Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Positive signs from italy us. If you start to put Armed Conflict. And focus to gether on the to fight of all life. Was there when secretary general calls for an immediate cease fire around the world. And japans Prime Minister finally admits they may have no choice but to postpone the olympics. Follow in the last half hour the u. K. Prime minister has announced a nationwide lockdown to try to halt the spread of the coronavirus all 66000000. 00 residents will be required to stay at home for at least 3 weeks theyll only be allowed to leave the house to buy groceries go to the pharmacy exercise or go to work or is johnson says the restrictions will be enforced by police. No Prime Minister wants to enact measures like this i know the damage that this disruption is doing and will do to peoples lives to their businesses and to their jobs and thats why weve produced a huge and Unprecedented Program of support both for workers and for business and i can assure you that we will keep these restrictions on the constant review we will look again in 3 weeks and relax them if the evidence shows we are able to but present the rig just no easy options the way ahead is hard and it is still true that many lives will sadly be lost lets bring in our a chance is joining us via skype from lois in the south of england what more did the Prime Minister have to say rory. Well i mean the message was simple wasnt it everyone stay at home you must stay at home he said if we dont then there will come a time when no Health Service in the world would be able to cope with the onslaught of coronavirus cases for several days now the government has been saying look at whats going on in italy look at whats going on in spain were only 2 or 3 weeks behind that in the u. K. And if you dont want to get to that stage then listen to what were saying and stay indoors socially distance keep yourself effectively quarantined in within your family but the evidence was over the weekend the. People are doing that to a certain extent there are many people who have been going out theyve been mingling with each other theyve been going shopping theyve been carrying on day to day life as much as they possibly could and that was i think the final straw for Boris Johnson its been very interesting to watch the u. K. Government over the last couple of weeks reluctantly playing catch up with europe and reluctantly having to do the things the European Countries of rudy done a few days later a week or so down the track so only close schools last friday last friday was the last day of schools universities schools in europe being closed for much longer than that these social distancing measures of the that are actually being enforced by police have been in place in many countries in europe for several days now now weve only just seen the u. K. Government do this has been reluctant but finally it has taken the step that most of the countries that dont yet just for the benefit of our International Audience rory what are the latest numbers that were getting out of the u. K. On the number of infected patients and those who have died. So the latest deaths are that i think over today was a an extra 54. 00 deaths that had been announced thats bringing the total up to 335. 00 and the number of cases is now well over 6000 think. Of course you know that that sort of pales in to know in significance but certainly theres no way near where easily it is that with over 6000 deaths the numbers of deaths have come down slightly in the last couple of days in italy so todays death toll. Was 602 some days with 651 compared to saturdays death toll which was nearly 800 people in italy so it might be a blip but the trajectory in italy over the last couple days has been a gradual notching down in the daily death toll which of course is good news but well have to see with that continues yeah ok rory thank you for that update. Well and other developments the World Health Organization says the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating with cases recorded in nearly every country in the head of the w. H. O. Dr ted rose said it took 67 days from the 1st reported case to reach 100000 confirmed cases then 11 days to confirm 200000 cases and just 4 days for the number of known cases to reach 300000 so as rory was saying the death toll in italy has now declined for a 2nd day 601 people died in the last 24 hours taking its total to past 6000 spains death told meanwhile has risen by 462 to a total of 2182 if barker has won the situation across europe italys alone but the region cemeteries are struggling to keep up with the dead on monday the death toll climb to more than 6000. Theres the 2nd straight day the number of dead edged down and the rate of infection slowed its too early to say whether its at least turn the tide on covert 19 but the figures office some hope the government measures are working. A day after italy shut down all nonessential Economic Activity now more restrictions a ban on all internal travel the virus has distorted everyday life buying food can take many hours. To warm coronavirus is intensifying these patients from the island of corsica being treated on a french Navy Helicopter carrying the islands hospitals are overwhelmed. The streets of the german capital also empty and the countrys chancellor Angela Merkel forced to quarantine but theres a glimmer of hope new data suggest the spread of the virus is slowing despite a high infection rate a relatively few deaths in germany the country was quick to introduce widespread but i was testing. One cool element is the ability to keep track of contacts. Of contacts are kept for 14 days and the isolation of infected people these measures must be kept up and straight it is for the coming weeks and months for they are important and remain important. 2 weeks into spain is now considering extending it further country after country governments are controlling the lives of citizens like never before the coronavirus has pushed the continent into confinement. Aljazeera. The u. N. Secretary general house calls for an immediate global says fire so countries can focus on the fight against the coronavirus antonio terrorist says that civilians in conflict zones who are most vulnerable to the pandemic are diplomatic editor james bays has more from the u. N. Headquarters in new york. Hello welcome to this the u. N. Is deeply concerned about the spread of coronavirus in countries already dealing with conflict and thats why at a virtual News Conference the secretary general made this call the fury of the vials illustrates the folly of war that is why today i am calling for an immediate global cease fire in all corners of the world it is thank to put Armed Conflict on lockdown and focus together on the to fight of our lives the World Health Organization is the part of the un thats been leading the Global Response its the right to general expressed his alarm at the speed of the spread of new cases the pun demick is accelerating it took 67 days from the 1st reported case to reach the furthest 100000 cases 11 days for the 2nd 100000 cases in just 4 days for this that 100000 cases the secretary general we launching a global humanitarian appeal on wednesday hes asking for 2000000000. 00 hes also written to the richest countries on earth the g 20 saying there needs to be more coordination and more help for the developing world later in the week the leaders of those g. 20 nations will be holding an online summit meeting james berets aljazeera at the United Nations. Tanya the terraces call for a cease fire came a syria has now confirmed its 1st case of coronavirus and enforce curfews and ban public transport syrias Health Minister says all necessary measures have been taken the 20 year old woman is in quarantine there been unconfirmed reports of infections in the country for weeks but the author already as have denied any outbreaks or cover up humanitarian groups a major outbreak in syria would be particularly catastrophic Global Financial markets are continuing to suffer as the coronavirus pandemic worsens the dow jones in new york closed 3 point one percent down after another day of falls across asia and europe no traders were allowed into the New York Stock Exchange on monday and all market trading is being done electronically because of the shutdown off new york and the u. S. Senates has failed to agree on a trillion dollar stimulus bill aimed at boosting the economy during the pandemic its the 2nd time the legislation hasnt passed all the titians are under increasing pressure to prevent an economic collapse but theyve been divided on what the final package should look like democrats say republican proposals favor corporations rather than workers lets get an update from castor joining us from Silver Spring in maryland so youre keeping an eye out on whats happening in the senate heidi excuse me what can you tell us. Well theyre still talking about this 1. 00 trillion dollar economic rescue package dream but talk is all it is at this point because like you said now for the 2nd time in a row the vote to advance this measure has failed almost soly down partisan lines the complaints of democrats are that this package which was drafted by republicans with input from the Trump White House they say the democrats say that this is not enough transparency and not enough restrictions on businesses who would benefit from the stimulus package they want restrictions such as that these businesses wont go on to lay off workers in the future and then theres also partisan suspicion going on here the partisan bickering in washington all but engulfing this this measure with democrats of spectating even that because as written this law would allow the department of treasury to select which businesses to benefit and not announce the names of those businesses for 6 months they dont want for example the president s businesses to benefit more than its fair share and on the other hand republicans are accusing democrats of using this is a political opportunity trying to throw in unrelated measures related to like voting in union rights that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus Response trying to use this as a way to get that wish list of democratic priorities through so theyre still talking leaders from both parties claim that they can still reach a consensus of a cause says is by the end of the evening but at this point it appears neither side is budging but on another note here at the white house we were expecting a briefing from president coronavirus taskforce within minutes time we just had an announcement that a member of the press corps is suspected of having the krona virus so. Even as the information is developing it appears that people closer and closer in proximity to the president himself are coming down with with this virus which is certainly raising the alarm further writes heidi thank you for that update from maryland well the u. S. Federal reserve is planning what it calls aggressive measures to help small and medium sized businesses a many of them are turning to the government for help as forced layoffs grow by the day and gallagher reports from miami. From the beaches of florida to the bright lights of las vegas businesses and venues normally thriving with activity and paying customers a closing down almost no business is exempt from the effects of the coronavirus as people increasingly self isolate commercial air travel is being hit hard but its Small Businesses and their employees there are monk the most vulnerable not sure if youve heard yet but we are closing after today as customers stay away in increasing numbers the reality for those working for themselves and employing others is hitting hard i cried last night pretty stronger up by. Itself as millions of schools close their doors those that rely on the Education System for a paycheck of being laid off some economists are predicting unemployment rates as high as 20 percent im guessing somewhere between 475200 bus drivers all of a sudden not work and. Thats a lot of people across the u. S. Food banks a vital lifeline for those living in poverty is seeing a sharp decline in volunteers donations to a drying up and there has been actually less food as people have been hoarding. That has had this is hard that was born here Small Business owners are now in a dire situation many of clothes that dollars and dont know when theyll reopen others of late staff offer an undetermined amount of time i know now looking to the federal government to help and 8 short term interest free loans may help for now but long term the future looks bleak plans are now in place to help but only for the next few weeks i think theres broad general agreement that Small Businesses in this country will not be able to survive on this was extraordinary assistance and so the the idea behind the proposal that we are finalizing now is the idea of how can we transfer money as quickly as possible to help Small Businesses meet payroll. An operating obligations for a period of time roughly equivalent to 6 weeks the challenge for many is safely getting food for their families but Small Business owners its about staying afloat in an economic crisis thats likely to get was under gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida coming up in this news hour pandemic fears in kenya sprawling slums where there is no Running Water and self isolationism possible. Desperate scenes in india as Migrant Workers rushed to buses after rail travel was suspended and. That it is quite fun and the Technology Makes it a lot easier. And cern just so not to panic as they begin teaching their children at home. But 1st zimbabwe has reported the 1st death of a coronavirus patient after confirming its 1st cases this past weekend the government has closed schools and banned large gatherings but there are concerns over the countrys ability to handle an outbreak Zimbabwes Health system has suffered critical shortages of equipment and drugs for years and late last year the un warned the country is on the brink of manmade starvation with some 8000000 people facing Food Insecurity south africas president has announced a nationwide lockdown for 21. 00 days from thursday the army will be deployed to enforce the restrictions there are more than 400. 00 confirmed cases of coronavirus in south africa but no deaths this is a decisive measure. To save the lives of some of the africans from infection and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Well this measure will have a considerable impact on peoples livelihoods and the lives of our society and on our economy the human cost of delaying this action would be far far greater. For me to miller has been following developments in johannesburg and she says the government a spectacularly worried about the number of people with Underlying Health concerns the objective here is to save tens of thousands of lives that is a major wire for the government in south africa because this is already a very a compromised Health System in this country one that is already overburdened there are 7000000 South Africans with hiv there are millions of others with topic tuberculosis so people in this country already have the millions of people who already have compromised immune systems and given the the gravity of this outbreak in the shop increase that the South African government to seen in recent days they would want to keep as many people as safe as possible i have to point out that. When he spoke to the nation this evening this is 24 hours after it was 1st announced he would talk to South Africans in the stime hes been meeting with labor unions with business with other political leaders the issue of the economy is a massive one south africa is already in a technical recession the economy is struggling almost 30 percent of people dont have jobs given that people have to stay home its a foregone conclusion that the economy will only suffer more but the president has said saving lives is the priority and i think that is facing the reality that so africas economy is going to fall by the wayside. Well kenya is edging towards a total lockdown as the number of cases there rises to 15 all International Flights have been suspended from wednesday and pubs restaurants and places of worship have been ordered to close kenyans are also being urged to take social distancing seriously but thats not possible for many as catherine saw reports in the capital nairobi. Many of the conversations in nairobi the eppy said took 1000 in kenya are about the disease the government has Restricted International travel and closed schools and universities kenyans advice to wash hands regularly stay home if possible and avoid large gatherings. But doing that in makeshift slum housing is nearly impossible areas where millions of people call home many sharing single room shocks a few spaces to isolate or enjoy the luxury of walking from the house most leave on last in 2. 00 a day this is one of the most densely Populated Areas in the city people here are not just worried about the disease and how it may affect them but also how they will survive with no money to feed their families or even enough water to regularly wash their hands. Dont wash his clothes for a living she shares 2 rooms with more than 10 oftens in this sprawling. Our biggest concern right now is finding water in normal circumstances she uses 80 liters a day costing around 4. 00. Some nonprofit organizations are setting up water points but theyre not enough. To push to get government quarter only thrice a week which we have to go in for check for to point they tell us to wash our hands all the time we want to or without water supply what can we do. In math are recorded the hustle and bustle in the slum for aljazeera following the introduction of the Government House restrictions he tells us disease is rife including the common flu which poses a problem. By doing. Even though many people have the flu children are always coughing its a common thing and difficult to tell if its caught on or not these noire here where we can get tested its very hard for the response to both because beetles in town used to be self medicate. The government to step up with symptoms and their contacts as well as starting random testing targeted areas but medical experts are urging preparations for mass testing should the disease start spreading quickly we need to have a lot of people to. And on testing that is number one number 2 we also need to expand our Testing Facilities beyond where we are in our doctors say they hope to minimize the spread of cobbett 19 to areas such as my viral where some of the most vulnerable kenyans leave bad deja and others here want more preventative measures now to keep them safe catherine sorry our jazeera now will be kenya. Into has 471 confirmed infections but Health Experts warn a sharp jump in numbers could be imminent the governments halted all domestic flights from tuesday and put most of its population under lockdown there were desperate scenes at bus stations after rail travel was also suspended was withdrawn and has more from. This is what the Indian Government wanted to prevent hundreds of people crowding together Migrant Workers in the state of bihar filled overcrowded buses some even climbed on the roof in a desperate attempt to return to their homes. So you saw this bus and came and sat here and talked the driver must be somewhere but no one was here. Ever gave me are. Saying that the bus will go but how will we just keep waiting. Migrant workers around the country try to catch buses after Indian Railways cancel Train Services which carry more than 25000000. 00 commuters a day. All interstate buses in Metro Service is canceled until the end of the month the ministry of Civil Aviation announced all domestic flights will be suspended from wednesday promised in that interim order tweeted saying many people a still not taking the lockdown seriously even though most Public Places were deserted around the country many regional leaders including in the Capital Territory of delhi said they would take action against anyone who violates the measures. Now everyone from to day has to obey the law gone completely the not been started this morning maybe you had to go out for some missing to work but from to model the government will enforce the knock down and will use force to ensure it. Also announced financial and humanitarian assistance to those affected in delhi as the Indian Government introduces more restrictions every day to limit the spread of the virus many have lost their livelihoods or have been stranded or also hoping to hear how the government will help them beyond telling them to stay at home elizabeth aljazeera new delhi lets speak to elise world or smith she is a professor from urging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine she is joining us via skype from switzerland thanks very much for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour so our reporter from india was just reporting on how authorities have announced the lockdown over there and just in the past hour we heard the u. K. Prime minister announce that the u. K. Will now be under lockdown is that the way forward to these lockdowns work. Lockdowns is the strongest measures that we can take have seen from china that lock down does work it is probably our strongest and only weapon that we have in our hands at this moment and could i ask you if you had listened to what the Prime Minister of the u. K. Had to say Boris Johnson and whether the measures that he announced have gone far enough in hindsight because i always say we are too late i think the u. K. Is still. Further ahead in the curve. As badly affected as italy switzerland or germany so i think bush johnson made a decision at the right time whats happened in italy some people say maybe coming the ukase way do you think that will actually happen and now that hes announced these measures is there still a danger that the u. K. Does end up like italy so pieces will continue to rise in the u. K. And everywhere else in europe but with the social distancing measures there will be a flattening of the curve so i do not expect the tsunami of the size that weve seen in italy that people must be aware it will take a week or 2 before we see the kerf flattening and till then we just have to obey the government and when it comes to germany the Health Minister the Public Health chief excuse me there has said that germany is corona virus infection curve could have now flattened so why what is at the germany has done or what factors on the ground has created that. Similar to what the bush onsen has Just Announced a few minutes ago germany implemented. A knock down with social distancing and only allowing 2 people at a time. And in these numbers that we understand have also declined for 2 days in a row does that give you. Does that make you optimistic that this could be a downward trend that were seeing in italy or is a tour of the to reach that conclusion i think is a good sign i am encouraged not to say men and china not at the time i was careful and i stand well you have to wait for a week to see it consistent daily decline but i think thats the hope for italy a ram answers working ok we appreciate your time with us thank you for joining us on the aljazeera news hour. Thank you much more ahead including after 250 confirmed cases of the coronavirus lebanons army is brought in to enforce a lockdown. On the u. S. Secretary of state visits afghanistans rival leaders to breathe new life into a flagging deal for the taliban. How the weathers lousy dried out across many parts of Northern Europe see the slaughter of clear weather that we have pushing in weather systems will bring some cloud right into were pushing across into scott in particular Cross Western areas of scotland through the highlands and the otters maybe northern parts as well but i would say wards of the east the sod if you get this large area of High Pressure keeping things for 80 settle dragging him all the way in then behind so weve seen quite a drop in temperatures down towards the southeast kona hungary seeing some very very cold air making its way better model couple days ago we were getting up to around 20 celsius here the snow set it in this given that after deals something of a surprise in the process so temperatures well down into single figures struggling to get above 0 actually that wintry mix stays in place through tuesday going on into where the stain extends across a good parts of the balkans as well its not just some very lively showers there for central parts of the mediterranean so thats going to have an effect on the weather that we see across northern parts of africa as well over the next diode say we got some showers along the spells of rain across northern parts of broca Northern Areas of algeria tunisia saying some very lively weather on wednesday with some very strong winds. You know louis in a good spot. When the boneless struck many died and many reste to end the epidemic. This is their story through the lens of local filmmakers we see people making sacrifices while been off a mission this is what i want to see survivors a witness documentary on aljazeera. The u. N. Fact finders accuse the bernese military of genocide this is a political if you think that. Do you believe the nobody is a fascist i just dont have all of them they. Wouldnt go the recognize the both sides have legitimate grievances against the other climate this is the foundation of Climate Action and that is why the polluters must take hard hitting debate with us. On aljazeera. The. Love we got in the top stories on the aljazeera news our u. K. Prime minister has announced a nationwide lockdown to try and hold the spread of the coronavirus all 66000000. 00 residents will be required to stay at home for these 3 weeks they will only be allowed to leave the house to buy groceries go to the pharmacy exercise or go to work if absolutely necessary. And the death toll in italy has declined for a 2nd day as governments across europe scramble to contain the corona Virus Outbreak 601 people died there in the last 24 hours but spains death toll has risen again by 462. 00 to a total of 2182. And the u. S. Senate has failed to agree on a trillion dollar stimulus bill into boosting the economy during the pandemic alliterations are under increasing pressure to prevent an economic collapse. Lets speak about this with ethan kaplan hes an associate professor of economics at the university of Maryland College park is joining us via skype from washington d. C. Thanks very much for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour so that package stuff in the senate clearly there are divisions between republicans and democrats will they be resolved. I certainly hope so i think im. Better at figuring out what the consequences would be than. Whether or not theyll be able to work energy i mean i soon they will but but you know consequences that end and lets say that it does pos you seem to be optimistic that it will pass how will it actually help americans. So you know it really depends on what gets passed and so thats part of what the disagreement is about. So currently theres aid to workers and you know people would get it a check in the mail i think thats a good thing. And in particular its a good thing because some of the Unemployment Insurance extensions which are also a really important part of the economic question from this crisis that the government can offer. There are a lot of people who are outside of that system who have not you know who dont have formal employment relationships people independent contractors people who work part time and it turns out that actually about a quarter of people actually take up Unemployment Insurance so i think that sending out checks to households is is a good thing i think some of the disagreements are on how loons to businesses should work. And currently this about 500000000000. 00 that the. Administration the secretary of the treasury would have a lot of discretion over in the current version of the plan. To funnel to come to corporations as he saw fit and we would need to learn where he actually funnel the money into about 6 months later potentially after the election so he could for example use the funds as a quid pro quo for corporate donations to a campaign effectively and thats what the democrats say that is one thing that worries them about this bill but let me ask you this and for a saw for International Viewers who might be watching this interview who i mean youre talking about one foot 1. 00 trillion dollars here up to 1. 00 thats a figure or getting one point if its a woman who foots the bill here. So ultimately it will be taxpayers but in some sense. Depending upon what the bill is composed of. The bill could actually be a lot larger if we dont do it so 1st of all i think there should be a lot more money allocated towards fighting the the medical crisis getting testing out getting medical quitman to hospitals training people to figure out who has the virus whos con who theyve been in contact with quarantine those people so that most of us can return to work and we can only have selective quarantine that would really revive the economy a lot quicker and spending that money very obviously has an extremely high rate of return the government doesnt do this theyll actually be in a bigger hole then if they do do it but all right i think that weve got its going to interest us thanks very much i think kaplan will have to leave it there but we appreciate your time with us on the news hour thank you you know from the get of it well the Global Health emergency has hit International Travel particularly hard with the airlines grounding more and more of their Flights Singapore Airlines is the latest to cut back operations taking 96 percent of its planes out of commission it follows decisions by emirates and Turkish Airlines to hold nearly all their passenger flights major travel hubs continue to close their doors and the United Arab Emirates home to the worlds Busiest Airport Dubai International is suspending all passenger flights including transit travelers the International Air transport Association Says the industry stance a lose more than 100000000000. 00 in revenue this year scott heiler has more on that from the situation across asia where new infections are prompting some governments to bring in tighter restrictions on movements. Even while there is some positive news on curbing the spread of coded 19 in some countries in asia pacific like south korea its of the fewest new infection cases since its peak in february many more nations are moving forward on shutting down nonessential businesses and restricting movement indonesia just began a 2 week emergency period and hong kong will ban foreign arrivals for 14 days starting on wednesday this after a recent spike in corona virus cases mostly imported the increasing Economic Impact on the region and the still unresolved 2 trillion dollar u. S. Rescue package forced most major asian stock markets down as the new trading week started captains of Industry Leaders of union must really has implemented strict restrictions on Non Essential Services and social gatherings cited together and with the rest of the world we face this unprecedented challenge a wants a 100 year event. A Global Health pandemic that is fast becoming the economic crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the Great Depression new zealand moved into its highest possible alert level restricting movement and shutting schools to be absolutely clear we are now asking all new zealand is. Outside essential services to stay at home and to start all interaction with others outside of those in your household joining other major International Air carriers Singapore Airlines announced that it was slashed its capacity by 96 percent grounding nearly all of its fleet its a catastrophic situation generally traffic was normal but every numbers traffic in asia fell by about 50 percent and thats deteriorated further as we go through march because more and more countries will see folks enough icy rain erna Virus Outbreaks and this is the result more and more orders directions Singapore Airlines move comes after the country closed its borders to travelers even transiting passengers in order to curb the spread of the virus scott had learned. So thats the situation over an hour lets get an update on the situation new york and the epicenter of the outbreak over in the u. S. Is on those joining us from there worth. Worrying numbers for us. Yeah new york state and new york city has definitely become the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak and pandemic here in the u. S. There are about 20000 cases in new york state of those about 12000 come from right here in new york city that is for the state numbers thats about 30 times higher than any other state in the u. S. These numbers out of new york it jumped about 30 percent overnight and now just in new york about 5 percent of all the coronavirus cases in the world are here in new york now why are there so many cases here theres a whole host of reasons but the governor stresses that primarily because new york is testing more than anywhere else theyre doing about 16000 tests a day and so thats why these numbers are jumping up so fast the governor is doing 2 things to try to contain this he said trying to reduce the rate of spread so hes basically put all of new york and its 18000000 people in the state on lockdown all businesses for the most part are closed and hes also trying to increase hospital bed capacity just in new york he said hes going to need about 110000 i. C. U. Beds right now they only have 55000 so the governor was actually opening up a hospital. That he wants to open in the Convention Center in new york city this is how extreme measures have gotten because as he said they are they have to get out in front of this as soon as they can because he said its like a wave thats going to crash on new york and that wave hasnt hit yet and how are new yorkers dealing with all of this what is the impacts these are stuck on lockdown are having on them. Well new yorkers are still getting out but the cities are mostly empty because all businesses in the city are have been ordered to shut down in less they are essential so new york is incredibly quiet you did see over the weekend large congregations of people in like central park people that live in manhattan its a city of 9000000 people and the governor said weve got to get people out of the parks we have to have social social distancing but overall what youre seeing is mostly empty streets in new york city the holland tunnel that goes from new jersey into new york city at 830. 00 this morning on a monday at rush hour normally there would be hundreds of cars and buses all trying to get into that tunnel to get into new york city at rush hour the wait sometimes can be up to an hour at 830 this morning there was not one single car waiting to go through the holland tunnel when i went there that just gives you an idea of how remarkable the situation is here for all intents and purposes the state of new york is completely shut down and the city of new york one of the biggest cities in the world completely shut down as well as on the thank you for that update from new york well 30000000 children in the u. S. Get free or subsidised school meals every day but with classes council to slow the slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic private groups have stepped in to ensure those students dont go hungry most are small nonprofit organizations like virginia based mobile hope its founder its a liver is breakfast and lunch to families and her graffiti time bus and she invited us along. Im gonna fortier and im c. E. O. And founder of mobile home. We had probably 80 to 100 volunteers come in and we packed about 1200 bags. And i think now if were at this rate were going to one out of food probably the 1st week of distribution. And i think theres more of an urgency with the families and the family is are a lot of them cant go to work and so now theyre really starting to worry about are they going to be able to pay their rent and then says to ok all right what do you want to be in the most the wealthiest county in the country as were now and we still have all those needs its kind of this unforgotten you know or the forgotten community or one of those urban where youre going to be going and so every little bit that we can do that helps them save money to be able to do that is what were here to do. Many people many ways but he says hes being. It really affected me because you know 3 kids and babysitting and then they did the strike be with him to go bordeaux him and they have fun a school or special my oldest kid shes 7 and shes like i love school but when i go in from work i go to school and get them from birth or dont mind. So they have something to eat own home. Thank god its been always something the school has been helping with im speechless but basically you just wouldnt want me and my kids. But theres a lot of good thanks and theres something youre really going to enjoy. All School Closures due to the coronavirus means millions of parents are now supervising their childrens education from home and britain has joined italy france and spain in closing old schools and colleges until further notice its a decision that will alter the lives of millions of children and forces parents to stay home to look after them Charlie Angela reports. Virtual violin lessons one of millions of classes now happening online you should all this year whether coffee or balance. Your or dr dog around the streets yes 8 year old despina wright is taking instruction via skype after her School Closed a teacher balance j. C. Is keen not to lose touch with his 24. 00 students even if you cant be there you can still help build their confidence and to start out being really skeptical about this because as an instrumental teacher you need to be there physically but being able to show them all of these details through the camera taking a bit more time for them obviously but in the end it really worked out well with classrooms emptied maybe for months parents will be supervising their childrens learning a daunting task especially for those still trying to work from home most schools are providing lessons online but there is concern that not all children have equal access to computers and the internet i miss being with my friends in that school that it quite fun and the Technology Makes it a lot easier as you can give face time with the teaches because then the whole class for parents and carers anxious at being suddenly asked to remember their math exam knowledge from decades ago the advice from psychologists is relax her hands on schools lots of parents arent teachers so trying to replicate the school day as it would be is probably not going to be possible its probably going to be something that adds to stress so if youre trying to shed youre in you know 45 minutes of mass we 5 minutes of english 45 minutes of science thats thats going to be really hard in a home environment. Just. Important is staying connected with friends play days also going online i dont want. Physical education classes too with thousands tuning in from around the world to follow the same coach. Playgrounds like this may lay empty for months but teachers are still supporting the students from the far they had met there may be frustration but say the great learning happens when children happy safe and secure and these are the most important things that parents can teach them in these Uncertain Times charlie had to aljazeera. Lebanons army has been brought in to help enforce a public lockdown to slow the spread of the virus there almost 250 infections and 4 deaths have been confirmed the government says a bigger outbreak is looming xenophobes out of reports from beirut. The army and Security Forces have been called in to enforce a lockdown declared by the government and largely ignored by many lebanese concerns grew after a rapid rise in the daily Coronavirus Infection rates movement is now severely restricted that we can no longer contain the bars we will hit into the unknown of every citizen doesnt take the necessary measures. Its been nearly a week since the authorities sealed lebanons borders they had already closed the public and private sectors as well as educational institutions but the pace of infections hasnt slowed the relatively unsatisfactory degree of compliance in the streets makes the state of emergency more likely to be clear i believe that the cabinet has been avoiding to declare a curfew because it would entail a number of. Measures that would definitely narrow certain rights lockdowns are harsh for the poor and informal workers who rely on daily wages and in lebanon they are not being compensated. By every man who has a family has to go out and provide for his kids in all countries when a state of emergency is declared the government helps them medically and socially. An unprecedented economic and financial crisis is only worsening it is believed that at least 200000 jobs have been lost in recent months people here are blaming the government for avoiding its obligations by no National Practices when government declares fuel. Providers people will. Need the basic basic needs and monthly instalment for them to be able to sustain. The state is nearly bankrupt many blame the Political Class for mismanagement and corruption but a movement to topple those in power is also on hold as efforts focused on containing the pandemic. Lebanons government is being criticized for failing to deal with the economic and social impact of the Health Crisis the United Nations says policies are needed so the burden does not fall on those who can least afford it Prime Minister has acknowledged that the tighter measures will hurt the economy but he said the priority is to save peoples lives. Authorities dont want to overwhelm ill equipped and underfunded Health Facilities but theyve lost the battle to contain the virus its now about limiting its impact in the words of the interior minister the worst is yet to come to. Beirut and other news the u. S. Secretary of state is meeting taliban officials and on his way back from a quick visit to afghanistan to resolve the political deadlock. Visit to kabul despite a near Global Travel shutdown because of coronavirus peo separately met the afghan president. And his rival Abdullah Abdullah he was pushing them to reach a compromise to jumpstart negotiations with the taliban a critical deck step to last months agreement but there were no immediate signs of the breakthrough victoria fontanne is a professor of peace studies at the American University of afghanistan she says success will depend on the unification of the country. The next step from here is twofold the taliban are the grammys by the United States of 5000. 00 prisoners by the Afghan Government so that would be one step and then of course remains a big issue which is the uniqueness of the unity so he of the government itself so the next step im going to be for all the parties to speak with one another and to discuss on the way forward but of course the most important question in the balance use the unity of the Afghan Government i am told that a deal is imminent and that person to have been spoken about and you know weve seen the actual security crises and the indy tsunami that is going to come in terms of 19 it is in the interest of ever that those 2 parties actually come together and think about the future of their country at the moment russia and turkey have been forced to cut short their 2nd joint control in syria as a liberal security concerns the 2 countries agreed earlier this month a guardian for highway together as part of a deal to end the violence in the war torn in the province the last rebel held strongholds fighting in the region has displaced nearly a 1000000 people their 1st joint patrol was also cut short earlier this month due to what moscow called rebel provoke provocations. Still ahead the south zerah news hour japans Prime Minister concedes he may have to Tokyo Olympic games details coming up in a moment. Or. Hello again japans Prime Minister says the country is considering postponing the Olympic Games several nations including austria and norway are urging the International Olympic committee to delay the events canada and australia say they wont send seems to compete so if the competition is held this july plans Alexei Obrien has more. After weeks of insisting the show must go on now something of a 10 around from the japanese Prime Minister. I said i came out weve hoped to hold the games to mark that the world has defeated the coronavirus i thought that canceling them is not an option a toll but if that becomes difficult we will think of the athletes 1st and foremost and we may have no option but to consider postponing. The games us it to be held in july but the virus thats caused both human catastrophe and economic crisis across the globe is threatening the worlds biggest sporting event canada became the 1st country to announce its and then pick in paralympic teams want people to surprising in the games urging the International Olympic committee and the tokyo organizes to push back the event by at least a year were witnessing a remarkable upsurge in athletes speaking out against the International Olympic committee who has been very slow to act in the face of the coronavirus situation and in that sort of leadership vacuum youve seen athletes and sport bodies rise up and what canada has done just moments ago is absolutely remarkable tokyos olympic chief is warned that the games 1000000000. 00 budget and years of planning are at stake and that cancelling would be bad for both stakeholders and athletes if they did see you know get a leg or you we never intend to talk about a consolation but japan and International Olympic committee will talk together about what to do postponement to only be one of the many scenarios like the increasing pressure from athletes to call off the games is not just because bringing hundreds of thousands of sportsmen and women coaches and fans together could help spread the virus but they argue that having them continue high level training is putting them and their families at risk i think again it should be postponed and i think its the best option is the least worst option available to us no so theyve got an amazing opportunity here in the games and then they will together we see the back of this bonus. Just a few weeks ago the idea of postponing the olympics was unthinkable now its looking more and more likely another victim of these unprecedented times the i. O. C. Says it will make a decision within the next 4 weeks from now the Olympic Torch Relay is set to go ahead from thursday but without the usual fanfare with crowds are urged not to attend. An aljazeera. The swiss freestyle skier has been forced to get creative after the coronaVirus Outbreak and find him to his home take a look in this video. Leaping from obstacle to Obstacle Course set up around his home he says theyll donate money to the World Health Organization for every like the post receives i can a moment with more news thanks for watching. Perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we would life if you and he experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. Of that testimony if we let you know very little. With this documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. Culture a downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to be a brace of detail their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are whether. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi so be refugees here since 964. 00. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up over a businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Struggles full of pleasure i mean a body that a person doesnt want to. Get back on my table yeah i. Mean what is really. Good an intimate look at life in cuba it is going to each and every day for that to be a trickster like this is my cue. On aljazeera. From this evening i must give the british people a very simple instruction you must stay at home because the curtains Prime Minister orders a 3 week partial lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus that is why. The watching out is there a lie from london im doubting navigator also ahead another 462 people have died in spain taking its death toll to more than 2000 but there are more positive signs

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