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Spain has just had its worst day yet. Plus how south korea is managing to contain the spread of the epidemic without measuring and in other news a u. S. Offers to lift sanctions on venezuela in exchange for a Transitional Government that would not include president Nicolas Maduro or his main rival. The u. S. President is warning americans to prepare for the hard days that lie ahead as the coronavirus told rolls thats a change of tone for donald trump just a week after he said the country could be back in business by mid april White House Health experts say up 2240000 people could die from the virus and if people dont follow social distancing measures stem modeling points to a toll all for a 1000000 on tuesday there were 865 deaths in just 24 hours the countrys highest single day death toll and emergency Field Hospital is being built in central park in new york to help the search in case. I want every american to be prepared for the 4 days that were going to go through a very tough 2 weeks. Then hopefully as the experts are predicting as i think a lot of us are predicting after having studied it so who are we going to start seeing some related the end of the tunnel but this is going to be a very painful very very painful to excuse algis there is mike hanna has more from washington d. C. Its notable that for the 1st time the task force has provided predictions about the rate of the virus about the impact it is going to have it has not done so in the past it says because there was insufficient data on which to project these particular models now it appears it is and not pertain to coming in from across the United States and so to the start figures that were announced at that briefing the projected fatalities ranging from 1000022400 extension 00 people and this must be stressed that is even with measures still in force to combat the virus the social lockdowns the social distancing without the experts say that death toll could rise to well over 1000000 so the key at this particular point insists the scientists is that the mitigation efforts must continue the lockdowns the social distancing these are absolutely crucial if the death toll is going to be kept to what is already an inboard nikki high bigot according to these particular projections and it was a very somber President Trump who responded to these details now all the focus in the u. S. Has been on new york one neighboring state has been hit especially hard new jersey now has a 2nd most kona virus cases in all of america is under report some real can users. An empty park that normally would be filled with people playing sports a sign of the times for the state of new jersey going into week 3 of state wide lockdown. If new york is a coronavirus epicenter in america new jersey is not far behind with more than 18000 confirmed cases and 267 deaths 2nd most anywhere in america the disease has taken Service Members 1st responders coaches loved ones many friends and too many New Jerseyans and sadly we know that this number will grow i cannot be any clearer in my call stay at home before this hits home. The normally bustling pedestrian mall in jersey city is mostly now empty businesses ordered closed the few that are open waiting for customers just in jersey city there are over 800. 00 confirmed coronavirus cases more than most states in america. On the other side of the hudson river from the epicenter new york city is here the state of new jersey and on any given day about 400000 people from new jersey commute into the city for work its that Mass Movement of people back and forth that many believe caused the explosion of corona virus cases here. Doctors tell us local hospitals are barely able to keep up the impact. Of. Thousands of people a day are being tested at drive through pop up sites like this all part of a strategy to aggressively identify those that are infected. Get them isolated and slowly bring down the infection rates its too early to know if its working for now the people of this state hunkered down there when the worst is yet to hit gabriels on do. We hakan new jersey and as we said the 3 soldiers on board a u. S. Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier have tested positive for the coronavirus the captain of the team at all roosevelt has told the pentagon that the virus is spreading uncontrollably and call for immediate help to cornton its cruel but defense secretary mark casper says its not the right time to evacuate personnel on board a correspondent patty coherent who has previously spent months on board the ship is following developments from maryland. I can tell you that this could get x. Initially worse much much quicker than weve seen just in the general public and heres why there are about 70 levels of stairs and lights on the Aircraft Carrier us and if you go to the stairs theyre pretty steep theyre pretty dangerous you have to pull on the ground so imagine you touch your face you touch the railing another 5000 people are going to use you know savings and sterols they sleep about a flight and have the list of crew sleep about a foot have above each other its such a tight corner that you can actually rule over in your sleep because your shoulders will this and they all eat together so they can have the ships of this really extraordinary mother saying we have to have that way the almost 5000. 00 people sailors aboard the ship that you have 10 percent on board for security for cleaning and what we see is a part of the secretary of defense in an interview saying its not time to evacuate the ship that is in sharp contrast to what this captain said just times of the essence he wants to see some sort of 40 barracks up and more of elsewhere its in the in spain recorded their highest single day death tolls on tuesday paul brennan reports on the situation in europe. Italy has lost more people to a coronavirus than any other country in the world their individual names risk being overlooked lost in the ever changing statistics of this pandemic but at noon in cities and towns across italy every single one of them was remembered local mayors stood on the steps of their town halls in a minutes silence it was an emotional gesture of solidarity an expression of tribute and then indication of hope and weve. Seen all the mayors have gathered together in a kind of hug most importantly near the places that are suffering the most but the virus has been strongly is it that grief for people who died it is a sign of respect to their families and their small or big communities giving a message of hope in the bleak madrid rain spains grave diggers are going about their task with grim purpose the virus claimed another 849 lives here in the previous 24 hours lockdown means the burials are lonely and heartbreakingly brief efforts to combat the virus and save as many lives as possible increased by the day this Conference Center in madrid one of several such venues across europe being converted to ease the pressure on overcrowded hospitals the french president has visited a facemask factory in western france shortages of masks and protective gowns have left medical staff exposed to the virus with the Global Markets struggling to meet demand the president wants selfsufficiency i dont like these new pushes you off last before the crisis were producing 3300000. 00 masks per week by the end of april it will be more than 10000000. 00 meaning we have tripled our production in just a few weeks and we will continue these efforts to increase our Production Capacity so that by the end of the year we will have full independence in producing the masks and not need to rely on other countries. The virus is also proving a challenge for the European Unions democratic principles on monday to hungary and parliament granted Prime Minister viktor orban sweeping Emergency Powers to rule by decree without any time limits in brussels on tuesday the European Commission president on the lane expressed grave concern in a Statement Read out by his spokesman an emergency measures must be limited to what is necessary and strictly proportionate the most not last indefinitely moreover governments must make sure that such measures are subject to regular scrutiny coronaviruses change what might be considered normal there is nothing normal about europe streets being deserted about shops being closed about millions staying at home but one day tourists will return to the tourist a fresh array and enjoy the panorama across paris of the eiffel tower for now though the disinfecting squads barely glance at the view in the effort to combat the virus there is no such time to waste paul brennan aljazeera south korea is tightening its travel restrictions asking all those arriving to south korean 900. 00 for a fortnight the country appears to have its outbreak under control but is concerned about a resemblance and as rob mcbride reports from seoul itself i managed to contain the numbers without drastic restrictions. Along the banks of the hand river many people are doing what they havent done for weeks venturing outside enjoying the spring sunshine and the Cherry Blossom but with reminders everywhere to maintain social distancing of at least 2 metres apart other signs warn that as crowds build the avenues of cherry trees will have to be closed. I guess its ok for people to see the Cherry Blossom enjoy it before they close a road on the whole south korea has chosen not to enforce the kind of harsh measures adopted by neighboring china also now emerging from its own crisis. The International Community should consider their own situations and review both the chinese and south korean approaches and apply the measures that would be faced in their own countries south koreas guiding principle in fighting the disease has been to get the voluntary support of the public rather than imposing lockdowns or completely closing borders with the outbreak seemingly under control its a strategy that appears to have worked the governments transparent handling of the outbreak has won the general trust of the people and although new cases continue to be reported theres a feeling the worst is over. In john as you know i was at inchon airport ive been tested for dividers at the walk through testing station personally i dont think we had in a serious situation at the moment thought of hollow accordion were in their own already. Looking at other parts of the world which are now in the midst of crisis were just starting to grapple with what south korea has already gone through is reason for many here to be thankful Robert Bryant al jazeera so. And still ahead on aljazeera we take a look at just how effective it is to spray disinfectant as a way to ward off the wrong advice and while thousands of businesses around the world struggle to stay afloat because of the pandemic one company in gaza is bucking the trend. Were seeing some violent storms across the deep south of the u. S. Service latest batch of very wet weather now in the process of moving a swiss things will gradually quieten down a long lost on place to stay safe a way to stay still a few showers just clinging on to the disabled just around the middle and 6 days drive of the coming back in behind 11 celsius there from new york and for d. C. East apostle canada not too bad push a little further north you could still see some wet weather some wintry weather as well here based basis of snow is essential parts of canada over towards Pacific Northwest Western Areas of the u. S. Still a little disappointing in terms of cloud rain and some bits of snow not just some story weather too just flooding across the Northern Plains as we go on into thursday thursday for the west coast thats fine and dry east coast lost the fog and dry into new england into that say this out of canada could still see a little bit of wet weather just coming in here that same weather system has been pulling away from southern parts of the u. S. And you can see this area that will continue to drive its way out into the open waters of the atlantic pushing down across cuba initially know the prosecutor on wednesday looking rather disturbed at wetter weather sinks this way further south was but for the much of the caribbean is fine and dry. From fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha a reminder of our top stories President Donald Trump is warning americans to be prepared for tough weeks ahead the number of dead from corona virus in the u. S. As fast as 3800 people more than china where the virus originated in the u. S. Also has the highest number of infections its at least 33 sailors on board a u. S. Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier have tested positive for 19 and the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt has told the pentagon that the virus is spreading uncontrollably and asked for immediate help to quarantine its crew and the outbreak shows mills sign of slowing down in europe spain and france have recorded their highest single day death tolls and more than 800 deaths have been reported in italy. The former head of the French Football Club say has died after contracting coronavirus jew full move to france as a teenager from senegal was 60 8 oclock tweeted that hell remain in their hearts forever all the French League described him as a charismatic endearing and passionate leader the former journalist and agent is a 1st person to die from kovi 19 in senegal. In kenya a funeral has been held for a 13 year old boy allegedly shot by police in forcing a virus lock down Hussein Mario says his family was standing on their balcony at the beginning of the nighttime curfew on monday when police opened fire is son died after being shot in the stomach police are investigating the incidents but Human Rights Watch says the use of Excessive Force by Kenyan Police good undermine the fight against corona virus in new york what is really a bone with a bang was that in the separation is being carried out in the wrong way its like robbery because the Police Arrive yelling and people see this they run skewed to make messes with the beast and rob. People but also 30 case in our homes even though people have children were fighting corona during the day and we have to deal with bullets during the noise. Police in south africa are also being accused of heavy handed behavior after using tear gas and rubber bullets to break up a protest by Health Workers the nurses at bongani Regional Hospital were rallying over the lack of protective gear like gloves and masks the hospital says the group was blocking the entrance and breaking restrictions on gatherings now disease specialists are criticizing the mass spraying of disinfectant in the fight against the coronavirus footage the measure on sunday of a group in india being washed down by men in protective suits the videos cause widespread anger in india and the local administrators apologized saying no one was hurt in indonesia a special chambers have been set up to give people a quick blast with chemicals to get rid of potential germs on their clothes and skin drones in 5 trucks also being used but some experts say mass disinfecting is a Health Hazard and that more targeted cleaning would be a better use of resources and the mayor of sora by in indonesia has defended the project. Young people not done its been used bindle konya chloride it works like this so it will help to weaken the world into a body we need to look after the health of the workers so in the area with their confirmed cases we used a drill to minimize the risk and curb the spread of code 19 because we dont know where the virus is. Well lets speak to dr jason long about this his directive for the center of a policy outcomes and prevention at Stanford University hes via skype from palo alto in california thank you very much dr long for being with us so what are your thoughts on this method of prevention is disinfectant effective in preventing the transmission of call that 90. Yeah i think that message spread or. Probably will cause more harm. Than good to the population one of the things that we know about this chemical is that it gets to the skin so it can cause skin irritation it gets to the lungs so it was slowed down the story motions in the lungs and they could in some cases the 2 asthma and some of the cases also showed that they could affect the eyes and so i think its probably more psychological than actual benefit to the population if one were to use this chemical maybe in a more targeted area where you avoid the crowds for example in the content on a day in a hospital room where people could be touching the service i think thats makes more sense than a massive spread in in the population and finally able to come and personal hygiene is very important so you know teaching people to wash their hands and the boy touching things touching their eyes is probably more effective than a massive spread of chemical so this particular chemical thats been used in places like indonesia you say is not is a dangerous one but are they correct disinfectants to use to prevent and reduce the spread of cold and do you think its a lasting solution or is this just a temporary fix. You know i think you know people feel good when theyre been sort of spread around with this infective but and its a very commonly used chemical so for cleaning however if you get into you know some people are allergic to this chemical and they could cause irritation their skin and you know elegies could be very severe people could have trouble breathing so you never know how its going to affect individuals and if you really want to clean for example you dont appear tension to the little spots like the buttons in the elevator when you get into the elevator and these are the things that you know these kind of massive spreads by drones which just wouldnt get into night you of course mentioned washing hands which a lot of people have been using but many of us have also been using a lot of antiseptic and Hand Sanitizer is not harmful if it if its used a lot so if you have the peculiar scent of ties or because you know it depends on whats in it so usually unscented and no color probably will give you have a less chance of getting allergies from that so usually is from the scent or over the color but you have to pick the one that works for you and everybody should do that it is you know we talked about india and and indonesia and you know the disinfectants being used and you say that this is just psychological really to make people perhaps you know better but you know a lot of countries seem to be doing this more and more what tell us more about the dangerous to peoples health. Yes so you know its very impressive when you have drawings so you have. Trucks that come and spread people and i think its very good for Media Coverage that the government is. Really spread of viruses called him by Little Things by individuals to protect themselves keep a distance from another person wash your hands all the try and avoid touching your face. And try to stay at home as much as possible but then make and so these practice really. Much better than trying to spread a chemical cross the population thank you very much dr jason wang for talking to us about this dr jason one is from Stanford University joining us from palo alto in california thank you now factories in gaza are ramping up production of medical equipment to tackle coronavirus the territory has confirmed just 10 cases but Health Officials here are why the outbreak could have devastating effects high fosset reports. The queen takes this is anything but business as usual the company which provides clothing and blankets to gazas Health Sector has largely switched from manufacturing to importing what it can get through the years really at a gyptian blockade but now its rehiring laid off employees to make just one product medical grade cover rules for Health Workers preparing to confront the coronavirus. That everywhere you look at the now were getting an income we can buy food for our children and get them what they need before the coronavirus we could just get a bit of seasonal work. Colonna house on a one is for now at least rare in gaza someone who seen the effects of the pandemic close hed been living in china for 15 years sourcing the companys products when the virus started to spread he was quarantined for 2 weeks before deciding to come home. I knew the virus would reach us here because i wanted to import the suit from china but it would have taken too long so i got all the specifications from chinese friends and decided to produce it here we found the Raw Materials and made a prototype and i got the ministry of health approval. He says his 5 factories can produce a 1000 suits a day but gazas market has only enough material to make a total of 10000. 00 the same blockade that has hampered the market has also slowed the entry of the virus into gaza but with a handful of cases now detected there is huge concern about the potential impact on a densely packed strip of 2000000. 00 people reliant on an already struggling Health System another Textile Factory and more intense activity here and in 4 other restarted sister factories theyre working 2 shifts a day to meet demand but these mosques. They go into the occupied west bank and israel. In the past because effect shes had been working around the clock to supply west bank and gaza markets but because of these really. Says this part of the current. Orders from an israeli private company and then of the company in hebron in the west bank a total of 5000000. 00 mosques. Has rehired more than 150. 00 unemployed workers to fulfill the massive orders but while he and his employees glad of this sudden surge in demand theres also a fear that it could be the preview to a devastating new crisis for gazas economy and the health of its people are a force that aljazeera. Now bella ruse has confirmed its 1st coronavirus death and has more than 150. 00 cases now but the countrys president is taking a relaxed approach to containing the spread Alexander Lukashenko suggests that his fellow citizens should drink vodka to ward off the virus regular trips outdoors and to the sauna were also among his suggestions restaurants and bars remain open in the country. Take a look at other news now and the white house is calling for a Transitional Government in venezuela and for the 1st time has made out a timetable for how u. S. Sanctions could be left head initially the p. S. To be a softer version of present Donald Trumps previous strategies a latin america at its embassy in yemen reports. As the trumpet ministration deals with the coronavirus pandemic the white house is also stepping up its efforts to remove an israel as president. From office just days after the u. S. Justice department indicted model for alleged narco terrorism secretary of state might put in pill announced a plan for a transition government in venezuela probably speaking it would. Put the elected member of the National Symbol assembly representing both sides would create a an acceptable Council State to serve as the Transitional Government until president ial and National Assembly elections could be held we hope within 6 to 12 months. In exchange the u. S. Would lift harsh economic and diplomatic sanctions even on the sale of oil than israel is lifeline the plan calls for both mother and the Opposition Leader why the all who is recognized by washington as the legitimate president to step aside why its all is already on board. With this today we have International Support for a proposal that we made months ago for an orderly transition of power that gives guarantees and space to all those who stand by our constitution. Wasted no time responding. In a communique the government says the quote neither extortion nor false accords will distract president model and the armed forces from their mission to protect the venezuelan people but washington is betting that the growing pandemic on top of plummeting oil prices and u. S. Economic sanctions will make this offer more palatable for those who could force muddles hand. Indeed the initiative. Sounds remarkably familiar its apparently the brainchild of undersecretary of state for western hemisphere cafe or smite kozak and special representative for the news whale Elliott Abrams the same 2 men who in 1809. 00 presented a very similar exit strategy to former panamanian strongman general manuel until you know. Not yet of refused and 6 months later he was ousted by a us military invasion he says he will be really more if the imperialists and the colombian oligarch he dear to touch a hair on our heads prepare for the bolivarian fury the fury of a people who will lash out at all of you. U. S. State Department Sources have been quoted as saying the us military intervention is not in the cards but that a Surgical Strike could achieve the same goal all is now in mulders court to see if he will call washingtons bluff. You see in human aljazeera sente out of. All the latest news and updates on the coronavirus pandemic on our website at al jazeera dot com that sound just aired on. The back of all this is al jazeera and these are the headlines present donald trump is warning americans to get ready for tough weeks ahead as a number of dead from corona virus in the u. S. Passes 3800 more than china where the virus originated u. S. Is also how also have the highest number of infections i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead were going to go through a very tough to excess. Hopefully is the experts are predicting as they go out of a separate data gave having studied it so or in the start seeing some related the end of the tunnel but this is going to be a very painful very very painful. And at least 33. 00 sailors on board a u. S. Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier have tested positive focal that 19 the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt has told the pentagon that the virus is spreading uncontrollably and asked for immediate help to corn teen its cruel the outbreak shows no sign of slowing down in europe spain and france have recorded their highest single day death tolls and more than 800 deaths were reported in italy on tuesday the former head of the French Football Club has died after contracting the virus ju 4 moved to france as a teenager from senegal was 68 the former journalist and agent is a 1st person to die from cold 19 in senegal in kenya a funeral has been held for a 13 year old boy allegedly shot by police in forcing a virus to knock down the boys father hussein moya says his family was standing on their balcony at the beginning of the nighttime curfew on monday when police opened fire his son died after being shot in the stomach and police in south africa are also being accused of heavy handed behavior after using tear gas and rubber bullets to break up a protest by Health Workers the nurses were rallying over the lack of protective gear like gloves and masks and in Indonesia Special chambers have been set up to give people a quick blast with chemicals in response to the coronavirus pandemic on monday drones and fire trucks were used to spray disinfectants in the 2nd largest city of sort of buy. It with the headlines on aljazeera as always more news on our website at aljazeera dot com ill be back in under 30 minutes time after walls of shame. One of the most highly regarded journalists in the philippines is facing charges of saliba voluble what impact will the trial have on journalism in the digital age of the philippines the trial of journalist maria ressa on aljazeera. Milan an hour 2016 was the deadliest year on record for migrants and refugees attempting to get into europe. Over 5000 people died between libya and italy or turkey and creates. Misery the following film was 1st broadcast in 2007 well before todays conflicts in the middle east. Than many european migrants were using another less publicized route to a better life

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