you know youve got countries like spain easing restrictions sweden you could get on a plane if you could find a plane to get on to go to sweden and the restaurants in the bars in the cinemas they are open because the swedish authorities have said herd immunity thats the future where do we stand now give us your insight on this where do we stand on the idea that herd immunity might provide some sort of cover in a contained environment and. Thats what people are talking about with this large amount muti got these people talk about these immunity passports or the problem is that right now we dont know the proper amount of what in that community will be effective and so i think thats why you know hong kong and other places are trying this gradual letting people see how much we can actually live with the infection and a small amount is just basically flattening out that some prayer or setting out this curve to a very very long period of time so i think thats what most countries will be doing we just testing the water see how much they can get back to a normal lifestyle without you the ice use and the hospital being overwhelmed with infections everyone is talking clearly about the vaccine herd immunity as well thats a given and also built in immunity off the back about herd immunity spreading through whichever country was of a community were talking about chloroquine and thats the other thing that people are looking into in the United States weve had its been reported weve got dead people in brazil because they tried chloroquine the swedish authorities the french authorities are saying no way donald trump the u. S. President is saying actually maybe give it a go and they are investigating chloroquine a scientific clue. Nicol level in the states as well is chloroquine a possible or not. This is a this is i think an issue where its actually the treatment of being sort of led by politics not by science so everybody has been saying lets get some proper scientific trials in the most people now say that french trial as that and put a few flaws and is not really scientifically valid but the problem is is that its being new to this home chloroquine is actually being led by the politics and so the science is is playing catch up so in a normal situation wed be doing proper trials we had to be controlled z. And subjects and now its just you know people are so desperate that they are putting it pushing aside science im not a big believer in the use of aurukun because i dont think the side effects and also the and its not really been proven sand i think the way in which some areas are just you know pushing it and recommending big population takes as a prophylaxis i think is very dangerous especially with the toxicity which has been associated with it ok listen to the professors listen to the signs listen to the doctors Professor John nicholls weve listened to you thank you so much for joining us again here on aljazeera thank you so much. Lots more ground still to come before you go on the news hour including adjusting to a new reality south korea prepares for elections jur in the pandemic. Turkey is set to release tens of thousands of prisoners in a bid to slow the spread of the virus find out why a human Rights Groups are criticizing that move. On the sports news of the Tour De France looks set to join the list of major sporting events called off because of the pandemic. Us President Donald Trump has used his late sis Coronavirus Briefing to play a Campaign Style Video Montage he declared he alone has the quotes total of thought to decide when the u. S. Economy will reopen the u. S. Death toll is approaching 24000 it is the worlds highest john hendren has that story. President donald trump is determined to open American Homes and businesses even over the objections of some states when somebody is the president of the United States the authority is total and thats so its got to be hold your 36. 00 total its talk of the states closed the governors of new york and illinois dispute that saying they want to end shelter at home orders based on science and they say the science isnt clear on that yet we want to get things back to more normal as soon as we can but one thing that we have to Pay Attention to is what direction are these curves going and what are the what is the advice that were getting from again the scientists and the doctors who know more about immunology and about you know all the issues of covert 19 then you know then a an elected official is not a doctor in a fiery 2 and a half hour News Conference President Trump excoriated journalists you know youre a fake so whatever theyre doing it smirked as he showed a montage of news reports that he said underplayed the threat of the virus. And denied he had any problem with his point man on the pandemic even after retreating a twitter post saying fire found not everybodys happy with anthony not everybodys happy with everybody it happened one day after the man at the center of the controversy anthony said fewer people would have died if the u. S. Administration had acted sooner it was found she said that was it but who are choice of word this on earlier you know im doing. Everything i do is voluntarily please dont even imply that the president was especially irate over a New York Times report saying he ignored warnings of the pandemic in bungled the early response for 80000000 americans there was good news in the White House Briefing with more of them out of work than in any time since the Great Depression treasury secretary Steve Menuhin said they could expect long awaited stimulus checks of up to 1200. 00 apiece direct deposited in their Bank Accounts on wednesday. The spectacle eclipse the results of the wisconsin election announced one week after the state forced voters to gather at polling places despite the pandemic the man the president assailed throughout his News Conference his chief rival joe biden won handily john hendren aljazeera chicago. Of the size of the world india extending is locked on for another 2 and a half weeks up until may these but the Prime Minister not and remote he says restrictions could be partially eased in areas with no infections india has recorded its more than 10000 cases and at least 350 deaths jaw. Hard. Those who do not let the areas become a hotspot will have a low possibility of turning them into a hotspot these places will be allowed to carry out in pulled negativities from april the 20th a detail god line will be released by the government tomorrow on this friends from april the 20th the provision of this limited relief in specific sectors has been made in keeping in mind with the livelihood of our poor brothers and sisters. Elizabeth raman is in new delhi she reports now there is growing concern in india over the implications of the lock down the Prime Minister tried to address some of the main issues around those concerns most people in india do agree that the lockdown is necessary as he himself said there were 550 cases when india imposed a lockdown 3 weeks ago there are 10000 cases now and 350 deaths of the lockdown must continue but how do you miss ingate the hardships for so many in a country where so many are already poor and hundreds of millions are daily wage it is well the Prime Minister said that he acknowledges the difficulties that they have gone through disproportionately that the daily wage earners are his top priority but he didnt expand about how hes going to get the help that both central and state governments have promised them but they still isnt reaching so many people and were seeing that the Unemployment Rate has gone up from 6 to least 23 percent he also spoke about the agricultural situation in the country Something Like a hof of indias workforce actually books and farming and fathers havent been able to have the say went to crops they also havent been able to plant some across the cause of a lack of labor because of the disruption to the supply chain and india is facing a possible agricultural and food crisis. Turkeys releasing tens of thousands of prisoners as part of measures to stop the virus spreading there the parliament approved a new law earlier on tuesday but human Rights Groups of criticized the move saying detainees charged under anti terror legislation on not included in istanbul reports the critics believe the government could use the new law in the wrong way at the wrong time the release is about 45000. 00 inmates which amendments and everything that can reach up to at least 90000. 00 inmates in turkey which means one 3rd of turkeys a prison population basically is a list low actually excludes the terrorism charges home aside murder drug dealers these call makes are excluded from this bill as upon the request of president as he stated before but one thing is very sensitive especially for the nationalist party which has been the ally for the ruling party for the last couple of years because both parties build up the majority in the parliament the nationalist party has been very sensitive about terrorism charges especially. Even though they dont pronounce it for dick for the kurdish Political Party members who have been in prison this this bill actually is welcomed by many in the Turkish Society and however it is perceived that the governments may use its arbitrary arbitrary to terrorism low against its warts its political distance by using this law thats why they say journalists political crime members or those politicians should also be in the bill that should be released at least own peril. Ok lets step away from the coronavirus pandemic for a 2nd bring you one other top story libyas u. N. Backed government has made significant gains capturing 7 tons from the warlord after his control his forces have pulled back to an air base in the southwest. As the latest for us from tripoli. Residential areas in the libyan capital targeted by indiscriminate shelling the u. N. Backed government says forces loyal to the warlord city for hefted are attacking the city in reaction to their defeat in the west of the country. People in the coastal city of sobriety cheering the liberation of the city by the Government Forces. And other nearby cities including sort of mine and have been also recaptured by the Government Forces. After the supporters all controlled those cities for the past 3 years were driven out in 24 hours after heavy fighting. The swift takeover of those cities sees Government Forces changing their strategy from defensive to a fine sieve moved the balance has shifted tradition and turkish aerial support and turkish training has helped the g. S. A. And now theyve reached parity or maybe even supremacy in the air and they are undercutting the l. A. Supply line on all directions. Sobran about 80 kilometers west of tripoli is a key city whoever controls it can move on many other cities in the west it also makes again in control of the International Coastal highway easier a key link between tripoli and the tunisian border Government Forces other anti have to forces can now link up with them the United Nations has been calling on the warring sides to stop fighting and focus on the responding to an amazing number of covert 19 infections we are concerned about all of the continued fighting. From whichever side including of course the latest shelling but we as you know have been asking for the parties to cease fighting its very clear that right now there are the 1st signs of groping 1000 and factions in libya and we need to make sure that they can set aside their all military offense and and Work Together in terms of being able to allow for us to deal with the pandemic before that comes out of control and so that is where our prayer priority lies coronavirus is opening up a new front in libya and the fall of these cities do they you and back the government is another setback to have after he lost the strategic city over the last june by eliminating the threat to tripoli from the western direction the Government Forces say they can now focus on repealing hafter his forces attacks in southern tripoli but with continuing the shelling of residential areas it seems that all calls for the escalation have gone unheard mahmud up to. Tripoli. Time for weather is evident thanks very much preterist a lot being back in scotland at the moment isnt that faith there is cold and its wet not quite that bad shall we say a lot of clouds showing up on the satellite picture and weve seen some really heavy rain recently very mild last week which is about 3 or 4 days ago we were getting up to around 40 celsius here in doha next few days were struggling to get to the mid to high twentys but a lot of cloud and or a molest wretchs right out of afghanistan iran right the way down across the u. A. E. Pushing right down into the southern end of the red sea into yemen in fact and weve seen widespread flooding here as a result of some very heavy downpours some heavy and steady rain it has caused damage to property strong gusty winds along with the heavy downpours and you can see the kind of chaos that it has caused im afraid there will be further showers here as we go on through the next couple of days as well this is the remainder of choose day for the showers there down into yemen pushing into that western side of saudi arabia up towards the north as well not too bad here in qatar temperatures and getting up to around 20 celsius and fahrenheit nicely the sun is out for now make the most of it because come tomorrow come wednesday that rain really peps up once again rural across southern parts of saudi arabia pushing right across the u. A. E. Into that western side of iran it will gradually clear through as we go on through thursday peyton wind and rain just like in april so they are. Still to come here on the news out how secure is your all knowing working from home environment will tell you how to stay safe and secure. Coronavirus hasnt slowed illegal logging in the amazon satellite data shows deforestation is surging and this was news for you know what this australian player has to say about the possible test match. Play. Seen as a burden countless babies are aborted in india simply for being girls. But amidst this resistance even from her own patients the fearless midwife has adopted the course of challenging deeply ingrained traditions and terminating this modern day she decides the daughter to a witness on aljazeera. Reporting in the field means i often get to witness not just the news of breaking but also history as its unfolding crossing from serbia into hungary the refuge there might be covering politics of angel and the next i might become like protests. Whats most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human weight loss. We believe everyone has a story worth hearing. Youre watching the aljazeera news hour and peter dopy youre headlining stories russia has reported another record daily rise in new infections with more than 2700. 00 and the government says 170. 00 russians have died total number of cases now more than 21000. Spain has reported the lowest increase in new cases in nearly a months when you open infection rate there is slowing the authorities reported one of the 567. 00 deaths on tuesday pushing the total past 18 times. Chinas approved human trials for 2 new experiments of vaccines against the virus suffice to prevent a 2nd wave of infections. Criminals are adapting their methods to exploit the Global Pandemic cyber crime is increasing and expected to rise still further a report from europol has identified cyber crime fraud counterfeit goods and organized property crime as categories of particular concern in canada scammers are trying to obtain victims bank details through fraudulent Text Messages promising them government money in the u. K. Overall crime has fallen by 21 percent but people in the u. K. Have been called out of 2 point 2000000. 00. Southeast asian leaders are pledged to unify in the fight against coronavirus in the region speaking on a Video Conferencing link up leaders disrupt the pandemic as the greatest Public Health crisis in 100 years cases and countries that make up the association of Southeast Asian nations as again have soared to more than 20000. 00 over the past month but with limited testing in many countries doctors suspect those numbers could be much higher or many governments around the world have been using Video Conferencing and streaming to continue their work while maintaining social distancing but there have been warnings from researchers that certain platforms may not be safe lets talk now to david vaile hes chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation he joins us from sydney david vaile which ones can we use which one should we avoid or once we plumb them in which one should we make sure those security settings are really really good look i think unless youre actually a security technologist and armed glorying my advice from Bruce Schneier whos one of the best in the world hes got a very good coverage of the risks here but unless youre that standard i do not use zoom and its very clear its very simple theres lots of other tools that none of them necessarily perfect but zoom stands out as being a real problem whats wrong with it. Well theres at least 3 Different Levels in terms of privacy theyre very equivocal about whether they sell your information and it seems like theyre doing things like passing information straight how to say facebook or google because they didnt actually understand how the software worked here showing people online stuff that theyre dug out of linked in so users can spy on other people on the the system but theyre also the real problem is the security the Security Model is pretty hopeless they promise that they do end to end in crippen but it turns out they dont actually do that they say they use a reasonable encrypt in case but its a really short one thats very easy to crack theres also the problem that the zune bombing where people randomly find others logging in and crashing their conferences and this turns out to be because they forgot to make a long enough session id so that people couldnt just guess it so it goes on you know theres a short to sort encyclopedia you could write about this and so it shows that because theres so many arrows in there and there are so many different types and some of them and deliberate and some of them are negligent and some of them are they didnt even realize that the overall Quality Control or the Risk Management or the governance of the Software Process is pretty pathetic and kermit im wrong here i think this is the zoom platform i picked this up last week from a friend who had signed up to use it that even if you give zoom a new slash fake email address and you have a new slash fake user id somebody can still hack into that conversation when youre on zoom and they can get to your real i. D. Therefore they can hack all your real personal information because you know everyones got their life on this kind of device. Well theres a number of different possibilities here or one of them is the reports that are low the Windows Platform people who are able to hack in through zoom can actually get your log in credentials like this should ring peoples alarm bells its an invitation for hacking and installing malware and whatever but theres also the fundamental problem that they collect a huge amount of information already about your device about you know its technical components perhaps the. Network can identify a virus a dent a fire p. Address of course lots of other information and if youve sort of come in you know using sort of a fake id to try and protect yourself its quite likely that the combination of Everything Else that they collect and that they reserve the right to share or sell with with other people would enable them to sort of really outdid to fire you for that so because theyre really an absolutely veracious surveillance economy business theyre really not putting your security 1st and they get caught theyre part of that californian move fast and break things or forgiveness not commission sort of cult that thinks if you can get away with it it must be ok just to interrupt you just to get some one final point please sir if we may and i apologize for cutting across your birds that you were talking there about governance to some of this come down to government because see the German Government has very very strict legislation that feeds into what you can download what you cant download and what you can publish online publicly or not does every country around the world need to get take a leaf out of the german playbook in as much as you know this is the new normal so new kits being plumbed into our houses are flats by us were all going to carry on doing it. Absolutely i think the germans have got the right idea and been responsible for detecting a lot of the abuses in the past and so theres some uses quite a few uses that would probably be illegal in germany everybody else really should step up to that the other country angle is also that zoom in the internet based in california actually uses 700 programs based in china and so theres now questions about whether the Chinese Government may be in a position to put pressure on those programmers and so you know that its murky at both ends ok david vaile great to talk to you from sydney thank you so much thank you for the pandemic threatens to leave millions more americans going hungry as companies lay off workers but food is going to waste at the same time classical hain explains why. Its happening across the Country Rivers of milk dumped down drains and ponds millions of leaders wasted by farmers who say they cant sell it the reason about half of their customers are closed restaurants bars School Cafeterias all shuttered but at the same time store shelves are mostly empty theres very little milk to be found and those that can find some are being limited to how much they can buy Wisconsin Dairy farmer Marty Hallock says the problem is that milk packets for restaurants is not the same as the kind they can sell in stores now. Plants were sent to our bottle now in certain containers so i. E. The schools where its marketed are you know a lot of people buy them small containers and store a minute and then to be honest with the. Issue from storage out in trucking and now there is a new concern about the countrys meat supply meat packing plants are tight quarters and as workers get sick but the coronavirus plants are closing across the country analyst steve meyer says he expects more plants to close especially as it peaks in certain states at the end of may but he says the country will not run out of meat remember that a plan to get out does that mean that the hogs disappear i suppose hogs are still out there they will have to be slaughtered and processed at some point and. So as long as the plants are permanently down were not running out and all of this is happening while tens of millions of americans go hungry with so many out of work this is what Food Bank Distribution now looks like all across the country from california to pennsylvania florida to texas miles of cars lined up for a box of free food were looking at an increase of 17100000. 00 people over the course of the next 6 months when they see that coming into the hearts some of them smile and some of them cry its been an increasing trend up until now americans have spent more money at restaurants and bars their Grocery Stores that is what the supply chain was built for bringing the country to this point so much fresh food wasted when its desperately needed the most practical hain and jazeera Washington Well in hospitals across canada many Organ Transplants and other surgeries are being put on hold to give priority to patients with cope at 19 dr said the delays and also a frustrating but dangerous dialect mount from toronto. Mistrustful but just he had a right a 15 year old to leah allie needs a double Lung Transplant she was told to prepare for surgery earlier this month but because of covert 19 most transplants are on hold to leah and her mother lisa are sheltering at home determined to stay healthy well i had to kind of keep my son in battle just as much as shes in the middle because im her primary caregiver so. Her medication all that stuff thats my job operations like to live as have been delayed because the risk of her getting cold at 19 with a suppressed immune system is simply too high cases like this mean lungs that someone else had agreed to donate before they died cannot be used Current Technology allows us to preserve and fav an organ for about 24 hours. A technology existing that would allow us a phrase that are going down for a month or something until the. Feds say those organs are gone and lost them a different challenge faces kidney patient pariss scanned and a Graphic Designer and photographer hell get a new kidney from someone whos still alive whats known as a living donation but these operations are also suspended he needs twice weekly dialysis but that means traveling outside his home risking infection and i dont want to complain too much because i am lucky enough to. My family somebody to do is offering to give. So that that is really. You know most of the people hes not as lucky. Already some 200. 00 canadians die each year awaiting Organ Transplants the pandemic will certainly lengthen that list what were trying to do it again you know were just trying to balance the breath and the band and try to try to do whats best for them very heartbreaking the only way to restore hope for people like paris is scanned into leah alley and others is to bring the pandemic under control so medical staff can begin helping patients with conditions other than cold 19 daniel like al jazeera toronto. While the worlds attention has been absorbed by the pandemic data from brazils National Institute shows deforestation in the amazon has increased by 50 percent compared to this time last year this is not only a threat to the environment but also to indigenous communities and there are fears that locals who work illegally could put them at risk from 19 to raise a boat explains. Members of brazils Environmental Agency evolve head into the rain forest to fight deforestation. Its been on the rise in the past year they have come to the at the land in the state of to protect Indigenous Territory from eagle gold miners anothers says give us so. We are trying to prevent the land takeover that is happening in this Indigenous Territory and the neighboring ones is being promoted by invaders and illegal miners that are trying to take away their land theres coronavirus and these people become more fragile and vulnerable. Theres been deforestation alerts from the Space Research institute in almost 800 square kilometers of brazils rain forest its a 50 percent increase if compared to the same period last year since taking Office President jalal tornado has been calling to open up the amazon for development and those involved in illegal activities here have taken his words seriously miami daniel represents that road i mindedness community and says shes afraid illegal gold miners will spread kovi 1000. But only if the virus enters our land were worried we want to have enough to tendin a company all our members we have more than 50000 indigenous communities in this country and were very worried about that we dont have enough doctors for what could happen here last week a 15 year old boy died of covert 19 he belonged to the gentleman Mean Community theres around 20000 illegal gold miners in general mommy territory which stretches at the border between brazil and venezuela in the 1960 s. And eightys illegal miners introduce deceases such as missiles among the gentle mom Indigenous Community here it killed around 50 percent of the population many here fear the same thing could happen again and thats why members of the Indigenous Community have blocked the access roads to their land nationalist group. We are worried about the coronavirus in our community that is why from now on our security people will be here to inspect the entrance of our Community People from outside were not be allowed to enter we also ask for the residents to not leave the Community President has minimize the impact over 1000 could have in his country even though infections are starting to spread to brazils most remote areas indigenous communities there are asking the government to help them in a fight they cannot win alone because i will. South korea is preparing to hold a National Election its 1st since the outbreak began despite the health risks there are indications the virus wont stop people from voting rob mcbride is in seoul. How to hold an election at a time of pandemic carefully in a country already following strict preventive measures extra precautions are in force at polling stations this was early voting last week that had a record turnout including among coronavirus patients who were provided with their own polling stations but. After learning i can vote i feel very grateful that patients like myself were given a chance to vote oh. This polling station was in the countrys most densely populated province around the capital seoul. Can ask patients to give up their right to vote on but we also cant let them vote with regular citizens so we set up this facility so that patients can vote casting his vote early president. Before this outbreak he was struggling in the opinion polls with poor Economic Performance domestic political scandals and a stalled reconciliation policy with north korea in the early days of the crisis the spiraling number of infections combined with moons refusal to ban people arriving from china meant his Approval Rating plummeted further to 41 percent but as the outbreak has been brought under control so his fortunes have improved with more than half of South Koreans now believing hes done a good job that could see a boost for the ruling party and its allies the popularity of the president has been surge and the ruling party can really pin you banging on the surge in popularity of the e. U. Directive branch of the government and the effective management of the situation in this new reality. There are new norms for how Candidates Campaign balancing the need to connect with voters with a more pressing need for safety. Because candidates still have to publicize themselves and meet voters we had the idea of wearing clear face masks instead of ones that hide your entire face its in stark contrast to the more exuberant style of campaigning that South Koreans are used to. But as south korea has been providing other countries with lessons on how to deal with the pandemic its also giving pointers on how to hold events like elections in the middle of one bride al jazeera so. Still to come here on the news the sports news the experience coach facing a new challenge in germanys top football the story when we come back. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to me. As a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state amounts we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generation breastpin pioneering future energy. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise leave the looking at another side of this story not the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality and you have a lot exposing. Their rhetoric and. They can. Be listening post your inside guy to the media on aljazeera. The rule. The or. Just course use is far greater thank you so much the biggest cycling race in the world the Tour De France has been postponed organizers say it isnt possible for the race to start as planned on june the 27th thats after the french government extended the ban on Mass Gatherings until mid july its not clear yet if the race will be moved to a later date this years gerrards hellyeah has already been scrapped racing driver larson has been suspended indefinitely by the nascar series and his team it comes after a used a racial slur during in the east Sports Events and i believe you said you have been. On the 27 year old american had been competing in the virtual race on sunday all but one of his main sponsors of either ended or suspended their contracts with larson hes since issued this apology online and i just want to say im sorry last night i made a mistake and said the word that should never ever be said in you theres no excuse for that you know i wasnt raised that way you know its just an awful thing to say and i feel very sorry for my family my friends my partners the nascar community and especially the africanamerican community. A top flight football in germany is edging towards a return the but does league air have been suspended since mid march but teams are now allowed to train under strict conditions or berlins new coaches having to adapt his teams sessions the squad are only training in small groups to save to senses can be kept between the players so. I was a given as it once youre on this is an extremely unusual situation and youre always having to think about how to deal with that same i cant shake hands i cant take someone by the arm to the side of the pitch for a talk these are things that a very unusual twist but its the same for everyone else a mother of n. B. A. Allstar call Anthony Towns as died after contracting corona virus jackley increased towns with 58. 00 and had been ill with the virus for more than a month she regularly attends her sons games at the Minnesota Timberwolves australian cricketer nathan lyon is hoping his country will get the chance to take on india later this year even if matches have to be played in empty stadiums australias torah to bangladesh in june has already been cancelled the worlds top ranked has team india are due to arrive in australia in october also their absolute chaos to get warm. And to be honest with flying from the proud. Crowds. We. All boil all boiled it was a bowl of milk. On the wall giving. Its area controlled to be honest with. No crowd or message this. Many elite athletes are having to improvise with new training techniques at a time when theyre away from teammates and coaches counter Sports Medicine the hospital asp atar is offering a helping hand with on line advice and training routines that can be done at home their doctors say maintaining Good Mental Health is every bit as important as staying in peak physical condition we want to support athletes in this time with facts with rationality and we want to demonstrate solidarity with them it is really difficult for for for many of us have to accept the Current Situation but then again we know athletes are resilient they need to cope with a lot of different stress situations they are used to doing exactly this in a major competition level etc so we actually see a lot of resilience in the elite competitive athletes. They know this well and they know they will come to do over this and the competition and the competition should will start again. And i think another company being comfortable factors well they know they are all in this both together and we see very good. Results with teams connect with each other on social media reducing the sort of product that comes and share their concerns and share their struggles and their anxieties and i think this is the really this is the exciting thing about the current challenges that we will face so we see so many athletes approaches teams. Changing and this into an opportunity and this is wonderful to see and who knows this might actually change a few things even off to the front of owners pandemic. Organizers of the riches horse race in the world the saudi cap are withholding the serious prize money after the winning trainer was charged with horse doping maximun security won a 20000000. 00 race back in february that sense than trainer Jason Service has been indicted in the us hes been fired by the maximum securities elenor but saudi capital say no cash will be handed out while they conduct their own investigation. Ok and that is all your support for now peter back to you many thanks im off to do pushups with the so 1st sammy davis here on the other side of the break ill see with 60 minutes of news the news hour is back from 13 g. C. About. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is. A history of guerrilla warfare. A place on the global stage. Name for an organization created for stateless population. Before fighting for their land why did the p. L. O. Fight for independence from their arab neighbors. Chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution my knowledge is in. Subzero temperatures the stream altitude its deadly. This is where the hard part is the extraordinary journey from polish to touch it you start braved quite ordinary joins us at the thought of what we do high up theres no oxygen. Just to experience life simple pleasures. Risking it all in kurdistan on aljazeera. We understand the difference is in similarities of cultures across the wound so matter how you take. Out just the. Current affairs that matter to you. Countess to. Russia reports another recall daily rise in corona virus infections pushing its total beyond 20000. 00. Im samis a that this is out just here a lot from also coming up china proves to experimental covert 19 vaccines for human trials. When somebody is the president of the United States they are 30 years total

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