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Deal with the violence. And far from the bed of roses thousands of workers at sound farms and kenya lose their jobs. And people simply to school to european football focus is on a restart in july. Everybody needs to play their part in this National Effort and that means premier League Football is to put pressure grows on millionaire players in england to take a pay cuts as coronavirus leaves them also playing stuff out of food. Not the United States has suffered the worlds worst single day of the pandemic with close to 1200 deaths on thursday the total number of fatalities there has now passed 6000 the number of reported infections well why it is also now more than a 1000000 wartime powers are now being used in the us to. Gently needed equipment to hospitals President Donald Trump has invoked the defense production act ordering private companies to make masks ventilators and other medical equipment our White House Correspondent can be how it has more on these range of new measures announced by President Trump. As the number of corner virus cases in the United States continues to rise so does historic unemployment as a result the u. S. President announcing 350000000000 in Small Business loans to help Small Businesses retain employees who are staying at home right now as a result 1 of social distancing the u. S. President also saying americans can expect guidance soon and whether or not they should be wearing face masks when they leave their homes now there is in the midst of all this still strict social distancing guidelines and stay at home orders in a majority of u. S. States that is something that is in place to try and help stop the spread but it is not just the United States that to struggle in with the increasing number of coronavirus cases iran of course is also being hit hard i asked the u. S. President whether he thought this might be a time to ease tough economic sanctions on iran in order to help the people fight the virus. To eva braun give the president sr continue to stand with the people of iran given the fact theyre so hard hit with chronic fire theyre very hard so theres a lot of ways they are there. With their economy with their military and with obviously the virus a very hard it would you consider easing sanctions to allow medical supplies to get in just to get it but we know that sanctions hit the people not the government will have to they havent even asked us to do that if they want to read word love d to me and would love to settle the whole thing but i doubt theyll bateson realistically how does a person in tehran pick on a colleague i think they love america i think the iranians love america i think theyd love to be free i think theyd love to have just some of the things that we have you know i remember many years ago friends of mine were always in around they were doing real estate deals in a room they were building beautiful buildings. All over and corporate houses it was they were very successful and then one day there came to an end but you know one of the people who read they remember that was a long time ago but not so long ago they remember it and ill tell you they love america they love what we stand for. And were not looking for a chair were not looking for government takeover government changing no this countrys been through that many times it doesnt work people do encourage other countries to poor me has certain you know what i write is what i didnt you know i put it out very publicly with respect to iran and said if they need help with respect to the virus wed love to sit with the greatest medical professionals in the world would let their cities are you encouraging perhaps to to lend their support because there are many countries that feeling courage in this case and. Theyve been a very hostile country they made a deal that president obama should have never made it was a short term deal giving a 150000000000. 00 giving them 1800000000. 00 in cash green filters to europe and more responsibility will be easier if you. Have a moral responsibility to help them if they ask if they if they needed help i would certainly consider different if they should says they need help well thats up to the United Nations im talking about us and what happens is if they want to help because they have a very big case of virus a very very big case it one of the worst on earth if you believe what youre reading and i happen to believe what i see and what i know and if they wanted help we give them help even as President Trump pushes back on the suggestion of easing sanctions the calls to do just that are growing in the United States the latest coming from former Vice President joe biden who insists that now is the time to ease sanctions in order to make sure that the people of iran get the medical supplies they need. Well now the commander of a u. S. Aircraft carrier has been fired from his post after raising the alarm about an outbreak onboard more than 100. 00 sailors on the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt had tested positive and captain breck crazy a das for permission to isolate most of the 5000. 00 crew acting Navy Secretary thomas moggi said the captain was removed for demonstrating extremely poor judgment while the United States is also being accused of paying up to 3 times the price to redirect medical supplies bound for france to its own hospitals in america Regional Health bosses and from say that several 1000000 masks that were headed for their intensive care units were sent by china to the u. S. Instead when the time is in the west of fronts for us natasha talk us through what you were hearing from french authorities about all this. It was rather extraordinary story you have 3 hates all the different regions in from you say that they have sources who have told them that they were there was a consignment of musts that had been ordered by the french government from china this consignment was on the tarmac effectively at an airport in china it was being prepared for it to be sent to france about a mom cane the street a regional head its along came some american bios you then took out powers and pay each of these mosques to the french or to chinese officials at the airports now these claims by these 3. 00 regional heads up not being verified i should say that its really them are also a from the same Political Party here in france from the right wing opposition never the less this story is also getting a lot of traction in the french media that has been reporting it extensively the idea that the u. S. Was just on the cops and france in its quest for more masks not the United States meanwhile has actually said that they have denied all of these claims theyve said this a piece of any truth in them and the national so many countries right now is struggling to get all the mosques they need can you give a serious on how dire the shortage there in france it natasha just checking that you can hear me and wondering just how dire the mosque shortages in france. Ryans weve really weve just lost our tasha and we will be getting her back later on in the day well canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also says he is very concerned about reports that medical supplies meant for canada have also been diverted to the United States ive heard reports on this issue and of course there are concerning we need to make sure that equipment that is destined for canada gets to and stays in canada and ive asked ministers to follow up on these particular reports we are working not just here at home but overseas as well to ensure that the equipment that canada has ordered makes its way to canada. Well earlier i spoke to alric brooks now hes a political analyst and a professor in European Studies at Stanford University in ballin he says Global Solidarity is vital in the response to this pandemic. Now it seems as if we are in a 2nd face in europe in which political leaders also understand that its a time in which solidarity is of utmost importance and we have shortages and we have more supplies or we also happen tens of care beds that should be open and foreign citizens who need it and not just necessarily foreign nationals the distance one thing is to create a mentality that its not only about us and that in mind they have of qualities but its also Something Like the need for a form of global government which maybe is tool and they shouldnt but in times like these the shortages and that a symmetry is in who is affected how a heart needs Something Like a stronger coordination that should not be just left to random talk decisions and paying a higher price than those who cant afford it but we do not have a shortage of multilateral institutions it was more a discussion in recent he has that everyone tried to discuss whether we live in times of a multipolar world in which everything is about politics or whether we can trust in institutions that once were designed to coordinate problems that are global and a pandemic like this is a perfect example that shows that National Solutions dont work anymore we are all in the same boat and relief you know even small of climate than we thought we do now spain has recorded more than 900 new deaths for the 2nd day in a row or Health Authorities say 932 people died in the past 24 hours is slightly less than the number on thursday but it brings spains total to almost 11000. 00 almost iran joins me now from the spanish capital looking at these latest figures where does that leave the trajectory of this outbreak all authorities still hopeful that a peak is approaching. Yes and i. Said 900 new fatalities use pain in the last 24 hours 2nd day in the last so decor hours the 2nd deadliest days since the coronavirus calibrate bringing the deck top up 211000 people infections have increased by about 7400 new cases leaving at all or were 117 positives of. 19 same surpasses eataly in the number of people infected that jested in reduced to 1015 Health Ministry Officials Say we are following the rally as weve seen a slowing number of people being hospitalized with a corner virus but spain may have reached a peak and now we may be entering a slowdown face in some regards ups. The ante you accuse our running our region there are of the capacity of the limit up the capacity of some of them are 85 percent and transport ministry has enabled medical training gives the need to transport patients from one region to the other just like weeks ago so and nasa despite this expected or hoped for slowdown i believe there will be a decision made soon on whether to extend the lockdown that youre living under. Yes tomorrow our Prime Minister spanish Prime Minister better santa will hold of me team with experience Cabinet Meeting and they will analyze the amount of the coronavirus outbreak in spain and the style whether to extend the life of their own future and use more of lockdown measures in spain he will send his decision to his cabinet and then they will pass it to the congress so we might be talking about april 28th 24. 00 being the 1st date of this extension of the of the crown outbreak. Marrero there for us in madrid thank you so much malta well moving over to germany and chancellor Angela Merkel has ended her self quarantine after testing negative for the coronavirus now even from the isolation shes been held up as an example of how World Leaders should manage the Pandemic Health Officials Say early widespread testing has helped to keep the death toll there relatively low despite the country having the 4th highest number of cases in the world well our correspondent dominic kane is joining me now from berlin dominic germany has been ordered for its response talk us through how the country is managing to test quite so many people when so many others of failing. In one sense the size of the the interesting thing here is that america herself is perhaps this is a Success Story for the Testing Program thats taking place in germany because shes been tested several times obviously times the response was negative and so her selfimposed quarantine that began weekend before last is now over shes back at work this thing here is that a little testing is taking place and some estimates suggest 500000 poll week has been achieved in weeks gone by that its not obviously every single test is of different people as in this is merkels case it involves perhaps several tests of the same person but that targets in tests and thats the important thing here german Authorities Say targeted tests on a widespread skull in a substantial scale gives them a good picture they believe all who is out there who needs to be treated and remember as the testing is taking place they are looking to back to tests thats what they think they need so that means that there are some teams trying to see if its possible to cool tests as pool samples and test very many different people samples at the same time to provide rapid results and of course then there are teams who are looking into an Antibody Test which is the one that will tell people whether theyve already been exposed to the virus and have developed some form of newness of. Dominick im looking at some figures head geminis saying i believe just 100 scientists i have a 1000 deaths despite nearly Something Like 80000 infections so thats just over one percent of those infected dying compare that to 12 percent in italy 9 percent in spain and france so how is germany dunnit. Well the key here is combining widescale targeted testing with an ample provision of intensive care unit bed space to treat to the people who test positive and develop a severe reaction on and go into a Critical Condition as well when the outbreak stasi germany the estimates were that germany had around 28000 intensive care unit bands available since the outbreak began and really took hold across europe and germany has been able to expand to will commence those i. C. U. Spaces so there are now 40 ferries and 43 percent increase in bed spaces and specifically in intensive care beds spaces and theyve also been able to increase the number of bed spaces for those who dont tap coronavirus which means theyre full that the hospitals are able to isolate the patients in most most urgent need so those people dont and as it were exposed of those to the risk of contracting the virus which is what happened in hospitals in the countries that you mentioned earlier and thats why the germans believe that theyve been able as it were to keep not necessary to keep an eye on the problem because clearly that is not the case when infections are spreading and more people are dying but theyve been able to keep the mortality rate very low for example in berlin in the states of prime broadcasting from right now its something around about just one hospital one percent of the people whove been identified as confirmed cases have gone on to die from the virus where almost 50 percent of the people who have been confirmed as having the virus have recovered from it thats because theyre all very many intensive care units beds and bases in the states of land which it exemplifies what i was saying about the approach that theyve taken really encouraging on those that contaminate dominic can speak about and thank you down the pike. Well israel is now stepping up lockdown measures that to combat the spread of the virus reporting more than 800. 00 new cases just in the last 24 hours and many have ignored the governments calls to stay at home especially in ultraorthodox neighborhoods herefore said reports. As Movement Restrictions across israel are tightened in response to the coronavirus in ultraorthodox neighborhoods the message has struggled to get through few here have a television let alone the internet and many rely on Community Newspapers for information last week a mass funeral procession for a rabbi in the televisa have been a broch caused nationwide anger a public flouting the rules banning Mass Gatherings after weeks during which some rabbis were contradicting government orders encouraging schools and synagogues to carry on as normal police toughened their response making several arrests some of been abused called nazis one ambulance crew was attacked with rocks what we are dealing with is a small percentage of ultra religious extremists who are not paying attention and not listening and also receiving the information in a delay their week behind israels 1000000 strong ultraorthodox community lives and often parallel life with her knitting government may be met with distrust large families often subsist on welfare payments to men whose sole task is to study religious texts and who also receive exemptions from serving in the army. Video showing extreme behavior by a minority within the community has stoked a resentment already present among the mainstream they may question 2 wars the view sure is where there are within the community will be voices that now we dont hear enough that we say ok we want to protect our community but we also err belong to this day authorities talk about a growing acceptance of the seriousness of the situation in communities such as this one and that improvements in the adherence to the new rules certainly this major junction inside me a series. And out orthodox neighborhood in west jerusalem is far less busy than usual but they also talk about the delay in the communitys response and the damage already done as a result neighbor awkward just 2 percent of israels population accounts for 14 percent of confirmed infections nationally one Health Care Executive estimates nearly 40 percent of its residents have the disease and. We have decided to reduce to the minimum necessary excess and egress from been a brac and theyre there to avoid infection the Prime Minister himself is now back in isolation after the ultraorthodox Health Minister tested positive for the disease netanyahu had only just been cleared after his advisor on ultraorthodox affairs contracted the virus through the recent videos sparking anger one has been welcomed and ultraorthodox man berating a prayer group for breaking the rules calling them murderers the fear is that this community whose leaders treated the disease most likely is now the one awaiting the heaviest toll our aforesaid aljazeera westie receive them. Now indians are being urged to switch off their lights on sunday night and to hold candles or torches in a show of solidarity Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a video message aiming to burst morale during the 3 week lockdown there 56. 00 indians have now died with around 2300. 00 reported infections 2 cases were recorded in less than 24 hours and mumbais densely populated derived from the largest in asia indias government is also appealing for an end to attacks on Health Care Workers some have been beaten up as they tested people for the virus india correspondent Elizabeth Prado has more from the capital. Health care workers trying to care for corona virus patients and carry out tests from the city of indoor chased and attacked people who live here suspicious of anyone who has contact with the coronavirus the area was barricaded to contain 2 positive cases and keep 50 families under isolation very good very very kids were vandalized and some offenders threw stones apart from the Assault Police will take notice of these 2 matters police tried to convince people in the neighborhood to allow Health Care Workers to do their job and the police the targets too one officer was critically injured when he was one of several bigger than most often they go in the state of the british after they tried to stop people from gathering in defiance of the lockdown attacks on Health Care Workers have been reported elsewhere to the ready money and i really like. A Community Health worker and Karnataka State says she and her colleagues were attacked when they were trying to spread awareness about coronavirus and check if anyone had some to always get going to yahoo for murder they grabbed our phones we were not allowed to call officials we have been working for the past 5 years we were never humiliated like this we try to explain to them that we are here to help them and together information about. The one who suffering. And his Health Ministry has condemned the attacks that all will help if anyone has abused any Health Care Worker then it is a shameful matter we request everyone not behave this way again because we need the help of the medical professionals as the leading this fight from the front we can only get ahead with this important Health Care Workers arent just fighting coronavirus but also the stigma that comes with it all of those you know really horrible attacks on you know on Health Care Workers and doctors returning from duties you know not allowing them back at the back housing complexes and in fact in new delhi the government has decided to take all the doctors from one Government Hospital and hows them in a hotel so that they can be free of that concern and to be taken care of indias leading Public Hospital vote to the government last week demanding action against landlords who were a victim doctors and nurses because of fears that they might make others more susceptible to the corona virus various states have warned landlords of legal action saying the victim Health Care Workers amounts to obstructing Public Servants indias Health Ministry reminded everyone that these are the same Public Servants who indians came out on their balconies and applauded less than 2 weeks ago elizabeth or on aljazeera new delhi while tens of thousands of low paid work as a kenyan flower farmers have already lost their jobs because of a lack of demand to due to the current virus and many of them are sole income earners and now just dont know how theyre going to feed their families malcolm webb reports. The. Coronavirus hasnt yet reached Greater Community near the town of my vasher in kenya as far as she knows but its Economic Impact has she earned about 100. 00 a month you know job at a nearby flower farm in till she was fired last week even if that dont get me what is going to do. What is going to affect is hank yeah because if only. It would automatically im going to. Kenya is africas leading producer of flowers most direct ported to europe these white roses are being harvested because theyre ready theyll be thrown away not many european lovers are buying each other a bunch of these at the moment many European Countries on Lockdown People cant even go on dates here in kenya that means people are losing jobs this whole production line is normally full of people sorting flowers for export the industry says more than 30000 casual workers have already been sent home and tens of thousands more workers stand to lose their jobs in the weeks ahead. Industry representatives spoke to journalists from a safe distance none of the prominent workers have been laid off as we speak but. For another 3 or 4 weeks the idea of the next step. As a Seasonal Work of grace says she was among the 1st to go is now wondering how she will feed her children thousands in our community who are in the same position. There arent many jobs here at the best of times. Health experts say the virus could spread rapidly in these kinds of crowded settlements maybe it already is. But the lock down and the economic decline could be even more crippling. The farmers say theyll keep growing flowers as long as they can they want to be ready to resume exports if and when the market recovers. In the meantime the flowers are laid to waste tens of thousands of livelihoods with them malcolm webb aljazeera kenya. Now its time for the weather and jenny it looks like its feeling very much still like winter in the us i know it is very very slow to change the season indeed it particularly some policies not everywhere but let me show you 1st because its really quite a clear dividing line to say fairly clear you see this massive cloud here and then it cold right back down tools texas well ahead of this is where weve got the warm air and then behind it is where we have got this basically cold winter in places impacting counted well and this is bismarck up into north dakota now the average this time of year is 13 degrees celsius it is the no in it that is below freezing it will stay that way for the next few days and these are people handing out food to School Children not the weather to be doing it in but this is as we go through friday so we still got this really cold arcing in behind this long line of mostly rain heavy rain to the south in fact we could as we go through the rest of the seasons of installments by the paying into will southern areas of texas if not keep out ahead of it youll notice up in the northeast because the system just sort of spinning and sitting there but look at these temperatures up into calgary winnipeg minus 7 degrees celsius it will get a little bit better as we go on into saturday but really its still some very very cold air in place and then still we have this rain in the south so this could also lead to some isolated areas of flooding but look at the temperatures because it does finally begins with improved this is denver so 7 cells is the average for denver this time of year is 15 degrees so in actual fact 70 we get better into the sunny skies and it actually gets a little bit warmer as we head off into sunday but it takes a little bit longer up into canada many pages you can see youve got minus 5 and then by monday it is up to plus 3 but still really feeling pretty cold but lets end on a positive note sunday is looking and feeling a little bit better still perhaps a little way off the feeling of spring the stalls here hoping for a little more positivity that heat any still ahead on aljazeera. Much of the wild stays at home Homeless People all over europe and elsewhere face an increasing struggle to survive. And pairs in a friendly football match in sweden get Death Threats as the Global Sports shutdown exposes them to on line gambling thats coming up in sports with peter. Land. Before any official investigation into the tragedy of flight m. H. 70 was completed the website of one citizen journalist claims to have connected the dots only light density of light of the man was revealed by the Investigations Team at spelling cat has identified the 2nd citizen journalism investigations trust is generated through transparent dont believe me theres the ever. Better truth and approach truth work coming soon on 0. When the news breaks the work for was started with the ins of getting more police on the presentation and Economic Development when people need to be heard the top leadership world where of the potential for verity of the virus weeks before the public were told of those dangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army says determined to defeat the rebels and continues advanced was this is a good day to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life news. Hello again im just. A reminder of our top stories this hour. The United States has suffered the wilds worst single day of the coronavirus pandemic with close to 1200 deaths on thursday the total number of dead has now surpassed 6000. From canada voicing concern medical supplies are being be directed to the United States one French Health official says several 1000000 mosques they wanted and now being sent to the u. S. For it was willing to pay much more. And spain has recorded more the 900 deaths for the 2nd day in a row the fatalities are slightly less than the number on thursday when the country announced its largest single day death toll. Well the United Kingdom has recorded almost 700 deaths in the past 24 hours thats up nearly 25 percent it comes as the British Government says it will test 100000 people a day by the end of the month and a new 4000 bed imagine c. Hospital has just been opened in london whats normally a Convention Center was converted in just 9 days well lets now go live to join a health who joins us from london joining the Health Secretary had already been warning that the peak might be coming sooner than expected what do these new numbers tell us about the trajectory here. I think they continue to strike a slightly worrying note about where things are going in the u. K. For the last few days now weve seen these sorts of jumps around about as you said 25 percent persistent over the last few days the numbers here growing exponentially in fact the death toll the overall death toll doubling every 3 days or 684 the latest big jump to 3605 and those numbers continuing to grow where other countries at this point in their epidemics had to get begun to flatten the curb so to speak out here in the u. K. With 13 days now into full restrictive lockdown measures most people staying at home this sort of 2 to 3 week lag time expected before those measures begin to have a noticeable effect on the numbers so the hope will be that within the next week i think theyll want to be seeing those numbers big that will that curve rather begin to flatten with the expectation that death tolls will even so continue to grow at least for the next 2 to 3 weeks the estimates. By the authorities by government officials at the moment is a sort of best Case Scenario across this crisis of deaths in the range of 20000 in all thats a best Case Scenario a worst Case Scenario the suggestion is could be 50000 china speaking of last Case Scenarios i believe youre standing outside a makeshift morgue i mean i know were hoping that they would have to be used but presumably there are also others being set up. You know the worst Case Scenario has to be what everyone is preparing for now with as you say a manhunt for the Health Secretary warning that the peak could be sooner than we think within the next few weeks and yes as you say behind me is attempt 3 more being set up alongside the criminal or if you can just make out the 2 peaks there of of to refrigerate refrigerator. Buildings that will be built there its one of a number of sites are identified across london via local authorities working with business and faith groups its called the structural part of the strategic resilience response platform to deal with the expected uptake in 10 deaths london of course accounts for around a 3rd of the current numbers its not alone in birmingham theres another big morgue being built and at other sites that one alongside Birmingham Airport will be able to take up to 12000 bodies at its peak in the West Midlands up there showing big spikes in numbers at the moment as you say will they be used hopefully not but there are signs that the epidemic here could be higher bigger than anyone thought new research from Imperial College london taking into account big gaps in the testing regime that the government is trying to a close close at the moment also people with very mild symptoms who may not have reported or registered and asymptomatic sufferers of the virus suggest that the numbers here in london currently 10000 infections could be up to 60 times higher than that one in 15 londoners they believe could have had or have the virus up to 600000 people extrapolate that across the nation and you get a much bigger Bigger Picture of what could be coming our way in the next couple of weeks in the official statistics suggest a Bigger Picture there for us in london i do want to say that just in the last half hour it has been announced that Queen Elizabeth will be announcing i will be addressing them so i will be addressing the nation on sunday and well obviously be bringing that to you as it happens so do stay with us here where under. In coverage of the pandemic on aljazeera. Across europe it was a warning that Homeless People are at risk of starvation because of lockdowns the virus has also led to the closure of hundreds of Homeless Centers which many relied on for food and shelter reports from. As europe cities empty the homeless are no longer invisible but they are a risk of being forgotten. Everybodys very scared everybody would tell everybody the. Palace hes out. There on the streets for many reasons abuse addiction Mental Illness theyre already 20 times more likely to contract tuberculosis or other lung diseases and now theres the coronavirus. That its hunger that brings them here to a charity handing out food since the lot down help has been in short supply theres a lot less food because there isnt such hotels that shot these people that you contribute to us normally they give us food surplus food these are extreme situation these are very dangerous times. Even before this pandemic struck the number of people sleeping rough has been going up in nearly every single country in europe now an estimated 700000 people are sleeping on the streets across the continent up 70 percent in the past decade. 300 rooms in London Hotels own by the Intercontinental Group have been booked for the next 2 months to help Homeless People self isolate but there are thousands more in need. In spain the army and red cross have set up temporary shelters with hundreds of beds and here in the french town of card the Film Festival venue has opened its doors to the destitute but these are only temporary solutions that aid workers fear could worsen the spread one thing we have to be really careful that we dont. Come up with solutions that actually made things. And. Grouping them is people together. In other settings. We now treat irish is going to create massive action. In the italian city of naples locals have been filling baskets with food and lowering them from their balconies those who can ask to put food in those who cant afford to eat are encouraged to help themselves. To tally and police have handed out fines to some Homeless People for breaking curfews despite many shelters cutting capacity or closing altogether. Across europe aid workers are urging all thora to use to show leniency how can you stay at home they are sick when you dont have one need barker aljazeera london. Now the mayor of turkeys largest city istanbul is urging the government to impose a full lock down there and says time is running out to halt the spread of the virus president rush up to about one is resisting demands for a shutdown instead he wants businesses to remain open to protect the troubled economy istanbul has 60 percent of takis confirmed cases the nationwide fatalities total is reported to be 356. 00 correspondent jim acosta who has more from istanbul. Some will is the heart of the turkish economy because the industriously of course trade osier and on march 30 presents add ons that trick you must keep in must keep whirling so the economy should continue to function and operate turkey should continue to produce the Business Life at the main economy the production line shouldnt be cut according to presence add on and his cabinets members and many experts have been saying that a locked on a problem locked all especially for cities like istanbul is made and the capital ankara its necessary as the numbers are roving but this is what the government believes right now but they have urged people for south korean sign i have to tell that yes theyre not imposing a full lockdown but turkey households of everything for the last couple of weeks it turkey it turkey stopped flying a roll to turkey is stopped bringing people to inside even the domestic flights are limited and based on this based on some specific permits a less its its not so much necessarily they dont they dont allow you to to fly from once the to another also the bus transportation between the cities are limited as well however Unemployment Rate is very high in turkey and the turkish economy lets be honest has been has been suffering for some time especially for the last one and a healthier declining turkish lira has been one of the major problems of the turkish economy and the unemployment among the youth is very high thats why in a big giant city like in istanbul you can see many people. Are responsible but also there are lots of people of all who are working in factories they are working in the medical companies and they need to bring food to their homes. Well in libya millions are battling both the threat of the virus and also the ongoing effect of fighting a blockade of Oil Terminals in Eastern Libya has seen the government has millions of dollars a day in revenue since january and this means Government Employees have also not been paid for months what otherwise had reports from the capital tripoli food prices are on the rise in tripoli before the start of ramadan residents are rushing to markets feeling some commodities might try now with during the holy month of fasting. Is checking what he can afford to buy in this but still shop like many other libyans he has not received his salary for the past 3 months. We are following stereotype measures in our houses by downsizing the amount of commodities we need to consume the government has not intervened to stop shop owners from increasing prices the value of the libyan d. N. R. Is falling and banks are running short of hard to currencies because of the halt in oil exports despite the dramatic fall in oil prices globally or you live in use remained the backbone of libyas economy. Almost 30 percent of libyas 6000000 people rely on estate salaries with the closure of Oil Installations because of continuing the fighting between rival groups and many fear a worsening financial crisis for the past 3 months forces loyal to warlords plea for have to have been blocking the Oil Terminals in the east of the country production has dropped from 1200000. 00 to less than 100000 Barrels Per Day the state oil firm is to mates it has lost around 3 and half 1000000000. 00 in revenue. Meanwhile have there is a one year battle to capture the capital that goes on that has taken a toll on people and infrastructure consequences might remain for years to come when i could hear it when i was on or a lot of factories have been affected by the war in tripoli because many of them a located near the fighting areas or so many investment projects that was signed with Foreign Companies have no being frozen this war is not only affecting economy in tripoli but across the whole country. And many other libyans are worried if the blockade on the Oil Facilities continues the Economic Crises will get even worse there wondering when and how their situation will improve. Tripoli. Now tech giant google is rolling out day said they say can show which countries are actually complying with stay at home orders the curve of 19 mobility reports or a summary of days i gathered from smartphones anyone whos agreed to store their location history with google can have their data used in this study now so far the information collected from 131 countries shows movement in categories such as Grocery Stores parks and workplaces for example in the u. S. The mobility reports Show Movement to retail and recreational areas has decreased by 47 percent since stay at home orders were issued there all google says the days are will not include information that can personally identify a person and will only be used to help public Health Officials well lets speak to Michael Valle his electorate in Digital Rights and regulation at university College London and he joins us now on skype from there michael this is clearly a time for the world to come together to fight this pandemic and google appears to be trying to pitch in so how useful is this information what actually comes to Public Health how could it be used so i think sometimes it can be used as you said to verify whether measures are effective and they can also be used to house raise and lower lock downs in particular regions and thats what a lot of firms and governments are also looking to do telecoms data but we have to be careful as well because not everyone has smart phones many people dont turn Location Services on and those who do may be of a different demographic to those who turned so this data is not necessarily a great picture of the truth in all parts of the world or all parts of the country and michael there are obviously concerns about privacy here how of those been addressed. So they havent really been addressed because it doesnt really take into account the fact that google are tracking this data its jordon attention to the fact that google embed trackers in many apps and also use things like Location Tracking through their operating system and also throughout google maps and just draw attention to just how much data people are giving away without knowing it and even if this is for a good cause and people are supportive of this it maybe does raise questions about really how much google are collecting that we dont know about that we dont hear about in a crisis and my home even way from google just very briefly i know there are a few apps that have been used for contract Contact Tracing so trying to find the people who are in contact or have been in contact with infected people and thats been used in a number of countries have there been privacy concerns around those apps if you design them wrong there are very large privacy concerns that some of those apps are designed such that the government can see whos been with who and whos walked past who and that can be used later by Law Enforcement but there are very advanced ways designed them where you can keep all the data on your device and not reveal anything to the government but still do Contact Tracing and Risk Assessment of where youve been who youve met the met and we would like to see more governments making paid paying attention to the different ways that you can be proportional when designing the system well coming back to the google days and looking at the the shutdowns and whether or not people are moving around is there a worry that the publication of the states that is i guess a form of naming and shaming does that actually then psychologically actually help to change public behavior of people a feeling like theyre being rapped on the knuckles. Yeah certainly it maybe affects solidarity just like if you release a really detailed flood map and it changes insurance prices for your neighbor but not for you if you release this kind of information it can really change social dynamics and economic dynamics between regions and that can be really destructive particularly of governments become very keen to start the economy again they may be tempted to rely on this kind of data to open up certain areas that close others and that might not be something that everyone thinks is fair well michael as you were saying i mean this could be used by authorities then to also potentially tighten restrictions or even crack down on places that they dont think of following orders and surely there is an ethical issue that yes certainly its the same with Contact Tracing apps if you design them incorrectly you can penalize individuals and even stigmatize individuals. And as i said its able to be used by surveillance by Law Enforcement and for things that are completely not covert related like and finding whistleblowers or own or rebel groups or people who threaten different government regimes in ways that we might not want to see them persecuted and we have to be very careful when we Design Systems like this because they can quickly become a surveillance infrastructure for a very different topic indeed and while very useful and potentially also very dangerous michael vale the electron Digital Rights and regulation at university College London thank you so much for your insights on aljazeera now chinas government is warning that the city of will have to stay indoors amid concerns over a resurgence of infections there and follows the imposition of a lockdown on 600000 residents in neighboring province its unclear just how many people in the isolated jihad country are infected but the Health Commission has confirmed 31 new cases in the past 24 hours well shame is in will hand and she says there are growing concerns over socalled silent carriers of the virus. He didnt theres really no you know my. I have been moving here and there today and yesterday and i can say that the precautionary measures are very strict and we can see sanitizes are being used everywhere on the streets of the city even in some open areas there are people who are taken body temperatures and no one is allowed to come into this area without a certain symbol used by the locals here in this area and others as well every area has its own symbol to allow you to come in and allow the authorities to follow your medical history at the same time i think the strict procedures are still here people can feel the fear the government is trying to ease the publics fear because there are concerns over asymptomatic cases people who have the virus but none of the symptoms are shown so the procedures i think are very strict and it will continue for certain period of time to come in order to avoid any 2nd wave of covert 1000 and factions and will harm and china in general. While in hong kong the government there has reimposed restrictions on bars and clubs following an increase in infections linked to them more than 800 people in the city are infected 4 people have died the recent spike in cases has also been blamed on hong kong citizens returning home from abroad now all of them have to undergo a 2 week quarantine while the government has also banned all tourist arrivals and also transit at the airport. Head on al jazeera and its all the n. F. L. Team thats doing what it can to help the fight against coronavirus. Business leaders want to buy no brush paul. In the. Business leaders as to why no brush paul. Then its now time to spot his piece at the stars i think its still no deal in place of premier League Football is the take away chat but its being reported in england that Manchester Uniteds team will donate 30 percent of the local hospitals and Health Services but have yet to confirm but it would be the 1st major move by a premier league team in the fight against coronavirus its thought to be the idea of the club captain Harry Mcquire unlike some other teams united are not seeking help from the u. K. Government to help protect jobs tottenham newcastle norrish and bournemouth have been criticised for continuing to pay players in full while asking for taxpayer money to fund nonplaying staff wages talks are under way with the Players Union but no deal of wages has been reached yet englands Health Minister matt hancock urged players to play their part i think that Everybody Needs to play their part in this National Effort and that means premier League Football is too given the sacrifices that many people are making including some of my colleagues in the n. H. S. Whove made the ultimate sacrifice of going into work and of caught the disease and have sadly died i think the last thing that the 1st thing that premier League Football is can do is make a contribution take a pay cut and play that part. European football leagues could restart in july and august the sports governing body has sent a later to its 55 members saying theyre working on a plan to extend the current season beyond the official june 30th finish with Football Games canceled across the continent they have been requests from italy and the netherlands to call off the season and on thursday belgium did just that as it awarded club bruges the title but you wait and see it in its later at stopping competitions should be the last resort. The shutdown of football across much of the world has left the 50000000000. 00 betting industry with a big gap to full its need to focus on any matches gamblers can find but its also meant unwanted attention and even death rates for a lower league amateur team in sweden poorest reports from. Fortunes are not usually won and lost by betting on amateur teams in sweden but with so many professional leagues shut down around the world me at practice matches in the region of scorn or have attracted the insatiable appetite severely Online Gambling industry no liverpool to bet on is all real madrid instead punters focused on scarborough where now this is a 5th Division Team they usually have about 70 people watching their games but theres such a lack of football globally at the moment theyve been getting worldwide attention people betting on their practice much is which would have been nice up to a point but the point came when the team lost their training match and gamblers around the world lost money you can really believe it. Will. I mean most people dont even know its been done here is that there are basically people writing to after our training games. Threatening our players there were threats it all began in friendly enough fashion. I have got messages on facebook from random people the best example is from a guy from hungary and he asked me about 5 hours before the game hello im a fan from hungary. What is the expected result for todays match from the beginning i didnt knew they could bet on this game we were basically the only team the only game that you could bet on. The last time we played so. Obviously a lot of people are going to bed and then if they if they lose money. Thats a lot of money soon revealed a dark side of Online Gambling so youve got one of the messages there. Which says at it again you feel for the corrupt rats its a disgrace to play football just so you completely fix matches lets hope you all get coronavirus you dirty rats. I feel sorry for this person no one will be losing any more money on scarborough what with even practice games now canceled in the swedish lower divisions but if sporting action pops up elsewhere whatever the level it will attract attention and maybe hate with online gamblers unlikely to simply hang up their phones while they wait for the sporting world to get back to normal. Pull reese aljazeera spade suite or. The. Village could be used as a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients still being constructed but its one option being discussed by local government officials the village consists of 24 buildings and with the host 11000 the libyans but it will now occupied for 16 months after the games were put back by a year former marathon world record holder Wilson Kipsang has been arrested in kenya for breaching a coronavirus curfew is also a policeman believe it or not 20 people detained for themselves in a bar and Drinking Alcohol earlier this year were suspended from track and field of doping offenses. Never in the United States the new England Patriots n. F. L. Team have used a team plane to fly more than 1000000 masks from china to massachusetts one of the hardest hit states in the u. S. Team owner robert kraft paid 2000000. 00 half the cost to buy the masks. Horse racings grand national is the latest sporting event to go virtual surveys race in liverpool was cancelled but thanks to c. G. I. Technology and algorithms the computerized version of the race we played out live on british t. V. To give fans something to watch. And thats with me will be with a watch will even be phenomenal sports news coming up again later thanks very much pisa well thats it from maine assault this news hour dont go away ill be back in just a couple of minutes with more of the days news to stay with us here on out of there. Join the conversation the bubble people to expand their brains maybe have a different view this is a dialogue women in cambodia are in fact telling their here we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and your conversation could be a lot right here. We need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progress and not perfection on aljazeera. The u. S. Is always of interest to people all right the world this is been going on for a number of tear gas being used to stick. To the report stories from an International Perspective we try to explain to our mobile audience why its important how this could impart at the height of this storm the water was so high that we didnt find hey this is an important part of the world people Pay Attention to what one here knows to do is very good at bringing the news to the world from. The u. N. Fact finders accused of genocide this is the political that you see there. Do you believe there in the movie is a fascist who. Would recognize the both sides have legitimate grievances against the other let me just this is the founder of climate pac and that is why because my take. On aljazeera. The. The us has its west day of the current a virus pandemic yet almost 1200 people die in just 24 hours. Welcome back im the stars here today and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up almost 700 people die in the u. K. In the last day as an under pressure government promises to test 100000 people a day by the end of the. Angloamerican emerges from isolate

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