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Economy the greatest economy weve ever had the highest employment numbers the best employment numbers best unemployment numbers also the best of everything so on january 31st think of it not one person has died not one nobody died that one john you know i dont think youll find any this is reported by c. D. C. Confirmed by the news which doesnt mean anything to make as they dont tell the truth but c. D. C. Reported january 31st not one person has died and i issued a travel restriction from china think of it so nobody died in a shoot you cant get earlier than that so we have nobody died and i said china you cant come in im sorry because i saw what was going on wasnt so much what i was told it was that i saw what was going on and i didnt like it. But i did speak to tony about didnt speak to very many people about it i didnt like it so what did i do ready january 31st in the United States not one person had died because of the again the woman but iris so i issued travel restrictions and that date even though nobody died and i got brutalize over it by the press because i was way too early i should have done it brutalized by the press but you know sort of ive been brutalized the last 4 years i used to do well before i decided to run for politics but i guess im doing ok because to the best of my knowledge im the president of the United States despite the things that are said. So then 1st mandatory quarantine in more than 50 years we did it 1st mandatory in 50 years the same restrictions that the democrats in the media called xenophobic now joe biden said hes a racist call me a racist because i said were shutting down entry from china were shutting it down he called me xenophobia and he called me a racist and other things since then on a friday night 2 weeks ago joe biden issued a stay wasnt him he didnt write it im sure he isnt even know that it was issued but the people from his campaign who are smart people that write his little p. R. Release is a pretty smart reasonably good nothink best with enough it but they issued a statement saying that joe biden. Agrees that the press that President Trump was right to close it down to china now he did that and he issued it in a friday night weve all heard about that john friday night or it in fact his was later friday night than i ever release mine on friday nights ok so he did he did a pretty late i mean you know like at 11 oclock in the evening or something you know its pretty late anyway so joe biden issued and its one of those things but. In february nancy pelosi said we should come to china to have this is late february come to chinatown we think its very safe come here lets all have the big parade china town parade probably refer to San Francisco and thats it but i took this action early and. So the story in the New York Times is a total fake its a fake newspaper they write fake stories and someday hopefully in 5 years when im not here those papers are all going out of business because nobodys going to want to read them but now they like them because they write about me now with that i have a couple of interesting we have a few clips that were just going to put up what could turn the lights a little bit lower i think youll find them interesting and then well. Answer some questions ask you some questions because youre still guilty but forget it but most importantly were going to get back on to the reason were here which is the success were having ok please you could put it on. Something want to concern right now with the full scope if we want to the News Conference there with president rejecting suggestions that he was slow to react to warnings from aides and experts about coronavirus and running the timeline during which he closed down flights from china for instance we also heard from Anthony Fauci the medical advisor who was suggesting that the president had listened to his recommendations on mitigation lets bring in john hendren from chicago so a big pushback from both talked about general so President Trump on the on the criticism. Thats right its notable that this News Conference was substantially delayed one wonders whether that involved a conversation between the president and anthony found she found she says he came out and spoke voluntarily saying a number of things 1st of all that the only time he actually recommended mitigation of the president was in mid march when he took those actions of the president said yes on that occasion and then on a 2nd occasion when he went to the president and recommended extending those lockdown measures that he had asked the president to institute an initial lease and then he was asked about the statement that he. Made on American Television on sunday saying there was a lot of pushback to trying to launch some of these mitigation efforts earlier on january february and he said in this News Conference that is that was a bad choice of words so youve got him really dialing back what he has said in the past however its also notable that she is also the person who said years ago in the h 5 n one virus that that could be the pandemic that exhausts the worlds resources in the United States resources in order to take care of that pandemic it didnt happen in that case but he said it will happen and this was many years ago found he has been aggressive in terms of getting the u. S. Government ready to treat the pandemic that would ultimately come didnt know which one it was and today you hear him dialing back a little bit saying that he was perhaps misinterpreted in suggesting that it was the president who could have acted earlier and he said all he was really saying was that it is logical to assume that if you acted earlier those mitigation efforts like locking down businesses and keeping people in their homes they actually work so the earlier you did that the more lives would be saved but he also said the later you do that. The you know the more lives would be lost so then youve got the president sort of dressing down the press i suspect a lot of this has to do with the New York Times story last week that mentioned a number of emails there were called the red dawn email chain among a number of people in the trumpet ministration several senior officials including Peter Navarro the trade adviser to the president. Him about that how bad this pandemic would. One of them saying it was going to be very bad numerous warnings but the president here says he acted early and he points to the fact that he stopped travel from china where he wasnt able to point to was doing the lockdowns and other mitigation efforts before mid march and he had been advised to do that. And john i think will not just listen back into President Trump briefly and come back and democratic or democrat as i call them governors which is actually the correct term. We could give you hundreds of clips just like that we have them. We didnt want this to go on too long but i just want to say its you know its very sad and people right fall stores like in that case i guess who has gotten mostly from the New York Times which is a highly i mean if you had libel laws they would have been out of business even before though end up going out of business so its too bad but we could have given you saw the statements we have hundreds of statements hundreds of statements including from democrats and democrat governors and if you look they were all saying we need ventilators we need you know here ventilators anymore they have all the ventilators they need which we were right about we said youre asking for too many you dont need that and in all fairness these 2 people right here dr burkes doctor. They said i dont think they need that many even as i said i agree at one point and im not doc in new york for this but there is can remember 40000 ventilators and thats more than they have all over the country and we got them a lot of ventilators and nobodys complained we got them as you know beautiful we built hospitals rooms all over the country the governor of louisiana John Bell Edwards was very nice he said you know what you dont have to build a 2nd hospital because good news is happening theyre not able to fill the beds they needed to hospitals we built one it was perfect were getting were just starting the other i call them up as if you think we should build the 2nd one i dont think youre going to need it he said let me get back you get back we didnt need it. With Governor Cuomo it will good spirit and faith he wanted to have the Jacob Javits Center done and wed be. 2900. 00 incredible beds incredible then we make it we made it coded and or to be exactly accurate covert 19 and which was a lot of work we had to change the duct work we had a seal up certain areas we had to put. There is of roof top things over the beds we did a lot of work and we had it but they never really had too much is floored and they called also bear de blasio rightfully he called he said would it be possible to get more medical help so now not only were billing facilities when they rescued us to help because they were unable to manage and we got him the help we got married to blasio lot of help then when the Javits Center wasnt used much and then as you know the mercy we took the mercy of we took the comfort and we made them both los angeles and new york and we made them. Adaptable which was not easy to do and we didnt get almost any people sent there. They didnt need them at the beginning because they didnt need it for anything but this because there are fewer accidents here motorcycles here d or there and what we did was like an incredible job but they didnt need it turned out they were there who were ready you know the expression they have an expression ready willing and able we were ready willing and able what the army corps of engineers did was a miracle what what fema did was a miracle what the doctor has to so i got a call 2 days ago from the mayor of new york he said could you help us even more with medical personnel and we sent 448 doctors nurses and respiratory experts real experts. And i got a call from the marriage he said i want to tell you incredible these people are incredible he said they lifted the spirits of the spittle workers from new york city like nothing ive ever seen he see was unbelievable what he said was really appreciated and i let them know that i let the military people he said they went in there so brave so incredible they lifted the spirits of everybody we did all of this work but when you read the phony stories you nobody nobody acknowledges this and it doesnt have to be acknowledged from my standpoint but it does have to be acknowledged from the great work that these doctors nurses the army corps of Engineers Team all these people theyve done this incredible job and they shouldnt be abused because if you take a look at whats happened nobodys asking for ventilators except outside of our country outside of our country theyre calling me every country theyre calling me so many countries and im going to try and help them because we have thousands of ventilators being built but nobodys asking for ventilators nobodys asking for beds because we built hospitals i think we built 20000 beds in a period of a couple of weeks the job theyve done is incredible with all of that being said im getting along very well with the governors and if i wouldnt mike pence had a call today with the governors and it was like a 10 i said how was it he said its a tent he was one of my expressions actually but he said it was like a 10 and im sure you people were probably on the call oh there you werent supposed to be but you were sitting and somebody is office listening to it because every time we have these and you know and you would know that. Weeks later watching the News Conference there with President Trump earlier carney praising the efforts of all those involved in the fight against corona virus he said overall the number of daily new Coronavirus Infections remains flat so progress is being made a lot of the News Conference was spent pushing back against allegations that he might have taken measures mitigation measures too late and he insisted that actually hed been early on that would bring you more on this News Conference a little later on but 1st to move on to the rest of the coverage of coronavirus or the World Health Organization has warned countries against prematurely lifting their lockdowns saying Public Health measures must be in place before restrictions can be eased it comes as nations across the globe try to balance the economic fallout from the coronavirus against continued confinement the way down is march slower than the way up the road to means control measures must be lifted slowly and weve gone through all it cannot happen all at once control measures can only be lifted if the right public of the measures our employees including significant capacity for contact truce in france has announced its extending its lockdown until may the 11th president in one year in the course says the country was not sufficiently prepared for the outbreak but numbers are beginning to steady says neighbors spain and italy a relaxing the restrictions dominant cane begins as a look at the situation across europe. For many thousands of people across europe this is the reality of the coronavirus for many millions more it means locked down and the loss of their freedom of movement and for many weeks thats been the case in france now its president says it must stay that way a lot longer. Come on in the false hospitals a saturated everywhere in france in the French Overseas territories the system is under strain and the epidemic is not yet under control so we must continue our efforts and continue to respect the rules the more they are respected the more lives will be saved that is why the strictest lockdown must continue until monday may the 11th. But elsewhere monday meant to return to work after weeks in lockdown as here in madrid because in this and a few other sectors of the economy the toughest restrictions have been lifted and some spanish politicians say now is not the time to relax the vigilance even to this small extent and in most other regards the existing lockdown will remain in place for much of the next 2 weeks in italy a small number of stationery shops book shops and Childrens Clothing stores can reopen from choose day because here the number of new infections remains considerably lower than joining the worst days last month but as in spain the mortality rate remains high a point pope francis referred to in his Easter Monday address at the vatican or g. During this easter week i would like to remember with closeness and affection all the countries strongly affected by the coronavirus some with large numbers of infected and in a special way italy United States spain france the list is long. And many other countries are worried too the latest figures from russia show the infection and mortality rates are on a steep upward curve. As we can see the 3 to ation is changing almost every day unfortunately its not changing for the better the number of infected people increases and there are more 3 big cases those were the upcoming weeks would largely be decided. That means that all are actually including prevention measures that should be optimized here in germany the abundance of intensive cabbage and wide scale testing has helped to keep the mortality rate much lower than in much of the rest of europe which explains why some politicians now want to relax the restrictions here so as to reduce the economic damage as much as possible because some projections suggest that in this quarter alone the economy may shrink while most 10 percent if the lock downs are to ease we should get the 1st news of it on wednesday when Angela Merkel will discuss the problem with the prime ministers of the 16 german states dominant kain aljazeera berlin. And yorks governor says he will coordinate with his counterparts in 5 neighboring states on when to reopen businesses and schools no time frame was given but andrew cuomo says the worst is now over for new york all in 10000 people have died that if we continue to be smart Going Forward because remember we have the here and on that ground you turn that valve too fast youll see that number jump right back but yes i think you could say the worst is over because the worst here are people dying thats the worst the worst doesnt get any bad then this worst and this worst is people dying thats the worst more than 100 South Koreans who previously had coronavirus have again tested positive 51 in similar cases reported that last week president to being asked to stick to strict social distancing measures until at least the end of this week well that bride is watching developments from seoul. It is a worrying development this is a phenomenon that epidemiologists in the center of Disease Control here have been studying for quite a while the months this Large Population of people here who got sick towards the end of february beginning of march who got the virus through with another treated in hospital or treated at home and some 7000 of those people have recovered and as part of their own going treatment sort of gradually being retested and worryingly there has been this trend of finding now more than 100 cases amongst this population of several 1000 people who have tested positive again so these were people who were clear and they had had tests either in hospital look at clinics Testing Centers it proved to be negative and more than 100 now 3 have now tested positive 7 questions here for the experts is what is causing this is this a reinfection d that people coming into contact with a carrier and getting the infection again or more worried they use a reactivation that somehow they were may not have been asymptomatic at they may not have been its certainly on the face of it infectious but seem to have possibly still being carrying the virus in some dormant form possibly deep in body tissue that somehow has managed to become reactivated so it is a worrying trend here does that mean that there has been a problem in testing it does that mean certainly that there are many more questions about this virus that the experts simply dont know about it. Tend to present come from not to create a virus briefing thats going on i dont know what it is exactly but if i put somebody is opinion people i dont like controversy i think under versus a good thing not a bad thing but i wanted to be honest controversy you know when i got a call i got a call now 34 point lead nobody you know saw that as being any big deal they said how are you doing with confetti i said im doing great and i didnt talk to doc in fact even until we just got here dr found he asked one of the people if he could get up and speak. And he did and they totally misinterpreted and i so what they did he sent questions hypothetical what he was just acknowledging is that lives of insane committed to medication practices were put into place earlier that seems obvious do you not agree that this is a no you know what he really is saying though but how could you have done it look i just went over stats with you right here right here. How do you close it up you have no deaths and no cases in january 11th. Dr would you recommend closing the United States of america oh dispersed be terrible how many cases do we have none how many deaths do we have 9 january 17th go back another week on january 17th this is 10 days before i did the little bit less than 10 days before i did that then i did a ban on charity i think that was easy i then did a ban on europe and a lot of people said that was an incredible thing to do because you look at spain and by the way. Were doing very well because when you look at all of those flat graphs and you add it all up the United States is very low in per capita were very low were doing very well but how do you close up the United States of america so on january 6th no deaths on january 11th no deaths and no no cases on january 17th no cases no cases no deaths im supposed to close up the United States of america when i have no cases from the middle of march your friends found my drugs down from china after excuse me i closed it down from china and by the way some people think i should have waited longer and maybe written it out i disagree with them ok but it was thought of every that was their alternative you know there are a lot of people who would have said lets write it out now ill give you the the the good news if i would have done that it would have been i think catastrophic because the numbers are at the 1. 6 to 2200000 people would have it if we tried to do that. And i did this less to cut it in half dont say 2200000 cut it in more than half say a 1000000 people died well thats much more than the civil war cut it in half take the 1000000 it cut it in half thats 500000 people would have died now that number we would have reached ok that would have been easy to reach if we did nothing so we did the right thing and our timing was very good but heres the one thing and you have to say this when you as we why didnt you do this how come when i did the ban on china and some very very instituted some very tough things how come nancy pelosi a month later is in chinatown saying lets all march this is not going to happen how come we have many of the experts from c. N. N. And many other networks if you call c. N. N. A network i dont personally but we have c. N. N. We have many other places and theyre all saying he doesnt need to do it he doesnt need to do it all im saying is this how do you close down the greatest economy in the history of the world when on january 17th you have no cases and no death when on january 21st you have one case and no death one case think of that now were supposed to close down the country but heres what happened when on january 31st i used to tutor the Ben Joe Biden went crazy he said you dont need the band youre here to go chris ok this he didnt even know what the hell the band was but he so he didnt go crazy again but he did say he did call me xenophobic wait a minute he called me xenophobic he called me a racist because he has since apologized and he said i did the right thing so when you say why didnt you this every democrat thought i made a mistake when i did it i saved tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of lives by height that you bought argument is that you bought yourself a coffee didnt prepare offloads you didnt use it to ramp up has to raise. So you saw the money and you said just very simply so just praise for the way you said it let me just listen i just went over a. Steeple i just want to go over there on the right nobody thought we should do it and when i did it when it was the time that he bought you know you write that you know he did gap what he had to do and that your what do you do when you have no case in a whole United States when you see as many you reported it 0 cases 0 deaths 1 january 17th that entire january i said in june the dealer gaffe 1 january 3rd he went. Out and bought a lot a lot and in fact well give you a list what we did in fact part of it was up there we did a lot like. You know youre a fake you know that your whole network the way you cover it is fake and most of it and not all of you but the people who are wise to you thats why you have a lower a lower Approval Rating than youve ever had before times probably 3 and when you ask me that question let me ask you this why didnt biden why didnt why did biden apologize why did he write a letter of apology and not care how thats very important in apology why did the democrats think that i acted too quickly you know why because they really thought that i acted too quickly we have done a great job now i could of i couldve kept it open and i could have done what some countries are doing theyre getting beat up pretty badly i could have kept it open i thought of keeping it open because nobodys ever heard of closing down a country let alone the United States of america but if i would have done that we would have had hundreds of thousands of people that would right now be dead weve done this right and we we really we really have done this right the problem is the press doesnt cover it the way to be got one more question Steve Goodson the debate over what the 4 of you have to or. Of the country reopen the weather for a while i have the ultimate authority but were going to get into that in a minute were going to just finish this up were going to tell you about other things that weve done right but i will say this had we said lets just keep going lets not do it closing whether its 2. 00 that they at one point predicted as an outsider a 1. 00 at a lower number you cut it all the way down to 6 or 7 or 800000 take just a fraction of the number that could have happened it literally would have been more than the civil war it would have been a disaster so the minimal number was 100000 i think i feel pretty good that were going to be substantially below anthony the 100000 and i hope we will buy it so today the department of health and Human Services announcing 5 new contracts to procure large numbers of additional ventilators under the defense production act which we used a lot by the way which she didnt like to talk about in addition to the 1300. 00 we received today we received today 1300. 00 additional ventilators now were probably not going to need them but we can add that to our stockpile which is very big and we can move it around should the surge take place and should it be a very substantial surge were ready to were ready to rock the contract so it was president defending his record on handling of the question of ours crisis saying we did the right thing and bought timing was very good and john hendren has been watching from chicago so hes refusing to be drawn on the issue of what happened off to he locked down the borders and not wanted to address that that the testing and the top down issue but just saying how well hes done wrong on the other side of handing things. And trying to prison and repeatedly said on january 17th there were no cases no deaths on january 21st there was one case how could i have locked down the country he went on to say that some people would have just let it ride suggesting that another president might have john nothing in. Terms of mitigation efforts and he said in that case there would have been hundreds of thousands of dead he said we would have had hundreds of thousands of people dead weve done this thing right the problem is the press doesnt appreciate it you saw him there excoriating individual members of the press he had a bit of a tirade against the New York Times which did that article now last week talking about how many times the president had been warned by senior advisors early in the year as early as january that the corona virus could evolve into a major pandemic that would sweep the United States and potentially overwhelm medical facilities and that of course is what has happened thats why here in the u. S. The army corps of engineers has built field hospitals in new york washington chicago houston to deal with this problem the president said the governors didnt have enough ventilators blaming them he said we sent them to them so essentially is blaming the states for not being individually prepared for this when there was originally a Pandemic Group in the white house that there was stockpiling ventilators and medications just for this kind of event but the president has made it clear hes not going to take any responsibility for whats happening there and he believes hes gotten a raw deal by the press and you saw him there saying that very plainly and he does seem to be deciding to go back on his he had originally retreated a comment calling for dr fallacy to be fired he now says hes a wonderful guy and that they havent had a disagreement. It was an unbelievable turnaround you know he tweeted within the past 24 hours did somebody who said found she should be fired at now he essentially said retreats or not endorsements that he was just retreating someones opinion not his own apparently he said it not everyone is happy without sheet. And went on to say he is he thinks as you said hes a wonderful guy so apparently those 2 have made up. I wonder if if found he had been stuck to his guns and been a little more confrontational today whether that would change but the president seems to feel like found he is on his team now and that seems to be something is really important to drop it having people who tell the president hes done a good job john hendren thank you very much indeed. So youve been watching the News Conference there was the president dating his assessment of the Coronavirus Response so far saying that theyve done the right thing and the timing has been very good. Those are the top stories were news for you in around half an hour by. As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the world. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. The bureau the virus pandemic special coverage on aljazeera. In 1998 the good friday agreement was signed brokering a peace deal between republicans and unionists in northern ireland. Nearly a decade later aljazeera visited belfast to explore ongoing divisions in the city. The film youre about to see was 1st broadcast in 2007. Theres not be a lot

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