A 1000 infections now. And the. Coronavirus patient in london sends a message that itself goes viral across europe. To hamas now have all the sporting puting. That crickets most lucrative t 20 tournament at the Indian Premier League will be able to get underway next month because of the current a Virus Outbreak. Of there have long been warnings that the right of corona virus infection in the u. S. Would be worse than thought and now there is proof the United States has surpassed all other countries with 85000. 00 plus infections close to half of those are in new york state alone and chinas president xi jinping says he is offering his support to. Help the u. S. To fight the virus well be talking about that a little later on weve also got these 3 correspondents bringing Us Developments this hour laurence lay there he is in london with the latest updates from the u. K. And youre in johannesburg i mentioned this of africa with its 1st 2 deaths katrina you also with the latest from beijing starting though with this which youre well familiar with im sure the Johns Hopkins university virus tracker which puts the total confirmed cases well up over a 1000000 worldwide now with nearly 25000 deaths if you take a quick look at the map you can see the at the centers of china and europe but really the United States is the story now when we zoom in on north america and you can see how much more infection there is there as i said upwards of 85000 cases in the United States alone right lets start going around the world i will go with katrina you in beijing 1st of all she jinping offering his support to the United States in light of those numbers for a virus that has been called the virus. Thats right so during this phone call president xi jinping called for greater cooperation across the world in fighting this pandemic and he vowed to work more closely with the u. S. He said that china had been acting responsibly in terms of dealing with the outbreak over the past few months that had been transparent and sharing information with the world and that that china was also cooperating with International Agencies such as the World Health Organization now it seems like president xi jinping is a little bit on the defensive he has we have had weeks of criticism from the u. S. And other directions over chinas handling of the outbreak indeed china and the u. S. Have been engaging in a bit of a war of words with President Trump as you mentioned calling the current a virus the chinese virus for some time with many u. S. Politicians calling it the war virus and this infuriated beijing and according to the Trump Administration beijing called for this call to ask President Trump really to do what he can to improve those ties in china or not so innocent too many chinese politicians taking to twitter to blame the u. S. Military in particular for perhaps agreeing karva 19 to china in the 1st place so it seems that the diplomatic relationship between the u. S. And china has really hit rock bottom in this phone call was really an attempt to resurrect president xi jinping also mentioned that he would ask Chinese Companies to to support the u. S. By sending much needed medical supplies and he also expressed concern to President Trump over the well being and safety of chinese citizens and Chinese Students in the u. S. And he asked president trying to do more to ensure that theyre protected in light of possible ill treatment or backlash as a result of anger over the outbreak kitchen tell me more about life in china now particularly with where restrictions have started to live how is life changing there. Well well have had 2 months of Lockdown People confined to their homes and finally this week its starting to look like normal life is resuming in that city not everyone has been at let out of their apartments but some families for example have been allowed to to leave to start to organize funeral arrangements for example for lost loved ones the subway in one city is preparing to resume operations this weekend and outside of one city in the greater who bay province people from the end of this week have been able to book tickets going on much of who bay to start to go out to the country to return to their normal life or the normal work elsewhere in the country except to beijing beijing store remains tightly locked down and from that we can see that chinas leaders really consider the threat no longer from within no longer from who but province the one time at the center of the outbreak now chinas leaders are really focusing on the threat of imported cases we know that this week in terms of the recent cases 90 percent of those recent numbers are people bringing the infections from overseas and that flossing that time i want to see is a 2nd a wave of infection spocks from these imported cases and theyve as a result put in some new restrictions from friday midnight all foreign nationals will be banned from entering the country that is steeple and student visas people with resident permits diplomats and people would Service Passports will be exempt but thats not the only travel restriction that theyre putting in Place International flights are also being kept and from this sunday all non chinese carriers will be limited to making one flight to one destination per week and that will cut down the number of International Flights coming to china by 90 percent so the last thing china wants to see as its trying to restart its economy is a rise of infections and these restrictions targeting imported cases are put in put into place to that effect katrina you getting a sudden there in beijing thank you as we mentioned to mention as well more cases of coronavirus now concerned. The u. S. Than anywhere else in the world hence that offer of help from china but against the advice of many of his medical experts President Trump says he is committed to getting people back to work and getting them back fast that is as a record 3300000 people filed for Unemployment Benefits just in the past week this report from reprints the number of confirmed cases of covert 19 in the u. S. Now tops 83000 more than have been recorded in china or italy more than 1100 people here have died from the corona virus with no vaccine and no proven drug treatment the countrys top medical experts say social restrictions are the only way to curb the rate of infection whenever you put the clamps down and shut things down you do it for 2 reasons you do it to prevent the further spread just because medication but he also do with the buy yourself time to get better prepared for what might be a rebound. In new york which has been hardest hit by the outbreak hospitals are becoming overwhelmed with the worst predicted to come the need for ventilators and respirators for patients as well as protective gear for doctors and nurses remains acute one new york City Hospital recorded 13 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours we will event question this virus but President Donald Trump continues to question the stay at home orders affecting much of the u. S. Population saying he wants americans getting back to their jobs soon for the sake of the economy they have to go back to work a country has to go back our country is based on that and. I think its going to happen pretty quickly. The worlds biggest economy has suffered a sudden and significant shock as Consumer Spending has dried up shops and restaurants have been closed and restrictions have been placed on movement a record 3200000 American Workers filed for Unemployment Benefits last week this number of new claims from this is truly unprecedented and that represents the unprecedented nature of what were going through right now during the financial crisis a Great Recession the highest or maximum number of new claims or benefits we saw approaching macedo 700000. 00 more help for struggling workers and their families is on the way as the u. S. Senate passed a 2 trillion dollars stimulus and relief bill the house of representatives will vote on the legislation friday the measure gives many u. S. Households a cash infusion of 1200. 00 or more depending on income and family size it also increases and extends Unemployment Benefits. As new centers of coronavirus transmission emerge around the country the pandemic and the economy both seem certain to get worse before they get better rob reynolds aljazeera new york is the real focus in the United States and even though the citys on the lock down its also struggling with a lack of police stuff maybe 3000 called in sick on wednesday which is nearly 3 times the daily average just under 200 officers and 39 civilian employees have been infections the entire state of new york has seen more deaths in infections than any other in the u. S. On to south africa now which is reported its 1st 2 deaths from corona virus it also has the highest social of confirmed infections in africa more than a 1000 police are warning anyone who violates the 3 week lockdown faces 6 months in prison i mean a miller in johannesburg to talk us through this 100 family to the latest on these deaths and infections. Well weve understood from the department of health here in south africa that those 2 deaths happened in the western Cape Province one in a public facility and the other in a private hospital one think for many South Africans the it really hits home and thats electric is seen his 1st 2 deaths on day one of the slap down because we are still see people going out of their homes despite the government telling them to stay at home despite the government giving them a few days a year at that up down to do what was necessary in terms of the shopping and and preparing for the knock down weve seen long queues in some areas in johannesburg where people are trying to get groceries we will we also understand that they are. The stores that sell alcohol also still open despite the government saying that this would be bad and entirely i think the concern for the government at this point is people it hearing to these regulations just as it announced that so that i guess now its in its 1st 2 deaths and then also just 6 days ago there were 150. 00 cases now were looking at more than a 1000 so that if collection really is wiring all of the government in south africa is there a concern for about how well equipped medical facilities and medical staff are to deal with well war ready as you point out youre seeing a big uptick in numbers. That is a major concern that is a big worry because of africa only has about 7000 Critical Care beds thats divided and between that some belong to the public and others belong to the private sector between the 2 are there potentially in theory about 3000 Critical Care beds available of that perhaps only har or intensive care that is a bit wide that there arent enough beds available in south africa so that continues to see these numbers rise there is a projection that the government has been working with and it says that potentially. Tens of thousands of South Africans could be affected could in fact die and if you have the escalation that it projects to date 10 percent of those people would need beds and they simply arent enough we also know that hospitals in the west in the top province already say that they dont have enough protective gear they dont have enough mosques and clubs we do know that there are aid organizations in classes of africa who try to assist as far as they can as well as private companies but if these continue to go as they then as we see at the moment the concern really is that simply will be capacity to deal with the numbers that the Healthcare System is confronted with thank you in johannesburg and i mean it was talking there about lack of supplies will doctors in neighboring zimbabwe have gone on strike over a lack of protective equipment joining the thousands of nurses whove already walked off the job this week union said most doctors in Public Hospitals were staying at home but would return to work as soon as their safety was guaranteed the countrys recorded 3 confirmed coronavirus cases so far with one death. Plenty more ahead on this of course and with people rushing up to stock on a stock up stock up i should say on i tunes in some countries we wonder is there really a cause for concern about shortages also australia calls out the military to help enforce self isolation measures for anyone arriving as coronavirus cases got up and in sport event known as the greatest spectacle in racing. Its been postponed the details with santa a little bit later. So europe now and countries there are ramping up their response to the pandemic as the death toll climbs restrictions on people testing for the virus are all being increased a unique is calling on nations to Work Together this report from the book. This is how spains hope. Thing to win the war on the Coronavirus Police are among the 1st to be tested but its hazardous work for these medical staff a large number of those testing positive on Health Workers. In madrid where an ice rinks been turned into a makeshift morgue or hearses arrived on thursday the death toll has risen to more than 4000 overtaking china. And italy still europes worst affected country to date have been temporarily stored in churches before being sent for combination army truck in a deserted European Parliament chamber the Commission President urged europeans to show solidarity several a u. Countries including germany and france have banned exports of protective gear to avoid shortfalls at home ursula von deland warns the practice undermined europes joint response to the crisis we all share this responsibility none of us can do it alone and certainly no member state can handle this crisis on their own and because in this crisis and in our union more generally it is only by helping each other that we can help ourselves in paris Health Workers are conducting drive through testing in the streets frances death toll rose by 28 percent on thursday tracing the spread of the virus is a vital for controlling it president micron is one of several World Leaders joining g 20 talks remotely hoping for a global approach to the pandemic on the same Conference Call the russian president Vladimir Putin he believes russia can defeat the virus in less than 3 months with tough measures the country will suspend International Flights from friday a moscow will close all shops except pharmacies and Grocery Stores a day later. In the british Capital Works continuing to convert a massive exhibition hall into an Emergency Hospital the number of people in the u. K. Who have died from the virus has jumped by more than 100 in a day for the 1st time. The british vacuum cleaner make a dyson has now joined a growing number of Technology Companies developing ventilators to help the countrys health care system. To great. British woman stark account of having the virus has been shared online cara mannering is 26 weeks pregnant. And. The British Government promised to ramp up testing by the end of the week with hospitals in london told to expect a continuous tsunami of patients scientists are warning many countries in europe that the worst is yet to come. Out as there are more from in and around europe now with lawrence they lawrence want to start with germany and some talk about the use of mass surveillance to help stem the tide here now these are exceptional times but does that mean people are any more willing to go along with Something Like that. Well thats thats a really good question remember germany has been really really successful in keeping the death rate down loads of cases in germany but because they did mass testing right from the starts which is the World Health Organizations advice to countries they feel they managed to find people who didnt really have very many symptoms and they said to them you got the virus you need to go home to stop those people infecting more Vulnerable People so its just the opposite of italy in germany got a huge number of cases but a very very low number just so far theyre now suggesting that if they will suppress you this strategy for a longer term theyre going to have to effectively spy on people through their mobile phones and ensure that people who have either been tested and got it or have been in contact with people who got it. And on a lot flouting the rules now in a country like germany its a big problem as you rightly point out any question come up because obviously the whole history not surveillance in germany with the stones in eastern germany the nazis its a real subdue but you know the mathematical model of goal says if they do do this you could end up with a 1000000 cases only 12000. 00 deaths which is a really low death rates so do you know for politicians taking the people with them you know is is really hard because theyre all skin people all over the world suit suit except having all their Civil Liberties taken away. And thats what well have to put up with you know with the option is what you sing in italy and spain then maybe its not that difficult decision to tell you you know were going to get an update on that in a moment just if you wouldnt mind lawrence an issue in the u. K. Wanted to ask you about and that is ventilators very specific sort of issue but the steps the t. Of them and the fact that there is an issue about getting hold of more of them to do with britains place in europe. Yes i think by and large is fair to say that the public has been pretty ok with the governments response so far despite the vagueness of the starts but there is an enormous round us now broken out today a few weeks ago you remember that the European Union said he was going to go into a mass Procurement Program of mechanical ventilators no countries got as they like enough and they said to the u. K. Look you can join in too if you want even though you left the European Union as an exit good will would be nice to you in the u. K. There in the last few weeks has been encouraging despite that all for Companies Like dolly some for example expect kid cleaners and rolls royce and Companies Like this in the u. K. To change their model a make ventilators in the u. K. And so i mean this is a now being asked what will happen to this european scheme repulsive that and amazing as it sounds the answers come back we didnt see the email on time then so weve now missed the European Program in this country that is actually what theyre saying but i mean clearly you know theres a whole load of people think thats not true its all the reason why you not only buy the popular programs you want to try and make a political point and prove to the European Union they can manage without them because bracks is still happening and so on social media theres a few areas round mckenzie bricks of people going on because theyre now accusing the government of putting politics at the peoples lives miss the email while thank you lawrence lee for that update from from london there. Its a story in itself really isnt it with regards to corona virus and one of the hardest hit places is a place called dont you know this is a town in the lumbar the region in the north well for hes actually declared it a red zone and since then the lockdown has been lifted but new cases of the virus are being reported we have got francesco jumper tony with us now a journalist joining us from milan francesco nice to see you can you update us on whats happening and couldnt you. Yes. Confirmed cases in cologne you know the small town where the 1st italian was tested positive one month ago and where the contagion started spreading in the country at that time the 15000. 00 inhabitants of the municipality that is in the province of la the human long body were soon where in time and in a lockdown. This measure gave results and after a couple of weeks the cases breached pic and stopped growing in the last weeks there were no new cases every day and in fact it began recording but the borders of the town where reopened again when all the region was locked down. Easily became a red zone so suddenly there were there was no difference anymore between colonial and the rest of the country unfortunately your mayor today confirmed yesterday 6 people were tested positive so now the citizens are blaming the decision of the government to suspend the 1st red zone the focus of the pandemic also in the rest of the of the contagion is going up again by 8 percent every day now more than 80000. 00 people have been tested positive since the beginning of the outbreak here with an increase of more than 6000 just yesterday the deaths are growing to. 712 people that have died yesterday a number consistent with the trend of the last week when the losses have stabilised between 60750 every day the total death toll reached by italy is 8200. 00 its still the highest in the world anyway scientists and experts warn every day that these figures cannot be totally reliable as much of the for the positive cases because in the hardest hit regions the real in fact it could be many more but there is also. It is not possible to test them all so we have to wait for it to come and can i quickly ask you about the effect on the Health Care Sector not just the strain on the sector but actually deaths in infections within the sector of people who work there yes because 41 doctors lost their lives due to current virus in the last month here in italy according to the highest authority for health in the country the medical workers tested positive are now 6200 so basically every 11 people infected needs only one of them is a Health Professional situation this situation is particularly critical for many reasons firstly because they cannot go to hospitals anymore where help is fundamental. Secondly it seems to confirm what many analysts suspected that hospitals along with the. Hot beds for the epidemic because at the beginning the medical staff didnt have the right equipment to work safely so there was a shortage of ventilators masks goals and productive so thats what. The Prime Minister said yesterday that much more help was needed by Foreign Countries at the beginning of the hour break but it didnt happen. Francesco jump attorney with that update on the situation a nation thank you so much for that. So im sure youve all seen the stories of stores full of empty shelves because of panic buying companies producing toilet paper Hand Sanitizer they can ramp up their production to meet demand but the United Nations food and Agriculture Organization fall says the food systems will be tested and strained as we go into april and may for example chinas livestock sector is likely to have reduced access to animal feed and reduce slaughterhouse capacity supplies of labor intensive crops will be affected in developing countries and across africa due to a reduced workforce and border closures and transport restrictions across the world will lead to fresh foods being wasted in high volumes wholesale prices of goods things like fish theyve collapsed with so many restaurants being closed and the governments are encouraging their customers to buy their fish now so very pleased to have a builder is that with us now a senior economist at the un food and Agriculture Organization on skype from rome thank you for your time sir i must admit i had wondered 1st of all if the food issue had been overblown i shouldnt be that much more demand if people just shop responsibly but all the things ive mentioned there point to a real tightening of the supply chain. Thank you both for the issues can never be overblown because its such an important thing health and food are the 2 basic needs for humans and of course people are correct to be worried about the food situation sue clark and whenever we have uncertainty in that market is also natural Human Behavior gets really excited and panic prevails so we have to be very careful and you have to be prepared yesterday in the field that is the general message to the g. 20 leaders he did emphasized quite a bit how much we have to really Pay Attention to the value chain it is true that in this episode we do not have really a me lets say food supply issue globally. The green market sort of pretty good greens are really important with security but what you have which is very exceptional and youre very much test that with it is whats happening at the local level of the country level crying out in the o. E. C. D. Countries here in europe people can afford to go around along the supermarkets you know and that but i think really attention has to be paid to the poorer countries the more wonderful countries and if we dont help this will come back to haunt us here in a few months down the line so it really is incumbent then on people to think about how they shop and not just think about it in the sense of well they could be empty shelves in the supermarket now its actually much further down the line that they could be bigger problems people need to take some responsibility here. Yes there could be bigger problems down the line supermarkets will be refilled thats not the only issue we do have to really feature of logistics internally so that the value chain can you give are due for it we does in an ordinary matter but more so we also have to be careful internationally we certainly do not want to see that repeat of the situation we found ourselves back in 2007 and if you recall there was the last real food crisis when a lot of countries fearing their own food inclusion could export restrictions on for example it was unnecessary it was unnecessary then and it is not necessary now so i think that this is really where International Organizations are calling for countries collaborate and collaborate you mentioned the grain markets any which she said were actually quite strong but its also a good reminder isnt it about these foods that we maybe take for granted to the pastors and the breads and things like that the 1st things to fly off the shelves. The fact that they are hugely important and they cant really afford to have too much pressure on those on those commodities. Absolutely know if you screw their peak supervisors usually especially for grains theyre high you capital intensive so you may not see it be a problem lets say from the harvesting angle the real problem could discard from the distribution angle but food like wheat like rice are essential basically the big 6 for most want population so we cannot see any traction in the distribution of this food but then countries have to be able to afford to look at the currencies of the countries they have collapse against the u. S. Dollar look at the dollar look at the start of the Energy Market the collapse of the oil prices is going to even a strain of countries which are Oil Producers not very poor countries theyre usually dont dummy the income and and probably countries which can afford it but not with this type of crisis so we have a big economic issue and i would say that its really going to have implications for countries to be able to bite of food necessary and so forth and then you have just the issue and planning issue you know this problem im sure it will pass a couple of months time or police behind us however until we get there be have to collaborate sort of the system doesnt collapse on us because then to fix it would take much much much longer. Than in from the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations great to get your thoughts thank you thank you. We will take a break from the current news for a while and get a check on the world where theyre with jenny i was looking at us maps before what if you got to get the things that could have got us every type of weather calls come on not surprising given the size the United States that in fact is the snow and talk about 1st weve had plenty of snow piling in across the 4 Corners Region over the last 24 hours or more and this is the result so this is a state of utah the roads were closed today not only just to clear them but also they were doing the usual avalanche management that of course is when they set the explosives to actually control the avalanches walls that was going on severe storms developing this is kansas sokol Central Plains and there is more of this in the forecast i can see quite clearly hail a map of south l. A. Where all the rain is this is where we like to see some more severe storms developing as we go through the day it is very widespread as well pushing well up into the Northern Plains and also on throughout much of the midwest but also you notice this line here trailing down in the south this is ive got the warm air ahead the cold air behind you there know that cold surprisingly it cools it is march but even once this frontal system goes through challenges dont drop as much as you is doing so for example denver still on sunday the high the 14 degrees very often we see a big drop in temperature once these funds go through but it is care not quite nasty across the south more of that rain across areas to the north pushing into the east of canada at the same time widespread rain really all the way from the Pacific Northwest right there way down into southern areas of california so when it does come to temperatures and for the next few days d. C. Is where we have a real spike on sunday the average is only 13 celsius so look at that its 13 degrees above the average for ordinary thank you for that jenny Jenny Harrison with the weather and well have more from here in our next news out still to come this hour though the pandemic brings an unprecedented crisis to the Airline Industry we will look at the billions of passengers who are simply going nowhere its worse than the risk. Its worse than. And in sport the n. B. A. Is Top Executive starting to feel a financial strain that coronaviruses putting on the lake. In 2010 aljazeera gained exclusive access to a young family in the gaza strip. Fighting forecast for the sick child born with a medical condition curable by routine surgery but cooled in the red tape of a health camp bureaucracy. Rewind born in gaza on aljazeera. A christian priest you are a friend of the palestinians is a true effect over everyone and champion of the palestinian cause. An activist who is willing to sacrifice his freedom. For his beliefs. Aljazeera world tells the extraordinary story of the archbishop and the piano. More. From the news i hear it al jazeera and these are the top stories more cases of coronavirus now confirmed in the us than anywhere else in the world but against the advice of many of his medical experts President Trump says he is committed to getting people back to work as soon as possible. Also the u. S. And chinese president s both say they must Work Together to fight the pandemic donald trump tweeted he has discussed the crisis quote in great detail with xi jinping its equivalents. In south africa as reported its 1st 2 deaths from the corona Virus Outbreak it also has the highest total of confirmed infections anywhere in africa more than one its. Well australias armed forces are being called in to help and force the man to treat self isolation of people returning from overseas more than 3000 australians are infected and measures to restrict movement have been tightened like the gauge has more from sydney. The government says this is necessary because about 2 thirds of people infected with the current virus in a strike have come from overseas and even if they were in so quarantine some have been possible you dont to family members and we need to get on to this if we are going to contain the spread so the military will be helping make sure that this is in full swing these passengers do stay in these hotels and other facilities though also still be getting their temperatures checked it at airports and also youre filling out forms to say yes we will have by these rules and so fossilised there are around 3000. 00 people infected by corona virus in a stroller and while the right of infection isnt as fast as other countries will have been concerned about that right escalating over the past week this is after a cruise ship docked in sydney and thousands of about 1700 people did disembark in a more than 100 of those people were infected but in a strangely a many people are just as concerned about the economy as they are about these barbarous all week we have seen tens of thousands of people now job list lining up at Welfare Centers wondering what theyll do next so at the moment well have to see if there will be more restrictions but the government especially in New South Wales has said if these numbers rise we will see tighter restrictions and social isolation measures. The pandemic is causing and im president a crisis for the Airline Industry billions of passengers are going nowhere because some of the worlds best known airlines have grounded their entire fleets and when the crisis is eventually over Industry Experts expect major change changes and perhaps cheaper fares john hendren has the story from chicago. The Global Pandemic has grown. Added to recently soaring Airline Industry leaving planes idle in a chain of parking lot stretched around the globe so this is worse than anything we have seen. In the recent past or probably in the past 6070 years its worse than the financial recession its worse than. Airlines have canceled thousands of flights every hard emirates and more than 50 airlines have stopped flying at all disinfecting those still in service as airports and flights sit largely empty across the u. S. Those airline woes have hit home shutting down airport control towers after workers fell ill it chicagos Midway International airport and nearly a dozen others analysts say airlines learned valuable lessons from the 2008 financial crash but they say an even leaner industry will emerge after the Global Pandemic is gone on monday the u. S. Senate approved what some analysts are calling the mother of all bailouts for u. S. Based airlines with 88000000000. 00 in aid for aviation that includes loans for aircraft maker boeing spiralling since its new 737. 00 max was grounded after 2 deadly crashes in a rare bit of good news for Consumers Airlines are already offering more competitive pricing because to be a pricey dock right for the customer in another lufthansa is blocking all the middle seats from germany with passenger loads down analysts say Many Airlines will likely shelve the airbus a 380 the Worlds Largest passenger airliner. Obviously weve got a situation. Well heres the system right. And theres this huge opportunity were now once you get rid of there at least. In the a 380. 00 is exactly. Well business travelers are expected to lead the recovery there is something in it for airline employees too in upcoming contracts they are expected to negotiate work or guarantees for the next pandemic john hendren aljazeera chicago to thailand where a month long state of emergency as many people simply without a job with more than a 1000 people reported infected businesses have been forced to close as they try to contain the spread of the virus and while some have been criticizing the government for failing to take strong action others took their own initiative to contribute to their own communities and attire dozens of people have been volunteering every day to prepare meals for those in need study missing people that are now poet who are giving out free food to people who go to the brunt of the situation at least they can save up about 1. 50 for a meal today i think a lifeline for them selfemployed workers in britain also be paid up to 80 percent of their earnings in government compensation jurong the virus crisis ministers have been under pressure to even things up since they announced a similar scheme for salaried stuff last week and in another development more than half a 1000000 volunteers have signed up to help the National Health service cope trying to haul reports from london. With the peak of britains corona Virus Outbreak thought to be 2 or 3 weeks away hundreds of thousands of people have answered the government call for volunteers to support the Health Service and the vulnerable whove been told not to leave their homes at one London Hospital they were setting up emergency covert 900 treatment suites at the present moment inside weve got a job to do. With being briefed weve been told by our managers that in line with government directives weve weve got the staff and weve got the money power and the equipment to cope but clearly i think were going to need more the chief medical officer has said the ability of the Health Service to cope will be a close run thing succeeding if people continue to observe stay at home and social distancing guidelines aimed at reducing the peak when it arrives on the whole the streets of britain cities are very much quieter and police are being given new powers to find or force people to go home if theyre out and about for the wrong reasons but behind the scenes a lot of people probably too many people are still going to work in jobs that for outside the governments definition of those essential to the running of the country. At places like Building Sites call centers and in the Delivery Business thousands are turning up because they feel they have no choice a massive package of government Financial Assistance has shielded many employees staying at home from being laid off but theres been no help for the self employed for freelancers or 0 hours workers who must work in order to survive until now you have not been forgotten we will not let you behind we all stand together. So to support those who work for themselves today im announcing a new self employed income support the latest intervention by britains chancellor will go a long way towards helping some of the least well off over the longer term during this crisis but with payments to the self employed not due to materialize for many weeks theyll still be those who cant afford to stay at home even though with the approaching storm now is the time they most should journal aljazeera london. And the u. S. Now and many fair new orleans could be the next epicenter of a corona Virus Outbreak in the u. S. Health Officials Say louisianas largest city has the highest growth rate of new cases anywhere in the world and again like i reports. This is new orleans most celebrated neighborhood now the French Quarter is a shadow of its former self businesses are closed tourists are leaving and now the big easy is facing a Major Health Crisis Officials Say the city is on course to become the next coronavirus at the center the rate of new cases is the highest in the world and may in the next few days overwhelm the citys hospitals what isnt a theory what is fact is whats actually happening on the ground and we know that its serious we know the case count is much much higher than we obviously want it to be many in the medical community blame the rapid spread of the corona virus here on mardi gras the annual celebration attracts well over a 1000000 visitors from all over the world it happened at the end of last month when the virus was already present in the u. S. Were on a pass like in the week and we need here for now certainly the measures that we put in your very streams and here ive been very clear about staying home stay home to see why despite the warnings some are still gathering in crowds pasta tony spells holding Outdoor Services potentially putting his congregation at risk as a right to assemble. Reserve the right to worship god. We take all the necessary precautions. This infecting our building keeping people in the distance and what have you new orleans is a resilient city used to dealing with natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina the next few days could be equally as challenging and agalloch an aljazeera. Just a quick update from spain weve just seen come through from the Health Ministry the number of cases is up now 264000 and 59 thats an increase of over 7800 and also the latest death numbers. Broadly 800 its gone up from 409924850 8 so around 800 new deaths confirmed in spain from coronavirus were going to look at some other news from around the world now and u. S. Troops have withdrawn from an air base in Northern Iraq follows a series of rocket attacks on bases and Coalition Forces Simona Fulton reports from baghdad. Fewer bassists fewer people the u. S. Led coalition in iraq is preparing to downsize on thursday u. S. Troops packed up their facilities at k r airfield in Northern Iraq and handed over a 1700000. 00 worth of equipment to Iraqi Security forces bases like these are not only used for training but also as a launching pad for joint operations coalition Officials Say the move has been planned for months as part of efforts to increase the selfreliance Iraqi Security forces our Partnership Continues with the Iraqi Security forces but in the future youll see Coalition Troops and fewer places with fewer places the departure from follow the withdrawal from iraqs western Anbar Province a week earlier the k. One base in cuba will be handed over in the coming days some troops are relocating to other bases within iraq while others are leaving the country amid a temporary suspension of training due to covert 19 on wednesday the french government announced it was repatriating its military personnel those trainers are departing temporarily this is a short Term Movement for the french trainers to go home during this time of coronaviruses uncertainty but the french have. Announced they will continue to support the government of iraq with air support with advisors inside of headquarters and that we remain committed to the Global Coalition to defeat dash. But theres another factor that may have precipitated the with drawls the coalition has faced increasingly accurate and the times deadly rocket attacks blamed on the iranian linked groups one such attack on march 11th killed one british and 2 american soldiers one objective behind the troop movements is to consolidate them in thier locations where they can be better protected there have also been mounting calls for foreign troops to withdraw after the u. S. Targeted iranian backed groups on iraqi soil but not all of iraqs political actors are united on the matter and i took the. Other 3 are i think the withdrawal may be a relief for the shia parties that issues the decision for Foreign Forces to leave if there is some fear from the sunni and kurdish parties that the withdrawal of the foreign Coalition Forces will upset the balance of power meaning that iran will become more powerful the coalition plans to eventually hand over some training functions to the nato but will continue to provide air support to Iraqi Security forces as they prepare to stand on their own feet in the fight against eisel. Aljazeera baghdad. The venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has called on the donald trump a racist cowboy after the u. S. Offered a 15000000. 00 reward for his arrest but there has been charged along with several senior officials with crimes related to what the u. S. Justice department calls narco terrorism and drugs trafficking they are accused of using the proceeds of the cocaine trade to make up for lost oil revenue its more on this from alan fischer we estimate that somewhere between 20250 metric tons of cocaine are shipped out of that as well up by these routes a virtual News Conference but for a very real target today im here to talk about the former maturer. And its direct participation in narco terrorism corruption Money Laundering and Drug Trafficking the series of charges against Nicholas Mcdougal the man who leads venezuela and some of the most senior figures in his government the Justice Department alleges that running a drug gang called the cocktail of the sons who do what with the fark rebels in colombia shipped hundreds of tons of cocaine into the u. S. Taking bribes and shooting the prophet madeira and his other defendants have betrayed the venezuelan people and corrupted venezuelas institutions while the venezuelan people suffer. This cabal lines their pockets with drug money and the proceeds of their corruption and this has to come to an end the charges will be seen as a significant escalation in the trumpet ministrations efforts to remove Nicholas Mcdougall from power it recognizes Opposition Leader one guy doe as venezuelas president but despite support from washington and many of them his will is neighbors who do remains in the president ial palace hes overseeing the economic collapse of one of the worlds biggest Oil Producers with millions leaving the country but on twitter he remained defiant claiming the u. S. And its allies colombia wanted to fill venezuela with violence and vowing he would not be defeated. In 1990 u. S. Took military action to remove Manuel Noriega from panama accusing him of running a massive drug operation at this stage is unlikely mcdougall will see the inside of us courtroom he faces life in prison if ever convicted with the u. S. Offering a 50000000. 00 reward hoping that might convince someone to send him its way alan fischer al jazeera washington i will have a look at some sport in a moment sounds that will have an arsenal manager for the 1st time since his recovery from coronavirus. Ear. Welcome back were looking at sport with some of. Their growing doubts that the walls most lucrative t 20 cricket competition the Indian Premier League it will get underway next month because of the koran a Virus Outbreak this week indias cricket chief sort of revealed that no decision has been made on the fate of at the seasons tournament and yes currently on a 3 week lockdown which will last until april 14th with the i. P. L. Scheduled to begin the following day the season has already been pushed back once and was originally meant to start this sunday join us now from london is and the grads a good upwardly of e. S. P. N. Cricket for the Arts Festival is there any serious hope that the i. P. L. Can get underway next month or a plan to have a shortened version later in the year. How do i know highly unlikely very perry like even if the b. C. Is holding a class close to his chest basically theres nothing it is hiding its followed to see the pandemic is some serious warning going to be can the coming weeks and months couple of months it nice. Even if the reader to hear him because far as the other greatest concern in india cannot be many cases compared to one of the across the world still i dont see a tournament happening somewhere in india what about a plan to have a shortened 3rd and later in the game. That is what the b. C. C. I wants but there is no agreement to 1st even if it cricket resumes or wont theres no free even though it all and there are alternatives theres an issue of a plan and september of 1 of by the would be train work up in australia in june event so theres really no time in years kind of thing because. Even if the lead is the concrete is june 1st week which is what they have written on the books and all the franchises so we are. Its very very i would say at the moment its a very pessimistic view but i cant see any. Lets talk about the Financial Impact do you think there is any concern that franchises will go out of business. No no they do go out of business which surely they wont receive the big what you say money they received from the i. P. L. Central which is a massive amount as far as the b. C. S. Surplus concerned they had stuck into the 1700 thats a 2550000 viewers oh do you feel good start the multipurpose look at the sport on india now the franchise or do you do that consequently the franchise has earning about. 150 been 150000000. Who go for you which means about your oh you wont be highly unlikely to receive any your this year as far as the operation was. About. Cruising to. Farm just. One ok in a garage. Of course. If you do receive any money from the ok thank you very much for that new garage e. S. P. N. Quick phone a bus cables top league the n. B. A. Has taken action to cope with the Financial Impact of the koran of spend their well with the season currently suspended top earning executives are having their salaries reduced by 20 Percent Commission adam silvers and Deputy Commissioner marks 8 and are among the 100 highest earners affected by the move the n. B. A. Joins the n. H. L. Nascar and cutting salaries while competition is on hold. Econ a Virus Outbreak has forced one of the United States most prestigious races the engine i put as a 500 to be possible and the race usually attracts around 30100000 spectators postpone it means it wont run on the morial day weekend in late may for the 1st time since 9945 instead its been scheduled for august the 23rd. Well some good news and now arsenal manager mickael has made a full recovery from the virus 38 year old with the english premier leagues 1st reported cases he tested positive on march 12th with the e. P. L. Moving to hold matches the following day arteta sent out this message to the fans. I think henris everybody please to be responsible and we stay at home as much as possible thats all we can do from our position we dont have. To help all this you know this secret police at least to stay at home and do why you require you know what we have to try to help the n. H. S. Last month just was the one we have to give the orchard. Elder needs more than anybody else to be able to get treatment that require we have to slow the process down the virus so please stay at home and thats the message from the arsenal manager stay at home yes quite thank you for that sun a sun and i back up 1300 hours changed me for the next news out the shell carries our bags. When the news breaks the word doubtful was started with the aims of getting weapons going to presentation and Economic Development when people need to be held to the thought leadership world where of the potential for verity of the virus weeks before the public good told of a dangerous aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army says determined to defeat the battles and continues advanced was this is a day to bring you the winning documentaries and life. In response to Global Warming germany is gradually shutting down its coal industry but is it happening fast enough we dont have any time to waste anymore we cant wait so were taking direct action to call for the immediate phase out of control as Climate Change activists challenge communities reliant on the industry for jobs people in power who will win the cold war on aljazeera. All i worked as a state with most state where was the rest internment and mass indoctrination all we were children are now in the process of reeducation or chinese assimilation forced labor and the use of high tech surveillance were being complicit in the human rights abuses that are trying. To geisha an integer china systematic repression of the weakest tell the world on aljazeera. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the us is wrong in the world on aljazeera. Coronavirus infections in the United States skyrocket there are now more cases there than anywhere else in the world. And we shall carry this is out of their life and our hearts are coming at. The surge comes a call for unity chinas president xi jinping says the u. S. And china must Work Together to fight the virus. We all share this responsibility none of us can do

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