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Climbs above 1000. U. S. President donald trump says hes considering imposing a quarantine on 3 states including new york. And new delhi is a mass exodus Migrant Workers left jobless by india shut down a walking on distances to their home villages. Welcome to the news were going to get the picture right now out of europe the numbers are warring with all of this epidemic and it is far from being under control more than 10000 people have now died in italy found more than in any other country persons death toll has a past 1000 having risen by 260 from the day before more than 17000 people are known to be infected there. If we dont. We were going very well with this today i want to be on the. Movie because we are so lucky it will be true somehow because its acting in this country differently from any other country. Because if we sit in this country refocus too closely with the instructions that we go with it has to be based on the baseline to gauge to reduce this disease and taking a look at the picture in the u. S. The death toll is rising quickly in the eppy sent to new york president says hes considering quarantining that station and 2 others lets take a look at the World Wide Picture this is the live tracker from Johns Hopkins university you can see there the total number of confirmed cases more than 640000 that has risen 520000 just the past few hours if you look over the wide there thats the total number of deaths worldwide approaching 30000 now and as you can see there the death toll in islay 10023 further south to my right in the grain is the total number of people who have recovered from coronavirus that said more than 137000 people well lets take a look at our Coverage Team the cell a sunny day ago is in london for us there she is ellen fisher is standing by in the u. S. State of virginia lets 1st though go to francesco the town they who is a journalist covering the situation is really from milan so that is a grim milestone is it not supposing 10000 dead ends. Yes the trend is still going up of course the growth in the cases and then death its not exponential anymore but no good news today the Civil Protection published new figures of the current Virus Outbreak after the surge in the number of deaths yesterday when 119 people lost their lives and one day the trend is very similar today there were. 889 deaths in the last 24 hours more than 10000 people have now died 4 from the virus in the count tree and number 3 times higher than the whole china the increase in the contagion stabilize under 10 percent rates daily the new confirmed cases are around 6000. 00 for the 3rd day in a row bring gained d total number of positive people over 92000. 00 and the most serious that situation is still here in lombardy in the north of italy where the 60 percent of the total italian thats come from today 542. 00 died and 2117. 00 tested positive in the region 1400 people are hospitalized in intensive care units and 3 more of field hospitals will open next week for the 2 of these patients were brought to other regions and 6 of them 2 to germany now the Prime Minister content Just Announced that he is going to speak in 20 minutes we still dont know what he has to say but media pundits speculate that restrictions are likely to be extended maybe already today. Beyond the 3rd of april there its when they should expire now probably for 15 days more but we have to see and wait. Just give us an idea there are of you know how the country is coping weve seen these images of just lines of coffins you know with being blessed and people arent able to go to funerals give us an idea of what life is like there its its horrible just horrible there are basically 2 counties right now there is one country that is one of the people that stay at home cannot just go out and are coping with the lockdown and then there is a small kountry of people that are affected by life losses by with family destructed because they cannot go to they cannot do funerals they cannot stay with their relatives that die in hospitals and die alone with with medical care workers. With them but only those people know no friends no family so its a really tough situation and every day we hear new stories of people that have this horrible experience with them so its something that is really affecting the north of italy and the telly too but but this region is seriously. In a bad situation Francesco Jiang with only their live from milan thank you was crossed out to sign a gay guy who is running us live by skype from london sonya we had there initially the death toll is past 10000 but the chief of the n. H. S. Is warning that if the death toll in the u. K. Can stay below 20000 things will have worked out well that is a stark assessment. Stark assessment kim but certainly that is needing to be told to the public now and just if you take into consideration that that is the number of deaths of that expecting given the current estimations now as in if they believe that the population is the glaring to the governments requirements by having people stay at home and to say they can stop the transmission continue with a social distancing etc this is what its focusing in on now also whats into consideration as well is the fact that thats state so the National Health service as well he can sit at the full the pandemic. Crisis kicked off the the not the proportion of i. C. U. That they were within the British Health system was one of the lowest in europe as well so there has been a lot of coordinating a lot of rushing around to try and show that there is enough capacity to deal with people who will fill it with covert 19 now as a result of that they are having to really try and get extra personal Safety Equipment sue those health because theres been a lot of debate a lot of controversy surrounding the fact that those Health Workers do not have the basic necessities with which to be able to do their work safely now that is being rushed through as for example things like as Hand Sanitizer and other forms of of equipment rushing of course as well so transferring things like exhibition sentences into makeshift hospitals which will have each wards which will be able to compromise comprise of about 2000 patients but you have also now a focus on london as well for example now is that hospitals and want to not having to double their capacity by transforming shit isnt and recovery areas into places where patients can be hooked on to ventilate says in order to be a. Will try and sit by this disease but also the this is a rapidly moving situation here where the numbers stay as they are when they yes they say they will be up to about 20000 but if you remember like a week ago the total of people who had coronavirus cases in the u. K. Was 5000 look at where the numbers are now its more than double now so really this is a situation where the government Health Service is having to move rapidly to try to gauge and of course this say one of the editors of one of the most Prestigious International medical journals said that the problem is that with the u. K. s that so far this strategy did not work up until now because they failed to follow what the w. H. O. Wanted and that was to test test test and now they are going theyre just starting to test that Health Workers by trying to sort of move as quickly as possible with that and that is where theyre having to so you can quickly. Thanks for that update this on the go live with the latest developments out of the u. K. When you your stacie epicenter of the u. S. On price has seen its number of deaths rise to almost 730 u. S. President donald trump is just saying that statins to others could end up being quarantined. Certain thing some people would like to see new york quarantined because it bought new York New Jersey maybe one or 2 of the places that certain parts of it as it gets larger i think it about right now. We might not have to do it but theres a possibility that sometime today well do a large short term 2 weeks on new york. Probably new jersey just hard to get out of that. We go live now to all the region in the u. S. Where we have alan fishes standing by allan i want to talk about trumps quarantine measures a little bit later but just talk to me about the death toll numbers theres been quite a big jump in new york. You know around 40 percent in new york overnight going from somewhere in the region of 500. 00 to more than 7718. 00 in fact a significant leap and Governor Andrew Cuomo believes that we are still 2 weeks to 21 days away from the apex of the disease in what has become the nations hotspot that is in new york hes talking about providing more hospital beds hes identified 4 sites in what would be regarded as the outer but as so manhattan being the center of the other 5 but it was the other but as would be on the outskirts hes identified 4 sites and hes also been talking about the difficulty of obtaining ventilators he said that ideally they would want somewhere in the region of 30000. 00 ventilators the difficulty theyve got is actually buying them because when they go to a company and are told the price is 25000 and say they will pay it the company then comes back and said actually someones going to buy inventory and its going to be 35000. 00 in california for example well for 45. 00 of those and so hes saying the federal government has to get involved in this process has to centralize the part just of this because new york and other states simply cant get involved in a price war when theyre on the goal is to protect their citizens he says that hopefully theyll have 140000 beds in place by the time the e. P. A. Extracts but accepts that hes got to deal with the reality of the situation the data says at that high point of need you could need one 140000 hospital beds and you could meet 30000 ventilators thats what the numerical projections say so were planning for that quote unquote worst Case Scenario which the models predict. Maybe we never get there maybe we flatten the curve and we slow the infection rate so we never get to that point and thats what were trying to do and were working on that day and night but if we cant frighten the curve you can slow the infection rate you hit that apex make sure youre ready for the apex and thats where the 30000. 00 ventilators come in and allan as we had earlier donald trump is considering putting 3 states under quarantine do we know what that quarantine would look like its different in Different Countries and also is is this trial now taking it more seriously. Well this is donald trump essentially to increase speaking off the cuff because as he was leaving for an event at the Norfolk Naval base which is just wrapped up in southern virginia as he was leaving the white house he said he was considering this quarantine arrangement in what you will be here called the trying state media which is new york parts of connecticut and new jersey 100 cuomo was county at his News Conference at that point and someone says so what about this quarantine that the president just talked about he said that hed spoken to you about this andrew cuomo knew nothing about to its not quite clear how it would be enforced its not quite clear and ive been on the phone for the last couple of people explaining asking if he has the power to do this if its got to come from the governors themselves so its very unclear how this would all work but certainly it doesnt appear. Cuomo is ready to jump into that at the moment although they have again renewed calls for social distancing there was a problem on friday when the weather in new york was very nice and people went sunbathing in the park not really annoyed new york city mayor bill de blasio whos warned that if he sees that he will have the police break those groups up and he also warned house of worship on sunday that they should not be opened should avoid this social gathering it at all costs is donald trump taking this more seriously it appears he is you remember just a couple of days ago he was talking about how he might reopen swathes of the country come easter if were talking about 2 or 3 weeks before we get the impacts in new york youre going to run out right against that so that seems unlikely youll remember also he was saying people really need 3240000 ventilators i dont think theyll need that number and then within 24 hours rivera one significant factor and this may be a media report is circulating here in the United States is that Lindsey Graham is a very close ally of the president s hes a republican senator. Told him when the president said he would like to reopen the country and said look if you do this and the virus is still around the desk after that will really be your responsibility and that may have got donald trump just to wheel back a little bit but sadly well see in the coming hours what he means by see that he is going to talk about a quarantine and perhaps even impose it in that tries to new York New Jersey and connecticut thank that across developments out of the u. S. Well in spain the armed forces have been deployed to help transport the bodies of those killed by the crown a virus as weve said spain has reported its highest single day death toll since the start of the on break month editor has more now from Madrid Health minister has a green light to the spanish army to transport bodies because as we heard this last week here a Funeral Homes in madrid specially in madrid which is the whole epicenter of the kernel virus endemic with a 50 percent of the death tolls are here from madrid you know homes are all the well overloaded we know how to set up these ice rink to keep all the scores because of the low temperatures but now this is not enough so next week next week we will see this big Court Holding all these dead bodies as well so the you to discipline sciences the Health Minister has greenlighted the army that has been deployed nationwide to take over several tasks that such as this infecting train stations airports care homes they said the voice of alarm when they saw all these elderly people in the car in care homes left behind that in their beds and now their task or duty is are going to also include transporting all these dead bodies from one place to the other these will be extended the 15 days more of the state of emergency that was approved this week in the spanish congress. The 21 day long down in india is affecting hundreds of thousands of workers who migrate between different states to find work Public Transport Services this is spend it leaving many stranded some a walking hundreds of kilometers to get home its estimated millions of jobs could be cost during the lockdown our india correspondent Elizabeth Prada in new delhi says the mass migration is happening all over the country. So thousands of my current workers are on the move on foot leaving delhi and thats just the Capital Region many are also on the move around the country attire families from the very old to babies being carried or walking as they try to return to where theyre from india has Something Like 120000000 Migrant Workers people that work in different states to where theyre from and after the government ordered all bus and Train Services stopped nearly a week ago where many Migrant Workers feel they have no choice but to walk on many of them are daily wage earners they have to work every day to survive theyre no longer earning money they cant pay their rent or their Company Accommodation has been shut down now theyre walking along highways along train tracks with no access to food restaurants are obviously closed everythings shot they have no access to basic sanitation yesterday we had 300 Migrant Workers crammed into the back of to contain a trucks trying to cross the border between the states of cal and ana and. So after nearly a week of ordering all public transport to stop the state of their pradesh started carrying Migrant Workers home in buses Something Like 200 buses every 2 hours and still so many people are waiting and that gives you a scale of the problem and thats just between delhi and the state of with a pradesh delis homeless shelters are completely overflowing with people and the Delhi Government has decided that its going to convert Public Schools into shelters from sunday to cater for so many people all of those who are now homeless jobless and homeless. Turkeys Health Ministry says more than 100 people have now been killed by the coronavirus there 16 people died in the last 24 hours turkey has also recorded 700 new infections on friday president regift wanna dance the suspension of all International Flights and put touch restrictions on Domestic Travel most of jordans coronavirus cases are in the Northern City of the governments blocking anyone from going to or from the city the rest of jordan is subject to a curfew only Grocery Stores and pharmacies are allowed open. Said the decision to isolate it was made after the Current Situation was examined especially since most of the cases are from arabic government my point of view which is also give you the public the decision is very suitable so that we can curb the spread of the virus and control it carter has recorded its 1st corona virus related death a 57 year old man from bangladesh the Health Ministry says the expatriate workers suffered from other Health Conditions 28. 00 more infections were also confirmed on saturday bringing the total to almost 600. 00 qatar has shut all nonessential businesses and has suspended people from entering unless their citizens with many countries grinding to a halt demand for oil has fallen dramatically and so has the price of oil and saudi arabia is also in a price war with russia when stent oil prices nosedive into a 17 year vote from next wednesday the saudis have announced plans to ramp up production to an all time high best announcement was made before the coronavirus became a pandemic billions of people are now under lock down factories and travel at a standstill and this could drive oil prices even lower good news perhaps in the petrol pump but not if youre an oil producer and added to all of that russia says it also plans to boost production to compete for a greater share of the market. Bob cavanagh is an Energy Industry specialist in the us oil capital of houston he says riyadhs decision could cripple the u. S. A oil industry with the saudis strategy and also the russian strategy is to essentially kill the u. S. Oil and gas industry in recent years was in improvements in technology here in the states weve actually had been able to ramp our production up here and our weve been export ing up until just a few weeks ago about 3000000 barrels a day and when that happens in our imports go down obviously that makes the their market share go down and ours up there are trying to recapture that market share by reducing production coming out of the u. S. Actually threatening the survival of the u. S. Industry at this point these prices are so low in the states the west texas intermediate crude is a just a little over 22. 00 right now thats below the break even price for most domestic oil and Gas Producers and so there theyve actually laid down their rigs they stop drilling and even some producers have talked about shutting in just trying to survive at this point last time this happened in the states about 2 that 10152016 there were opec a couple of dozen tankers off of port of galveston just off of side of houston and they sat there for months waiting for prices to come around kazakhstan is another country hit by no oil prices so the country super rich a stepping in to help prop up the economy often frausto walker has more. As it stands has isolated the 2 main cities the capital turned and. The commercial hub hes closed the business still a smidgen of it since her head dresses. Did it come that is the director of these beauty salon my main concern is my stuff. Im really worried. Because everyone has a family and they have children to feed to be honest im very worried im even ready right now to pay them from my own savings. Should tell you how you can thank president. Has promised a support package worth 10000000000. 00 for the economy including help for the businesses like stellars a minimum wage and a 3 month tax and loan repayment break for small and medium enterprises. The oil rich kazakstan doesnt have the funds it once had crude prices have slumped thanks to the price war between saudi arabia and russia because a colony is being dealt a 2nd blow by coronavirus. Has declined an accordingly the price is going down even further it was have been r. K. If the price was falling but the man was still there we could have passed it by selling but both are falling and that makes the situation much worse as extern has weathered crises before its currency and its fortunes rising and falling with the price of oil this week its influential 1st president Nursultan Nazarbayev called on the wealthiest to donate to an Emergency Fund a sign of how serious this crisis has become robin 1st year water. Tight as well one city the original epicenter is slowly emerging from more than 2 months in Lockdown People are allowed to enter the city bus hits 11000000 residents a barred from leaving until next month circuit reports. Life in here by province is returning slowly to normal more cars are back on the Streets Police are on patrol but its Health Checks not traffic fines being issued. Im here to pick up my 2 children and we are going to see one program the 2 children have been in who wins the traffic is very small china has announced a temporary ban on all foreign visitors starting this weekend even those with visas or residence permits will be denied entry only diplomats and flight crew will be exempt chinese and Foreign Airlines will be limited to one flight a week because of fears of importing a 2nd wave of the virus from a brought up to 65 days in lockdown for its 11000000 residents the city of hand has downgraded its signal to low risk traffic can now into but no ones allowed to leave the city until april the 8th government workers a sterilising train stations preparing for the arrival of the 1st inbound trains. A long time no see what ive been discriminated against because im for a new hand but i hope people dont treat the people awful hand like a fire if its a full bar joins with china is winning the battle i read the news on the train that china is now trying to block people from coming here and preparation this will help us get back to work and im proud to be chinese. Walkthrough testing stations are in operation at south koreas airports to enforce tight Health Checks on arrivals the government reported 146 new cases on saturday thats the highest number in a week with a rise in imported cases from europe and the United States and japan confirmed a record daily increase of more than 50 new cases following a surge in infections in tokyo this week japans Prime Minister shinzo is appealing to millions in the capital and surrounding regions to avoid nonessential travel until april 12th here in hong kong the government has been forced to tough new measures to encourage people to stay at home from saturday all cinemas gymnasiums and time at bennys will be closed for at least a fortnight and public gatherings will be limited to 4 people as the city tries to stem the number of local transmissions. Aljazeera has obtained pictures from inside one of the governments Quarantine Center is one person held there after being in contact with a flight crew member who tested positive says rooms werent sterilized protective gear wasnt provided and Health Checks were random hong kongs health to pop the reply is that its followed the guidelines to clean and sanitize all quarantine facilities sarah clock out 0 hong kong. So ive come here and on this theyre on we take a look at why theres a global shortage events like this to help coronavirus patients. From an american countries are not following the trends to go into lockdown. However still some rather disturbed weather affecting the middle east at them i will say brightening up around the levant as we go through the next day or so but we say this erick lab moved 1st syria iraq into iraq really heavy right on that actually some of the spots into the across western parts or around could see as much as 50 maybe 60 millimeters of rain sunday going on into a monday to see that heavier rain just pushing towards pakistan always a chance of flooding coming through here wetter weather to creeping its way towards afghanistan let me go with clearer skies coming back in behind damascus 21 jerusalem 21 celsius funny dry which is across the Arabian Peninsula here in doha for around 29. 00 degrees celsius attempt just starting to ramp up as they should be fun to drive across the northwestern quarter of africa as well we got plenty of showers around the ethiopian highlands pushing down towards kenya towards uganda the gulf of guinea looking very disturbed at the moment some heavy rain there pushing over towards liberia at least for a time to the west the weather will be around cameroon around gabon still some lively showers there into angola sliding down towards botswana you could see some rain here weve had some heavy rain recently in piles of south africa and thats making its way further east. Film of struggle full of pleasure. Look at it yeah pretty much what i said today might look a lot of the goodness of the way it unfolded on principle but i mean the writing on what is an intimate look at life in cuba. Is working moms are a little bit like us hanger cable but but the comment that made a year from my cuba. On aljazeera. The hillbilly a harmless caricature or a malicious label denying the people the culture to justify the exploitation of the Natural Resources that divide and conquer thing has been so successful that even people in the region believe the stereotype then becomes dangerous its only a region of trash so. Why not trash it whats in a name hillbilly a witness documentary on aljazeera. Oh. Youre watching aljazeera reminder about top stories this hour coronavirus death toll has a past 10000 on saturdays count 889 more deaths runouts italys president has warned europe must adopt strict measures to confront the outbreak before its too lax. The governor of new york state says they are preparing for the worst as infection cases rise to more than 52000 and the death toll reaches 728 new york is the epicenter of the virus in the u. S. Yes and most people there walk into virtually empty streets and present downtown says hes considering putting it and 2 other states under quarantine. They make a director of britains National Health service says keeping the number of deaths below 20000. 00 good result in combating the coronaVirus Outbreak Steven Powell says every death is a tragedy and persons dont to be complacent fatalities have surpassed 1000 with the peak expected within weeks. Reports out the situation across europe. Such as the scale of this crisis there is a risk that the numbers start to lose meaning and the deaths become minister to sticks to be noted but scarcely mourned but in italy there was no escaping scenes like these on saturday in St Joseph Church in said the coffins containing 45. 00 coronavirus victims laid out in rows to be blessed this group just half of the 90 parishioners these priests have attended in recent days as though they took ill a body the authorities no longer knew it but the coffins the saddest thing is that these bodies left so naked so alone they were people who died when no one could see or hear them without the possibility to talk to their loved ones so that anyone who could comfort them spain now has more than 5000 dead from the virus with more expected emergency military units is undertaking an extraordinary task to disinfect care homes and hospitals train stations and city center streets. Meanwhile spanish medics struggle to avoid being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of patients falling ill combined with their own fatigue and shortages of staff and equipment. The numbers dying and infected rise relentlessly across europe restrictions and stay at home orders are turning busy cities into ghost towns those who venture outside face being stopped at Police Checkpoints risk heavy fines russia has begun what it calls a nonworking week with shops and bars ordered to close Tourist Attractions a shot to dramatically reduce crowds in the center of moscow and in ireland new tighter restrictions came into force on saturday all public and private gatherings of any number of people outside a single household or living you know are prohibited the virus might be in your household already so please dont spread it to somebody elses back at some Joseph Church in 70 ad say the ceremony is finished and the military transport takes over no gleaming houses no flowers no weeping relatives just a solemn convoy and a final salute from a roadside policeman. Aljazeera. Donald trump a saint off a Navy Medical Ship that is sailing from the state of virginia to new york city it has a 1000 beds on board and will be able to free up space and overwhelmed hospitals on land among the sailors to party today are some of the finest doctors nurses technicians orderly and medical staff anywhere in the world these are True Professionals and no one performs better under pressure when lives are on the line these are incredible people we will stop at nothing to protect the health of new yorkers and the health of the people of our country in their hour of need. As they try to protect the medical supplies and equipment they have many governments are banning some exports 2 weeks ago the European Union announced its restricting sales of face shields surgical masks and gowns india followed suit by banning the export of ventilators and sanitizes and on wednesday switzerland began requiring licenses for exports of masks gloves goggles and swabs meanwhile high tech firms like space x. And tesla a switching from making rocket ships and cars to medical supplies lets go live now to. A project coordinator with Doctors Without Borders shes in though the end if legs long body region thank you so much for coming on the program youd think that in a Global Pandemic we could come together to get enough personal protective equipment and ventilators to go around thats not the case is it. Not that they think youre not what were seeing here unfortunately there has been a lot of blockages in exports exporting supplies from countries that the heavy countries need them why do we have such a shortage is it purely the demand or are there other factors well unfortunately the needs not only about that machine of course there are use in need of having that machine but then there is an additional need of having. That the are able to monitor a patient with. Who is with that then collator so very sort of systemic problem in terms of actually seeing clear that are complex but also behind the reasons problem you are in long body region which as weve been reporting is the worst hit region in italy what is the situation there in terms of ventilators and personal Protection Equipment for Frontline Health care stuff. I think were seeing really the paradox of what were talking about the way the hospitals here did enormous effort to in the past month to see if this is the 37th day of after the 1st case was identified and they went from 6 to 125 types of them to lation different. And of course its not enough compared to the size of the epidemic 6 will never be enough so its important to understand that maybe if we focus way too much on ventilators we never fight an epidemic outbreak which sent letters an epidemic outbreak it needs to be fold outside because that would never be enough supplies one percentage of people though require hospitalization either short or long time as a result of coronavirus and what kind of specialist equipment does that require. So that that question depends very much on the population that me has a very High Percentage of an Elderly Population and so if we require much more support to then the countries that have younger population for for instance but again i would like to stress the fact but sometimes we think that they need to later start going to be the solution whereas then to later sir just the consequence of an outbreak we can have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and then we still be not enough unless everyone does their part in terms of fighting the outbreak from home how do you think if we got to this point we are saying in new york you know the damage i know its not of all about ventilators but we are saying the governor of new york saying look at the apex we might need 140000 beds we might need 40000 vandalizes how has it really gotten to the point where its having install because of having to decide who lives and who dies. Im afraid that decision which is a tragic one doesnt happen on the meet the telly to happen see in a lot of Different Countries at the moment and of course the aspect that these tragic is the fact is as in any crises the number of resources is overwhelmed by the number of needs. In the ecoli has been the 1st country in europe thats identified to the 1st case and is the 1st country to experience an epidemic outbreak and an epidemic curve that is as deep and as tragic as the one were see but in a way to important to stress the fact that the would be no way to be prepared for the number of cases that are presented to us today and so is the only way to fight this is outside the hospitals hospitals again deal only with the consequences whereas the causes need to be found that entails with outside the pandemic family testing even the most advanced Healthcare Systems around the world will have leave it there thank you for that says karen lepore a project coordinator with Doctors Without Borders thank you france has just reported another 319 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours pushing its total beyond 2000 the Prime Minister has warned of difficult days and weeks ahead a wave of new infections is expected in paris and northern regions. The pandemic threatens to complicate matters for the worlds most cash strapped countries and on contain a 2 years of economic recession afoot unemployment writes at almost 10 percent and thats sure to rise significantly now that its impose some of that americas strictest coronavirus lockdown measures that is of all reports from what i said is. The streets of argentinas capital when a site is are empty these days after the government imposed a look down in the country but soup kitchens like this one cannot afford to shut down. Constanza says the amount of people coming year has doubled in the past few days and the local media people used to come here and sit down they could take a shower and spend some time things have changed but the amount of people coming has doubled many cant work and cant survive with the lock down and others live on the streets. Here argentinas economy was already struggling with recession and the possibility of default on its sovereign debt before fighting the covies 19 became a priority for this countrys government life is difficult for many in argentina his days as a rise of unemployment from poverty and the impact that the lockdown cost revive a coronavirus is having and the economy for many coming to this place is the only chance they have to eat at least once a day job or certainty that he will be out yes but its not just the poor that i belong affected the most are going on silas works as a taxi driver in the city he says hes worried with the impact 1000 could have in the country but hes unsure how he will survive if the lockdown continues hes 60 years old and this taxi is the only way he has of making a living. Or youre going to get your big moment situation is very very serious i have to pay a rent and i cannot make any money im not sure what is going to happen we are authorized to be on the street but theres more people. Even though the lockdown is supposed to last until the end of the month the government might extended for a longer period it has also warned private creditors that argentinas economic recoveries uncertain and that its debt crisis could be prolonged due to the coronavirus pandemic. Economy minister meddling old man says the priority right now is. Assisting arjan time families with extra income to survive for the next few weeks. You cannot make activity is minimal because the lock down and this leaves a lot of people with anguish and desperation but we want to make sure that every person that lives in argentina is protective of the situation. President there says hes prioritizing saving lives over the Economic Situation those who need the governments help say its the only way bill survive in the weeks ahead. And then mark the pandemic has prompted an almost unheard of National Address from the countrys monarch the queen urged people to abide by a nationwide lockdown the country has reported 65 coronavirus related deaths and is close to schools and restaurants its also told most Public Sector workers to stay at home so we dont reports from the capital copenhagen. Unusual seals in the heart of copenhagen guards are watching out to make sure people stick to me reimposed close to cook the coronavirus gatherings of over 10 people are bad and social distancing is demanded people are being asked to stay at home though theres not a total curfew yet it is a great things you have the freedom right now thats why we do do we take a walk on 2 hours every day because we dont know what will happen the next week this is usually one of the busiest streets in the capital just a snapshot of a country under very strict restrictions the borders are closed and all schools universities cinemas and most shops are shut i miss people i miss hugging and i miss like being close to people this is the queens winter residence popular among danes she has canceled her 80th birthday celebrations next month and in a surprise an unprecedented move she addressed the nation on Television Last week urging the danger. To take the coronavirus seriously and in her own style asking people to wash their hands and keep a pot. Steady fist on. A horn for some even continue to try parties and celebrate birthdays i find this indefensible it is thoughtless and even more than that it is reckless denmark has one of the worlds oldest mana keys and one of the words highest tax rates. With Free Education and healthcare for everyone now the state is helping the general emergency Financial Aid packages to individuals and companies billions of dollars with the full backing of the whole parliament from the right wing to the furthest left and im so proud of paying my taxes because this is when it really gets tossed this is where you feel ok this is why were doing. What were doing in our society the strong structure Daily Press Briefings with ministers and Health Officials repeating this is a collective challenge and now the social democratic Prime Minister is admitting the welfare state is under immense pressure. Or so we cannot expect the same Welfare Society on the other side there will be changes for all of us the government is urging employers to prevent layoffs but despite the Financial Aid packages Small Businesses are closing and Big Companies firing people creating uncertainty about how much and for how long the welfare state is able to hold its arent grip on the nation im worried that the world well 1st they will might be a risk because of the closing down of like everything for now the Police Continue patrolling the streets ready to fine people for getting too close to each other these are challenging times in denmark seamy john bolton copenhagen. Turning to some other news from around the world will have to 6 is of delay is mollys parliamentary election is finally due to go ahead on sunday the president how does the vote will bring to years of attacks by armed groups linked to al qaida the main Opposition Leader was kidnapped a few days ago while out campaigning the reports. Where is. Its a question his Party Members are asking since malis Opposition Leader vanished on wednesday he was campaigning in timbuktu for the parliamentary election when gunmen attacked his convoy several of his entourage were killed but he was kidnapped along with 11 of his aides. In fact they were kidnapped by an armed group whose identity we do not know they are armed men for us yet on identified we must be clear on that. While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack Security Forces suspect an al qaeda affiliate. While mostly mean which is active in northern mali to western hostages were released in northern mali earlier this month after 15 months in captivity. Heres the deal it is a joint at the release of the prisoners kidnapped in bikini faso but held in mali is taking place without any negotiation the Al Qaeda Linked group says its willing to negotiate a Peace Agreement with the government but its 1st demanding 15000 french and u. N. Peacekeeping soldiers in mali leave and the parliamentary election be cancelled. Candidates have avoided campaigning outside the capital because of fear of attacks by armed groups and many voters fear venturing out because of the threat of the coronaVirus Outbreak still president. Announced on wednesday that the election will go ahead as planned. To listen to the gentlemen of months the election will be held on march 29th that is to say this sunday and then script a list respect for the barrier measures to government will do everything to make it happen. But most registered voters have not picked up their electoral cards and hundreds of thousands have been displaced from their homes by the violence in north and central mali with attacks by armed groups a curfew imposed to prevent the spread of covert 19 and now the disappearance of a leading political figure many millions are wondering whether its worth the risk to come out and vote because hawke aljazeera voters in guinea have overwhelmingly back to a new constitution paving the way for president offical in there to stay for another 12 years Opposition Leaders boycotted sundays referendum which was delayed when observers raised concerns the referendum sponsored moments of violent protests and the killing of at least 32 people on voting day taliban leaders in afghanistan say the governments newly announced Peace Negotiating Team doesnt represent all factions so theyre refusing talks with them the taliban committed to talks last month by signing a deal with the u. S. And its ending the 19 year war u. S. Forces have committed to leave and the taliban agreed to a Prisoner Exchange with Government Troops held captive. Still to come here on aljazeera a different kind of virus spreading online the social media army thats helping out those that need it most. Christian priest you are a friend of the palestinians is it true. For everyone and champion of the palestinian cause. An activist who is willing to sacrifice his freedom. For his beliefs. Aljazeera world tells the extraordinary story of the archbishop and the piano. In 2010 aljazeera gained exclusive access to a young family in the gaza strip. Fighting for cash for the sick child born with a medical condition curable by routine surgery but cool in the red tape of the health care the rock received. Rewind. On aljazeera. Move. The. Welcome back the spread of misinformation about coronaviruses being blamed for people potentially risking taking their lives by taking untested medications rebbie theres no no and vaccine or treatment for the new coronavirus. A President Donald Trump has described an anti malaria drug as a game changer thats been widely disputed by doctors and his governments top immunologist is there any evidence to suggest that as with malaria it might be used as a prophylactic against coat you know the answer is is no and the evidence that its talking about john is anecdotal evidence so as the commissioner of f. D. A. And the president mentioned yesterday were trying to strike a balance between making something with the potential of an act of in effect to the American People available at the same time that we do it under the auspices of a protocol that would give us information to determine if its truly safe and truly effective but the information that youre referring to specifically is anecdotal it was not done in a controlled Clinical Trial so you really cant make any definitive statement about. This because. Without seeing too much im probably more of a fan of that than. Maybe than anybody but im a big fan and well see what happens and we all understand what the doctor said is 100 percent correct its early but weve you know ive seen things that are impressive or say were going to know soon were going to assume including safety but you know when you get to safety this is been prescribed for many years for people to come back malaria which was a big problem and its very effective its a strong its a strong drug thought that patrick tang is division chief of Pathology Sciences at center medicine in doha explained what does help people to recover. Certainly there are there peace and work so giving people oxygen and supporting them while they recover from the virus that with their own immune system is something that we do all right now same thing with a pipe dream stars and murders but at same time we are also trying to find specific drugs that might also help those that. You know so that we during this crisis we are trying to experimental therapies but these need to be done in a very controlled manner in places that have designed very well controlled trials to be able this show whether the drug actually works or or that might even cause harm. And we all know about scam mongering but what about care mongering its a social Media Movement spreading across the internet offering help them kindness to those who need it wherever they are for him home it has the Story Community groups around the world a using social media like these in canada to help people dealing with a Coronavirus Crisis on their own cameron and the work that were doing is important because it shows us what True Community is it shows us that when we come together even without massive institutional or governmental support we can create a community that can support itself in ottawa neighbors have stepped in to offer free food coffee and books charities and making sure that trucks stay on the road to deliver vital supplies to food banks. And police are helping volunteers distribute groceries to the vulnerable often one of the tricks but there is questionable. Mail. They arent being firm as recruiting tomatoes and groups in hungry while streets in the capital budapest are empty. This pizza restaurant is giving away food to elderly people but. To me it means a lot for those who cant go out my family and i eat a lot of pizza but now im alone my family cant come so this is a big help the owners of an apartment normally rented out to tourists is offering their property to medical workers. We think that those who can should help those who are doing the actual work through action with money and with any kind words the red cross in italy is trying to make life easier for thousands of homeless who normally beg on the streets they dont have the option anymore because of the lockdown on part of the mall to the food this is a very difficult time they feel and they are very agitated and anxious but really here we give them food to eat we measure their temperature we bring them clothing hygiene kits what they need to survive others also vyvian the isolation by doctoring a pet to look after Animal Rights groups say that with so many people at home all the time pets provide vital companionship. Its so lovely and such a bright ray of sunshine and like really scary and Uncertain Times so it gives all of us something really wonderful to focus on as Health Workers on the front line face a lack of personal protective equipment creative ways to design makeshift mosques are being shared online. Some share their message in other ways. I hope you find comfort in my dance. And then theres you be kind to one another pray for one and. Be safe and wash your hands just a few of the many messages of kindness and solidarity which are uniting people around the globe in these troubled times for healing Mohammed Al Jazeera we all made a bit of that news in times like a star way thats it for me a day here in doha dont go away about how bad they will be up and just a few minutes time stay with us. Chilling listening post as we tend not hammers on the media india has more than 424 Hour Television news channels. And focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most the states misleads the public to still be here reflects the. Climate change call their editorial show its a dark believe they have anything to apologize for their listening post on aljazeera its a tough time for the afghan Security Forces taliban attacks have increased suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for reasons others its the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karimi was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is to separate us we have to mike to serve this country overthrow and exiled they appoint and say this rule this race between you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that the true true she spotted and you. Know today think she is already annoyed with nutrition those return of the president on aljazeera. The order. Another day of grim numbers from both italy and spain as the coronavirus pandemic spreads across europe. Alabama and how he and this is al jazeera vi from london also coming up in the u. K. A sunny saturday draws out a lot of people who should space staying inside in china the city where the outbreak began begins to open back up. And as

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