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People have died. Iran considers easing some restrictions as its leaders sway up the wrist to help with the health of the economy. And remembering the day its china pays tribute to its thousands of coronavirus victims. And a 2 week quarantine for prisoners across the u. S. As federal jails try to limit the spread of the coronavirus amongst inmates. When amber of confirms corona virus cases in the United States has no top 300. 00 thousands more than 8100. 00 deaths the grim news comes as President Trump warned reporters that the next 2 weeks would be the hardest but he told them he had contingency plans to handle the coming crisis. Were going to be adding a tremendous amount of military to help supplement the states thousands of soldiers sailors thousands of medical workers professionals nurses doctors and itll be a large number itll be will be telling them over the next very short period where theyre going theyre going into war theyre going into a battle that. Theyve never really trained for nobodys trained for theres nobody saying this. And the numbers sights of new york state so shows no sign of improvement on saturday it recorded 630 deaths its biggest 24 hour increase since the outbreak there began Governor Andrew Cuomo also reported a significant jump in the number of infections i call it the battle of the mountaintop because thats what its going to be as going to be the number one point of engagement of the enemy by the numbers were not yet at the apex were getting closer depending on whose model you look at say 4567 days some people go out 14 days but. Our reading of the pretty projections is were somewhere in the 7 day range well lets get more now from mike hanna he joins us live from washington mike President Trump has been updating the nation a bites the dire situation that the country faces and has warned that there will be a lot of death in the next 2 weeks. Yes indeed President Trump began his briefing with that exact statement saying that more deaths were going to come the situation is truly dire but at the same time President Trump also continued to insist that the country needs to get out of the needs to go back to work the seems to be a refrain from president trampy repeated a number of times during that particular briefing in terms of detail President Trump did mention that some 1000 military medical workers would be going to new york city to help the perceived hospitals there we heard him just say as well that military personnel will be going to other states as well presumably these would be medical workers in the majority going to other states that as the time goes by may need nor assistance as well but the key issue here and we did hear President Trump allude to that is the way in which supplies are shifted around between states in Washington State for example the pandemic easing there to a degree this releases a number of ventilators which are then returned to the federal government for disposal or distribution elsewhere we heard the same thing from the governor of new york stating that this type of interplay between the various states absolutely essential as all the states and the country as a whole prepares for the a picks off the pandemic that is when the most amount of fatalities of currying and after that the fatalities would start to drop according to various projections that weve seen. Mike trump has been trying to project in order of oxalis im saying that the country does need to get back to work and soon but there are still these incredible problems with logistics and supply and that came across quite clearly did it not in that press conference talking about the battle to see. Governors to get the supplies that they want he was also talking about at these 5 masks in the high we need the masks and we dont want other people getting them just where are the logistical problems in this and why is it taking the United States so long to get a handle on this well its taking it so long because it started so late to prepare it leaves the administration did its only in recent weeks at a sense of urgency has crept into the way the administration has been dealing with this president from according to one publication on no less than 33 occasions in the last 3 months was continually downplaying the effect of the virus certainly that is no longer the case as were hearing from him now but there was still sufficient preparation in terms of masks in terms of ventilators in terms of the even though the experts have been warning the trumpet ministration that this was to come President Trump is kind of saying that this is something that came out of nowhere nobody could have prepared for it he says however if experts are recorded back to december of warning that this type of currents could be occurring and warning that the supplies must go in so there is the shortfall throughout the United States in terms of things as essential items such as mosques such as ventilators President Trump in that briefing saying that hes now using the defense procurement act to force the manufacture of mosque 118000000000 marci says of being a manufactured tens of thousands of ventilators are being manufactured but these are only going to be come available long after the apex of the diseases hit and as we heard from the governor of new york in new york state thats expected in anything between 7. 14 days ok mike hanna there bringing us the latest from washington d. C. And i thank you. Well the Coronavirus Fund is continuing to wreak havoc across the globe taking more lives and bringing many countries to a standstill in the u. K. Another 708. 00 people have died from covert 19 including a 5 year old child the death toll in europe has now topped 45000 but in italy the number of intensive care cases have dropped for the 1st time which of authority say could indicate that the death toll is beginning to plateau meanwhile in iran skirt is suffering under punitive sanctions theyre considering restarting some Industrial Production even though medical experts are warning this could lead to another wave of infections jonah how reports now on the latest developments from europe. Are. In a madrid hospital a virtual reunion for a mother and daughter after both had recovered from covert 19 well there are a lot of youre only going to cry she says you only cry for something that is lost. And in another corner of spains exhausted Health System a 1st meeting for mother and child. Vanessa miral gave birth a week ago while infected cautious steps now towards family life. Spain has europes highest rate of infection but its been declining for more than a week taking no chances Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced an extension to the state of emergency. Ministers and this i announced at a council of ministers next choose they will again the quest for authorization of the congress of deputies to extend for the 2nd time in the state of emergency from april 12th to midnight on april 25th. Italy so badly hit by the virus in recent weeks may also be past its peak with infections slowing and germany has registered a slight decrease in the infection rate but not enough to ease restrictions no letup in the lockdown in france either where paris in the sunshine was eerily quiet here in the u. K. A week or 2 behind those countries coronaviruses claimed europes youngest victim a 5 year old said to have had an Underlying Health condition. Saturday saw another record death toll with the peak and plateau expected to arrive in a week to 10 days what happens at that point in this lovely sunny weather depends very much on the extent to which people can maintain their discipline and stay indoors as much as possible a prominent scientist who advises the government explained earlier that the plateau when it arrives may either fairly quickly give way to reduced numbers or if the lockdown isnt rigidly observed now those consistently high numbers of infections and deaths could go on for weeks Available Evidence wasnt promising with police and the government encouraging people to stay home you must stay at home to protect the n. H. S. And to save lives whatever the temptations this weekend please dont go inside to visit the lakes the beaches the countryside. Instead of keeping your own families and communities safe in sorry over a city that hasnt seen curfew since war in the ninetys teams of volunteers are delivering shopping and supplies to the elderly and vulnerable who cant leave their homes in the midst of crisis here and in many parts of the World Community is flourishing jonah Hill Al Jazeera london. Well lets get more now from mary in the masses she joins me from london via skype or marian the biggest single rise in the u. K. The death rate this saturday in though there are fears the improving weather could bring further problems yes another grim milestone passed the day a rise of 20 percent taking the overall number to 4313 and really we mustnt forget that there are of course real people behind these numbers and we know that in the briefing today Cabinet Office minister michael gove mentioning a case just there about the 5 year old boy who died after contracting the coronavirus he did have Underlying Health conditions also the government paid tribute to 7 n. H. S. Health workers that died after contracting the virus and also mentioning the case of the 36 year old last and a 13 year old boy really using these cases to underscore the importance of social distancing measures and complying with them because there is this fear the with the warmer weather improving in large swathes of the country with the easter holidays upon us people are going to be tempted to flout those rules to spend more time outside than they should be doing and what the government was really trying to emphasize say the message they want people to take away from that briefing is that how we behave right now this weekend and in the days to come is going to influence the numbers of infections and deaths in the weeks to come because there is that lag between when you contract the infection and when you start to show symptoms or how people behave now will have a direct impact on the number of infections the hospitalizations and of course the number of deaths ok mary in the mercy theyre giving us live updates from london thank you very much indeed its. This is a lie from london still to come on the news are. The next hot spots fears for what the virus could mean to latin americas people and economies. And peer pain that for ecuador is bereaved families such country cant bury its debt quickly enough. To iran and a further 5158. 00 people have died from the corona virus in the last 24 hours takes the total number of deaths more than 3400. 00 with nearly 56000 cases well ahead of the governments Coronavirus Task force has warned of a 2nd wave of infections in the coming weeks despite that Industrial Facilities have been reopens while the United Nations has expressed concern over the safety of prisoners saying this ravi isnt to herat or officials are worried by people returning to normal life. In the last 24 hours weve seen 158 new reported deaths from the corona virus this is the largest its been in recent days weve also seen 22560 new cases so that is lower in terms of overall infection rate that weve been weve seen in the recent days but the numbers are staying steady and this is happening at a time when the naurus holiday period has ended and what were seeing on the streets of tehran is that people are beginning to come out of their homes they are beginning to return to work there is more traffic on the roads people are opening shops and businesses despite the fact the government state or stay at home order or stay at home suggestion to its people remains in place the Health Ministry has said that this is a worrying sign that they understand that people need to go back to work that they need to continue to carry on with their lives to be able to make money to pay their rent to be able to purchase food and just to go on living but they have said that this is a worrying trend and if it continues that we could see a 2nd wave of this infection and theyve warned against people starting to emerge into their normal routine theyre saying that the trend of people going to hospital for coronavirus has not gone down and we are not out of the woods yet however in iran we are seeing people trying to return to their normal lives. When no one is islam is a political analyst and columnist he says iran is in the middle of an economic crisis and needs help from the International Community to deal with the outbreak. They hear any governments trying to control them and in each school some kind of restrictions but it is part of her brain and are meant to lock down your country and books and all them because you know where i am to crisis is not only about on a virus it is also force and about in terms of sanctions it is really hard to ask people to stay whole and lack of money in order to get their own money and saying that if you are not going to open your sore eyes and doing too are charging your job so we really need your money you know and also it is important to say that its the small and medium size business are the main target in these circumstances so the garment needs to get funds from some to National Organizations for example i remember something very similar like this in order to control the situation and say to the people that call now being your hole we will give you some money in order to continue all your lights. Well it is there are big scores fondant snorre at the unit here was given exclusive access to so into her own official say theyre in desperate need of ventilators medicine Virtual School it is stuff. That brought a virus has mobilized all medical staff in the world here in iran to all medical staff have been mobilized we are here at one of the most important iranian hospitals dedicated to treating people with the virus the medical teams and staff are available here 247 to monitor and diagnose all the new cases here is the place where new patients are received and given oxygens via these ventilators theyre then placed under strict supervision as doctors monitors their conditions the patients are also given necessary medicines according to the International Medical protocol in order to help the patients recover iran is one of the worst affected countries in the world but hopes are still high and the country can overcome the crisis as more than 17000 cases have recovered iran still needs a lot of ventilators and medicines to fight off the virus and thats why its urging the International Community to put pressure on the u. S. To allow it to use cash from european banks to import the necessary equipment iran also says there will be massive consequences that will disrupt the region if they are unable to contain the spread of a lot of medical researchers are working here in this hospital to test various medicines and their effects fighting against covert 1000. And new rule to wear masks in crowded areas has come into force in turkey although new emergency restrictions include a ban on all public gatherings a curfew for under twentys and a ban on cars in 31. 00 citys mayor of istanbul is calling for food locked saying its turkeys largest city with the highest infection rates. Israeli police have raided a synagogue in jerusalem where worshippers were holding a Prayer Service that violates the governments coronavirus restrictions according to local media the police find 20 worshippers on friday israel sealed off in a broke and are Orthodox Jewish time badly affected by the virus the government is expected to decide whether to close off more ultraorthodox communities within the next 24 hours 44 people have died from the disease in israel boma number of infections has exceeded 7500. The un has again raised concerns about latin americas risk of becoming another pandemic hotspots it says who in a virus is a significant threats to millions of People Living in extreme poverty 1000 slow to hit the region but the number of infections jumped sharply in march brazil has recorded the highest number of cases well in 10000 people have tested positive for the disease at least 431 deaths lets cross live on the sun. With more were seeing there a surge in the number of cases in brazil whats the president doing to tackle this. Well so far not much besides fighting Regional Governors and mayors ambrosio that have put in place a number of stringent restrictions and said president both are now to keep the minimizing the effects of this crisis in breast c. E. O. He says that hes still more worried about the effects on the economy and this has turned into a political infighting that continues in in the country dare but now were seeing that hes increasingly isolated politically because of his position and the majority. Brazilians now seem to overwhelmingly this approve of the president positions there now we heard that there are rumors that tomorrow on sunday there could be demonstrations in favor of also not other people that support him in front of a Governors Palace its unclear if that would happen in a lease there in places like san paolo or Rio De Janeiro where these restrictions are in place that would be a violation of those restriction also on the. They spoke to a number of they called pastors who have been steadfast supporters of the president of brasil and he and nouns that sunday will be a day of fasting and prayers to free bread theo what he calls the evil of coronavirus instead. They say a more practical term you also spoke to the Prime Minister of india modi any asked him for assistance in india will send a number of pharmaceutical supplies to brazil finally the lower house of brasil as voted the an amendment to the constitution essentially to create a separate budget to fight against the coronavirus that will need a 2nd vote in the Brazilian Senate that we expect to happen at some point the next week will the current virus not just affect in brazil of course you. Could just give us a sense of whats been happening to deal with the pandemic across the region. Well the new restrictions that are being put in still being put in place almost every other day really the last one not here in colombia in piru why this issue to essentially. Allow. People to leave their houses based on gender so there will be days in which men will be able to leave and women will have to stay at home and vice versa that has started on friday here in colombia the lockdown continues and its starting to have some serious economic consequences especially for informal people the many people who live. On a daily basis and need to go out and its affecting more than anybody else venezuelan migrants that a move to colombia so much so that hundreds of them are now trying to go back to venezuela despite the economic devastation there we understand that at least 600. 00 have been moving towards. The border on foot from the capital bogota in other cities in colombia and that municipalities together with the police have been organizing a number of buses to move them to the border in the in the border city of kuta now you can imagine just how bad the situation has to be for these people if 1st they had to leave venezuela come here in search of a better life that are saying that with the lock down theyre simply and able to pay for their rooms and to feed their families and so theyre making their way back desperate situation indeed alexandra bringing us all the least from bogota thank you. Now whats being called the camp for the dead sea is being prepared in ecuador as it struggles with one of the worst type breaks in latin america 145 people have died in the country while hospitals and morgues are at breaking points in the largest city. John homan reports. The people of why kill in ecuador desperate not only to stop the march of the coronavirus but to bury their dead many have been left in the street the authorities have been overwhelmed. So to the hospitals. My name is willamette chan the son of leone medic jan who is deceased ive been here 8 days i have the order of removal but even still they dont want to give me the body. This is a cue for those trying to get their relatives into the local cemetery acquittals president lenin moreno says his government criticised for acting late is now moving its time of the mass we are creating a special camp for the did he believe will be between 2 dozen 5023500. And that projected estimate is just for choirs province where guayaquil is situated its higher than the current death toll rule of latin america. Refrigerated containers have been brought in to store the bodies and the Government Task force is picking up more it only that in the past 3 days the joint work force went from taking away 30 deceased per day to 150. But a city thats already overwhelmed knows that it only faces more cases more deaths john homan al jazeera. The un has warned struggling Health Systems in developing countries are likely to be overwhelmed steering the pandemic and populated cities with poor sanitation are especially at risk up to 75 percent of people in the least developed countries lacking of soap and water for basic hygiene countries can afford them are quickly snapping up supplies in the un says distribution must be coordinated with vulnerable nations the i. M. F. And world bank have a nice 1900000000 dollars in emergency funds for 25 developing countries across asia africa and latin america well thats a chrysalis christoulas the International President of Doctors Without Borders he says its been difficult to get critically needed medical supplies where they need to go. To me the most important thing to do at the moment. What is going to happen next which is going to be. Places with the most neglected populations and those places with the most dense populations the south east. Africa. Places in the middle east so this is where we should focus with all our efforts. At this moment we have to do a couple of things we need to scale up the scale of the manufacturing capacity of. And while we expand big supply we also have to guard against this nationalistic. That hold the medical supplies exports in other words we have to go for the National Recess collaboration called the nation that is needed urgently a problem that we we as a medical condition at the moment and for several weeks now. Have been increasing the. Critical items. That p. P. S. The protective personnel of keep them and we mobilize any of all the supplies from europe for instance and for medical and humanitarian purposes these bonds need to be with their own. Still to come on the news are pakistans police are ready to fight the virus but healthcare workers say they dont have the squid minds and countries brace themselves for mountains of medical waste as the need for safe sponsor with personal protective equipment piles up. For. How the weather patterns start for the time being is a plume of cloud of of the gene here which isnt really doing much apart from circulating to get all rain for greece and for turkey should move in this general direction and the next Interesting Co it comes down to the portuguese coast is held at bay by a warming out there of our fish river which is Central Europe so was that rangers come to portugal the temperatures here are rising into the teens so quite a big jump last and so was the rain still falls in greece less so admittedly on sunday there was a case on saturday and it moves into turkey still there in the form of a few thunderstorms where we get time we get to monday temps the risen a bit further in russia of this part of europe or western europe a scene that frontal system coming in starts to raise dont get coders 20 degrees in paris for example but the rain has made it across into western france. So thats all we activity the measuring which the effect of course pos of libya and egypt with the strength of the wind to keep you cool during benghazi is warmed up in algiers and robots and theres the songs are rolled this thing else in the wind isnt a tall strong for the south quite a big rise in temperatures up to 4045 in chad it does cool off a bit but its still hard that it should be. From. The me out london borough park and tacky. Income the state the american state deadspin. Unprompted uninterrupted all of these these divisions of the working class of working people and they keep us from realizing our collective power homey homemade then if you obey the market for 30 years you begin to worship it and believe it has power over your life do you great date on aljazeera. All on. The. Quick reminder of the top stories here on aisle to syria u. S. President donald trump or as there will be a lot of death over the next 2 weeks as confirmed cases in the u. S. Top 300000 the number of People Killed by the coronavirus in the u. K. Has increased to more than 4300 the clipping a 5 year old child and concern grows of a 2nd wave of cases in iran is the number of deaths increases by more than 150. 00 in 24 hours. That china has come to a standstill to honor the thousands of victims of the coronavirus in a national day of mourning but as the country gradually lifts restrictions other asian nations are tightening them a sarah clarke reports. At 10 am on saturday china was brought to a halt. The National Flag was flown at half mast across the country cars and trains sounded their horns and air raid sirens were set off as the nation paid its respects to those whove lost their lives to the coronavirus in the city where the outbreak originated people took to the streets bowing their heads in a moment of silence to more the did they also thanked medical workers on the frontline in well hand our work you know in i think it is really moving what our chinese mad costarred has done as well as the fighters who have sacrificed themselves after a very emotional oh i was crying now as im speaking i really moved very numerous and you tell you about. More than 3000 medical workers across china have been infected at least 5 doctors that were hand Central Hospital have died including li when learned he was one of the 1st to share information about the corona virus but was reprimanded by the citys police. What happened to these people was very unfortunate we should mourn for them lee when long was a hero he found out about it early now its too late but our country is stronger than others the day of mourning coincided with the start of the annual tomb sweeping festival creaming millions of families traditionally visit symmetries to pay respects to their ancestors this year they were told to stay home and mountains only if there is an epidemic but this is chinas tradition we can cast to decide. But as china starts to ease restrictions other countries in asia are introducing tough new measures to force people to stay at home thailand has imposed a countrywide curfew and all International Flights are banned for 3 days in south korea the government says it will bolster its social distancing efforts after a recent rise in imported cases of the virus human target we cannot loosen restrictions for the moment if we were to do so all of the efforts we have made could be in vain. South korea recorded another 94 new cases on saturday bringing the National Tally to more than 10100 but despite an overall downward trend in cases or religious sports and to time it facilities and schools are to stay closed sarah clarke aljazeera. Healthcare workers in pakistan are calling on the government to do more to help them fight the virus many cities are under lock son and the Prime Minister has urged people to practice social distancing but critics say its not enough child stratford reports these policemen in the city of peshawar are lucky to have protective clothing. To study Health Workers demand government help police and Security Forces are having to focus less on fighting crime and more and stopping the spread of covert 19 and claudine was to give the woman who often you saw in the field needle also organize. In mississippi portions for didnt want to see if you in the city or the problems indian fans come to the. Streets of peshawar in the northwest of pakistan over to an empty police used level trailers to urge people to stay at home. Government spending on health care for pakistans 225000000 people has been less than one percent of g. D. P. In recent decades hospitals are often significantly ill equipped and overcrowded the best of times are those coded 19 spreads desperate attempts are being made to prepare Health Facilities to cope with the rising number of infected people holiday met its more of your Health Professionals the frontline force against covert 19 but unfortunately we are going to fight this battle without any protective gear its of the utmost importance for us at arms and ammunition for military when they were going to a battlefield and it would be considered a suicide if we fight without proper kits dr osama was the 1st doctor in pakistan to be killed by the virus hed been treating kovi the 19 victims many who had arrived from neighboring iran she being one of the worst hit countries its not known how many Health Workers have been infected across pakistan many with since exhorting florentine yourself why so late to islamist if you but dont you the government is least concerned about the safety of mrs their wellbeing even as they pay a wide role in health care and sadly this one knows for 99 patients on normal days and if the situation gets out of control how they going to cope so they must tell you more nurses to tackle this crisis china has sent medical equipment across the border the help is vital but nowhere near enough. This Hospital Police gave a go out of only to show respect to stop and to try and boost the morale. Of the medics here and its hospitals across pakistan didnt take moving several to save lives. I just are. A further 10 people have died since in asia. In the countrys death toll to 191. 00 the president has urged people not to travel during the holy month of ramadan but many are desperate to get out of the capital despite the risk theyre taking the virus with them just to washington reports from jakarta. This is the time of year when workers in jakarta begin to return to their hometowns for ramadan fasting and to celebrate with their families its usually something people look forward to but the corona Virus Outbreak has stripped the joy from this annual tradition usually the Holiday Travel doesnt start until right before but this year some are making the journey early. My family asked me to come home because there are many coronavirus cases in jakarta. I have no income Many Companies are closed so i decided to just go home most of the confirmed covert 19 cases in indonesia are here in the capital with so many travelers crowding into transport hubs its only a matter of time before the virus spreads to other communities more than 14000 people left the city this week on buses to other parts of java last year 20000000 indonesians travelled through the country to see their families before 8 the government says that cannot happen this year. For the safety of everyone i asked to take strong actions to prevent the movement to their hometowns for those who have left already and those planning to make the journey this isnt just about maintaining an annual tradition many workers have lost their jobs because of the outbreak and without any income they say they cant afford to live in the capital among this group of travellers are people whove had their lives disrupted by the pandemic maids who cant enter the apartment buildings they once worked in and food vendors on empty streets as customers stay home when the. Economy it is. Because of this they have who. These people are really at risk economy clee and they decided to earlier so its not only about the. Or about the. Their daily wage theyre. Back in their home towns these travelers will soon see their families but reunions are overshadowed by the risk they may have brought the virus with them just to washington aljazeera jakarta. Federal Prison Inmates in the u. S. Will be confined to their cells for 2 weeks in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus thats after 3 prisoners in just one louisiana jail dies kristen salumi has more inquired the prison population is considered particularly vulnerable. With cells that leave little room for social distancing and a lifestyle particularly prone to the spreading of Infectious Disease advocates for the nations more than 2000000. 00 inmates are sounding the alarm about the coronavirus in jails and prisons people live in very close quarters sleep in very close quarters in very close quarters are constantly engaging with each other in ways that its impossible additionally you have staff coming in from the outside russians Officers Health care workers who are bringing the virus. Virus out and thats why many officials have. Jails and prisons petri dishes federal prisons are keeping inmates locked in their cells while most state facilities have eliminated visits here in new york more than 200 inmates and corrections staff have tested positive for the crown of virus and its spreading in jails and prisons elsewhere around the country as wow in order to contain it officials have authorized the release of thousands of inmates considered high risk for the disease. California has authorized the Early Release of 3500 inmates while other state and local facilities consider similar measures. But critics say many are being released without proper testing or support. New york citys top prosecutors accuse the commissioner of corrections of authorizing sex offenders and domestic abusers for release and a quote seemingly haphazard process which could compound the possible Health Safety and other risks both to the communities and to the individuals at issue those who work with inmates say the pandemic highlights longstanding shortcomings with health care and reintegration efforts for the Worlds Largest prison population. Garner just released almost a 1000 people by way of president ial art in iran released were 1000 rissi prison riots all over the world in colombia in brazil in italy of course and so there is a collective outcry here and also a collective rattle past of the system. An already overtaxed system straining to contain a new pandemic kristen salumi al jazeera new york. 441 people have died from the virus in france in the past day taking the National Total to more than 7 and a half 1000 mean for all americans who measures have been put in place to help Small Businesses survive but some warners fear they wont be enough thats reports. Before the lockdown in france abdo as was worked on 3 Building Sites in the paris region and electrician with his own business he was in demand but since the french government ordered people to stay home to stem the spread of the coronavirus hes had to stop work now hes worried about the future through the longer it takes to return to work the harder it will be because well need to restart the Building Sites the work the materials will the suppliers be available will they have the material needed in construction youre not paid for 60 days so even if we started again in may we not be paid until july and we have bills to pay abdu knows wifes the lima is also concerned shes had to close her fashion shop in central paris and says even before the lockdown her clients began to stay away on a few of us have come up at. The coronavirus has had a huge impact on the shop my clients were very scared and didnt come so our income plummeted our regular clients disappeared and the tourists so economically its a huge impact and im scared of the future. On the cities near empty roads. Some taxi drivers continue to work but passengers are rare so you only need in a 10 hour shift ive only had 5 passengers it covers my costs but im earning nearly nothing at all in fact im losing money but whats going to do as people stay home across france shopping streets are quiet and businesses closed people have lost trade jobs income and certainty about their future the french government says that because of the Coronavirus Crisis the country faces a recession but it will try and support businesses and companies with a range of measures including interest free loans and special bonuses for of course for the 1st time since the period after the 2nd world war we have launched a system of temporary unemployment benefit to avoid mass job losses like most people in france 1 the lemur is getting used to confinement but as the weeks pass she wonders when it will end and whether the Financial Support being offered by the government will be enough to revive a business shes devoted herself to the needy 2 decades Natasha Butler aljazeera france well as the number of coronavirus and factions keeps rising global a hospital so generating huge amounts of medical waste thats dangerous for the people who collects it sanitation workers in the World Health Organization wants governments to ensure that theyre properly protected Priyanka Gupta reports. From hospitals and at homes to wherever they work doctors and nurses worldwide are battling whats described as the invisible enemy they should be using whats known as personal protective equipment including medical mask downs gloves and eye protection some designed for single use and immediate disposal more cases mean more discarded gear more medical supplies used and that means medical waste on a scale never seen before the problem is really to to find. A place an area where we can store and parent already the containers that contain those. All those used and i mean 18 equipment this is really the main the main issue figures from china show that when the pandemic was at its peak in february 159000 tons of medical waste were disposed of in 6 weeks since late january 240 tons of that was from harm the lone every day china had to construct a medical waste plant to cope. With many patients recovering at home and some were infected but chill no symptoms workers who collect household refuse are also at risk if we have to tell people to avoid throwing trash in piles like that it would be better if they put it in bags that baby away touching as much as possible and be awarded the risk of getting infected with corona virus and other diseases. Asked the u. S. Shore and other countries and recommending very must not disposing of them safely increases infection dress or iris cant stay on outside a surgical mask for 7 days as long as 7 days so if you are sick person contaminated the sky is the size of the mosque that facing you so you rode it out. That reason you know if you have to work this continent the sky is the size of my ass with color the size. They say out that there are. So you shared your brought it up another a one in a world besieged by the far is the expert advice is the health risk can be reduced but only if everyone follows the rules Priyanka Gupta 0. Still to come theyre off and britain has some biggest horse race of the year but the Something Different stop at this years run national news. That corruption has reached a level like that before in our country. Rank outsider. To president of the United States. The power was in the data we will the American People with the truth and nothing else discovered. For winning the white house unfair game on aljazeera. In a country beset by poverty and lack of infrastructure. Sometimes we risk our allies in taking the throat slit scared of saving lives is a dangerous job the vaccine talks on a good 24 hours there are patients waiting for these medicines for most of the pain lifes worth risking a real could go one of the gang stops some vehicles on the road that they can do it with what for them. Risking it all guinea on al jazeera. Lets take you through some of the other stories making headlines around the world when 60000 people displaced by separatist fighting in cameroon are in dire need of humanitarian aid a temporary u. N. Cease fartsy tackle the coronaviruses hold on but its not enough for those left hungry Nicholas Hoult reports. Was asleep when soldiers broke into her room and gang raped her she became pregnant with triplets and cares for her children alone shown from her community because of what happened she fled the English Speaking region about manda to do and cameroons economic capital she earns whatever she can sweeping floors or begging for money on the streets. The life is tough its very difficult i drop my kids to school and then i search for work ill do anything to support them. All. The Campaign Group Human Rights Watch says the soldiers who raped her belong to the Rapid Intervention battalion the elite force trained and managed by former Israeli Navy Commandos are confronting around 20 armed separatist groups in the English Speaking regions theyre fighting to break away from the rest of french speaking cameroon and its their own country called amazonia. After Human Rights Watch documented killings in rapes of villagers in English Speaking regions by Rapid Intervention battalions the United States military said it reduced funding and training yet u. S. Commandos continue to support and train them on their key to have a good response to do a smidgeon tracked its information it is and villages where you have a lot of us with whom you can call it is a good point. Almost a 1000000 people have fled the 3 year of separatists fighting all are living in makeshift tents or with the local population the government in the capital your own day is limiting access to International Humanitarian organizations to the English Speaking regions. If you have 60000 people. Requiring assistance and considering you have 10 times more war displaced was in cameroon the situation calls for an urgent action from the International Community movie that has received support from neighbors not from the government should need to answer childrens questions who is my father or younger one ass and why cant we all go back home because hawke aljazeera. Its the 1st anniversary of the have to sell fence of to take over the b. S. Capital forces loyal to him have so far failed to overthrow the internationally recognized government from tripoli with reports. Saying give prayers is the only thing worth man been can do now for his late son more than for his buried here along with other victims of a generally at tack on a military academy in tripoli 32 kids were killed in the airstrike launch it by forces loyal to the warlord have. Both the man says his son who had just turned 19 before the attack had an ambition to become a pilot and had many hobbies including horse riding. My familys life has become so difficult weve lost happiness and interest in life after we lost her son we will not rest until have to her and his backers are brought to international justice. One year since i have to launch his military campaign to take control of tripoli from the and other good news to government. His offensive has failed to achieve its goals International Mediation has failed to in the conflict including a recent poll on the warring parties to embrace a truce to allow the country to tackle covert 19 many parts of southern tripoli have been deserted and more than 150000 people have been displaced by the fighting the United Nations estimates half to us forces have launched more than a 1000 airstrikes since the beginning of that offensive last year. Residential areas and state facilities have been targeted along with airports and Migrant Detention Centers triple as you enter the government blames egypt and the United Arab Emirates which supports have to for the hundreds of civilian deaths more than a dozen medical workers have been killed in drone attacks on field hospitals and in july 53 migrants were killed by air strikes the tripoli base to government accuses egyptian and you a warplanes of carrying out the attacks. If half his forces advance more inside residential areas war crimes and crimes against humanity will be committed by these multinational most nerys libyans cannot stop this war but their regional and International Players can have also supported by a russian employer tickly by france while the internationally recognized a government in tripoli has military support from turkey as this conflict goes on there is a sense that its possible for a killing civilians warnt be held to account victims families like earthmen are likely to wait for a long time to get justice if they get it at all. Tripoli the case Opposition Labor Party has a new leader here starmer has been elected to replace Jeremy Corbyn whos today following a disastrous performance in decembers snap general election hell now go toe to toe with conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson the win was announced by email and social media because of concerns over coronavirus in a previous corded acceptance speech here starmer said the labor partys purpose is to protect britain and saved lives. Under my leadership we will engage constructively with the government not opposition propositions sake not scoring Party Political points or making impossible demands but with the courage to support where thats the right thing to do but we will test the arguments that are put forward we will shine a taut on Critical Issues where we see mistakes or falter in government or things not happening as quickly as they should will challenge that and call that out our purpose when we do that is the same as the governments to save lives and to protect our country. And finally britains biggest horse race has taken place but she took one of us restrictions it wasnt quite for real and algorithm decided that corner see here yellow cap one day 2020 Virtual Grand National this could gamble on the outcome of all the profits going to medical charities most valuable jumpers near wall street to be health and sat steak that was suspended so thats it for this new surgery stay with us here in al jazeera back in a moment. Its a tough time for the afghan Security Forces taliban attacks have increased their suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for putting reasons for others is the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karimi was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is to sacrifice we have to like to serve this country. Survival for haitis poorest depends on illegal charcoal production. But for park rangers sworn to protect the dominican forests it can have deadly consequences. Witness discovers the head in world where the stakes for the enviro. And those who make their living from it couldnt be higher. Death by a 1000 cuts on aljazeera. Russia has jeopardized the United States security interests we know what you are doing and you will not succeed perceptions from the outside looking in. But more to the picture from the inside. I think russias Foreign Policy is too soft on the most russian goals can be achieved not peace on the whole russia on aljazeera. Will be probably the toughest week between this week and next week and therell be a lot of death unfortunately a grim warning from President Trump as the United States confirms more than 300 thousands coronavirus cases. Amount of i had seen and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up the u. K. Sees its

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