Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Globe would be the shutdown more restricted access to help fight the spread. Well the coronavirus pandemic is only timing its grip on europe this friday to the point where italy is calling in the army to enforce a lockdown in the region of lombardy that is where we will start as we go around the world this hour italy 1st of all with just over 3400. 00 people have died that is now more than anywhere else in the world including china infections of now surpassed 40000. 00 there as well in spain the numbers growing at an alarming rate a 1000 people have been killed and fictions are up at 20000. 00 almost in the middle east iran Just Announced another 149. 00 deaths bringing its total to more than 1400 president Hassan Rouhani is calling on iranians to stay united to tackle the crisis and in the United States the governor of the countrys most. State california has told everyone 40000000 people stay indoors stay home 1000 infections have been reported there so here is the team this hour on Al Jazeera Mike Hanna is in washington d. C. Teresa bo is in buenos aires ill be with you both shortly starting with me in london though nave bring us up to date with whats going on particularly in italy. The situation in italy increasingly critical believe it or not all of the italian or thirties were hoping on april the 3rd to review the nationwide locked in the country with a possible hope of lifting restrictions in some areas while you get the distinct impression that that ship has now sailed very much so particularly and lombardy the region of the north of italy where the Financial Capital is reports of 114 troops being deployed in the lobby to enforce the law there that area has been referred to as the red zone of the plan is to possibly increase troop numbers incrementally and other regions across the country as well italy being seen very much by other nations in europe. How not to deal with the crisis the countrys Health System is very very much overwhelmed. But saying that there have been some glimmers of hope in other parts of europe as well austria tight restrictions introduced very very early on particularly travel from italy to austria they are reporting a situation that is more under control but the really interesting detail is in germany theyve had a high infection rate it stands at around 14000 thats the latest figure i have more than germanys infection rate but if you compare the number of deaths in ratio to that the death toll is hovering around 31 what germany did very very quickly is make testing readily available to as many people as they possibly could well burdening you too much with the numbers the fatality rate in germany now is north point 22 percent compared with 8 percent in italy and 2. 2 percent here in the u. K. So whatever germany is doing is going to be looked at critically by other countries and undoubtedly hopefully copied by numbers as well as extraordinary nave just stay there for a 2nd for me if you wouldnt mind because i want to highlight a particular case from the u. K. Where you are showing the effect the virus is having on some of the people who contract it weve got this clip of a woman shes young shes fit shes healthy shes been stuck in intensive care for days she posted this video on social media warning people not to underestimate the virus. Or. Make it. Indeed yes well a number of us lawmakers for in their own Financial Disclosures have revealed that they were dealing on the stock market in a particularly sensitive period january february at a time when there was discussion about the pandemic but the trumpet administration was continuing to insist that all was well now the most high profile figure to have declared this in its Financial Disclosures is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee Richard Burton now he disclosed that he traded between the middle of february and the end of their breeze some 1700000000. 00 worth of stocks now what is significant kemal is is that these stocks were rooted in the Hospitality Industry in hotel chains and such so forth so certainly this is a very very potentially damning aspect to the behavior off the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee Time when there was discussion about the pandemic but the trumpet administration was continuing to insist that all was well now the most high profile figure to have declared this in its Financial Disclosures is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee Richard Burton now he disclosed that he traded between the middle of february and the end of their breeze some 1700000000. 00 worth of stocks now what is significant kemal is is that these stocks were rooted in the Hospitality Industry in hotel chains and such so forth so certainly this is a very very potentially damning aspect to the behavior off the head of the Senate Intelligence committee he was also recorded by National Public radio speaking to North Carolina constituents at the end of february saying that this virus is like nothing that is ever been seen before this is what he was saying to his constituents he was not saying that outside a private meeting to the public he took. The Administration Line all is well we are under control we are dealing with this matter dont panic he himself now in the last half hour says that he will refer the matter to the Senate Ethics committee which will be looking at his dealings no doubt and the dealings of a number of other lawmakers who had been dealing and stopped during this highly sensitive and dangerous period mike hanna is in washington d. C. With that update this friday thank you mike and now we go a little further south latin america here is to raise the bar in buenos aires where some of the strictest enforcement coming in place tourists are. Well thats correct its a preventive and compulsory down of the whole country from now on those who are found on the streets would have to have a good excuse the government is saying that theyre going to implement fines and prison time for those who does not respect what the government is that implementing right now this is one of the strictest measures to be taken year in latin america so far argentinas president i got to fight him on this prevented flights from coming from europe the United States china and other affected nations also he is impulse to quarantine is to those who have arrived from those countries they need to remain at least 2 weeks at home in order to prevent the spread of the virus against those who do not respect it will end up being sanctions or serving prison time this is an extremely sensitive situation in argentina right now 128 people have been counted or have been infected 3 have died but even though the number is still not high enough theres lots of questioning about how the whole accounting is being done because its being centered year and because of what our scientists so many years believe that that number could easily go up argentina the president has said exactly that this is an exceptional measure and then exceptional time within the framework of what democracy needs so this is a big challenge for a country that is currently in an economic crisis with the recession with quality rates on the rise in many feel that they cannot stay at home that they need to go out and find a make some type of a living or find food because they cannot make it until the end of the day so this is a big big challenge for the presidency a fight about the phone numbers about the what theyre saying is that lives are at risk and that right now the priority is to keep people in a home. That is. Thank you. And were going to keep with latin america for a moment look a little bit wider with. Her has this report on other latin american countries and how they are dealing with the pandemic. Health authorities in mexico are increasing measures to fight the spread of coded 19 on wednesday the Mexican Government reported the 1st Death Associated with the spread of corona virus. Unlike other countries in the region mexico has been reluctant to implement containment measures that could further impact the National Economy while not. Speaking of money its one thing for those of us who have a secure salary is Something Else for the people who make their living on the streets we cant leave these people we need to support that economy in Central America several countries have closed their borders outright for hunter and citizens arriving from sea or from neighboring countries quarantine sites like this one a been set up in the capital. Were a strict curfew has been imposed to prevent further contagion i in brazil protesters in several major cities banged pots and pans from outside apartment windows protesting the governments handling of the coded 1000 elbridge which brazils president. Initially referred to as a cold fantasy. Concerns are growing over code 900 prepared this in venezuela where a 7 year long economic crisis has pushed Health Services to critical levels in the capital get aca as Health Workers at one hospital say that water no longer flows through the plumbing and. Hospitals are empty because the medical personnel who work there are terrified of what of contracting the virus because they dont have adequate protection that colombia which announced a mandatory 14 day quarantine to citizens arriving from abroad will now block all entry to the country starting on monday joy. I have been an outspoken advocate that colombians can enter colombia and we have a wide window so that what we as signing as until this weekend were going to allow colombians from abroad to winter and for a period of 30 days we will suspend the entry of international travelers. In mexico criticism grows over what appears to be an overly relaxed attitude from officials until now also if isolation and quarantine efforts have been led by citizens and private businesses. Despite the continued spread of code 19 the Mexican Government has yet to order the closure of businesses or the cancellation of flights. Zita mexico city. Now for a 2nd day this is interesting no new domestic cases of covert 19 have been reported in china there are of course still concerns about infections coming in from overseas and the economic standstill well that has reduced pollution levels which has been an unexpected bonus test on your rivals in south korea there have been intensified despite the continuing fall in new coronavirus cases the south koreans joined a 3 way Video Conference with colleagues in china and japan to discuss the threat of imported infections more on that from one. Diplomatic tensions have been put aside for now is south korea china and japan pledged greater cooperation to fight coronavirus boxes of protective equipment donated by the Chinese Government arrived in south korea to be sent to vulnerable communities on friday the Foreign Ministers from the 3 countries spoke via video link from you dont turn it on a you do have im sure we all agree that we need to think about ways to prevent the spread of the corona virus as well as the need to minimise the economic and social impacts caused by the decrease of exchanges between our people due to this incident just weeks ago south korea had the highest number of coronavirus cases outside china now. The situation appears to be stabilizing and the number of new cases being recorded is trending downwards but there is no sense of complacency in south korea in fact the government is introducing Stricter Border controls. As of midnight on march 22nd we will conduct testing for all people entering south korea from European Countries and especially for a long time stay people will be required to solve isolate or should be sent to an isolation facility for 14 days florentine measures and border closures announced by governments around the world have meant Passenger Air travel has slumped at an unprecedented rate new Zealands National carrier warning it may need to cut a 3rd of its staff and the government giving it a 515000000. 00 loan to stay in the air we do have a responsibility obviously to move people around the country and we take that very seriously as we do with any repatriation efforts we can through the government and obviously cargo the International Air travel Association Says their lines will need as much as 200000000000. 00 in Financial Aid from governments in the coming months wayne hay aljazeera the philippines has reported another death that raises the total to 18 with 230. 00 infections confirmed 60000000. 00 filipinos have been told to stay at home which is actually more than half the population doctors and nurses on the front line of the emergency is struggling to get work on a below has the story from manila when they come home dr karen lot more anna has had to send her child away from manila. For fear she might have been exposed to the corona virus while the work. She sterilizes which you drive home from the hospital. He said. Her husband assumes he will catch the virus if his wife does know we. Already you know i think its already exposed so hes trying you and us. Saying were trying to work from home. With a lockdown on the philippine capital as well as we age and to the north and south of manila or public transport is paralyzed its become even more difficult for people with vital jobs to get to work some had to walk quite. This test just to get to their. Houses while local governments have stepped in with mobile kitchens and by sheer schemes for instance National Government leaders say guidelines are changing new problems emerge. There may be missteps and misunderstandings confusion and conjecture frustration and fear we appeal for patience and calm as we and the whole world face an unprecedented crisis im in the middle of one of manilas financial districts and on a normal day right behind me there be a lot of people crossing the street but it is an empty district right now with only workers from the basic and Health Services sectors allowed in and out where it is busy however is the countrys main International Airport in manila or confusion over a flight restrictions tourists making a mad rush to leave us well as some of the millions of filipinos who Work Overseas so they dont lose their jobs barnaby law aljazeera manila. Of course we have plenty more ahead on the coronavirus in this news hour. With your lovely bones and. All of these would be. A message from doctors and nurses on the front lines in the fight their message just stay home. Im pouring since stock car while hospitals are adopting military strategies borrowed from the nato summit fears of a big spike in coronavirus cases. And in sports the criticism is mounting botts japanese officials have still welcomed the olympic flame to their country. So we want to take a closer look now at how italy has become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in europe the 1st 2 cases there were reported at the end of jenner general in fact it involved a chinese couple who visited from so the government immediately declared a 6 month state of emergency and banned all direct flights to and from china so they took action early more than 2 weeks later where at february the 18th now it is the 1st Italian National who came to a hospital in the long body region showing symptoms but an alarm was not raised because he hadnt been to china only 36 hours later the provincial government said he tested positive for corona virus then he did in fact had 5 Health Workers one patient and his pregnant wife. Days later the Italian Government imposed its restrictions on parts of the long body and vonetta regions 50000 people were cut off and in that same way 900 people were detected with the virus and 21 people died on march 8th one body the business heartland of italy was placed under quarantine and then only 2 days later were up to march 10th by this stage the whole of a 60000000 people came under this one person and nationwide lockdown to slow what had become europes worst coronavirus outbreak but it was all too little too late because on thursday basically and this was the incredible thing its a past china the epicenter of the whole thing its a past china with the highest number of corona virus deaths in the world well lets hear from dr mary louise because now she is a professor of Epidemiology Health care and infection and Infectious Diseases control at the university of New South Wales she told the world can learn from the measures china has taken the slow the virus and says unfortunately italy got it all wrong. When they lock down the country and the long body area they should have actually put in place social distancing instead of the community to go to restaurants coffee shops between 6 am and 6 pm what they should have done is lock it down and prevent anyone from going out socialising let them go to the bank and to get their food but thats it the numbers that we have in an epidemiological could. Usually 7 days late because the incubation period is about 5 to 7 days and in the last day italy has had 7840 odd cases thats 7000 nearly a 1000 so 7 days ago people were getting very very sick so while i dont think were going to see a decline yes we have to keep on aware honor is jew and china has done roic and 1st theyve had no new cases. Their current cases a 20 percent of italys case and they understand that they are very vulnerable to import cases and so theyre doing a lot of checks at the border allowing people to come into china and roam around in china so theyre doing temperature checking and asking people to put themselves in isolation but they understand theyre very vulnerable so i think we need to give them a lot of praise for what theyve done a time one has done a very good job but sadly theyre starting to have again some increases and i think this reminds us that the individual can play an enormous part in making breaking. The outbreak. And i think that we need to remind citizens global citizens that what they are doing for their country they will be doing for the rest of the world as well and when they travel please dont travel outside their own country because 8 america is now finding imported cases. And we need to learn from this we put on a very Strong Border in a strange and it strengthened today as well. Im out here as francesco. Journalist. In the north of its and they describe to us what life is like in the countrys worst hit region. Yeah we are somehow 2 weeks ahead compared to the rest of italy so while in the rest of italy intensive care beds. Out here we have. So all spit out you know its no place the nearest hospital now if you call now these emergency number would be one hour and a half away from here like he wore at least you can see the wonted or the day the last time here you know relatives said no access it tool to all speed belts and Bessie Kelley you know or you cant even when they have the sick person a tour they have to stay more than one meter away so when we had i. Not breaking because you see in ma that a father or a song more often you know they cant even touch their relatives i mean they have to watch. By distance you know this kind of agony because its really hard when you when you know you cant breathe or you have no oxygen and you cant even touch you know your father or your mother its something ive never seen you know c. D. O. In iraq at least you can touch the dying and here you are really dying you know or it on in front of your family look at the middle east now irans Supreme Leader says iranians will overcome coronavirus and the economic fallout in his address at the start of the persian new year ayatollah hannon a call for the lifting of u. S. Sanctions to allow deliveries of medical supplies from the 1400 iranians have died or nearly 20000 have been infected heres more from the same bus arriving in toronto. Its been a difficult one for iranian so far they acknowledged that the coronavirus had been a very terrible challenge and defended the countrys response despite the fact that many have been critical against the government for not taking this seriously enough soon enough but really what many people have been watching for is what they have to say about american sanctions now on the eve of the persian new year the United States placed more sanctions on iran more iran related sanctions this time sanctioning 5 entities based out of the u. A. E. Accusing them of facilitating iranian oil sales and on tuesday just a few days earlier they placed sanctions on a handful of Iranian Nuclear scientists as well as entities based in pakistan russia china and the u. A. E. Signaling that the americans are now targeting any countries or any entities that are becoming too close to iran once again weve seen the u. N. Help weve seen the United Nations various agencies even call for sanctions to be lifted along with echoing what many iranian leaders have been saying what this i. M. F. Loan is earlier this month iranian officials reached out to the International Monetary fund and said that we need 5000000000. 00 in emergency aid as part of helping to respond to the coronavirus outbreak in iran one of the worst affected countries in the world and what many iranians have said all along is that they are hopeful that the International Community will want to give them this aid but they are also very aware and perhaps a cynical view but a realistic one that the United States will try to do whatever it can to block iran from getting that money. And in jordan a nationwide curfew will start saturday morning to combat the spread of the virus people are being told not to leave their houses unless it is absolutely necessary all shops across the kingdom of been ordered to close and the information minister says those violating the curfew will be jailed and also iraq where Security Forces in baghdad have begun patrolling the streets to enforce the curfew there the country went into a weeklong lockdown on thursday public gatherings of banned cinemas and cafes have been closed schools and universities are also shut for 10 days. Well grab a break on the news hour when we come back the coronavirus puts the brakes on the American Auto industry what will that mean for drivers and manufacturers were back with more in a moment. Welcome back the weather around the Arabian Peninsula is looking really unsettled over the next few days plenty of thunderstorms around here but youll notice this Development Taking place around iraq this circulation of low pressure is going to result in a lot of dust across parts of saudi arabia but the main concern is the risk of flash flooding for parts of iraq as a real threat to life and that system will move further towards east cheering the course of sunday so in iran going to space and with the intense rainfall so again a threat to life as fly flooding develops so some storms across qatar u. A. E. Parts of a man and through saudi arabia into yemen at that stage quite to conditions following on behind across parts of the levant with the by route theyre looking at 16 damascus at 18 degrees celsius down into eastern parts of africa you see a typical shower development plenty of heavy showers show up across the ethiopian highlands during friday and again on into saturday so plenty of intense storms expected as looking pretty wet across parts of d. R. See i should expect into more southern parts of Africa South Africa south looking largely dry and find a woman in johannesburg harvest of 29. 00 degrees. From. The u. N. A fact find is accused of burma is military genocide this is a political if you think there. Do you believe there in the movie is a fascist. That you dont have all. The recognize that both sides have legitimate grievances against the other climate this is the foundation of climate pac and that is why the polluters must take hard hitting debate with us. On aljazeera. Certainly aljazeera london broke our fantastic team special guests in conversation people think that racism is having personal. Michel towards black people and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with opposition if youre not upsetting people youre not saying anything f one has any other leg and there is not a family in britain i believe that has not been touched by empire studio be unscripted on aljazeera. Or on the news i hear at aljazeera with continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is really will deploy the army to enforce a lockdown in the region worst hit by corona virus more than 5000 people have died across europe which is now the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States the governor of california is telling everyone to stay home as corona virus spreads to california the most populous us states have been more than a 1000 cases reported there and irans record of 149. 00 more deaths raising the total above 1400. 00 a pandemic overshadowed the start of the persian new year irans Supreme Leader urged an end to u. S. Sanctions to allow the delivery of medical supplies. Now there are no reports of coronavirus reaching libya yet but fear of an outbreak has sparked panic buying in food stores the governments closed restaurants and cafes at night its banned large crowds and sealed the borders well this is the fighting continues in the countrys civil war at least 15 fighters and civilians have been killed in the latest battles near the capital of the one who does more from tripoli. Renewed fighting in this a bird was of southern tripoli explosions shock there and daraa and salon had been neighborhoods forces loyal to the internationally recognized the government here in the capital say they repealed the latest offensive by fighters loyal to her leave her have had a good laugh about it but obviously those forces took advantage of the public panic in tripoli you to kroner threat and launch a surprise attack but they havent achieved any progress on the ground have to those 11 month battle to capture tripoli is once again taking its toll the latest is collation yet another blow to the fraud gyal sees fire broke out of the by turkey and the russia in january that im either here or on a side of the country that broke at this is far now in an embarrassing situation because after refused to sign a cease fire neither moscow nor in berlin look good decision is not in these hands but in the hands of egypt the u. A. E. France and saudi arabia as well as hearing the sounds of heavy explosions libyans in tripoli are worried about a possible i would break of covert 19. Food prices are again rising and the value of the libyan d. N. R. Is falling the government is advising everyone to stay at home borders are closed. Restaurants and cafes after 4 pm people are rushing to markets fearing some commodities might try now its in the heart of the founding out youve got used to the war but what we fear the most is possible infection of virus prices have doubled because some people have also started shopping for the holy month of fasting some shoppers are grateful that they can still find what they need but if the war comes closer to the city center they might not be able to shop at all with up to. Tripoli. Syria also yet to officially report a confirmed case of coronavirus but the war ravaged country is taking steps to stop the spread in aleppo provinces kurdish region the location of 3 large camps for internally displaced people Health Workers are conducting sanitizing operations and medical checks syria has already delayed elections shut schools and suspended flights human Rights Groups say doctors have detected coronavirus cases but have been ordered to stay quiet. Places of worship have a the shutdown or restricted their access in an attempt to limit the spread of coronavirus and patients. Has been looking at that. Until a few weeks ago this was how it looked when pope francis gave his weekly audience in the vatican. But on wednesday he used a video link to address the Roman Catholic faithful about the pandemic. Today we pray for the deceased for those who lost their lives because of the virus in a special way and like us to pray for the health of workers that are dead recently they donated their lives to serve the sick people. Told some of the catholic churches ancient rituals such as holding lent and Easter Services this year in empty churches. Other World Religions are adopting similar measures to limit the coronavirus risk at one of indias holiest shrines for the sikh religion there was more Health Related activity prayer going on and fewer visitors to the Golden Temple. In order to spread awareness about coronavirus the Golden Temple has become a center we have thermometers to check temperatures from a distance all the vote hes coming here will be checked. Would these temples across south asia are also seeing a sharp decrease in the number of prayer goers so has islamist holiest mosque in mecca where they gather around small a pilgrimage of a man has been suspended for the 1st time in 40 years. But the most drastic measure was the total closure of all mosques not only in saudi arabia but the gulf region and most of the muslim world the grand mosque of there has also been shut down until further notice no congregational prayers have been held here or anywhere else across the country for days an unprecedented situation for a muslim conservative community where upset think the 5 daily prayers in mosques is seen as one of islams most fundamental rituals. The closure decision is sanctioned by a fatwa or ruling by islamic scholars citing the preservation of human life as a priority of a religious duty the decisions being hotly debated throughout the muslim world. And work in a faso and other african countries where the virus has caused minimal impact so far keeping the most open argument still prevails. In senegal where a dozen or so infections have been registered some major annual sophie events have been suspended. For a while at modern history the question has been debated over whether to resort to god or rely on science in the form of medicine and hygiene are times of great calamities in the case of the existential threat of coronavirus there seems to be a growing consensus that prayer and science should be combined for maximum effect a disease. Hospitals in sweden are implementing military systems borrowed from nato to prepare for a worst Case Scenario there coronaviruses so falling to the deaths of 11 swedes in the country has nearly 1500. 00 confirmed cases full results from stock on. Building their defenses against the coronavirus as hospitals in sweden go into a war footing tents at the entrance to emergency wards will now separate patients who have coded 19 symptoms hopefully to protect those who dont. While in stockholm at the epicenter of the virus in sweden a rush hour without the rush reflects the caution of the people. As Health Authorities get ready for the worst doctors here are preparing themselves for a difficult few days in which they believe the number of coronavirus patients at this hospital could double while health care for the entire stockholm region has adopted a military crisis strategy borrowed from nato. Sweden isnt a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization but is making use of its expertise the 1st 10 to going up at the Karolinska University hospital as studies of the viruses progress in italy suggest resources could soon be stretched were using the socalled nato system a structure of how to work in time of crisis will be for crisis im the one who decides on things but those that were closest to me and are leading they work in this controlled system its a military hierarchy or. Sweden itself is not ruling with an iron fist during the corona crisis Prime Minister Stephan Levant has mainly laid down recommendations not rules with swedes expected to maintain that tradition of collective individual responsibility its an approach backed by the countrys chief experts on epidemics. I think all motions to take in all countries need to be very much reflecting your cutters headers to show and the way you used to do things we do a lot of things voluntarily in sweden and that works really very well i mean the 1st people coming back for china we should not to come because we look down here we all seem to go and stay home for 2 weeks work excellently we have no transmission was so from those people coming back from china the guidelines are assisted by the swedish welfare state relaxed rules on sick pay and child care help people to stay away from work and its not all voluntary a gathering of more than 500 people can be punished by 6 months in jail but having so far a skate the worst swedes dont appear to be taking any chances paul reese aljazeera stock im. Across the United States mexico and canada Car Companies are closing and manufacturing operations in reaction to the pandemic john hendren has been looking at. The view from 10000 feet across north america the coronavirus is idling one auto plant after another. At ford where one worker has tested positive for the virus all Assembly Lines in the u. S. Canada and mexico shut down on thursday General Motors follow suit on friday infield chrysler is staggering closures throughout the end of the month honda nissan hyundai i n tesla plants will all be closed by mid april desperate auto dealers are offering bargains to buyers willing to brave the trip outdoors in my view the best time to buy a vehicle in your life you know you hear in about 0 percent for longer terms refinancing your house you know if youre feeling confident and you know youre going to get through it dont miss a chance to really get a great deal the shutdowns of the big 3 detroit automakers came at the request of the United Auto Workers union which represents 150000 workers at the plants to be idled hospital managers agree now is the time for dramatic step. As a country we have to wrap our heads around that except it be willing to change our daily lives for now be willing to trust the infections xit disease communities recommendations pivot how are behaving every day as a nation so that were ready for this even if the auto manufacturers and their workers all weather the shutdown without major problems there could still be bankruptcies among smaller businesses from parts suppliers to car washers. But the industry is in much stronger shape than it was following the financial crisis of 2008 in 2009 and where the virus started there are new signs of hope those. Industrious sneezes everyone has a cold factories in china are already opening. And i typically seems to have started picking up there and i think thats a direct consequence of the fact that they seem to have gotten the white house under control ford and g. M. Are considering repurchasing their plans for making vehicles to ventilators for coronavirus patients until the auto Assembly Lines can restart john hendren l. G. 0 chicago. So we can talk about social distancing now which has really become a catchphrase all over the world but the pandemic message isnt necessarily getting through to everyone which has prompted some doctors and nurses to get creative through social media is really the mohamed with more on that distancing from other people is becoming a new way of life for billions well twined but not everyone is heeding the advice to help contain the corona virus which is adding pressure on hospital staff the spanish doctors are worried about too many patients turning up for tests but you have to be you know yourself when i bring a patient here i have to go to a special room and change my coats carefully and then sanitize the ambulance this whole process takes 3 oz. They are that they will see guys it takes 3 hours for one patient to be moved around so please stay at home if you dont the whole system will collapse. Its prompted a concerned group of Health Care Workers to send a message on social media stay home to even. Have them. Be around. The world. Doctors and nurses and many countries from germany to malaysia india to spain and the United States have come together to send that message everyone to stay indoors even if they dont display symptoms of the virus that means of avoiding restaurants religious gatherings and large crowds in other parts of spain doctors are optimistic. Well you know on my way to the hospital roads and shops were empty now the emergency room is empty which means we can attend to patients who need urgent help this is because of all of us in here thank you for making it possible hashtag i stay home for my husband the saito movement has triggered a widespread perspire from celebrities and many others all sharing their reasons for social distancing because they contact the human it was someone who makes contact with someone else that maybe makes some of these my. Grandpa wave sick everyone of us has someone who is worth staying for my mom is elderly shes up in her seventys and i just want to make sure shes safe while nations close borders to foreigners some canadians and americans let their homes with Christmas Lights to bring chair and hope to their neighbors in isolation in northeast its only going colors of the italian flag were displayed in tribute to everyone forced to stay confined but assholes continue to grow louder for everyone to take the virus more seriously the threat of hospitals becoming overwhelmed remains for him mohammed al jazeera. Just before we take a break were conscious about bringing you some non coronavirus news weve got the story from australia for you where Scientists Say the Great Barrier reef has been damaged after one of australias hottest summers on record remember the bushfires well now people are sort of flying over the reefs or check on how much coral has been bleached by the warming ocean and environmentalists of blaming the burning of fossil fuels for the Climate Crisis as alexia brown reports from the Sunday Islands off queenslands tourism operators say called mining is putting the reef and their livelihoods in danger. And the deep blue Pacific Ocean off the coast of queensland lies a wonderland of coral fish and picture perfect beaches. The Great Barrier reef brings in billions of tourist dollars every year so if youve got to save gaza keep them on. But its in danger of scientists than environmentalist say from Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal. Tony has been a dive instructor here for 40 years. Hes watched parts of the reef die and fish disappear with Climate Change Global Warming said the reef health is deteriorating significantly and that is already affecting the Tourism Industry despite growing pressure to cut Carbon Emissions the government has approved what will be one of the biggest mines by the Indian Company adani. Critics say the World Heritage reef now lies under a cult shipping superhighway and the adani project could say many more lodge ships bringing coal dust and worsening Climate Change bleaching is underwater equivalent of a push for its caused by extreme climatic events spikes in temperature and its incredibly damaging to the corals the government and mining advocates say the mine will bring much needed jobs and money to the state of queensland. That none coronavirus news didnt last very long did it because we have the latest briefing to come from the white house. 6 people on the podium today has been talk about how many people have been there given the issues of social distancing. Looks like mike pompei or the secretary of state dr anthony thought she is there as well and i suspect given they are all holding back at the moment that we would be waiting for either President Trump himself or Vice President might pendants who has been of course tasked with leading the u. S. Response to corona virus so much criticism on the United States for the way it has reacted for the lack of testing thats been available and remember weve heard today that the state of california with its 40000000 people has been ordered into complete lockdown by the governor there california which i think i said this earlier is considered the or what would be the 7th largest economy in the world if it were its own country is basically in a lockdown now weve also been hearing developments from the United States i believe from. The governor of new york who has ordered all nonessential businesses to be closed in fact hes saying everyone must stay home court this is the most drastic action we can take is what andrew cuomo is saying remain indoors go outside for solitary exercise here we go u. S. President donald trump entering the Briefing Room mike pence behind him. Thank you very much. I had a very good telephone conversation extremely good with senator schumer a little while ago we were working on various elements of the deal and the democrats are very much wanting something to happen and the republicans like was are very much wanting something to happen and i think it will i spoke with at length with Mitch Mcconnell and this tremendous spirit to get something done so well see what happens but my conversation is very good with senator schumer they go for joining us and id like to begin by providing an update on what were doing to minimize the impact of the. Chinese virus on our nations students with many schools closed due to the virus the department of education will not enforce standardized testing requirements very importantly for students in elementary through high school for the current year theyve been through a lot theyve been going back and forth schools open schools not open its been all standardized testing and you know its were not going to be enforcing that so i think you can let the people know i think probably a lot of the students would be extremely happy some probably not the ones that were card maybe not but its one of those things. Unfortunately very unfortunate circumstance weve also temporarily waived all interest on federally held Student Loans will be very happy to hear that and ive instructed them to take that action immediately and today secretary divorces directed federal lenders to allow borrowers to suspend their Student Loans and loan payments without penalty for at least the next 60 days and if we need more well extend that period of time borrower should contact their lenders but weve given them very strong instructions so weve. Temporarily waived all interest on federally held Student Loans thats a big thing thats going to make a lot of students very happy and we have more to come on Student Loans more good news for the students but well do that at a different time this morning the Treasury Department also announced that were moving tax day from april 15th to july 15th so were were moving it out to july 15th. So that people will have time and people will be able to hopefully by that time well have people getting back to their lives families and businesses who have this extra time to file with no interest or penalties where getting rid of interest and penalties. However if you have refunds or credits you would like to claim you may still file in other words you can file early if you are owed money by the i. R. S. Other than that when moving it all the way out to july 15th no interest no penalties your new date will be july 15th that their team will also provide an update on our continuing effort to prevent the transmission of virus across americas borders and i watched. Whats been happening in california with Governor Newsom and this morning with Governor Cuomo and i applaud them to take a very strong both steps and i applaud them and were all working together were working very closely together including those 2 governors but i would say based on the call the media was there i think we can say that with respect to virtually every governor in that call i think every governor we had almost all of them if not all of them and i would say that you could see for yourselves at the level of respect and aspire to corps working together was extraordinary there was no nobody angry nobody upset. Were able to help them and thats what were all about we want to help. Were doing things that a lot of people wouldnt be able to do but the relationship with governors and states is i think very extraordinary especially under the circumstances where this just came upon us were working with canada and mexico to prevent the spread of the virus across north america very closely you heard what we did yesterday with canada and the secretary of state from pale will be making a statement in a little while having to do with mexico and the border. And chad likewise chad wolf will likewise be making a statement is a joint comprehensive effort in collaboration with our neighbors the measure. And all of those measures that were putting in place will protect the health of all 3 nations and reduce the incentive for a mass lobel migration that would badly deplete the Health Care Resources needed for our people and so we are working very closely with mexico very very closely with the with canada and the relationship is never been better were all working for the same toward the same goal for the nations Top Health Care officials are extremely concerned about the Great Public Health consequences of mass uncontrolled Cross Border Movement and that would be mostly and even beyond but mostly during this Global Pandemic every week our Border Agents encounter thousands of unscreened unvetted and on earth arise entries from dozens of countries and weve had this problem for decades for decades you know the story but now its. With the National Emergencies and all of the other things that weve declared we could actually do something about it would take a very strong hold of that and we have before but this is now at a level that nobodys ever approached in normal times these massive flows place of s. Burden on our Health Care System but doing a Global Pandemic they threaten to create a perfect storm that would spread the infection to our Border Agents migrants and to the public at large left unchecked this would cripple our immigration system overwhelm our Health Care System and severely damage our National Security were not going to let that happen. So. We have a lot of information and theyll be discussing that in a moment to confront these Public Health agrees the centers for Disease Control and prevention has decided to exercise its authority under the title 42 of the u. S. Code to give customs and Border Protection the tools it needs to prevent the transmission of the virus coming through both the northern and the southern borders so were treating the borders equally the northern border and the southern border its being treated there both being treated equally a lot of people say that theyre not treated equally well they are as we did with canada were also working with mexico to implement new rules at our ports of entry to suspend nonessential travel these new rules and procedures will not impede lawful trade and commerce furthermore mexico is taking action to secure our own southern border and suspend air travel from europe so were coordinating very closely the air travel going to mexico and then trying to come into the United States the actions were taking together with our north american part as will save countless lives at the conclusion of my remarks secretary secretary pumping. Secretary wolf were going to be also taking some questions with tony and deborah who youve gotten to know very well. But theyll be. Discussing certain things and i think youll find them of great interest were going to be providing tremendous amounts of detail over the coming days but a lot of it will be provided right now if youd like to find out about it. Theres been a week of resolute action tremendous action tremendous. Relationships have developed with people that frankly didnt get along people the didnt like each other that now working together and maybe even in some cases learning about each other and liking each other its nice than i invoke the defense production act and last night we put it into gear we moved the National Response Coordination Center to the highest level of activists when if you if you take a look at what we did. The level of activation has been increased to a grade one level which is the highest level were providing an historic support to Small Businesses and to the states the states need support normally they do this themselves because of the magnitude of it the federal government has gotten very much involved in terms of getting the equipment they need so were helping them thats its a responsibility they have but we are helping the states a lot thats why the governors i think in every case have been impressed and very nice we enacted legislation guaranteeing paid sick leave for workers at no cost to employers and i think its very important so they get. Paid sick leave at no cost to employers were accelerating the use of new drug treatments were advancing legislation to give direct payments to hard working families throughout our country americans from all walks of life around being together to defeat the unseen enemy striking our nation in times of struggle we see the true greatness of the american

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