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Home meanwhile in europe the coronavirus death toll passes 5000 germany and spain of reported a steep rise in infections and lock down argentina imposes one of the strictest measures yet for any latin American Country as it tackles the spread of coded 19. All of the latest developments from around the world on the car coronavirus pandemic to come about what to start with. In london correspondent they want to go straight to you need because of developments out of the u. K. Concerning a Critical Incident at a certain hospital go ahead. Yes thats right it looks very much like the corona virus situation the spread of the virus is entering into an important new phase a large hospital and North West London called northwest Northwick Park and how row for those who know it they are reporting that an intensive care unit there is now completely overwhelmed by coronavirus patients stoffel basically told last night that theyd run out of Critical Care space so imagine that particular unit is already dealing with serious things like critical injuries and so on and so forth now reporting that they are completely overwhelmed with people suffering from the coronavirus theyre reporting also 6 people having died in that hospital this of course is a completely new direction for the coronavirus here in the u. K. Weve known for some time according to the government at least of the situation of the capital may be several weeks ahead of the rest of the country the assumption had been that the u. K. As a whole was a few days behind possibly even weeks behind the rest of the continent so what they say is that there is a serious around picking up of the seriousness of the situation here in the u. K. We know that the National Health service has already been asked to find a 30000 new beds many of them a makeshift facility some talk also possibly about using private hospitals and other facilities to make sure that the capital and also the rest of the country is ready as possible but crucial in critical new developments here in london ok and were waiting for a News Conference from the british Prime Minister johnson shortly in the meantime naved take me through developments elsewhere i mentioned spain a little bit earlier but its really a large number of deaths there again and it is now well in fact more deaths there than anywhere else in the world. Yeah thats absolutely right a critical situation in italy the or thirtys had hoped that by april the 4th they were going to review the nationwide lockdown and possibly even ease some of those restrictions in parts of the country that ship is completely sailed now because 114 soldiers have been deployed in the region of long body in the north of the country thats where the Financial Capital of milan is there to enforce the law down in what has been described as a red zone we know in burger mo which is north east of milan intensive care units theyre completely overwhelmed struggling to find enough ventilators to deal with the surge in people there the authorities really scratching their heads as to what to do next but they have been critically advised by the head of the chinese red cross that if the country doesnt lock down entirely economically that theyre not going to make much progress at the moment we know that some people are still able to go out to work in the cities including the capital rome that the advice is needs to change ok thank you barkha in london as to say were waiting to hear from the british prime minster brownstones on this friday as well. And facts and being told he might be about to speak now lets go theyre meant to turn the tide against corona virus within 3 months and i want to repeat that determination today were going to do it with testing were going to do it with new medicines and new Digital Technology that will help us to see the disease as it is transmitted and thereby by eliminating it to stamp it out and above all not were going to defeat this disease with a Huge National effort to slow the spread by reducing unnecessary social contact and i want to thank everybody for following the guidance we issued on monday at the state home for 7 days if you think you have the symptoms for 14 days if anyone in your household has either of the symptoms a new continuous cough or a High Temperature to avoid pubs gars clubs and restaurants to work from home if it were possible keep washing your hands and i know its been top and i note has been inconvenient but these actions that were all taking together are helping to take the strain of our n. H. S. And bit by bit day by day by your actions your restraint and your sacrifice we are putting this country in a better and stronger position where we will be able to save literally thousands of lives of people of all ages people who didnt deserve to die now people whose lives can must and will be saved and as we take these actions together news we make these sacrifices we can see the impact on the real economy already fantastic British Companies are already under huge strain figure in smoke. Workers who are finding that their jobs under threat were going through no fault of their own and to all of them we in government say we will stand by you and i say that to companies remember our joint objective to beat this virus and we will do everything in our power to help and in just a minute richie is going to explain how were going to help workers of all kinds to get through this crisis supporting you directly in a way that government has never done before in addition to the package that weve already set out for for business and of course these measures are intended the steps that were taking are intended to be temporary and of course i am confident that in time the u. K. Colony is going to bounce back of course it is but i must be absolutely clear with you the speed of our eventual recovery depends entirely on our ability our collective ability to get on top of the virus now and that means we have to take the next steps on scientific advice and following our plan we are strengthening the measures announced on monday which you remember an already people made a huge effort to comply with those measures for avoiding unnecessary social contact but we need to push down further on that curve of transmission between us and so following your agreement between all the 4 nations of the United Kingdom all the devolved ministrations we are collectively telling telling cafes pubs bars and restaurants to close tonight as soon as they reasonably can. And not to open to more though to be clear they can continue to provide Takeout Services were also telling night clubs theatres cinema hours gyms and Leisure Centers to close on the same time scale well these are places where people come together and indeed the whole purpose in many cases of these businesses is to bring people together but the sad thing is im afraid to date for now i have at least physically we need to keep people apart and i want to stress that we will review the situation each month to see if we can relax any of these measures and listening to what i have just said some people may of course be tempted to go out tonight and i say to you please dont you may think that youre invincible but there is no guarantee that you will get mild symptoms and you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to others so thats why as far as possible. Way will leave Horace Johnson the british Prime Minister there to go to geneva the latest address from dr ted the ross the non who is the director general of the World Health Organization good afternoon and good evening wherever you are. Every day 19 seems to reach a new tragic milestone. More than 210000 cases. Have now been reported to dublin john and more than 1000 people have lost their lives. Every loss of life is a tragedy its also a motivation to double down and do everything we can to stop transmission and save lives. Of course we have good good news today yesterday reported no new cases for the 1st time since the outbreak started what provides hope for the rest of the world and that even the most severe situation can be turned around of course we must exercise caution the situation can be birds but the experience of cities and countries that have pushed by this virus give hope and courage to the rest of the world. Every day we are learning more about this virus and that this is it because one of the things were learning is that although all the people are the hardest hit younger people are not spared. From many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a significant proportion of patients requiring hospitalization. Today i have a message for young people you are not invincible this virus could put you in hospital for weeks or even kill you. Even if you dont get sick their choices you make about where you go could be the difference between life and death for someone else. Im grateful that so many young people are spreading the word and not the virus as i keep saying solidarity is the key to defeating the 19. So it added to between countries but also between age groups thank you for heeding our call for solidarity solidarity. We have say from the beginning that our greatest concern is the impact this virus could have if it gains a foothold in countries with weaker Health Systems or d ways vulnerable populations. That concern has now become very real an urgent we know that if this disease takes hold in this countries there could be significant sickness and loss of life but thats not inevitable and like any pandemic in history we have the power to change the way this go. Double agent is working actively to support all countries and especially those that need our support the most. As you know the collapse of the market for personal protective equipment has created extreme difficulties in ensuring Health Workers have access to the keep them and they need to do their job safely and effectively. This is im hearing out of key concern for hours. We havent identified some producers in china who have agreed to supply w. H. O. We are currently finalizing the are arranged ments and coordinating shipment so we can refill our warehouse to ship e. P. To home ever needs it most our aim is to build a pipeline to ensure the continued to of supply with support from our partners governments and the private sector. I am grateful to jack maher and his foundation as well as an eco done good for their willingness to help provide essential supplies to countries in need. To support our call to test every suspected case we are also working hard to increase the Global Supply of data most the kids. There are Many Companies globally that produce that the most tickets but you can only buy already come and kids that have been evaluated independently to ensure their quality so we have wood with fine the foundation for Innovative New diagnostics to contract audition our labs. Deal that you know sticks in parallel were working with companies to secure the supply and equitable distribution of this tests and we are also working with companies to increase production of the other products needed to post perform the tests from the swaps used to take samples to the Large Missions needed to process them. Were very grateful for the way the private sector has to put up to lend its port to the Global Response. Just in the past few days i have spoken with a international chambre of commerce with many c. E. O. s so the World Economy forum and will there be 20 group of Business Leaders from the g 20 countries. We understand the heavy financial toll this pandemic is taking on businesses and the Global Economy were encouraged by the solidarity and generosity of Business Leaders to use their resources experience and networks to improve the advil ability of supplies communicate relevant information and protect their staff and customers and were also encouraged that countries around the world continue to support the Global Response we timed coed for its contribution of 40 me then u. S. Dollars in i did increasing access to my asks globs gowns and tests were also increasing access to the evidence based technical guidance countries and Health Workers need to save lives. Joe has published guidelines for Health Ministers Health System administrators and other Decision Makers to help them provide lifesaving treatment as Health Systems are to challenge it without compromising the safety of Health Workers the guidelines detail actions all countries can take to provide care for patients be godless of how many cases they have they also outline specific actions to prepare Health Systems according to each of the 4 says no cases sporadic cases clusters of this Community Transmission these guidelines provide a wealth of practical information on a screening and triage referral staff supplies standard the standard of Care Community engagement and more we encourage all countries to use this and other many other guidelines which are all available on the deadly 2 website but we are not only advising countries we also have advice for individuals around the world especially those who are now i just to a new reality we know that for many people live his changing dramatically. My family is no different my daughter is now taking her Classes Online from home because school is closed. During this difficult time its important to continue looking after your physical and Mental Health this will not only help you in the long term it will also help you fight. If you get it. 1st eat a healthy and nutritious diet which helps your immune system to function properly 2nd limits your encore consumption and avoid sugary drinks so dont smoke smoking can increase your risk of developing cv disease if you become infected with 19 for exercise doubly jodi comments certain minutes of physical activity activity a day for adults and one hour a day for children. If your local or National Guidelines are low it go outside for a walk around or a ride and keep a safe distance from others if you cant leave the house find an excess ice video online dance to music do some yoga or walk up and down the stairs if youre working at home make sure you dont sit in the same position for long periods. Get up and take us 3 minutes break every minutes we will be providing more advice on how to stay healthy at home in the coming days and weeks. Look after your Mental Health. Its normal to feel stressed confused and scared during a crisis talking to people you know and trust can help supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does. Check on neighbors family and friends. Compassion is a medicine listen to music or either book or play a game and try not to read or avoid too much news if it makes you anxious. Get your information from elavil sources once or twice a day. To increase access to reliable information w. H. O. Has world whats up and facebook to launch a new deadly chore held eilert messaging service this service will provide the latest news and information on 19 including details on symptoms and how to protect yourself in the hills i left service is now available in english and will be introduced in other languages next week to access it send the word time to the following number on whats up 004179 aid 931892 we will make this information on our website letter today. 19 is taking so much promise. But its also giving us Something Special the opportunity to come together as one humanity toward together to Learn Together to Grow Together i thank you. Thank you dr ted russell and now open the floor to questions well we dont have a flaw and our hope in the Virtual World to questions and 1st in the very long queue is to know you from our q what can you we please have your question. Are you give me. Oh yes we hear you very well. In his room when you say conceived. Almost a week from now our g 20 countries will be at a meeting to discuss the youre going to be 19. You know they will act on a Global Economy but the question is without charlie has reported on new ways to use our since yesterday so or theres a meeting where theres a need for china or theres members of the world all the world so one of the difficulties alive for china income by doing the are these are global and then its. I think the simple message im directing general to comment is its a message of hope its a best age that this virus can be suppressed we can break chains of transmission it takes a huge effort it takes in all of society effort it takes coordination it takes solidarity it takes activated communities it takes brave Health Workers it takes to play change the work it takes commitment and if its done this virus can be trying to round other countries are showing the same thing and not by doing exactly the same thing theyre achieving the end by mixing and matching and creating a comprehensive strategy thats matched to the threat they face and to the context in which theyre working so i think theres a message of hope there from china and thats a message of hope to many countries around the world who are very low numbers of cases right now and you can turn this virus back weve seen the damage this virus is doing in Health Systems in a number of countries weve also seen that this virus can be pushed back so thats the i suppose the implication that we see for this but its going to take time its going to take effort. And its going to take solidarity and its going to take coordination a Community Level government level and International Level to make this happen. Because you think thank you very much you are now hand. Bible yeah from. Now on iran. How can you hear me very well. And on the. Rare. Ball d. Screen Northern Hemisphere spring back in august many people in Central Israel west and the asia celebrating it as a sign a new beginning in this climate. And show his message to people who are so theyre breaking the news especially even end quote among people are struggling the most with the outbreak of call it 19 we missed your question but were sad about temperature talking about celebrating this brain. Now dr ryan lanza. It was you had a safe trip back to iran we miss you. I think you know its a. Celebration of gathering strictly religious gatherings ones that celebrate renewal or robiskie very important we may need to change the way we celebrate things for now and in countries like iran and its very clear from the government that in iran. We have to separate people physically so we dont transfer disease and Mass Gatherings particularly mass coloring to bring people from far away to one place in the mix and then they go again far away and thats very often religious gatherings they can not only amplify the disease but they can disseminate the disease very far away from the center so they can be very very very dangerous in terms of epidemic management we see the the authorities in the kingdom of saudi arabia how careful they have to be every year with the hash because of the health risks and thats managed to extremely well but in this particular case with this virus with this seriousness i think we need to heed the instructions from the government in iran we need to heed structures all around the middle east and that. Gatherings have a certain size and are different size in each country need to be avoided. We would support the governments efforts in that but as weve seen and its not just. In iran where weve had a religious gatherings we have other gatherings around the world people gathering as the d. G. Said and other people coming together so whatever reasons we have to come together and they can be very good reasons we need to listen to local authorities we need to listen to National Authorities and if National Authorities believe that those gatherings represent a risk to those individuals but more importantly to the wonder of the people they will go to visit after gathering then i think we really do have to take it upon our own personal responsibility. This is not about the responsibility of government this is about each individual making a decision to protect themselves and protect others we shouldnt always have to have a government telling us to do that this is about personal responsibility but in the case of Mass Gatherings in the context of countries like iran i think we need to be exceptionally careful at this point and we need to be very very careful not to bring too many people together too closely at any one time. But if i can decide you may have heard us use the phrase physical distancing instead of social distancing and one of the things that you know to highlight and what mike was saying about keeping a physical distance from people so that we can prevent the virus from transmitting to one another thats absolutely essential but it doesnt mean that socially we have to disconnect from our loved ones from our Family Technology right now it has advanced so great that that we can keep connected in many ways without actually physically being in the same room or physically be in an in a same space with people so as the d. G. Highlighted in his speech a lot about this is you know we say social distancing the changing to say physical distance and thats on purpose because we want people to still remain connected so find ways to do that find ways drew the internet in through different social social media to remain connected because your Mental Health going through this is just as important as your physical health. Thank you and were now have a question from brazil its diego from vortex diego are you on the line if so please go ahead. Yes i am thank you very much. As a. Very basic question. I mean whole central and. Physical distancing at this point when you have. Because there is a lot of the going on around the world about. If you never saw i would be a more. Egg read and comment regarding the is called distancing measures and we. I think. Are a sort of a look at of measures that can be taken to deal with this why is there a Public Health measures that focus on containment and that is the dent of cases identify in the context and the principle there is you take the case of the confirmed case and the contact away from everybody else so you separate the virus from the population when diseases reached a certain level especially in Community Transmission and its no longer possible to identify all the cases or all of the contacts then you move to separating everybody from everybody else ubiquity physical distance between everybody because you dont know exactly who might have the virus now if we look at that situation thats very difficult to manage because thats costly in social terms thats costly in economic terms. Ideally our approach to this should be to really focus on containment measures case finding isolation quarantine of contacts and in that situation the social dis thing or the physical distancing measurements of the Movement Restriction mechanisms and may not have to be as extreme if you think about singapore in its fight against school with 1000 it never closed schools it should turn its public Health System it didnt do lock downs but it was absolutely committed to the concept of Case Investigation closed to investigation case isolation quarantine of contacts and it really really really stuck to that task now that was ok because singapore had a relatively no number of cases so were not criticizing in any way countries who have to take physical distance in measure thats a necessary measure. In situations where the virus is pretty widespread in communities what we should hope is and this is maybe the thing that we have to be very careful with. Large scale physical distancing Movement Restriction are in a sense a temporary measure of to do is this. To some extent the spread of infection in communities and thereby take pressure off the Health Care System they dont fundamentally deal with the problem of disease transmission and if you want to get back to what countries like korea are doing. Or china singapore and hong kong and others if you want to get back to that you really have to get back to the hardcore Public Health measures of case finding Contact Tracing quarantine isolation so in some senses we need to slow down the virus then we need to suppress the virus and then we need to go after the virus and that takes different combinations of different measures. Of social or physical distancing measures and Movement Restriction measures are very hard socially and theyre very hard economically and we need to use whatever time those measures are in place to put him place the Public Health architecture can then go after the virus because lifting those measures may result in the disease returning if you dont have a place to Public Health measures to do you. Yeah i think if he thinks just very simply about what physical distance you know he think of think of a large gathering or you think of a crowded space people are very close to one another if you had acted in did

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