Is and they want to know how what they have known to start tomorrow with al gore got him who they have experts and frankly long after we came out and talked about it look how would i have known to cut off china i cut off china very early and if i didnt we would have a chart that you wouldnt believe so how would i know to do that how would i know to cut off europe i could of europe very early i mean you have to make a decision people knew that some bad things were going on and they get off to a late start and. Some others got off to a late start also but we cut off china if we didnt cut off china we would have been in some big trouble and we cut it off because you know what we cut it off way early good it just wasnt all up on the Insurance Point in the in a separate question became a. From a colleague who cant be in the room to be on the Insurance Point is there going to the roll call is there going to be an opportunity for Insurance Companies if if in fact. Hospitals are compensated for uncompensated care are the Insurance Companies going to also get compensated for external very expenses that they may have received assuming that we havent discussed it but were talking to them you know getting them not to pay copays in the case of the big ones was a tremendous thing thats a lot of money they gave up but were discussing that with the Insurance Companies will let you know itll be pretty quick you get up a question on japan sir they are expanding their entry fans to include the United States on are you planning to take any similar action to ban japanese nationals from coming to the u. S. As a result of this crisis well. Were looking at a lot of things and a lot of different bands we have more bands and anybody we had bands when bands werent fashionable if you remember right at the beginning of this administration it was for Different Reasons but weve had bands long before people thought of bands when i did china it had never been done before i was the 1st one to do it remember that it had never according to what i read it all the papers this had never been done this is a terrible thing to do and 4 weeks later they were all saying were lucky we did it so were looking at it now we heard that and i think its fine that they do that theyre trying to protect their country and we have to protect our country you know Police Officers. House and Home Quarters and you know that you know decision should be left in the hands of governors who are here considering telling the entire nation to stay at home so just today. Georgias governor finally issued a stay at home for him saying that individuals could have been texting people before they were felt bad but he did know that until the last. Last 24 hours is that hearing scranton kanzi new governor bryant get a piece of record all theses a good governor and he has to make his own decision on that i let the states i think were about 85 percent. Positive on that if you look i think its about 85 percent of the states have got to stay at home brians a great governor will its his decision he made that decision ultimately decided to go along with it and theyre doing it and theyre doing well in the states doing well in many respects yeah go ahead Police Officer tough question of putting it in state from them we could be and it had to do with me. To question in regards to the russian plane that landed at j. F. K. With medical supplies to the United States ask russia for this aid or is it just accepting it were setting it was a very nice offer from president putin i spoke to him the other night as i told you and they had access to medical equipment things and ill take it ill take it i think its very nice weve got some from china we also help other countries we like doing that like i said before if we have excess stuff we let it go out we let some go out where frankly they had orders for it and i didnt want to stop orders it was a very nice gesture on behalf of president putin and i could have said no thank you or i could have said thank you and it was a large plane of very high quality benecol supplies and i said ill take it any further in your home i think you would if we had scored but he was very nice it was part of the call he suggested he said we have it its a do show they have very big difficulties with this virus and also as you know russia i thought it was a very nice gesture on behalf of president putin i could have said no i dont want it or could have said ill take it you know and i said ill take it for the raid i think soon and if they send things that we need i take it sure but nice gesture again. Im not concerned about russian propaganda not even a little bit he offered a lot of men. Nicol high quality stuff that accepted and that may save a lot of lives ill take it every day please send him back. A lot i think if hell continue to stand with the people of iran given the fact theyre so hard hit with chronic fire theyre very hard hit very hard hit in a lot of ways their heart they are in with their economy with their military and with obviously the virus theyre very hard to which you consider easing sanctions to allow medical supplies to get in they havent even asked us to do this we know that sanctions hit the people not the definition of what they havent even asked us to do that if they want to remain would love to meet and would love to settle the whole thing out but i doubt theyll break them realistically how does a person in tehran pick up the pot of coffee i think they love america i think the iranians love america i think theyd love to be free i think theyd love to have just some of the things that we have you know i remember and many years ago friends of mine were always in around there were doing real estate deals in a room they were building beautiful buildings all over and the corporate houses it was they were very successful and then one day there came to an end but you dont want the people to read they remember that was a long time ago but not so long ago they remember it and ill tell you they love america they love what we stand for. And were not looking for shit were not looking for government to take over government change you know this countrys been through that many times it doesnt work people do encourage other countries to poor me has started to help what i write is what i did as you know i put it out very publicly with respect to iran and said if they need help with respect to the virus would love to sit with the greatest medical professionals in the world would let their cities are you encouraging perhaps to to lend their support because there are many countries that he only encourages his kids and. Theyve been a very hostile country they. Made a deal that president obama should have never made it was a short term deal giving a 150000000000. 00 giving them 1800000000. 00 in cash greenfield theres room for washington to europe and more responsibility notice it will be easier if you. Have a moral responsibility to help them if they ask if they if they needed help i would certainly consider different if nations says they need help with us up to the United Nations im talking about us and what happens is if they want to help because they have a very big case of virus a very very big case it one of the worst on earth if you believe what youre reading and i happen to believe what i see and what i know and if they wanted help we give them help yeah you had one and i think constantine and that question for your parents you got the you time out and then youre not to receive anything you know the difference to me tends to trying to figure out what im. Crazy enough to keep you on ventilators and masts under any signals from across the country that might indicate there are other things besides past several years and im slowly rising in terms of the fight against tax cuts and. Sure so the 1st the 1st issue that weve been dealing with was really the ventilators that was the number one number 2 and number 3 from all the states what weve been finding is that people have a lot of these requests based on the models and what weve been trying to do over at fema is say to the states wolf and you would like ventilators when you see 1st look in your states right so for example in northern jersey theyre going out of southern jersey and theyre finding ventilators and trying to relocate them to where they have their hotspots the 2nd thing that weve done is weve asked them to survey for alternative ventilators dr burke spoke before about the anesthesia machines and the ability to convert them to be ventilators so were asking people to be resourceful inside their states before they come to the federal government other 3rd thing weve been. Asking states to do is to provide what their daily utilization rates are so everyones asking for everything one congressman got a call from his local hospital saying i need 250 ventilators and he said well if you dont have a covert patient in 4 counties why do you want 250 ventilators and he says well we just want to be safe were very nervous right now so what you have all over the country is a lot of people are asking for things that they dont necessarily need at the moment and the job of and natural plus check has been to try to make sure that were getting the real data from the cities from the states that we can make real Time Allocation decisions based on the data and right now whats happening is a lot of the different cities and states are providing fema that that information were talking to them daily theyre updating that information daily and thats enabling the federal government to make much more informed decisions on where they position ventilators you also have a situation where in some states fema allocated ventilators to the states and you have in instances where in cities theyre running out but the state still has a stockpile and the notion of the federal stockpile is its supposed to be our stockpile its not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use so were encouraging the states to make sure that theyre assessing the needs theyre getting the data from their local local situations and then trying to fill it with the supplies that weve given them the same thing with the mask so the n 95 mask is actually an item that wasnt used as frequently in the medical profession before this it was music mostly for diseases so speaking to a lot of the doctors and hospital administrators they would say that used actually a very low percentage of the n 95 masks with the president the Vice President were able to do with congress was to get the waiver so that you could expand the pool as a lot of the masks were used to do for the Construction Industry so now theres a much bigger pool of masks in the country there was a stockpile they distributed that based on where they anticipated a lot of the need would go but a lot of that still is stuck with the states and it hasnt trickled down to the right places within the state so i would just encourage you when you have governors saying that the federal government having hasnt given them what they need i would just urge you to ask them. Well have you looked within your state to make sure that you havent been able to find the resources unlike other countries a lot of the medical system in america is a private its not its not a public government controlled so you have to get the data from whats in their state look at it in that way and then make sure that theyre being resourceful in a way to do that and also ask them what their utilization percentage is because if one governor is asking for more ventilators and if the federal government sends them more than they need the goal here is not to have ventilators sitting in a warehouse where you have another state where you have people who need them so what were trying to do is make informed data driven decisions both on ventilators mass any other supply we can get to make sure its going to the people who need them is really want to work here i think you know if you wait on the reports that the words im sure youre aware were in the white house officials have described your role as being something running out of the shadow task force how do you describe your role how do you how do you describe the politicians you bring to the general yeah i would just say very simply look the president asked the Vice President to run the task force the Vice President asked me to a says ive been serving really at the direction of the Vice President hes asked me to get involved in different projects the Vice President i speak probably sometimes 510 times a day but everything that im doing is at the direction of Vice President some people are talking to you that means theyre probably not informed as to whats going on but i can assure you that im speaking with dr burke dr 1000 Vice President and the president multiple times a day to make sure that im accomplishing and focusing on the objectives that the Vice President deems a priority im going to now a were theres no national stolidly for this to take. A short theres just a little bit of it is a lot of places there are just right thank you mr chairman what triggers sending aid that homeowner from the National Stockpile to a state in other words how safe is somebody have to be to get one of these National Monuments well that thats not the issue that were thats not the crowd. You have the states basically putting in the request and theyre giving us their utilization their utilization percentages so its a very simple formula the states should know how many ventilators them their states and by the way some governors you speak to are senators and they dont know whats in their state you know some governors ill speak to and theyll know to the number how many ventilators they have in their state because thats the 1st thing a good manager will do what a lot of the voters are seeing now is that when you elect somebody to be a mayor or governor or president youre trying to think about who will be a competent manager during the time of crisis this is a time of crisis and youre seeing certain people are better managers than others so what i would say is that the way that the federal governments trying to allocate is theyre trying to make sure they you have your data right dont ask us for things when you know that when you dont know what you have in your own state just because youre scared you ask your medical medical professionals and they dont know you have to take inventory of what you have in your own state and then you have to be able to show that theres a real need and so we prepositioned a lot of things because most governors off the bat didnt know what they needed but fema has a joint command with admiral. And peeking or where every couple hours when their requests come in they evaluate the requests they all vote on the requests and then if there is something that they want to elevate the task force they bring to the Vice President to make recommendations or write is never. Really literally true. Hospitalisation cases on a daily basis interacting governors and Health Systems that informs our supply chain this is again i really i want to thank the Health Commissioners and all of them that have been sending Hospital Data and i think its really critical and important to all of us new york city has been providing information in new jersey connecticut rhode island and certainly the wheezy and these hot spots and that allows us we can see where they are with the rising number of cases where they are in their current what can be predicted and really ensuring that people get what they need as. They need it and so i think many of the governors now on the Health Commissioners have been i had to use 20 im into baiting 20 people a day now i have enough for the next 3 days if that doubles were seeing our hospitalization rates stay label ising but we still think there will be this many more in the next days thats the information that they then translate into providing the ventilator so when you see the ventilator numbers going out theyre going out in one fiftys and 200 speakers i think early on we sent a big bolus out and then not all of them even today have been fully utilized and so we want to make sure every state and every hot spot can be reassured that ventilators are there for them as they move through the curve and i think to date weve been able to do that and i think thats whats important to me is that people have what they need when they need it and to date people who have needed ventilators have been able to get on ventilators and i think thats our goal with governors and with the mayor is to make sure that continues to happen but that means all of us have to Work Together and i think thats whats been really important over the last few weeks is people are not making generic requests anymore theyre making data driven requests because they know precisely whats happening in their hospitals are going to the research when youre up here a little bit ago and you talked about the current what youre seeing in your concern that people are not abiding by the social distancing guidelines you seem to hear voices to be quite concerned about that. The current change in this point where that 1010000224 extension 0000 people likely to die that shift to work from home now its just when i look at why so were in week 2. 2 in our guidelines and i guess what i. I expected when the president put out guidelines that said dont go to bars dont be in groups more than 10 people when we said that now over 16 days ago. That was serious and then you could see what happened subsequently and you can see the number of individuals have been infected since then because the people were seeing infected today and in hospitals today were infected after the guidelines went out. So thats what were worried about and were worried about that were not were still in this. And thats why the president extended it for 30 days but we have to get out of this we have to start seeing this budget reform. Just a few states because many of the states. So yes there are days that are used at the last but you know every every what changes the curve is a new detroit a new chicago a new new orleans a new colorado those change the curves because it all the sun spikes with the number of new cases because you have a certain project action of new cases and then a whole another city comes on top where theyre in their logarithmic base so those ones that i talked about that had test results greater than 13 percent positive all of those all of those states are all of those counties are in logarithmic face i mean there are a lot of counties that arent and were really were excited about those counties that have been testing and still finding quite flat and hopefully maybe sunday or so or sometime this weekend we can go through all the states in the curves again so you can see where you know that california and washington are still steady. But were watching very carefully because we see that you can go from this to this very quickly and which this should not be happening any longer in new places if people are doing the social distancing washing their hands not getting together in large groups more than 10. Its not your everyday person but yeah. Yeah and you have many black life. And you have a couple that are its hard to. Judge you know no i dont want to say that no i dont tend to you know you start i dont want and facts i want to praise the states that i think i want to be able to call them out and show you their grass so you can see theyve had steady small cases theyre testing and theyre doing a lot of testing and their percent of test positives are under 5 percent i mean we have a whole group of states who are testing and there Positivity Rate is under 5 percent we know what it looks like on the logarithmic curve youre in that 13 percent then 15 percent and 26 percent and then to 35 percent thats what were trying to prevent and its the metro areas that are absolutely crucial in this and so if youre in a metro area or a year in a small city please make sure all of your friends and family are following the guidelines thats the best thing we counted as our sort of. 5 this year. You know with the fact that you know really. The very places that are eager to do it and i think the number that she made. So you really just sort of youre right to. Be about one state and another state is you know having a hard time its and theyre closely associated and by the way the people are doing a very good job including the people that live there. But when deborah was talking about italy she was talking about the one and then the other was lower and then you have mostly states that have been unbelievable so she wasnt talking about the average of everything shes talking about an individual state which is i think still better than italy italy is having a hard time by the way spain is having a hard time france is having a hard time but our states generally speaking theres like lots of Different Countries all over we have many of those countries are doing a phenomenal job there really flat and i think thats what you meant i dont know i dont want to i dont want to make progress but i think thats what i understood she might be up to snuff it because corona virus is present in all 50 states you said before that you when you include mayors and governors to be serious about this he said once it shows up mitigation their efforts are too late so how do you then square that with this notion that some states are doing well you know virus doesnt apply because if something changes the state in better than not touching theyre not whatever it is theyre not going out theyre not in groups and some states are not probably as good or for whatever reason they also live a lot closer you know new york is very dense and you know california is pretty dense too and theyve got a very good record going so far we hope it doesnt spike up but its very flat. We have stated are doing incredibly well when i looked at some of them i looked at some states that i would have thought maybe would have done as well and theyre really flat lined hope they stay that way i hope they said. That youre saying jeff is or isnt that the point that you want those states the states that i want them to have to sort of say you have no no but we never mentioned about italy and our country she was referring to our country she was referring to one state shes encouraging people to do a better job of following the sun for instance and thats what i understand i k so my understand im going to say. But i think that everybody would have to be thrilled with the way most states are doing throughout. The flatlining the flatline States States that have almost no bump i mean i would think then you have others where for whatever reason theyre higher thats different but you cant condemn People Living in a flat line or with People Living in something where theres the big bump or the bigger bump or more akin to italy where they have some very unique problems and offers italy they have some very unique problems but if youd like to come up and. Do a lot of doing that how many amazing you know why dont i bring you the whole deck again and well divide out the states so you can see them because you really have to see each state separately thats why i started with there are states where youve heard me talk about how concerned i was these are states that before the guidelines went out or right after the guidelines went out i mean you can look at its on the website if you go to the health data or about when gov is made clarity about closing their states its for as the social distancing that washing your hands the bar the taking doing takeout and you can line that with the president ial guidelines and not all states when the president ial guidelines came out immediately followed the president ial guidelines not all states did. There are states that also may have gotten many more c. From outside communities it certainly is one of the issues that new york and new jersey connecticut and rhode island are facing. The virus came in from multiple places into the states it was on detected early on and they have a very long rhythmic career what im saying is even one of those curves in one county in one city is one curve too many so i am passionate about everyone following the guidelines because at the outlier for me that was a better way of putting your child just 0 that is 2325 g. M. T. Were bringing you live pictures from washington d. C. The white house this is the regular Coronavirus Task force update that is given with President Donald Trump that is Deborah Burkes who is a member of the Coronavirus Task force giving details of how the coronavirus it has been spread and measured across states in the united. States earlier on the president to donald trump who was saying that his administration had been doing an unbelievable job in dealing with the spread of the virus and it was saying that states perhaps should have been more prepared however he has also said hes issued a defense production act order for 3000000. 00 face mosques there it is anticipated that some ruling on whether or not that for the facemask will be. Ordered to be won by people across the country though that ruling may come out in the next few days upon plea he also says that he anticipates issuing more defense production orders in the future and he says that the newly ordered ventilators are going to start arriving next week prior to the president speaking on the tasca force presser happening officially we also had an update from u. S. Treasury secretary steve motion giving details of the phone. Package that is planning to be rolled out in the hopes the next couple of weeks i want to bring in my colleague Shihab Rattansi whos also been monitoring all of this from washington d. C. Shihab there was a great deal in this press conference weve been going now for roughly about 2 hours what are the main things that youve picked. Several things actually i probably begin because its our own complete outfit not trying to say this that if iran was to ask for help that the u. S. Would give help we no doubt that because of us sanctions around 1 isnt going to be a great difficulty getting out of balance of bias clearly it has a real problem with the coronavirus the u. N. Is standing this has to and become punish the iranian people to times i dont recall just your own hands that is weapons of and others you know under u. S. Actions and can be said look if there are not moral responsibility for the u. S. Now to act and transit will have lost me but if they did we would help i think thats pretty significant i havent heard that before specially since in the past that you have some of the neo cons around of like my pump am and others the secretary of state suggesting that this is a great time to try to streams even more on iran to try and get rid to have some regime change of some sort this clearly is a change and im saying that is pretty significant secondly that you mention the defense production act but a lot of this briefing was about that defense production act was something that was passed at the beginning of the korean war the idea being when youre on a wartime footing and you need something you hostile all your energy to try and produce that for the war effort but what that means is effectively the mashing lies ation of an industry so in this case perhaps ventilates result that would mean that you take control of the entire supply chain and production of ventilators you know Just One Company or another company will have doing right now General Electric and it makes. Me ventilations to be meaningful what it has to mean is you take control of the entire sector that means that means that the people who are producing of them to people are supplying them and you also take control of the distribution so theres one Central Federal Agency one point person in the administration that netherlands where the low drums are the possible next not the most needed this is effectively nationalizing. If it was being used properly i mean in a way that actually many are calling all the trouble. Nationalizing the ventilator industry in in the United States so then they can figure out ok so weve got the supplies here 3 these people can make this at this point we can senator over here cetera et cetera et cetera and you can already see why the problem instruction has been loads to do this in the past little trying to say well well venezuela you know theres not a america we also have the u. S. Chamber of commerce and all the c. E. O. s you have donald trump is not going to go down that road and yet that clearly would be the most effective way to to try to sort out the problems with with with them too late and so what they were announcing heather was a few more companies are being required now to shift their production to do whats needed to battle to battle the fires but from what jarrett commissioner would say it seems in the end though literally making things that are still on the open market and also not you know below the pond by whoever can manage to get their hands on the highest bid which could be in International Markets but it could also mean the states bid against each other but you still may been complaining about some time. Cuomo of new york city he may and indeed they will be competing still with the federal government jobs usually kept on saying the truth you know has its going to other times on coated 19 that you have states do their own thing and we do our own thing but thats of the problem because what people find out is not only a states bidding against each other and rising prices are going up but theyre also believing its a better government so we still have this unwieldy free market system for things that object desperately use it around the country although that was less than the are in this instance it was more of a sad it was when making were making these companies. Focus on what we need to battle the virus but in the end it is going to get all of the free market results well thats one of the things that i also picked up from the statement is being made by a statement is in with the fact that they are under pressure to roll out this financial this big financial package as she had just very briefly thats really going to put a lot of pressure on the government now isnt writing particularly tomorrow or friday u. S. Time is the beginning of the roman period for Small Businesses to also loads which will be forgiven if they dont use the payroll random things like that what weve heard from banks is actually on them before but they dont have the guidelines to do so i dont know if youre out and on this program but i was just looking at the chase website it still sent Small BusinessAdministration Paycheck Protection Program you may be eligible for this we also accept you know patients for the program at this time. In the us who had just been given her intent to go up the guidelines forgive me for interrupting he said she had i apologize were going to have to leave it there but we will come back to you in about 28 minutes or so get more details he watching aljazeera rewind is next. One of the most highly regarded journalists in the philippines is facing charges of sully but. What impact will the trial have on journalism in the digital age of the philippines. The trial of journalist maria ressa on al jazeera. Hello im Kemal Santamaria and welcome to rewind behind me the city of doha weve been coming here to the museum of islamic art to revisit some of the best documentaries weve made a large extent our life chances that determined by where we have for todays rewind back in 20